Pick Sentence Examples
You'd better call one of the girls to pick you up.
No. I only wanted to pick up a few pictures and pay some bills.
I'll soon pick it up.
As it was, the kids might pick up on her fear and emulate.
I can pick you up at the hospital after work and we can spend the night up there.
We could stop by and pick her up.
And you didn't pick them?
There's a bunch of run away kids; I could try to pick the most likely but none of them look promising.
Someone will have to pick her up at the airport, but she can stay with Jonathan at the house.
The only thing he had to say to me was that I should get you or Julia to pick me up.
AdvertisementI'll tell Howard to get everything together and you can drop by to pick it up next week.
Oh, he lets me pet him now, but he doesn't want me to pick him up.
We'll pick you up.
Connie is taking me by to pick it up.
Too bad you couldn't pick where your dream would take you.
AdvertisementWhen Sarah learned of her plan to go to the house and pick up some things, she insisted there was no reason to stay.
She could pick them up on the way back.
I figured he would pick up on things I wouldn't.
She can't pick up anything past this point.
No. You list cases and we pick and choose.
AdvertisementI'll pick you up in the morning.
I told him for years to take notes so our other scientists can pick up wherever he left off.
Which did you pick, Marian?
On the spur of the moment you pick up the suitcases, put them in your trunk, and drive off.
The Elasmobranchs swallow infected molluscs or fish; pike and trout devour smaller fry; birds pick up sticklebacks, insects and worms which contain Cestode larvae; and man lays himself open to infection by eating the uncooked or partially prepared flesh of many animals.
AdvertisementPatrons can choose to dine outside on the back porch, order carry out or pick up a frozen meal to go from the freezer case.
He was getting paid a percentage just to pick up the artwork and deliver it to my broker.
He left us kids to fend for ourselves and now he thinks he can come back and pick up where he left off.
He can pick it up next weekend.
She retrieved the clothing, judging that Sofi had been the one to pick the original clothes out.
Late Friday evening she was returning from the barn when he drove into the yard in a white Dodge Ram Pick up.
Had he seen Josh pick her up?
Brady could've lost it in the river, but she should still pick up some electromagnetic fluctuation, if he was anywhere except the bottom of the river.
She reached the place where the food cubes had landed, bending to pick them up in case she needed them later.
Kris! Form up with us. Rhyn's slow on his left. Pick up his slack.
The sun was beating down on me as I sat on the stoop waiting for Mrs. Armstrong to pick me up.
Pick up a copy of your schedule as you head out.
I'm still scared to death to pick up the phone," she said, and added, "Please, call me Cynthia," when he addressed her more formally.
Dean planned to send a patrol car by later to pick up some clothes but his trip home passed within a block of Parsons Street and on an impulse, he drove by the building.
Fred began to pick cat hairs from his blue suit.
Your buddy is being a little coy but he's hung around the wrong people long enough to pick up some information.
No one can follow the car and beat the pick up to the spot— it happens too quickly.
Dean was halfway out to 156 Maid Marian Lane before it dawned on him he'd neglected to pick up his just-in-case change of clothes.
I just came over to pick up a sweater for her.
I won't pick it up if I'm alone.
The ball game was a lapper and Dean began to pick over a stack of magazines in a rack by the sofa.
And don't bother asking how I'm going to pick out a guy I've never seen from 2,000 bicyclists.
Someone has to feed Mrs. Lincoln, pick up the paper and the mail...
Dean still managed to pick out eleven riders he considered could possibly be Jeffrey Byrne.
It seems he was in Europe someplace and didn't sign up for the tour in advance so he stopped by Cortez just to see if he could pick up a last minute cancellation.
I called to find out if you needed me to pick up anything at the store on the way home.
I went by the house to pick up a picture and Brutus came to the house with blood on his muzzle.
When either of us falls, the other will pick them up again, and then we'll go on together.
Alex is coming over to pick me up so we can ride this morning.
Why did Alex pick someone like that?
I was only there long enough to pick up some pictures.
Do you want me to drive you to the airport tomorrow and pick you up Sunday?
He sure likes to pick them young.
