Picking Sentence Examples
She stood, picking up a plate.
Picking up a fork, he paused, smiling as he eyed her mischievously.
They shouldered the full canteens and, picking up their rifles, started back to the camp.
Mildred is out in the yard playing, and mother is picking the delicious strawberries.
We're picking up information in Maryland and we tagged where the family did in the Wassermann boys.
Lisa washed her hands and put the biscuits in the oven before picking her up.
He picked up a piece of straw and leaned his back against the tree, picking his teeth.
Instead he was withdrawn and somber, even picking at his food.
Howie spotted Cummings picking up Jennie Lohr as she hitchhiked to town from her rural Kansas farm.
Tell me that, Dean continued, picking up a large bone and looking at it closely.
AdvertisementDeidre studied her, picking up other signs of how different they were.
Carmen was alone in the living room picking up wrapping paper when the men returned.
Finally she got up from the table and went through the motion of picking seaweed and shells, and splashing in the water, holding up her skirts higher than was proper under the circumstances.
Picking his glass up, he took a sip before answering.
Picking up clothes for him.
AdvertisementPicking up the glass of orange juice, he took a swallow.
Howie had taken to picking at his fingers when the tension built.
Two men got out and one reached in the back, picking up a case.
The translator was not always good at picking up every word, but she didn't need the translation of the unknown word.
You were picking up on my surprise.
AdvertisementThe two bikers had started down a slight but long downhill, less than a bike length apart, picking up speed as they rolled along.
Picking the best requires some education.
He's very meticulous about picking the right song.
Planting, pruning, tidying litter picking, helping to put up notice board!
You can find carpet showrooms and stores near you by picking up your local yellow pages and looking up the word "carpet."
AdvertisementPicking a coffee table to match the rest of the furniture in a room can take a lot of effort.
Just like any other piece of clothing or sporting equipment, picking the right football jersey can be a difficult decision and several factors can come into play.
There is in the cotton states a rural population of over 7,000,000, more or less occupied in cottongrowing, and capable, at the low average of ioo lb a day, of picking daily nearly 50o,000 bales.
After the seedlings appear, thinning is completed in usually three successive hoeings, the plants being watered after thinning, and subsequently at intervals of from twelve to fifteen days, until about the end of August when picking commences.
These pickers go carefully over the field, usually just before the second picking, and gather ripe cotton from the best plants only; this selected seed cotton is ginned separately, and the seed used for sowing the next year's crop.
Kutusov had now overtaken the French, but fortunately for them he made no effort to close with them, but hung on their flank, molesting them with Cossacks and picking up stragglers.
Ultimately on the 18th of May the march was renewed, but the allies had continued their retreat in leisurely fashion, picking up reinforcements by the way.
The plant is indigenous and grows well, but, unlike cacau, it requires much manual labour in its cultivation and picking and does not seem to be favoured by the planters.
Picking up on his way such reinforcements as were available, he marched southward with all speed behind the Vosges, and in the last stages of the movement he even split up his forces into many small bodies, that the enemy's spies might be misled.
In this form, which is found in British field artillery, the goniometric or dial sight is used for picking up the line of fire.
The manufacture of great quantities of coke has resulted from the demand for this product in the iron and steel industry and from the abundance of coking coal; the manufacture of glass has been promoted by the supply of glass sand and natural gas in the west of the state; the manufacture of leather by the abundance of hemlock bark; the manufacture of pottery, terra-cotta and fire-clay products by the abundance of raw material; the manufacture of silk and silk goods by the large number of women and girls who came into the state in families of which the men and boys were employed in mining and picking anthracite coal; and in each of these industries as well as in a few others the state has for many years produced a large portion of the country's product.
Until recently the final separation of the diamond from the concentrates was made by hand picking, but even this has now been replaced by machinery, owing to the remarkable discovery that a greased surface will hold a diamond while allowing the other heavy minerals to pass over it.
After remaining two days at the Pole to secure sufficient observations to fix the position, Amundsen and his party returned to Framheim in 38 days, picking up the depots in succession and making an average of 23 m.
The air passes down through its regenerator, picking up the heat deposited there, and thereby having its temperature restored and its pressure raised.
A Cornish, army marched straight on London, picking up some supporters in Devon and Somerset on their way, including a discontented baron, Lord Audley, whom they made their captain.
They move slowly, picking their course by means of their antennae.
In this way a mixture of the two asparagines was obtained, which were separated by picking out the hemihedral crystals.
While Fred was outside picking a boutonniere for the occasion, his now marginally wealthy flame of fame—locally at least— called a second time.
And you, un-mated by the half-breed, are ripe for the picking.
I just got my first commission ever, and I think my displays at Kevin's gallery are picking up interest.
The logical answer is a child—Donnie or Martha, picking it up out of curiosity.
Picking up a hitch-hiker, giving a homeless person a dollar— things like that.
Vinnie began to rummage through the ashtray, finally picking out a butt left over from Ethel Rosewater.
Guitar wunderkind Bryan Sutton also whipped up a froth with his hot picking ably abetted by a roster of great talents.
This is somewhat analogous to picking the " best " vacation spot, or the " best " outfit to wear.
Why would the chairman be picking out or interviewing the managers backroom staff?
P and me went blackberry picking earlier - she got the easy stuff I got the higher stuff - hence the multitude of scratches.
They're just these guys walking around picking your nose blah blah blah...
I hate life and enjoy nothing better than picking fights with the biggest bouncer after too many pints.
Picking the plant up and snapping his empty briefcase shut, he scurried toward the door, trying to be as discreet as possible.
The author is reputed to tour London on his bike picking out decent old caffs to list.
Coconut Ice - you'll be picking the coconut Ice - you'll be picking the coconut out of your teeth for days Cow - moo!
By the 1860s most coal carried to London came by steam colliers, with sailing vessels picking up the pieces.
So now I eat a croissant with my coffee every morning, picking up every flake with a moistened forefinger.
This is where picking the right location becomes even more crucial!
To minimize the trash collected, the plants are sometimes sprayed with a chemical defoliant causing the leaves to drop prior to picking.
