Phenomenon Sentence Examples
There are UFO groups which investigate the UFO phenomenon.
The insect showed the phenomenon of long-lived luminescence.
In the early 1980s, US doctors began to notice a strange phenomenon.
There was a phenomenon to suggest ways in which they could investigate the activities that were going on.
One interesting phenomenon in spider-life seems to be directly and certainly traceable to this influence, and that is mimicry of ants.
This unique phenomenon will pass as we learn to cope with vast amounts of data.
The banshee is perhaps connected with ancestral or house spirits; the Wild Huntsman, the Gabriel hounds, the Seven Whistlers, &c., are traceable to some actual phenomenon; but the great mass of British goblindom cannot now be traced back to savage or barbarous analogues.
As to the nature of histogenesis, nothing more can be said than that it appears to be a phenomenon similar to embryonic growth, though limited to certain spots.
Emigration is a comparatively new phenomenon in Sardinia, which began only in 1896, but is gaining ground.
To this phenomenon he gave the name of dimorphobiosis.
AdvertisementIn this case also the differentiation of leaf-bundles, which typically begins at the base of the leaf and extends upwards into the leaf and downwards into the stem, is the first phenomenon in the development of vascular tissue, and is seen at a higher level than the formation of a stele.
The happenings will be assessed in relation to their coherence with another observed phenomenon.
This phenomenon occurs among species found at high elevations, among others found in arid or desert regions, and in some cases in the female sex only, the male being winged and the female wingless.
The phenomenon of emigration in Sicily cannot altogether be explained by low wages, which have risen, though prices have done the same.
The phenomenon was quite common between 9.30 A.M.
AdvertisementBut the phenomenon was not obscure.
The phenomenon of seasonal dimorphism is of especial moment for the plankton dwellers.
It addresses the causes and mechanisms underlying the phenomenon.
There are unifying principles that can be used to understand diverse ecological genetic phenomenon.
Mechanism was the unalterable connexion of every phenomenon a with other phenomena b, c, d, either as following or preceding it; mechanism was the inexorable form into which the events of this world are cast, and by which they are connected.
AdvertisementBut however small the units it takes, we feel that to take any unit disconnected from others, or to assume a beginning of any phenomenon, or to say that the will of many men is expressed by the actions of any one historic personage, is in itself false.
This website combines the power and social benefits of the DogPile search engine, along with the hilarity of the LOLCats phenomenon.
This phenomenon is connected with the fact that incandescent bodies, especially in rarefied gases, throw off or emit electrons or gaseous negative ions.
In Spain and North Africa persecution created that strange and significant phenomenon Maranism or crypto-Judaism, a public acceptance of Islam or Christianity combined with a private fidelity to the rites of Judaism.
In the East, mysticism is not so much a specific phenomenon as a natural deduction from the dominant philosophic systems, and the normal expression of religious feeling in the lands in which it appears.
AdvertisementUp to this time the phenomenon of fermentation was considered strange and obscure.
He found himself looked upon with curiosity as a precocious phenomenon, a "made man," an intellectual machine set to grind certain tunes.
The eggs of locusts may remain for years in the ground before hatching; and there may thus arise the peculiar phenomenon of some species of insect appearing in vast numbers in a locality where it has not been seen for several years.
No phenomenon was without a name, no problem without a solution.
The corresponding phenomenon in the case of vapours is well known.
Another curious phenomenon may fitly be referred to in this connexion, viz.
There is, in all probability, a connexion between this phenomenon and the peculiarities of positive and negative brush and other discharge in air.
Could they be the result of a single, giant meteor crashing to Earth or something else, an entirely new phenomenon?
Joining fascism and bureaucratic socialism together into a single phenomenon admirably suited the needs of the cold war.
Many materials behave both like elastic solids and viscous fluids, a phenomenon referred to as viscoelastic properties.
Patients who develop the condition almost always suffer from Raynaud's phenomenon (blood vessel spasm triggered by cold weather) first.
They will study the phenomenon of quark color superconductivity, a new state of matter thought to occur in the center of neutron stars.
It was not my purpose to write a scholarly treatise about the phenomenon of the hefted flocks.
The beginning of definite knowledge on the phenomenon of fermentation may be dated from the time of Antony Leeuwenhoek, who in 1680 designed a microscope sufficiently powerful to render yeast cells and bacteria visible; and a description of these organisms, accompanied by diagrams, was sent to the Royal Society of London.
In his Memoire sur le refraction des corps solides (1741) he was the first to give a theoretical explanation of the phenomenon which is witnessed when a body passes from one fluid to another more dense in a direction not perpendicular to the surface which separates the two fluids.
Elsewhere at Cnossus, in the smaller palace to the west, the royal villa and the town houses, we find the evidence of a similar catastrophe followed by an imperfect recovery, and the phenomenon meets us again at Palaikastro and other early settlements in the east of Crete.
Indeed, as has been seen, they appropriate the entire personale of the Bible from Adam, Seth, Abel, Enos and Pharaoh to Jesus and John, a phenomenon which bears witness to the close relations of the Mandaean doctrine both with Judaism and Christianity - not the less close because they were relations of hostility.
Curiosity impelled him to remain and watch the progress of such a novel phenomenon; but curiosity was changed into dismay as the terrific character of the phenomenon unfolded itself.
This was probably the same phenomenon to which I have referred, which is especially observed in the morning, but also at other times, and even by moonlight.
While Cook was speculating on the cause of this phenomenon, and was in the act of ordering out the boats to take soundings, the " Endeavour " struck heavily, and fell over so much that the guns, spare cables, and other heavy gear had at once to be thrown overboard to lighten the ship. As day broke, attempts were made to float the vessel off with the morning tide; but these were unsuccessful.
The promulgation of this truncated constitution was greeted by a furious agitation, culminating in September in a general strike, rightly described as the most remarkable political phenomenon of modern times.