She wanted to know if I could pick the boys up from the sitter tonight.
Katie had offered to take her to the airport to pick up the car after he left.
Carmen can stay with you while I go pick up your sister.
Lori was still asleep, so Alex and Carmen went to the store to pick up a few things for them.
He's in Europe trying to figure out how to pick up the pieces, Damian said.
Why did you pick this one to torment?
He focused on his senses to pick up the location of the Other that had been in the wine cellar.
And he won't pick ours, Jenn, Jonny continued.
Darian saw the hard look on Jonny's face as the Black God bent down to pick up the Oracle.
Katie had helped her pick out the dress.
It was much more fun watching you two than it would have been having you pick me up off the floor repeatedly.
She might as well pick up the children.
Do you need someone to pick you up at the airport?
That out of the way, she left to pick up the children.
I'll pick you up when you're done.
Snares of another type consisting of a tangled mass of threads amongst which the spiders pick their way with ease, but which are impassable to insects, are spun by members of the Theridiidae and Pholcidae; but by common consent the so-called orbicular web, so characteristic of the Argyopidae but by no means confined to them, is regarded as manifesting the greatest perfection of instinct in snare-spinning.
It is difficult to get the hands to work until the cotton is fully opened, and it is hard to induce them to pick over ioo lb a day, though some expert hands are found in every cotton plantation who can pick twice as much.
It is evident, therefore, that if this number could work through the whole season of ioo days, they could pick three or four times as much cotton as the largest crop ever made.
Hippomenes, before starting, had obtained from Aphrodite three golden apples, which he dropped at intervals, and Atalanta, stopping to pick them up, fell behind.
To delay him and obtain escape, Medea dismembered her young brother Absyrtus, whom she had taken with her, and cast his limbs about in the sea for his father to pick up. Her plan succeeded, and while Aeetes was burying the remains of his son at Tomi, Jason and Medea escaped.
But hearing of his misfortune they retreated before Napoleon's advance along the right bank of the Danube to Krems, where they crossed the river and withdrew to an entrenched camp near Olmi tz to pick up fresh Austrian reinforcements.
In July 1804 he ordered his admiral commanding at Toulon, Latouche Treville, to seize an opportunity when Nelson, who was in command of the blockade, was driven off by a northerly gale, to put to sea, with 1 0 sail of the line, pick up the French ship in Cadiz, join Villeneuve who was in the Aix roads, and then effect a junction with Ganteaume and the 21 sail of the line at Brest.
On the 1st of June he was joined by a frigate and two line-of-battle ships sent with orders from Rochefort, and was told to remain in the West Indies till the 5th of July, and if not joined by Ganteaume to steer for Ferrol, pick up the French and Spanish ships in the port, and come on to the Channel.
Finally, when Austria had been excluded from the new empire, he replied to the parliamentary deputation that came to offer him the imperial crown that he might have accepted it had it been freely offered to him by the German princes, but that he would never stoop "to pick up a crown out of the gutter."
Prolonged service abroad possessed little attraction for the pick of the Roman youth, and recruiting for the cavalry from the equestrian centuries was discontinued.
It was chiefly recruited from the pick of the provincial cavalry, but contained some Roman citizens.
It was there that he had to pick up such rudiments of knowledge as formed his first equipment in life, but from his earliest years he was indefatigable in the work of self-cultivation.
From 1465 the pick of the Magyars and Croatians were enlisted in the same way every year, till, towards the end of his reign, Matthias could count upon 20,000 horse and 8000 foot, besides 6000 black brigaders.
Not, however, all diseases of the nervous system conduct themselves on these definite paths, for some of them pay no attention to the geography of structure, but, as one may say, blunder indiscriminately among the several parts; others, again, pick out particular parts definitely enough, but not parts immediately continuous, or even contiguous.
The ore is mined in the ordinary way, by pick and shovel if soft, or by the aid of powder if necessary, and the funnel-shaped bottom of the pit is maintained at such an angle that little or no shovelling is required to bring the excavated material to the shaft.
In mining, a "gouge" is the layer of soft rock or earth sometimes found in each side of a vein of coal or ore, which the miner can scoop out with his pick, and thus attack the vein more easily from the side.
