Pig Sentence Examples
If I promise not to act like a misogynist pig, would you have dinner with me?
Oh, what a pig I am! he repeated, flushing suddenly.
The custom is vouched for by travellers as still observed in Borneo, Burma, Uganda and elsewhere, the animal chosen being a pig or a fowl.
In 1894 the excess of imports over exports fell to 2,720,000, but by 1898 it had grown to 8,391,000, in consequence chiefly of the increased importation of coal, raw cotton and cotton thread, pig and cast iron, old iron, grease and oil-seeds for use in Italian industries.
The column headed bacon and hams indicates clearly enough that the imports of fresh meat did not displace those of preserved pig meat, for the latter expanded from 4,715,000 cwt.
He couldn't very well say, 'I really am that pig you pegged me for, just trying to hide it from you, babe'.
Of the fatted live weight of a pig 83% is butcher's carcase, and 91% of the increase from 100 to 200 lb is carcase.
In 2006, a pig was genetically engineered to produce healthy omega-3 fatty acids.
Is it some ill-fed village hound yielding to the instinct of the chase? or the lost pig which is said to be in these woods, whose tracks I saw after the rain?
Oh, what a pig I am, not to have written and to have given them such a fright!
AdvertisementThe chief domestic animals are the camel, horse, ass, ox, buffalo (used both as a beast of burden and for riding), sheep with a short silky fleece, the goat and the pig, which last here reaches its southernmost limit.
The quantity of phosphorus in the pig iron is usually known accurately, and the dephosphorization takes place so regularly that the quantity of air which it needs can be foretold closely.
The pig iron should be as nearly free as possible from sulphur, because the removal of any large quantity of this injurious element in the process itself is both difficult and expensive.
The open-hearth process consists in making molten steel out of pig or cast iron and " scrap," i.e.
The " pig and ore " or " Siemens " variety of the process works chiefly by oxidation, the " pig and scrap " or " Siemens-Martin " variety chiefly by dilution, sometimes indeed by extreme dilution, as when Io parts of cast iron are diluted with 90 parts of scrap. Both varieties may be carried out in the basic and dephosphorizing way, i.e.
AdvertisementThe charge may be melted down on the " open hearth " itself, or, as in the more advanced practice, the pig iron may be brought in the molten state from the blast furnace in which it is made.
The proportion of pig to scrap used depends chiefly on the relative cost of these two materials, but sometimes in part also on the carbon-content which the resultant steel is to have.
Thus part at least of the carbon which a high-carbon steel is to contain may be supplied by the pig iron from which it is made.
The length of the process increases with the proportion of pig used.
The common practice in the United States is to use about equal parts of pig and scrap, and here the usual length of a charge is about 112 hours.
AdvertisementThe pig and ore process is held back, first by the large quantity of carbon, and usually of silicon and phosphorus, to be removed, and second by the necessary slowness of their removal.
For instance it lasts only about 82 hours when equal parts of pig and scrap are used, instead of the 112 hours of the basic process.
Thus the actual cost of conversion by the acid process is materially less than by the basic, but this difference is more than outweighed in most places by the greater cost of pig and scrap free enough from phosphorus to be used in the undephosphorizing acid process.
The advantage of this combination is that, by simplifying the conditions with which the composition of the pig iron has to comply, it makes the management of the blast furnace easier, and thus lessens the danger of making " misfit " pig iron, i.e.
But if the conversion is only begun in the converter and finished on the open-hearth, then there is no need of regulating the temperature in the converter closely, and variations in the silicon-content of the pig iron thus become almost harmless in this respect.
AdvertisementBut if the silicon of the pig iron is removed by a preliminary treatment in the Bessemer converter, then its presence in the pig iron is harmless as regards the open-hearth process.
Hence the blast furnace process, thus freed from the hampering need of controlling accurately the silicon-content, can be much more effectively guided so as to prevent the sulphur from entering the pig iron.
Compared with the Bessemer process, which converts a charge of even as much as 20 tons of pig iron into steel in a few minutes, and the open-hearth process which easily treats charges of 75 tons, the crucible process is, of course, a most expensive one, with its little 80-lb charges, melted with great consumption of fuel because the heat is kept away from the metal by the walls of the crucible, themselves excellent heat insulators.
By rapidly stirring molten iron oxide into molten pig iron in a furnace shaped like a saucer, slightly inclined and turning around its axis, at a temperature but little above the melting-point of the metal itself, the phosphorus and silicon are removed rapidly, without removing much of the carbon, and by this means an extremely pure cast iron is made.
Of the two the cupola is very much the more economical of fuel, thanks to the direct transfer of„ heat from the burning coke to the pig iron with which it is in contact.
Increase in Production.-In 1810 the Unit d States made about 7%, and in 1830, 1850 and 1860 not far fr m io% of the world's production of pig iron, though, indeed, in 1820 their production was only about one-third as great as in 1810.
In this last year the United States production of pig iron was nearly 7 times, and that of Germany and Luxemburg nearly 5 times, that of 1880.
Ofthetotal production Engels of pig iron in 1905 amounting to over 10,000,000 tons, more than the half was produced in the Rhineland and Westphalia.
Exempt from duty were now only refuse, raw products, scientific instruments, ships and literary and artistic objects; forty-four articles notably beer, vinegar, sugar, herrings, cocoa, salt, fish oils, ether, alum and sodawere unaffected by the change, while duties were henceforth levied upon a large number of articles which had previously been admitted dtity free, such as pig iron, machines and locomotives, grain, building timber, tallow; horses, cattle and sheep; and, again, the tariff law further increased the duties leviable upon numerous other articles.