Pete, on the other hand who is picking up the bill for dinner, is completely distraught.
Windsor & Eton came away from Eastleigh with a creditable point after picking up a goal-less draw against the promotion hopefuls.
Mimi's accomplished guitar picking effortlessly entwined with Richard's revolutionary approach to mountain dulcimer playing.
The menu, meanwhile, criss-crosses the Mediterranean, picking up chorizo, harissa, mozzarella & Turkish flatbread along the way.
Picking up where we left off in May, things are looking grim for the good guys.
By the time the rotting hulk landed, people were picking at the planks to find worms to eat.
You can also improve your personal hygiene by stopping any nasty habits like biting your nails or picking your nose.
At 3 hours and 15 minutes, I started getting jumpy, but within 15 minutes I started picking up a weak signal.
Even the 7th choice wicket keeper Dave Lewis got into the act, picking up the prized scalp of John Gray.
As his laptop is picking up a neighbor's signal I assume he has a wireless-enabled laptop.
The route follows the lateral moraine of the Khumbu glacier, picking its way through a jumble of rock.
That way, no matter how long somebody stands there picking the locks, they're always locking three of them. !
Well worth picking up. top of the page marvin gaye This Marvin gaye This Marvin Gaye DVD is absolutely lovely.
Clean the coconut matting by picking off all the bits of fluff.
But their responsibilities will extend beyond picking a gooey romantic comedy at the local megaplex.
The able poor were to be set to work doing fairly menial duties such as hemp picking or could be hired out.
Harry has for some reason to cross a minefield, picking up a key on his way, to enter his house.
No, of course we should not be endlessly picking the fluff out of our own navels.
The pair sat for hours in Knowsley Safari Park, picking nits out of each other's hair.
Perl is designed to give you several ways to do anything, so consider picking the most readable one.
Whether it is black, green oolong or scented depends on the treatment it receives after picking.
In 1829, 314 indoor paupers were employed in spinning, weaving and picking oakum.
Council tax payers have been picking up the tab for too long.
The program will include a range of events and workshops such as wildlife walks, litter picking and pond dipping.
You grow the mushrooms or you go mushroom picking.
Seasonal jobs, including fruit picking, are often advertised.
As part of this the Cubs will do litter picking and evaluate the impact of what they have found.
The last had some tasty picking from Bill Forster.
See EU ' cherry picking ' from rules the voters rejected.
When I was younger I'd go strawberry picking after my piano lessons.
Didn't feel up to anything strenuous so just gentle picking of runners, French and broad beans.
Automatic rather than manual order picking could result in significant cost savings.
Distribution involves an automatic picking and handling system with microprocessors watching critical dates and order entry systems.
Enough " nit picking ", I shall leave others to make comments on other differences.
Work for men was usually stone breaking or oakum picking.
Brian Mackey ^ Towers You took us blackberry picking.
His finger picking is appropriately suited to Lyn's voice.
Picking and fruit work is usually paid piecework, meaning you get paid according to what you pick.
You can find the answers to things, and you're very quick-witted, picking up ideas and talking faster than other people.
They spend their time trying to prevent the little rascals picking all their best flowers to take to school.
He appeared suitably regal, except for his insistent nose picking.
Every morning except when, the moon was large I got a bountiful supply by merely picking them up from the lee scuppers.
Well, have to have something nice to think about whilst picking the horrible slugs off your brassicas!
On the job training Picking up skills from an experienced colleague was a more common way of learning stagecraft.
Finger picking patterns are written using tablature and standard music notation.
He did so by finishing the second race in ninth position and picking up seven points toward his championship tally.
Before starting the actual picking process the order totes are weighed to determine the tare weight for the subsequent control weighing.
I've been picking up dead triggerfish up off the beach in Cornwall since 1991.
The call of the Crested Tit is a distinctive little trill, and you should soon be picking them up all over the place!
Today's Oxford Mail carries yet another story picking up on the widespread unease that local people feel.
Brookes Busses can work other routes in the summer vac, here we see 18195 on the 29 picking up at the Randolph stop.
Many people are afraid to gather wild mushrooms, probably because they are quite rightly wary of picking poisonous ones.
The speakers also seemed to find a way of picking up Forth FM whilst the lecturer was trying to speak.
Observations upon captive specimens have led to the conclusion that it feeds principally on juices, especially of the sugar-cane, which it obtains by tearing open the hard woody circumference of the stalk with its strong incisor teeth; but it is said also to devour certain species of wood-boring caterpillars, which it obtains by first cutting down with its teeth upon their burrows, and then picking them out of their retreat with the claw of its attenuated middle finger.
Of his three sons the youngest Colaxais is preferred by an ordeal of picking up certain objects which fell from heaven, - a plough, a yoke, an axe and a cup, - and becomes the ancestor of the ruling clan of Paralatae; from the other sons, Lipoxais and Harpoxais, are descended minor clans, and the name of the whole people is Scoloti, not Scythae, which is used by the Greeks alone.
Here we enter upon one of the most interesting chapters of disorders and modes of disorder of this and of other systems. It has come out more and more clearly of late years that poisons do not betray even an approximately indifferent affinity for all tissues, which indeed a little reflection would tell us to be a priori improbable, but that each tends to fix itself to this cell group or to that, picking out parts for which they severally have affinities.
Stirling substituted for the two stages of adiabatic expansion and compression the passage of the air to and fro through a "regenerator," in which the air was alternately cooled by storing its heat in the material of the regenerator and reheated by picking the stored heat up again on the return journey.
This civilizing process seems to be picking up steam.
I often amused myself by reading Latin passages, picking up words I understood and trying to make sense.
As we hastened through the long grass toward the hammock, the grasshoppers swarmed about us and fastened themselves on our clothes, and I remember that my teacher insisted upon picking them all off before we sat down, which seemed to me an unnecessary waste of time.
After playing out a whole suit and to his partner's delight taking five tricks, Pierre, hearing greetings and the steps of someone who had entered the room while he was picking up his tricks, glanced again at Natasha.
Robbery is not permitted to anybody now a days! shouted the publican, picking up his cap.
