Phrases Sentence Examples
Most were short phrases that looked like orders.
Rather, those phrases set the tone for the entire day.
Her vocabulary has all the phrases that other people use, and the explanation of it, and the reasonableness of it ought to be evident by this time.
But the exact meaning which he attaches to such expressions is not quite clear; and they occur, moreover, only incidentally and with the air of current phrases mechanically repeated.
In the Heliand the Saviour and His Apostles are conceived as a king and his faithful warriors, and the use of the traditional epic phrases appears to be not, as with Cynewulf or the author of Andreas, a mere following of accepted models, but the spontaneous mode of expression of one accustomed to sing of heroic themes.
Wedding invitation wording goes far beyond the phrases explaining who is getting married.
Moreover, in a great number of characteristic phrases and even whole verses the two are alike.
At a later period, however, the difficulty of screening the rites of baptism and Eucharist from the eyes of catechumens and from their ears the creeds and liturgies - a difficulty which had ever been formidable and which after the overthrow of paganism must have become insurmountable - seems to have provoked not only a great outpouring on the part of the Christian rhetors, like Basil, Chrysostom, the Gregories and the Cyrils, of phrases borrowed from the Greek mysteries, but perhaps an actual use of precautions.
In the 13th century, though with squeamish phrases, it pronounced sentence of death.
Words and phrases are the organic parts of the sentence, on which, therefore, the languages are classified.
AdvertisementIt was almost inevitable in the transition from feudalism to democracy that this intermediate ground should be traversed; and the peculiar Italian phrases, primo popolo, secondo popolo, terzo pa polo, and so forth, indicate successive changes, whereby the oligarchy passed from one stage to another in its progress toward absorption in democracy or tyranny.
Choose a few key phrases and alter the tone as appropriate depending upon the recipient of the thank you card.
Simply listening to the music, picturing the dancers in the space, and letting all of this planning percolate will almost certainly begin to inspire movement phrases and eventually the entire dance routine will fall into place.
This took me to a selection of words and phrases in Irish Gaelic, which I was able to hear pronounced.
Generic keywords vs. highly targeted key phrases Surprisingly many companies still believe that increased traffic will necessary lead to increased sales.
AdvertisementFamiliar the phrases who started the facility houses a multi-media sculptor robert.
Using phrases searching by using a phrase is a useful way of increasing the relevance of your results.
Write in a way that is easy to understand and avoid local slang or phrases.
It remains to add that throughout we must carefully distinguish in theory, however hard this may be to do in practice, between legitimate ritual understood as such, whether integral to prayer, such as its verbal forms, or accessory, such as gestures, postures, incense, oil or what not, and the formalism of religious decay, such as generally betrays itself by its meaninglessness, by its gibberish phrases, sing-song intonation and so forth.
The Syriac noun has three states - the absolute (used chiefly in adjectival or participial predicates, but also with numerals and negatives, in adverbial phrases, &c.), the construct (which, as in Hebrew, must be immediately followed by a genitive), and the emphatic (see above).
AdvertisementIn the writings of the mystics, ingenuity exhausts itself in the invention of phrases to express the closeness of this union.
To express the change phrases were invented which have come into general use, though involving a certain contradiction in terms, viz.
The alchemists explained chemical action by means of such phrases as " like attracts like," substances being said to combine when one " loved " the other, and the reverse when it " hated " it.
H a and HR, however, differed mainly from each other in words and phrases, as we infer from a and 1 3.
Many have to be recovered from grammars, dictionaries, &c., where single lines or groups of lines are quoted to illustrate the proper use of words, phrases or idioms. Moreover, many a reciter was not content to declaim the genuine verses of ancient poets, but interpolated some of his own composition, and the change of religion introduced by Islam led to the mutilation of many verses to suit the doctrines of the new creed.1 The language of the poems, as of all the best Arabian literature, was that of the desert Arabs of central Arabia; and to use it aright was the ambition of poets and scholars even in the Abbasid period.
AdvertisementHe has knowledge of the world, the suppleness of a courtier, Spanish vivacity, and the ingenium amoenum attributed to him by Tacitus, the fruit of which is sometimes seen in the "honeyed phrases" mentioned by Petronius - pure aspirations combined with inconsistency of purpose - the inconsistency of one who tries to make the best of two worlds, the ideal inner life and the successful real life in the atmosphere of a most corrupt court.
On the other hand, Kunze, Loofs, Sanday, and Zahn find evidence of the existence of an Eastern type of creed of equal or greater antiquity and distinguished from the Roman by such phrases as " One " (God), " Maker of heaven and earth," " suffered," " shall come again in glory."
