Pigs Sentence Examples
I never saw such small pigs before.
Large numbers of pigs are reared.
Pigs have been held to be indigenous on some islands, but were doubtless introduced by early navigators.
Horses and pigs are also reared, but not sheep. In 1899 the government sold about 52,000 acres of public land lying about 18 m.
Pigs and goats were then abundant on the islands.
Property is communal and theft is only recognized as to things of absolute necessity, such as arrows, pigs' flesh and fire.
Live-stock breeding is very extensively carried on by the Kirghiz, namely, horses, cattle, sheep, camels, goats and pigs.
By far the larger part of the valley is quite uncultivated, and much of it is occupied by tamarisk jungles, the home of countless wild pigs.
Large flocks of sheep are kept, both for their flesh and their wool, and there are in the province large numbers of horned cattle and of pigs, Geese and goose feathers form lucrative articles of export.
Pigs and poultry were universally kept.
AdvertisementIn Great Britain in 1905, for every head of cattle there were about four head of sheep, whereas in Ireland the cattle outnumbered the sheep. Again, whilst Great Britain possessed only half as many cattle more than Table XiiI.-Numbers of Horses, Cattle, Sheep and Pigs in the United Kingdom in 1905.
Great Britain had twice as many pigs as Ireland, but the swine industry is mainly.
English and Irish, and England possessed more than six times as many pigs as Wales and Scotland together, the number in the last-named country being particularly small.
An increase in live cattle accompanied a decrease in live sheep and pigs, but the imports of dead meat expanded fifteen-fold over the period.
In 1839 the classes comprised seven for cattle, six for sheep, and one for pigs, with prizes to the amount of £300.
AdvertisementBy 1862 the classes had risen to 29 for cattle, 17 for sheep and 4 for pigs, and the prize money to 2072.
At the centenary show in 1898 provision was made for 40 classes for cattle, 29 for sheep, 18 for pigs, and 7 for animals to be slaughtered, whilst to mark the importance of the occasion the prizes offered amounted to close upon 5000 in value.
The exhibition of pigs at agricultural shows has to be abandoned, in consequence of swine fever regulations.
Most of the pigs sent from Ireland into Great Britain are fat, the store pigs accounting for less than one-tenth of the total number.
The export trade in cattle, sheep and pigs is practically restricted to pedigree animals required for breeding purposes, and though its aggregate value [[Table Xxvi]].-Quantities and Value of Home-bred Live Stock exported from the United Kingdom, 1900-1905.
AdvertisementIn 1887, at Newcastle-on-Tyne, a prize of 200 went to a compound portable agricultural engine, one of £loo to a simple portable agricultural engine, and lesser prizes to a weighing-machine for horses and cattle, a weighing-machine for sheep and pigs, potato-raisers and one-man-power cream separators.
The chief business is in butter, eggs, cattle and pigs, while bleaching, dyeing and shipbuilding are also carried on here.
There is one enormous boa, the maja (Epicrates angulifer), which feeds on pigs, goats and the like, but does not molest man.
Cobden was thus relegated to private life, and retiring to his country house at Dunford, he spent his time in perfect contentment in cultivating his land and feeding his pigs.
Pigs are reared in large quantities all over the country, but the principal centres for distribution are Debreczen, Gyula, Bares, Szeged and Budapest.
AdvertisementThe exports, which show plainly the prevailing agricultural character of the country, are flour, wheat, cattle, beef, barley, pigs, wine in barrels, horses and maize.
Cattle, sheep, pigs and poultry show a general increase in numbers.
Pigs and a hardy breed of ponies find a good living in the forest; and in spite of an act in 1851 providing for their extermination or removal, a few red deer still survive.
One of the chief sources of the wealth of the forest in early times was the herds of pigs fed there.
The last section of the Artiodactyla is that of the Suina, represented at the present day by the pigs (Suidae), and the hippopotamuses (Hippopotamidae), and in past times by the Anthracotheriidae, in which may probably be included the Elotheriidae.
The Suidae include the Old World pigs (Suinae) and the American peccaries (Dicotylinae), and are characterized by the snout terminating in a fleshy disk-like expansion, in the midst of which are perforated the nostrils; while the toes are enclosed in sharp hoofs, of which the lateral ones do not touch the ground.
The wild dogs and pigs which now sometimes prey on the sheep-farmers' lambs in outlying districts are the descendants of domestic animals which have escaped into the "bush."
