Physicians Sentence Examples
There were physicians who understood the use of herbs, and must be rewarded when their help was invited.
But the priests of Asclepius were not physicians.
These resources certainly include family, friends, others with Gaucher disease, physicians, and genetic counselors.
The influence of these great academies of the 17th century on the progress of zoology was precisely to effect that bringing together of the museum-men and the physicians or anatomists which was needed for further development.
That philosopher and several of his successors were physicians, but we do not know in what relation they stood to later medical schools.
It follows from what has been said that prognosis, or the art of foretelling the course and event of the disease, was a strong point with the Hippocratic physicians.
The reputation of Herophilus is attested by the fact that four considerable physicians wrote works about him and his writings, and he is further spoken of with the highest respect by Galen and Celsus.
When Greece was made a Roman province, the number of such physicians who sought their fortunes in Rome must have been very large.
He reversed the Hippocratic maxim "art is long," promising his scholars to teach them the whole of medicine in six months, and had inscribed upon his tomb iaTpovLKc, 7 r, as being superior to all living and bygone physicians.
The conflicts of the opposing schools, and the obvious deficiencies of each, led many physicians to try and combine the valuable parts of each system, and to call themselves eclectics.
AdvertisementAmong these were found many of the most eminent physicians of Graeco-Roman times.
It was not meant for the physicians, and was certainly little read by them, as Celsus is quoted by no medical writer, and when referred to by Pliny, is spoken of as an author not a physician.
He found the medical profession of his time split up into a number of sects, medical science confounded under a multitude of dogmatic systems, the social status and moral integrity of physicians degraded.
But the reputation of Galen grew slowly; he does not appear to have enjoyed any pre-eminence over other physicians of his time, to most of whom he was strongly opposed in opinion.
At the same time the Arabs became acquainted with Indian medicine, and Indian physicians lived at the court of Bagdad.
AdvertisementThe work by which he is chiefly known, the celebrated "canon," is an encyclopaedia of medical and surgical knowledge, founded upon Galen, Aristotle, the later Greek physicians, and the earlier Arabian writers, singularly complete and systematic, but is thought not to show the practical experience of its author.
In the 9th century Salernitan physicians were already spoken of, and the city was known as Civitas hippocratica.
Among the writers it may be sufficient to mention here Gariopontus; Copho, who wrote the Anatome porci, a well-known medieval book; Joannes Platearius, first of a family of physicians bearing the same name, whose Practica, or medical compendium, was afterwards several times printed; and Trotula, believed to be the wife of the last-named.
Of these two physicians the first probably, the latter certainly, was educated and practised abroad, but John Gaddesden (1280?-1361), the author of Rosa anglica seu Practica medicinae (between 1305 and 1317), was a graduate in medicine of Merton College, Oxford, and court physician.
The movement of reform started, of necessity, with scholars rather than practising physicians - more precisely with a group of learned men, whom we may be permitted, for the sake of a name, to call the medical humanists, equally enthusiastic in the cause of letters and of medicine.
AdvertisementSince a knowledge of Greek was still confined to a small body of scholars, and a still smaller proportion of physicians, the first task was to translate the Greek classics into Latin.
To this work several learned physicians, chiefly Italians, applied themselves with great ardour.
Symphorien Champier (Champerius or Campegius) of Lyons (1472-1539), a contemporary of Rabelais, and the patron of Servetus, wrote with fantastic enthusiasm on the superiority of the Greek to the Arabian physicians, and possibly did something to enlist in the same cause the two far greater men just mentioned.
It was probably most so, and earliest, in the schools of Italy and in those of England, where the London College of Physicians might be regarded as an offshoot of the Italian schools.
In the first place the 15th and 16th centuries were notable for the outbreak of certain epidemic diseases, which were unknown to the old physicians.
AdvertisementMany of the leading English physicians of the 18th century studied there; Gerard Van Swieten (1700-1772), a pupil of Boerhaave, transplanted the latter's method of teaching to Vienna, and founded the noted Vienna school of medicine.
In this he claimed to have made the most salutary reform because all physicians from Hippocrates had treated diseases by depletion and debilitating measures with the object of curing by elimination.
The roll of the College of Physicians does not furnish many distinguished names.
Starting from these men arose a school of physicians who endeavoured to give to the study of symptoms the same precision as belonged to anatomical observations, and by the combination of both methods made a new era in clinical medicine.
The combination of clinical and anatomical research led, as in the hands of the great French physicians, to important discoveries by English investigators.
Several of these physicians were also eminent for their clinical teaching - an art in which Englishmen had up till then been greatly deficient.
Although many names of scarcely less note might be mentioned among the London physicians of the early part of the century, we must pass them over to consider the progress of medicine in Scotland and Ireland.
Turning to Ireland, it should be said that the Dublin school in this period produced two physicians of the highest distinction.
In the other German schools, though some great names might be found, as Moritz Heinrich Romberg (1795-1873), the founder of the modern era in the study of nervous diseases, the general spirit was scholastic and the result barren till the teaching of one man, whom the modern German physicians generally regard as the regenerator of scientific medicine in their country, made itself felt.
Hippocrates had no opportunity of verification by necropsy, and Sydenham ignored pathology; yet the clinical features of many but recently described diseases, such, for example, as that named after Graves, and myxoedema, both associated with perversions of the thyroid gland, lay as open to the eye of physicians in the past as to our own.
Thus it was, partly because the habit of acceptance of authority, waning but far from extirpated, dictated to the clinical observer what he should see; partly because the eye of the clinical observer lacked that special training which the habit and influence of experimental verification alone can give, that physicians, even acute and practised physicians, failed to see many and many a symptomatic series which went through its evolutions conspicuously enough, and needed for its appreciation no unknown aids or methods of research, nor any further advances of pathology.
With the melting of the ice the more daring spirits dashed into the new current with such ardour that for them all traditions, all institutions, were thrown into hotchpot; even elderly and sober physicians took enough of the infection to liberate their minds, and, in the field of the several diseases and in that of post-mortem pathology, the hollowness of classification by superficial resemblance, the transitoriness of forms, and the flow of processes, broke upon the view.
Discovery in these various directions then led physicians to regard fever and inflammation not as separable entities, but as fluctuating symptomgroups, due to swervings of function from the normal balance under contingent forces.
Surgeons, physicians, oculists, laryngologists, gynaecologists, neurologists and the rest, all are working in allotments of the same field, and combining to a common harvest.
Those physicians who had occupied themselves in the study of the exacter sciences, or more closely or more exclusively of the wreckage of the post mortem room, were the strongest men of this school, whether in England or abroad.
Sufferers from mental disease are still regarded too much as troublesome persons to be hidden away in humane keeping, rather than as cases of manifold and obscure disease, to be studied and treated by the undivided attention of physicians of the highest skill.
That certain Fellows of the College of Physicians (especially in gynaecology) have personally taken operative procedures in hand is some good omen that in time the unreal and mischievous schism between medicine and surgery may be bridged over.
The university is governed by a senate consisting of a chancellor, chairman of convocation and 54 members, whose appointment is shared by the Crown, convocation, the Royal Colleges of Physicians and of Surgeons, the Inns of Court, the Law Society, the London County Council, City Corporation, City and Guilds Institute, University and King's Colleges and the faculties.
The Royal College of Physicians is in Pall Mall East, and the Royal College of Surgeons is in Lincoln's Inn Fields.
But Don Carlos insisted on sending his own physicians, and in their hands the general died on the 24th of June 1835 - not without suspicion of poison.
The care of the health of the working force should be entrusted to competent mine physicians, thoroughly familiar with the conditions under which the miners work, and with the special diseases to which they are subject.
His ancestors had been celebrated as physicians for several generations, and his son was afterwards held by the Arabians to be even more eminent in his profession than Avenzoar himself.