He has the phrases " Maker of heaven and earth," " suffered," and " crucified," with " under Pontius Pilate " after instead of before it.
Since Jerome was born in Pannonia we may conjecture that he is inserting Nicene phrases from the Jerusalem creed into his baptismal creed, and 1 It is probable that " one " has dropped out of the first clause.
Pliny's eulogy of Trajan and his denunciation of Domitian are alike couched in extravagant phrases, but the former perhaps rests more uniformly on a basis of truth and justice than the latter.
The old English "Popinjay" and the old French Papegaut have almost passed out of use, but the German Papagei and generally to a large and very natural group of birds, which for more than a score of centuries have attracted attention, not only from their gaudy plumage, but, at first and chiefly, it would seem, from the readiness with which many of them learn to imitate the sounds they hear, repeating the words and even phrases of human speech with a fidelity that is often astonishing.
It is idle indeed to rewrite the Gospel narratives in the Aramaic dialect spoken by Christ and the apostles, but the main watchwords of the Gospel theology - phrases like " the Kingdom of God," " the World to come," the " Father in Heaven," " the Son of Man," - can be more or less surely reconstructed from Jewish writings, and their meaning gauged apart from the special significance which they received in Christian hands.
Moreover, not only are passages thus taken out of their context, but they are combined, especially when they contain the same words or phrases, or appear to have the same or similar thoughts or aims. The Talmud, with a reference to Prov.
He maintains that " the Greek of the New Testament may never be understood as classical Greek is understood," and accuses the revisers of distorting the meaning " by translating in accordance with Attic idiom phrases that convey in later Greek a wholly different sense, the sense which the earlier translators in happy ignorance had recognized that the context demanded."
The law French form mesne is still preserved in certain legal phrases (see Mesne).
It was supposed in olden times to be the seat of ill-humour and melancholy, whence such phrases as "to have the spleen," to be out of temper, sulky, morose, "splenetic."
From this springs the incorrect colloquial sense, something out of the common, an event which especially strikes the attention; hence such phrases as "phenomenal" activity.
Recent scholarship has absolutely disproved this legend, founded on a few trite phrases in monastic chronicles, and still to be heard in similar contexts.
Pahiavi books, however, fall outside of the present subject, which is the literature of the idiom which shaped itself out of the older Persian speech by slight modifications and a steadily increasing mixture of Arabic words and phrases in the 9th and 10th centuries of our era, and which in all essential respects has remained the same for the last thousand years.
We hear of treatments that work some percent of the time or we hear phrases like, "They are not responding to treatment."
At the time I was writing "The Frost King," and this letter, like many others, contains phrases which show that my mind was saturated with the story.
She makes many mistakes, of course, twists words and phrases, puts the cart before the horse, and gets herself into hopeless tangles of nouns and verbs; but so does the hearing child.
She remembers all that I told her about it, and in telling her mother REPEATED THE VERY WORDS AND PHRASES I HAD USED IN DESCRIBING IT TO HER.
At first, the words, phrases and sentences which she used in expressing her thoughts were all reproductions of what we had used in conversation with her, and which her memory had unconsciously retained.
The principal thing that is lacking is sentence accent and variety in the inflection of phrases.
When she came to retell the story in a fuller form, the echo was still in her mind of the phrases she had written nine years before.
The little princess, plump and rosy, was sitting in an easy chair with her work in her hands, talking incessantly, repeating Petersburg reminiscences and even phrases.
His conversation was always sprinkled with wittily original, finished phrases of general interest.
Doesn't see anything, doesn't remember anything, she went on, repeating her usual phrases.
We will follow this practice of calling statements involving one of these quantifier phrases ' quantified statements '.
Often catchy phrases are used in the musical lyrics as they are retained in the audiences' memories for longer than spoken words.
These phrases can of course be reworded to suit the style of the document that you are preparing.
For the makeover, I have concentrated on rewording slightly some of your phrases to make them sound more natural.
Like many intellectual groups, it cannot fairly be reduced to a handful of phrases or rote methods.
Using phrases Searching by using a phrase is a useful way of increasing the relevance of your results.
Careful selection of the key phrases you wish to use with your pay per click campaign is essential.
Keywords or keyword phrases must be separated by commas.
It 's all down to word play and the ability to catch the judges ' eye with simple phrases or snappy slogans.
Powered by big drum sounds, surging phrases, and throbbing rhythms, it attacks the listener with stealth and force.
Examples of risk phrases include " may cause cancer " or " toxic by inhalation ".
Pick out some phrases that demonstrate " tragic irony ".