Schiedam is famous as the seat of a great gin manufacture, which, carried on in more than three hundred distilleries, gives employment besides to malt-factories, cooperages and cork-cutting establishments, and supplies grain refuse enough to feed about 30,000 pigs, as well as sufficient yeast to form an important article of export.
A "herd-book" is a book containing the pedigree and other information of any breed of cattle or pigs, like the "flock-book" for sheep or "stud-book" for horses.
The birds - the largest factor in the fauna - have become very greatly reduced through the introduction of cats, dogs and pigs, as well as by the constant persecution of every sort of animal by the natives.
Cattle-farming is carried on in the high pasturelands and the plains of Peten; but the whole number of sheep (77, 000 in 1900) and pigs (30,000) in the republic is inferior to the number kept in many single English counties.
On the other hand, this peculiar marking is rarely seen in domestic pigs in any part of the world, although it has been occasionally observed.
It is stated by Darwin that the pigs which have run wild in Jamaica and New Granada have resumed this aboriginal character, and produce longitudinally striped young; these being the descendants of domestic animals introduced from Europe since the Spanish conquest, as before that time there were no true pigs in the New World.
Large quantities of lard, brawn and pigs' feet are exported.
In 1907 the number of pigs in Canada was estimated at 3,530,060, an increase of 1,237,385 over the census record of 1901.
Pigs, mostly of the Yorkshire, Berkshire and Tamworth breeds, are reared and fattened in large numbers, and there is a valuable export trade in bacon.
Shorthorns and polled Angus are the commonest breeds of cattle; the sheep are mostly Cheviots and a Cheviot-Leicester cross, but the native sheep are still reared in considerable numbers in Hoy and South Ronaldshay; pigs are also kept on several of the islands, and the horses - as a rule hardy, active and small, though larger than the famous Shetland ponies - are very numerous, but mainly employed in connexion with agricultural work.
Small but strong ponies are bred for export, and small cattle and pigs for home use.
Of these there were counted in 1900 1,115,022 head of horned cattle, 824,000 sheep, 1,556,000 pigs, and 230,000 goats.
Cattle, sheep, pigs and poultry are reared.
Cattle and sheep were pastured on the common lands appertaining to the village, while pigs, which (especially in Kent) seem to have been very numerous, were kept in the woods.
Among domesticated animals are to be found the horse, mule, donkey, cattle, sheep and goats, dogs, fowls and pigs, ducks and geese.
In Virginia the paint-root plant (Lachnanthes tinctoria) occurs abundantly, and Professor Wyman noticed that all the pigs in this district were black.
Upon inquiry of the farmers he found that all the white pigs born in a litter were destroyed, because they could not be reared to maturity.
The root of this plant, when eaten by white pigs, caused their bones to turn to a pink colour and their hoofs to fall off, but the black pigs could eat the same plant with impunity.
Heusinger has shown that white sheep and pigs are injured by the ingestion (A) N b X N ?--,r N(A)+N of certain plants, while the pigmented individuals may eat them without harm.
In Devonshire and in parts of Kent the farmers entertain a marked prejudice against white pigs, because "the sun blisters their skin."
The stomach is much more complex than in the true pigs, almost approaching that of a ruminant.
In the feet the two middle (third and fourth) metacarpal and metatarsal bones, which are completely separate in the pigs, are united at their upper ends.
On the fore-foot the two (second and fifth) outer toes are equally developed as in pigs, but on the hind-foot, although the inner (or second) is present, the outer or fifth toe is entirely wanting.
Unlike pigs, they never appear to produce more than two young ones at a birth.
The imports are principally iron, coal, salt and timber; the exports barley, oats, cattle, pigs and potatoes.
When weeds are thrown to the pigs, this fermentation becomes specially desirable to kill their seeds.
The exports consist chiefly of corn, potatoes, hops, beer, wine, cloth, cotton goods, glass, fancy wares, toys, cattle, pigs and vegetables.
A smaller, hardier kind of cattle and large numbers of sheep are kept upon the heath-lands in the eastern provinces, which also favour the rearing of pigs and bee-culture.
Specifically, it is cast iron in the form of castings other than pigs, or remelted cast iron suitable for such castings, as distinguished from pig iron, i.e.
In fact, the molten iron is heated so far above its melting point that, instead of being run at once into pigs as is usual, it may, without solidifying, be carried even several miles in large clay-lined ladles to the mill where it is to be converted into steel.
