Physician Sentence Examples
He is private physician to the Queen of Spain.
The mother is a physician and a brilliant woman, he says.
He started as a physician and practised for some years, kept a school and studied astronomy.
After resting at Newport, he went for the winter to be under the care of a physician at Saranac Lake in the Adirondacks for the winter.
His father was a physician who emigrated from Denmark in 1864.
Whether he was a practising physician or not has been a matter of controversy.
Returning to London he supported himself for some time by practising as a physician.
His father was a physician, who on embracing the doctrines of the Reformation became a Protestant minister, and to escape persecution settled at Bern, in Switzerland.
He became secretary to the governor of Granada, and later physician and vizier to the Mohad caliph, Abu Ya`qub Yusuf.
From his writings it would appear that the offices of physician, surgeon and apothecary were already considered as distinct professions.
AdvertisementThe tobacco plant itself was first brought to Europe in 1558 by Francisco Fernandes, a physician who had been sent by Philip II of Spain to investigate the products of Mexico.
Hoffmann the earliest mention of destillatio per descensum occurs in the writings of Aetius, a Greek physician who flourished at about the end of the 5th century.
In September 1689 he reached Batavia; spent the following winter in studying Javanese natural history; and in May 1690 set out for Japan as physician to the embassy sent yearly to that country by the Dutch.
He studied medicine and became a physician, but his attention was early directed also to geometrical studies.
He was much engaged at the same time in remedying smoking chimneys, and as late as 1785 wrote to Jan Ingenhousz, physician to the emperor of Austria, on chimneys and draughts; smoking street lamps he remedied by a simple contrivance.
AdvertisementHe is only to meddle in his own vocation; and to remember that his office is only to be the physician's cook."
Decrepit prisoners were formerly leased, but in 1906 the lease excluded such as were thought unfit by the state prison physician.
If further selection be made from the large body of miscellaneous poems, the comic poem on the physician Andro Kennedy may stand out as one of the best contributions to medieval Goliardic literature; The Two Mariit Wemen and the Wedo, as one of the richest and most effective pastiches in the older alliterative style, then used by the Scottish Chaucerians for burlesque purposes; Done is a battell on the Dragon Blak, for religious feeling expressed in melodious verse; and the well-known Lament for the Makaris.
The first grand characteristic of Hippocratic medicine is the high conception of the duties and status of the physician, shown in the celebrated "Oath of Hippocrates" and elsewhere - equally free from the mysticism of a priesthood and the vulgar pretensions of a mercenary craft.
The second great quality is the singular artistic skill and balance with which the Hippocratic physician used such materials and tools as he possessed.
AdvertisementHere we recognize the true Greek But this artistic completeness was closely connected with the third cardinal virtue of Hippocratic medicine - the clear recognition of disease as being equally with life a process governed by what we should now call natural laws, which could be known by observation, and which indicated the spontaneous and normal direction of recovery, by following which alone could the physician succeed.
The duty of the physician was to foresee these changes, "to assist or not to hinder them," so that "the sick man might conquer the disease with the help of the physician."
The first Greek physician whose name is preserved as having migrated to Rome was Archagathus, who came over from the Peloponnesus in 218 B.C.; but there were probably others before him.
It was not meant for the physicians, and was certainly little read by them, as Celsus is quoted by no medical writer, and when referred to by Pliny, is spoken of as an author not a physician.
Of Pliny, another encyclopaedic writer, a few words must be said, though he was not a physician.
AdvertisementFor some centuries the methodic school was popular at Rome, and produced one physician, Caelius Aurelianus, who must be pronounced, next to Celsus, the most considerable of the Latin medical writers.
The earliest is Oribasius (326-403), whose date and position are fixed by his being the friend and court physician of Julian the Apostate.
Either to the 10th or the 11th century must be referred the name of another Arabian physician who has also attained the position of a classic, Abu'l Qasiin or Abulcasis, of El-Zahra, near Cordova, in Spain.
Gerard of Cremona, a physician of Toledo (1114-1187), made translations, it is said by command of Barbarossa, from Avicenna and others.
Of these two physicians the first probably, the latter certainly, was educated and practised abroad, but John Gaddesden (1280?-1361), the author of Rosa anglica seu Practica medicinae (between 1305 and 1317), was a graduate in medicine of Merton College, Oxford, and court physician.
An English physician, William Cole (1635-1716), is also usually ranked with them.
One of the most elaborate developments of the system was that of Archibald Pitcairne (1652-1713), a Scottish physician who became professor at Leiden, to be spoken of hereafter.
The great sensational philosopher was a thoroughly trained physician, and practised privately.
An important academical position was, on the other hand, one of the reasons why a physician not very different in his way of thinking from the English physicians of the age of Queen Anne was able to take a far more predominant position in the medical world.
The Swiss physician, Theophile Bonet (1620-1689) had published his Sepulcretum in 1679; and observations of post mortem appearances had been made by Montanus, P. Tulp, Raymond Vieussens, A.M.
In America the system was enthusiastically adopted by a noted physician, Benjamin Rush (1745-1813), of Philadelphia, who was followed by a considerable school.
A physician of Plymouth, John Huxham (1694-1768), made researches on epidemic fevers, in the spirit of Sydenham and Hippocrates, which are of the highest importance.
One novelty, however, of the first importance is due to a Vienna physician of the period, Leopold Auenbrugger (1722-1809), the inventor of the method of recognizing diseases of the chest by percussion.
William Hunter (1718-1783) was known in London as a brilliant teacher of anatomy and successful obstetric physician; his younger brother and pupil, John Hunter (1728-1793), was also a teacher of anatomy, and practised as a surgeon.
If at first in the 18th century, and in the earlier 19th, the discoveries in this branch of medical knowledge had a certain isolation, due perhaps to the prepossessions of the school of Sydenham, they soon became the property of the physician, and were brought into co-ordination with the clinical phenomena of disease.
It is obvious that the results of such advances prescribe for the clinical physician methods which cannot be pursued without expert assistance; a physician engaged in busy prac- Spec;a;ism.
That the division of labour, which may seem to disintegrate the calling of the physician, really unites it, is well seen in the clinical laboratories which were initiated in the later 19th century, and which are destined to a great future.
Yet on the whole, even from the beginning, the revolt was useful in that it shook the position of the "learned physician," who took a literary, fastidious and meditative rather than an experimental interest in his profession, and, as in great part a descendant of the humanists, was never in full sympathy with experimental science.
But bodily defect is largely a result of evil circumstances, in the prevention of which the physician is not unsuccessfully engaged, and the growth of sympathy means a stronger cement of the social structure.
By the discovery of the bacillus of tubercle, the physician has been enabled to piece together a long and varied list of maladies under several names, such as scrofula and lupus, many of them long suspected to be tuberculous, but now known to belong to the series.
In the treatment of effusions into the pleura and, though with less advantage, of pericardial effusions, direct mechanical interference was practised by one physician and another, till these means of attaining rapid and complete cure took their places as indispensable, and were extended from thoracic diseases to those of the abdominal and other inner parts formerly beyond the reach of direct therapeutics.
We have said that this advance is often quoted, not very wisely, to signify that in modern progress "medicine" has fallen behind surgery - as if the art of the physician were not one and indivisible.
The first recognition of a disease may be at a necropsy, but then usually by irresponsible pathologists; it is another matter when the physician himself comes under rebuke for failing to seize a way to cure, while the chance remained to him, by section of the abdomen during life.
This theory was supported by the French physician Jean Ray, who showed also that in the cases of tin and lead there was a limit to the increase in weight.
Foreign artists worked for him at high wages; from Athens he brought Democedes, the greatest physician of the age, at an exceptional salary.