He was armed with a musketoon (which he carried rather as a joke), a pike and an ax, which latter he used as a wolf uses its teeth, with equal ease picking fleas out of its fur or crunching thick bones.
You can find the answers to things, and you 're very quick-witted, picking up ideas and talking faster than other people.
Blind Blake neatly picking out impeccable ragtime piano tunes or the poignant strident slide of Tampa Red.
The Teesside club offered a fee of £ 5million not long ago but they now feel that Derby County are ripe for the picking.
Kristof stepped from behind the sofa, picking what looked like cobwebs from his rumpled shirt.
Well, have to have something nice to think about whilst picking the horrible slugs off your brassicas !
On stage the statuesque figure of Robyn Hitchcock busily picking his way through the soundcheck.
Seasonal jobs available picking strawberries on our mixed orchard in the south of Denmark.
I 've been picking up dead Triggerfish up off the beach in Cornwall since 1991.
The call of the Crested Tit is a distinctive little trill, and you should soon be picking them up all over the place !
All seemed to depend on picking up the trump suit.
Today 's Oxford Mail carries yet another story picking up on the widespread unease that local people feel.
Next up was Peter Lewis with a slow picking style, and fine vibrato voice.
Skylar made an inference about what was in the wrapped box under the Christmas tree after picking it up to feel the weight.
What is the procedure for picking up and dropping off your child?
As he grows towards his first birthday, he is picking up new abilities rapidly.
Is your toddler picking up on tensions in the house which are making him feel like life is not that safe and secure and so he needs more reassurances of your presence at night?
If there are tensions at home that your toddler is picking up on, try and resolve them peacefully.
So, whether you wander beyond its range or the monitor loses the signal for some other reason, a rapid beeping sound from the receiver will alert you to the fact that the receiver is not picking up the signal for some reason.
Stick to picking out just two or three, leaving the rest of the time for socialization.
A crib is an essential component for a nursery, and picking out a crib for your baby can be an exciting experience.
Picking the right wedding gown can be a difficult, overwhelming experience if you don't know how to buy a wedding dress.
If you're a more casual reader and are simply interested in picking up Stephen King's last book at a good price, you're going to have much more luck (as well as an easier time) in finding what you want.
First, it is important to understand the options that are available when you are picking a new blouse.
If you prefer placing the needle on the record and picking it back up when the side is finished playing, than choose a manual arm.
Begin by picking up your local yellow pages or doing a search online for used record shops close to your home.
Below you'll find some recommended shopping stops for picking up water skis.
Consider bloom time and height when picking out bulbs.
The names that you know and trust when it comes to considering a pair of shoes for basketball, running, and cross-country also come into play when you consider picking up a pair for your tennis needs.
While you may be tempted to simply pick up the deck with the coolest design -- I'm not stopping you from picking up a rad looking 'board -- it is a good idea to consider what kind of skateboarding you plan on doing.
However, picking up rentals the day before or early morning can allow time for hems to be shortened and shoes to be exchanged.
Purchasing a motor home entails more than just sauntering into a shop and picking the niftiest looking RV.
The best thing to do is to have the picture with you when picking out a frame.
Buying wood picture frames can also mean heading to the plain wooden frames aisle in your local craft store, picking up a few accessories and paint and making your own from scratch.
Just picking something off the shelf and wrapping it in pretty paper does not make it an appropriate or thoughtful gift.
Picking the right area will largely depend on the reasons why you are buying a property in Germany.
Size - one of the most important requirements when choosing electric space heaters is picking the right size for the room.
Picking the right one is essential to ensure that this is an investment that is well made.
Picking the right size for the area is important; this ensures that the machine works at its optimum level and is efficient to run.
Picking the right GPS largely depends on the way that it is to be used.
Choosing the right bowling ball involves much more than merely picking a suitable color.
They play by hammering down on the strings with their nails and picking with their fingertips.
Over its lifetime, the battery may lose some of the gumption to keep a full charge, so picking up an extra battery might be beneficial.
Webcams aren't so advanced you'll feel lost, but there are some things you should know before closing your eyes and picking the first one you touch.
They also charge shipping, but customers have the option to wave the fee by picking up the fireworks directly from their warehouse in Orange Park, Florida.
When posting your needs and picking up the items later, please remember to use caution and don't give out too much personal information.
Everyone wants to save money, so keep this mountain bike buying guide in mind when picking out your new bike.
Check these areas when picking out your mountain bike.
Professional racers and expert boaters probably do, but in general, most consumers may not realize that picking the perfect kayak (or even a mountain bike) means a little bit of research and knowledge.
It's not easy picking a hot water heater, particularly because each brand of water heater provides multiple model options for the casual consumer, with special additions and features as well as differing prices.
Whether your idea of convenience is clicking a button or picking one up on your next grocery trip, you're in luck.
Knowing how to buy a flat screen TV doesn't mean walking into the nearest electronics store, looking at the best picture on display and picking that one.
In fact, many of the stores, like Best Buy and Wal-Mart, even offer the consumer the flexibility of purchasing the Wii online and then picking the item at their local store.
If picking winning numbers were easy, lotteries wouldn't offer such large jackpots.
When filling out your tickets, develop your own system for picking numbers.
Yet, every year, it creeps up on people who find themselves in the checkout line at midnight on the eve of the holiday picking up whatever is left over to get for that person you forgot.
When purchasing a television from a chain store like Sears or Best Buy, you will have the option of either picking up the television at an actual retail store near you or having it shipped to your home.
There should be no charge for picking up an item at the store.
Simply find a notebook by picking a brand or the type of processor you want, or shop by price.
When it comes to picking a Kindle or Nook, it all comes down to personal preference.
You will want to gather your kitten care supplies before picking up your new kitten, so you don't have to leave kitty at home alone while you run to the store.
Once you have Dazzling retrained, watch the situation carefully and make sure her box is clean, nothing has changed and that Monet or another cat is not picking on her when she tries to use the litter box.
Picking the right name for a new cat is extremely important.
Picking an unusual name for a cat can be great fun, and it can be a source of pleasure for the entire family.