The farther descent of the bucket being thus arrested, the special cable T is now slackened, so that the conical bottom of the bucket drops down, pressing down by its weight the the string of moulds, each thus containing a pig, moves slowly forward, the pigs solidify and cool, the more quickly because in transit they are sprayed with water or even submerged in L Winter Stock Pile .?t' S ..
Arrived at the farther sheave C, the now cool pigs are dumped into a railway car.
F, Car into which the cooled pigs are dropped.
These pigs are then usually broken by hand.
Until relatively lately the cast iron for the Bessemer and open-hearth processes was nearly always allowed to solidify in pigs, which were next broken up by hand and remelted at great cost.
In a very few places the molten cast iron as it issues from the blast furnace is cast directly in these moulds, but in general it is allowed to solidify in pigs, and then remelted either in cupola furnaces or in air furnaces.
The largest stock of pigs is in central Germany and Saxony, in Westphalia, on the lower Rhine, in Lorraine and Hesse.
In some places, notably Wales and Gloucester, a remnant of a spotted breed lingers; and a large proportion of common pigs, often parti-coloured, are mongrels.
The white breeds are liable to sun-scald, and black pigs (like black men) are much better adapted than white to exposure in strong sunlight, conforming to the rule that animals in the tropics have black skins.
Pigs of this breed are very prolific, and they may be grown to enormous weights - over 11 cwt.
The Small White pigs are beautifully proportioned.
The Tamworth is one of the oldest breeds of pigs.
Six to eight pigs are reared of the first litter, and ten to twelve afterwards.
Two litters are produced in one year, as pigs are usually weaned at two months old, and the sow will take the boar at from three days to a week after the pigs are removed, according to condition.
A convenient sty to hold five or six pigs has a southern aspect, and consists of a covered compartment and outer court, each to ft.
When the animals are fed outside the inner court is kept clean and dry, and there the pigs lie.
In connexion with cheese dairies pigs are largely fed on sour whey thickened with mixed meal produced from any or all of the grains or pulses, the choice depending upon the market price.
Food may with advantage be cooked for very young pigs; but, with the exception of potatoes, which should never be given raw, roots and meals are best given uncooked.
Fattening pigs are fed three times a day and supplied with coal-ashes or a few handfuls of earth.
Fjord's Danish experiments show that for fattening pigs i lb of ryeor barley-meal is equivalent to 6 lb of skim-milk or 12 lb of whey, and i lb of meal equivalent to 8 lb of mangolds or 4 lb of potatoes.
The molars, and more especially the last, are smaller and simpler than in the pigs of the genus Sus, but the peculiarity of this genus is the extraordinary development of the canines, or tusks, of the male.
Unlike ordinary wild pigs, the babirusa produces uniformly coloured young.
The breeding of pigs is also widely practised on the sand-grounds, as well as forest culture.
These, together with pigs, wool, butter, and (in small quantities) cheese, form the staple of a considerable trade with the Midlands and the industrial districts to the south and southwest.
The trade of Budapest is mainly in corn, flour, cattle, horses, pigs, wines, spirits, wool, wood, hides, and in the articles manufactured in the town.
The plot of ground which can support a single cow (or 2 heifers, 3 calves or sheep, 4 pigs or 8 goats) is called a Kuhstoss (of which there are 270,389 in Switzerland), and it is in these terms that the productiveness of the alp is reckoned.
It should be added that this generalized animal is not unfrequently classed among the ancestral pigs, but its cameline affinities are strongly emphasized by Professor Scott.
Pigs and sheep of a small, coarse-woolled breed, are numerous; and large herds of goats wander in an almost wild state over the higher hills.
She made the long-neglected garden profitable; kept pigs and poultry; rented other gardens; stocked a fishpond; farmed in a small way; and had her house full of boarders.
It has an important trade in corn, timber, horned cattle, pigs and horses, fowls, dairy produce and lard; and considerable manufactures, including machinery, cast-iron, copper and brass goods, calico, gunpowder, oil, paper, articles in felt, flour, leather and biscuits.
Forrest's researches in the Government of India records that the sepoys' belief that their cartridges were greased with the fat of cows and pigs had some foundation in fact.
Small, hairy, black pigs, and fowls, are universal.
Of the lower animals, mice, rats, guinea-pigs, rabbits, squirrels and monkeys are susceptible to the bacillus; horses, cattle, sheep, goats, pigs, dogs and cats are more or less resistant, but cats and dogs have been known to die of plague (Oporto, Daman, Cutch and Poona).