The Lincolnshire Curly Coated or Boston pig is a local breed of great size and capacity for producing pork.
The Large Black breed, which vies with the Large White breed for size, and is probably its superior as a bacon pig, has only since 1900 received national show-yard recognition; but there is ample evidence that, with its characteristic whole black colour with a mealy hue, length, fine hair and lop ear, the Large Black existed in the south of England for generations.
The Large Black Pig Society was incorporated in 1899.
The Berkshire is a black pig with a pinkish skin, and a little white on the nose, forehead, pasterns, and tip to the tail.
The Small Black or Black Suffolk was produced from the old Essex pig by crossing with the Neapolitan.
Originally a local breed in the districts around the Staffordshire town from which it takes its name, it is now extensively bred, and highly valued as a bacon pig.
It is a black pig like the Berkshire, but has short lop-ears, a more pointed, straight nose, a more compact body, and more white markings.
It is a breed of mixed blood, and is believed to have originated from the "Big China" pig - a large white hog with sandy spots, taken to Ohio in 1816, and blended with Irish graziers in 1839, and with a breed known as Bayfields, as well as with Berkshires.
In Iowa the Berkshire is a combined lard and bacon pig in high favour.
The Duroc Jersey or Duroc, of a red or cherry-red colour - not sandy or dark - is the most popular pig in Nebraska and equal to any other in Iowa.
It is of mixed origin and bears a strong family resemblance to the Lincolnshire curly-coated pig.
The labouring man's pig is his bank, and is fed on scraps, small potatoes and waste products.
From 3 to 5 lb of meal consumed results in an increase of i lb of live weight in a pig, which is the most economical meat producer on a farm.
Concentrated and digestible foods give best results, a pig has a small stomach.
The pig is rarely figured and was less and less tolerated as the Egyptians grew in ceremonial purity.
Among the domestic animals introduced are the ass and pig.
In the forelimbs the bones corresponding to the third and fourth metacarpals of the pig's foot are fused into a cannon-bone; and a similar condition obtains in the case of the corresponding metatarsals in the hind-limbs.
It frequents swampy, shady spots, and wallows in mud like a pig.
The exports are principally coal, pig iron and ore, steel and stone.
In the first half of the 19th century other exports were lime, freestone, and grain; West Indian, American and Baltic produce, Irish flax and Welsh pig iron were imported, and shipbuilding was a growing industry.
The fauna includes the lion, leopard, cheetah, elephant, giraffe, rhinoceros, hippopotamus, buffalo, zebra, kudu and many other kinds of antelope, wild pig, ostrich and crocodile.
The Italian word is generally taken to be from porcella, diminutive of porco, pig, from a supposed resemblance of the shell to a pig's back.
South Bethlehem is the see of a Protestant Episcopal bishop. The Bethlehem Steel Company manufactures here iron and steel, including Bessemer steels, armour plate, steel rails, government ordnance, drop forgings, iron and steel castings, stationary engines, gas engines, hydraulic pumps, projectiles, steel shaft and pig iron; zinc is smelted and refined; and there are large hosiery and knitting mills, and silk mills and cigar factories.
Wild oxen of the Sunda race, not to be in any way confounded with the Malayan seladang or gaur, are rare, but the whole country swarms with wild swine, and the babirusa, a pig with curious horn-like tusks, is not uncommon.
The dog, the cat, the pig, the domestic fowl (which is not very obviously related to the bantam of the woods), the buffalo, a smaller breed than that met with in the Malayan Peninsula, and in some districts bullocks of the Brahmin breed and small horses, are the principal domestic animals.
All tithes have been abolished, except those on cereals, carobs, silk cocoons, and, in the form of to% ad valorem export duties, those on cotton, linseed, aniseed and raisins (all other export duties and a fishing tax have been abolished); (4) sheep, goat, and pig tax; (5) an excise on wine, spirits and tobacco; (6) import duties; (7) stamps, court fees, royalties, licenses, &c.; (8) salt monopoly.
About 400,000 tons of pig iron are produced yearly, and some of the largest iron-works in the world are situated at Merthyr Tydfil and Dowlais.
Practice, however, in treating copper matte differs essentially from the treatment of pig iron, inasmuch as from 20 to 30% of iron must be eliminated as slag and an equivalent quantity of silica must be supplied.
Either wrought, pig, iron sponge or iron bars are employed, and it is important to notice that the form in which the copper is precipitated, and also the time taken for the separation, largely depend upon the condition in which the iron is applied.
Among animals, the European rat, goat and pig are naturalized in New Zealand, where they multiply to such an extent as to injure and probably exterminate many native productions.
As an industry, however, the production both of pig, iron and of wrought iron and steel is increasingly prosperous.
Lynxes and bears were to be found in the same vicinity, and the wild pig was both numerous and destructive.
The wild animals include the elephant, still found in large numbers, the leopard, panther, chimpanzee, grey monkeys, antelope of various kinds, the buffalo, wild hog, bush goat, bush pig, sloth, civet and squirrel.
The furnaces within the port produce some 2,500,000 tons of pig iron annually.
The Sepoys thought that their caste would be destroyed if they touched the fat of the sacred cow or unclean pig; they were even persuaded that the British government wished to destroy their caste in order to facilitate their conversion to Christianity.
Such hairs, either upon different parts of the skin of the same species, or in different species, assume very diverse forms and are of various sizes and degrees of rigidity - as seen in the fur of the mole, the bristles of the pig, and the spines of the hedgehog and porcupine, which are all modifications of the same structures.