At Gunde-Shapur in this region " sugar was prepared with art " about the time of the Arab conquest, 3 and manufacture on a large scale was carried on at Shuster, Sus and Askar-Mokram throughout the middle ages.4 It has been plausibly conjectured that the art of sugar refining, which the farther East learned from the Arabs, was developed by the famous physicians of this region, in whose pharmacopoeia sugar had an important place.
Many of the Arabian philosophers were also physicians and wrote on medicine.
In the sierras they have the same general occupations, but there are no social bars to their advancement, and they become lawyers, physicians, priests, merchants, officials and capitalists.
In addition to persons of high rank, poets, legendary and others (Linus, Orpheus, Homer, Aeschylus and Sophocles), legislators and physicians (Lycurgus, Hippocrates), the patrons of various trades or handicrafts (artists, cooks, bakers, potters), the heads of philosophical schools (Plato, Democritus, Epicurus) received the honours of a cult.
It arose from the fact that as early as May 1887 the German physicians recognized the presence of cancer in the throat, but Sir Morell Mackenzie, the English specialist who was also consulted, disputed the correctness of this diagnosis, and advised that the operation for removal of the larynx, which they had recommended, should not be undertaken.
They sent competitors to the Olympic games (among them the famous Milo of Croton); and the physicians of Croton early in the 6th century (especially in the person of Democedes) were reputed the best in Greece; but politically they appear to have generally kept themselves separate.
The most renowned poets were at the same time men of culture and science, critics, archaeologists, astronomers or physicians.
He lived, on the invitation of Dr Whistler, for a short time in 1682 at the College of Physicians, but died on the 12th of December 1685 at the house of Mr Cothorne, reader of the church of St Giles-in-the Fields.
The introduction of the drug into medicine is supposed to have been due to the Arabian physicians in the middle ages.
Other institutions are Concordia College (1881, Lutheran), a state normal school (1880), the Wisconsin College of physicians and surgeons (1893), the national German-American teachers' seminary (normal), Milwaukee academy (1864), Milwaukee University school, Milwaukee school of engineering (1904), Milwaukee Turnverein school of physical culture, one of the largest schools of the sort in the United States, St John's Catholic institute, Our Lady of Mercy academy (Roman Catholic), Wisconsin academy of music, the Wisconsin school of art (art students' league), a Catholic normal school, St Rose's manual training school, the industrial chemical institute (the only technical school for brewers in the United States) and several business and commercial schools.
Previously a certain amount of regular instruction had no doubt been given here and there by individual physicians and surgeons; lectures to nurses were delivered in the New York Hospital as early as 1790.
In this year he visited Edinburgh, and on the recommendation of certain Edinburgh physicians was made an M.D.
In all, Stobaeus quotes more than five hundred writers, generally beginning with the poets, and then proceeding to the historians, orators, philosophers and physicians.
He came of an intellectual stock, his grandfather and father having both been physicians of eminence and professors of one or other of the branches of medical science; his mother too belonged to a family not undistinguished in intellectual power.
Educational foundations include the Royal College of Physicians, of Surgeons and of Science; the Royal Irish Academy, with an unequalled collection of national antiquities, including manuscripts and a library; and the Royal Hibernian Academy of painting, sculpture and architecture.
Physicians seem to have been maintained in many towns at the public expense.
The "residence of the physicians" (S) stands contiguous to the infirmary, and the physic garden (T) at the north-east corner of the monastery.
Medieval physicians in the East conceived the happy idea that the highest virtue would exist in that which had been already employed by the Egyptian priests in preserving the human body.
He returned to England in the same year; but in 1571 he was in Lorraine, whither two physicians were sent by the queen to his relief in a dangerous illness.
In 1578 Dee was sent abroad to consult with German physicians and astrologers in regard to the illness of the queen.
In medicine, the term is applied to a school of physicians who, in the time of Celsus and Galen, advocated accurate observation of the phenomena of health and disease in the belief that only by the collection of a vast mass of instances would a true science of medicine be attained.
Lightfoot explains the name as meaning " the silent ones," others as meaning " physicians."
For the education of medical practitioners, civil and military, the more important institutions are the National Obstetrical College at Amsterdam, the National Veterinary School at Utrecht, the National College for Military Physicians at Amsterdam and the establishment at Utrecht for the training of military apothecaries for the East and West Indies.
In so doing he was one of the first physicians of modern times to profit by a mode of study which is now reckoned indispensable.
The truth of Paracelsus's doctrines was apparently confirmed by his success in curing or mitigating diseases for which the regular physicians could do nothing.
His enemies watched for slips and failures; the physicians maintained that he had no degree, and insisted that he should give proof of his qualifications.
Moreover, he had a pharmaceutical system of his own which did not harmonize with the commercial arrangements of the apothecaries, and he not only did not use up their drugs like the Galenists, but, in the exercise of his functions as town physician, he urged the authorities to keep a sharp eye on the purity of their wares, upon their knowledge of their art, and upon their transactions with their friends the physicians.
Others maintain that he was thrown down a steep place by some emissaries either of the physicians or of the apothecaries, both of whom he had during his life most grievously harassed.
The aim of all Paracelsus's writing is to promote the progress of medicine, and he endeavours to put before physicians a grand ideal of their profession.
Several of his sons were distinguished as theologians or physicians.
His state was, it seems, mistaken by his physicians, so much so that the offices of the Church were long put off.
In 1687 he became fellow of the College of Physicians, and proceeded to Jamaica the same year as physician in the suite of the duke of Albemarle.
In 1716 Sloane was created a baronet, being the first medical practitioner to receive an hereditary title, and in 1719 he became president of the College of Physicians, holding the office sixteen years.
Mrs Johnson had been given over by the physicians.
The ablest physicians and surgeons attended him, and refused to accept fees from him.
A non-partisan board composed of citizens who must not be physicians has general control of the city's hospitals and health department.
Aristotle in the East no less than in the West was the " master of them that know "; and Moslem physicians to this day invoke the names of Hippocrates and Galen.
The dictionary of physicians, compiled in ttie 7th century, enumerates nearly sixty men of science who resided in Egypt; the best-known among them are Said b.
The events of 1814 put an end to this, and Mitscherlich resolved to study medicine in order that he might enjoy that freedom of travel usually allowed in the East to physicians.
He delivered the Harveian oration before the Royal College of Physicians in 1834.
It was Ibn-Tufail (Abubacer), the philosophic vizier of Yusef, who introduced Averroes to that prince, and Avenzoar (Ibn-Zuhr), the greatest of Moslem physicians, was his friend.
Such advanced education as exists in Afghanistan is centred in the priests and physicians; but the ignorance of both is extreme.
Though some of those who resorted to the gymnasts, physicians and musicians derived from them such substitute for " higher education " as was before 447 generally obtainable, it was only incidentally that professional men and artists communicated anything which could be called by that name.
A swarm of astrologers and physicians preyed upon his fears - and his purse.
Among his symbols was a serpent coiled round a staff, and physicians were for long wont to place this at the head of their prescriptions.
Whatever the precise date of these physicians may have been, this passage shows the antiquity of the plague in northern Africa., which for centuries was considered as its home.
Some of the epidemics of this period in Italy and Germany are known by the accounts of eminent physicians, as Vochs, Fracastor, Mercurialis, Borgarucci, Ingrassia, Massaria, Amici, &c., (3) whose writings are important because the question of contagion first began to be raised, and also plague had to be distinguished from typhus fever, which began in this century to appear in Europe.
The works of English physicians of this period are of little medical value; but Lodge's Treatise of the Plague (London, 1603) deserves mention.
The college of physicians, by royal command, put forth such advice and prescriptions as were thought best for the emergency.