The actual cutting of the coal is chiefly performed by manual labour, the tool employed being a sharp-pointed double-armed pick, which is nearly straight, except when required for use in hard rock, when the arms are made with an « „ inclination or anchored.
The terms pike, pick, mandril and slitter are applied to the collier's pick in different districts, the men being known as pikemen or hewers.
The substitution of machinery for hand labour in cutting coal has long been a favourite problem with inventors, the earliest plan being that of Michael Meinzies, in 1761, who proposed to work a heavy pick underground by power transmitted from an engine at the surface, through the agencies of spear-rods and chains passing over pulleys; but none of the methods suggested proved to be practically successful until the general introduction of compressed air into mines furnished a convenient motive power, susceptible of being carried to considerable distances without any great loss of pressure.
The sense-development in this case is very obscure, and the name of the measure is found much earlier than "peck" as a variant form of "pick."
Two steel tube ribs at each end of spar carry main power unit and landing gear pick up points.
And with three disks full of tracks, where can you begin to pick an standout.
I think I shall keep this Wizard until a new Sorcerer is ready to pick, for he seems quite skillful and may be of use to us.
I forced her out of the chair and made her pick it up.
When the children saw the trees all aglow with brilliant colors they clapped their hands and shouted for joy, and immediately began to pick great bunches to take home.
When I was building, one of these had its nest underneath the house, and before I had laid the second floor, and swept out the shavings, would come out regularly at lunch time and pick up the crumbs at my feet.
A little flock of these titmice came daily to pick a dinner out of my woodpile, or the crumbs at my door, with faint flitting lisping notes, like the tinkling of icicles in the grass, or else with sprightly day day day, or more rarely, in spring-like days, a wiry summery phe-be from the woodside.
He had arranged this for himself so as to visit his neglected estates at the same time and pick up his son Anatole where his regiment was stationed, and take him to visit Prince Nicholas Bolkonski in order to arrange a match for him with the daughter of that rich old man.
Nastasya Ivanovna dismounted to pick it up.
And then I can paddle over to town nights, and slink around and pick up things I want.
Pick a time of day when your baby is typically alert, well rested and in a good mood.
Pick a simple outfit that looks great on your newborn.
Most children who are potty training love to pick out their own "big girl" or "big boy" underwear.
It's fun to see who people will pick to dress as, and this will ignite endless conversation.
You can come back every few minutes, but don't pick him up from the crib.
There are names to choose, furniture and baby supplies to purchase, paint colors to pick out, clothes to buy...well, you get the picture!
He'll howl in protest if you don't pick him up immediately!
Let your daughter pick out her favorites, and tell her that these are what she can wear once she starts using the potty.
If you let your little boy help you pick out underwear in his favorite characters, he may be so excited about wearing them, that he embraces the art of using the potty wholeheartedly!
Let your child visit the local dollar or department store with you, and ask her to pick out her favorite stickers.
You must pick the theme of the shower, the colors, the cake design, the location, the decorations, and, of course, the invitations.
You can place a movement detecting pad under the crib mattress, and you can pick up your baby's sound through the receiver.
While many umbrella strollers may fit in the overhead compartment, you may need to have the airline staff tag your stroller for you, so that you can pick it up as soon as your plane lands.
You can pick up wonderful, used toys with plenty of play left in them.
Let him help you pick out items for the nursery, and don't forget to let him pick out something small for himself, too.
Let your child help you pick out nursery decorations and layette items.
If she continues to pick the wrong answer, don't make a big deal about it!
At any given time, you might pick up your local newspaper and read a letter to the editor regarding this issue.
Pick out your clothes, and let your child do the same for the next day.
If you're not sure, let your baby help you pick out the perfect books!
Securities - Of particular importance is the identification of guardians and drop off and pick up procedures.
Even though you'll receive lots of great baby clothes, go ahead and pick out some things that you really like!
You'll probably want to pick out an outfit to dress your baby in for the trip home, especially if you will have visitors waiting for you.
You'll probably continue to add to the folder, and you'll also throw away ideas as you pick, choose, and eliminate.