After studying at St John's College, Cambridge, and at Edinburgh, he settled in 1756 as a physician at Nottingham, but meeting with little success he moved in the following year to Lichfield.
John Arbuthnot, Queen Anne's physician and the friend of Swift and Pope, was a.
He also practised his profession as a physician with eminent success.
This was a work for which his experience, habits of observation, and scientific training peculiarly fitted him, and in which his popularity as a teacher, no less than his power as a practical physician, became more than ever conspicuous.
His clearness of statement and power of imparting interest to the most abstruse topics were the conspicuous features of his teaching, and in his various capacities as a scientific lecturer, a physiologist, and a practical physician, he was ever surrounded with large and increasing classes of intelligent pupils, to whom his eminently suggestive mode of instruction was specially attractive.
He was the son of Dr George Choate, a physician of considerable note, and was a nephew of Rufus Choate.
Its president must be a physician and alienist, and another member must be a lawyer.
In 1744 he graduated as a doctor of medicine; he became physician in ordinary to the king, and afterwards his first consulting physician, and was installed in the palace of Versailles.
Clark, the queen's physician, and the result was that Lady Flora was subjected to the indignity of a medical examination, which,.
Arthur, and to Abraham Coles (1813-1891), a poet and physician, both of whom lived here.
Otto Brunfels, a physician of Bern, has been looked upon as the restorer of the science in Europe.
Jean Gesner (1709-1790), a Swiss physician and botanist, states that at the end of the 18th century there were 1600 botanic gardens in Europe.
Baptista Boerio, the king's physician, engaged him to accompany his two sons thither as supervisor of their studies.
For him chemistry was the science of the composition of substances, not merely an adjunct to the arts of the alchemist or the physician.
Olbers settled as a physician in Bremen towards the end of 1781, and practised actively for above forty years, finally retiring on the 1st of January 1823.
The first attempt of this kind is that of a French Catholic physician, Jean Astruc. In a work published anonymously in 1 753 under the title of Conjectures sur les mdmoires A sfrrc..
In May 1854 he resigned his seat, on the orders of his physician, and retired to what was called private life.
Now John Craig was physician to the king, and in 1590 James VI.
His family came from Prussia in the early part of the 18th century; his grandfather was appointed physician to the reigning king of Poland, and his father caused himself to be naturalized as a Polish citizen.
The first regular expedition to ry penetrate far inland was in 1801-1802, when John (afterwards Sir John) Truter, of the Cape judicial bench, and William Somerville - an army physician and afterwards husband of Mary Somerville - were sent to the Bechuana tribes to buy cattle.
In his facts Nicander followed the physician Apollodorus.
Knutsford was the birthplace of Sir Henry Holland, Physician Extraordinary to Queen Victoria (1788-1873); and his son, the second Sir Henry, who was secretary of state for the colonies (1887-1892), was raised to the peerage in 1888 with the title of Baron Knutsford.
The infirmary for sick monks, with the physician's house and physic garden, lies to the east.
In 1913 he became physician for tropical diseases to King's College, London.
The Author Of The System Adopted By Gregory Was Aloysius Lilius, Or Luigi Lilioghiraldi, A Learned Astronomer And Physician Of Naples, Who Died, However, Before Its Introduction; But The Individual Who Most Contributed To Give The Ecclesiastical Calendar Its Present Form, And Who Was Charged With All The Calculations Necessary For Its Verification, Was Clavius, By Whom It Was Completely Developed And Explained In A Great Folio Treatise Of 800 Pages, Published In 1603, The Title Of Which Is Given At The End Of This Article.
It appears that he afterwards went to London, and acted as physician to Edward VI.
Andreas (1514-1559) was a physician of some repute, but through his influence with Albert of Brandenburg, last grandmaster of the Teutonic order, and first Protestant duke of Prussia, became an outstanding figure in the controversy associated with Andreas Osiander whose daughter he had married.
A further supply of eggs was secretly obtained by a Dutch physician Pompe van Meedervoort in 1863, and, as it was now known that the worm was an oak-feeder, and would thrive on the leaves of European oaks, great results were anticipated from the cultivation of the yama-mai.
Having been placed in his fourteenth year under the charge of his maternal great-uncle Dr Gem, physician to the English embassy at Paris, in 1783 he passed his early years amidst a political fermentation which led him to take a deep interest in politics.
On the 31st of March 1820 missionaries of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions - two clergymen, two teachers, a physician, a farmer, and a printer, each with his wife - and three Hawaiians educated in the Cornwall (Connecticut) Foreign Missionary School, arrived from America and began their labours at Honolulu.
Thus Karl Christoph Vogt repeated the saying of the French physician Cabanis, " The brain is determined to thought as the stomach is to digestion, or the liver to the secretion of bile," in the form, " Thought stands in the same relation to the brain as the bile to the liver or the urine to the kidneys."
In 1865 this was elaborated into a separate biography by another son, Henry Ingersoll Bowditch (1808-1892), a famous Boston physician.
The extant hexameter poem De viribus (or virtutibus) herbarum, ascribed to Macer, is a medieval production by Odo Magdunensis, a French physician.
After studying medicine and philosophy at Paris he settled at Padua, where he speedily gained a great reputation as a physician, and availed himself of it to gratify his avarice by refusing to visit patients except for an exorbitant fee.
Ilept KaTaeAiaews 7rpo'yvwo ruca, he speaks of the advantage of a knowledge of physiognomy to the physician.'
Stockman, a Scottish physician who was sent for, thought it was only weakness, and that rest would restore the patient.
Intending to practise as a physician, he took his degree in medicine and surgery (1823), but was persuaded by Gmelin to devote himself to chemistry.
His father, the natural son of a grandmaster of the Teutonic order, was Wilhelm Bombast von Hohenheim, who had a hard struggle to make a subsistence as a physician.
The book of nature, he affirmed, is that which the physician must read, and to do so he must walk over the leaves.
The humours and passions and diseases of different nations are different, and the physician must go among the nations if he will be master of his art; the more he knows of other nations, the better he will understand his own.
So in 1526 or 1527, on his return to Basel, he was appointed town physician, and shortly afterwards he gave a course of lectures on medicine in the university.
Moreover, he had a pharmaceutical system of his own which did not harmonize with the commercial arrangements of the apothecaries, and he not only did not use up their drugs like the Galenists, but, in the exercise of his functions as town physician, he urged the authorities to keep a sharp eye on the purity of their wares, upon their knowledge of their art, and upon their transactions with their friends the physicians.
He was educated as a physician, but from his early years devoted himself to travel.
The first author who described the Indian mines at all fully was the Portuguese, Garcia de Orta (1565), who was physician to the viceroy of Goa.
Acquaint thyself with a physician before thou have need of him.
He that sinneth against his Maker will behave himself proudly against a physician.
To the motley commonwealth thus formed he acted not merely as ruler, but also as physician, teacher and priest.
In 1687 he became fellow of the College of Physicians, and proceeded to Jamaica the same year as physician in the suite of the duke of Albemarle.
His practice as a physician among the upper classes was large.
In 1722 he was appointed physician-general to the army, and in 1727 first physician to George II.
Dr Francesco Antommarchi (1780-1838), the physician who attended Napoleon in his last illness, died in Santiago, and a monument in the cemetery commemorates his benefactions to the poor.
Empedocles of Acragas is best known from the legends of his miracles and of his death in the fires of Aetna; but he was not the less philosopher, poet and physician, besides his political career.
His father, a district physician, died early, and the boy, after attending the gymnasium of Czernowitz, was obliged to teach in order to support himself and prepare for academic study.
