Phenomenal Sentence Examples
Then the soul, a moving essence, generates the corporeal or phenomenal world.
A phenomenal growth of both customs and excise revenue has made such expenditures easy.
If we accept moral ideals at all, we are no longer in the world of mere phenomenal sequences, but in a new world.
If the game looks good, it sounds phenomenal.
Our bodies were reduced by Lotze to the general ruck of phenomenal appearances.
But in the actual phenomenal world unity and harmony are replaced by strife and discord; the result is a conflict, a becoming and vanishing, an illusive existence.
Nature is a veritable showcase of color, its flora and fauna and daily phenomenal events are alive with intricate color nuances beyond imagination.
His power of rapid and exhaustive observation and of accurate pictorial reproduction was phenomenal.
It stands between the nous and the phenomenal world, is permeated and illuminated by the former, but is also in contact with the latter.
Stores will try to lure you in with phenomenal sales.
AdvertisementI think episode ten is going to be phenomenal.
Prices are reasonable and results are phenomenal.
The difference it makes in your vision is phenomenal.
The audience looks really good, although it is pretty dark.The audio, as if anyone had any doubt, is phenomenal.
There is a lot of going on, but Nintendo has done a phenomenal job in creating a brand that has lasted about 20 years.
AdvertisementThe story is phenomenal, the gameplay is different, and the characters are so involving that you'd be crazy not to play this game.
It was a step up technically and still managed to play phenomenal and superb games.
The feedback on this account is phenomenal, so you can be reasonably sure that they will do a good job to craft just the machine you're hoping for.
Autumn golfers in Michigan enjoy crisp mornings, clear skies, sunny days, and phenomenal fall foliage as the backdrop to endless holes of golf.
It is a problem for empiricism; given a world where nothing but phenomenal sequences exist, to account for moral ideals.
AdvertisementIt is claimed, as a further result of the experiments, that from May to October the young fish would be practically free on the shallow part of the Bank from the risk of premature capture by trawlers, and that the increased value of the fish, consequent upon their phenomenal growth-rate, would greatly exceed the cost of transplantation.
Not only so, but in his review of Cousin (" Philosophy of the Unconditioned," in Discussions, pp. 12-15), he made conception the test of knowledge, argued that " the mind can conceive, and consequently can know, only the limited, and the conditionally limited," that " to think is to condition," that all we know either of mind or matter is " the phenomenal," that " we can never in our highest generalizations rise above the finite," and concluded that we cannot conceive or know the unconditioned, yet must believe in its existence.
This is a great accessory because Blu-ray movies will look phenomenal, especially action flicks or movies that rely on heavy visuals.
That's unfortunate because its intricate designs, vibrant colors, and natural beauty make it a phenomenal choice for a special occasion dessert.
The shock value this game brought to the table was phenomenal in its day, especially for a Nintendo console, which to this day maintains the most family gaming dignity any system has to offer.
AdvertisementThere was some blockiness to the game and the characters were poorly constructed, but overall, the cut-scenes were phenomenal and the landscapes were done well.
With practice and commitment to Sedu styles, how to familiarize yourself with this phenomenal heated tool is the first step in achieving these flattened out looks at home.
Once you know how you're going to wear your hair, you can focus your attention elsewhere and revel in the fact that your tresses look phenomenal - without too much effort!
I went to two trade shows in Vegas and sold over $8,000.00 in one show, something that is phenomenal for an unknown, unmarketed brand.
Find that tonga style that toes the line between traditional bikini bottom and something racier than you'd want to wear--and also makes you look phenomenal.
They look phenomenal paired with sleek trousers or jeans in white.
During fall and winter, knit sweater dresses are especially appropriate; they're cozy and chic at once, and they look phenomenal paired with boots and opaque tights.
Be sure to check around for the lowest priced retailer, even if you think the price is phenomenal.
Brand name shoes sometimes have phenomenal knock-off counterparts.
They look phenomenal with party dresses, and even if you aren't planning a stop on the red carpet anytime soon, you can pull them off with ease at any special event.
The stories range from obvious Mary Sue's (a term for the writer inserting him or herself into the storyline) to the bad to the good to the phenomenal.
Have a look at the phenomenal collection brought to you by Sparkles Forever.
You can find phenomenal prices on costume watches on the Internet.
Despite decades of phenomenal success, the Gucci name grew tarnished after a series of bad business decisions and scandalous family quarrels brought the company close to bankruptcy in the 1970s.