You can pick up a basic bag for as low as $15.00, but you can also spend over $100 for a designer bag.
They want to pick a name that's unique, distinctive, and memorable.
Follow these five tips to pick a celebrity-inspired name for your new bundle of joy.
If you're feeling crafty, pick up a wicker basket at your local dollar store and spray paint it in a pastel color.
This company allows customers to pick any copy for any design.
Get Up Early-Avoid the workday rush by letting her help you pick out her clothes the day before.
Prompt Hellos-Be sure you are on time to pick her up.
In some cases, nannies may pick up children from school and care for them a few hours each afternoon until the parents come home.
What is her policy on pick-up and drop-off, and who will be allowed to pick up your child?
Many of them have such big, sad eyes, and you just want to pick them up, give them a hug, take them home, give them a bath, feed them, and tuck them into bed!
Don't rush to his crib to immediately pick him up.
You want a monitor that will allow you to be in another area of your home and still pick up the sounds your baby makes.
You don't want to pick three long names.
Pick a name that reflects the heritage you want to pass on.
Pick one that is soft and will grow with baby.
Because premature babies will outgrow their clothing pretty quickly, you can pick up dresses, gowns, pajamas, tops, bottoms, and other accessories at a fraction of the cost of purchasing new items.
You, in turn, never pick up the phone for fear of imposing on their own busy schedules.
With less developed immune systems infants can pick up bugs; however, in most cases they also recover from them easily.
Some of these sites may allow you to pick and choose the items you want placed into the basket.
If parents are stressed, the infant will pick up on this, and it is these problems that can indeed interfere with establishing a routine.
Don't let your child pick up on your frustration.
Instead, pick up a few solid colored blankets that compliment your mobile's color schemes, or follow a similar pattern that isn't too distracting from the rest of the room.
If you can, pick up both sizes and return the one you end up not wearing a week or two before the big family event.
Still others pick up on infant massage when their babies are a bit older.
As she concentrates on using her "pincher fingers" to pick up food items, she becomes more adroit at using her fingers.
Instead, keep it simple and pick up some modest prizes such as scented lotions or candles that match the shower colors and won't cost a fortune.
Sit down and pick out the décor, party favors, food, beverages, and games so that your invitations will be a good match.
While your pediatrician will certainly examine your child at each well-child visit, you may pick up on developmental delays before he does.
Pick a quiet time to sit and reflect on the tender moments you shared with your precious baby, then write a letter to him or her sharing memories and relating your feelings of love and sorrow.
You simply pick up the diaper, place it underneath the bottom of your baby, then draw the front up and attach the two sides of the diaper.
The latest models of this type of monitoring system are quite advanced; they can pick up even the smallest sounds from your baby and his or her environment.
Levana's monitor system uses digital data transfer, which means that you will never pick up interference from a phone or other device, and your baby's sounds and video cannot be intercepted by someone else.
To add depth to the design, pick up lighter and darker shades of both colors to use in more sparing amounts such as throw pillows and rugs, blankets, lampshades and shelves.
Before you buy an SUV you should decide on your budget and then pick either a new or used SUV.
These experts help you pick the best dress for your taste and budget.
You can often choose to have the tickets mailed to you or just pick them up at the venue.
Tired of going to the supermarket or your local coffee shop on foot or by car to pick up your java?
Pick through each pearl on the strand to check its luster.
There are many choices on the market today; use these tips to help you pick out the perfect armchair for your home.
Finally, pick a fabric for your armchair.
You may pick a floral pattern, a plaid, a solid or any other kind of color scheme.
You may also pick a fine cotton fabric or something that can take a lot of wear-and-tear, such as brushed corduroy.
By using one or either of these rating systems, you can pick the best towel at the best price instead of relying on a manufacturer or brand name that may or may not deliver the results you want.
Pick tables with rounded corners if there are toddlers or elderly people in your home.
These tips will help you pick out a set of dinnerware that will make your table look great for years to come.
No matter how you eat fresh fruit, knowing how to pick the right fruit from the right place is the first step.
These tips will help you pick the right clothing for your daughter and for you.
Use the following tips to pick out just the right card for any occasion.
