Personally Sentence Examples
Personally, I like it best too, and I think it's the best bargain.
Many students stopped to talk and personally thank Ms. Sidwell.
Nor did he personally have access to much money.
Yeah. The lawyer said he came by personally with the papers.
Personally, I don't buy into the paranormal.
Personally, I think people would be better off if they'd work out there own problems.
However, she still wanted to speak to her son personally as soon as she felt able.
As far as possible he saw to everything personally, and never sent away a petitioner of the lower orders.
The next three years he spent at Trier, which he chiefly made his headquarters, organizing the defence of the Rhine frontier, and personally superintending the construction of numerous forts.
He did not know Arakcheev personally, had never seen him, and all he had heard of him inspired him with but little respect for the man.
AdvertisementEach of us took turns thanking Merrill Cooms personally on the phone although he insisted it was unnecessary.
Look, Kris, don't take our resistance personally. Anyone who tried to step into Andre's shoes would receive the same treatment. It's too soon after his death.
She was assuming he was actually interested in her personally, not professionally.
That would terrify me personally, to be the center of attention from someone like him.
Though probably not personally avaricious, he was justly accused of nepotism.
AdvertisementOn this fact relating to the Emperor personally, it was impossible to pass any judgment.
I do not, and never did, like Speranski personally, but I like justice!
You didn't see this stuff personally, did you?
You actually knew her personally?
My mind jingled with questions of recidivism of his souls, the operation he'd alleged to have personally endured and if others had followed suit, or, if he encouraged them to do so.
AdvertisementPersonally, he wasn't about to let Wynn hurt any of the people he cared about.
Oh, I wouldn't take it personally.
If I hear this nonsense again, I'll send you outside the walls to deal with this mess personally.
It must not concern him, if Damian hadn't delivered the message personally.
In these two situations he made a close study of local economic conditions, personally supervising the cultivation of his lands, and entering into relations with the principal merchants of Rouen.
AdvertisementWe are talking about a setting to your Digital Echo file that says, "Information that isn't tied to me personally can be contributed to pools of rolled-up data."
At two in the morning of the fourteenth of June, the Emperor, having sent for Balashev and read him his letter to Napoleon, ordered him to take it and hand it personally to the French Emperor.
On the twenty-fifth of August, so his historians tell us, Napoleon spent the whole day on horseback inspecting the locality, considering plans submitted to him by his marshals, and personally giving commands to his generals.
You're taking it personally.
Don't take it personally.
The facts would seem incredible were they not vouched for by Theodoret, who knew him personally (Historia religiosa, c. 26).
The archbishop did much of the work of compilation personally.
From this moment may be dated the personal reign of Peter, for he now began to direct personally all branches of the administration, and governed with indefatigable vigour for twenty-seven years, during which he greatly increased the area and profoundly modified the internal condition of his country.
Personally he was not enthusiastic over the African enterprise, as it introduced new and, to him, unaccustomed and unwelcome values into Italian political life; but he realized that public opinion demanded it and he did not care to run counter to the current.
Rightly or wrongly, he was held personally responsible for the rapprochement with France and Russia and the opposition to the Powers of the Triple Alliance; and this attitude had its effect on his career when Leo XIII.
Conway was personally one of the most popular men of his day.
Personally he had that which is the truest mark of nobility of mind, a power of attracting love and winning faithful friends.
This in itself was a serious matter; according to the assizes, the barons maintained, the king must either personally reside in the kingdom, or, in the event of his absence, be replaced by a regency.
He was especially exposed to the attacks of Bismarck, who attempted personally to discredit him and to separate him from the rest of the party.
He had lost his hold upon Pennsylvania and his support in the house, while a cabal in the senate, bitterly and personally hostile to the treasury, crippled the administration and reduced every government measure to mere inanity.
He appeared personally before successive legislative committees, and in 1846 published a pamphlet, "The Reorganization of the Judiciary," which had its influence in persuading the New York State Constitutional Convention of that year to report in favour of a codification of the laws.
In this work he personally prepared almost the whole of the political and civil codes.