Very different, on the other hand, is the condition of things in Australia and Papua, where marsupials (and monotremes) are the dominant forms of mammalian life, the placentals being represented (apart from bats, which are mainly of an Asiatic type) only by a number of more or less aberrant rodents belonging to the mouse-tribe, and in Australia by the dingo, or native dog, and in New Guinea by a wild pig.
The dingo was, however, almost certainly brought from Asia by the ancestors of the modern natives; while the Papuan pig is also in all probability a human introduction, very likely of much later date.
An African origin would well explain the present distribution of both groups, but further evidence on this point is required before anything decisive can be affirmed, although it is noteworthy that the earliest known pig (Geniohyus) is African.
Ferratin is a reddish brown substance which claims to be identical with the iron substance found in pig's liver.
The Servian pig is pure white or black, but other breeds, notably the Berkshire and Yorkshire, are kept.
The Papuan varies his vegetable diet with the flesh of the wild pig, wallabi and other small animals, which are hunted with dogs.
Besides the dog and the pig, which (with the domestic fowl) must have been introduced in early times, the only land mammals are certain species of rats and bats.
The Fijian's chief table luxury was human flesh, euphemistically called by him "long pig," and to satisfy his appetite he would sacrifice even friends and relatives.
The house-fed pig was then as now an important object of domestic economy, and its flesh was much prized.
In the same way " the Minas, a non-Aryan tribe of Rajputana, used to worship the pig; when the Brahmans got a turn at them, the pig became an avatar of Vishnu " (Lyall, Asiatic Studies).
Experiments he made with South Wales iron were failures because the product was devoid of malleability; Mr GOransson, a Swedish ironmaster, using the purer charcoal pig iron of that country, was the first to make good steel by the process, and even he was successful only after many attempts.
In the southernmost islands are a small monkey, rats and mice, treeshrews (Cladobates nic.), bats, and flying-foxes, but it is doubtful if the "wild" pig is indigenous; cattle, when introduced and left, have speedily become "wild."
If they were successful in turning a normal pig into a vamp-pig, and that vamp-pig could in turn bite say, a human or another animal, and transfer the vamp bug, then you've potentially got a new tool you can use to transform the human population into vamps.
John, West Midlands Currently working in a pig abattoir.
In 1967 the breed was finally amalgamated with the Wessex Saddleback forming the pig we now know as the British Saddleback.
Place the pig ark away from the wind - pigs hate windy weather.
Sheep, goats, ducks, chickens, pot belly pig, rabbit, guinea pig.
The first football was a pig's bladder filled with water.
Good guinea pig or cavy breeders will take the time to make sure you understand what keeping guinea pigs involves.
A Tradition of Genetic Improvement The UK is the birthplace of modern scientific pig breeding.
Roth motors later used a pig to drive a car down Broadway for the sake of a stunt!
The most common cause of infection is via pig movement.
Surfactant was isolated from duck, chicken, and pig lung lavage fluid by differential centrifugation.
My biggest pleasure is when I see a girl tucking into pig's cheeks.
Pursel was willing to see fragments of DNA -- and even lean pork chops -- but did not care to see the pig.
Influence of dietary mackeral oil on the condition of organs and on the blood lipid composition in the young growing pig.
Guinea Pig Fun The last couple of days have been quite guinea pig oriented.
We have recently witnessed the deification of the pig industry, whose output is almost all factory farmed in cruel conditions.
To call anyone a pig or a dog was highly derogatory for they were ritually unclean animals.
At the same time breeders with a slightly different type of Welsh pig were winning awards in the Show ring.
The Pig Veterinary Society believes that the true cost of veterinary medicines is severely distorted by this anomaly.
Among these civil laws was the rule that forbade the eating of pig meat.
The pig genome will fill a large ' gap ' in genome evolution.
A pig farm was established on ground where later the Burgh Caravan site was laid out.
Pins Eleven pins or pin fragments were recovered, nine of which were worked from pig fibulae or probably pig fibulae.
Within the last fortnight there has been a drop in the Pig sector.
Darby establishes a foundry there using pig iron from the Forest of Dean.
Rotary Furnaces The Holwell site was later expanded to include a foundry to cast the pig iron produced by the furnaces.
A large dead pig littered the gangway alongside a foraging rat.
The pig by Thomson is lying on its side, the sheep appears to be knitting a garment from its own wool.
Animals include giant panda, elephant, lion, horse, cow, lamb, pig, monkey and teddy bears.
Orchard Pig stands out as a particularly graceful piece, full of the music of hidden rhyme, and assonance; a true charm.
An Inca delicacy, often on the menu in the highlands, is roast guinea pig.
Within a few weeks he has killed a guinea pig in a botched robbery.
Maybe someone out there has a lonely guinea pig that needs a friend too.
The Agouti is a smooth-coated guinea pig that most closely resembles the wild type of guinea pig found in South America.
The centerpiece was his most famous image - a shy youngster holding her pet guinea pig at the Sandringham Show.
Pig This little guinea pig is a male, less than 4 months old.
Preparation for the arrival of your guinea pig Get everything ready in advance of collecting your new guinea pig.
Your guinea pig will eat guinea pig mix and hay as the main part of his diet.
As can be seen from the distribution of animals on organic farms, a concentration process has taken place in pig and poultry husbandry.
Special sightings included lion, spotted hyena, bush pig, buffalo, hippo and many large and strange birds.
The adult form is found attached on the inside of human intestines, the larval form is found in the pig.
Abernant was chosen as the site for a forge and mills where the pig iron produced at Abernant and Llwydcoed could be refined.
To develop a flow karyotype for the pig based on FACS sorted chromosomes.