After applying some simple algebra to some trite phrases and cliches a new understanding can be reached of the secret to wealth and success.
A few field descriptions also showed signs of having been truncated in the middle of words or phrases.
The teacher or teachers need to select the key words or phrases they want the pupils to choose from.
Each episode includes Dora and her monkey friend Boots and follows them on a journey filled with puzzle-like problems based on a specific word and phrases while teaching preschoolers Spanish as a second language.
Do a Google search by using phrases such as "jungle nursery theme" and "jungle nursery ideas".
Remain relaxed, and don't give in to the urge to finish your little one's words or phrases.
The corporate gift cards come in a variety of designs including photos of a dog in various occupations (doctor, construction worker, and more) as well as with phrases like "Nice Work."
Emails that purport to be from someone who wants to send you money may have far too many phrases that implore you to act immediately such as "Reply ASAP!" or "This offer ends in one hour!"
From simple phrases to complete sentences, quote stickers let you put your thoughts, aspirations and inspirations right where you can see them.
Quote stickers may be made up of individual letters, individual words or complete phrases or sentences.
Depending on the source, you may be able to have custom phrases printed into one sticker, or you may need multiple stickers carefully positioned together to form the quote.
Some popular words, phrases and sayings are readily available in wall stickers.
Single words and phrases such as "Believe", "Faith" or "Home Is Where the Heart Is" can frequently be found online and in craft stores, as well as at home decorating centers.
Many translation sites offer to translate words or phrases for you, but how do you know which one is the best?
With the structure of a classroom setting, you are more likely to retain the lessons, rather than repeating words and phrases from an online translator.
Here you see user-submitted words and slang phrases that might be considered for inclusion in the dictionary.
When you first arrive at the site, you can just do simple translations of words, sentences or phrases.
HowJSay - While this works with both common phrases as well as single words, it only speaks the English words and phrases.
It will translate these words and phrases for you, but there is no option to hear these translated phrases online.
While this is no longer the case, many still remember some of the strange phrases it caused.
Letters, short phrases, simple geometric shapes, and flowers are popular choices for die cuts.
Words and phrases include "Baptism", "Holy Ghost" and "New Life" among others.
Common phrases or expressions, poetry, song lyrics, famous quotes, funny quotes from loved ones, and pre-made scrapbook embellishments can all be great sources of sayings for your project.
The English language is full of colorful phrases and expressions that work well for scrapbooking.
This large directory features more than 4,000 phrases and expressions grouped according to the most common scrapbook project themes.
Messages--You can find a large selection of postmark messages, individual words or common phrases.
Clip art includes cartoon characters, floral designs, animals, phrases and holiday symbols.
Add rub-on phrases to the blank space on your photos before attaching them to the page.
New design cards are released on a regular basis, with a selection that includes general shapes, seasonal graphics, themed embellishments, and common phrases.
Instead of being simply a collection of photos, you can use embellishments that add words and phrases displaying a sense of humor.
Phrases can inspire a page theme or even form the core layout of your page.
In many cases, CDs use words or phrases that are designed to promote relaxation.
One of the most popular and fun ways for teens to don Christian shirts is buy those that reinvent popular logos, slogans, pictures, and iconic pop-culture phrases.
This works well for blended teas, allowing such phrases as 'a beautiful blend' or the 'perfect pairing.'
Below are some sample phrases to help you in each of these important areas of your wedding planning.
Using the proper phrases will ensure everyone knows how to dress.
Wedding invitation phrases can prevent awkward scenarios and ensure everyone who attends your wedding and after party feels welcome in the celebration of your love.
Often, the phrases 'affordable' and 'designer' do not go in the same sentence.
You can input words or phrases that are meaningful to you with regards to your relationship and see if there are any appropriate songs containing these words.
One of the most common phrases people throw around when it comes to Las Vegas is "What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas."
I am going to take the liberty of using phrases, slogans and other statements I have heard through friends, at AA meetings and other venues.
Clinical trial, research study, clinical studies, and other like phrases are often interchanged but mainly stand for the same type of thing.
An affirmations curtain, with silly phrases written on what looks like Stickies.
One tip is to focus key phrases to filter out results that you won't find helpful.
With her never-ending energy, catchy phrases, and penchant for fast, easy cooking, Rachael Ray has become a household name.
Screenprinted T-shirts with cute and sassy phrases are popular with both boys and girls.
Those with exceptionally snarky phrases printed on the front, those carrying a well known adult logo (such as the Playboy bunny), and shirts that expose a midriff may not be allowed at your child's school.