The city has a monument (1900) to John Gorrie (1803-1855), a physician who discovered the cold-air process of refrigeration in 1849 (and patented an ice-machine in 1850), as the result of experiments to lower the temperatures of fever patients.
His reputation was not confined to Europe; a Chinese mandarin wrote him a letter directed "To the illustrious Boerhaave, physician in Europe," and it reached him in due course.
One section, giving us some of the mysteries of the physician, shows how lamentably crude were his notions of the constitution of the body.
This information should not be considered complete and is not intended to be used in place of a visit, call, consultation, or advice of your physician or other professionals or any information contained on or in any product packaging or labels.
His brother, Michel Augustin Thouret (1748-1810), a physician, was a keen opponent of the ideas of Mesmer and a promoter of vaccination in France.
He had seven children, only three of whom survived him - the distinguished physician Johann Albrecht Heinrich, and two daughters, one of them being Elise, Lessing's friend and correspondent.
At Taenarum in Laconia he had a famous cave-like temple, with an asylum, and on the island of Tenos he was worshipped as the physician, probably in reference to the health-giving properties of the sea air.
St Luke was a physician who had accompanied St Paul on his missionary journeys.
We find him at different periods in Seville, Cordova and Morocco, probably as physician to Yusef al-Mansur, who took pleasure in engaging him in discussions on the theories of philosophy and their bearings on the faith of Islam.
Now it is true that before 447 B.C., besides the teachers of writing, gymnastics and music, to whom the young Greek resorted for elementary instruction, there were artists and artisans who not only practised their crafts, but also communicated them to apprentices and pupils, and that accordingly the Platonic Protagoras recognizes in the gymnast Iccus, the physician Herodicus, and the musicians Agathocles and Pythoclides, forerunners of the sophists.
But the first Greek historian who speaks clearly of India was Hecataeus of Miletus (549-486 B.C.); the knowledge of Herodotus (450 B.C.) ended at the Indus; and Ctesias, the physician (401 B.C.), brought back from his residence in Persia only a few facts about the products of India, its dyes and fabrics, its monkeys and parrots.
The Latin king rode behind the Greek emperor, without any of the insignia of his dignity, at the entry into Antioch; but their relations were of the friendliest, and Manuel - as great a physician as he was a hunter - personally attended to Baldwin when the king was thrown from his horse in attempting to equal the emperor's feats of horsemanship. In the same year Baldwin had to undertake the regency in Antioch once more, Raynald of Chatillon, the second husband of Constance, being captured in battle.
The sudden withdrawal of morphine should therefore never be practised with takers of large quantities of the drug, but gradually diminishing doses given by the physician should be substituted.
He was both physician and minister to Caliph Abd ar-Rahman III.
Jesus wearied himself with the healing of man's physical ailments, and he was remembered as the great physician.
According to her physician Arbuthnot, Anne's life was shortened by the "scene of contention among her servants.
As a physician he seems to have done little, and lived poorly on a pension given him by some Dutch merchants and money which he earned from distillers for advocating the use of spirits.
The first historical notice of the plague is contained in a fragment of the physician Rufus of Ephesus, who lived in the time of Trajan, preserved in the Collections of Oribasius.
An official physician, Dr Kastorsky, who investigated the matter for the government, declared the disease to be identical with that prevailing in the same year at Resht in Persia; another physician, Dr Janizky, even gave it the name of pestis nostras.
In 1891 he was promoted captain and full surgeon, and later, while stationed in Washington, D.C., was President McKinley's personal physician.
The son of a physician of Jewish descent, Bar-Hebraeus was born in 1226 at Malatiah on the upper Euphrates.
Aristotle, it is said, called him the father of rhetoric. But it was as at once statesman, prophet, physicist, physician and reformer that he most impressed the popular imagination.
At the top of the scale are the prophet and the physician, those who have best learned the secret of life; they are next to the divine.
Brought up a Lutheran, and at first physician to the duke of Wurttemberg-Oels, he joined in 1652 the Roman Catholic Church, in 1661 took orders as a priest, and became coadjutor to the prince bishop of Breslau.
Just before he died, says his secretary, Tobias Lear, he felt his own pulse; his countenance changed; the attending physician placed his hands over the eyes of the dying man, "and he expired without a struggle or a sigh."
Sir George Wakeman, the queen's physician, was accused of purposing to poison the king, and the queen was named as being concerned in the plot.
In 1680 he was the constant victim of severe fevers, from which he recovered for a time through the use of quinine prescribed by an English physician.
Latin, still the universal language of learning, formed no part of Jewish education; and Spinoza, after learning the elements from a German master, resorted for further instruction to a physician named Franz van den Ende, who eked out an income by taking pupils.
The physician had an only daughter, Clara Maria by name, who, besides being proficient in music, understood Latin, it is said, so perfectly that she was able to teach her father's pupils in his absence.
The introduction of the clinical thermometer, which allows us to ascertain exactly the amount to which the temperature rises in fever or to which it is reduced by antipyretic measures, is to the physician like the compass to the sailor, and allows him to steer safely between two extremes.
Monardes, a physician of Seville, records that it was brought to that city from New Spain about 1536-1545.
A few days after his arrival at Agen he fell in love with a charming orphan of thirteen, Andiette de Rogues Lobejac. Her friends objected to her marriage with an unknown adventurer, but in 1528 he had obtained so much success as a physician that the objections of her family were overcome, and at forty-five he married Andiette, who was then sixteen.
The ideal sage has receded; philosophy comes as a physician, not to the whole but to the sick.
On the 3rd of October the murder of a distinguished Republican physician, Dr Miguel Bombarda, precipitated the revolution which had been organized to take place in Lisbon ten days later.
The art of letter-writing had cultivators in Abbade Costa, Ribeiro Sanches, physician of Catherine II.
Settling in Paris in 1772, he became the private physician of Philip, duke of Orleans, and by his chemical work soon gained so high a reputation that in 1780 he was admitted into the Academy of Sciences.
Through the influence of his father, Miguel de Zurita, physician to Charles V., he entered the public service as magistrate at Barbastro, and in 1 537 was appointed assistant-secretary of the Inquisition.
In 146 Galen began the study of medicine, and in about his twentieth year he left Pergamus for Smyrna, in order to place himself under the instruction of the anatomist and physician Pelops, and of the peripatetic philosopher Albinus.
In Rome Galen remained for some years, greatly extending his reputation as a physician, and writing some of his most important treatises.
He warns Joinville against wine-bibbing, against bad language, against all manner of foibles small and great; and the pupil acknowledges that this physician at any rate had healed himself in these respects.
Soon afterwards he left Cambridge, and after spending three years in Italy and other parts of Europe, settled in 1573 in London, where he practised as a physician with "great success and applause."
Two years later he was appointed physician to Queen Elizabeth, with the usual emolument of £too a year.
In 1652 he went to Ireland, having been appointed physician to the army in that country.
Huntington's inhabitants were mostly strong patriots, notably Ebenezer Prime (1700-1779), pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, which the British used as a barracks, and his son Benjamin Young Prime (1733-1791), a physician, linguist and patriot poet, who was the father of Samuel Irenaeus Prime (1812-1885), editor of the New York Observer.
In 1802 he began the study of medicine at Paris; and he was subsequently appointed chief physician to the hospital at Burgos.
He was appointed before the beginning of November physician to the Hotel Dieu, with a salary of forty livres per annum, and lectured on anatomy with demonstrations from the human subject.
This busy and interesting period of Rabelais's life was brought to a close apparently by his introduction or reintroduction to Jean du Bellay, who, in October 1J33, passing through Lyons on an embassy to Rome, engaged Rabelais as physician.