Making a month or the cover shot is a phenomenal opportunity for exposure, but the girls also consider it a real high point.
It's a way to take a little help and still produce a phenomenal handmade result.
Fat is a phenomenal macronutrient in our food kingdom.
Shape Fit has a phenomenal bicep exercise section.
If you have a phenomenal upper body, think about strapless looks, delicate straps, or intricately embroidered bodices.
If you have a phenomenal lower half, consider purchasing looks that are made with sheer or mesh fabrics.
Since that time, it has become a phenomenal success boasting an 88 percent brand-name recognition among its target consumer group, ages 15 to 30.
Naomi Campbell is just as well known for being feisty as she is for her phenomenal body and poise.
Cherry Pie also makes a number of phenomenal bath robes and other items, including slippers.
Wrap yourself up in some of the sexy plus size lingerie from Pizazz 5th Ave. The prices are phenomenal and they offer pieces to wrap yourself in and be unwrapped later-from teddies to panties, robes to chemises.
There's nothing better to make performing mundane tasks a bit more exciting than knowing you're wearing something phenomenal underneath.
Hip Undies is a site with phenomenal products available.
The rate at which it flew off the shelves was phenomenal.
Not only were fans at home overwhelmed by Boyd's talent, but European operatic pop quartet Il Divo and world renowned tenor Placido Domingo also publicly praised the million dollar winner's phenomenal voice.
Due to its phenomenal success, American Idol has spawned thousands of imitation websites.
This new business has met with phenomenal success, as people are continuing to migrate to a digital-only world.
The brand known as Flexibles™ looks phenomenal with their yoga-inspired collection.
And, if to satisfy these we were forced to maintain the existence of a world of moral standards, it was, thirdly, necessary to form some opinion as to the relation of these moral standards of value to the forms and facts of phenomenal existence.
The system thus embraces three heads - (i) the primeval Being, (2) the ideal world and the soul, (3) the phenomenal world.
In support of this view, he said that bodies are not substances, though substantiata; that their apparent motion and resistance are results of the passions of their monads; that their primary matter is nothing but passive power of their monads; that the series of efficient causes between them is merely phenomenal.
But his ardent love of consistency led him far away from Kant in the end; for he proceeded consistently from the assumption, that whatever we think beyond mental phenomena is ideal, to the logical conclusion that in practical matters our moral responsibility cannot prove the reality of a noumenal freedom, because, as on Kant's assumption we know ourselves from inner sense only as phenomena, we can prove only our phenomenal freedom.
But while thus sharply distinguishing the physical and the psychical in appearance, he follows Fechner in identifying them in reality; except that Fechner's identification is noumenal, Wundt's phenomenal.
On the eastern slopes of the Andes, where the rainfall is continuous throughout the year and the atmosphere is surcharged with moisture, the forest growth is phenomenal.
From 1760 to 1770 the growth of the "Separate" Baptist body in Virginia and the Carolinas was phenomenal.
Okay, the sex was phenomenal last night, but their conversations had gone further downhill.
Using perspective projection the spherical panorama would lose much of its phenomenal reality.
Louis de Bernières ' Captain Corelli's Mandolin became a phenomenal bestseller, largely due to word-of-mouth recommendations.
But what implications does this have for phenomenal consciousness?
Abstract I propose a counterexample to naturalistic representational theories of phenomenal character.
This last is the position that Dretske (1996) has labeled " phenomenal externalism.
In the 1990s research for new antidepressant medications focussed on serotonin uptake inhibitors to rival Prozac's phenomenal success.
The whole science of seed dispersal is just absolutely phenomenal.
A truly phenomenal spell of bowling from the Aussie.
Finally, new Groovy Girls ® dolls, accessories and other items will add excitement to the already phenomenal Groovy success story.
At Kingfisher Park the birding was just phenomenal from the start.
What was to follow can only be described as phenomenal.
Last weekend was a phenomenal success with many studios inundated by visitors.
May 26 Rory McLeod Rory McLeod is a natural troubadour and phenomenal one-man band.
The doctrine of Evolution, instead of increasing the difficulty of conceiving the possibility of miracle, decreases it; for it presents to us the universe as an uncompleted process, and one in which there is no absolute continuity on the phenomenal side; for life and mind are inexplicable by their physical antecedents, and there is not only room for, but need of, the divine initiative, a creative as well as conservative co-operation of God with nature.