Popular Irish designs included on St. Patrick's Day sweaters consist of things like shamrocks, leprechauns, a harp or Celtic cross or phrases like, Luck of the Irish.
Searching a textbook for key phrases or material is easier with a downloaded text.
The tiny pup inspired toys and buzz phrases such as "Drop the chalupa!"
Many of our dogs do learn what some words or phrases mean.
Praise him and use key phrases like "use the box" or "go potty" whenever he's in the litter box.
The reason for this is that a lot of music for bass guitars is quite repetitive and consists of only a few phrases that are played over and over.
Simple phrases such as 'thinking of you' or 'two hearts as one' are easy to engrave and will add that little extra personal touch.
Pool shirts come in a variety of styles, ranging from sarcastic phrases to team spirit, and there is definitely one available no matter what personality type you are shopping for.
The Pool Excuses T shirt is a favorite, featuring eight comical phrases as to why a game went suddenly bad.
With lots of cool graphics and humorous catch phrases, there's plenty of good energy to go around!
You can choose from designs as simple as a geocaching logo, or from phrases meant to make readers laugh, like the "billion-dollar" quote above.
One of the Dude's catch phrases, "the Dude abides," is very commonly seen on Big Lebowski tee shirts and sweatshirts.
Often, a senior may surprise you with his or her answer, and express a desire to learn to play an instrument, pick up phrases in a new language or something equally unconventional.
The website is loaded with information on the technology behind the glasses, useful tips on choosing flattering frames, and even some fun features like a quiz about Hawaii and a list of common Hawaiian words and phrases.
Spelling things like "iron", "aluminum", "tin", even related phrases like "shiny" all cause extra damage.
Some of the categories are Events, Places, People, Things, Occupations; and most of the phrases are pop culture references, so anybody with a fountain of useless knowledge in their brain should do fine.
For anything longer, you need to download the 4.5 MB file which also allows for user created phrases.
To unlock a mode that removes the display during a song, sing "Bring The Noise 20xx" in the Neon Oasis venue and get "Excellent" on 75 consecutive phrases on vocals.
Dialogue was stiff and the pedestrians only said the same few phrases, as did the cops.
Each superhero and villain you will encounter has their own selection of choice phrases they will say while interacting with each other.
Rearrange names and phrases given into new phrases.
Sega decided to expand the keyboard capabilities by making The Typing of the Dead, which is the same basic game of House of the Dead, but you use the keyboard to type in words and phrases to kill the zombies.
Keeping your eyes peeled for the word and phrases is your main job.
In addition to the ratings score, phrases appear next to the symbol indicating the type of content that may be found in the game.
Fear not, because this free phrase book provides you with key words and phrases in twenty different European languages, including German, French, Portuguese, Greek, Arabic, Japanese, and Chinese.
The free version gives about 100 basic phrases, whereas the full version ($9.99) expands on this substantially.
Perhaps the most striking example of this is coprolalia, the involuntary expression of obscene or socially inappropriate words or phrases, which occurs in fewer than one-third of people with Tourette syndrome.
Children with isolated speech disorders are often helped by articulation therapy, in which they practice repeating specific sounds, words, phrases, and sentences.
They may also be able to understand words and phrases, follow simple commands, use a few words or signs, and recognize and interact with others.
Specific word exercises follow, beginning with single sounds, then syllables, and moving on to words, phrases, and sentences.
Speech begins as repetitive syllables, followed by words, phrases, and sentences.
Stuttering is a speech problem characterized by repetitions; pauses; or drawn-out syllables, words, and phrases.
On good days, a stutterer might be able to talk fluently using words that usually cause him to repeat, pause or prolong sounds, syllables, parts of words, entire words, or phrases.
These steps will be described in the dance instructions by phrases such as "do a grapevine to the left for 8 beats," or "two jazz squares, starting with the left foot, then a ball change and step-hop on the left."
Personalizing a gravestone with headstone phrases or epitaphs will add a special touch to the final resting place of your loved one.
Review headstone phrases in this article to help you with your search for the ideal one.
You have two options for headstone phrases; you can choose one that talks about how you feel about your loved one or one that reflects the person's life or death.
The Internet has many sites with headstone phrases available.
Epitaphs - An epitaph is a few words or phrases that feature on the headstone.
It helps to understand how the characters are used to create variations of words and phrases.
If your hair spray had any of the phrases such as "mega," "freezing" or "ultra," in front of the hold, chances are you had 80s mall bangs.
The advance job search allows you to search for specific phrases, posting dates, and more.
You can also further narrow your search by including keyword phrases in the search form.