It takes a bit of searching to find the main ingredient -- a pork knuckle from the fore-end of a pig.
Some people have fun putting lipstick on a pig.
This shows a section through a pig liver, which has clear liver lobules.
In the image below, the outer cortex is blue and the inner medulla of this pig adrenal is greenish.
Coxsackie B virus causes myocarditis and might endanger the pig heart in an immune suppressed recipient of a xenograft.
Another fish that was to become quite mythical was a mirror called the Pig that my mate Phil King caught at 28lb around 1986.
Ben went to the pig sty and put a noose around the pig's neck and lead it down the path to the bench.
Show all Is it true that a pig's orgasm lasts for 30 minutes?
John was picked to help take the vegetables parings over to the farm for pig swill.
The objective is to confer some passive immunity to the agent that causes PMWS at the pig's most susceptible age.
I mean John Howard once said, or said with respect to this election, you can't fatten the pig on market day.
Other local specialities include saltfish (traditionally eaten with tomato sauce ), goat water, barbecue chicken and roast suckling pig.
The sauce was a slick reduction made from roast pig 's ears.
It was decided to slaughter piggy sows (a pregnant pig ).
Pig in the Middle is a play by award winning playwright Judy Upton.
The African porcupine is one of the largest rodents in the world, belonging to the same family as the Guinea Pig.
At the door of a cottage I saw a little girl about to throw a mess of cold porridge into a pig trough.
Two or three distinct pig retroviruses can infect some human cells in culture.
If a guinea pig develops bald patches on its face, this could indicate the fungal disease ringworm.
Pig iron is refined in a converter and then poured into molten iron silicate slag.
Pursel tried to find a silver lining in his experiment gone wrong by claiming that the pig was leaner.
We did a skit named ' The Small Bad Pig ' .
He was humbled while he was eating the pig slop.
All I really want is a roof over my head and all I want is a little better food than pig slop.
What to avoid... You don't want to fling open the windows of your dream cottage only to smell pig slurry.
Like a gold ring in a pig's snout is a beautiful woman without discretion.
These two breed societies amalgamated in 1922 to become the Welsh Pig society with offices at Shire Hall in Camarthen.
The owner had a beautiful alpine garden growing on the top of an old pig sty.
High quality pig suede - soft and luxurious to touch.
He would boil up the contents to make pig swill to feed his animals.
She was a very talkative guinea pig, too.
He threw a brick through the window followed by a pig's trotter with a note attached reading " die " .
The pig did a marvelous job tidying all the apples up like a giant pink vacuum cleaner!
Jake Waddilove is a pig veterinarian, and a partner in the Eastgate Veterinary Group, a practice in Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk.
We will thus be studying, in an experimental setting, two relatively widespread practices in the pig industry.
A pig of lead found near Fluminimaggiore bears the imprint Imp. Caes.
Other terrestrial marsupials are the wombat (Phascolomys), a large, clumsy, burrowing animal, not unlike a pig, which attains a weight of from 60 to 100 lb; the bandicoot (Perameles), a rat-like creature whose depredations annoy the agriculturist; the native cat (Dasyurus), noted robber of the poultry yard; the Tasmanian wolf (Thylacinus), which preys on large game; and the recently discovered Notoryctes, a small animal which burrows like a mole in the desert of the interior.
The palaeotheres, which range in size from that of a pig to that of a small rhinoceros, are now regarded as representing a family, Palaeotheriidae, nearly related to the horsetribe, and having, in fact, probably originated from the same ancestral stock, namely, Hyracotherium of the Lower Eocene (see Equidae).
Ashland has considerable river traffic, and various manufactures, including pig iron, nails, wire rods,, steel billets, sheet steel, dressed lumber (especially poplar), furniture, fire brick and leather.
Man himself, as well as other mammals, is the intermediate host of the dangerous parasite, Taenia echinococcus, in countries where cleanliness is neglected; the pig is the host of Taenia solium, and other cases may be seen from the table at the end of this article.
Thus, if an elastic metal slip or a pig's bristle be attached to one prong of a tuningfork, and if the fork, while in vibration, is moved rapidly over a glass plate coated with lamp-black, the attached style touching the plate lightly, a wavy line will be traced on the plate answering to the vibrations to and fro of the FIG.
In the typical genus Sus, as exemplified by domesticated pigs (see PIG) and the wild boar (see Boar), the dentition is i.
But two remedies were quickly offered, one by the skilful Swede, Goransson, who used a pig iron initially rich in manganese and stopped his blow before much oxygen had been taken up; and the other by a British steel maker, Robert Mushet, who proposed the use of the manganiferous cast iron called spiegeleisen, and thereby removed the only remaining serious obstacle to the rapid spread of the process.
The carbon of the pig iron, burning as it does only to carbonic oxide within the converter, does not by itself generate a temperature high enough for the needs of the process.
The restriction of the basic Bessemer process to pig iron containing at least i 80% of phosphorus has prevented it from getting a foothold in the United States; the restriction of the acid Bessemer process to pig iron very low in phosphorus, usually to that containing less than o ro% of that element, has almost driven it out of Germany, has of late retarded, indeed almost stopped, the growth of its use in the United States, and has even caused it to be displaced at the great Duquesne works of the Carnegie Steel Company by the omnivorous basic open-hearth.
In some places, in cases of crime, the members of the family or village would convey the culprit bound - sometimes even carrying him like a pig that is to be killed - and place him with apologies before those against whom he had transgressed.
At her table there were extra dishes at dinner, and the servants had vodka and roast goose or suckling pig.
They called it limonade de cochon (pig's lemonade), and Morel spoke well of the limonade de cochon he had found in the kitchen.