In 1831 another epidemic occurred in Constantinople and Roumelia; in 1837 again in Roumelia and in Odessa - its last appearance in these regions, and the last on the European continent except an isolated outbreak in Dalmatia in 1840, and one in Constantinople in 1841.4 The plague-epidemics in Egypt between 1833 and 1845 are very important in the history of plague, since the disease was almost for the first time scientifically studied in its home by skilled European physicians, chiefly French.
In Homer the word has a wide application, including not only hand-workers but even heralds and physicians.
They are an industrious honest folk, chiefly engaged in trade and as physicians, scribes, and so on.
He died as simply as he had lived; his last words were only business directions, affectionate remembrances to relatives, and repeated apologies to the physicians and attendants.
Physicians and physiologists have frequently discussed celibacy from their professional point of view; but it will be sufficient to note here the results of statistical inquiries.
In the summer of 1853 he was advised by his physicians to try the effect of his native air, and he accordingly set out for the eastern Pyrenees.
This writer undertook the task of interpreting to the Latin world some of the best work of Arabic physicians, and his translation of Avicenna is said to have been made by order of the emperor Frederic II.
This theory was attacked by Dr Charleton (1725), one of the physicians of Charles II., who maintained that it was erected by the Danes, and consequently after the departure of the Romans from Britain.
He was admitted to the College of Physicians probably about 1576, and from 1581 to 1590 was one of the censors.
After this time he seems to have removed to the court, vacating his residence, Wingfield House, which was on Peter's Hill, between Upper Thames Street and Little Knightrider Street, and close to the house of the College of Physicians.
To the College of Physicians he left his books, globes, instruments and minerals, but they were destroyed in the great fire of London.
A curious treatise, which grew in part out of this dispute and out of a previous duel with physicians, was the book Upon his own Ignorance and that of many others.
With this double ideal in view, Petrarch poured scorn upon the French physicians and the Italian Averroists for their illiberal philistinism, no less than for their materialistic impiety.
London University, the Royal Colleges of Physicians and Surgeons, and many other examining bodies refused to admit her to their examinations; but in the end the Society of Apothecaries, London, allowed her to enter for the License of Apothecaries' Hall, which she obtained in 1865.
The same year she was elected to the first London School Board, at the head of the poll for Marylebone, and was also made one of the visiting physicians of the East London hospital for children; but the duties of these two positions she found to be incompatible with her principal work, and she soon resigned them.
He took his medical degree in the Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons in Glasgow in November 1840.
Warriors, statesmen, Brehons, 011amhs, physicians, poets, and even eminent workers in the more important arts, were, in different degrees, rewarded with free lands for their respective public services.
Here you find articles in the encyclopedia about doctors and physicians.
They are physicians, protectors of the weak and old, especially of elderly unmarried women.
His extraordinary general erudition, and the skill and success with which he sought to revive the study of the old Greek physicians, gained him a great reputation, and ultimately the office of physician to the court.
In Minneapolis are the Minneapolis College of Physicians and Surgeons (1883), the medical school of Hamline University; Augsburg Seminary (Norwegian Lutheran, 1869), the United Church Seminary (1890), the Minnesota College (Swedish, 1905), the Minneapolis Normal School for Kindergartners, the Froebellian Kindergarten Normal School, Graham Hall and Stanley Hall, the Minneapolis School of Music, Oratory and Dramatic Art, and the Northwestern Conservatory of Music. Between Minneapolis and St Paul are the main buildings of Hamline University (Methodist Episcopal, co-educational, 1854).
Gaining by means of their professional skill as physicians a high rank in the society of the Moslem world, the Nestorian scholars soon made Bagdad familiar with the knowledge of Greek philosophy and science which they possessed.
He was descended from a family of physicians, whose original name was Schweitzer (latinized as Helvetius).
The main hospital in Jassy is a large building, and possesses a maternity institution, a midwifery school, a chemical institute, an inoculating establishment, &c. A society of physicians and naturalists has existed in Jassy since the early part of the 9th century, and a number of periodicals are published.
Perhaps because he is also a practicing anesthesiologist, he knows how to communicate with physicians and other healthcare professionals.
Patients should always address specific medical concerns with their physicians.
Not only continual work, but also executive conversations with the comrades were again forbidden by his physicians.
Beside warriors, they had druids, physicians and musicians among their number.
Total cost of physicians out of business report contains forward-looking.
Children with these conditions will require more services from physicians, more prescription drugs and more hospitalizations.
In June 1822 he was admitted a licentiate of the Royal College of Physicians.
Clark [46] called for reclassification of cannabis in the USA to allow physicians to prescribe marijuana for MS.
Bonham had been fined for practicing medicine without a license from the Royal College of Physicians.
The physicians were therefore led to regard war neurotics in a similar light to the nervous subjects of peace-time.
Secular physicians had to obtain permission either to visit the sick or to take meals with them.
Contributions have been provided by academics, practicing physicians, health care managers, and allied professionals.
Two eminent physicians had consulted over his case without being able to give a name to the affection from which he suffered.
Rules covering health plans mentally ill population would have removed to non-network physicians.
Why do we have far fewer occupational physicians than our European neighbors?
Having American Community Mutual Insurance Company a dilated of emergency physicians a quot frozen.
Standards of practice are set out for physicians in all specialties in Good Medical Practice for physicians in all specialties in Good Medical Practice for Physicians.
This remained the prerogative of physicians, an elite group who rarely went to sea.
Training for radionuclide radiology is based on a curriculum, which is identical with the imaging aspects of nuclear medicine physicians ' training.
Physicians for Human rights USA The aim of physicians for human rights is to promote health by protecting human rights.
Thirty-three physicians prescribing thyroxine were randomized (open-label) by a computer to one of two formulary systems.
But the Canon of Avicenna is distinguished from the Al-Hawi (Continens) or Summary of Rhazes by its greater method, due perhaps to the logical studies of the former, and entitling him to his surname of Prince of the Physicians.
At the same time it was enacted that no grocer should keep an apothecary's shop, and that no surgeon should sell medicines, and that the physicians should have the power to search the shops of the apothecaries within 7 m.
The record of the cure was inscribed on the columns or walls of the temple; and it has been thought that in this way was introduced the custom of "recording cases," and that the physicians of the Hippocratic school thus learnt to accumulate clinical experience.
Besides Themison, its systematic founder, the school boasted many physicians eminent in their day, among whom Thessalus of Tralles, a halfeducated and boastful pretender, was one of the most popular.
The writings of Galen contain less of simple objective observations than those of several other ancient physicians, all being swept into the current of dogmatic exposition.
The work De simplicibus, which bears his name, was for centuries a standard authority on what would now be called materia medica, was printed in twenty-six editions in the 15th century and later, and was used in the formation of the first London pharmacopoeia, issued by the College of Physicians in the reign of James I.
But it should be remembered that all the chemical physicians did not call Paracelsus master.
William Heberden (1710-1801), a London physician, called by Samuel Johnson ultimus Romanorum, " the last of our learned physicians," left a rich legacy of practical observations in the Commentaries published after his death.
Yet, although, as Andral and other French physicians proved, it was extravagant to say that all fevers take their origin from some local inflammation, it was true and most useful to insist, as Broussais vehemently insisted, that "fever" is no substance, but a generalization drawn from symptoms common to many and various diseases springing from many various and often local causes; from causes agreeing perhaps only in the factor of elevation of the temperature of the body.
The result is that, both in physicians and in the public, a more hopeful attitude in respect of the cure of phthisis has led to a more earnest grappling with the infection in its earliest stages and in every phase, with a correspondingly large improvement in prevention and treatment.
The law permits druggists to keep for sale no other form of alcoholic drink than pure alcohol; physicians prescribing alcohol must fill out a blank, specifying the patient's ailment, and certifying that alcohol is necessary; the prescription must be filled the day it is dated, must be served directly to the physician or to the patient, must not call for more than a pint, and may not be refilled.'