There is no positive evidence of any measures taken or threatened against him; but it is certain that he passed nearly the whole of 1546 and part of 1547 at Metz in Lorraine as physician to the town at the salary of 120 livres, and Sturm speaks of him as having been "cast out of France by the times" (with the exclamation c56 TLilv xpovwv) in a contemporary letter, and says that he himself in another letter gives a doleful account of his pecuniary affairs and asks for assistance.
In the 13th century opium thebaicum is mentioned by Simon Januensis, physician to Pope Nicholas IV., while meconium was still in use.
Amongst English men of letters he befriended Reginald Pecock, Whethamstead of St Albans, Capgrave the historian, Lydgate, and Gilbert Kymer, who was his physician and chancellor of Oxford university.
Other persons mentioned are Nicias, a physician of Miletus, whose name occurs in other poems, and Aratus, whom the Scholiast identifies with the author of the Phenomena.
The French physician C. Poncet, who P y J went there in 1698, via Sennar and the Blue Nile, was the only European that afterwards visited the country before Bruce in 1769.
Garnet was the author of a letter on the Martyrdom of Godfrey Maurice, alias John Jones, in Diego Yepres's Historia particular de la persecution de Inglaterra(1599); a Treatise of Schism, a MS. treatise in reply to A Protestant Dialogue between a Gentleman and a Physician; a translation of the Stemma Christi with supplements (1622); a treatise on the Rosary; a Treatise of Christian Renovation or Birth (1616).
In 1846 he was elected physician to St George's hospital.
The crime has, however, never been proved, though a Milanese physician, who performed the task of dissecting the corpse of Peter Philarges, seems to have thought that he found traces of poison.
From inclination and from weak health he never engaged much in practice as a physician, his interests lying in the deeper problems of medical and physiological science.
These two functions are indicated by the titles Iatromantis (" physician and seer") and Oulios, probably meaning "health-giving" (so Suidas) rather than "destructive."
This side of Apollo's character does not appear in Homer, where Paieon is mentioned as the physician of the gods.
Further, he is able to purify the guilty and to cleanse from sin (here some refer the epithet iarpOyavres, in the sense of "physician of the soul").
On the 10th of March, against the advice of his physician, Sumner went to the Senate - it was the day on which his colleague was to present the rescinding resolution.
Calvet, physician, who in 1810 left his collections to the town, is rich in inscriptions, bronzes, glass and other antiquities, and in sculptures and paintings.
One special feature was the importance attributed to the respiratory arrangements as a source of expression, and it was shown how the physician and surgeon might derive information regarding the nature and extent of important diseases by observing the expression of bodily suffering.
The publication of these discoveries led to a series of controversies which lasted for several years, in which Newton had to contend with the eminent English natural philosopher Robert Hooke; Lucas, mathematical professor at Liege; Linus, a physician in Liege, and many others.
Her physician Eudemus prepared and the eunuch Lygdus administered a slow poison, from the effects of which Drusus died after a lingering illness.
Origen implies that in his days the penitent might choose his own spiritual physician.
His wife was the daughter of a Dr Nugent, a physician at Bath.
According to a treatise published by a German physician, Dr Wessel Linden, in 1754, the saline springs at Ffynon-llwyn-y-gog ("the well in the cuckoos' grove") in the present parish of Llandrindod had acquired more than a local reputation as early as the year 1696.
Iron being a constituent part of the blood itself, there is a direct indication for the physician to prescribe it when the amount of haemoglobin in the blood is lowered or the red corpuscles are diminished.
The Munich collection was presented to the king of Bavaria by Clot Bey, the chief physician in the Egyptian army during its occupation of Syria; and for a number of the other manuscripts we are indebted to the elder Niebuhr.
Those burned were George van Parris (1551), Flemish surgeon; Patrick Pakingham (1555), fellmonger; Matthew Hamont (1579), ploughwright; John Lewes (1583);(1583); Peter Cole (1587), tanner; Francis Kett (5589), physician and author; Bartholomew Legate (5652), cloth-dealer, last of the Smithfield victims; and the twice-burned fanatic Edward Wightman (1612).
Locke was introduced to him by his physician, Dr Thomas.
At Paris he met men of science and letters - Peter Guenellon, the well-known Amsterdam physician; Ole Romer, the Danish astronomer; Thoynard, the critic; Melchisedech Thevenot, the traveller; Henri Justel, the jurist; and Francois Bernier, the expositor of Gassendi.
The general sanitary affairs of the island are under the control of a chief surgeon (national physician) who lives in Reykjavik, and has superintendence over the doctors and the medical school.
Among his friends were the Hangests (especially Claude), Nicolas and Michel Cop, sons of the king's Swiss physician, and his own kinsman Pierre Robert, better known as Olivetan.
The county commissioners of each county have charge of the poor-house of the county, appoint its superintendent, physician and other officials, and report annually to the judge of the Court of General Sessions, who submits this report to the grand jury.
This possibility, according to Averroes, led to the adoption by the physician Galen of the so-called fourth figure, in which the middle term is predicate of the major and subject of the minor.
His extraordinary general erudition, and the skill and success with which he sought to revive the study of the old Greek physicians, gained him a great reputation, and ultimately the office of physician to the court.
His father, a physician, died in July 1813, and the boy was under the care of a bachelor uncle until he was fourteen, when his uncle married and Douglas was thrown upon his own resources.
Even in 1150 Bagdad had seen a library of philosophical books burned by command of the caliph Mostanjid; and in 1192 the same place might have witnessed a strange scene, in which the books of a physician were first publicly cursed, and then committed to the flames, while their owner was incarcerated.
His father, a physician, and a graduate of the University of Edinburgh, migrated to Charleston before 1729.
He accordingly matriculated there on the 5th of November 158r, and immediately entered upon attendance at the lectures of the celebrated physician and botanist, Andrea Cesalpino.
Appointed physician to Pope Clement VIII., he removed in 1592 to Rome, where he died on the 23rd of February 1603.
Nothing is provided by the society except the bare lodging, and the fees of a visiting physician.
His grandfather introduced the use of ipecacuanha; his father was first physician to Queen Marie Leczinska of France.
He was educated at Eton, studied medicine at Edinburgh, practised as a physician in Williamsburg, Virginia, read law at the Temple, London, in 1766-1770, and practised law in London in 1770-1776.
This body represents and acts for the county as a corporation; has charge of the erection and repair of county buildings; levies the county taxes, which are limited by law, however, to three mills on the dollar exclusive of those for schools, public highways, interest on the county debt, and other special purposes; divides the county into highway districts, and chooses a highway commissioner for each district for a term of two years; and chooses a superintendent of schools, a surveyor, a public administrator and public guardian, a board for the equalization of taxes, a coroner, a ranger, and a jail physician or health officer each for a term of two years, three commissioners of the poor for a term of three years (one each year), and a keeper and sealer of weights and measures to serve during its pleasure.
The Penitentiary is governed by a board of three prison commissioners, a superintendent, a warden, an assistant or deputy warden, a matron, a physician, and a chaplain, all appointed `by the governor, the commissioners for a term of four years, the other officers for a term of two years.
His son Louis (1677-1743) was appointed physician at the Hotel Dieu in 1710, and became demonstrator of chemistry at the Jardin du Roi in 1731.
Such a system will have a profound influence on the professional autonomy of the physician and of the autonomy of the patient.
Pli says "A physician can commit murder with complete impunity."
It is not the responsibility of the physician to inform the regulatory authority of the diagnosis, except in exceptional circumstances.
If you need a checkup now, the stars are in your favor as your physician will be accurate in his prognostication.
You're a respected HIV physician and researcher but becoming co-chair of the World Aids Conference must be a new challenge?
People with low back pain should consult a physician skilled in herbal medicines before taking colchicine due to potentially severe side effects.