Ringworm treatment has been effective on one guinea pig when regular veterinary treatment failed.
Other carvings depict the rare breeds housed at the Tower including a saddleback pig, soay sheep and a dexter cow.
The Code is aimed at pig farmers and provides a ' best practice ' guide to preventing the occurrence of salmonella in pig farms.
Their brief was to search for three teenage boys who were reported missing by the skipper of the yacht Black Pig.
We did a skit named ' The Small Bad Pig '.
What to avoid... You do n't want to fling open the windows of your dream cottage only to smell pig slurry.
I have always had a sneaking sympathy for the pig, so long as he can be bred to live as long as Socrates.
Like a gold ring in a pig 's snout is a beautiful woman without discretion.
These two breed societies amalgamated in 1922 to become the Welsh Pig Society with offices at Shire Hall in Camarthen.
There are also pictures and farm sounds to download, such as a squealing pig and a hen laying an egg.
Toby was squealing like a pig caught under the gate.
Outside were two well built concrete and brick pig sties and a stable for horses and carriages.
Ben Thorne, Pig Killer Most houses in the district had pig sties.
Cycling around Chinese farms where the stink of the pig sties had to be smelled to be believed.
In one Dada show Grosz exhibited a tailor 's dummy dressed in an army uniform and topped off with a pig 's head.
I found a silver pig and a threepenny piece in my pudding.
Iatrogenic transmission of CJD accepted - high titres of the agent in experimentally infected guinea pig corneas.
He threw a brick through the window followed by a pig 's trotter with a note attached reading " die ".
Behavior In the wild, guinea pigs live in close family groups, and it is unkind to keep one guinea pig.
The pig did a marvelous job tidying all the apples up like a giant pink vacuum cleaner !
A term FSOL used for a weak willed person What is a ' Vertical Pig '?
It will take some persistence and patience to properly hand tame a guinea pig.
Serve popular island foods like poi, roasted pig and fresh Maui fruits.
Clooney has a pet pot bellied pig named Max.
According to TMZ.com, Baldwin called her a "thoughtless little pig" and berated her for not answering her phone.
This is comparable to problems encountered with other chew treats such as rawhide chews, cornstarch bones, pig's ears, and cow hooves.
Also known as pig fat, lard can be used to make flaky biscuits and pie crusts.
You can change the color of the pig by accumulating training time.
Most of the time you'll play Chicken Little, but every so often you'll get to play Runt (the pig) or Abby (the mallard).
When doctors cannot immediately use the individual's own skin, a temporary graft is performed using the skin of a human donor (allograft), either alive or dead, or the skin of an animal (xenograft), usually that of a pig.
Formed in the early 1900s, the American Rabbit Breeders Association maintains a mission "dedicated to the promotion, development, and improvement of the domestic rabbit and cavy (guinea pig)."
Zhu Zhu is the Chinese name for "little pig".
Alpha Pig, Princess Presto, Wonder Red and Whyatt all have tie-in toys available at major toy stores and through websites.
Older children enjoy the Alpha Pig action figure that comes with a fully stocked toolbox or the Style and Pose Princess Presto who has an outfit for every occasion.
For lovers of all things porcine, there are lots of pink pig Christmas ornaments.
Themed ornaments are also available, so if your loved one collects potbellied pig ornaments or enjoys chubby, cherubic Santas, it shouldn't be hard to find something appropriate.
Is your best love match a Horse, a Monkey or even a Pig?
The Pig enjoys a place of honor, renowned for its manners and optimistic nature.
Some may be born on Pig days, Ox days or Rabbit days.
The fourth trine is the rabbit, the ram and the pig.
The Pig, however, fits well since both partners value emotion and can keep their "cool" in any situation.
Goat, on the other hand, can accept this is Pig.
Three average pets, Linny the Guinea Pig, Ming-Ming Duckling, and Turtle Tuck, travel around the world helping animals in trouble.
Marvin the Martian, the Joker, Pepe Le Pew and Porky Pig also make an appearance.
It has giant slides, farm animals, pig races - all kinds of activities.
Back in the forest lived an old medicine woman and her razor back pig, Raw Head.
Some people claim they even saw the pig walk upright like a human, but generally no one ever believed them.
They would go to the mercantile where the owner would give the pig scraps and purchase items from the old woman.
One week, the old woman showed up without her pig.
The owner of the mercantile asked her where the pig was.
When the old woman returned home, she decided to find out where the pig had gone.
The vision she saw was of a local hunter killing her pig to sell to the local butcher.
She could see her dead pig hanging, gutted and a pile of bloody bones nearby on the ground.
The skeleton of the pig came completely together, and then it began wandering toward the hunter's home.
It wasn't long before the pig found the hunter taking care of his animals in the barn for the night.
When the hunter heard the voice of the pig, he thought it was children playing a prank on him, and he said the person should step out in the open.
He ran to his front porch, but the pig beat him there.
Every full moon, the old pig can still be seen walking upright through town with the old woman next to him, heading towards the mercantile for his scraps.
Looking like a cross between a dog, a coyote and a wild pig, the animal has blue skin, is practically hairless, has pointed teeth descending down from the upper jaw,and its back legs are shorter than its front legss.
From materials ranging from buffalo leather to pig skin, Ted Baker is certainly a unique, up and coming footwear designer.
In the television series, that pig turns out to be Daphne (Ashley Jones), a shape shifter who is eventually murdered by Maryann.
The Pig has the accompanying element of water.
For example, the rabbit is replaced by the cat in some regions, and the pig may be replaced by an elephant in other regions as well.
Bottom line, don't let yourself be anyone's guinea pig when it comes to your body art.