Only those were eligible who personally gave in their names, a clause obviously intended to exclude Pompey, who was at the time absent in the East.
Under the emperors of the 4th century the name designated a cultivator who, though personally free, was attached to the soil, and transmitted his condition to his descendants; and this became the regular status of the mass of Roman cultivators.
Thus, whilst the members of the class were personally free, their condition had some incidents of a semi-servile character.
Sir Alfred Milner reached the Cape in May 1897, and after the difficulties with President Kruger over the Aliens' Law had been patched up he was free by August to make himself personally acquainted with the country and peoples before deciding on the lines of policy to be adopted.
Meanwhile rumours from the battle-field at Jena, magnified as usual, began to reach the staff, and these may possibly have influenced Kalckreuth, for when appealed to to attack with his eighteen battalions and win the day, he declined to move without the direct order of the commander-in-chief to do so, alleging that it was the duty of a reserve to cover the retreat and he considered himself personally responsible to the king for the guards entrusted to his care.
We know astonishingly little of him personally.
Hardly any one will be so confident of the virtue of his rulers as to believe that every war which his country wages in every part of its dominions with uncivilized as well as civilized populations, is just and necessary, and it is certainly prima facie not in accordance with an ideal morality that men should bind themselves absolutely for life or for a term of years to kill without question, at the command of their superiors, those who have personally done them no wrong."
Coleridge seemed to him to be ineffectual as a philosopher, and personally to be a melancholy instance of genius running to waste.
This was the Marshal of the Nobility of the district, who had come personally to point out to the princess the necessity for her prompt departure.
He determined that Cuba should not be taken over by the United States, as all Europe expected it would be, and an influential section of his own party hoped it would be, but should be given every opportunity to govern itself as an independent republic; by assuming supervision of the finances of San Domingo, he put an end to controversies in that unstable republic, which threatened to disturb the peace of Europe; and he personally inspired the body of administrative officials in the Philippines, in Porto Rico and (during American occupancy) in Cuba, who for efficiency and unselfish devotion to duty compare favourably with any similar body in the world.
Personally of great physical and mental vigour, his work was done at high pressure and he had the faculty of inspiring his colleagues or his subordinates with his own enthusiasm for doing things.
Alexander II., personally averse from war, was not insensible to the patriotic enthusiasm, and halted between two opinions.
It is impossible to separate this fusion of law and equity, this union of all the higher courts into one supreme tribunal, from the construction of a single home for this great institution; and the opening of the Royal Courts in the Strand in the year 1882, when Queen Victoria personally presided in her one supreme court, and handed over the care of the building to Lord Selborne, as her chancellor and as the head of this great body, was impressive as an outward and visible sign of the silent revolution, which owed more to Lord Selborne than to any other individual.
Pierre Bonaparte took them personally to account, and during a violent discussion he drew his revolver and killed one of them, Victor Noir.
Though Spener has been justly called "the father of Pietism," hardly any of the errors and none of the extravagances of the movement can be ascribed to him personally.
While he gave full toleration to the Greek Churches, he created new Latin bishoprics at Syracuse and Girgenti and elsewhere, nominating the bishops personally, while he turned the archbishopric of Palermo into a Catholic see.
Against Castlereagh he entered the lists personally, and memorandum after memorandum was exchanged.
Personally most frugal, Leo reduced taxes, made justice less costly, and was able to find money for certain public improvements; yet he left the finances more confused than he had found them, and even the elaborate jubilee of 1825 did not really mend matters.
Jackson had preceded his troops in order personally to confer with Lee, and had then appointed the morning of June 26 for his appearance north of the Chickahominy to lead the march and attack McClellan's right wing under General FitzJohn Porter.
How far he was personally responsible for the Anglican Settlement, the Poor Laws, and the foreign policy of the reign, how far he was thwarted by the baleful influence of Leicester and the caprices of the queen, remains to a large extent a matter of conjecture.
The sudden death of the tsarevich Demetrius at Uglich (May 15, 1591) has commonly been attributed to Boris, because it cleared his way to the throne; but this is no clear proof that he was personally concerned in that tragedy.