You can also pick a Blue Mountain greeting card that announces your personalized message when opened.
When you buy a greeting card, make sure you also pick the right envelope.
Pick the style and material that appeals to you and that matches the current décor of the room where the lamp will sit.
These tips will help you pick out the clothes dryer that's right for you and your home.
Here are some tips on how to pick out the right set.
Before you buy your kitchen knives, pick them up and see how they feel in your hand.
Take your pick of all types of kitchen knives at iKitchen.com.
These steps will help you pick out a set of bed sheets that works for you.
The fun moments in a remodeling project are when you pick out the objects that belong in a specific room.
Often, the material you pick for a bathroom faucet is determined by the color you want.
Pick the style that best fits your aesthetic and that fits into the bathroom of your dreams.
If having a bathroom sink that you can fill with water is important to you, make sure you pick a bathroom faucet that allows you to control the drainage of water from the sink.
These steps will help you pick out a great set of bookcases.
Use these tips to help you pick out the best set for your lifestyle.
These tips will help you pick out the right diapers for your child.
It's important to pick the right size for your cooking needs.
Ticking is the mattress covering, and it is best to pick a cotton-polyester blend.
This will help you pick one that matches your remodeling design.
Finally, pick clothes for your toddler that speak to your sense of style.
Here are a few tips to help you pick out the perfect toaster.
You can pick out a toaster online and have it on your kitchen counter within a day or two.
Cats usually pick at their food throughout the day, so you shouldn't be worried about them going hungry when you leave for work.
There's a lot to know about selecting the right insurance plan; the tips below can help you pick the right policy.
These tips will help you pick out a Mac that's right for you.
Yet in the vast majority of cases, early ticket buyers will pick up the best deals.
Do not assume that the first lamp you pick in the store will work for you.
Make sure to pick the pjs that are best for your personal style and comfort.
Today there are shredding services that will pick up at homes like Ship 'n' Shred and Express Destruction.
You can pick up basic cotton panties, or you can invest in satin, lace or high-performance fabrics.
Women who are very active, for example, may want to pick up panties made of moisture-wicking fabrics..
Now that you have a price and a design in mind, it's time to pick out a handbag that suits your style.
You can pick one from an off-the-rack line, or you can buy inexpensive replicas of very expensive designer handbags.
Make sure the service you pick has this option.
That's why it's so important to pick cosmetics that work with our complexions and leave our skin looking and feeling healthy.
To begin, pick a foundation that is appropriate for your skin type.
If so, you should pick a lighter blush if you have lighter skin and a darker blush if you have darker skin.
Next, pick out some different shades of lipstick.
It's always best to have a professional, or even a friend, help you pick out your cosmetics.
Total the order and select a delivery or pick up option.
Seeing as how the product you're looking at is used, it will be easy to inspect each used album you pick up.
Keep this in mind while shopping, for many people are surprised when they pick up a used record album that costs over $50.
Pick up the different poles you've selected and see how the handles feel.
You should also inform the salesperson about your skill level as a player (this will aid him/her in helping you pick out a racquet), and inquire about upcoming or ongoing sales at the store you're in.
Tulips look great in the yard, but don't forget to pick a few to enjoy inside the house.
Use shears to pick the flowers and try to pick them in the cooler part of the day; it's less stressful to the plant.
They tend to shed some branches, so if cleanup is not something you want to work with, pick another tree.
When choosing houseplants, pick plants that look healthy and are not incredibly root bound (where the roots have grown in circles around the pot).
Using these Web sites, you can buy all your books online and pick them up at the brick-and mortar-bookstores or pay extra for delivery to your door.
You can look in your local newspaper, drive around the neighborhoods that you like to find for sale by owner signs or pick up For Sale By Owner periodicals at your local grocery store.
You can smell things, ask questions and pick out just the best herbs and spices.
If you really love spicy food, buy a Cajun seasoning, or just look up and down the spice aisle (or the spice store) and pick out things that look and smell good to you.
You merely pick the design and logo that most closely represents your business and the company does the rest.
Most of the time you can pick up your car within a day or two.
Seafood specialties line the menu and you can pick your own lobster or crab right out of the tank.