Picking cute kitten names is part of the fun of cat ownership.
Therefore, when picking a name, it is a good idea to try different variations of the name to make sure that it sounds as good shortened as it does in the full length version.
Picking the right name for your kitten is one of the first memories of what will hopefully be a long and happy life together.
There are many male kitten names to choose from, and picking the right one for your new little feline friend is part of the fun of your first few days together.
Other people have exactly the opposite problem and just don't know where to start when picking a name for a little kitten.
Picking the right name for your male kitten will probably entail drawing up a short list of suitable names and picking from there.
Your first step in picking out an original name for your cat is shunning titles that describe your cat's physical characteristics.
Fortunately, these names are not copyrighted and are ripe for a potential pet owner's picking.
This means you can order from your local store and avoid the shipping charges by picking up locally.
It's widely available, so consider picking up a copy at a local library or bookstore and introducing it to an especially bored child you know.
Many low income kids never receive books, and picking up an extra copy or two can help you share your tradition with needy children in your area.
Kids who aren't interested in history may be inspired to a greater degree of enthusiasm for the subject after picking up an exciting historical novel.
When there is only one account to pay off, it can be easier to funnel any extra funds directly to that account instead of picking and choosing which account to put the money toward.
If your first date goes well, resist the urge to fantasize about picking out china patterns for your wedding registry.
Once you have chosen the type of cushion you want, the next step is picking the perfect fabric.
Both of these numbers are essential when picking a tankless water heater that will service your home.
When picking an earth friendly cleaner, be sure to look beyond the label.
Even if a solar panel is free, there is still likely to be costs associated with picking the panel up and buying equipment.
Just picking up waste and litter wherever it is spotted can go a long way to keeping debris and pollutants out of the water.
Harvesting acai is more than picking berries.
Many berry bushes sport thorns so caution is needed when picking the fruit.
Wait until the first frost before picking and eating.
Wait until they turn fully black before picking; they are sweetest when they are fully black and ready to fall off the plants.
Before heading out on your foraging adventure, be sure that picking wild plants or harvesting berries is legal.
In the late summer, these low-growing shrubs produce juicy blueberries ripe for the picking.
Once they start turning, wait until the berries are a deep, rich, dark color before picking.
Wear heavy gloves when blackberry picking or be prepared for a lot of scratches.
With a few simple safety precautions, you can enjoy the delicious taste and health benefits of picking and eating wild berries.
If you're interested in learning more about plant identification, you should really consider getting a good field guide that you can keep with you whenever you're out berry picking.
When picking a field guide, make sure that it covers the area in which you'll be gathering berries.
Check out this article from the Seattle Times about berry picking in Washington.
If picking a homeopath out of a haystack seems a little overwhelming, you can always ask your traditional primary care physician about the field of homeopathy and their thoughts on a doctor.
If you are considering doing some home improvement projects or interior decorating, you may want to digitally experiment with color and layout before picking up that sledge hammer.
Most talk about interior design includes styles and trends, picking the right colors, furniture, rugs, and accessories to complement the space.
Team captains each chose two other players to fill out their teams - the order of the picking spoke volumes about the relationships between the designers.
Keep your color scheme in mind when picking your comforter, but also remember the amount of traffic that comforter is going to get.
Buying furniture, choosing a dorm decorating theme, and even picking out space-saving appliances (like the famous micro-fridge) go a long way to making this home away from home more habitable.
These design consultants do everything from naming paint colors to picking room colors for design houses at functions such as the annual Home and Flower Show.
Before you start picking out your new furniture, it is important to go through a few steps to make sure you are getting the pieces your really need.
Picking one of these colors as the main color for the bedroom can be a good way to give the room a cohesive feel.
One is to avoid picking any trendy or fad inspired theme.
Now comes the fun part - picking the perfect Christmas decorations to make the perfect tree.
Now that you have the basics out of the way, you can focus on picking your favorite decorating ideas for a table.
By blending the various styles and picking the elements you like best, you can create a unique look for your home.
There are hundreds of patterns to choose from when picking out your tin ceiling.
With so many shapes, sizes, colors, heights, depths and materials to choose from, picking the right vanity should not be a hassle.
Decorating goes beyond picking out paint colors and choosing the best fabrics for a room; a great interior decorator is also a salesperson and a negotiation expert.
Of course, this works better if you have a neutral color scheme, but even if you don't, picking a throw that has your colors and a couple of newer additions is a way to incorporate the old and the new on a tight budget.
From choosing an organic theme with shells and sea life to picking a couple of classic nautical icons, you can probably find hundreds if not thousands of décor items, furnishings and fixtures to put a little "Ahoy Matey" into your design.
Keep the rest of the colors in the room warm for a pleasing contrast, or, if there are handpainted tiles in the room, consider picking up one of the accent colors and using it as a solid color for towels and rugs.
When it comes to great room designs for living room and dining rooms, it isn’t as much about picking the “right” look as it is matching the décor to your lifestyle.
You can do this cheaply too by picking up cardboard from a craft store rather than getting the pictures professionally matted and framed.
So men, when picking out a perfect brand for you, remember your perfect woman is going to have to smell it too.
When picking foundation, don't only match it to your face.
Picking the colors that you like best can be quite a task.
So whether you're getting ready for a job interview or just picking up your dry-cleaning, a quick glance in your makeup mirror can quickly point out anything potentially embarrassing.
Another tip or trick to try when picking a lip color that's not too dark on you is to look for what is called a "lip stain" which is lip color that gives you a darker pigment but has a lighter, sheer and longer lasing finish.
It may be worth picking up one or trying to score a sample at a Mercier counter if you can!
Again, lightly tap the brush to avoid picking up too much color and then take the brush to your eye.
With the wide variety of products on the market, it is important to consider what your needs are when picking your makeup, and knowing how to use each product properly for optimum effect.
Even if your Internet date suggests picking you up, make your own transportation arrangements.
The biggest part of picking the right team is being prepared on draft day.
This would eliminate the possibility of someone picking all low seeds (these teams have less chance to win) and someone else getting four high seeds.
