Pertain Sentence Examples
Your questions should pertain directly to the discussion topic.
Books, CDs or DVDs that pertain to a special hobby or interest.
Many workers tend to remember funny safety slogans that pertain to their specific safety issues.
Although these are two different types of policies they both pertain to rental properties within Ireland.
Some may not pertain to you, but the more thorough you are filling out the application, the more likely you are to be approved.
The following are the stages of grief as they pertain to death and dying.
It is best if parents are proactive about the challenges of this life stage, particularly those that pertain to the possibility of experimenting with and using alcohol and other drugs.
This company also has other dealings which do not necessarily pertain to personal finance issues.
Narrative Youth Talks Database has a list of talks and topics that pertain to teens.
It is important to note that since there are a variety of Native American reservation areas within the state of Oklahoma, there may be different mortgage laws and regulations that pertain to these locations.
AdvertisementMortgage Agreement - Read your mortgage agreement, especially the sections that pertain to the foreclosure process.
To help clear out the confusion a bit, here are some quick and easy to remember guidelines for the terms organic and natural as they pertain to cleaning products.
Many gift companies offer standard gift baskets for retirement that are filled with items that pertain to a particular interest or theme.
The following general facts pertain to the majority of the state park campsites within North Carolina.
Child custody laws also pertain to the visitation rights of the non-custodial parent.
AdvertisementYou should also check for width and other sizing information that may pertain to your foot size.
No matter which form you use to present your qualifications, a well-constructed resume should present facts that pertain to the job you want.
Between the typical West African chimpanzee and the gorilla there is no difficulty in drawing a distinction; the difficulty comes in when we have to deal with the aberrant races, or species, of chimpanzee, some of which are so gorilla-like that it is by no means easy to determine to which group they really pertain.
You can learn about just the features which pertain to your workflow instead of having to learn about all of the new features, which a book or class won't necessarily do.
The amount of stress you experience at work might also be influenced by other factors that do not pertain to the job.
AdvertisementOther questions pertain to the patient's food intake over the previous few days and recent travels to countries with typhoid fever or cholera outbreaks.
Questions pertain to rules regarding food and methods for handling discipline problems and fees the parents will pay.
It is best if parents are proactive about the challenges of this life cycle stage, particularly those that pertain to the possibility of experimenting with and using tobacco.
Positioning your bed according to the most auspicious direction for your personal kua number affects all aspects of your life, including those that pertain to the bedroom.
The Regional Archives are located throughout the country, and they represent a collection of documents that pertain to a specific region.
AdvertisementYour local school district should be able to provide you with a copy of the laws that pertain to homeschooling in your area.
These rules pertain not only to professionals working within the role of a mortgage originator and/or mortgage broker, but also to mortgage professionals involved in assisting homeowners in obtaining mortgage modifications.
These requirements also pertain to mortgage professionals who negotiate short sales on behalf of homeowners.
Disney Pictionary only has clues that pertain to people, places and things from Disney moves.
These official sites usually offer a handful of tidbits about upcoming episodes, ranging from actual spoilers to news stories that may pertain to the future.
In current society, the term "thug" can also pertain to a style of dress that really has nothing to do with a person's criminal affiliation or even physical stature.
You want to make sure that your document contains keywords that pertain to the industry where you are looking for work.
Most complaints specifically pertain to the 2005 and 2006 model years of the Toyota Prius, and it seems likely that the issues of documentation clarity have been resolved for subsequent model years.
Catastrophic costs pertain to individuals who spend more than $2,850 for medication annually.
While it is important to note that these traits and preferences do not necessarily pertain to every Christian or to every Baptist, these are the ideals the Duggar family subscribes to.
Most of the videos pertain to the activities of herself and her family, while others are pertain to current events, such as the recent tragic death of young actor Heath Ledger and the celebration of Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday.
While American patriotic backgrounds are certainly some of the most popular ones on the Internet, people from all over the world also enjoy using patriotic web backgrounds that pertain to their own country.
Concerns over the deep state are particularly relevant as they pertain to the relationship between the defense industry and the country’s military.
You can never be too informed, so be sure you read as many books and magazine articles that pertain to labor and delivery.
Most of these pertain to general information, but be aware that your GPS may not have all of these features, or the information may not be applicable to the system you select.
It is best if parents are proactive about the challenges of this life cycle stage, particularly those that pertain to the possibility of experimenting with and using alcohol and drugs.
Most of these reasons pertain to school performance and safety.
Although most states have sterilization regulations that pertain to tattoo shops, new standards are the result of self-policing in the tattoo and body piercing industries.
As with the exclusion for illegal activity, this does not pertain to intentional acts by people other than the owners.
A physicist, however, does more than merely quantitatively determine specific properties of matter; he endeavours to establish mathematical laws which co-ordinate his observations, and in many cases the equations expressing such laws contain functions or terms which pertain solely to the chemical composition of matter.
These con-, ditions pertain in cases where distillation with steam is successfully practised, the relatively high volatility of water being counterbalanced by the relatively high molecular weight of the other component; for example, in the case of nitrobenzene and water the ratio is I to 5.
It has been supposed by many that these are traceable to foreign blood; but although there are foreign breeds that possess them, they appear to pertain quite as much to the English native breeds as to those of distant countries, the peculiarity being mentioned in very old works on the goats of the British Islands.
Undoubtedly among these Indians are many that recall some Patagonian types; it seems that they are not the same as the Tehuelche type, but that they pertain to one of the races that in earlier times existed in Patagonia.
Does this pertain specifically to the portal?
Such a determination is, however, extremely hazardous, even if it be admitted that the remains of cats from the rock-fissures of Gibraltar pertain to Felis ocreata.