Distinct from this officer and independent of him, was the first equerry ("Premier Ecuyer"), who had charge of the horses which the sovereign used personally ("la petite ecurie"), and who attended on him when he rode out.
Such is the religious philosophy of Plotinus, and for himself personally it sufficed, without the aid of the popular religion or worship. Nevertheless he sought for points of support in these.
Chalmers was the mainspring of the whole system, not merely superintending the visitation, but personally visiting all the families, and holding evening meetings, when he addressed those whom he had visited.
Edwards personally reprimanded Whitefield for presuming to say of any one that he was unconverted, and in his Thoughts Concerning the Present Revival of Religion devoted much space to "showing what things are to be corrected, or avoided, in promoting this work."
He personally sought to demonstrate such origin, first, in the existence of a specific internal growth force, which he termed bathmic force, and second in the direct inheritance of acquired mechanical modifications of, the teeth and feet.
Caesar at once approached both Pompey and Crassus, who alike detested the existing system of government but were personally at variance, and succeeded in persuading them to forget their quarrel and join him in a coalition which should put an end to the rule of the oligarchy.
Mrs Alec Tweedie's Mexico as I saw it (London, 1901) and Life of Porfirio Diaz (1906) contain valuable information personally obtained from good authorities in Mexico.
He lost no time in choosing a coalition cabinet, and then personally took up the negotiation of peace.
Pechlin undertook to crowd the fatal masquerade with accomplices, but took care not to be there personally.
The final decision on all questions rest with the president, who is solely and personally responsible.
In the presence of the revolutionary troubles, which began with agrarian riots in Galicia in 1846, and then spread over the whole empire, he was personally helpless.
This revenge was the more outrageous since Henry had personally exerted himself on behalf of the Montforts after Evesham.
This empress is said to have devoted herself personally to the care of silkworms, and she is by the Chinese credited with the invention of the loom.
In 1829 there was a severance between the larger part of the new body and O'Bryan, who had claimed to be perpetual president, and to have all property vested in him personally.
But personally Peter learnt nearly all that he wanted to know - gunnery at Konigsberg, shipbuilding at Saardam and Deptford, anatomy at Leiden, engraving at Amsterdam - and was proceeding to Venice to complete his knowledge of navigation when the revolt of the slryeltsy, or musketeers (June 1698), recalled him to Moscow.
The director of public prosecutions attends the trial personally or by representative.
He was successful at the council of 1059, the pontifical election was placed out of reach of the schemes of the local feudal lords and restored to the heads of the clergy; certain reservations were made with regard to those rights which the Holy See was considered to have conceded personally to Henry of Germany (the young king Henry IV., son of the emperor Henry III.), but nothing more.
He was ever ready to act, either personally or through his delegates, and never ceased to be the effective leader of all the feudal soldiers he enrolled under the banner of the Holy See.
To the Dalai Lama, who had attempted to obtain British intervention at Peking, it was made clear that he personally had no claim to this, as the British government could only recognize the de facto government in Tibet.
In our days when a knight is personally made he kneels before the sovereign, who lays a sword drawn, ordinarily the sword of state, on either of his shoulders and says, " Rise," calling him by his Christian name with the addition of " Sir " before it.
It is now therefore peculiar to the British Empire, existing where, although very frequently conferred by letters patent, it is yet the only dignity which is still even occasionally created - as every dignity was formerly created - by means of a ceremony in which the sovereign and the subject personally take part.
Personally a devout Catholic and opposed in principle to the spread of sectarianism in Poland, Sigismund was nevertheless too wise and just to permit the persecution of non-Catholics;' and in Lithuania, where a fanatical Catholic minority of magnates dominated the senate, he resolutely upheld the rights of his Orthodox subjects.
These committees comprise not only real experts, such as retired veteran missionaries, and retired civil and military officers who have been active friends of missions while on foreign service, but also leading clergymen and laymen who, though not personally acquainted with the mission fields, become almost equal experts by continuous attendance and careful study.
It was too as evangelist that he became personally a subject of later interest, and of speculative legends due to this, e.g.