This specialist can assist you in picking out the best assortment of fireworks for your personal event, such as the 4th of July or a wedding.
Instead of picking something up at the bakery, show your mom how special she is to you by baking for her.
Get photos of everyone picking up shells, and take a few close-up shots of the shells on the sand.
There are huge stressors, for example, changing jobs, getting divorced, or facing imminent danger, and there are everyday stressors, for example, paying the bills, meeting deadlines and picking up the kids from school.
Even if you are lucky enough to have a job, you may find that you're stressed out because you are now picking up all the slack; you are doing your job, plus the job of a co-worker.
With the appropriate amount of anxiety, you fear that you will get the answer wrong so you take more time in picking the right response.
Make your rounds first and then start picking items to try on.
I am a big fan of American Eagle, but I have trouble picking out outfits?
Choose a place that is reliable and will give you the best advice on picking out a tuxedo.
Others don't want to spend the time picking up their dress whenever they feel like boogieing down on the dance floor.
If you know her dress color, picking a corsage that is one of her favorite colors is a good idea, as long as it does not clash or you could get her favorite flower in the corsage.
Another Bible based activity is picking a topic like lust, envy, or passion and having the members of your Bible study group try to find passages that relate best to that topic.
Corn should be used within 24 hours of picking or purchase.
This is easily corrected by picking up some gel or cushion inserts.
Picking out the perfect bridal party dresses is a difficult task for the bride-to-be.
Even guests can get help picking out the best outfit to wear to a wedding.
In fact, there's more to choosing the right tuxedo than walking into a shop and picking the one that fits best.
Picking out men's silk shirts for beach weddings is an important part of dressing the groom and his men.
Picking mens red tuxedo shirts to wear with classic tuxes will look contemporary and stylish.
So when you order or make your chocolate and pink wedding invitations, think about picking up coordinating stationary for the rest of your wedding.
You can save time and money by picking the right program cover, wording, and layout the first time by using wedding program samples.
Picking seasonal winter flowers will be cheaper than using flowers that are out of season.
Make writing the speech easy by picking a theme to center upon and practice often.
Getting a band in the first place can be difficult, let alone picking the one to make everyone happy.
Picking the right band to perform at a wedding reception is a difficult task.
Picking the location is the first step to planning your dream wedding location overseas.
Think twice before picking an outfit that is overly revealing.
Picking the 'wrong' book can be a waste of both time and money.
The choice of font is essential to picking the perfect program, yet it often gets overlooked.
There are many different colored papers and cards available; picking a standard color is more cost effective than choosing an unusual or custom color.
Adding subtle variations can give a dramatic effect and look wonderful, such as picking out the colors of the wedding bouquet or simply using different shades of a single color.
When it comes to picking wedding colors, couples have a large selection of shades and combinations to choose from.
Regardless of what wedding color ideas you end up picking, you will need to carry them out throughout your wedding.
Your big day is important on many levels, and everything from picking the right flowers to choosing a wedding date is meaningful.
When you're browsing through hundreds and hundreds of wedding cake styles, picking just one of them can seem like a huge challenge.
There is more to choosing wedding flowers than just picking out a bouquet or flower colors, and the right wedding flowers package can make it easy to have a coordinated set of arrangements for your special day.
Instead of picking up candy, chocolates, or just sending the guests off with a piece of wedding cake, take the time to provide them with a memento they will remember long after the wedding is over.
Grab some extra attention with a cake by picking an unusual frosting color.
For variety, consider picking up a variety pack of mini candy bars and giving guests an assortment of flavors.
Always taste samples before picking a baker so that you know you're getting the best quality you can.
You're already breaking with tradition by picking cupcakes over a wedding cake, so why not push the envelope a bit more and make other creative choices, too?
Since an overwhelming amount of drug treatment programs are available, picking one that best suits your needs is often hard to do.
The first thing to do before picking out a new curtain is to take a good look at the bathroom.
Picking just one out of the myriad of creative birthday cake designs available is a fun and challenging part of decorating.
Try picking up colorful candles, piping gel, cupcake toppers, or other equipment to save you time and make your cake look great.
Picking out the styles you like most is telling about what you really appreciate in cakes and how you might grow and develop as a designer.
Many have questioned over the years what exactly makes Mr. Blackwell an authority on picking the worst dressed celebrities.
Holloway's first job was picking up dead chickens on a farm.
Rosie went on to complain that the media was making her look like a bully, stating that every time she tried to defend herself that it was "…poor little Elisabeth I'm picking on."
So she gained an eensy-weensy bit of weight (which she quickly dropped)... so why is everyone picking on Jessica Simpson?
They should all be ashamed of themselves, picking on a woman who did nothing to them.
After picking up the habit once again, he and his wife, Demi Moore, have struggled with kicking the addiction.
Several women have gone on to get a divorce shortly after picking up the Oscar for Best Actress.
Toddler girls clothes boutique shopping can be so much fun - whether it's for your own daughter or picking out something for a relative or friend.
This is the first age of decision making, and you may be surprised at how enthusiastic she will be in picking out ensembles and willingly trying them on if it's something she has invested interest into.
Along with the joy of seeing your boy dressed in a coat and nice shoes, if only once a year, comes the trepidation of picking out just the right outfit.
Your friends and relatives will have just a much fun picking out a baby towel, clothing, or personalized shoes as you will have receiving the items and putting them to good use!
These particular hoodie styles are all available for the picking.
You can take the hassle out of picking out cute summer outfits for your little girl by buying matching shorts and shirt sets.
When you're going through the process of picking classes and considering majors, listen carefully to what your advisor has to say.
Upon admission into the college, students meet one-on-one with an academic support specialist, who verifies educational histories and assists the student in picking his or her academic or occupational major.
Although picking an online degree program can be similar to picking a traditional college to attend, you won't generally have the same degree of variety from which to choose.
In a city with far too many shopping, dining, arts, and entertainment options to list, visitors should consider picking up a tour book or consulting their travel agent for suggestions that meet their interests, schedule, and budget.
Also, consider picking up an Alaska guidebook to determine which natural areas you consider must-see sites.