The growing jealousy and enmity culminated in a dispute with Canon Cornelius von Lichtenfels, who, having called in Paracelsus after other physicians had given up his case, refused to pay the fee he had promised in the event of cure; and, as the judges, to their discredit, sided with the canon, Paracelsus had no alternative but to tell them his opinion of the whole case and of their notions of justice.
On the other hand, it is urged that, though Guyon and Du Verdier were in a sense contemporaries, they wrote long after the events, and that the testimony of the former is vitiated, not merely by its extreme vagueness, but by the fact .that it occurs in a plaidoyer, tending to exculpate physicians from the charge of unorthodoxy; that Du Verdier in another place assigns the Pantagrueline Prognostication to this same unknown student of Valence, and had therefore probably confused and hearsay notions on the subject; that the rasher and fiercer tone, as well as the apparent repetitions, are sufficiently accounted for on the supposition that Rabelais never finally revised the book, which indeed dates show that he could not have done, as the fourth was not finally settled till just before his death; and that it is perfectly probable, and indeed almost certain, that it was prepared from his papers by another hand, which is responsible for the anachronous allusions above referred to.
Besides becoming a; and afterwards senior censor, of the Royal College of Physicians, and a fellow of the Royal Society, he held the post of secretary to the Royal Institution for many years.
Physicians for Human Rights USA The aim of physicians for human rights is to promote health by protecting human rights.
Physicians specializing in the care of children still say that breast milk offers the best primary nutritional source for at least the first year of a baby's life.
The sensor is connected to a monitor that tests the oxygen levels in the body, allowing physicians to see how well the lungs are working.
Physicians monitor the baby's breathing and heart rates.
In fact, physicians also have a list of standards that they look for during check-ups.
When tracking the physical development of infants, there are several areas that parents and physicians should monitor.
This comparison allows physicians to see if a baby's development slows radically or otherwise veers away from what is considered normal for that particular child.
Physicians are often interested in these milestones as a matter of medical record, while parents are happy to see their babies doing new things all the time, such as smiling, crawling and babbling.
The following are some of the most common infant developmental milestones for which physicians and parents will be on the lookout.
Answering the call of childless couples everywhere became a compelling and rewarding career field for scientists and physicians.
Breastfeeding may also aid your infant's fight against SIDS, and some physicians suggest that a healthy diet during pregnancy could possibly be a preventative factor.
There is much researchers and physicians don't know about why some children die, but there have also been great breakthroughs on the topic of SIDS.
Physicians become concerned if an infant's head grows either too fast or slow when compared with the growth chart.
Some physicians add oral medications, in addition to topical treatments, because of the potential connection with the gastrointestinal tract.
Also learn about how easy it is to make an appointment (some physicians will be able to see you the next day or even on the day you call, others won't be able to see you sometimes for an entire month!).
The ingredients are easy to obtain and do not require a physicians prescription.
If you would like to locate a naturopath near you, visit the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians and use their Locator tool.
Then you will be required to pass an exam from the Naturopathic Physicians Licensing Examination Board (NPLEX).
For thousands of years, physicians and healers treated ailments with herbal tinctures.
The U.K.'s popular Daily Telegraph reported the history of flower essences and included many anecdotal comments from physicians as well as dentists who use Bach Flower Essences.
In the late 1960s, people began to be disillusioned with the expense and lack of a personal touch by allopathic (the practice of conventional medicine) physicians.
Some herbalists, naturopaths, and conventional physicians have prescribed black salve to treat skin lesions.
Many of these remedies have been in use for thousands of years, and only the most highly trained physicians are considered capable of fully understanding their use.
Physicians prescribed herbal antidepressants to treat mood disorders for thousands of years before the introduction of modern pharmaceuticals.
This resulted in fewer homeopathic physicians being trained.
According to the medical journal published by the American Academy of Family Physicians, many studies have been conducted but there is not a consensus on why echinacea works.
Chinese medical doctors as well as Ayurvedic physicians are also well versed in plant-based remedies as well as alternative treatments found within their particular school of medicine, such as acupuncture in Chinese medicine.
A great product for skin professionals to sell, it is growing in popularity for aestheticians, makeup artists and physicians.
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While it may be depressing to some who need to lose weight quickly, physicians recommend losing weight at the rate of 1-3 pounds per week.
It was well known among Greek and Roman physicians, and is recorded as being used in Mesopotamia in 2260 B.C.
Physicians are first in line for noticing a problem with prescription drug addiction.
Physicians agree that this type of treatment is not meant to be an end-all cure in itself.
Some physicians also have information on local resources to help you adjust to life without cigarettes.
Cough syrup makers and physicians began using and prescribing it regularly.
Some physicians recommend using medication to help detoxify the body, and make the withdrawal symptoms that are bound to occur less pleasant.
Other physicians recommend a drug detox and rehab treatment.
Some physicians will prescribe buprenorphine which is a different type of opioid.
According to the American Academy of Family Physicians, Clonazepam abuse is a serious problem and is more prevalent among patients seeking psychiatric help than it is among members of the general population.
Clonazepam can be addictive, and for this reason patients must be closely monitored by physicians to ensure the users do not wind up with the side effect of dependency on this drug.
In addition to a rich distance learning program, Lorain County Community College is the only community college in the state that can provide category one continuing education for physicians.
Most graduates work in office environments and do not directly interact with patients; some do not have much contact with physicians, either.
Nudist physicians lamented the soot-choked air of industrial cities and the lack of exposure to fresh air and sunlight of most working people.
Scientists and physicians saw nudism not as a return to Eden (although this trope certainly occurred in nudist writing), but as a path forward to a shining new modernity in which science, rather than superstition, would lead the way.
Some physicians allow diabetic patients to eat white tupelo honey due to its high levulose-low dextrose ratio.
Admiration from parents, physicians, and others who are evaluating mattresses.
For more information about homebound status, see, Myths About Home Care, by the American Academy of Home Care Physicians.
Typical sponsors of senior health fairs include local hospitals, physicians, and other health professionals.
The records are also available to their physicians and pharmacists making it easier for everyone to be aware of prescribed medications and health history.
The American Board of Sleep Medicine certifies the physicians that are employed by the facility.
Health Grades has a generous list of Otolaryngology doctors and physicians.
The hospital features a list of more than 600 physicians in the South Jersey area including the Delaware Valley region.
The physicians at the Snoring Center and Cooper University Hospital can be of assistance.
Most physicians recommend at least 30 days of wearing the mask and using the equipment every night to get used to it.
A sleep center will be able to give you an overnight sleep test, which is a key diagnostic tool for sleep physicians and technicians.
Pacific Sleep Center is dedicated to working with patients as well as their primary care physicians.
Sleep physicians are available at local hospitals for initial consultations.
The Sleep Disorders Center at Sentara Bayside Hospital provides access to highly skilled sleep physicians and sleep specialists as well as a four-room sleep center.
Virginia Beach sleep apnea patients have easy access to several diagnostic centers, sleep centers and many physicians, dentists and sleep specialists.
This visit is necessary because most sleep disorder specialists only accept referrals from other physicians, rather than from patients themselves.
This practice accepts referrals from other physicians, but patients cannot refer themselves to the practice.
The PPA site does note that usually patients are evaluated and placed on a treatment or medication regimen, and then returned to their primary care physicians for further follow-up.
This procedure is sometimes used by physicians after a UPPP fails to resolve OSA symptoms.
Another advises sticking with what the experts (the physicians) recommend and a third reminds that the snoring solution is simply a chinstrap.
Tampa sleep apnea patients have many choices of sleep physicians, sleep centers and sleep technicians.