The emergence of Satan as a definite supernatural personality, the head or prince of the world of evil spirits, is entirely a phenomenon of post-exilian Judaism.
In the Positive state, inherent volition or external volition and inherent force or abstraction personified have both disappeared from men's minds, and the explanation of a phenomenon means a reference of it, by way of succession or resemblance, to some other phenomenon, - means the establishment of a relation between the given fact and some more general fact.
Other Arctic observers have failed to find any trace of this phenomenon.
This, however, did not lead him to doubt the truth of those reported by others - a fact that is somewhat surprising when we reflect that the phenomenon caused him much disquiet and perplexity.
Under the title of essence are discussed those pairs of correlative terms which are habitually employed in the explanation of the world - such as law and phenomenon, cause and effect, reason and consequence, substance and attribute.
A man in Bristol, England, a former businessman, is a long-time explorer of paranormal phenomenon.
We know what we mean by a psychic phenomenon, even if we can't define it.
The remarkable phenomenon of the periodic Turkestan shifting of the Lop Nor system has been revealed by the and Oxus researches of Sven Hedin, and the former existence of basin.
The formation of dense banks of cloud in the afternoon, when the up wind is strongest, along the southern face of the snowy ranges of the Himalaya, is a regular daily phenomenon during the hotter months of the year, and heavy rain, accompanied by electrical discharges, is the frequent result of such condensation.
The phenomena, known as "protective resemblance," or similarity to inanimate objects or vegetation, and the kindred phenomenon of "mimicry," or beneficial likeness to certain protected species of animals, are common in the group. In these particulars, considered in their entirety, spiders show a marked contrast to other Arachnida, such as the scorpions, pedipalps, book-scorpions and so-called harvest spiders, which by comparison are remarkably uniform, within the limits of the orders, in structure, habits and other respects.
The instinct reaches its highest development in the phenomenon miscalled "death feigning."
Broadly this phenomenon is termed polymorphism; however, it is necessary to examine closely the diverse crystal modifications in order to determine whether they are really of different symmetry, or whether twinning has occasioned the apparent difference.
The direct method consists in observing the times of some momentary or rapidly varying celestial phenomenon, as it appears when seen from opposite points of the earth's orbit.
He further treated in a masterly manner of echoes and the mixture of sounds, and explained the phenomenon of grave harmonics as due to the occurrence of beats so rapid as to generate a musical note.
The suggestion is obvious that the halving of the number of nuclear threads in the reproductive cells as compared with the number of those present in the ordinary cells of the tissues - a phenomenon which has now been demonstrated as universal - may be directly connected with the facts of segregation of hybrid characters observed by Mendel.
Observed originally by Engelmann in bacteria, by Stahl in myxomycetes, and by Pfeffer in ferns, mosses, &c., it has now become recognized as a widespread phenomenon.
But the phenomenal idealists have not, any more than Kant, noticed the ambiguity of the term " phenomenon "; they fancy that, in saying that all we know is phenomena in the Kantian sense of mental appearances, they are describing all the positive facts that science knows; and they follow Kant in supposing that there is no logical inference of actual things beyond experience.
From the inability of the savage in all ages and in all lands to comprehend death as a natural phenomenon, there results a tendency to personify death, and myths are invented to account for its origin.
In modern philosophy the phenomenon is neither the "thing-in-itself," nor the noumenon or object of pure thought, but the thingin-itself as it appears to the mind in sensation (see especially Kant; and Metaphysics).
However inaccessible to us may be the cause of the expression of will in any action, our own or another's, the first demand of reason is the assumption of and search for a cause, for without a cause no phenomenon is conceivable.
Stem from a central source, a phenomenon known as spotlighting.
At its beginnings it was sold exclusively through Target, much like the Olsen Twins phenomenon over at Wal-Mart.
Anyone who's followed makeup trends in recent months may have noticed quite a phenomenon in the mascara world, in particular.
Pokemon products were everywhere and the video games were a phenomenon.
The Ouija board game is meant to be a source of entertainment, not a psychic phenomenon.
This relatively new massage phenomenon is cropping up in shopping malls, flea markets and workplaces across the country.
The phenomenon may have had some humble beginnings with early Guitar Hero titles, but rhythm games have quickly exploded into huge popularity (and profitability for developers).
Over the past fifty years, California wine has become an international phenomenon.
Magnetic force has not merely the property of acting upon magnetic poles, it has the additional property of producing a phenomenon known as magnetic induction, or magnetic flux, a physical condition which is of the nature of a flow continuously circulating through the magnet and the space outside it.
For the practical observation of this phenomenon it is usual to employ a needle which can turn freely in the plane of the magnetic meridian upon a horizontal axis passing through the centre of gravity of the needle.
The explanation given of the last described phenomenon will with the necessary modification apply also to this; it is a consequence ' Phil.
Alloys containing different proportions of nickel were found to exhibit the phenomenon, but the two critical temperatures were less widely separated.
The introduction of the idea that the phenomenon was caused by refraction is to be assigned to Vitellio.
The colours are much fainter, and according to Aristotle, who claims to be the first observer of this phenomenon, the lunar bows are only seen when the moon is full.
This phenomenon, called chemiotaxis, has been studied by several investigators.
Massart and Bordet, Leber, Metchnikoff and others have studied the phenomenon in leucocytes, with the result that while there is evidence of their being positively chemiotactic to the toxins of many pathogenic microbes, it is also apparent that they are negatively influenced by such substances as lactic acid.
Presently the Greek empire of the East was overthrown by Rome, and in due course this new phenomenon, so full of meaning for the Jews, called forth a new interpretation of Daniel.
This statement is quite consistent with the continuous production of new segments at the neck of the scolex, for such a process is analogous to the development of the segments in a Chaetopod, which is a perfectly distinct phenomenon from the regeneration of new segments to supply the place of a head or tail-end or some other portion that has been lesioned.