The use of a second monitor mounted from the same hub affords the same comfort to the assisting physician.
A man of enormous energy and great personal charm, Simpson was a keen controversialist and much loved physician.
J. Russell Reynolds, Royal Physician, found treatment of alcoholic delirium with cannabis to be " very uncertain, but occasionally useful " .
Patients should stop using tiotropium bromide and consult a physician immediately when signs and symptoms of narrow-angle glaucoma appear.
Every female hysteric, according to Mitchell, should be placed under the watchful supervision of a (male) physician.
This covers both physician assisted suicide and the situation of giving a lethal injection to an incompetent patient.
However, most referred patients did not see a physician.
You should always seek prompt medical care for any specific health issue and consult a physician before starting a fitness regime.
The prescribing physician will need to weigh the option of alternative treatments in women who are pregnant or are planning to become pregnant.
Physician assisted suicide Doctors at the ARM voted to oppose physician assisted suicide Doctors at the ARM voted to oppose physician assisted suicide.
On 30 October 1705 he was appointed physician to Queen Anne.
The use of Dioralyte Relief in patients with these conditions should be supervised by a physician.
Get all your health questions answered from a licensed Naturopathic physician without the wait for an office visit.
This may be an audiological physician, ENT specialist, or community pediatrician in audiology.
He's consultant chest physician at Bury district hospital.
If you have any questions about sleep problems, by all means discuss them with your primary-care physician.
Seek the advice of the patient's chest physician.
These include the laboratory processing facility and the transplant physician.
Such vigilant monitoring is a conditio sine qua non for any physician who wishes to cure the patient of her malady.
Hunter also possessed two illustrated copies of the celebrated surgical treatise of the 14th century Royal physician, John Arderne.
Estimate a similar hlthaffw v dpf quot expanding coverage physician's responsibility to.
Meanwhile he had been appointed physician to the elector of Bavaria; but in 1670 he was again in Vienna advising on the establishment of a silk factory and propounding schemes for a great company to trade with the Low Countries and for a canal to unite the Rhine and Danube.
The chief adviser of the committee in Philadelphia was Dr Thomas Young, a prominent physician, who had helped to draft the Pennsylvania constitution of 1776.
On the other hand carelessness and neglect were severely punished, as in the case of the unskilful physician, if it led to loss of life or limb his hands were cut off, a slave had to be replaced, the loss of his eye paid for to half his value; a veterinary surgeon who caused the death of an ox or ass paid quarter value; a builder, whose careless workmanship caused death, lost his life or paid for it by the death of his child, replaced slave or goods, and in any case had to rebuild the house or make good any damages due to defective building and repair the defect as well.
He is neither to increase nor to diminish the physician's prescription; he is neither to buy nor to sell rotten drugs.
It is applied more particularly to the investigations of those who devote themselves to the study of pure as opposed to applied science, to the investigation of causes rather than to practical experiment; thus while every surgeon or physician who treats an individual case of cancer may add to our sum of knowledge of the disease, the body of trained investigators which is endowed by the Cancer Research Fund are working on different lines.
He then resided for a time in the house of a physician at Winchester; the physician did as little as the mineral waters; and, after a further trial of Bath, he once more returned to Putney, and made a last futile attempt to study at Westminster.
Every care that science could afford was given by his friend and physician, Cabanis, to whose brochure on his last illness and death the reader may refer.
His paternal grandfather, an Englishman, settled in Germany and married a German lady; and their son, Charles Milner, practised as a physician in London and became later Reader in English at Tubingen University.
Schlozer, who in 1769 married Caroline Roederer, daughter of Johann Georg Roederer (1726-1763), professor of medicine at Göttingen and body physician to the king of England, left five children.
He was the grandson of Thomas Marryat (physician, author of The Philosophy of Masons, and writer of verse), and son of Joseph Marryat, agent for the island of Grenada, who wrote pamphlets in defence of the Slave Trade.
In November 1637 John Clarke (1609-1676), a physician, of religious zeal and theological acumen, arrived at Boston, where, instead of the religious freedom he was seeking, he found the dominant party in the Antinomian controversy on the point.
In 1893 the legislature created a board of four members to be appointed by the governor, one of whom must be a physician, another an attorney, and made it its duty to investigate the case of every convict for whom a petition for pardon is received and then report and recommend to the governor what it deem expedient.
A physician must diagnose the newborn respiratory problem.
The Egyptians, Greeks, and the early physician Galen all advocated a medical system that focused on particular aspects of human physiology.
Western people hoping to make use of these remedies are most likely to be successful if doing so under the consultation of a qualified Tibetan physician or a Western herbalist who is very familiar with Tibetan medicine.
If you decide to give St. John's wort a try, do so only with the approval of your physician, especially if you are currently taking other medications.
Treating social anxiety disorder with herbs is possible, but you should first consult a physician and a mental health professional for an evaluation.
Every individual can have a different response to any type of medication, natural or otherwise, so it's best to do in-depth research and consult your physician with any questions or concerns.
Always consult a physician with any questions or concerns and don't ever take St. John's Wort while you're taking another antidepressant or antianxiety medication.
Additional medications may be prescribed by a psychiatrist, a physician specializing in mood and psychological disorders.
If you do take prescription medicines such as SSRI medications, do not take these herbs unless under direct supervision of your physician.
If you suspect your child suffers from an allergy, the smartest course of action is to have a physician confirm the allergies and identify potential allergens.
If allergies are making your child miserable, consider working with a physician who is well-versed in both conventional and herbal medicine.
When you take an herbal aid for impotence and inability to ejaculate, it is always best to consult a physician first so that the mechanism behind your erectile dysfunction has been determined.
If picking a homeopath out of a haystack seems a little overwhelming, you can always ask your traditional primary care physician about the field of homeopathy and their thoughts on a doctor.
The National Center for Homeopathy is a good resource to learn more about the practice and to find a homeopathic physician in your area.
First, always consult a physician before using dietary supplements.
Only a physician can diagnose kidney stones, kidney infections and other kidney-related ailments.
Each of these herbs should be used according to the package or label directions, and if you have any kidney disease or other illnesses, only in consultation with your physician or an herbalist.
Remember that only a physician can diagnose an illness, so please make an appointment and consult with your doctor for a proper diagnosis.
Tell your doctor about all herbs and supplements you're taking, and if your condition worsens or you have a serious or chronic medical condition, consult your physician prior to using any herbal medicines.
One step you can take to safely enjoy the many benefits of herbs is to make an appointment with either an herbalist or a naturopathic physician well-versed in herbal remedies.
When researching dentists, you will quickly discover eight main types of dental physician specialties.
Anyone with eye or other health issues should consult a physician before use.
As with any beauty product, watch for irritation and discontinue use or consult physician if you experience negative side effects.
If when using the product, you develop a loss of vision or are planning on having surgery, consult your physician.
Even if a physician is recommending a less stressful job for health reasons, consider that peace of mind and attitude play critical roles in combating stress induced problems like high blood pressure, diabetes, and heart disease.
It is if you are a real estate agent, a physician's assistant, or a photojournalist.
Only a physician can differentiate a heart attack from a less serious cause of chest pain, and the chances of surviving a heart attack increase with prompt diagnosis and treatment.
The patterns and times when the person experiences these feelings need to be assessed, and it is important that the individual consider working with a physician or counselor if the feelings persist.
If you, or someone you love, suffers from an anxiety disorder, it is important to seek help from your family physician or a mental health professional.
A licensed mental health provider or physician should render the diagnosis and design a comprehensive therapy regiment to relieve the patient from the excessive anxiety.
A mental health professional or physician typically asks about the amount of anxiety and worry you experience along with the impact on your life the anxiety has.