Within days he was working with dogs in the United States, picking up poop and grooming dogs.
Dogs are susceptible to picking up internal parasites that can rob them of their nutrition, leaving them underweight and scruffy in appearance.
Once you're faced with all the choices available, the task of picking just the right one seems a bit formidable.
Of course, providing your pet with his own dog house can be as easy as driving to your local pet supply store and picking out a suitable model.
Even the dog run gets a quick run over, whether it is picking up poop, replacing pea gravel or just hosing down the cement.
This also involves picking up your dog's paws and lifting up his tail.
Here are a few things to look for when you are picking out a new toy for your dog.
Here are a few suggestions for picking the perfect puppy name.
Bathing your dog on a consistent basis should also reduce his chance of picking up a fungal infection.
Hand picking is the gardener's best defense against Colorado potato beetles.
Start with picking an area of your backyard to place the raised bed on.
Since it is so light, picking up and distributing large amounts of the mulch is easy and can be done by hand.
This makes simple chores such as picking vegetables more convenient for you.
Speaking of wasps and yellow jackets, wear gardening gloves when picking strawberries.
If you're picking up the bass guitar for the first time, a bass fretboard chart might be just what you need to keep the beat.
This is an incredibly useful tool to have at hand when you're picking up your instrument for the first time, especially since bass players have to focus almost exclusively on picking out notes instead of chords.
P-I-M-A - this is the notation for the fingering on the right hand for picking the strings.
Guitar chords prove more beneficial for songs that rely on strumming chords rather than picking at notes.
If you play regularly, it doesn't take long for a plastic or nylon pick to lose its picking edge.
The following is a partial list of some of the most important qualities of this amazing picking material.
When a pick loses its picking edge, you are less likely to get an accurate pluck when you attempt to play a note.
These slight variations apply to all kinds of picking techniques (pinch harmonics, pick slides, flat picking, etc.) so it's almost like playing an entirely new guitar when you first try a titanium guitar pick.
The site's country guitar section teaches such lessons as chicken picking, country thirds, snapping/popping and D country lick.
Consider picking up a copy of a jazz guitar book, such as the Beginning Jazz Guitar book from Amazon.com.
While some people are naturally more inclined to picking up musical instruments than others, the one thing that all great players have in common is that they practiced, and practiced, and practiced.
As a guitarist, Eddie Van Halen is known for two-handed tapping, vibrato and a large use of tremolo picking.
Picking up a few of their tabs to practice can be a great way to begin tackling some larger songs without killing yourself with notes.
This is one of the most challenging aspects of learning the lap steel, and it will take practice to learn correct finger picking techniques.
However, that doesn't mean that you won't enjoy picking up their tabs and playing their tunes.
As an example, and using that F to C chord progression I just mentioned, you could play the F at the first fret of the E string while simultaneously picking the A note at the second fret of the G string.
No matter the genre or style of interest, learning bluegrass improves technical ability, increases musical knowledge and helps establish personal picking style.
Studying the blistering pace of bluegrass picking also improves improvisation in a concert-style setting no matter which type of music is on the agenda.
For the visual learner who already possesses skill with stringed instruments, bluegrass videos offer clear demonstration in fingering, picking and timing.
Alternately, you may find yourself picking a particular niche and becoming an advocate of one brand.
Lessons include scales, picking, tapping and exercises to improve manual dexterity.
There's a big difference between choosing a row of pendants to highlight a dining table and picking lights to increase the overall illumination in a room.
Homeowners who are having difficulty picking a decking railing idea may want to talk to a professional.
While pricier paints are typically better quality than their cheaper counterparts, simply picking the most expensive gallon of paint on the shelf isn't enough to guarantee the house paint quality you're after.
If you're picking up a feed from a light switch, make sure the circuit is off at the electrical panel.
White isn't usually at the top of anyone's list unless they're picking out wedding or communion dresses, so why is it that many diamond enthusiasts believe white or "clear" diamonds are the most valuable?
Picking perfect prom jewelry will complement your outfit and ensure that you look your very best on this special night.
There are no hard and fast rules other than picking jewelry that you feel good in and that provides a little extra special sparkle or flair.
Picking the right set of prom jewelry will help to define your look for the night.
The key to picking the perfect items of jewelry is ensuring that the jewelry and dress work together.
Long earrings are very glamorous, however they can also be very heavy therefore picking earrings that are not going to be uncomfortable after a long period of wear is important.
Picking the perfect prom jewelry will help to ensure that you look stunning on the night and that your prom is a night you will cherish for ever.
Picking the right jewelry to complement and enhance an outfit is part of the key to creating a perfect look.
One thing to remember, however, when picking fashion jewelry with crystals or other sparkling stones is that less is more!
Complement your wife's style - if your wife has a distinctive style, then picking an item of jewelry that complements this will be much appreciated.
A woman who is wearing a necklace is also likely to wear earrings, a bracelet and rings, therefore picking a pearl necklace that matches other items in your wife's collection will be a good idea.
Picking this season's colors will help you to ensure that your beaded jewelry is definitely at the forefront of fashion.
Picking the right jewelry box depends on a number of factors.
Therefore picking products that are targeted at an age group may quickly go out of fashion.
Picking the right type will depend on many things including where it is to be kept.
This will make the gift that little bit extra special as she will enjoy picking the jewelry box.
Paisleys stamped in various ink patterns on their hands helped villagers communicate when the harvest was ready for picking.
If it's often, you may want to just buy a classic tuxedo and keep it in your closet to avoid the hassle of fittings, picking up the tux, returning the tux, and so on.
It's one thing if you're just picking up a few basics from your local big box retailer, but it's quite another if you're shopping for those garments that demand longevity.
Let's run through your options when you are picking out a fun new pair of jeans.
Look for the tightest of stretch jeans at Ssense, where they have leggings-like denim ripe for the picking.
From department stores to specialty shops, picking up tall size polo shirts and keeping your closet stocked with them should be no problem.
There's nothing quite like picking your own fresh, organic berries.
Besides being a beautiful place, seeing all that food grown in one place, picking your own, meeting other nice families and knowing your farmers; it is such an excellent place for children to grow up in.