If you're looking to spend a little less and still bring holiday glee, check out Elmo's Tickle Hands, which your child can actually wear and hear Elmo phrases while experiencing a tickle vibration.
The interactive Rocky the Robot Truck allows kids to interact with a truck that speaks over 100 phrases, including jokes.
Indy can say phrases like, "Snakes…why'd it have to be snakes!"
The truck will say any one of over 80 phrases or tell a joke.
Its bed comes pre-filled with "gravel" and it says fewer phrases.
The dollhouse is interactive with a doorbell to ring and a button that says popular Dora phrases in both English and Spanish.
Buttons on the dollhouse say over 75 phrases in English and Spanish.
Whether you opt for one of the dollhouses that says phrases in both Spanish and English or the non-talking Mega Bloks model, a Dora dollhouse is a way to encourage bilingual play.
The playset offers up to 150 authentic show phrases, real show environments and comes with two Fashion Switch figures.
The Flyers also spout phrases from the show.
The Dora version of the Little Tikes Playhouse is also equipped with electronic sensors that emit a variety of sounds and Dora phrases.
You can personalize a poem by changing phrases to fit your situation or adding the volunteer's name.
You will want to use similar words and phrases.
Whatever you do or say, you should definitely avoid using phrases that are likely to be interpreted as pick-up lines if you want to be taken seriously.
If you find the phrases hey baby or haven't I seen you somewhere before? starting to roll of your tongue, take a sip of your drink before the words can escape your mouth.
Looking at some methods used by poets like e.e. cummings (who used phrases like "electric fur") to find inspiration for your own poetry.
However, there are some phrases and topics that can almost always cast a romantic light on to the conversation.
However, be very careful that you use phrases and words that your lover is comfortable with.
Use simple words and phrases to remind your special someone of that big idea of "LOVE" and let his or her imaginations and memories do the rest.
They also show rings with customized phrases decorating the band.
These phrases can be any special verse or saying that is meaningful.
The same words, phrases, or symbols can be engraved onto different promise rings to make them match in symbolism even if the ring styles are very different.
Traditional party invitation wording often uses formal phrases, the title of the hosts and the full name of the engaged couple.
Friends of parents who throw an engagement party may opt for semi-formal phrases.
A number of rings with Hebrew phrases are available.
As with many descriptive phrases involving jewelry, the use of "exclusive" can be a little vague.
Keep a notebook with you for jotting down article ideas, facts to investigate, or colorful phrases to use in your own fiction writing.
If sentences or phrases that speak to you topic come to mind, add them to your list.
The goal of the SEO writer is to create readable content liberally sprinkled with the key SEO phrases as required by the client without sacrificing the integrity of the piece.
You can, of course, take limited ideas or phrases from other sources as long as you use proper citation and quotes when needed.
The sometimes controversial designs and slogans of Juicy Couture drew international attention as tracksuits and underwear began to sport sayings on the rears, and phrases such as "Go Couture Yourself" became synonymous with the Juicy name.
The bags come in a variety of candy colors and proudly display various flirty phrases that will accentuate and define your inner coquette/diva/cheerleader.
For this reason, a visit to Hot Topic is sure to be engulfed in blacks, purples, and a myriad of sarcastic catch phrases and products carrying a certain sense of dark humor.
Totes with pictures of cartoons and pictures with humorous phrases can be fun accompaniments for casual weekends.
Created by Marc Edmund Jones with the assistance of Elsie Wheeler, the Sabian symbols are descriptions of each degree of the zodiac signs, and there are 360 phrases in all.
One of the most common phrases that mothers around the world hear from their kids, especially when school is closed for a vacation is, "Mom, I'm bored."
Talk in descriptive phrases, such as "There is a blue car", "The pink flower smells great", and "I like your purple shirt".
In this space, you can put an actual grade, such as "A", "B", or "C", or you can use short phrases, like "Great job!"
One of the nice things about this site's pictures is that it includes some suggested phrases to go along with the pictures, which can combine learning opportunities with the fun of coloring.
The psychic hears sounds, words, sentences, phrases and, in some cases, clear conversations with those not of this realm.
You can use the words to a favorite song, a favorite quote, or just a random list of words and phrases that suit the recipient.
Claiming the phrases "built to fit" and "built to last" as the company mottos, Red Wing set out over a century ago to establish durable footwear for the toughest work-related circumstances.
Phrases like 'seriously!' and Dr. Mc Dreamy and McSteamy and even McVet entered the vernacular while stars like Patrick Dempsey, Katherine Heigl, Sandra Oh and Ellen Pompeo became household names.