For this criticism he has himself constantly been reproved, and Tennyson (whose impatience of anything like censure was phenomenal) continued to resent it to the end of his life.
But the phenomenal idealists have not, any more than Kant, noticed the ambiguity of the term " phenomenon "; they fancy that, in saying that all we know is phenomena in the Kantian sense of mental appearances, they are describing all the positive facts that science knows; and they follow Kant in supposing that there is no logical inference of actual things beyond experience.
From this springs the incorrect colloquial sense, something out of the common, an event which especially strikes the attention; hence such phrases as "phenomenal" activity.
Not only does this company's bras illicit ooh's and aah's by those women who have discovered them, they also provide phenomenal support and practical functionality.
How often did you buy something that your friend recommended or that a co-worker touted was phenomenal?
Newegg also has phenomenal holiday sales throughout the year (Fourth of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving sales, and more).
Over time, cosmetics have evolved from their natural roots and have expanded to include phenomenal products that boast added length, erase fine lines and wrinkles, and keep lips stained for hours of wear.
In addition to this phenomenal little tube of shine, Max Factor is credited for formulating the first camera worthy makeup in 1912, the original pan cake makeup in the 1930's and the first under eye concealer stick in 1954.
When this revolutionary clothing trend for kids hit the market, the sales were phenomenal.
The phenomenal marketplace shift from waif-thin to thick and voluptuous, albeit gradual over the past 20-so years, has catapulted many full figured women from near obscurity in the fashion industry to supermodel status.
White is a phenomenal color to wear during spring, when a light breeze hits the air and temperatures are often erratic.
If you're shopping for a jacket to wear to the office, you'll find that a phenomenal selection of plus size blazers are available in size 20.
It's a way to wear your sense of style on your face, an understated way to make a phenomenal statement.
Then you'll easily be able to tell if a seller is trying to take advantage of you or if you're getting a phenomenal deal.
One of the main differences is the PS3 uses Blu-ray discs for games, which gives them the ability for larger games and phenomenal Hi-Def gaming.
This first person shooter immediately took off, showcasing crisp graphics and phenomenal gameplay.
There aren't as many games out there for the PS3, but what is out there looks phenomenal.
Kehl Spring offers phenomenal views in the daytime and the evening.
Allow time for the unexpected bison jam or to catch a second eruption of a phenomenal geyser.
Children with savant syndrome have an exceptional talent or skill in a particular area, such as the ability to process mathematical calculations at a phenomenal speed.
Of course, the costume and makeup artists also did a phenomenal job with the Thriller video.
This is especially remarkable when many volumizing products rely on harsh chemicals and stiff results to give hair form and shape, but O'Rourke's products reflect his South African experience with natural techniques for phenomenal results.
My work appeared on the back of the calendar and was only a top, but the experience was phenomenal!
Tall women look phenomenal in long, floor-sweeping gowns, and sleek sheaths are always flattering to women of any height.
These look phenomenal with fancy, fitted blouses and sleek wrap tops in materials like silk and satin.
With all of the right elements in place, you can count on looking phenomenal any time you need to break out the ladies' evening wear for the night.
Best of all, these long coats look phenomenal with everything from crisp slacks to pencil skirts.
Their discounts are often phenomenal, as is their always changing selection.
Hobo handbags are available in a phenomenal range of design and colors.
It takes a phenomenal team with a collection of outstanding skills in writing, acting, producing, and editing to push a film to win a Best Picture Academy Award.
One of the best places to get phenomenal deals on diamond and Designer Watches is Ben Bridge Jewelers.
The lyrics were weird, and sometimes they were downright disturbing, but the beats phenomenal (so phenomenal, in fact, that a lyric-free version of the album was released for the faint of heart).
In the hands of a skilled expert, your own hands will look phenomenal.
In 1902 the production fell to 13,491,517 gallons; in 1903 it was 26,997,680; in 1904 it reached the phenomenal figure of 63,105,577 gallons, of which the province of Cagliari produced 53,995,362 gallons; in 1905 it fell to 36,700,000, of which the province of Cagliari produced 32,500,000 gallons.
During the quarter of a century between 1880 and 1905 a great change was wrought in the industrial life of the state by a phenomenal growth of cotton manufacturing.
The increase of the population of Cardiff during the 19th century was phenomenal; from 1870 inhabitants in 180r, and 6187 in 1831 it grew to 3 2, 954 in 1861.
