Phragmites Sentence Examples
Many grasses are almost cosmopolitan, such as the common reed, Phragmites communis; and many range throughout the warm regions of the globe, e.g.
There is, however, justification for referring some specimens to Arundo, Phragmites, and to the Bambuseae.
Hemi-hydrophytes (swamp plants, marsh plants, &c.).Plants riose vegetative organs are partly submerged and partly aerial; lucheria terrestris, Philonotis fontana, Sca pan-ia undulata, Maria spp., Salvinia ivatans, Azolla spp., Equisetum limosum, Typha rgustifolia, Phragmites communis, Scirpus lacustris, Nymphaea tea, Oenanthe fistulosa, Bidens cernua.
The moist soil encourages luxuriant thickets of willows (Salicineae), surrounded by dense chevaux-de-frise of wormwood and thornbearing Compositae, and interspersed with rich but not extensive prairies, harbouring a great variety of herbaceous plants; while in the deltas of the Black Sea rivers impenetrable beds of reeds (Arundo phragmites) shelter a forest fauna.
Arundo and Phragmites are tall reed-grasses (see Reed).
Pools and drains support a variable open water flora and the swamp vegetation is dominated by Common Reed (Phragmites australis).