Gregory determined personally to undertake the conversion of Britain, and with the pope's consent actually set out upon the mission, but on the third day of his journey he was overtaken by messengers recalling him to Rome.
While many buyers from America and Russia are personally in attendance at the sales, many more are represented by London and Leipzig agents who buy for them upon commission.
De Witt was personally favourable to this exclusion of William III.
Here it need only be added that it was a purely political act, as Gustavus, personally, had no strong dogmatic leanings either way.
It is said that he personally suggested to Pascal to try his hand, and that the first of the famous Provinciales (Provincial Letters, properly Lettres ecrites par Louis de Montalte ¢ un provincial de ses amis) was written in a few days, or, less probably, in a day.
The prestige personally acquired by Benedetto Cairoli was augmented by that of his four brothers, who fell during the wars of Risorgimento, and by the heroic conduct of their mother.
There is, of course, nothing improbable in this, and even if r Peter be not authentic, it is early evidence for such a tradition, but it is also possible that Peter wrote to converts whom he had not personally made.
Puttkammer, who had now become minister of the interior, defended the practice, and a royal edict of 4th January 1882 affirmed the monarchical character of the Prussian constitution, the right of the king personally to direct the policy of the state, and required those officials who held appointments of a political nature to defend the policy of the government, even at elections.
The violence with which it was conducted, coming, as it did, from the highest circles of the Prussian nobility, appeared almost an imitation of Socialist methods; but the emperor, with his wonted energy, personally rebuked the leaders, and warned them that the opposition of Prussian nobles to their king was a monstrosity.
The new emperor F erdi- was personally amiable, but so enfeebled by epilepsy n and 1.
An attempt to quicken this process by bribery provoked, however, an outburst of feeling against Khuen-Hedervary who, though personally innocent, found his position shaken.
Victor III., while abbot of Monte Cassino contributed personally to the literary activity of the monastery.
He occupied Abu Klea wells and Metemma; recalled the amir Ibrahim Khalil, with 4000 men, from the Ghezira; brought to Omdurman thc army of the west under Mahmudsome 10,000 men; entrusted the line of the AtbaraEd Darner, Adarama, Asubri and El Fasherto Osman Digna; constructed defences in the Shabluka gorge; and personally superintended the organization and drill of the forces gathered at Orndurman, and the collection of vast stores of food and supplies of camels for offensive expeditions.
Everywhere indeed Valdemar intervened personally.
A still more striking contrast is the passionate outburst of sympathy and indignation with which, in the same diary, he comments on the supposed kidnapping of Luther by foul play on his return from the diet of Worms. Without being one of those who in his city took an avowed part against the old ecclesiastical system, and probably without seeing clearly whither the religious ferment of the time was tending - without, that is, being properly speaking a Reformer - Diirer in his art and his thoughts was the incarnation of those qualities of the German character and conscience which resulted in the Reformation; and, personally, with the fathers of the Reformation he lived in the warmest sympathy.
Personally Roger was of tall and powerful body, with long fair hair and full beard.
He followed an English army across the Channel in 1513, and personally took part in the successful sieges of Therouanne and Tournay and the battle of Guinegate which led to the peace of 1514.
The document which alleges that this chapel was built by order of a "landsgemeinde" held in 1388, at which 114 men were present who had been personally acquainted with Tell, was never heard of till 1759.
He was also with McClellan at the battle of Fair Oaks, and was personally engaged in the sanguinary battle at Gaines Mill on the 27th of June.
He was held personally responsible for the loss of a large sum of money during his administration of the state department, and after years of litigation was judged by an arbitrator to be indebted to the government for more than $49,000, which he paid at great sacrifice to himself.
Though Jesus did not personally perform the rite, it is plain once again that in this early period He closely linked His own mission with that of John the Baptist.
O'Connell steadily supported Lord Melbourne's government, gave it valuable aid in its general measures, and repeatedly expressed his cordial approval of its policy in advancing Irish Catholics to places of trust and power in the state, though personally he refused a high judicial office.