A licensed physician or therapist can make the diagnosis of chronic anxiety symptoms.
If you have concerns about teen weight, seek the advice of a physician.
The growth chart may offer a place to start when trying to identify the normal weight for a teen, but a trained pediatric physician, nurse, or dietician may be better able to design an overall healthy weight plan for a teen.
One of my favorite studies was by Dr. Abramowski, an Australian physician who divided over 100 of his patients into two groups.
Vitamin B12 shots are normally prescribed and administered by a physician.
For more information about finding the right protein powder for your unique nutritional and health needs, consult a physician or registered dietitian.
For these reasons, it is imperative for anyone who is addicted to meth to seek the help of his or her physician and other qualified medical personnel in order to withdraw from the drug in a properly equipped clinic or hospital.
No one should attempt to go through withdrawal without the supervision of a physician or qualified addiction specialist.
If you or someone you care about needs medical intervention, please seek help directly from a physician.
The Doctor immediately made a call to my primary physician to find out what medications I could take, because my blood pressure was off the charts.
They are the physician, pharmacist, and patient.
Certain drug addictions, such as those to some opiates, can be medically treated under a physician's care.
Consulting with a family physician and asking specific questions regarding the research backing a program will aid in choosing the correct treatment.
Please contact your local health organization, physician's office, or spiritual leader for more information on family and friend support groups in your area.
To prevent harmful drug interactions, always inform your physician and pharmacist of any other prescription drugs or over-the-counter drugs you are taking.
Generally, the first step in depression treatment is to make an appointment to speak with your primary care physician.
If your primary care physician determines that you may be suffering from depression, he/she will probably refer you to a psychiatrist or psychologist for further evaluation.
Any addict who wishes to withdraw from a long-term heroin addiction should seek help from a physician.
As someone who has a complete picture of your medical history, your primary care physician can help you locate treatment resources in your area.
Pills, Sprays, and Inhalers - Unlike nicotine gums and patches, these products must generally be prescribed by a physician.
You may also want to contact the teen's physician who can check for any physical or mental damage that may have been caused as a result of the drug abuse.
If you need help diagnosing an addiction, you can contact your physician or a drug treatment center.
It is not unusual for a physician to increase the dosage after several weeks or months.
If your physician has prescribed Percocet to you, it is extremely important that you only take the prescribed amount.
If you aren't sure which treatment option is best, ask your physician for a recommendation.
Individuals who have a prescription drug addiction or a serious addiction to a dangerous narcotic like cocaine or heroin, however, should consult a physician to explore the different options.
In situations where valium is legitimately prescribed and used under careful observation and assessment, complications such as addiction will be detected and dealt with early by the prescribing physician.
Your greatest chance to successfully quit smoking is to partner with your physician.
Contact your physician who will most likely give you a referral for a psychiatric evaluation by a psychiatrist or psychologist.
Depression is treatable as long as you take the first step by contacting your primary care physician.
To seek help for your depression, ask your physician for an evaluation.
Your physician will most likely give you a depression assessment.
If you fit the criteria, your physician might give you some anti-depressant medication.
Percocet is a type of prescription pain medication that can only legally be obtained with a prescription from a physician.
People who use Percocet regularly - whether legally through a physician's prescription or illegally through other means - must be cautioned that this is not a drug that can be stopped abruptly.
Successful Percocet withdrawal should be done in stages and should always be done under a physician's care.
This is why it's important to make an appointment with your physician.
Medication from your physician - Clonodine can help you with your muscle and bone pain as well as sweating.
There are also people who wind up addicted to Clonazepam despite never having had a legitimate prescription from a physician; these people obtain the drug illegally and use it recreationally.
If you feel as though you may be abusing Clonazepam, or if you feel as though your dependence on this drug has become addictive, speak to a physician to find out about the steps necessary for a successful detox.
Most patients who are prescribed Clonazepam obtain the medication legally and ingest the pills according to the dosage set by the physician.
When taken as prescribed by a physician, it can help a person concentrate and feel more energetic.
That said, the medication can also be addictive, so it should never be taken unless prescribed by a physician, and only used at the lowest effective dosage under a doctor's supervision.
If this ever happens to you or someone you know, call a physician if any adverse effects are experienced.
If you or someone you know is addicted to alcohol, contact a qualified physician immediately to discuss the situation and work out a medically supervised plan of action for recovery.
Therapy is an important part of the recovery process, but it is imperative that withdrawal is overssen by a physician who can monitor the patient's health and prescribe medication as needed to help see the person through recovery.
The recovering addict should continue to follow up with her physician to help avoid or treat relapses.
It's always advisable to check in with a physician before beginning any type of an exercise program, and this is especially important for recovering addicts.
People who are looking for a bit more challenge in their workout routine can go for a jog if their physician has approved this increased level of exercise.
Exercise can be a beneficial component of a medically supervised treatment plan to help people overcome an addiction to drugs or alcohol, as long as the activity is approved by the physician overseeing an individual's treatment.
Any parent who suspects or knows that his or her child is addicted should immediately contact a physician for help.
The simplest way to find an appropriate intervention specialist is to get a referral from the addict's physician or the treatment center you have made arrangements with.
His physician has been accused of administering the drug.
While not uncommon for pregnant women to have a physician's order to take it easy, it certainly puts a wrinkle in a working actress' life.
Her father, an accomplished physician, moved his family to Washington D.C., where they lived for four years.
It was on-again off-again with the Los Angeles district attorney's office on the exact charges to bring against former physician to Michael Jackson, Dr. Conrad Murray.
Jackson had reportedly taken multiple prescription drugs for pain, but his personal physician was charged with involuntary manslaughter in 2010 with administering a fatal cocktail of drugs, which brought on cardiac arrest.
She was previously married to actor Bruce Scott (1968-1972) and Dr. Thomas Calcaterra (1973-1979), a physician she met when she had a tumor removed from her eye.
Others, such as Physician Assistant Studies, require an on-campus interview.
Becoming a Doctor of Naturopathy can open up areas of practice such as natural care physician, medicine advisor, naturopathic specialist and naturopathic consultant.
If you think this may have happened, consult your vet or physician, whichever one applies.
That is something only the sufferer and a physician can determine.
As with any supplements, green tea or otherwise, check with your physician for possible drug interactions with medications you are already taking.
An attending physician will check for jaundice and other symptoms of poisoning.
If a physician believes that the alcohol cannot be metabolized fast enough with an IV drip they may order kidney dialysis.
If you become ill, you must see your own physician and be prepared to bring in your own outside healthcare services if needed.
Whether you are a senior, a senior services, a physician, or a concerned caregiver, we want to hear from you.
Typically performed by licensed professionals, such as nurses, nurse aides, and therapists, a home health care plan is directed by the patient's physician.
The recommendations by the senior's personal physician are paramount.
Find out how often the staff doctor visits and/or about coordination with the senior's personal physician.
Obviously a physician might have additional resources, too.
Some facilities will assist with general care, while others call in a physician, and still others expect the family to take care of all medical appointments.
Should you switch doctors, be certain that your new physician is familiar with the tests that you have completed and which ones are needed, to avoid delays.
It provides instructions to an individual's physician treatment requests in the event the person cannot communicate his or her wishes.
For those who are unaware of this symptom, the issue can be upsetting and perhaps one they are not comfortable discussing it with their partner, or even a physician.
If you find that the appointments are becoming cumbersome, talk to your physician to see if there is a way to consolidate some of the appointments so you don't have to go back and forth.
This way, the physician can conclude if they are safe for you.
Lift chairs are often considered "durable medical equipment" by an insurance company and may be covered under a health insurance policy if prescribed by a physician.