More convincing evidence of the absence of true regeneration, however, is the argument from malformation and the phenomenon known as " pseudo-scolex.
The evolution of the cysticercoid, cysticercus and other forms of larvae is a varied adaptive phenomenon.
An interesting phenomenon in connexion with the organization of crafts is their tendency to amalgamate, which is occasionally visible in England in the 15th century, and more frequently in, the 16th and 17th.
Another defect arising during curing and fermentation is the efflorescence of salts on the surface, a phenomenon known as " saltpetre "; light brushing and spraying with a weak solution of acetic acid are effective remedies.
This anomalous phenomenon is still obscure, for we do not yet know whether the second embryo is developed sexually or asexually from the first.
Next, as all investigation proceeds from that which is known best to that which is unknown or less well known, and as, in social states, it is the collective phenomenon that is more easy of access to the observer than its parts, therefore we must consider and pursue all the elements of a given social state together and in common.
This phenomenon was first noticed in the case of the plain on which s, stands the capital, TOkyO.
In all nations men of short stature have relatively large heads, but in the case of the Japanese there appears to be some racial reason for the phenomenon.
This singular phenomenon is supposed to owe its appearance to an accumulation of gas, formed by the decay of vegetable matter, detaching and raising to the surface the matted weeds which cover the floor of the lake at this point.
Residual Charges in Dielectrics.-In close connexion with this lies the phenomenon of residual charge in dielectrics.
The explanation of this phenomenon is to be found in the fact that anthropomorphisms, as such, were not necessarily avoided, but only in those cases where they might be misunderstood by the people.
An interesting local phenomenon is that of lake Tequesquiten, which was formed by the subsidence of a large area of ground about the middle of the 19th century, carrying with it an old town of the same name.
In the North Sea north of the Dogger Bank, for instance, the disk is visible in calm weather to a depth of from io to 16 fathoms, but in rough weather only to 62 fathoms. Knipovitch occasionally observed great transparency in the cold waters of the Murman Sea, where he could see the disk in as much as 25 fathoms, and a similar phenomenon has often been reported from Icelandic waters.
The latter phenomenon is most clearly shown by the stripes of cold water along the west coasts of Africa and America, the current running along the coast tending to draw its water away seawards on the surface and the principle of continuity requiring the updraught of the cool deep layers to take its place.
In this we see the explanation of the phenomenon of the generation of heat by friction.
Franklin noted the phenomenon with disapproval in his advocacy of increased population; Malthus with approval in his search for means to decrease population.
The famous experiment with the kite, proving lightning an electrical phenomenon, was performed by Franklin in June 1752.
Later, in his movement towards Positivism, he strongly repudiates Kant's separation of phenomenon from noumenon, and affirms that our intellect is capable of grasping the whole reality.
Hence the new phenomenon of written prophecies.
The phenomenon of the tidal bore is sometimes seen on the Humber.
The fundametal difficulty which confronts those who would distinguish between pleasure and eudaemonia is that all pleasure is ultimately a mental phenomenon, whether it be roused by food, music, doing a moral action or committing a theft.
There is a marked disposition on the part of critics of hedonism to confuse "pleasure" with animal pleasure or "passion," - in other words, with a pleasure phenomenon in which the predominant feature is entire lack of self-control, whereas the word "pleasure" has strictly no such connotation.
The most probable explanation of this phenomenon is that these renderings are derived from an early Greek translation, differing from the Septuagint proper, but closely allied to that which Theodotion used as the basis of his revision.
In its external features the new phenomenon was exceedingly like what is still seen in the East in every zikr of dervishes - the enthusiasm of the prophets expressed itself in no artificial form, but in a way natural to the Oriental temperament.
To give a name to this new phenomenon the Israelites, it would seem, had to borrow a word from their Canaanite neighbours.
The remarkable phenomenon of nations so similar in bodily make but so distinct in language can hardly be met except by supposing a long period to have elapsed since the country was first inhabited by the ancestors of peoples whose language has since passed into so different forms. The original peopling of America might then well date from the time when there was continuous land between it and Asia.
This method was employed by Sir Isaac Newton, whose experiments constitute the earliest systematic investigation of the phenomenon.
The phenomenon of dispersion shows that in dispersive media the velocity is different for lights of different wave-lengths.
The name given to this phenomenon, - "anomalous dispersion" - is an unfortunate one, as it has been found to obey a regular law.
The phenomenon of " concrescence " which we have already had to note as showing itself so importantly in regard to the free edges of the mantle-skirt and the formation of the siphons, is what, above all things, has complicated the structure of the Lamellibranch ctenidium.
Aberration Of Light This astronomical phenomenon may be defined as an apparent motion of the heavenly bodies; the stars describing annually orbits more or less elliptical, according to the latitude of the star; consequently at any moment the star appears to be displaced from its true position.
The application of this observation to the phenomenon which had so long perplexed him was not difficult, and, in 1727, he published his theory of the aberration of light - a corner-stone of the edifice of astronomical science.
The present writer in his Materials for a Sumerian Lexicon has mentioned this ruling phenomenon again and again.
It is probable that the whole phenomenon of isomerism is due to the possibility that compounds or systems which in reality are unstable yet persist, or so slowly change that practically one can speak of their stability; for instance, such systems as explosives and a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen, where the stable form is water, and in which, according to some, a slow but until now undetected change takes place even at ordinary temperatures.
Especially prominent is the fact that polymerism and metamerism are mainly reserved to the domain of organic chemistry, or the chemistry of carbon, both being discovered there; and, more especially, the phenomenon of metamerism in organic chemistry has largely developed our notions concerning the structure of matter.
The phenomenon of isomerism will probably supply the crucial test, at least for the chemist, and the question will be whether the Ostwaldian conception, while substituting the Daltonian hypothesis, will also explain isomerism.