Though not personally extravagant, his salary, and the small income from his large estates, never sufficed to meet his generous maintenance of his representative position; and after his retirement from public life the numerous visitors to Monticello consumed the remnants of his property.
From 1887 until 1891 he was the first president of the New York college for the training of teachers (later the Teachers' College of Columbia University), which he had personally planned and organized.
It gave him great satisfaction to serve his apprenticeship to politics under the leadership of Mr. Arthur Balfour, to whom he was personally much attached.
The mission, whose chief was Sir Louis Dane, foreign secretary to the Indian government, reached Kabul early in December 1904, and remained there four months in negotiation with the amir personally and with his representatives.
Further, it may be doubted whether Grote is sufficiently careful to distinguish between the charges brought against the sophists personally and the criticism of their educational methods.
He tried to tempt the wearied Greeks on the banks of the Beas with schemes of conquest in the rich south-eastern provinces; but, having personally offended their leader, he had to fly the camp (326 B.C.).
The Latin king rode behind the Greek emperor, without any of the insignia of his dignity, at the entry into Antioch; but their relations were of the friendliest, and Manuel - as great a physician as he was a hunter - personally attended to Baldwin when the king was thrown from his horse in attempting to equal the emperor's feats of horsemanship. In the same year Baldwin had to undertake the regency in Antioch once more, Raynald of Chatillon, the second husband of Constance, being captured in battle.
Delcasse personally was a sore point with Germany.
The leadership with the Arabic tribes was as a rule hereditary, the son succeeding his father, but only if he was personally fit for the position, and was acknowledged as such by the principal men of the tribe.
These ceorls, sitting on gafol-land, were, though personally free, considered as a lower order of men, and lapsed gradually into more or less oppressive subjection in respect of the great landowners.
Augustus was ageing fast, and was more and more disinclined to appear personally in the senate or in public. Yet in A.D.
It was not, however, until 1896, when he personally managed the canvass that resulted in securing the Republican presidential nomination for William McKinley at the St Louis Convention (at which he was a delegate), that he became known throughout the United States as a political manager of great adroitness, tact and resourcefulness.
The cemetery of Pere-la-Chaise in Paris stands on property acquired by the Jesuits in 1826, and not, as is often stated, on property personally granted to him.
The whole episcopal body, with the pope at its head, should be considered as succeeding to the apostolic college, presided over by St Peter; and the head of it, now as then, as personally invested with all the powers enjoyed by the whole body, including the head.
He seems continually anxious to reconcile the Jewish Christians to himself by personally observing the law of Moses.
Fenelon, although personally an admirer, admits that public opinion credited it with " condemning St Augustine, St Paul, and even Jesus Christ "; and the few Jansenist bishops appealed and " re-appealed " against it.
Not favouring the creation of a strong national government he declined to attend the Annapolis Convention in 1786, but in the following year, when the assembling of the Constitutional Convention was an assured fact, although he opposed the purpose for which it was called, he accepted an appointment as one of the Massachusetts delegates, with the idea that he might personally help to check too strong a tendency toward centralization.
With the view of realizing this idea he appealed to the church to provide funds to build a large number of new churches, and personally carried his appeal throughout the country.
The general dissatisfaction received a somewhat unguarded and intemperate expression in a letter sent to the justices of Marlborough by a gentleman of the neighbourhood, named Oliver St John, 6 in which he denounced the attempt to raise funds in this way as contrary to law, reason and religion, as constituting in the king personally an act of perjury, involving in the same crime those who contributed, and thereby subjecting all parties to the curses levelled by the church at such offences.
Not only was he personally in favour of a war with Spain for the recovery of the Palatinate, but he foresaw in such a course of action the means of drawing together more closely the king and his parliament.
Then, so the story ran, she drew him from his indolence, continuing the work of Joan of Arc, both by nerving the king to warlike enterprises - she did apparently induce him to take part personally in the conquest of Normandy - and by surrounding him with that band of wise advisers who really administered France during her ascendancy.
She urged him to take part personally in the war.
Then the king intervened personally; not to quell the commons, as the senate insisted, but to compel the nobility to give way.