If your cheerleaders are really brave and your fans have a good sense of humor, little pig noses can really add to the cheer.
For instance, if you were competing against the Boars, you could have the teacher kiss a pig.
Roberts spent years trying to perfect the Shangri-La Diet, using himself as a guinea pig to study the diet's effects.
Le chat (cat), le cochon (pig), even la poule (hen) may all be part of flirting.
I'm a redhead with extremely sensitive skin so I was always the guinea pig for the product testing...and yes many of the early compounds left nasty rashes!"
Roasting a pig on a spit might be overkill, so try making snacks with cocktail sausages and pineapple.
Depending on the particular theme you choose, you can have a pig roast, serve appetizers only or even have a seafood feast.
This film was also was the debut of Producer/Director George Miller, who went on to create the Witches of Eastwick and the talking pig Babe.
There's a reason for that, and that is that it's usually a better (and cheaper) long-term strategy to spend your efforts on quality rather than slather on evermore lipstick on a pig.
Its creative appetizers include tempura ahi wrapped in nori; steamed clams with kalua pig; and roasted duck nachos with homemade tapioca chips.
Appetizer highlights include butter poached kona lobster and the signature soup and sandwich--chilled tomato soup with a grilled mozzarella, foie gras and kalua pig sandwich.
This fun restaurant offers contests, games and coloring puzzles for the little ones and full-service catering, including pig roasts.
The menu is served during lunch and dinner and features numerous meat and grilled items such as pork nachos, pig wings, brisket salad, po' boy sandwiches, pork ribs, baby-back ribs as well as the traditional hamburger.
The menu features a tapas, lunch and dinner menu whose selections include garden salads, seafood, beef and chicken tapas, and authentic entrée selections such as paella, red snapper, tuna, skirt steak, filet mignon and suckled pig.
Lamb chops, veal shank, schweinebraten, spanferkel (roast suckling pig with dumpling), and leberkรคse (veal loaf topped with egg, sauerkraut, and mashed potatoes) are just a few of the uncommon dishes on the menu at the Old Heidelberg restaurant.
She combed Destiny's hair into pig tails, and then on impulse, did the same with hers.
Several times they scared up a covey of quail and once even a wild pig.
Specifically, a virus or bug passed to a pig is considered a huge threat in the medical community, because pigs can pass their diseases onto humans.
So, it looks like Talon's goons took our pig and injected it with something to turn it into a vamp.
You're a storm trooper pig!
I'm sorry I called that lady cop a pig and got you in trouble.
You have eaten this pig intestines?
She brought her lips to his ear and rasped softly, "I'll be dipped in shit before I let a misogynist pig like you lay a hand on me."
Skippy's up there defiling Sarah and I'm the pig.
Sarah glared at him and yelled, "Go to hell, you pig!"
Yeah. I wouldn't be no gentleman if I told you her name but she wasn't just some pig.
The peccary is the only native wild pig in the United States.
Pig iron is manufactured cheaply because of the low price of fuel; in 1907 the value of pig iron manufactured in the state was $6,454,000.
Very little pig iron is tries US made, most of the iron ore being exported, and iron manufactured consists of old iron resmelted.
The most important imports are minerals, including coal and metals (both in pig and wrought); silks, raw, spun and woven; stone, potters earths, earthenware and glass; corn, flour and farinaceous products; cotton, raw, spun and woven; and live stock.
Of animals, the cow and the pig are her favourites, the latter owing to its productivity and the cathartic properties of its blood.
The dog and the pig were no doubt introduced by man.
The interests of pig-breeders are the care of the National Pig Breeders' Association, in addition to which there exist the British Berkshire, the Large Black Pig, and the Lincoln CurlyCoated White Pig Societies, and the Incorporated Tamworth Pig Breeders' Association.
The wild animals found in the district comprise a few tigers, leopards and wild elephants, deer, wild pig, porcupines, jackals, foxes, hares, otters, &c. The green monkey is very common; porpoises abound in the large rivers.
The owners of adjacent lands assembled at the common boundary stone, and crowned their own side of the stone with garlands; an altar was set up and offerings of cakes, corn, honey and wine were made (later, a lamb or a sucking pig was sacrificed).
A, Diagram of a retinula of the central eye of a scorpion consisting of five retina-cells (ret), with adherent branched pigment cells (pig).
Hyenas, jackals, wild pig, polecats and wild dogs (Canis pictus) of different species are still found in or about bush jungles and forest clumps; elands (Antilope oreas) are preserved on some estates, and there are at least ten distinct species of antelope (hartebeest, bushbok, duiker, rietbok, rhebok, rovibok, blauwbok, &c.).
Kinloch, it is hunted by "tracking the animal on a single elephant until he is at last found in his lair, or perhaps standing quite unconscious PIG.
Some more or less immune creatures are the mongoose, the hedgehog and the pig, the secretary-bird, the honey buzzard, the stork and probably other snake-eaters.
The priests were the Arval Brothers, who conducted the victims - ox, sheep and pig (suovetaurilia) - in procession with prayer to Ceres round the boundaries of the ager Romanus.
In the Kisumu province of East Africa even, there are several West African mammals such as the broad-horned tragelaph and the forest pig.
A pig (Sus papuensis), a dingo, several species of mice (of which Chiruromys is a peculiar genus), a few squirrels, and a considerable number of Chiroptera (bats) inhabit the country.
The phosphate beds contain Eocene fossils derived from the underlying strata and many fragments of Pleistocene vertebrata such as mastodon, elephant, stag, horse, pig, &c. The phosphate occurs as lumps varying greatly in size, scattered through a sand or clay; they often contain phosphatized Eocene fossils (Mollusca, &c.).