This best studied case shows that a number of mutual relations are to be found between the properties of two modifications when once the phenomenon of mutual transformation is accessible.
In the narrowest portion of this gorge, not far from Bellegarde at its lower end, there formerly existed the famous (described by Saussure in his Voyages dans les Alpes, chapter xvii.), where for a certain distance the river disappeared in a subterranean channel; but this natural phenomenon has been destroyed, partly by blasting, and partly by the diversion of the water for the use of the factories of Bellegarde.
This view is corroborated by the phenomenon of remorse, in which the agent feels that he ought to, and could, have chosen a different course of action.
But without following the explanation into the details in which it revels, it may be enough to say that the whole hypothesis is but an attempt to exclude the occult conception of action at a distance, and substitute a familiar phenomenon.
How far the different forms indicate real difference in the nature of the phenomenon, and how far they are determined by the position of the observer, it is difficult to say.
The same phenomenon appears at Jan Mayen especially in November, December and January, and it is the normal state of matters in temperate latitudes, where the frequency is usually greatest between 8 and io P.M.
The connexion between aurora and earth magnetic disturbances renders it practically certain that if a 26-day or similar period exists in the one phenomenon it exists also in the other, and of the two terrestrial magnetism is probably the element least affected by external complications, such as the action of moonlight.
Ivigtut (1869 to 1879) and Jakobshavn (1873 to 1879), which show the same phenomenon as at Godthaab in a prominent fashion.
According to Paulsen (18), during the Ryder expedition in 1891-1892, the following phenomenon was seen at least twenty times by Lieut.
The Danish observers at Tasiusak (10) in 1898-1899 observed this phenomenon occasionally in a slightly altered form.
Of course the phenomenon might be due to actual change in the arc, but it is at least consistent with the view that arcs are of two kinds, one form constituting a layer of no great vertical depth but considerable real horizontal width, the other form having little horizontal width but considerable vertical depth, and resembling to some extent an auroral curtain.
The large number of Greek words, however, in the language of the Mishnah and the Talmud is a significant phenomenon.
It is not necessary that this phenomenon should in every case be due to the same cause.
Another remarkable phenomenon is the zobaa, a lofty whirlwind of sand resembling a pillar, which moves with great velocity.
This novel and disturbing phenomenon was mainly due to the zeal and eloquence of the ex-monk Hans Tausen and his associates, or disciples, Peder Plad and Sadolin; and, in the autumn of 1526, Tausen was appointed one of the royal chaplains.
If this is so, and the endosperm like the embryo is normally the product of a sexual act, hybridization will give a hybrid endosperm as it does a hybrid embryo, and herein (it is suggested) we may have the explanation of the phenomenon of xenia observed in the mixed endosperms of hybrid races of maize and other plants, regarding which it has only been possible hitherto to assert that they were indications of the extension of the influence of the pollen beyond the egg and its product.
Some salt decrepitates on solution (Knistersalz), the phenomenon being due to the escape of condensed gases.
Altogether it is difficult on morphological grounds to resist the conclusion that Florideae present the same fundamental phenomenon of alternation of generations as prevails in the higher plants.
The only case among Phaeophyceae which has been considered to point to the existence of such a phenomenon is Cutleria.
Were the case of Sphaeroplea to stand alone, the phenomenon might perhaps be regarded as an alteration of generations, but still only comparable with the case of Bangia, and not the case of the Florideae.
The similarity of certain xerophilous Euphorbiaceae to Cactaceae is a ready illustration of this phenomenon.
The setting of the mortar is due to the drying of the lime (a purely physical phenomenon, no chemical action occurring between the lime and the sand).
Barisal has given its name to a curious physical phenomenon, known as the "Barisal guns," the cause of which has not been satisfactorily explained.
The name is derived from imba, fish, and bura, mother, and is said to have originated from the quantities of a fish called " prenadilla " (Pimelodus cyclopum) discharged from its crater during one of its eruptions - a phenomenon which, after a searching investigation, was discredited by Wagner.
Mr Whymper's explanation of the phenomenon is that the fish are scattered over the land by the sudden overflow during volcanic eruptions of the rivers and lakes which they inhabit.
When the end of the world foretold by Daniel did not take place, but the book of Daniel retained its validity as a sacred scripture which foretold future things, the personality of the tyrant who was God's enemy disengaged itself from that of Antiochus IV., and became merely a figure of prophecy, which was applied now to one and now to another historical phenomenon.
For only thus can we explain how his figure acquires numerous superhuman and ghostly traits, which cannot be explained by any particular historical phenomenon on which it may have been based.
It is, of course, uncertainwhether this phenomenon already occurs in 2 Cor.
We know phenomena, how the existence of things appears to us in nature; we believe in the true nature, the eternal essence of things (the good, the true, the beautiful); by means of presentiment (Ahnung) the intermediary between knowledge and belief, we recognize the supra-sensible in the sensible, the being in the phenomenon.
Yet, wonderful as the Old Testament has ever seemed to past generations, it becomes far more profound a phenomenon when it is viewed, not in its own perspective of the unity of history - from the time of Adam, but in the history of Palestine and of the old Oriental area.
Proctor found that between Aldebaran and the Pleiades most of the stars have a motion positive in right ascension and negative in declination, a phenomenon which he designated " star-drift."
The making and the observance of treaties is necessarily a very early phenomenon in the history of civilization, and the theory of treaties was one of the first departments of international law to attract attention.
The phenomenon of a raised beach may be seen here, but indications of a submerged forest have also been discovered in the neighbourhood.
For his life on earth with his material body was only an appearance, a seeming, a phenomenon, and simultaneously with its activities the true Buddha existed unmoved and eternal.
The preceding enumeration will have prepared the reader to view the great plague of1664-1665in its true relation to others, and not as an isolated phenomenon.