The man who brought the grain from Africa to the public stores at Ostia, the baker who made it into loaves for distribution, the butchers who brought pigs from Samnium, Lucania or Bruttium, the purveyors of wine and oil, the men who fed the furnaces of the public baths, were bound to their callings from one generation to another.
A tract of forest jungle, called the tarai, stretches along the extreme north of the district, and teems with large game, such as tigers, bears, deer, wild pigs, &c. The river Sarda or Gogra forms the eastern boundary of the district and is the principal stream.
Similarly nearly all our domestic mammals except the sheep have become feral somewhere or other, whether by intentional liberation or by escape; but the smaller ones more than the larger, such as pigs, goats, dogs and cats.
Feral pigs are numerous in New Zealand.
As soon as they begin to require other food than her milk, she kills for them, teaching them to do so for themselves by practising on small animals, such as deer and young calves or pigs.
Cattle, especially cows, and pigs form the bulk of the livestock, but sheep and goats have greatly decreased in numbers.
The elephant is found in the outer forests as far as the Jumna, and the rhinoceros as far as the Sarda; the spread of both of these animals as far as the Indus and into the plains of India, far beyond their present limits, is authenticated by historical records; they have probably retreated before the advance of cultivation and fire-arms. Wild pigs are common in the lower ranges, and one peculiar species of pigmy-hog (Sus salvanius) of very small size inhabits the forests at the base of the mountains in Nepal and Sikim.
Germany and the United States rank respectively second and third among the countries which export to Portugal; Spain, which buys bullocks and pigs, Brazil, which buys wine, and the Portuguese colonies, which buy textiles, are among the chief purchasers of Portuguese products.
Deer readily eat them, and, after a preliminary steeping in lime-water, pigs also.
The live stock consisted of one bull and four cows, a stallion and three mares, some sheep, goats, pigs and a large number of fowls.
Pigs, cats, dogs and rats have been imported.
Here stock-breeding is the predominant calling, the people owning large numbers of sheep, cattle and horses, also goats, pigs and buffaloes.
Pigs are bred most extensively in Suffolk, Norfolk and Lincolnshire and in Somersetshire.
It has a market for cattle and pigs.
Large quantities of butter, generally rancid, are made from the milk of cows, goats and sheep. In the Leka province small black pigs are bred in considerable numbers.
Excellent breeds of cattle, sheep and pigs are kept.
The introduction The of the Minie rifle, with its greased cartridges, was accompanied by no consideration of the religious prejudices of the Bengal sepoys, to whom, whether Hindus or Mahommedans, the fat of cows and pigs was anathema.
No attempt, in fact, had been made to exclude the fat of cows and pigs, and apparently no one had realized that a gross outrage was thus being perpetrated on the religious feelings of both Hindu and Mahommedan sepoys.
Forest culture is practised on parts of them, especially in the east, and pigs are largely bred.
When the particular kind was not specified by the law or by agreement, the payments were made according to convenience in horses, cattle, sheep, pigs, wool, butter, bacon, corn, vegetables, yarn, dye-plants, leather, cloth, articles of use or ornament, &c. As the clan system relaxed, and the fine lost its legal power of fixing the amounts of public tributes, which were similarly payable to the flaith, and neglected its duty of seeing that those tributes were duly applied, the flaith became able to increase these tributes with little check, to confuse them with rent, to confuse jurisdiction with ownership, and to exalt himself at the expense of his fellowclansmen.
When, as is the case among nearly all existing mammals with the exception of the members of the genera Sus (pigs), Gymnura (ratshrew), Talpa (moles) and Myogale (desmans) the number of teeth is reduced below the typical forty-four, it appears to be an almost universal rule that if one of the incisors is missing it is the second, or middle one, while the premolars commence to disappear from the front end of the series and the molars from the hinder end.
The pigs (Suidae) and the hippopotamuses (Hippopotamidae) are essentially Old World groups, the former of which has alone succeeded in reaching America, where it is represented by the collateral branch of the peccaries (Dicotylinae).
The town possesses breweries, salt-houses, foundries and flour mills; and there is a large export trade in cattle, sheep and pigs, and in agricultural produce.
Pasture is abundant, and horses, cattle, sheep and pigs are largely reared.
Of live stock, cattle, sheep and pigs are reared in considerable numbers, and great attention is paid to the breeding of horses.