All of these centers are staffed with experienced sleep physicians and have bedroom facilities in which you can sleep overnight while being monitored by a sleep technologist.
SomnoMedics Sleep Medicine Professionals provides patients and their physicians with both sleep testing and sleep disorder treatment.They have ten sleep lab locations throughout central Florida with labs in both North Tampa and South Tampa.
The physicians in this practice offer 25 years experience in this field.
Specialists in the field along with student physicians in training work with patients to diagnose and treat restless legs, snoring, sleep apnea and insomnia.
Several physicians with sleep medicine expertise are on staff and available for both adult and pediatric diagnosis.
Some physicians may also recommend that you make an appointment with a doctor who specializes in sleep problems.
The American Academy of Family Physicians states that valerian is a safe remedy for insomnia.
Patients looking for relief from sleep apnea or severe snoring can benefit from first seeing their primary care physicians.
Physicians will advise against beginning to drink wine just to benefit from resveratrol.
Physicians warn against drinking too much red wine, since the benefits can be counteracted when it is consumed in large amounts.
Skyscape Medical Resources offers access to medical information for nurses, nurse practitioners, physicians and physician assistants.
In this way, when trying to determine the best smartphone for physicians and other people in the medical field, several important questions need to be asked.
This delay is thought to occur because there is a lack of general awareness by physicians and families of cerebrovascular disorders in children.
Although not commonly used to diagnose heart murmurs, it may be used to help physicians evaluate certain congenital cardiovascular defects.
Gynecologist-oncologists and pediatric-oncologists, as their titles suggest, are physicians who treat women's and children's cancers.
Some nineteenth-century physicians feared a variety of consequences from thumb sucking, such as weak moral character, and earlier generations of parents were advised to break this habit forcibly.
It is critical that physicians provide education about how to recognize anaphylaxis and tell patients what to do if it occurs at home.
Physicians and medical personnel can assure parents that careful observation is involved in testing procedures and that allergens to which the child may have had severe reactions will be avoided.
Because of the complex nature of mitochondrial disorders, physicians take a multi-faceted approach to diagnosing such diseases.
The virus has still been identified in Africa and parts of Asia, so travelers to those areas may want to check with their physicians concerning booster vaccinations.
Physicians may administer tests to rule out conditions other than fever that could have caused the seizure, such as epilepsy, meningitis, or encephalitis.
For children with special medical needs, clinical care may need to be coordinated with current physicians and clinical staff at the new alternative school.
Croup accounts for about 15 percent of all respiratory tract infections in children seen by physicians.
Most physicians say the diseases that relate to minority health are best treated with nationally accepted standards of care.
Similarly, there is no reliable prenatal test, although some physicians have used ultrasound to try to determine the length of fetal limbs in at-risk pregnancies.
Some physicians criticize the DSM-IV criteria, arguing that they do not include the full range of behaviors and symptoms seen in Tourette syndrome.
For these reasons many physicians use their clinical judgment as well as the DSM-IV criteria as a guide to diagnosing Tourette syndrome.
In about 15 percent of cases, physicians find some degree of cancer spread (metastasis).
However, physicians may prescribe other SSRIs in younger patients in an off-label use of these drugs.
Physicians believe that an elevated body temperature has several effects.
Some physicians may recommend a variety of dietary measures to treat stomatitis.
Although most studies of Botox for hyperhidrosis included adult patients, some physicians use Botox to treat hyperhidrosis in children with some success.
Even though Botox has only been approved to treat axillary hyperhidrosis, physicians can legally use Botox "off-label" to treat other affected areas of the body.
In 2004, guidelines were proposed by expert physicians for treating primary hyperhidrosis.
There have been cases in which physicians have detected amniotic band constriction and performed minimally invasive surgery that freed constricting amniotic bands and preserved the affected limbs.
However, some parents and physicians believe that the child should be allowed to learn to play and perform tasks without a prosthesis, if possible.
The goal shared by both physicians and parents in treating childhood asthma and allergies is to minimize medication side effects while maximizing the chance for children to lead normal lives.
However, some physicians are concerned that the late 1990s and early 2000s trend toward decreasing elective c-section deliveries will result in more cases of brachial plexopathy among newborns.
Some physicians suggest that women whose previous children had shoulder dystocia should be offered an elective cesarean delivery.
Physicians and nurses observe the intensity of these behaviors and calculate a pain severity score ranging from 0 to 7.
These enable physicians to examine areas that were once accessible only through surgery.
Once physicians are satisfied that there is no infectious cause, they may recommend medications such as acetaminophen, NSAIDs, or corticosteroids to decrease inflammation and reduce constitutional symptoms.
If the fever is high enough for concern, physicians may prescribe a broad spectrum antibiotic as initial treatment rather than waiting for the results of all diagnostic tests.
But the cloning of the ATM gene responsible for A-T as of 2004 allows physicians or cancer genetics professionals to conduct genetic testing, analyzing patients' DNA to look for A-T mutations in the ATM gene.
High cholesterol is often diagnosed and treated by general practitioners or family practice physicians.
Most physicians want to know the results of a lipid panel before diagnosing high cholesterol and recommending treatment.
It allows physicians to treat patients who have normal or close to normal results from a lipid panel but abnormal particle size.
Much information is available from public health sources and family physicians about diet and exercise recommendations to help people of all ages reduce the risk of vascular disease and related illnesses, such as heart disease and stroke.
Listening to an older child or adult breathe usually enables pediatricians, family physicians, and pulmonary specialists to estimate where an airway obstruction is located.
If a cough lasts more than three weeks it is considered a chronic cough, and physicians try to determine a cause beyond an acute infection or irritant.
Physicians prefer not to suppress a productive cough, since it aids the body in clearing respiratory system of infective agents and irritants.
Parents whose children are using their antiasthmatic drugs correctly but feel their asthma is not under control should see consult their child's physicians.
Within a few years, x rays became a valued diagnostic tool of physicians world-wide.
Homeopathic physicians may prescribe such remedies as Arnica or Symphytum to enhance healing.
Diarrhea is also classified by physicians as acute, which lasts one to two weeks, and as chronic, which continues for longer than two or three weeks.
Between 10 and 14 weeks of pregnancy, physicians may use an ultrasound to look for a thickness at the nuchal translucency, a pocket of fluid in back of the embryo's neck, which may indicate a cardiac defect in 55 percent of cases.
Cardiac MRI, a scanning method that uses magnetic fields and radio waves to create three-dimensional images of the heart, can help physicians evaluate congenital cardiovascular defects, but is not always necessary.
Physicians also may use a chest x ray to look at the size, shape, and location of the heart and lungs.
The procedure is usually performed in an ambulatory surgical unit under general anesthesia, although some physicians do it in the office with sedation and local anesthesia, especially in older children.
Most primary care physicians prefer to refer children who need a myringotomy and tube placement to an otolaryngologist.
Traditional Chinese medicine recommended the opium poppy, known to Chinese physicians as ying su ke, for the treatment of asthma, severe diarrhea, and dysentery as well as chronic pain and insomnia.
Parents and physicians must weigh the benefits and risks of prescribing these medications for children on an individual basis.
Besides the use of throat cultures in diagnosis, the bacteria identified are used to determine antibiotic sensitivity, allowing physicians to select the most appropriate and effective antibiotic to treat a specific infection.
It is common for physicians to order culture and sensitivity tests at the same time.
Physicians may prescribe a broad spectrum antibiotic as initial treatment rather than waiting for culture results.
As a result, physicians who were being trained during that time period never learned how to manage a breech vaginal delivery.
Children with spina bifida require a multidisciplinary team of healthcare providers, including surgeons, physicians, and therapists.
Physicians were urged to inspect the clamps before use and ensure that their dimensions fit the infant's body parts.