More than thirty mineral substances are obtained in commercial quantities from the mines, quarries and wells of New York, but of the total value of the mineral products in 1908 ($45,6 6 9, 861), nearly six-sevenths was' represented by clay products ($8,929,224), pig iron ($15,879,000), stone ($6,157,279), cement ($ 2, 2 54,759), salt ($2,136,738), petroleum ($2,071,533), and sand and gravel ($1,349,163).
The characteristic Chinese mode of dividing the "yellow road " of the sun was, however, by the twelve "cyclical animals " - Rat, Ox, Tiger, Hare, Dragon or Crocodile, Serpent, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Hen, Dog, Pig.
Wild pig, several species of rats, and many bats - one of the commonest being the'flying-fox, and many species of monkey - especially the gibbon - are also met with.
The language is so complete that the dog, pig, crow and other common or unclean animals are all expressed by special words, while the actions of royalty, such as eating, sleeping, walking, speaking, bathing, dying, are spoken of in words quite distinct from those used to describe similar actions of ordinary people.
In the production of pig iron, the share of the United States seems to have been in 1850 about one-eighth and that of Great Britain onehalf of the worlds product; while in 1903 the respective shares were 38.8 and 19.3%; and Germanys also slightly exceeded the British output.
As early as 1718 iron (both pig and bar) began to be sent to Great Britain, the only country to which the export was permitted, the annual amount between 1730 and 1775 varying ordinarily between 2000 and 3000 tons, but in one year (1771) rising to between 7000 and 8000 tons.
The yearly production of pig iron a ou had risen to between 500,000 and 600,ooo tons.
Ihe output of pig iron and steel in 1907 was 25,781,361 and 23,362,594 long tons respectively.
Swine is a name properly applicable to the domesticated pig, but also includes its wild relatives.
Another character by which the European domesticated pig differs from any of the wild species is the concave outline of the frontal region of the skull.
Examination will, however, show that a modification similar to that which has transformed the comparatively simple molar tooth of the mastodon into the extremely complex grinder of the Indian elephant has served to change the tooth of the common pig into that of Phacochoerus.
The tubercles which cluster over the surface of the crown of the common pig are elongated and drawn out into the columns of the wart-hog, as the low transverse ridges of the mastodon's tooth become the leaf-like plates of the elephant's molar.
Under the stimulus of federal bounties, the production of pig iron and of steel, chiefly from imported ore, is rapidly increasing.
The price of a pig was twice, and that of an ox six times as great as that of a sheep. Regarding the prices of commodities other than live-stock we have little definite information, though an approximate estimate may be made of the value of arms. It is worth noticing that we often hear of payments in gold and silver vessels in place of money.
There are several active industries, notably the manufacture of majolica and terra-cotta wares, machinery, gloves, beer, malt, cheese and sugar, while large pig markets are held here.
Pig dung is very powerful, containing more nitrogen than horse dung; it is therefore desirable that it should undergo moderate fermentation, which will be secured by mixing it with litter and a portion of earth.
Specifically, it is cast iron in the form of castings other than pigs, or remelted cast iron suitable for such castings, as distinguished from pig iron, i.e.
In 1856 Bessemer not only invented his extraordinary process of making the heat developed by the rapid oxidation of the impurities in pig iron raise the temperature above the exalted melting-point of the resultant purified steel, but also made it widely known that this steel was a very valuable substance.
The most important group is that of Cleveland and Durham, which makes about one-third of all the British pig iron.
To make a ton of pig iron needs only about 1.9 tons of ore in the United States, 2 tons in Sweden and Russia, 2.4 tons in Great Britain and Germany, and about 2.7 tons in France and Belgium, while about 3 tons of the native British ores are needed per ton of pig iron.
This crude cast iron, called " pig iron," may be run from the blast furnace directly Ore FIG.
Grey iron castings are made by remelting the pig iron either in a small shaft of " cupola " furnace, or in a reverberatory or " air " furnace, with very little change of chemical composition, and then casting it directly into suitable moulds, usually of either " baked," i.e.
If the pig iron is to follow path 2, the purification which converts it into wrought iron or steel consists chiefly in oxidizing and thereby removing its carbon, phosphorus and other impurities, while it is molten, either by means of the oxygen of atmospheric air blown through it as in the Bessemer process, or by the oxygen of iron ore stirred into it as in the puddling and Bell-Krupp processes, or by both together as in the open hearth process.
On its way from the blast furnace to the converter or open hearth furnace the pig iron is often passed through a great reservoir called a " mixer," which acts also as an equalizer, to lessen the variation in composition of the cast iron, and as a purifier, removing part of the sulphur and silicon.
In smelting the rich Lake Superior ores the quantity of slag made was formerly as small as 28% of that of the pig iron, whereas in smelting the Cleveland ores of Great Britain it is usually necessary to make as much.
In order to utilize this power, the converting mill, in which the pig iron is converted into steel, and the rolling mills must adjoin t h e blast - furnace.
The numerous converting mills which treat pig iron made at a distance will now have the crushing burden of providing in other ways the power which their rivals get from the blast-furnace, in addition to the severe disadvantage under which they already suffer, of wasting the initial heat of the molten cast iron as it runs from the blastfurnace.
The farther descent of the bucket being thus arrested, the special cable T is now slackened, so that the conical bottom of the bucket drops down, pressing down by its weight the the string of moulds, each thus containing a pig, moves slowly forward, the pigs solidify and cool, the more quickly because in transit they are sprayed with water or even submerged in L Winter Stock Pile .?t' S ..