Some underlying conditions can be treated, so it's essential to see a physician as soon as signs associated with dementia begin to appear.
Be completely honest with your physician, as withholding information can prevent a proper diagnosis and treatment plan.
Depending on your health, it may be best to see a physician who specializes in working with geriatric patients when seeking to determine the cause of the symptoms.
The senior's physician structures a plan that is administered by trained medical professionals such as therapists, nurses' aides, and nurses.
Elderly patients should maintain regular appointments with their physician and follow their instructions with regard to dietary and prescription needs.
German physician Alois Alzheimer initially described the disease in 1906.
German physician Alois Alzheimer first described Alzheimer's disease in 1906.
The disease is named after German physician Alois Alzheimer, who described the disease in 1906 after a post-mortem examination of a patient.
A visit with a licensed physician or mental health professional is needed for an accurate diagnosis and treatment of depression.
Is transportation provided to medical appointments or is there a resident physician?
It is best to consult a physician for answers to what is triggering the sleep walking in your specific situation.
If you suspect that you have RLS or are experiencing symptoms associated with RLS, you should see your physician for a physical and advice.
There are some medications that your physician may prescribe to treat your RLS, usually after testing to find out if it is associated with another condition.
If you believe you have RLS, you should contact your physician to confirm and explore possible treatment options.
If you experience these symptoms, you should consult a physician for diagnosis and treatment.
If you suspect you have OHS with or without sleep apnea, you should contact a physician immediately.
If you suspect you or someone you love has sleep apnea, contact your physician and get checked out.
The following suggestions are complementary approaches to recommendations from your physician.
If you suspect you suffer from a sleep disorder, you should consult a physician.
Never take prescription-based sleeping pills unless prescribed by a physician.
If you rely on sleep medicines to sleep, you should consult a physician to be sure that your sleeplessness is not a symptom of a more serious problem.
It is necessary to seek help from your physician before adopting any stop snoring treatment plan.
A physician may recommend a dentist who can fit patients for oral devices.
Chesapeake Regional Medical Center's Sleep Center is a helpful option for people who want to seek advice from a physician.
The medical center's website offers a great resource to help residents find a physician who can help them overcome snoring problems.
The site suggests entering "Sleep Medicine Physician" in the specialty section.
Those seeking ways to stop snoring should consult with their primary care physician to see if the condition may be connected to an underlying sleep disorder.
After getting a referral from the doctor, patients fill out a questionnaire and make an appointment to see a physician at the center.
A physician should be contacted immediately and treatment sought.
Before investing in Pure Sleep or any other medical based snore relief product, consumers should consult their physician for advice and to make sure that Pure Sleep is an opportunity worth exploring.
Before seeking help from an ENT, you should determine if the visit is necessary through your dentist or your primary care physician.
While narcolepsy symptoms have probably been around since the beginning of time, the recorded history of narcolepsy begins in the 17th century with Oxford physician Thomas Willis.
Snoring can be a mere nuisance or a significant indicator of an underlying medical condition, so it is important to consult your physician to explore your options.
Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital suggests seeking guidance from a physician if this is the case.
The first step in treating severe snoring problems is to consult a physician who may refer you to an otolaryngologist.
The Find a Physician tool allows visitors to search for a physician on the university hospital's website using a keyword search along with specific criteria.
Representatives can refer you to a physician and may be able set an appointment.
If irritation persists, discuss the mask form with the prescribing physician.
Be sure and tell your physician about any facial creams and lotions you are using to avoid clogged and irritated pores.
If you are currently taking Trazodone and suffer from insomnia, contact your prescribing physician or psychiatrist.
The patients at this sleep center are given the choice to have their follow-up medical support provided at the center or by the patient's physician.
A patient's physician will make a referral to the hospital which is located at 2919 West Swann Avenue, Suite 202 in Tampa, Florida 33609.
Holistic approaches can yield excellent results; however, it is important to seek guidance from your physician to ensure that there are no medical conditions contributing to the snoring conditions.
Holistic alternatives can compliment medical interventions that your physician deems necessary.
The first step in the process is to consult your physician.
All rooms are monitored by skilled technicians who can provide the patient's sleep physician with the information they need to make a sleep disorder diagnosis and to recommend a treatment program.
Customized oral mouthpieces, surgical procedures, medications and lifestyle changes may also be recommended by the physician based on the particular needs of the patient.
While you may have a condition that is little more than a mere nuisance, it is always a good idea to visit your physician to determine which approach best suits your specific needs.
Consider snoring to be an excellent reason to visit your physician.
Riverside features a physician directory that provides an excellent opportunity to find a doctor in the area.
The first step is to seek advice from your physician as to which treatment option is best for your specific needs.
Sleep centers are wonderful options that may be suggested by your physician.
After discussing your condition with your physician, the right solution will present itself.
After an initial consultation, the sleep physician will typically ask the patient to have a sleep study at one of the local sleep centers.
The results of the sleep study, combined with the evaluation of the physician and the sleep specialists, will provide the information needed to establish a treatment program.
Patients who are not comfortable with CPAP as a treatment option for sleep apnea problems can work with a team comprised of Dr. Cherin, their sleep physician and the sleep center.
If you or someone you love suspect that you have a sleep problem, contact a physician for a diagnosis and treatment so that you can start sleeping again.
Many primary doctors are very willing to give a patient a referral to a specific practice or physician if he or she requests one, so this first step should not be hard.
The head of the Center is Dr. Catesby Ware, PhD, a board certified physician and in Sleep Medicine.
Dr. Cherin's website does note that persons seeking a dental appliance to treat snoring should also be under a physician's care to rule out the possibility of sleep apnea.
The first step in the process is to seek guidance from a physician in order to get the facts about insomnia.
It is necessary to determine if a complementary approach is appropriate for your sleeplessness with the help of your physician.
Hypnosis is an augmentative intervention that should be used in conjunction with treatments determined by your physician.
Getting help for sleeplessness is very important, and the first step to a good night's sleep is a visit with your physician.
Portsmouth doctors are simple to find using the WebMD Physician Directory.
The physician can help determine whether the condition is caused by problems that can be solved with a few simple lifestyle changes.
This approach is ideal when the cause of the snoring problem is not associated with structural problems or medical conditions discovered by a physician.
The only way to know without question is to seek advice from your physician.
A visit with a primary care physician is an important first step in overcoming snoring.
After consulting with your physician, you have a number of different options to consider.
Developing a treatment plan to stop snoring should begin with a consultation with your physician.
Even though changes in lifestyle, including proper diet and exercise, can alleviate snoring, it is still necessary to consult a physician about the sleep disorder.
In some cases, you may have to get a referral from a physician in order to get dental treatment.
While most insurance plans will require that you get a recommendation from your general physician prior to making an appointment.
If you can answer four or more in the affirmative, they recommend that you make an appointment with your physician and ask them about sleep disorders.
Diagnosis requires a sleep study and a physician who knows what questions to ask.
Individuals who suspect having a sleep disorder should consult a physician for an evaluation.
If you or someone you love is snoring excessively, choking or gasping for air, then consult a physician.
Diagnosing sleep apnea requires those who are affected with it to seek a consultation with their physician.
Houston citizens who suspect they have sleep apnea should make an appointment with their primary physician.
If the physician feels you meet the criteria, he or she can then recommend you to a sleep center for a sleep study.
Frequently a physician will recommend this type of appliance instead of prescribing a CPAP machine with a low-pressure setting.
Your personal physician may recommend that you make an appointment with a sleep physician if you are having trouble sleeping.
After a diagnostic exam, the sleep physician will probably recommend that you participate in an overnight sleep study at a local sleep center.