Obtaining quotes this way will provide you with context for the phrases of interest, providing you with a deeper level of understanding than finding the words in isolation.
Each kit comes with 800 words or a selection of phrases that you can combine and arrange to make customized sayings.
The popularity of using Arabic phrases in the form of Arabic writing can be attributed to this influx of information much like that of Chinese characters.
Mastering several French phrases will help make your journey to France more pleasant.
Making the effort to greet locals in their own language with basic tourist phrases is a gesture of ambassadorship and friendliness.
These useful phrases are a good place to start when preparing yourself for a trip to a French-speaking country.
Mastering a few French language phrases can make a big difference in how you are treated while overseas.
Politeness, formality, respect, and knowledge of basic French phrases are gateways to winning help and assistance on your trip.
Shop around and compare prices and wedding package amenities, and don't forget to learn a few Spanish travel phrases!
Repetition-A common symptom of autism includes repetition of words and phrases.
In many cases, these phrases are related to something the child has been exposed to, such as a movie, a book, or a song.
First, read through your copy and eliminate all unnecessary words and repeated phrases.
To avoid having to pay for high-priced phrases, look for lesser keywords, such as "annuity."
Keywords- Targeted words or phrases about the website's subject that are commonly used when internet users search for information and sites.
A good keyword article uses one main keyword/phrase, and perhaps one or two supporting phrases throughout the body of the article in order to catch a search engine's attention.
Keywords and keyword phrases need to be used within your content if you want to draw people to your web pages.
When choosing keywords or phrases, choose something that your target audience would search for.
For example, if your website is targeted towards business school applicants, use key phrases, such as applying to business school, business school admissions, or choosing a business school.
This will help you determine what keywords or keyword phrases are the most popular.
This keyword selector tool is easy to use and specifically designed to help you determine which keywords and keyword phrases are most popular.
The only way to see which search engine optimization techniques and keyword phrases work best for your website is through experimentation and monitoring the results.
To start, type the phrases you incorporated into your website into search engines and see if you pages pop up in the results.
The MiniCard uses your personal photos or text phrases and combines them into a thicker and glossier mini calling card.
Additionally, state law often specifies words and phrases that cannot be used in the names of certain types of businesses.
Your skill set should include powerful phrases like natural team player, strong attention to detail, and extensive waitress experience and expertise.
While there are techniques you must use in your letter, there are also some words, phrases and actions you should avoid.
Use words and phrases taken from the job ad when crafting your resume objective statement and you have a better chance of having your resume coming up when the employer is selecting candidates to interview.
These key words are nouns and noun phrases for the most part, though they can also be descriptive words.
Do take the time to use both acronyms and the full phrases of wording within your resume when the acronym is popular within the industry.
Also, include phrases such as MBA, M.B.A.
Words such as "Call today to order" and "Send your order in using the handy order form enclosed" are typical direct marketing action phrases.
The Big Paw phenomenon has grown since 2002 with magnets and stickers boasting the words Rescue Mom or Rescue Dad, along with other great phrases.
You'll hear phrases like "best selling SUV in its weight class," "best selling family vehicle with a four star safety rating," or "best selling American sedan with low emissions."
Another category of cheerleading quotes belongs in the realm of advice given from one cheerleader to another, ranging from exhortations of courage to cautionary phrases about the dangers of letting ego and vanity get the better of you.
However, there are a number of websites that offer quotes, poems, phrases, and song lyrics that you can use to design a unique greeting.
If you're interested in scrapbooking, card making, and other paper crafts, you may have a large collection of rub-on letters, phrases, and designs.
They often feature quotes or inspirational phrases, but can be simply decorative collages.
The phrases relate to foods containing five milligrams of sodium or fewer per serving.
One of the common phrases associated with the abdominal muscles is the "six-pack."
Beginners should also consider browsing through a dictionary of weightlifting, bodybuilding, and exercise terms to get a better understanding of common words and phrases used in the sport.
In French, there are several different words and phrases to use, depending on your intended meaning.
For example, if you are scheduled to go on a business trip to France, you may want to begin with transportation phrases, or learn different ways to say hello.
At Europa Pages, you'll be pleased to find many of the basic French phrases.
Text and audio files are included to students, and many items are covered, including the alphabet, conjugation, phrases, counting, time and date, and other vocabulary.
The important factor here is not to be shy; practice saying the alphabet (along with the basic phrases) out loud, so that you begin to get the rhythm of the language.
That being so, what makes this site unique is that the user is able to listen to the phrases.
Not only do they cover the basics of French words and phrases, but they also offer grammar that is conveniently divided into topics, for example vacations.