The mountains are rugged and difficult; but there is much of the world-famous beautyof scenery, and of the almost phenomenal agricultural wealth of the valleys of Bokhara and Ferghana to, be found in the as yet half-explored recesses of Badakshan.
This phenomenal congestion of population gives interest to records of its growth; in the 10th century there were 16,767 inhabitants in Malta and 4514 in Gozo; the total population in 1514 was 22,000.
It is upon this in the last resort that the distinction between the phenomenal world of our experience and a noumenal world beyond it is founded.
His arguments were drawn from the dialectic which the Eleatics had directed against the existence of the phenomenal world.
In Die Welt als Wille and Vorstellung Schopenhauer accepted Kant's position that the world as phenomenal is idea (Vorstellung); but he added that the world as noumenal is will (Wille).
Phenomenal Idealism In Germany Phenomenal idealism is the metaphysics which deduces that, as we begin by perceiving nothing but mental phenomena of sense, so all we know at last from these data is also phenomena of sense, actual or possible.
Phenomenal idealism is the Kantian contention that Nature, as known to science, is phenomena of experience.
To understand phenomenal idealism in Germany is to discover what a narrow world is to be known from the transcendental idealism of Kant shorn of Kant's inconsistencies.
Karl Pearson (The Grammar of Science, 1892, 2nd enlarged ed., 1900), starting from Hume's phenomenal idealism, has developed views closely allied to Mach's universal physical phenomenology.
This park was once a national drilling ground, which was taken over by the municipality with a view to erecting upon it a new residential quarter, rendered necessary by the phenomenal growth of the city during the last twenty-five years of the 19th century.
He speaks, e.g., as if species and genera were fixed and unchangeable; and fixing his eye on the ideal forms in their purity and self-sameness, he scorns the phenomenal world, whence this identity and persistence are absent.
On the one hand we have confrontation with fact, in which, in virtue of the rational principle which is the final cause of the phenomenal order, intelligence will find satisfaction.
But in any case it is characteristic of theosophy that it starts with an explication of the Divine essence, and endeavours to deduce the phenomenal universe from the play of forces within the Divine nature itself.
It implies the necessary interdependence of all that is - that ultimate Oneness which underlies and sustains all phenomenal diversity, whether inwardly or outwardly, whether individual or universal.
The district about Silverton (product 1870-1900 about $35,000,000, principally silver and lead, and mostly after 1881) has also had a remarkable development; and Creede, in the years of its brief prosperity, was a phenomenal silver-field.
The latter were Denver (133,859), Pueblo (28,137), Colorado Springs (21,085), Leadville (12,455), Cripple Creek (10,147), Boulder (6150) and Trinidad (5345) Creede, county-seat of Mineral county, was a phenomenal silver camp from its discovery in 1891 until 1893; in 1892 it numbered already 7000 inhabitants, but the rapid depreciation of silver soon thereafter caused most of its mines to be closed, and in 1900 the population was only 938.
Liberty, he says, in a much wider sense than Kant, is man's fundamental characteristic. Human freedom acts in the phenomenal, not in an imaginary noiimenal sphere.
In southern Chile the climate undergoes a radical change - the prevailing winds becoming westerly, causing a long rainy season with a phenomenal rainfall.
For empirical phenomenal knowledge, however, which is all that man can look for, materialism with its exact scientific methods has done most valuable service.
Hamilton, both of which in the view of Cousin are limited to psychology, and merely relative or phenomenal knowledge, and issue in scepticism so far as the great realities of ontology are concerned.
This brought them within the sphere of reflection, and gave as their guarantee the impossibility of thinking them reversed; and led to their being regarded as wholly relative to human intelligence, restricted to the sphere of the phenomenal, incapable of revealing to us substantial reality - necessary, yet subjective.
But in contrast with the phenomenal world governed by empirical laws Kant sets the noumenal and intelligible world in which by a timeless act of will man is free to accept the moral command of an unconditional imperative for no reason other than its own rational necessity as the deliverance of his highest nature.
The amount of information that a person can obtain with their help is quite phenomenal.
The rates of growth and development in Linux are simply phenomenal - and still accelerating.
Her eyes change, but more noticably, her strength becomes phenomenal.
At first, identifying the material referents of phenomenal concepts might seem like a standard scientific problem.
In my experience, many of the colors are hit or miss and require some serious in-store testing before actually being considered for purchase, but the tools have been absolutely phenomenal.