After meeting with a physician at the Center, each patient is given an overnight sleep study to compile additional data for the initial diagnosis.
The patient's physician may specifically recommend a Tampa sleep apnea sleep center or they may provide the patient with a list of alternative locations.
This begins with a visit to a physician.
Some of the approaches can complement interventions determined by a physician and each should be approved by a doctor.
Before visiting a sleep center, it is often necessary to have an evaluation with a primary care physician, a pulmonary specialist, a neurologist or an ENT specialist for referrals.
Ask your internal medical physician for a referral, and consider meeting with one or more sleep specialists before making a final decision.
The first step is to recognize the symptoms of sleep apnea followed by a physical assessment with a primary care physician.
It may be necessary to get a referral from a primary care physician to ensure medical insurance covers the diagnostic evaluation.
Ask your physician to refer a few specialists for you to meet with so you can make an informed decision about what might be best for you.
The machine blows air at a pressure prescribed by a sleep physician or other doctor.
Visiting a primary care physician before scheduling an appointment for a sleep study is the first step in the process.
If you are having trouble getting an uninterrupted night of sleep, your personal physician may recommend a consultation with a sleep specialist or a visit to a sleep center.
Your physician may recommend a specific sleep specialist.
If you or someone you love suspect they have a sleep disorder, discuss it with your physician.
The physician will be able to ask the right questions and look at your medical history.
No matter which type of sleep disorder you suffer from, you should see your physician for regular checkups not only for the sleep disorder but also for associated conditions.
While regular treatments can help improve the quality of sleep, it is important to update your physician for any changes in your status as well as changes and new discoveries in the medical community.
If you are having trouble sleeping at night or experiencing sleepiness during the day you should talk with your personal physician.
Your physician will review your symptoms and may recommend a sleep study and other diagnostic tests.
A patient's test report is reviewed by the technician and reviewed by the Center's board certified physician.
The referring physician can choose to obtain the results immediately after the sleep study or wait 7 to 21 days for the final report prepared by the Center's physician.
Treating the sleep problem begins with a visit to a physician, who may recommend a sleep study.
Discussing this complementary approach with a physician can help determine whether this approach is appropriate or not.
Your general physician or internist can work with you to diagnosis and establish a treatment program.
Your physician may recommend a specific sleep specialist or sleep center.
Texas Sleep Medicine is the Austin sleep clinic of Dr. Ashwin Gowda, a physician who is board certified in sleep medicine and psychiatry.
Once a patient is referred to the center, the patient has access to whatever physician is need for their particular sleep issue.
If you are concerned about your hands falling asleep while you are sleeping, you may consult your physician.
If it doesn't improve, discuss the issue with your physician.
You should not create your own splint, but consult a physician about whether this is an option for you.
If you are experiencing hand numbness during sleep and you have a sleep disorder such as sleep apnea, restless leg syndrome or insomnia, you should be sure to let your physician known.
Rather, you must first work with a sleep disorder physician.
After a physician has performed this type of exam, he or she then may make a recommendation for oral appliances or other treatment options.
However, as a patient, it is important to ensure that your sleep physician and your sleep apnea dentistry team are working together to solve your problem.
Often, the sleep physician will recommend the dentist especially when there is a need for an oral appliance or a surgical procedure to take place to rectify your obstructive sleep apnea.
The surgery requires a full evaluation by a physician and can cause a significant amount of pain and recuperation time for the person who undergoes the procedure.
Your general physician may be able to recommend an otolaryngologist or you may find one through your sleep center.Your doctor will perform a full diagnosis and evaluation to see if you are a good candidate for the procedure.
Sleep apnea is a serious health condition; you should always consult your physician with regard to any treatment you are considering.
In addition, it is important to discuss symptoms and concerns about sleep related problems with a physician.
In some cases, a physician may prescribe Trazodone as a sleep aid; but, its primary function is to treat a depressive disorder.
Many other antidepressants can cause insomnia and a physician may augment a patient's medication for depression with Trazodone to balance the effects.
If you feel that you are getting plenty of sleep, but are still experiencing severe daytime drowsiness and drowsy driving, you should consult with your physician about a possible sleep disorder.
Prevent drowsy driving by taking care of yourself, getting a good night's rest and consulting with your physician if daytime drowsiness persists.
The possible medical causes of leg cramps require treatment developed by a physician.
The cycle perpetuates until you find a way to relax and get some sleep (such as is the case with transient insomnia) or it doesn't and you speak to a physician about it (chronic insomnia).
Persistent daytime fatigue coupled with frequent nighttime waking are symptoms associated with several sleep disorders, you should consult your physician who can refer you to a sleep study for a proper diagnosis.
Positve sleep hygiene begins with good habits and if you are suffering from a disorder, these habits can help with your physician's course of treatment as well.
If you are diagnosed with a sleep disorder, you should follow your physician's treatment plan.
If you still have trouble, you should talk to your physician about possible prescription medications to help you achieve your desired sleep schedule and whether that would conflict with any other treatment.
You should never take a prescription sleep medication without approval from your physician.
If these methods prove unsuccessful in reducing your sense of daytime fatigue, mood and sleep patterns, you should consult your physician.
Finding out more about sleeping medications can help you make an informed decision with the guidance of your physician.
It is best to consult your physician with any concerns about sleeplessness as well as any medications you are considering to treat the problem, including over-the-counter sleep aids.
Make sure to discuss any discomfort with your physician right away because a solution may be very simple and it can mean the difference between restlessness and peaceful sleep night after night.
Choosing the right product begins with a proper diagnosis and a treatment plan developed by a physician.
A physician prescribes the CPAP mask and machine as well as the level of air pressure it uses.
Your physician may recommend a sleep study to determine whether your snoring is related to obstructive sleep apnea.
A physician uses a small screw to move the lower jaw slightly forward, which helps the tongue stay in place.
In most cases, you won't need to consult a physician, but if the episodes are leading to dangerous behavior, accompanied by other symptoms, or continue to worsen even after childhood, get in touch with your doctor or a sleep specialist.
Nasal decongestants or antihistamines can clear nasal passages when used as directed by a physician.
Often people may not be aware of what exactly is causing the insomnia and people typically do not mention insomnia symptoms to their physician during office visits.
For most people, using these types of supplements does not cause health problems but everyone should discuss the use of these agents with a physician to make sure that there aren't any drug interactions with any prescribed medications.
If the at-home remedies do not offer insomnia relief, a visit to a physician may be the next step.
The physician may then suggest behavioral modification therapies.
Patients who have undergone a sleep study, received a diagnosis and prescription will find that their physician can recommend the type of device that best meets their needs.
Resmed will also work with your physician and prescription to make sure you get the right device.
However, it is essential to discuss these treatments with your physician before using them.
Even if you don't plan to use prescription sleep aids yet, you should be evaluated by your physician to make sure that your insomnia is not caused by a health problem.
Adding this supplement may improve you sleep habits but remember to check with your physician - especially if you are already taking medications for depression.
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Be aware that they can produce serious eye problems if they are not fitted properly and evaluated by a licensed eye care physician.
Skyscape Medical Resources offers access to medical information for nurses, nurse practitioners, physicians and physician assistants.
Depending on the precise responsibilities of the physician looking for a smartphone, a device with a capacitive touchscreen may not be appropriate.
Again, depending on the nature of the physician's responsibilities, certain apps may prove useful for daily operations, including scheduling and even medical-specific applications.
When a physician is choosing a smartphone, he or she may also be working closely with an insurance company, a hospital, or some other organization.
The medical history helps the physician evaluate the presence of other conditions or disorders that might have caused the stroke.
If the child experiences any unexpected neurological problem, the parent should have the child evaluated by a physician.