Besides a great saving of labour, only partly offset by the cost of repairs, these machines have the great merit of making the management independent of a very troublesome set of labourers, the hand pig-breakers, who were not only absolutely indispensable for every cast and every day, because the pig iron must be removed promptly to make way for the next succeeding cast of iron, but very difficult to replace because of the great physical endurance which their work requires.
Casting the Molten Pig Iron.
The chief difficulty in the way of modifying the blastfurnace process itself so as to make it accomplish what the direct processes aim at, by giving its product less carbon and silicon than pig iron as now made contains, is the removal of the sulphur.
But this basicity implies that for each part of the silica or silicic acid which inevitably results from the oxidation of the silicon of the pig iron, the cinder shall contain some three parts of iron oxide, itself a valuable and expensive substance.
Hence, in order to save iron oxide the pig iron used should be nearly free from silicon.
But the strong deoxidizing conditions needed in the blast-furnace to remove sulphur tend strongly to deoxidize silica and thus to make the pig iron rich in silicon.
The " refinery process " of fitting pig iron for the puddling process by removing the silicon without the carbon, is sometimes used because of this difficulty in making a pig iron initially low in both sulphur and silicon.
In this process molten pig iron with much silicon but little sulphur has its silicon oxidized to silica and thus slagged off, by means of a blast of air playing on the iron through a blanket of burning coke which covers it.
In making very low-carbon steel this recarburizing proper is not needed; but in any event a considerable quantity of manganese must be added unless the pig iron initially contains much of that metal, in order to remove from the molten steel the oxygen which it has absorbed from the; blast, lest this make it redshort.
If, on the other hand, the carbon-content is to be raised, then carbon and manganese are usually added together in the form of a manganiferous molten pig iron, called spiegeleisen, i.e.
Thus it comes about that the temperature is regulated primarily by adjusting the quantity of silicon in the pig iron treated, of this element usually sufficing.
The slag, in order that it may have such an excess of base that this will retain the phosphoric acid as fast as it is formed by the oxidation of the phosphorus of the pig iron, and prevent it from being re-deoxidized and re-absorbed by the iron, should, according to von Ehrenwerth's rule which is generally followed, contain enough lime to form approximately a tetra-calcic silicate, 4CaO,S10 2 with the silica which results from the oxidation of the silicon of the pig iron and tri-calcic phosphate, 3CaO,P205, with the phosphoric acid which forms. The danger of this " rephosphorization " is greatest at the end of the blow, when the recarburizing additions are made.
Indeed, no limit has yet been found to the temperature which can be reached, if matters are so arranged that not only the carbon and silicon of the pig iron, but also a considerable part of the metallic iron which is the iron itself, are oxidized by the blast; or if, as in the Walrand-Legenisel modification, after the combustion of the initial carbon and silicon of the pig iron has already raised the charge to a very high temperature, a still further rise of temperature is brought about by adding more silicon in the form of ferro-silicon, and oxidizing it by further blowing.
Thus in the Westphalian pig and scrap practice, scrap usually forms 75 or even 80% of the charge, and pig only from 20 to 25%, indeed only enough to supply the carbon inevitably burnt out in melting the charge and heating it up to a proper casting temperature; and here the charge lasts only about 6 hours.
In some British and Swedish " pig and ore " practice (ยง 98), on the other hand, little or no scrap is used, and here the removal of the large quantity of carbon, silicon and phosphorus prolongs the process to 17 hours.
It is by forming calcium sulphide that sulphur is removed in the manufacture of pig iron in the iron blast furnace, in the crucible of which, as in the electric furnaces, the conditions are strongly deoxidizing But in the Bessemer and open-hearth processes this means of removing sulphur cannot be used, because in each of them there is always enough oxygen in the atmosphere to re-oxidize any calcium as fast as it is deoxidized.
Of wild animals, the pig, hyena, jackal, antelope and hare are extremely numerous; lions are still found, and wolves and foxes are not uncommon.
The output of the ore has enormously increased of recent years, and the production of pig iron, as given for I 905, amounted to 10,875,000 tons of a value of 28,900,000.
Pig iron (including non- malleable alloys).
You bastard pig slopper!
There are certain things proper for a kitten to eat; but I never heard of a kitten eating a pig, under ANY cir'stances.
I will confess that I intended to eat the little pig for my breakfast; so I crept into the room where it was kept while the Princess was dressing and hid myself under a chair.
You would be amused to see me hold a squealing pig in my arms, while Helen feels it all over, and asks countless questions--questions not easy to answer either.
I hope they make you a stable boy in a pig farm in Iowa and you spend the rest of your life knee-deep in what pigs do best.
He toyed with her since she arrived and unapologetically played the part of the egotistical, chauvinistic pig he was.
These natural advantages make possible the production of pig iron at an unusually low cost.
In 1900 the Birmingham district produced six-sevenths of the total pig iron exported from the United States, and in 1902 nine-tenths of Alabama's coal, coke and pig iron; in 1905 Jefferson county produced 67.5% of the total iron and steel product of the state, and 62.5% of the pig iron produced by the state.
For steelmaking foreign pig iron is chiefly used.
There is a small pig (Sus andamanensis), important to the food of the people, and a wild cat (Paradoxurus tytleri); but the bats(sixteen species) and rats(thirteen species) constitute nearly three-fourths of the known mammals.
On the degeneration of the polypide, its nutritive material is apparently absorbed for the benefit of the zooid, while the pig mented substances assume a spheroidal form, which either remains as an inert "brown body" in the body-cavity or is discharged to the exterior by the alimentary canal of the new polypide.