If you're interested in starting your own organic garden, you can begin by picking up a few tips for growing organic vegetables.
This allows you to reach the vegetables easily for picking.
Picking a proper dress for your special occasion is not difficult, since plus size evening dresses are widely available in a variety of styles and price ranges.
Plus Size Fix features such a large inventory of club dresses for the curvaceous woman that your hardest decision will be picking which one (or ones) you want for your next night out.
Picking a dark, neutral color will help you coordinate with a variety of different outfits during the winter.
With such a great range of sleeved dress styles from which to choose, the biggest problem you'll have is picking just one.
Yes, senior sex is part of a healthy relationship, but remember your odds of picking up people with the line, "So, you come here often?" and consider a more appropriate moniker.
Even though Connecticut is a small state, its proximity to big cities like Boston and New York make it an excellent choice when it comes to picking a place for retirement.
Many of the military and law enforcement professionals like to use the infrared goggles because they are better at effectively picking up on individuals moving about in dark locations.
After all, who doesn't love picking up an extra accessory, especially when they're relatively inexpensive?
Picking up one of these guides at the beginning of your vacation planning can not only help you save money on tickets but also on other aspects of the vacation such as dinging and hotel accommodations.
At its core, Guitar Hero for Xbox charges gamers with picking up a plastic guitar instrument.
Another technique for picking up additional speed is known as slipstreaming.
Games, the power of the system, accessories and online capabilities are all common concerns when picking out a system, so spend your money wisely!
For fans of music games who already don't have the complete kits for Rock Band, picking up the bundle is the best value to get everything you need in one shot.
A game that lets you pick a car and immediately start racing is probably an arcade-style racing game, and that includes loading time and any time picking your radio station.
Create your own Bard by adjusting his character stats, and picking his initial skill.
It's unbelievably fun to run around the house picking up potted plants and dresser drawers and tossing them about the room.
After picking your combatant, move your pointer over to them in your player slot and click.
As long as the level does not end by just clicking on the items, you can keep going back in by restarting the mission and picking up the items over and over again until you get enough experience points.
Each weapon you consider picking up will be compared to the one you already have equipped.
You can't beat racing through a city, picking up customers, and being reward for driving recklessly.
Later, you will also have to worry about picking up spills at their table, which will also cause you problems if not taken care of right away.
Even if you can't stand DBZ in general, rent this one if you can, or consider picking it up if it's under $10.
The Sega NFL games let you pick plays straight from the VMU so your opponent couldn't tell what you were picking.
Picking up and sliding objects around is as simple as moving the Wii Remote.
Picking up the game again the next morning, I managed to not only finish it on the first try, but even achieve a very reasonably "B" grade at the end.
The millionaire games have you picking which one of the four answers is spelled correctly in order to climb the money ladder.
Also, you must successfully "save and quit" after picking up the skull.
You might want to consider picking up a Wii Classic Controller as well.
If you can't, then try picking a different network.
In this way, knowing how to play Wii games can be just as intuitive as picking up a real tennis racket or golf club.
Picking up armor protects you, of course, but if you collect all the pieces of armor that fit different parts of your body, you can look like a member of Kiss, but without the crazy tongue.
It's just picking two teams and getting to a football game going.
Overall, though, you end up using the same strategy of picking things up and throwing them at the bosses.
While the Playstation 2 port is easily the least polished, it's still definitely worth picking up if you don't have a PC or an Xbox.
The sand can be accumulated by defeating enemies and picking up the residue they leave behind.
Picking up every item and getting everyone to learn their Over Drive skill is essential for your success in this dark world.
After picking a song, you go to the shaking screen to see what you need to do.
In the bank level, immediately after picking the lock to get into the presidents room turn left and you will see a painting.
When looking into more substantial purchases -- like picking up a new PlayStation 3 -- that extra 10% can go a long way.
There is something refreshing about picking up on a new technique or secret on your own, rather than simply deploying something that you read online.
A tester has to have the patience of Job, willing to spend hours picking at a game environment, or days checking every level and every space of a game for the same tedious graphical flaw.
As they battle for the same small market, Nintendo begins picking up new customers.
If you already own a THQ-made wrestling game, there really isn't much a point in picking up WWE Day of Reckoning 2 other than to get a roster update.
When you are done picking out your Miis, then click '''Save & Quit''' and wait for the Wii to add them to the remote.
The game rewards you with added defense and stat bonuses for picking the right character and costume combination, so keep it balanced for best results.
We give you all the details you need to know, helping you decide on picking one video game console over the other.
To make it easier, the game displays the board count while playing, so you can see what the total of the ends are before picking a domino to play.
I advise decanting this supple and balanced Côtes-du-Rhône-Villages, unless, of course, you like picking out stems from between your two front teeth like I had to.
For a luxury gift, consider picking up some Cristal Champagne; a more affordable option would be a bottle of Fragolino sparkling wine.
All of the pruning, thinning, fertigating and attention to detail in the vineyard culminate to the precise moment of picking.
Once the winemaker decides that the grapes are ready to be picked, they coordinate their efforts with their vineyard manager and picking crew to plan the picking.
Picking of the grapes is done when it's cool.
The reason behind picking when it's cool is so the sugar levels in the grapes stay consistent.
So, picking during the cool times helps keep those sugars under control.
Picking during the early morning is more cost friendly, but time is short…you only have a few hours before the sun comes up and starts heating things up.
The only question that arises is picking wine for a gift is white or red?
It isn't recommended that you attmep to try them all in one visit; instead picking your favorite wines and limiting what you taste.
Gaining an understanding of wine can be as easy as picking up a book, visiting a winery or stopping in at your local wine shop.
Then by around 1900, the bears discovered they could make a living by picking up food in the dumps near the hotels that had been built by that time.
It's best to use wood that has been properly seasoned rather than picking up fresh twigs and branches.
Seemingly picking up where the 9000 series left off, the E Series of Nokia cell phones have extra functionality in mind.
While it may sound a little confusing picking up the right Bluetooth headset, it's not as complicated as you may think.