Physicians can advise if this is necessary if the biter is another small child.
The American Academy of Family Physicians recommends gently washing the wound with soap and water and then applying pressure to the injured area with a clean towel to stop the bleeding.
Since these studies were published, U.S. primary care physicians have once again reminded parents of the importance of immunizing their children against mumps and other childhood diseases.
In order to confirm a diagnosis of enterobacterial infection, physicians usually rely on patient history, physical examination, and laboratory tests.
Primary care physicians can be consulted for weight management counseling to help children lose weight.
Physicians and employers should be consulted for recommendations.
Physicians may prescribe these drugs to treat eye infections, pneumonia, gonorrhea, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, urinary tract infections, certain bacteria that could be used in biological weapons, and other infections caused by bacteria.
Some researchers and physicians believe that SIDS involves a flaw in the mechanism that is responsible for resumption of breathing.
Many family care physicians recommend warm-water therapeutic baths as a way to relieve labor pains during childbirth without administering drugs.
If the child recovers before fainting, some physicians do not consider it to be a true breath holding spell.
However, because long QT syndrome is so serious, some physicians recommend that all children with breath holding spells have a baseline EKG.
Medicaid-A program jointly funded by state and federal governments that reimburses hospitals and physicians for the care of individuals who cannot pay for their own medical expenses.
Physicians may recommend immune system boosters to help prevent infection.
If a child fails to gain weight for three months in a row during the first year of life, physicians normally become concerned.
One group of Chinese physicians reported successfully treating patients diagnosed with TS with acupuncture.
In general, most physicians believe that IUGR is the consequence of a disease process within one or more of the three partitions that maintain and regulate fetal growth, i.e., the maternal compartment, the placenta, or the fetus.
Parents will need to work closely with a team of physicians during the treatment of their child.
Although no side effects have been linked to radiation exposure from CT imaging, the Food and Drug Administration has issued guidance to physicians regarding levels of radiation during pediatric CT examinations.
Physicians earlier labeled these injuries as accidental, but as more about child abuse became known, more cases of this syndrome were properly diagnosed.
Physicians may medically manage both internal and external injuries.
Physicians also complete a medical history and physical examination.
Commercial preparations of freeze-dried clotting factors have also made it possible for people to infuse themselves as directed by their physicians.
Effective management of coagulation disorders by physicians can help the child to lead a relatively normal life with some cautions about avoiding injury.
Some physicians may also recommend a high-protein, low-carbohydrate diet.
Some children with intussusception may appear lethargic or have altered mental status, believed by physicians to be related to ischemia of the bowel and a decreased level of consciousness.
E. coli, another cause of food-borne illness, can be mistaken for Shigella both by physicians and the laboratory.
Pervasive developmental disorders are diagnosed using the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), which provides criteria for physicians to diagnose the specific type.
Some physicians may hesitate to diagnose very young children with a specific type of pervasive developmental disorder.
Because antiepileptic drugs have large numbers of adverse effects and drug interactions, they should be prescribed only by physicians who are experienced in their use.
But physicians typically apply a narrower definition, restricting the diagnosis of oligomenorrhea to women whose periods were regularly established before they developed problems with infrequent flow.
It is clearly underdiagnosed, probably because the symptoms are attributed to another problem, and physicians and laboratory technicians lack knowledge about celiac disease.
Physicians should be consulted if there are no signs of progress after a month of self treatment.
Physicians may also choose to burn the wart with liquid nitrogen or numb the skin and then scrape off the wart.
But many physicians avoid this and operate to remove diseased bowel and repair the defect at the same time.
It is used by physicians in well-baby visits and may include parental questionnaires.
The watchfulness of parents along with effective management of hemophilia by physicians can help the child to lead a relatively normal life.
Physicians cannot predict long-term complications of prematurity; some consequences may not become evident until the child is school age.
Many physicians may recommend yoga for patients with hypertension, asthma, stress-related disorders, and depression.
This team usually includes law enforcement officers, physicians, nurses, mental health professionals, victim advocates, and/or prosecutors.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the American Academy of Pediatrics, and the American Academy of Family Physicians all recommend that healthy children be vaccinated against chickenpox.
Some physicians remain reluctant to vaccinate against a usually mild childhood disease such as chickenpox.
The major prevention for known drug allergies and sensitivities is to avoid those drugs and to inform all physicians, hospital personnel, and dentists of the allergies or sensitivities before treatment.
In fact, the characteristic coarsening of the facial features is often not recognized by family members, friends, or long-time family physicians.
Emergency room physicians have the most experience diagnosing and treating CO poisoning.
Parents should be aware that physicians are required to consider the possibility of child abuse in every drowning or near drowning involving a child under the age of one year.
Between 2 percent and 5 percent of women's visits to primary care physicians are for UTI symptoms.
Physicians recommend using other forms of birth control for the first one to three weeks.
Women who miss periods for several months after stopping this medicine should check with their physicians.
It is sometimes mistakenly identified by physicians for epilepsy.
Physicians will look for physical signs and symptoms indicated by patient history.
For older children, physicians usually start by recommending a trial elimination diet that excludes milk, eggs, wheat, gluten, soy, and beef, because a link has been established with food intolerance and food allergy.
It was not until the 1980s that physicians began to revisit the assumptions about the disorder and examine more closely its physical causes.
During 1979 to 1981, rare types of pneumonia, cancer, and other illnesses were reported by physicians in Los Angeles and New York among a number of male patients who had sex with other men.
Some physicians are completely opposed to pacifier use, whereas others view pacifiers as helpful if used in moderation.
Physicians will consider the possible consequences of each type of deficiency and evaluate the function of organ systems affected by the particular mineral.
Most physicians test vision as part of a child's medical examination.
Gabapentin (Neurontin) has been prescribed by some physicians for the treatment of bipolar disorder, although there is no conclusive clinical evidence as to its effectiveness.
Physicians may frequently prescribe many of the SSRI antidepressants besides fluoxetine (Prozac) for children to treat depression, even though they have not been approved for this use by the FDA.
The American College of Physicians recommends treatment for a patient with a rash resembling EM or who has arthritis, a history of an EM-type rash, and a previous tick bite.
Some physicians consider intravenous ceftriaxone the best therapy for any late manifestation of disease, but treatments for late Lyme disease are still controversial as of 2004.
Teens and young women who are pregnant or who plan to become pregnant should check with their physicians before taking these medicines.
Women who are breastfeeding their babies should check with their physicians before taking these drugs.
Physicians prescribing this drug should know all other medicines the patient is already taking.
First aid or emergency care given immediately after the amputation has a critical impact on both the physicians' ability to salvage and reattach the severed part(s) and the patient's ability to regain feeling and function.
Holistic physicians or nutritionists can recommend the proper amounts of these herbs.
People with diabetes should check with their physicians to see if they need to change their diet or the doses of their diabetes medicine.
Only physicians experienced in diagnosing and treating severe acne, such as dermatologists, should prescribe isotretinoin.
Patients using antiacne drugs on their skin should tell their physicians if they are using any other prescription or nonprescription (over-the-counter) medicine that they apply to the skin in the same area as the antiacne drug.
Physicians accordingly assume that such patients have a spine fracture until proven otherwise.
Complementary treatment includes nutrition management, psychological counseling, and careful monitoring by physicians.
Ancient Greek and Roman physicians invoked nature, claiming that the proportions of the various humors or fluids in the bodies influenced personality.
Physicians also use antenatal tests to determine various characteristics of the fetus, such as gestational age, size, and position in the uterus, or to verify the presence of multiple fetuses.
In the early stages of pregnancy, physicians may order blood or urine tests to screen for possible disorders or infections that could affect the growing fetus.