Pick up some food to go, and create your own picnic on or off the trail.
In the earliest the conductor was represented by long metal wires, supported by silk or other insulating material, and left to pick up the air's potential.
Various species among those that are predaceous attack smaller insects, hunt in packs crustaceans larger than themselves, insert their narrow heads into snail-shells to pick out and devour the occupants, or pursue slugs and earthworms underground.
The water cranes or towers which are placed at intervals along the railway to supply the engines with water require similar care in regard to the quality of the water laid on to them, as also to the water troughs, or track tanks as they are called in America, by which engines are able to pick up water without stopping.
They pick up superficial acquirements with astonishing ease, but seem to be incapable of mastering any subject.
We are trying to pick out those articles ath are really great and exemplary in the 1911.
This agent has been applied in various ways, in machines which either imitate the action of the collier by cutting with a pick or make a groove by rotating cutters attached to an endless chain or a revolving disk or wheel.
The most successful of the first class, or pick machines, that of William Firth of Sheffield, consists essentially of a horizontal pick with two cutting arms placed one slightly in advance of the other, which is swung backwards and forwards by a pair of bell crank levers actuated by a horizontal cylinder engine mounted on a railway truck.
Pick machines have also been introduced by Jones and Levick, Bidder, and other inventors, but their use is now mostly abandoned in favour of those working continuously.
But it would be cruel to pick holes in a writer whose thinking, like that of St Paul, is coloured by emotion.
Before leaving, he led his troops to the coast opposite Britain, and ordered them to pick up shells on the seashore, to be dedicated to the gods at Rome as the spoils of ocean.
The pick of the feudal chivalry composed their ranks; with all Europe to draw upon, their resources seemed inexhaustible, and centuries of political experience made them as formidable in diplomacy as they were valiant in warfare.
Stephen Bathory presently converted the pick of them into six registered regiments of 1000 each for the defence of the border.
A great number after the restoration that an attempt should be made to pick up again the threads that were dropped; but soon they came to realize the truth
This the elders of the tribe pick up or pretend to find, and carefully store up in a cleft of the hills or in a cave which no woman may approach.
At the annual festival of Apollo a criminal was obliged to plunge from the summit into the sea, where, however, an effort was made to pick him up; and it was by the same heroic leap that Sappho and Artemisia, daughter of Lygdamis, are said to have ended their lives.
The so-called caracul lambs, size 12 X6 in., are the very young of the astrachan sheep, and the pick of them are almost as effective as broadtails, although less fine in the texture.
With, however, the exception of the pick of the Lobos Island seals the fur of the southern sea seals is very poor and only suitable for the cheapest market.
But in the meantime in 1733 the English and Dutch stirred up the Mahommedan general at Hugh to pick a quarrel.
Frederick William, however, whose instincts were far from democratic, refused to pick up a crown out of the gutter; and the deputation which waited upon him was dismissed with the answer that he could not assume the imperial title without the full sanction of the princes and the free cities.
Although British influence was powerful and the British consul for the Oil Rivers during this period exercised considerable authority over the native chiefs, requests made by them - in particular by the Dualla chiefs in 1882 - for annexation by Great Britain, were refused or neglected, with the result that when Germany started on her quest to pick up unappropriated parts of the African coast she was enabled to secure Cameroon.
A kind of plover, Pluvianus aegyptius, often sits upon basking crocodiles, and, since the latter often rest with gaping mouth, it is possible that these agile birds do pick the reptiles' teeth in search of parasites.
For removing rock in reducing a surface to a level, or in quarrying, cuts were made with a pick, forming straight trenches, and the blocks were then broken out between these.
Stanley went back in May to pick up his belated rearguard,leaving Mounteney Jephson and a small escort to accompany Emin round his province.
This in effect is to say that not magnitude but something else has to be sought for if we are to pick out amongst observed variations those which may be the material for the differentiation of species.
He must eat only the morsels he gets by begging; must dress in such rags as he can pick up; must sleep under trees.
As the type bed travels, larger composition rollers, called inkers, placed near the cylinder, adjusted to the requisite pressure on the type, pick up the necessary amount of ink for each impression and convey it to the type as it passes under them.