If they offer stereo playback, you may be interested in picking up a stereo Bluetooth headset that adheres to the A2DP standard.
To provide your hot new mobile phone, you may want to consider picking up a cell phone cover.
Customize your favorite portable QWERTY device by picking up some free Sidekick 3 themes.
You will never run out of choices, just as you never run out of choices when it comes to picking a pendant for your necklace.
Everyone wants the hottest new handheld and when the LG Voyager finally arrives on the shelves of Verizon Wireless, you can be sure that many text message-savvy individuals will be interested in picking one up.
The link between iPhone and Verizon Wireless is still a rumor, though activity on that rumor mill is picking up, hinting at a Verizon iPhone release announcement as early as June 2009.
There are also other ways to keep tabs on people without utilizing GPS; it's as simple as picking up the right frequency.
You must complete each stage within a certain amount of time, picking up health packs to increase your number of lives.
If there is a comic from a few days ago that you would like to access, you can do that too by picking the appropriate date.
If you're considering an iPhone but would prefer to use Verizon, picking up one of the Verizon Motorola Droid cell phones is a seriously good alternative.
In this game, the ninja will automatically run from the left side of the screen to the right, picking up speed as he goes.
Behavioral signs of this adjustment disorder include primarily actions that show a disregard for rules, laws, and the rights of others, such as picking fights, vandalism, truancy, and reckless driving for teens.
They should keep the child from picking at a cold sore as much as possible.
The child with SLI often has difficulties learning language "incidentally," (picking up the meaning of a new word from context or generalizing a new syntactic form).
Another common cause of injury to the nasal passages in children is scratching or picking the inside of the nose, often as a reaction to dry and itching nasal membranes during the heating season in colder climates.
Internal injuries to the nose may be either mechanical (caused by foreign objects in the nose or by picking or scratching the tissues lining the nose) or chemical (caused by environmental irritants or substance abuse).
In most cases the doctor is able to tell whether there is a foreign object in the nose or whether the child has been scratching or picking at the nose.
Nosebleeds or tissue damage caused by scratching or picking at the nose usually clear completely once the child stops these habits.
Other forms of self-harm include biting, hitting, or bruising oneself; picking or pulling at skin or hair; burning oneself with cigarettes, or amputating parts of the body.
Compulsive self-mutilation consists of repetitive hair pulling (trichotillomania), nail biting, and skin picking.
The child with SLI also often has difficulties learning language incidentally, that is, in picking up the meaning of a new word from context or generalizing a new syntactic form.
During contractions, the normal pattern is for the FHR to slow somewhat, picking up again as the contraction ends.
Picking at pimples or scrubbing the skin too hard can result in worsened acne.
With subsequent infections, the itchiness begins within hours of picking up the first mite.
The most common cause of nosebleeds is injury from picking or blowing the nose.
Sometimes, it accompanies direct injury to the nose as in a sports injury or in picking the nose or too vigorous nose blowing.
Gently blowing the nose and not picking it will also prevent nosebleeds.
Individuals with PWS may also pick their own skin (skin picking).
Skin picking is best managed by ignoring the behavior, treating and bandaging sores, and providing substitute activities for the hands.
The same care that goes into perfecting a turn or a flourish should be given to the process of picking it out, so that the full potential of the dancer can be realized.
There are a few guidelines to follow when picking out the right dance clip art to suit your purpose, but if those are kept in mind, it's as easy as "a-five-six-seven-eight!"
Picking lucky numbers isn't something you do at random when using feng shui principles.
In feng shui, picking lucky numbers can help you since numbers are just as important as elements and you can used them to create a feng shui cure for any chi imbalance in your home.
You should also take your face shape into account when picking an updo for your hair.
In fact, the expression, "nit picking" comes from the struggle to free a person's hair from these parasites.
It takes a few tools and cosmetic products to create that perfect arch and instead of picking up several different products from a few different brands, an eyebrow kit includes everything you need to perfectly shape your brows.
You can plan your days the way that you want without worrying about picking the kids up at a certain time or only having specific days off each year.
Learn how to make the weapon of your choice by picking the tutorial medium, from diagrams to videos, that is easiest for you to understand.
For a realistic look, consider picking up paper in a single color that features a gradual fade.
I didn't have to worry about picking up any iatrogenic disease because a birth attendant inadequately cleaned his/her hands after checking another patient.
The baby's blood circulates through the placenta, picking up the oxygen and nutrients.
In addition, many women get annoyed if there is difficulty picking up the baby's heart rate and the monitor has to constantly adjusted.
It may be used if it seems like your baby is a little compromised, a problem may be developing, or there is difficulty picking up your baby's heart rate with an external monitor.
Belly Basics offers styling options beyond picking out tops, pants, and dresses.
With Seasonique birth control pills, you can save money and time worrying about getting your period and then packing and picking up supplies.
Picking the key up in the middle means that you will have twins.
Though highly controversial, women who are undergoing fertility treatments may have a greater chance of picking the gender of their baby.
Whether you are a local looking for some good Chinese restaurants to try or a tourist picking the attractions you should visit, you can find everything you need at LoveToKnow San Francisco.
There are several factors to consider when picking a wine tour.
Choosing the right lace for your project is mostly about picking a mood.
Because there are so many colors and designs on the market, let your sewing project guide your choices when picking ribbon trim.
Looking cute on the beach is as much about knowing what not to wear as it is about picking the perfect outfit!
Strong colors such as red or turquoise look great on the beach and picking the right colors for your skin type can help create a wonderful image.
As a parent, you might not have that much trouble picking your child out of a crowd, and you may be able to recall the color of his board shorts amongst a throng of kindergartners.
If you're not the flowery-type, but you still want to wear a pattern, consider picking up a striped swimsuit from OP.
Relax. Summer vacations and days at the pool are fun, and picking out a wardrobe of pool clothes should be fun, too.
This is an essential consideration, as the pool is one of the prime sources for picking up verrucas (plantar's warts) and other nasties!
Let these style suggestions guide you in picking a fantastic suit just for your shape.
They will take more pleasure in a suit if they feel they were involved in picking it.