Large craft stores such as Hobby Lobby and Michaels Crafts, normally well known for their phenomenal scrapbooking sales and regular 40% off coupons, have declined to include the Cricut in these promotions.
Disney-theme scrapbooks are the ideal vehicle to showcase all the phenomenal photos you snapped during your adventures at the House of Mouse.
Cowell worked his way up the ladder quickly, and it wasn't long before he was scouting out the hottest talent in the country for EMI and proving his phenomenal ability to spot stars in the making.
In 1984, just when Mandrell was riding high on her phenomenal successes, she was involved in a devastating automobile accident.
Extras aboard their phenomenal ships include an exclusive look into piloting the massive ship with the Peek-A-Boo Bridge, accompanied by navigational charts and location updates.
The scuba diving in Cozumel is among the best on the planet, the beaches are diverse and beautiful, and the snorkeling is phenomenal.
Private Alaska cruises are ideal for travelers looking to take intimate voyages along pristine waterways, which boast breathtaking views and phenomenal fishing.
Cruisers can also snag phenomenal savings on repositioning cruises.
While this might all sound rather strange, the success has been phenomenal since both albums have debuted within the top 25 on the Billboard charts.
This way, you will look just as phenomenal as you feel in that comfortable top.
Organic baby food stats tell us that the organic baby food industry is growing at a phenomenal pace.
It's worth noting that Ralph Lauren belts are inherently classic; materials range from sturdy leather to striking alligator, and the details are usually phenomenal.
Founded in October of 1976 in Indianapolis by Alan Cohen and David Klapper, Finishline shoe stores have enjoyed phenomenal success by offering premier athletic footwear to men, women and children.
Before the Home Edition became a phenomenal success, Extreme Makeover was a personal makeover show.
Due to the popularity and phenomenal growth of the popular social networking site, many people are searching for Facebook templates.
One of the results of these investigations was to extend the meaning of the word mechanism, and comprise under it all laws which obtain in the phenomenal world, not excepting the phenomena of life and mind.
But in a philosophy which reduces everything to phenomenal appearance except the self-interacting substance of God, there is no room for either the bodies or the souls of finite substances or human persons.
In the phenomenal world then, there are, it has been thought [and Parmenides accepts the theory, which appears to be of Pythagorean origin], two primary elements - namely, fire, which is gentle, thin, homogeneous, and night, which is dark, thick, heavy.
Thus, whereas the Ionians, confounding the unity and the plurality of the universe, had neglected plurality, and the Pythagoreans, contenting themselves with the reduction of the variety of nature to a duality or a series of dualities, had neglected unity, Parmenides, taking a hint from Xenophanes, made the antagonistic doctrines supply one another's deficiencies; for, as Xenophanes in his theological system had recognized at once the unity of God and the plurality of things, so Parmenides in his system of nature recognized at once the rational unity of the Ent and the phenomenal plurality of the Nonent.
But the sensuous and phenomenal, as such, so far as they seem to imply independence of God, are mere privation and nothingness; things exist only through the presence of God in them, and the goal of creation, like its outset, is the repose of the Godhead.
For him there is only the One Absolute Being, the one reality that is all in all; whilst all the phenomenal existences and occurrences that crowd upon our senses are nothing more than an illusion of the individual soul estranged for a time from its divine source - an illusion only to be dispelled in the end by the soul's fuller knowledge of its own true nature and its being one with the eternal fountain of blissful being.
Thus Kant distinguished the two selves as rational and empirical, just as he distinguished the two egos as the noumenal or real and the phenomenal from the metaphysical standpoint.
Conceiving that the motions of the universe and its parts are due to the desire which it and they feel towards the supreme external mind and its several thoughts, so that the cosmical order planned by the divine mind is realized in the phenomenal universe, Aristotle thus secures the requisite unification, not indeed of mind and matter, for mind and matter are distinct, but of the governing mind, the prime unmoved movent, since it and its thoughts are one.
The difficulties of the Kantian system are mainly to be looked for in his account of the relation between the phenomenal and noumenal world.
Schleiermacher's psychology takes as its basis the phenomenal dualism of the ego and the non-ego, and regards the life of man as the interaction of these elements with their interpenetration as its infinite destination.
His psychological starting-point was the unproved assumption that the only force of which we are immediately aware is will; his metaphysical goal was the consistent conclusion that in that case the only force we can know, as the noumenal essence of which all else is phenomenal appearance, is will.