He became secretary to Vice-Admiral Cornelis Kruse, who had a standing commission from Peter the Great to pick up promising young men, and in 1767 entered the tsar's service.
Some years of desultory fighting, in which Thebes established its control over all Boeotia, culminated in 371 in a remarkable victory over the pick of the Spartans at Leuctra.
As for the reasoning powers in animals, the accounts of monkeys learning by experience to break eggs carefully, and pick off bits of shell, so as not to lose the contents, or of the way in which rats or martens after a while can no longer be caught by the same kind of trap, with innumerable similar facts, show in the plainest way that the reason of animals goes so far as to form by new experience a new hypothesis of cause and effect which will henceforth guide their actions.
The minuteness of his narrative detracts from its interest; though his arrangement is generally good, here and there the reader finds the thread of a subject broken by the intrusion of incidents not immediately connected with it, and does not pick it up again without an effort.
An objection to this form of block is the great length of the endless chain, which may drag on the ground and pick up dirt and grit, and thereby interfere with the smooth working of the mechanism.
The demand was absurd and exorbitant and was refused, though the French government offered him the hand of their kings daughter Catherine with a dowry of 800,000 crowns and the districts of Quercy and Prigordsufficiently handsome terms. When he began to collect a fleet and an army, they added to the offer the Limousin and other regions; but Henry was determined to pick his quarrel, and declared war in an impudent and hypocritical manifesto, in which he declared that he was driven into strife against his will.
The Swedish fleet was too weak for that; it would be safer to take and fortify the pick of them.
Betsy looked contrite, but still pissed while Martha walked over to pick up still sleeping Claire and turned away.
Julie then hovered over Molly, instructing her daughter to mind everything we said, pick up after herself, and do everything necessary to be a perfect little house guest.
That and the damned electric bike; checking that shit is real pick and shovel work but I'm sure it was purchased in California.
In the slight glow of a now-rising moon painted the room in enough light to pick out figures racing to the front door.
Maybe he's going to pick up the Mass Turnpike.
Much as Dean attempted to pick things up, the group failed to exhibit its usual liveliness.
I saw you pick up the old gentleman— the juror.
All that was required on Dean's part was to remain standing upright and pick his path around obstacles while his position was monitored by blinding lights from below and above.
He decided to pick Cynthia's fertile brain.
Did he pick up everything—all the items Jake Weller brought by and the luggage we were holding—and the climbing gear?
I helped Jackson pick out some suits a while back… how did they fit?
We'd be easier to pick off by the demons! This isn't up for debate right now. Just because Rhyn isn't here to beat you all into submission doesn't mean the Council can break up.
I'll just pick up around here, spruce it up like the preacher's coming to call.
No one can follow the car and beat the pick up to the spot— it happens too quickly.
The weather's shitty so you'd better stop by your place and pick up some clothes in case you get stuck and can't fly back tonight.
The thought of killing vamps made his adrenaline pick up and his magic wriggle free from the tight grip he had on it.
Vamps would be able to pick them off as easily as they did humans.
Find, but do not pick up, lots of shotgun ammunition.
Those can be ones which are unpredictable and no methods at present will pick them up 100 %, e.g. anaphylaxis.
However, when people pick up herbal antidepressants, they need to know that these preparations are safe and effective.
The studio audience then votes on the best two to pick a winner.
I think most of us managed to get to the bakery to pick up some freshly baked baguettes for breakfast or for lunches.
You can pick up some real bargains - I sometimes even buy copies of my own books there!
The pick of the soloists on the day was Jeff Lewis, the Band's solo baritone player.
Lastly, an anonymous benefactor donated a bottle of wine over the weekend with which to toast Ernie Pick.
It was suggested a £ 400,000 deal could see the bluebirds pick up both players.
Alternatively, pick Ethos if you need to tackle mixed brome and black-grass populations, and want to get in early.
Pull over to the side of the road to pick up tightly wrapped bundles of tender asparagus or punnets of sweet juicy strawberries.
Both pick up the book at the same time, and see who slams it down first with an evil cackle.