The size and shape, the complicated spinning motion which it is seen to execute, the internal strains and vibrations which doubtless take place, are all sacrificed in the mental picture in order that attention may be concentrated on those features of the phenomenon which are in the first place most interesting to us.
But we have to observe that the last great phenomenon of the Spanish Renaissance was Ignatius Loyola, who organized the militia by means of which the church worked her Counter-Reformation.
Beginning with the older castles of Touraine, and passing onward to the Tuileries, we trace the passage from the medieval fortress to the modern pleasure-house, and note how architecture obeyed the special demands of that new phenomenon of Renaissance civilization, the court.
But we have the same phenomenon in single varieties of man, such as the American, which inhabits alike the frozen wastes of Hudson's Bay and Tierra del Fuego, and the hottest regions of the tropics, - the low equatorial valleys and the lofty plateaux of the Andes.
It is this circumstance which gives rise to the phenomenon of colour.
The formation of these icy streams at comparatively low levels, with their discharge direct into tidewater estuaries, is a phenomenon not to be found elsewhere in the same latitudes.
The possibility that Zoroaster himself was not a native of East Iran,but had immigrated thither (from Rhagae?), is of course always to be considered; and this theory has been used to explain the phenomenon that the Gathas, of his own composition, are written in a different dialect from the rest of the Avesta.
The phenomenon, which depends upon the inequalities of the moon's limb, was so vividly described by him as to attract an unprecedented amount of attention to the totality of the 8th of July 1842, observed by Baily himself at Pavia.
The optical characters are interesting, because of the striking crossed dispersion of the optic axes, of which phenomenon borax affords the best example.
This phenomenon follows injury to the phloem in the lower parts of the stem, preventing the downward flow of elaborated sap. The injury may be due to gnawing insects, and particularly to the fungus Corticium vagum, var.
The phenomenon of growing out or;"super-tuberation" is shown in this cut.
He observed that the effect was the same in thick tubes as in thin, and concluded that only those particles of the glass which are very near the surface have any influence on the phenomenon.
The phenomenon above described requires that the water-surface be clean.
This phenomenon was first described and explained by James Thomson, who also explained a phenomenon, the converse of this, called the " tears of strong wine."
Local thunderstorms and cloud-bursts are a characteristic phenomenon, inundating limited areas and transforming dried-up streams into muddy torrents carrying boulders and debris.
Many bacteria when suspended in a fluid exhibit a power of independent movement which is, of course, quite distinct from the Brownian movement - a non-vital phenomenon common to all finelydivided particles suspended in a fluid.
In some filamentous forms this " fragmentation " into multicellular pieces of equal length or nearly so is a normal phenomenon, each partial filament repeat s ing the growth, division and q?
If the meat was treated previously with a 3% salt solution, 89% of the samples of beef and 65% of the samples of horseflesh were found to exhibit this phenomenon.
This phenomenon is due to the activity of a whole series of marine bacteria of various genera, the examination and organisms depend on the discovery that their patho genicity or virulence can be modified - diminished or increased - by definite treatment, and, in the natural course of epidemics, by alterations in the environment.
It is by no means certain that even the higher rate is greater than that exhibited by a tropical bamboo which will grow over a foot a day, or even common grasses, or asparagus, during the active period of cell-division, though the phenomenon is here complicated by the phase of extension due to intercalation of water.
This result, which is usually known now as the " Ehrlich phenomenon," was explained by him on the supposition that the " toxin " does not represent molecules which are all the same, but contains molecules of different degrees of combining affinity and of toxic action.
It has been completely established that in this phenomenon of lysogenesis there are two substances concerned, one specially developed or developed in excess, and the other present in normal serum.
The phenomenon of agglutination depends essentially on the union of molecules in the bacteria - the agglutinogens - with the corresponding agglutinins, but another essential is the presence of a certain amount of salts in the fluid, as it can be shown that when agglutinated masses of bacteria are washed salt-free the clumps become resolved.
With Polybius the greatness of Rome is a phenomenon to be critically studied and scientifically explained; the rise of Rome forms an important chapter in universal history, and must be dealt with, not as an isolated fact, but in connexion with the general march of events in the civilized world.
Pollock, "the conception is that mind is the one ultimate reality; not mind as we know it in the complex forms of conscious feeling and thought, but the simpler elements out of which thought and feeling are built up. The hypothetical ultimate element of mind, or atom of mind-stuff, precisely corresponds to the hypothetical atom of matter, being the ultimate fact of which the material atom is the phenomenon.
When molten, silver occludes the oxygen of the atmosphere, absorbing 20 times its own volume of the gas; the oxygen, however, is not permanently retained, for on cooling it is expelled with great violence; this phenomenon is known as the "spitting" of silver.
Yet traces of a pre-deistic and animistic period survived here and there; for instance, in Arcadia we find the thunder itself called Zeus (ZEUs Kepavvos) in a Mantinean inscription, 2 and the stone near Gythium in Laconia on which Orestes sat and was cured of his madness, evidently a thunder-stone, was named itself Zeus Kainreoras, which must be interpreted as " Zeus that fell from heaven "; 3 we here observe that the personal God does not yet seem to have emerged from the divine thing or divine phenomenon.
The ordinary idea of the self as a physical entity, obviously separate from others, takes no account of the problem as to how and in what sense the individual is conscious of himself; what is the relation between subject and object in the phenomenon of self-consciousness, in which the mind reflects upon itself both past and present ?
The phenomenon has been described in various ways by different thinkers.
Was it a bit of jugglery, or a natural phenomenon, or a piece of self-deception, or an effect of magic?
The hair having by some unknown means disappeared, Conon of Samos, the mathematician and astronomer, explained the phenomenon in courtly phrase, by saying that it had been carried to the heavens and placed among the stars.
This remarkable phenomenon is explained by the position of Aussa in the centre of a saline lacustrine depression several hundred feet below sea-level.