Indian corn is the principal crop, for corncake forms the staple diet of the peasantry, while the grain is also used for feeding pigs, the heads for feeding cattle and the stubble for manure.
Relatively to its population, Servia possesses a greater number of sheep (3,160,000 in 1905) and pigs (908,000 in 1905) than any country in Europe.
Possessions, such as gardens, houses, pigs, &c., belong to individuals and not to the community, and pass to the owner's heirs, who differ in relationship in different districts.
On the north coast the houses are not built on piles; the walls, of bamboo or palm branches, are very low, and the projecting roof nearly reaches the ground; a barrier at the entrance keeps out pigs and dogs.
Among other pets they keep little pigs, which the women suckle.
The number of pigs has also varied considerably; from year to year, 1905 showing an increase of about 150,000 as compared with 1851.
The exports mainly consist of foodstuffs, especially grain, of live-stock, especially pigs and horses, and of timber.
Currie was joined, however, by two' other men and they busied themselves in growing vegetables, wheat and oats, and in breeding pigs.
Besides raising crops, the settlers possessed numbers of cattle, sheep and pigs, but their most lucrative occupation was seal fishing.
When the peril of appealing to Yusuf was put before him at durbar by his son, he acknowledged the danger, but added that he did not wish to be cursed throughout Islam as the cause of the loss of Spain and that, if choose he must, he thought it better to lead camels in Africa than to tend pigs in Castile.
It is the principal commercial town of north-western Servia, exporting cereals, prunes, cattle and pigs to Hungary.
The land fauna however is very poor; there are few mammals with the exception of dogs, rats and pigs; and amphibia and insects are also generally scarce.
Okay. Pigs have some features similar to a human's that make them good test beds for the type of science stuff I do.
Reference population pigs are particularly amenable for mapping purposes.
Newly mixed pigs fight to establish a hierarchy which is based on weight - the heaviest being more dominant.
Rabbits, Tortoises and Guinea pigs also enjoy eating alfalfa for these reasons also but with added bonus of being good for their teeth.
Place the pig ark away from the wind - pigs hate windy weather.
The majority of the pigs did not show aversion to the presence of 30 per cent carbon dioxide in air.
Most of the research into using animals as a source of organs for human transplants has been done using baboons and pigs.
As they passed a barnyard of mules, goats, and pigs, the husband asked sarcastically, " Relatives of yours?
Good guinea pig or cavy breeders will take the time to make sure you understand what keeping guinea pigs involves.
Domestic animals include buffalo, which are used as draft animals, fowl, pigs, goats, cats, and dogs.
The farmers give their pigs newly baked buns to eat instead of the harvest he delivers to the state owned bakeries.
In pigs adult worms burrow into the mucosa of the small intestine where the female produces larvae.
Wake up, People of South Africa, You are guinea pigs, guinea pigs, guinea pigs, for the Western drug cartels.
Some of the best charcuterie comes from this area, where wild pigs have gorged themselves on the fallen chestnuts.
Currently it includes Shetland ponies, pot-bellied pigs and birds, future additions may include chipmunks and tortoises.
Interesting facts The Spanish conquistadors brought guinea pigs to Europe from South America 400 years ago.
The farm combines dairying and arable, along with the pigs and beef cattle.
From the late fifties the mill was used just for rearing pigs, garaging farm machinery, and housing the grain drier.
Guinea pigs live in the wild in South America, living in rocky areas, grasslands and forest edges.
Neither was there any recorded transmissible spongiform encephalopathy in pigs or poultry.
Uses For the active immunization of sows, gilts, boars and growing pigs as an aid in the control of swine erysipelas.
Up to 20% of salmonella-free pigs are infected during transport and at the abattoir lairage from contaminated excreta (57 ).
Two days later five merchant ships carrying 1,400 Cuban exiles arrived at the Bay of Pigs.
You may wish to get involved in the supply of medicines to livestock farmers for use in cattle, sheep, pigs or goats.
Guinea pigs are quite fastidious in their diet, and any sudden alteration in their diet may mean they stop eating.
Beside teddy hears, Susanna uses pigs. crocodiles, squirrels, rabbits and other creatures to portray human foibles.
Visitors can also see the rare breeds of chickens, cows, pigs and pygmy goats stocked.
She has gone on to treat some of our rescue guinea pigs and has contacted Vedra for advice, without being prompted.