That's why you'll find articles on a wide range of topics related to the French language, including language reference charts, learning tips, translation help, and the perfect French phrases for any occasion.
You;ll fin all this and much more in our phrases category.
The internet is an excellent source for easy translations of short phrases.
In the old days, not so long ago, any translation of French phrases required you to pull out your pocket French to English dictionary.
Most of the translators will translate anything from short phrases to web pages.
There are any number of ways to get French phrases translated accurately as well as translations of longer French documents.
So you're planning a trip to France, you don't have a lot of time to master the language and you're wondering what the most useful phrases in French are?
If you're wanting to communicate with the locals, there are a few useful phrases that you should try to master.
In case you're thinking that even memorizing the above is too much, you can consider consulting some other resources for learning French phrases.
LoveToKnow French actually has a whole category dedicated to phrases.
Learning French always begins with some simple French phrases and an attempt to pronounce them in a somewhat French-like manner.
Unfortunately, French pronunciation takes quite some time and effort to achieve, but learning the most basic French phrases can be done in no time.
Getting your feet wet can be a daunting task; however, jumping right in without hesitation is the best way to begin learning simple French phrases.
An important piece of advice is to start with hearing the phrases before you attempt to read them.
Instead, invest in a beginner level French audio course, such as Learn French Now!, or find websites with links to basic phrases that have audio files to listen to.
Listening to the phrases is more important in the beginning stages of learning French.
There are many more simple phrases that you can pick up.
All in all, there are plenty of simple phrases to begin learning French.
You will find that the most basic phrases that will allow you to function on a daily basis in a Francophone country are the ones you learn the fastest because you will practice them constantly.
One way is to simply memorize sentences and common phrases.
Learning simple phrases will never produce a fluent speaker but it can get you through a couple of weeks in France!
There are a variety of resources for learning basic sentences and phrases right here at LoveToKnow French.
There are some French language phrases for travelers that are more useful than others.
While you may never use several of the fancy phrases you learned in your French classes, you'll have plenty of opportunities to use common phrases if you visit a Francophone country.
These simple French phrases can make the difference between having a pleasant time while vacationing and having an absolutely fabulous time.
Mastering a few simple phrases will allow you to meet some locals and engage in conversation with some people on the street.
In addition to knowing the most important phrases to say, an absolute must is observing some of the French social customs in your seech.
This is one of the best resources for learning how to say French phrases without actually being in a French classroom or having a French tutor.
While it can be tempting to rely on first learning to read and write French, and then after you know the basic vocabulary and phrases to begin learning pronunciation, this can actually make learning pronunciation even more difficult.
If you first spend a lot of time memorizing phrases and learning to read and spell them, you will develop a pronunciation of them in your head.
The online learn French free audio sites referenced above are great resources for enabling students to learn the words and phrases of French in two modes at once.
Especially helpful are the categories that include medical phrases, like that of J'ai de la fiève (I have a fever).
Again, these phrases can be helpful when traveling.
The only drawback to this site is that they literally only provide vocabulary- there are no phrases.
In addition to studying the words and phrases listed above, it may also be helpful to create a set a flash cards.
When traveling to France or another French speaking area for an extended amount of time, you'll need a repertoire of French travelers' expressions that goes beyond a small collection of simple French phrases.
While a dictionary of phrases can be a handy thing to pack, it's worthwhile to learn a fair amount of phrases before you even go.
Even if you have learned a long list of phrases that are useful when renting a car, that doesn't mean you will be able to understand the answers to the questions you ask.
The following phrases pop up often when somebody gives directions.
Develop out the animal theme to talk to the children about where animals live and what they eat, introducing French vocabulary and phrases where appropriate.
Flirting phrases in French language tend to be compliments, terms of endearment, and casual banter between two people.
Learn the basic flirting phrases in French language and be ready with a snappy comeback during your next flirtatious encounter.
A few phrases may come in handy, but having a quick wit also helps.
Having several easy flirting phrases in French language memorized may give you more confidence as you participate in your first flirtatious conversation.
Obviously, just dropping one of these phrases randomly into a conversation isn't really flirting.
Travel Phrase offers many more flirting phrases to learn before you embark on your trip to France.
Knowing some romantic French phrases can also surprise and delight those with whom you're flirting.
The English language may have phrases such as "my pet" as a term of endearment, but the French love animal pet names when flirting.
Just as in English, there are some flirting phrases in French language that are just too passé to use.
Alta Lang has a whole list of flirting phrases to avoid so you don't come off sounding like a dinosaur.
Stick with simple comebacks and gentle phrases and you'll be fine.