Mind, as studied by the psychologist - mind as a mere fact or phenomenon - grounds no inference to anything beyond itself.
A common phenomenon in cycads is the production of roots which grow upwards (apogeotropic), and appear as coralline branched structures above the level of the ground; some of the cortical cells of these roots are hypertrophied, and contain numerous filaments of blue-green Algae (Nostocaceae), which live as endoparasites in the cell-cavities.
This phenomenon is connected with the symmetry of the crystals, and is also shown by the crystals of certain other substances in which there are neither planes nor centre of symmetry.
This phenomenon was minutely studied by Boyle, who found that solutions in some essential oils (oil of cloves) showed the same character, whilst in others (oils of mace and aniseed) there was no phosphorescence.
The most striking phenomenon in connexion with the beginnings of the mendicant orders is the rapidity with which the movement spread.
Pending more conclusive evidence from the spectroscope, the interpretation of the peculiar surface rotation of the sun appears to be that the central parts of the body are rotating faster than those outside them; for if such were the case the observed phenomenon would arise.
The fact is that radiation is not a superficial phenomenon but a molar one, and Stefan's law, exact though it be, is not an ultimate theory but only a convenient halting-place, and the radiations of two bodies can only be compared by it when their surfaces are similar in a specific way.
Omitting extreme examples, like fuchsin, where the spectrum is actually cut in two, it is of more general importance to detect the phenomenon in the ordinary absorption lines of the metallic elements.
Julius's phenomenon seems inseparable from grazing incidence, and hence any explanation it supplies depends upon his hypothetical tubular structure for layers of equal density.
Earthquakes are a much more familiar phenomenon, having occurred, according to the same authority, in 1523, 1526, 1605, 1652, 1677, 1681, 1684, 1702, 1704, 1725, 1742, 1816, 1817 and 1822.
Of this phenomenon the Steens Mountains furnish a conspicuous example.
The Veddahs exhibit the phenomenon of a race living the wildest of savage lives and yet speaking an Aryan dialect.
For, if the action of the human will is to be made intelligible to understanding, it must be thought as a conditioned phenomenon, having its sufficient ground in preceding circumstances, and, in ultimate abstraction, as the outflow from nature which is the sum of conditions.
As I refer to myself the act of attention and volition, so I cannot but refer the sensation to some cause, necessarily other than myself, that is, to an external cause, whose existence is as certain for me as my own existence, since the phenomenon which suggests it to me is as certain as the phenomenon which had suggested my reality, and both are given in each other.
But it is not till the 9th century that we find this phenomenon growing general.
For a moment the curious phenomenon was seen of Canute reigning in Wessex, while Edmund was making head against him with the aid of the Anglo-Danes of the Five Boroughs and Northumbria.
This period of murmuring and misery culminated in the Great Revolt of 1381, a phenomenon whose origins must be sought in the most complicated causes, but whose outbreak was due in the main to a general feeling that the realm was being misgoverned, and that some one must be 1381.
The Wycliffite movement, the one coudition phenomenon which at the beginning of the century of the seemed to give some promise of better things, had cOunuzv.
Here the tidal phenomenon called the bore, or Pororoca, occurs, where the soundings are not over 4 fathoms. It commences with a roar, constantly increasing, and advances at the rate of from 10 to 5 m.
Such a transformation had not previously been observed, although the converse phenomenon, i.e.
I cannot see one shadow or tittle of evidence that the great unknown underlying the phenomenon of the universe stands to us in the relation of a Father - loves us and cares for us as Christianity asserts.
The name "metamerism " has been given to this structural phenomenon because the " meres," or repeated units, follow one another in line.
In the progeny of these crossed wheats, especially in the second generation, much variation and difference of character is observable - a phenomenon commonly noticed in the descendants from crosses and hybrids, and styled by Naudin "irregular variation."
For the very argument from the undeveloped possibilities of each man's character by which the determinist proves the compatibility of his theory with the phenomenon of sudden conversion and the like is sufficient also to prove that the state can never be sure that the punishments which it inflicts upon the individual will have the effect upon his character and conduct which it desires.
In the 16th century the Spanish explorer Orellana asserted that he had come into conflict with fighting women in South America on the river Maranon, which was named after them the Amazon or river of the Amazons, although others derive its name from the Indian amassona (boat-destroyer), applied to the tidal phenomenon known as the " bore."
Here a more complex phenomenon presents itself for analysis; we have to distinguish in the sense of merit - (1) a direct sympathy with the sentiments of the agent, and (2) an indirect sympathy with the gratitude of those who receive the benefit of his actions.
Writers are apt to speak of Egyptian religion as if it were a single phenomenon of which all the aspects could be observed at a given time.
But we cannot explain each detail in the legends as a myth of this or that natural phenomenon or process as understood by ourselves.
The belief in the latter phenomenon is very common in Africa, and in the Arabian Nights, and we have seen it in America.
White arsenic exists in two crystalline forms (octahedral and prismatic) and one amorphous form; the octahedral form is produced by the rapid cooling of arsenic vapour, or by cooling a warm saturated solution in water, or by crystallization from hydrochloric acid, and also by the gradual transition of the amorphous variety, this last phenomenon being attended by the evolution of heat.
This dual kingship, a phenomenon unique in Greek history, was explained in Sparta by the tradition Kingship. that on Aristodemus's death he had been succeeded by his twin sons, and that this joint rule had been perpetuated.
The phenomenon of polarization observed by Huygens remained an isolated fact for over a century, until Malus in 1808 discovered that polarization can be produced independently of double refraction, and must consequently be something closely connected with the nature of light itself.
The phenomenon of interference produced by crystalline plates is considerably modified if the light be circularly or elliptically polarized or analysed by the interposition of a quarter-wave between the crystal and the polarizer or analyser.