But a month later he became the proud father of 42 baby guinea pigs.
Despite this, staff at Darley Oaks, which breeds guinea pigs for scientific research, have vowed to continue working as normal.
Some families keep guinea pigs which they breed and eat.
Prior to being given to the human guinea pigs, it was extensively tested on animals.
I have 2 sows (female guinea pigs) avalible for sale both from different litters, but live together great at the moment.
We hope to raise awareness of the many guinea pigs waiting for permanent loving homes.
Guinea pigs with this problem should not be bred since dental malocclusion is often hereditary.
What followed was remarkably like the Bay of Pigs invasion of a century later, and equally ill-fated.
Effect of sequential porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome aand swine influenza on the growth and performance of finishing pigs.
A serological response following intramuscular or intradermal application is present at 14 days with a minor delay for intradermal application is present at 14 days with a minor delay for intradermally vaccinated 6 week old pigs.
Several alternative sources have been suggested, ranging from fully formed islets taken from pigs, to human embryonic stem cells.
Casi sin aliento, con el lobo pagado a sus talones, little pigs were off like a shot from there.
The excellent palatability facilitates administration to calves and pigs and is useful in improving intake of other medicaments.
From weaning pigs will receive feed medicated with a growth promoter.
Pigs are now being genetically mutated using human genes in an attempt to try to weaken this reaction.
When I was a wee nipper all we had at school were guinea pigs not real pigs!
Known as green offal for cattle and sheep, and black offal for pigs.
The child in this story helps the three little pigs get the better of the big bad wolf who is sent packing!
However, there were some unethical sellers who would try to trick buyers by concealing large cats in the bags instead of suckling pigs.
Cloned pigs, sheep and cows have malfunctioning immune systems.
After weaning, pigs are fed using Pioneer feeders for 13 days, then move straight onto the home produced liquid weaner diet.
Given the right conditions, a dose as low as 10 virus particles by intranasal or intramuscular routes can infect young pigs 10.
On the way back we walked a little way along a creek and there saw a herd of six feral pigs.
Authored by Sue Skirrow, a Veterinary Officer, this document discusses Glassers disease, a bacterial infection that affects weaner pigs.
Pigs are raised to produce either piglets or meat.
This is more than the researchers had hoped to achieve, since they didn't expect the pigs to produce leaner pork.
They not only grew food, but also reared poultry, pigs, goats and even donkeys.
Pigs were similarly found to have a cerebral capacity beyond the popular preconception of a farm animal.
The picture here is of a bird sitting on what seems to be a cross between a box and a pigs snout psaltery.
Indeed, in studies into alcoholism apparently, some pigs drank a quart of vodka a day!
The pigs sensitive snouts, designed for rooting, are rendered redundant.
However in pigs perception of risk from endogenous retrovirus is likely to inhibit progress.
Authored by Sue Skirrow, a Veterinary Officer, this document discusses atrophic rhinitis, an infectious disease of the nasal bones of pigs.
Some semi tame deer and wild pigs roam around the vicinity of the park headquarters.
Pigs in the fully slatted system had better hygiene scores and were less active than pigs in the straw-based system.
Pigs, probably not covering such long distances, wore knitted woolen socks with leather soles.
To prioritize the feelings of the guinea pigs is to assert a quite spectacular failure of the human imagination.
This assumption is equally spurious for, if anything, the Bay of Pigs was a classic tragedy of good intentions.
An interim measure taken by DEFRA during the crisis was to ban the practice of feeding swill to pigs in the UK.
Worse than that his hunger reduced him to eating the pigs swill.
Knowing that a 1ml syringe with the end cut off is the best size to use for feeding pigs.
Lard and beef tallow Lard and beef tallow are the fats derived from pigs and cows, respectively.
Guinea pigs can become quite tame with gentle handling.
I grab two beers from the unopened bar and take one over to Alex, who's hacking away at pigs trotters.
A little pigs tail twirl on the end of the line said it all, at the last minute the knot had slipped.
In hot weather, a muddy wallow is essential, allowing the pigs to cool off.
As affecting agricultural practice there were three noteworthy improvements in respect of the making of which, without the consent of or notice to his landlord, a tenant might claim compensation - (1) the consumption on the holding " by horses, other than those regularly employed on the holding," of corn, cake or other feeding-stuff not produced on the holding; (2) the "consumption on the holding by cattle, sheep, or pigs, or by horses other than those regularly employed on the holding, of corn proved by satisfactory evidence to have been produced and consumed on the holding "; (3) " laying down temporary pasture with clover, grass, lucerne, sainfoin or other seeds sown more than two years prior to the determination of the tenancy."