He was too old to share personally in the Jacobite rising of 1715, but his sympathies were with the Stuarts, and his son led the Camerons at Sheriffmuir.
The control and administration of native affairs (which before the Union was, except at the Cape, largely in the hands of the colonial governors personally) is vested exclusively in the governor in council and to the same authority is entrusted all matters specially or differentially affecting Asiatics throughout the Union.
Toll proposed that a second revolt should break out in the province of Scania, to confuse the government still more, and undertook personally to secure the southern fortress of Kristianstad.
In that city all is ordained by reason working intelligently, and the members exist for the sake of one another; there is an intimate connexion (avp raeaa) between them which makes all the wise and virtuous friends, even if personally .unknown, and leads them to contribute to one another's good.
He was not so much self-seeking and personally ambitious as eager to advance the cause of the church in which he so implicitly believed.
In suits brought against them personally or involving the rights of their peerage they had the right of being judged by the Parlement, the other peers being present, or having been duly summoned.
He had personally less to do with the successes in India than with the other great enterprises that shed an undying lustre on his administration; but his generous praise in parliament stimulated the genius of Clive, and the forces that acted at the close of the struggle were animated by his indomitable spirit.
It proved to be almost the only measure introduced by his government in which he personally interested himself.
Though the title of king was only conferred on Vratislav g g y "kings" personally, the German king, Conrad III., conferred on the Bohemian prince Sobeslav (1125-1140) the title of hereditary cupbearer of the Empire, thus granting a certain influence on the election of the emperors to Bohemia, which hitherto had only obligations towards the Empire but no part in its government.
Personally he seemed cold and distant, partly because of his impressive appearance, and partly because of his own modesty, which made him backward in seeking friendships.
They imply the existence of a community with which Paul was personally acquainted, and to which he felt himself bound and free to address keen, authoritative reproaches.
For although he was in specially close touch with Palestine, either personally or through the sources at his command, or both, his book was composed in Greek by the aid of Greek documents.
Until her death Anne occupied herself personally with the administration of the duchy.
Personally Prince Lobanov was a grand seigneur of the Russian type, proud of being descended from the independent princes of Rostov, and at the same time an amiable man of wide culture, deeply versed in Russian history and genealogy, and perhaps the first authority of his time in all that related to the reign of the emperor Paul.
The council are not authorized to promote any bill, and although they frequently do so, they incur the risk that if the bill should not pass the members of the council will be surcharged personally with the costs incurred if they attempt to charge them to the county rate.
Private persons may complain to justices in respect of nuisances by which they are personally aggrieved, and if the district council make default in doing their duty, the Local Government Board may authorize any officer of police to institute any necessary proceedings at the cost of the defaulting council.
Personally he was a very insignificant character and his sole title to fame is his connexion with Mary, queen of Scots.
This harsh treatment created intense indignation abroad, especially in France and Great Britain; and the emperor Napoleon wrote personally to Prince Charles, protesting against the persecution.
Racine is said to have assured his son that Corneille made verses "cent fois plus beaux" than his own, but that his own greater popularity was owing to the fact that he took some trouble to make himself personally agreeable.
Personally Livingstone was a pure and tender-hearted man, full of humanity and sympathy, simple-minded as a child.
Besides their historic interest, the letters written personally by Henry, whether love notes or letters of state, reveal a charming writer.
Great cruelty and perfidy were displayed in the suppression of the native rebellion, and some accounts represent him as personally tyrannical.
The Old Catholic separation followed, but Acton did not personally join the seceders, and the authorities prudently refrained from forcing the hands of so competent and influential an English layman.
To the French or Norman knight all peasants on his manor seemed to be villeins, and he failed to understand the distinction between freemen who had personally commended themselves to his English predecessor but still owned their land, and the mass of ordinary servile tenants.
They might not be so personally odious as the favorites of Edward II.
He satisfied himself of the practicability of the scheme by a personally conducted naval expedition from Pest to Constantinople.