The medical profession is divided on the issue of screening; some physicians believe that the screening should be focused in areas of common occurrence or within high-risk populations such as foreign-born children.
This technique provides images of infected areas and may help physicians decide which children are candidates for surgery to remove the appendix.
Up to 30 percent of children with appendicitis are misdiagnosed, even by experienced physicians.
Physicians often recommend regular drug-free periods to combat these side effects.
The Beery-Buktenica VMI test is used by physicians, psychologists, neuropsychologists, learning disability specialists, counselors, educators, and other professionals.
In the case of patients on hemodialysis, physicians perform surgery to create a fistula.
A variety of physicians, specialists, nurses, and teachers may make up the child's health care team.
Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome (WAS) was named for the two physicians who reported the disorder.
Personal and family medical history, description of seizure activity, and physical and neurological examinations help primary care physicians, neurologists, and epileptologists diagnose this disorder.
Some physicians recommend avoidance of swimming in children with epilepsy.
Some patients with PWS have unique and subtle facial characteristics that are detectable only by physicians.
He frequently lectures to share his innovative and effective methods with other physicians.
It is no surprise, then, that laser hair removal services are highly sought after and that there are a number of widely respected physicians and clinics offering these treatments.
They also research physicians' prescribing patterns in their territory.
Some medical careers require only two-years of formal education like nursing, while physicians must attend college, medical school and an internship at a hospital, which can take between eight and ten years to complete.
Work with physicians in diagnosing and treating heart and vascular problems.
Roughly 76 percent of medical workplaces are the offices of dentists, physicians or other types of health-care practitioners, outpatient care centers, diagnostic facilities and labs.
While hospital physicians with less seniority often work very lengthy shifts and have days off in the middle of the week instead of weekends, other health-care workers have relatively unconventional schedules.
Nurses working for drug and surgical supply companies may demonstrate equipment and educate physicians on the latest products made by the companies.
Technicians work with patients to explain the x-ray procedure, work with physicians to take appropriate and clear x-rays, and work independently to maintain the x-ray equipment.
Lab technicians work behind the scene, running tests on specimens like blood, urine and other bodily tissues to help physicians diagnose disease.
It is not uncommon for physicians to run another pregnancy test during your first visit to confirm you are truly pregnant.
Some practice independently and consult with physicians if something becomes a problem during your pregnancy.
In some countries such as New Zealand, the Netherlands, and Germany, a midwife attends almost all births, and physicians are available for back up or emergencies.
Many physicians and midwives have strict rules.
Physicians recommend an 1,800 calorie-per-day diet if you are nursing.
So many women trying to conceive do so at the wrong time, causing the question "when is a woman most fertile" to be one asked of many physicians.
Some physicians will counsel that inducing labor or a caesarean section are your only options with multiples.
Naegele's Rule is a standard approach to determine the baby's due date that is popular for among physicians.
Physicians make special considerations for women expecting triplets during all stages of the pregnancies.
After the fertilization occurs, physicians can determine the sex of the embryo even before it's implanted.
This is also used by physicians in the United States in conjunction with other medications for early-term abortions.
Physicians used to rely on the date of a woman's cycle to calculate a likely conception date by just adding 14 days to the start of the last period.
Women should avoid using this approach for many reasons and their physicians are likely to agree.
Women who think they are experiencing IUD complications should contact their physicians immediately.
The product is made for women who have had children; women who have not should consult their physicians before using this product.
Patients with chemical dependencies have to visit clinics, physicians, and pharmacies licensed by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
Many women and many physicians prefer monophasic pills because hormone levels remain consistent, but biphasic and triphasic oral contraceptives are equally effective.
Chinese physicians prescribed kombucha tea to cure a variety of ailments, especially stomach and spleen problems.
Such findings are the driving force behind the council who seeks to educate not just the general public, but physicians as well about the importance of prenatal care.
According to the Physicians Desk Reference (as cited on a product website), a reference book used by doctors nationwide, liquid vitamins are absorbed about 90 to 98% better than pills, tablets and other oral supplements.
Exhausted from her work during the Civil War, Barton's physicians advised her to travel to Europe for a rest cure.
Grants were awarded to numerous physicians including Albert Sabin and Jonas Salk.
Dr. Apgar was the first woman to be named a full professor at Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons.
The use of her scoring method would become standardized for neo-natal physicians and pediatricians in the decades following its creation.
Logo Dr. Bag (1970s) - Inspired by the doctor bags carried by physicians when they made house calls.
Physicians agree that frequent and thorough hand washing remains one of the most effective ways to prevent the spread of disease.
Difficulty in finding primary physicians - especially pediatricians - in fast-growing areas.
Dr. Hardy would guide many of the young physicians over the years with his wisdom and kindness.
The stories of the patients who come into Seattle Grace are more compelling than the ongoing drama that makes up the lives of their physicians.
Private Practice episodes follow the lives and work of the physicians at Oceanside Wellness Group in Los Angeles, California.
Violet and Cooper are two other physicians in the co-op who share a strong friendship.
Keep in mind that some physicians and dieticians caution that raw foodists will need to supplement their diets with vitamins and minerals for well-rounded nutrition.
Many parents, physicians and researchers continue to look for alternative treatments for autism.
Many autism experts, physicians, and members of the autism community are convinced that vaccines trigger the onset of autism symptoms.
The individual's treatment team consists of parents, educators, therapists, caseworkers and physicians.
The fact is, autistic children are often perceived by the general public and parents and physicians to appear to be typical children falling within the normal range of development - until they don't.
Local hospitals and physicians specializing in developmental conditions can also help with the diagnosis process.
Although it's unclear why some people suffer from Asperger syndrome and obsessive compulsive disorder at the same time, some physicians believe that AS leads to anxiety or depression, which may or may not worsen over time to include OCD.
For example, physicians need to know about treatments a mental health professional may prescribe for OCD and mental health professionals need to know about prescribed treatments and therapy for Asperger syndrome.
Classified as a complex neurodevelopment condition, autism remains a frustrating disorder for both family members and physicians due to the wide range of symptoms, characteristics and severity that patients endure.
Some signs of Aspergers are subtle and parents, teachers and physicians can miss them.
Testing for heavy metals levels in the blood can help physicians tell if one of these substances might be implicated.
Some parents and physicians have also expressed some concern regarding the large number of vaccines administered to babies.
Most mainstream licensed physicians will not endorse chelation therapy because it is a risky procedure that can make someone very sick or even be fatal.
The plan states that it is supervised by expert medical teams of licensed physicians and registered nurses.
Many physicians point to the hazards associated with its low-carb and often high-fat content.
According to some physicians, drastically reducing carbs on a daily basis can cause the body to experience ketoacidosis.
Because the first phase of the diet has dieters avoiding breads, pastas, sugars, etc., most physicians advise those who want to follow the South Beach Diet during pregnancy, to skip the first phase altogether.
Since so many people have gone on the Atkins Diet many companies, nutritionists and even physicians have developed carb counter guides.
If you'd like a more specific calculation of your BMR, many physicians and health centers offer BMR testing.
Those saying, "I need a copy of the three day diet" can benefit from taking whatever eating plan they find to their physicians or to their dietitians.
They are still a significant part of modern medicine; some are recognized and supported by physicians.
People who want instant results often turn to fad diets or fasting and detox programs, although many physicians advise against it.
While Topamax has not been approved by the FDA for obesity treatment, many patients and physicians feel the risks of obesity outweigh the risks and side effects of Topamax.
Some physicians suggest a high protein diet can lead to kidney problems.
Some physicians recommend avoidance of seeds or popcorn out of fear these foods may become caught in the diverticula, but the NIH states there is no scientific evidence to indicate these items can cause a problem.
For example, the Oregon Board of Naturopathic Medicine (OBNM) has sent a notice to all licensed Naturopathic Physicians in the state of Oregon warning them against recommending the HCG diet to their patients.