Learning French vocabulary, verbs, and phrases are only a small part of the language-learning picture.
Unless you're serious about someone, there are several phrases not to use.
If you're looking for ways to say I like you in French, you may want to know a lot more French flirting conversational phrases as well as more details on romance and courtship in Francophone countries.
For French translations of simple phrases, you can tackle the job from any number of angles.
There are several steps you can follow in order to get accurate French translations of simple phrases.
Then you can look up the missing words or phrases, fill in the blanks, and translate almost anything!
Start by identifying any words or phrases you already know or that resemble words in English.
Use this technique whenever you're stumped translating simple phrases in French.
Guidebooks, travel guides, pocket translators and similar tools can all provide you with quick and easy translations of simple phrases.
Knowing how to ask for directions, how to ask how much something is, or asking the way to the nearest bathroom are all important phrases to know.
One of the best tricks for French translations of simple phrases is to memorize key phrases.
Basic_Tourist_French_Phrases - don't go to any French speaking country with memorizing these phrases.
Everyday_Phrases_in_French - more phrases you'll encounter in daily life.
How_to_Say_French_Phrases - guide to pronouncing those basic French phrases.
Simple_French_Phrases - provides the basics of phrases you should know.
Useful_Phrases_in_French - and more useful phrases in French to guide you through those typical daily situations.
Helpful French phrases are really in the eye of the beholder.
Then, search among the many phrases available to you so you pick le mot juste.
Depending on the situation, you may consider 'helpful' French phrases things to say to be polite, ways to ask for something, or emergency terms.
Knowing when to say good morning, good afternoon or good evening demonstrates not just mastery of a few phrases but an understanding of French culture.
Use these polite phrases to ask for what you need.
You may want to write down the following helpful phrases for those unfortunate times when you need to know some emergency and medical lingo.
There are also some phrases that you should know, especially if you hear them in your hotel, the airport, or a public building.
Put phrases on your cell phone or hand-held device and save as a message that you can access on screen.
Hopefully you'll never need those phrases, but if you do you will have them at the ready.
The results this dictionary gives are very easy to work with because different text colors are used; French phrases are written in black, and English phrases in blue.
In general, dictionaries have more resources to be used, but translation sites can sometimes translate entire phrases.
If you want to translate entire phrases, you may be better off with a translation site (assuming that the site doesn't translate each word individually and then put them all into one sentence).
For phrases that are found though, the translation quality/accuracy is quite good.
You can translate phrases or entire pages using various browser tools.
What is nice is that the translation is moderately accurate, more so than if you simply typed in a few phrases here or there.
However, be careful with this as the grammar checker will miss some errors and will underline some phrases that are actually correct.
Je t'aime is "I love you" in French, and one of the most common French phrases to be heard transplanted into other various world languages.
With this arsenal of phrases, quotes, and sayings, you'll never be left wondering "how do you say 'I love you' in French?"
While approximations of the pronunciation of these French phrases are given, it is impossible to provide a perfect pronunciation key using English sounds to guide French pronunciation.
In addition, any time a fluent French speaker says these phrases, pay attention to his or her pronunciation so that you can try to copy it.
In this case, the following phrases apply; which one you use will depend on whether or not the situation is formal, and whether you are actually welcoming the person or making a statement that the person is welcome.
Try the following formal and informal phrases the next time somebody thanks you in French.
Note that the line between formal and informal versions of "you're welcome" is not distinct and many phrases can be used in both types of situations.
Getting a feel for which of these phrases to use in a given situation will take some time.
Whenever you are exposed to native speakers speaking French, note the types of contexts where each of these phrases is used so that you develop a deep understanding of how to use them.
Using these phrases appropriately includes not just learning the French pronunciation of them, but also learning when French social customs indicate that you should use them.
For even more impact, however, learning a few extra birthday words and phrases can be even more enjoyable.
Learning a few more French holiday phrases related to birthdays can add a lot to your birthday greetings, as well as your ability to talk about your birthday, or someone else's, after the big day.
To be fluent in French, you eventually have to move beyond the standard greetings and tourist vocabulary and learn the colloquial French words and phrases that hint at a true Francophone.
While learning these phrases might seem tricky, the truth is that you will pick them up easily if you hear them in conversation.
There are a few resources to help you find those everyday French words and phrases that will be most useful to you.
Of course you'll find lessons there, as well as plenty of opportunities to hear and practice the most common French phrases.
Many of the available styles sport a decal of some sort, for example a small skull and bones, while others contain various sexy phrases.
With the exception of a few phrases, the song could even be interpreted a