Pigs, being prolific breeders, fluctuate more widely in numbers than cattle or sheep, for the difference of 1, 49 8, 55 2 in their case represents one-third of the highest total, whereas the difference is less than one-seventh for horses, less than one-sixth for cattle, and less than one-fifth for sheep. The [[Table Xii]].-Numbers of Horses, Cattle, Sheep and Pigs in the United Kingdom.
Frequently, moreover, the exhibition of pigs at agricultural shows has to be abandoned in consequence of these swine-fever regulations.
In the typical genus Sus, as exemplified by domesticated pigs (see PIG) and the wild boar (see Boar), the dentition is i.
The little pigs had stood huddled in a group, watching this scene with frightened eyes.
Besides the chickens, we have several other additions to the family--two calves, a colt, and a penful of funny little pigs.
Indeed, in studies into alcoholism apparently, some pigs drank a quart of vodka a day !
The muscles of runt pigs are smaller than those of their more successful littermates.
A researcher might be looking for salmonella in pigs.
We have all manner of animals, from pedigree Simmental cattle to pot-bellied pigs.
Do n't all bloody men over the age of 30 snore like pigs anyway?
What is the best way to stun pigs to cause the least PSE?
Outside there is a line of 5 open fires where suckling pigs are being slow roasted.
Such a teacher can make silk purses out of pigs ' ears, transmute lead into gold can even use Headway to effect.
I grab two beers from the unopened bar and take one over to Alex, who 's hacking away at pigs trotters.
Behavior In the wild, guinea pigs live in close family groups, and it is unkind to keep one guinea pig.
That sounds really profound, and very far from wanking off pigs !
In weaned pigs, respiratory disease is the predominant problem.
Guinea Pigs come in two main varieties -- short and long-haired -- though there are also more exotic breeds like the Peruvian.
Also known as cavies, guinea pigs tend to be neurotic and can frighten quite easily.
Despite their short legs, guinea pigs can run very quickly, but are not particularly athletic.
Cattle, sheep, goats and pigs are most commonly used.
Goats and pigs are not used that much (about 8 to 9 percent), but can be found in shoes, clothing, and linings in certain regions of the world.
If you have allergies or you do not care for cats and dogs, you can also consider birds, lizards and small animals like hamsters and guinea pigs.
The most common animal choices are cows, pigs, and chickens, but other animals such as goats and horses can also be suitable depending on what animals or livestock are most meaningful to the farmer.
Although you can go pretty wild in a bathroom without worrying that your passion for pigs won't overrun the house, it's always a good idea to bring elements of themes from other rooms into your bathroom design.
Other natural elements commonly found in French style country decorating include the farm animals living in the area, such as chickens, pigs, roosters and cows.
The animal selection includes standard pets such as cats, dogs and guinea pigs, alongside more exotic animals like sloths and llamas.
They included pigs, horses, cows, sheep, goats, and chickens.
It's not a good move to serve pigs in a blanket to a vegan, for example, so make sure to ask your date what he or she likes to eat before you make your meal plans.
For those who want to go as a group, encourage costumes like the seven dwarfs and three little pigs.
Sometimes rennet is derived from other animals, such as goats, sheep, and even pigs.
Orlando Bloom - British-born Bloom, who rose to fame after starring in The Lord of the Rings, is afraid of pigs.
I think we know enough about the health of small animals, domestic pets like canines, cats, guinea pigs, etc., to be able to provide good holistic care for them.
Pick up pots, pigs and stones and see what mischief you can get into.
Type A viruses are found in many different animals, including ducks, chickens, pigs, whales, horses, and seals.
The ARBA provides a wealth of information related to domestic rabbits and guinea pigs.
Overall, Beanie Babies run the gamut from teddy bears in an array of colors and special thematic designs to cats, dogs, koalas, pigs, monkeys and much more.
While human (and a few other species, such as guinea pigs) are unable to make their own vitamin C, many mammals can.
The shelter rescues cats, dogs, rabbits, hamsters, guinea pigs and other domestic animals and also rehabilitates wildlife.
The H1N1 virus is a type of contagious influenza that first originated in pigs, therefore giving the disease its common name, "swine flu."
When we think of pink animals, wee pink pigs come to mind.
