Pharmaceuticals Sentence Examples
Toxline (CSA) - covers toxicology, including chemicals & pharmaceuticals, pesticides, environmental pollutants & mutagens.
Development products Proprietary micelle nanotechnology - Our novel drug delivery system which enables insoluble active pharmaceuticals to be solubilised.
Chloroplast transformation to produce GM pharmaceuticals entails specific risks that are associated with its advantages.
Some processors will not work with businesses that deal in cigars, pharmaceuticals, or adult products.
The oil of the evening primrose is then used in cosmetics and pharmaceuticals.
Everything from milk chocolate to pharmaceuticals, ointments and toiletries are manufactured from cocoa butter.
Similarly to pharmaceuticals distributed in the U.S., these herbs are ensured safe by strict monitoring before they are available through Japanese health care plans.
Physicians prescribed herbal antidepressants to treat mood disorders for thousands of years before the introduction of modern pharmaceuticals.
Today's veterinary medicine uses animal-grade and human-grade pharmaceuticals for pain management depending on the patient's needs.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) evaluates personal care products differently from food and pharmaceuticals.
AdvertisementUnlike manufacturers of cigarettes and pharmaceuticals, game companies make no bones about wanting you addicted, wanting to alter your life in a permanent and potentially hazardous way.
The other group contains products that can be ingested in small quantities, but which are harmful if taken in large amounts, such as pharmaceuticals, medicinal herbs, or alcohol.
Medicinal herbs should be treated like pharmaceuticals and taken only in designated quantities under the supervision of a knowledgeable person.
The FDA issued a public health advisory to inform patients and health-care professionals that the sponsor of Zelnorm, Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation had voluntarily agreed to refrain from selling this drug.
Some states have large scale alliances for pharmaceuticals and may have an agreement with Barr Laboratories through this alliance.
AdvertisementUnlike pharmaceuticals, which are tightly controlled, practically anyone can start churning out vitamin supplements.
Pharmaceuticals are held to extremely high standards with extensive testing and purity guarantees, while over-the-counter supplements are classified as "foods".
Like other pharmaceuticals and medical supplies, both big companies and smaller, more generic companies make contact lenses.
MacDonald. Jason Pharmaceuticals, a subsidiary company of Medifast, is responsible for the development, manufacturing, and distribution of the all the products that are central to the plan.
In the case of Desert Lab's Hoodia, they also have it tested by Alkemist Pharmaceuticals, an independent authorized lab that conducts three tests to ensure the quality of the product.
AdvertisementAnd there will be industry as well, where we have some real world beaters from racing cars to pharmaceuticals.
Poseidon identified that residues from a wide range of common pharmaceuticals are found in sewage effluents.