Pick early in the day, taking care not to bruise the delicate blooms.
I booked the hotel, arranged for a car to pick my wife up and ordered celebratory champagne.
I thought his beige chinos would be easier to pick out than jeans.
They laugh when we pick the legs and heads off the prawns, instead just chomping them down whole.
A win would also see the clarets pick up their third double of the season.
Most of them will be son clave, so pick those.
Irish Independent Volunteers wanted for beach cleanup Pick up a rubbish bag - your beach needs you.
When you pick up the cup there's a loud clink, and you dump out the coin.
The group of 16 Chinese men are believed to have been heading to Morecambe Bay to pick cockles.
Pick your own lemons and enjoy a cool refreshing cocktail on the upper terrace whilst watching the mountain red sunsets.
Congressional Medald Herbert/AP Why is Tony Blair still so reluctant to pick up his Congressional gold medal?
I would try and pick which one to battle with depending on my opponents conker.
Which TV quiz show asks contestants to pick a former pop star out of an identity parade?
You can pick from either Boots own brand cosmetics or from top brands such as Nivea.
Worse, the physical theory of relativistic cosmology is unable to pick between the two cases.
There is a list of winners in the porch - please pick up prizes from the Sacristy or Rectory and present counterfoils.
The inductive coupler is used with the hearing aid switched to the ' T ' position to pick up the sound.
The warehouse provides 23 tote stacker cranes for the efficient supply of 23 pick workstations that are located on two levels.
Ian Harte swung over a super diagonal cross from the left to pick out Bowyer in the Barca box.
This way you can take some whole branches in to the kitchen and pick the currants at your leisure and with ease.
It includes the specific diseases of Pick's disease and frontal lobe degeneration among others.
You could pick a nice sit down kinda place, or find a basic deli of somesort.
The Rheinberg image lacks subtlety and is harder to pick up finer detail whilst the crossed-polar image appears rather dense.
You can become very disconnected if you never pick up the kids.
Pick the one NBA draft loaded ranger is asked for choices in.
Get the help of someone who has won a number of premium prizes to pick a good set of steady drones.
Still, you're allowed to pick up dropped weapons, and there are a good few ammo dumps scattered around.
It includes an example dungeon in which you have to fight all kinds of dragons, vampires and elementals and pick up potions.
I have vein grafts duplex scanned every 3 months for the first year to pick up treatable problems.
Simon Hadlington assesses the future of the hydrogen economy and we profile the pick of what's already out there.
For our 7th issue, Black Poppy wanted to pick his brains about his experience of having endocarditis.
See how falconers pick up birds, tie the falconers knot and fly birds to the fist.
I love your books and I would say that I really can't pick a favorite out of your books.
A chastened America is unlikely to pick a fight on that right now.
The Museum also possesses a flint miner's pick used for extracting flint nodules.
In the opening hand Nick attempted to pick up the blinds with a 40p bet pre flop.
During the season you can pick your own soft fruit or the asparagus for which the farm has become famous.
We breathe the fumes, pick up the rubbish.
People are more violently opposed to fur than leather because it's safer to pick on rich women than biker gangs.
You can also pick up a gruesome gargoyle or some fiendish Hallowe'en outfits.
Choose only low-fat options and pile your plate up with lots of the salad garnish to pick at.
It also makes it more difficult to make other challenges because it looks as if you are ignoring them to pick on weaker gremlins!
Asian grocers are good places to pick up unusual varieties.
Mental health services participation texas health insurance agent ratesaaron h pick a primary.
We eventually ran out of time and ascended the hill to pick up Marilynn and Homer.
The pick of the products for me tho are the new Apache Speed rod holdalls.
Whilst Big Brother asks us to evict a housemate, The Weakest Link wants us to pick on the less able.
Exactly as they say their game miller produces icehouse to pick up.
But Pick deserves at least a footnote in the history of modern irrationalism.
See you for the diamond jubilee... Apr 20 Back to the parents, pick up a television.
Take your pick of the fishing gear, learn to paddle a kayak, or pore over the Captain's charts.
Hear the band and the songs that inspired a legion of kids to pick up a guitar and get down and dirty.