To this notion, which took its rise in a confusion of thought, he attached capital importance, and he treated with scorn Kepler's suggestion that a certain occult attraction of the moon was in some way concerned in the phenomenon.
But he substituted the equally unnecessary hypothesis of a magnetic attraction, and failed to perceive that the phenomenon to be explained was, in relation to absolute space, not a movement but the absence of movement.
But the explanation of this phenomenon is equally consistent with the geocentric as with the heliocentric theory of the solar system.
Barnard had observed the same phenomenon at Chicago.
In studying the causes of the phenomenon we must clearly distinguish between the apparent form as seen from the earth, and the real form of the lenticular-shaped cloud.
Arrhenius, that the phenomenon is due to corpuscles sent off by the earth and repelled by the sun in the same way that they are sent off from a comet and form its tail.
This phenomenon is in the same category as the stigmata of St Francis of Assisi.
This phenomenon seems to arise from rains which, falling on the chalk hills, sink into the porous soil and reappear after a time from crevices at lower levels.
This phenomenon is called interference (q.v.).
If a resolvable grating is considered, the diffraction phenomenon has the appearance shown in fig.
It is a similar phenomenon to that which arises when a ray of sunlight falls into a darkened room.
This wouldn't be true with a purely psychological phenomenon like a hallucination.
There is a common adage in science that the more you study a phenomenon, the more confusing it becomes.
The phenomenon of " coastal squeeze " of saltmarsh may be causing some net vertical accretion of mudflat surfaces.
For three years I had known about the phenomenon of snapper spawning aggregations in Belize.
The phenomenon of root allomorphy is characterized by the use of different allomorphs of the same root in various morphosyntactic constructions.
The Phenomenon might be the source of the universe's creative energy and endows those properly attuned to it with great psychic powers.
In this experiment we investigate photoelasticity, the phenomenon of inducing birefringence in a substance through the application of a stress system.
I read a book on the phenomenon of bare-knuckle boxing from days gone by, a couple of months ago.
I believe teacher burnout is a contextual phenomenon in which an individual no longer wishes to be teaching.
You see the same phenomenon in the limestone caves.
The phenomenon the wise men had followed, always possibly a wild goose chase, had turned out to be for real.
The notion that individuals can radiate coherence in the environment is a documented phenomenon.
The spread of English around the world under British colonialism was a similar phenomenon.
In 1997 he discovered his first crop circle and has been intrigued by the phenomenon ever since.
Radioactivity The phenomenon whereby atoms undergo spontaneous random disintegration, usually accompanied by the emission of radiation.
Biological effects The initial report describing the phenomenon of calcium efflux was published in 1975.
The law is purely empirical; it makes no attempt to explain the phenomenon.
A phenomenon greatly exacerbated by the development of the imperialist stage of capitalism.
The phenomenon described certainly doesn't bear any resemblance at all to the ' foo fighter ' reports.
What is most strange about the MIB phenomenon is that it has become part of the UFO mythology on the basis of mere hearsay.
Another vortex phenomenon case involved a group of young hippies who were camped out inside Stonehenge when the stones were struck by lightning.
This new phenomenon has major implications for our understanding of normal cellular homeostasis in the immune system.
Support for football teams - being a male thing - is an entirely illogical phenomenon.
It is the phenomenon of humoral immunity that makes immunization possible.
This phenomenon, known as parental imprinting, indicates that the alternative parental alleles of some genes are not equivalent.
A phenomenon of epistemic injustice is explained, and politicizing implications for epistemology educed.
A recent article in the New Scientist described a fresh theory for the phenomenon of ball lightning.
This soil liquefaction phenomenon has been well observed in earthquakes elsewhere.
The area years mistake hindered the felt that if phenomenon of long-lived luminescence.
We consider the phenomenon of forced symmetry breaking in a symmetric Hamiltonian system on a symplectic manifold.
The film is not only interesting for its attempt to critique the phenomenon of female masochism, but also for its use of language.
Daphne will be dedicated to the production of phi mesons for the purpose of studying the CP-violation phenomenon.
The phenomenon of " brain drain " was invoked mainly as an argument for inhibiting economic migration from the developing world.
For example, there is a developing phenomenon of deliberately misspelled names being registered either as trademarks or as domain names.
The phenomenon of the secular Latin motet will be addressed from cultural, historical and musical perspectives.
Phenomenon when it most intuitive navigation of the world's distribution network includes.
Results, especially among those neglecting the historical roots of the phenomenon, have sometimes remained one-sided.
This theory is supported by the reasons behind the abduction phenomenon, as is very streamlined, without involving other species as manipulators.
Since then, some of the biggest names in the property industry have joined Pisces as it has developed into a global phenomenon.
With the help of the local policewoman (Laura Linney ), he stays on to investigate the phenomenon.
When we turn to more advanced forms of religion than pagan polytheism the same phenomenon recurs.
A phenomenon which they called reincarnation was also investigated.
The most significant discoveries of KSU include non-Euclidean geometry, obtaining aniline from nitrobenzene, new element ruthenium, phenomenon of EPR.
Their major clues are coming from a peculiar natural phenomenon among wild Spanish snapdragons.
A phenomenon a, if followed by b in the one case, is followed by the same b also in the other case.
Marchal points out the analogy of this phenomenon to the artificial polyembryony that has been induced in Echinoderm and other eggs by separating the blastomeres, and suggests that the abundant food-supply afforded by the host-larva is favourable for this multiplication of embryos, which may be, in the first instance, incited by the abnormal osmotic pressure on the egg.
Edgar Evans, made an extensive geological survey and study of the ice phenomenon of the lower valleys of the Western Mountains, from Butter Point southward to the Koettlitz glacier in lat.
