Philip iv Sentence Examples
Its French estates were granted to the Hospitallers, but actually Philip IV.
The prince of Conde sustained a severe repulse under its walls in 1638, and it was on this occasion that the town received from Philip IV.
The war opened disastrously for the French, but by 1642, when Richelieu died, his armies - risen from 12,000 men in 1621 to 150,000 in 1638 - had conquered Roussillon from Spain; they held Catalonia, which had revolted from Philip IV.
In 1599 the privilege of making " Voires de cristal a la faschon Venise," was granted to Philippe de Gridolphi of Antwerp. In 1623 Anthony Miotti, a Muranese, addressed a petition to Philip IV.
Charles of Valois at once entered into possession of the countship of Anjou, to which Philip IV.
They were, however, checked by the audiencias, or law courts, of which there were eleven from the reign of Philip IV.
In this same year, considering themselves ill-used by Olivarez, prime minister of Philip IV.
Some years later the bishop of Puebla, Juan de Palafox y Mendoza, transferred many native congregations from the friars to secular priests, and subsequently, in 1647, came into conflict with the Jesuits, whom he excommunicated, but who eventually triumphed with the aid of the Dominicans and the archbishop. The power of the church may be judged from the petition of the Ayuntamiento of Mexico to Philip IV.
On the 30th of January 1648, Spain concluded a separate peace at Minster with the Dutch, by which Philip IV.
For a time Albert allied himself with Philip IV.
AdvertisementSaisset is, however, famous in French history for his opposition to King Philip IV.
Dunlop was also the author of A History of Roman Literature (1823-1828), and of Memoirs of Spain during the Reigns of Philip IV.
Even the Jesuits, whose influence in Portugal had steadily increased since 1555, were now prepared to act in the interests of Cardinal Richelieu, and therefore against Philip IV.
In his Papel Forte he urged the cession of Pernambuco to the Dutch as the price of peace, while his mission to Rome in 1650 was undertaken in the hope of arranging a marriage between the heir to the throne of Portugal and the only daughter of King Philip IV.
The most noted conflict of Boniface was that with Philip IV.
AdvertisementThe war with Flanders, which had begun under Philip IV.
By Marie de' Medici he had Louis, later Louis XIII.; Gaston, duke of Orleans; Elizabeth, who married Philip IV.
His birth was greeted with joy by the Spaniards, who feared the dispute as to the succession which must have ensued if Philip IV.
In 1294 he played a most Philip IV.
But the inevitable struggle had recommenced with the accession of the unscrupulous Philip IV.
AdvertisementThe middle ages had been dominated by four great problems. The first of these had been to determine whether there should Philip IV.
When King Philip IV.
At last the French party, which hoped to save their monarchy from partition by securing the support of France, persuaded the dying king to leave his kingdom by will to the duke of Anjou, the grandson of Louis XIV., and of Maria Teresa, daughter of Philip IV.
It was on that day that France's King Philip IV arrested, tortured and executed the Knights of the Templar, a Catholic order that protected travelers in Jerusalem.