The book was written after Dr. Atkins death by other physicians in the Atkins organization.
Many medical clinics, hospitals, and physicians create their own low sodium diet lists for patients.
Physicians Michael and Mary Dan Eades have worked with hundreds of weight control patients, helping them overcome not only weight issues but also other health problems, such as autoimmune disorders and diabetes.
Physicians also suggest diets high in animal proteins can accelerate kidney problems in people with early warning signs of kidney disease.
He has previously created fitness regimens for celebrities, professional athletes, physicians and pilates instructors.
Shape has a 28-member advisory board, which consists of physicians, sports medicine experts, renowned personal trainers and nutritionists.
What limits are there on hospitals, physicians, and pharmacies?
In an attempt to provide medical care for these workers, employers began paying physicians monthly fees for certain services.
Blue Cross Blue Shield also has contracts with more hospitals and physicians than any other insurer.
They may also need to transfer their care to physicians and medical centers that are approved by Medicare.
Managed care, on the other hand, requires you to visit physicians within a specific network.
It is a good idea to speak with your current physicians to see if they accept the form of health insurance you want to buy.
If your physicians do not accept your insurance, you will need to find new health care providers or go with another form of coverage.
You have the option of using physicians and health care facilities of your choice.
The TOL website is also a valuable portal for doctors who treat patients covered by Tricare and the support staff members who work for these physicians' offices and other healthcare facilities.
Physicians and certified public accountants, for example, typically carry this kind of business practices liability insurance.
I authorize all licensed physicians, dentists, technicians, nurses and other medical staff to perform any diagnostic, treatment or x-ray procedures to the aforementioned minor.
Otherwise, physicians cannot release any information due to HIPAA's Privacy Rule, which requires that entities such as a health-care provider, a health plan, or a health-care clearinghouse must protect the privacy of patient information.
Physician Search - The first screen of this search allows a person to find a doctor by name, by a specific condition the doctor treats, or to search for only UnitedHealth Premium Physicians or NCQA recognized physicians.
United designates certain physicians as Premium if it finds them to be both quality and cost efficient providers of care.
United calls these doctors "Two-Star Physicians" since they have one star for quality and one star for cost-efficient care.
The Medicus Insurance Company specializes in providing liability insurance to physicians.
The company offers coverage to physicians and surgeons.
Physicians and surgeons who are interested in applying for coverage from Medicus can do so through a number of independent agents working in states where the company is licensed to sell insurance.
Unlike other insurance companies that represent physicians, Medicus doesn't start settlement discussions without the consent of the insured.
Moreover, physicians providing this type of care are under no obligation to notify the parent or legal guardian of any services provided if they feel that doing so is not in the best interest of the child.
It is generally agreed upon by both physicians and mental health providers that the goal of staying healthy is about more than simply being physically healthy.
Most physicians and other healthcare providers carry malpractice insurance.
According to Society, Physicians and the Corset, by the late 18th century corsets had become a garment of much political and medical controversy.
These support hose are made by physicians in Switzerland, but of course you can get them anywhere in the world.
Semi-finalists will be required to submit to physical and psychological testing conducted by physicians of the producers' choosing.
The American Academy of Family Physicians can help you diagnose a skin rash.
The web site of the American Academy of Family Physicians has an extensive section on skin problems.
The company began in 1988 with the collaboration of Dr. Obagi and other leading physicians.
Other physicians prefer to place the incision beneath the chin.
Additionally, physicians may recommend quitting smoking or ending aspirin regimes before undergoing the procedure.
You can find trained physicians to tackle your wrinkle concerns by using these physician search tools.
Physicians can prescribe benzoyl peroxide in higher concentrations, which may provide the effectiveness some acne sufferers need.
It is sold not only to consumers, but also to physicians and skin care professionals.
Jan Marini - These professional-grade skincare products, including cleansers and anti-aging creams, are sold through physicians and spa locations across the globe.
Delaware is the seat of the Ohio Wesleyan University (co-educational), founded by the Ohio Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church in 1841, and opened as a college in 1844; it includes a college of liberal arts (1844), an academic department (1841), a school of music (1877), a school of fine arts (1877), a school of oratory (1894), a business school (1895), and a college of medicine (the Cleveland College of Physicians and Surgeons, at Cleveland, Ohio; founded as the Charity Hospital Medical College in 1863, and the medical department of the university of Wooster until 1896, when, under its present name, it became a part of Ohio Wesleyan University).
The cause of medical materialism is the natural bias of physicians towards explaining the health and disease of mind by the health and disease of body.
The Catholic Church has more wisely left physicians in possession, and elevated the anointing of the sick into a sacrament to be used only in cases of mortal sickness, and even then not to the exclusion of the healing art.
In the modern signification it is applied to the act of preparing, preserving and compounding medicines, according to the prescriptions of physicians.
Physicians to this day head their prescriptions with a sign that originally meant an invocation to Jupiter, but now represents the word recipe.
The celebrated Gascoigne's powder, which was sold as late as the middle of the 19th century in the form of balls like sal prunella, consisted of equal parts of crabs' eyes," the black tips of crabs' claws, Oriental pearls, Oriental bezoar and white coral, and was administered in jelly made of hart's horn, but was prescribed by physicians chiefly for wealthy people, as it cost about forty shillings per ounce.
The prescription was improved by Damocrates and Andromachus, body physicians to Nero.
The drugs used by the physicians and apothecaries were purchased from the grossarii or sellers in gross, who were subsequently called 'grocers, some of whom specialized as druggists and others as chymists or chemists.
This arrangement was not, however, approved of by the physicians, who obtained in 1617 a separate charter for the apothecaries, to the number of 114, which was the number of physicians then practising in London.
Other educational institutions are the Indianapolis College of Law (1897), the Indiana Medical College (the School of Medicine of Purdue University, formed in 1905 by the consolidation of the Medical College of Indiana, the Central College of Physicians and Surgeons and the Fort Wayne College of Medicine), the State College of Physicians and Surgeons (the medical school of Indiana University), the Indiana Veterinary College (1892), the Indianapolis Normal School, the Indiana Kindergarten and Primary Normal Training School (private), and the Winona Technical Institute.
The verdict of the physicians was that the injured eye was hopelessly paralysed, and that the preservation of the sight of the other depended upon the maintenance of his general health.
Returning to London early in November, he found it necessary to consult his physicians for a symptom which, neglected since 1761, had gradually become complicated with hydrocele, and was now imperatively demanding surgical aid; but the painful operations which had to be performed did not interfere with his customary cheerfulness, nor did they prevent him from paying a Christmas visit to Sheffield Place.
Philo himself was uncertain as to the meaning of the name, whether it was given to them because they were "physicians" of souls or because they were "servants" of the One God.
The regard of Napoleon for his consort was evidenced shortly before the birth of this prince, when he bade the physicians, if the lives of the mother and of the child could not both be saved, to spare her life.
This spirit gave way to the physicians, who regarded " chemistry as the art of preparing medicines," a denotation which in turn succumbed to the arguments of Boyle, who regarded it as the " science of the composition of substances," a definition which adequately fits the science to-day.
There were also attached to a great household physicians, artists, secretaries, librarians, copyists, preparers of parchment, as well as pedagogues and preceptors of different kinds - readers, grammarians, men of letters and even philosophers - all of servile condition, besides accountants, managers and agents for the transaction of business.
According to modern physicians it is impossible to live many days in the caves of pozzolana in which many of the catacombs are excavated."
Having removed to London, he was admitted (November 6, 1618) a licentiate of the college of physicians, and attracted notice by a publication concerning the comet of 1618.
The Royal College of Physicians is another learned body organized, with special privileges, by a charter of incorporation granted by Charles II.