Costume for small dogs can be used for large iguanas, or pet pigs.
Rabbits should seek out Pigs and Sheep for mates.
Sheep will find that Rabbits and Pigs best bring out their romantic side.
Pigs will find their ideal mates with Sheep and Rabbits.
Pigs love the good life, but they are also certain to take good care of those around them, and they love feeling needed.
Intelligent rats get along best with dragons, monkeys, dogs and pigs.
For friendship, turn to dogs, pigs and rabbits.
Second best matches include pigs and fellow tigers.
Their best matches include pigs, rabbits, and other goats.
Some of their best matches include tigers, horses, monkeys and pigs.
Pigs are known to be chivalrous and gallant.
Their best chance for a love connection is with rabbits, goats, rats and fellow pigs.
Pigs are honest with the people in their lives.
This sign matches well with Rabbits and Pigs who both compliment Goat's love of stability.
Pigs seek to have fun while still balancing their priorities.
Pigs are said to be fun and family focused.
Once again, the attacks were upon livestock, including pigs, chickens and horses.
Goats, pigs, crocodiles, snakes and even other animals can be used to make leather shoes.
This site has a full range of animal clocks from pigs to bumble bees.
Traditionally, lard was used in soap because it was readily available after the pigs were slaughtered down on the farm.
Before the Kaiser's achieved worldwide success, the boys were prominent figures of the Leeds indie scene, and were the original hosts of Pigs, the city's monthly ostentatious electro-punk night at the Hi-Fi club in the city centre.
With the first single, "March Of The Pigs", released before the album, expectations were running high.
Derk is a 'simple man', as sorcerers go, who likes his house and his animals - he has also created flying pigs and talking horses.
The big bad wolf threatening the three little pigs and the hairy spider frightening little Miss Muffet are just two examples of brutal and horrifying elements that exist in many of our beloved children's stories.
Its dishes are known to be experimental, like the acorn soup with duck liver and sage or its corzetti with pigs trotter.
Specifically, a virus or bug passed to a pig is considered a huge threat in the medical community, because pigs can pass their diseases onto humans.
I hope they make you a stable boy in a pig farm in Iowa and you spend the rest of your life knee-deep in what pigs do best.
Pigs and goats, however, with cattle, horses, asses and dogs, have been introduced, have multiplied, and in considerable numbers run wild.
Fernandez obtained from the Spanish government a grant of the islands, where he resided for some time, stocking them with goats and pigs.
Pigs, sheep and goats are also kept in considerable numbers.
On many of the islets numerous tropical fruits are found growing wild, but they are no doubt escapes from cultivation, just as the large herds of wild cattle, horses, donkeys, pigs, goats and dogs - the last large and fierce - which occur abundantly on most of the islands have escaped from domestication.
The raising of cattle, pigs and sheep is a fairly important branch of industry throughout the duchy; horses are bred in Kamburg.
The pigs and fowls of the Bresse and the geese and turkeys of the Dombes are largely exported.
One English county alone, Suffolk, maintained more pigs than the whole of Scotland.
This district is the headquarters of a thriving trade in pigs.
We thus see that the American and the European-Asiatic elements of the flora are nearly equivalent; and if the flora of Arctic North America were better known, the number of plants common to America might be still more enlarged.5 In the south, a few goats, sheep, oxen and pigs have been introduced.
Goats, from the milk of which choice cheese is made, and pigs are plentiful.
In 1920 there were 238,736 horses, 730,421 cattle, 934,084 sheep and 457,052 pigs, against 297,- 645 horses, 940,319 cattle, 1,100,481 sheep and 538,920 pigs in 1913.
In 1908 Europeans were returned as owning 32,000 horses, 220,000 horned cattle, 765,000 sheep, 68,000 goats, 25,000 pigs, 960 ostriches and 384,000 poultry.
The asphodel was also supposed to be a remedy for poisonous snake-bites and a specific against sorcery; it was fatal to mice, but preserved pigs from disease.
The soda combination of the acid as obtained from the nasal cartilage of pigs had the composition C18H25Na2NS017.
There is a considerable extent of pasture land, and the rearing of cattle, sheep, pigs and goats is largely practised.
The numbers of cattle, sheep, pigs and poultry are generally increasing.
If you behave, and don't scare the little pigs, I'm sure they'll grow very fond of you.
There were pigs and goats on the island, and plenty of fish could be caught from the shore.