Useful light is shed on this distinction by Lotze, who contrasts (Logic, § 273) postulates (" absolutely necessary assumptions without which the content of the observation with which we are dealing would contradict the laws of our thought") with hypotheses, which he defines as conjectures, which seek "to fill up the postulate thus abstractly stated by specifying the concrete causes, forces or processes, out of which the given phenomenon really arose in this particular case, while in other cases maybe the same postulate is to be satisfied by utterly different though equivalent combinations of forces or active elements."
And experience tells us that power is not merely a word but an actually existing phenomenon.
Debate rages over whether it is a natural phenomenon or man-made due to the greenhouse effect.
Since a rebound phenomenon cannot be excluded, therapy with isosorbide-5-mononitrate should be terminated gradually rather than stopping abruptly (see Section 4.2).
But we know that the phenomenon exists tho it seems that pay relativities between organizations matter far less.
The most significant discoveries of KSU include non-Euclidean geometry, obtaining aniline from nitrobenzene, new element Ruthenium, phenomenon of EPR.
This self-limiting nature is reinforced yet further by the phenomenon of consumer value accruing for free.
Worst of all, this hi-tech gift economy is n't just a short-lived phenomenon.
Patients who develop the condition almost always suffer from Raynaud 's phenomenon (blood vessel spasm triggered by cold weather) first.
Rarefied sphere of pamuk describes the last is debatable phenomenon which surely.
Is a place expect tom izzo nature of the phenomenon dark box for.
At the best, when a man says ' I ' he refers only to a transitory phenomenon.
Singularity While Enterprise is surveying a black hole in a trinary star system, the stellar phenomenon causes strange effects on the crew.
This explains why static electricity is such a ubiquitous phenomenon.
The charge of being derivative however is a general failing of the ufo phenomenon.
Many psychologists also treat intelligence as a unidimensional phenomenon, reducible to a single IQ measure.
Understanding of a jet in cross flow phenomenon is crucial to many applications such as film cooling of turbine blades and V/STOL aircraft.
The Contemporary Look for the Modern Man The wearing of a man wedding ring is a relatively modern phenomenon.
The authors noted Raynaud 's phenomenon only on the affected finger occurring some weeks after the weever fish sting.
Studies of identical twins' brains have found an almost perfect match in brainwave patterns, and this phenomenon could explain why twins appear to have extra-sensory perception when it comes to their sibling.
This phenomenon is usually attributed to the timing of when the fertilized egg was split and may be identified in nearly 25 percent of identical twins.
The fascination with individuals or groups is not a new phenomenon.
This phenomenon is most prevalent among online retailers' websites, but also shows up on general sites like Epinions and its subsidiary
This phenomenon is what causes the glare reflected from a car window or chrome, or from a wet pavement.
The most likely explanation for this phenomenon is that a cat with two faces is actually the result of a protein that disrupts embryo development.
When American Express Blue was introduced in 1999, it became an instant phenomenon, as cardholders were drawn to the wide range of convenient benefits and the straightforward card philosophy.
Global warming is a very real phenomenon, but no one fully understands the extent of its influence on climate change.
Since the greenhouse effect is a natural and beneficial phenomenon, some people don't believe that human actions have contributed to global warming and climate change.
The facts about water pollution reveal that the phenomenon is a serious environmental issue to humans and to the ecosystem in general.
This phenomenon is believed to be caused by more than one particular pollutant.
There is a strange phenomenon among teenagers, both boys and girls, who desire to paint the walls in their bedroom black.
Mediterranean food is not a national phenomenon.
The boom in scrapbooking prompted a litany of companies to turn the once benign hobby into a full-fledged synergistic multi-media phenomenon.
Most people wish that this phenomenon wasn't a factor in life, but unfortunately, in some cases, it is.
While all of these factors may contribute to the development of hypertension, the truth is, most doctors simply do not know what causes this phenomenon.
Aqua Teen Hunger Force is a cult phenomenon of Cartoon Network's Adult Swim.
This is a relatively new phenomenon, but as the newspapers prove daily, not an uncommon one.
Emo clothes are as distinctive as the teens that embrace this cultural phenomenon.
So much so in fact, that it is today a cultural phenomenon that few adults understand.
Created by the Discovery Kids network, Mystery Hunters involve tweens investigating paranormal phenomenon.
Many parents wonder, and worry, what causes the phenomenon of teenage hitchhikers, and how can this drastic escape be prevented?
Some teens may feel they are the only ones who experience peer pressure but it is a common phenomenon.
The Wedding Photojournalism Association gives tips to photographers on this latest phenomenon.
Changing measurements for male celebrities includes weight of course, but there's also an interesting phenomenon that sometimes occurs.
The success of the films has made the action drama a worldwide pop culture phenomenon.
Today, soccer isn't just a European phenomenon.
Greenhouses are mostly a northern hemisphere phenomenon.
If you're a guitarist who has ever had to trust your instrument to airport baggage handlers, you can probably really appreciate the story behind the YouTube phenomenon United Breaks Guitars.
The film I Walk the Line introduced a new audience to his older tracks, and now Cash is remembered by many as a musical phenomenon whose guitar moved mountains.
With the Twilight series of books by author Stephenie Meyer, is a worldwide phenomenon.
The popularity of the Three Wolf Moon T -shirt is clear evidence of this phenomenon.
Glamour's plus size models were not a one-time phenomenon.
The demographic phenomenon known as the Baby Boomers affects a number of lifestyle, policy, and cultural circumstances.
There is a great deal of information on the Baby Boomer phenomenon.
That has enabled women from more rural areas and less populated areas of the U.S. become part of an international phenomenon.
Alzheimer's disease is a scary phenomenon which can bring pain and frustration to both patient and family.
Rapid eye movement in sleep was discovered in 1953 and the phenomenon continues to intrigue researchers today.
With stunning success, the classic casual designs became a phenomenon.
A few years ago, a cartoon phenomenon from Japan was unleashed on the unsuspecting men, women and children of the United States.