This pro-British spirit, however, did not dominate the whole Wisconsin region, and while De Langlade was harassing the Pennsylvania and Virginia frontier, Godefrey de Linctot, a trader of Prairie du Chien, acting as agent for George Rogers Clark, detached several western tribes from the British adherence, and personally led a band of French settlers to his aid.
It seems that the minister Basileios was privy to this act, and the cause was dissatisfaction at the energy which was displayed by the emperor, who showed that he was determined to take the administration into his own hands and personally to control the army.
Anselm holds that it was best for the injured honour of God to receive from a substitute what the sinner was personally in no condition to offer.
Personally Daunou was reserved and somewhat austere, preserving in his habits a strange mixture of bourgeois and monk.
Personally Proudhon was one of the most remarkable figures of modern France.
A new stimulus was given to agriculture by the encouragement which King Alexander personally extended to the establishment of rural co-operative associations on the Raiffeisen principles.
But he feared to summon the national assembly, was personally weak and vacillating, and in foreign politics was Turcophil and Austrophil rather than Russophil.
He studied at Caen; he became personally known to Henry I., Henry II., and the latter's eldest son, Prince Henry; from Henry II.
Style in Public Discourse (1883) became standard textbooks; and personally he was a brilliant preacher.
To the Premier's remonstrance that, after the recent verdict of the general election in favour of his policy, the Crown was not entitled to refuse its sanction, Constantine replied that in matters of foreign policy he did not consider himself bound to follow the national will, feeling himself " personally responsible to God alone."
He was consecrated to the see of Salisbury on the 31st of March 1689 by a commission of bishops to whom Archbishop Sancroft had delegated his authority, declining personally to perform the office.
Somers was against such a measure; but Godolphin, who was believed to be personally alluded to in one of these harangues under the nickname of "Volpone," urged the necessity of a prosecution, and gained the day.
He was a man of vast learning and upright piety, but, although personally friendly to Galileo, there is no doubt that he saw in his scientific teachings a danger to religion.
In December he repaired personally to Rome, full of confidence that the weight of his arguments and the vivacity of his eloquence could not fail to convert the entire pontifical court to his views.
He had few personal friends, and rarely mingled in general society; though bitter to opponents, he was gentle to those who knew him, and his munificent charities gave him a warm place in the hearts of many to whom he was personally unknown.
Personally Charles was no soldier.
France asked for a letter of apology, and Benedetti personally requested from the king a promise that he would never allow the candidature to be resumed.
Both Ohrwalder and Slatin were personally acquainted with the mandi, and their narratives contain much first-hand information.
King Leopold was personally a man of considerable attainments and much strength of character, but he was a notoriously dissolute monarch, who even to the last offended decent opinion by his indulgences at Paris and on the Riviera.
Talleyrand, personally impressed when in America with Hamilton's brilliant qualities, declared that he had the power of divining without reasoning, and compared him to Fox and Napoleon because he had " devine l'Europe."
It won't be like that and I promise after this is over, I'll never involve any of us personally in any future sessions.
I don't know them personally, but they should be on top of the case with this bastard who's chasing you.
Maybe because I was half asleep I agreed to consider talking to a sex offender personally.
If he were personally involved in the operation, something was very, very wrong.
Personally, I have to disappoint you again, but if you're taking a vote for any derisive activity, I'll cast my ballot for the boys, just on general principals.
Demons – especially those personally trained by Darkyn – knew how to sense weakness.
With the sheer number of demons Darkyn had assigned to watching Deidre over the years and all the leads he'd personally pursued, he should have stumbled upon it by now.
Thus, I personally would like to take this opportunity to welcome this concurrent accession of the ROC and the PRC.
Personally I find them boring, however technically accomplished they may be.
Players personally acquainted with monsters who wish to vouch for their ability to cast spells are requested to keep quiet.
Not only have you caused me to waste valuable time by not filling it in, I also feel personally affronted.
I personally, had never seen such delightful, stunning views as those in the Swiss alps on a sunny, clear day.
During testing I personally witnessed anglers who had never fished PVA before successfully mastering the technique in minutes resulting in bigger and better catches.
I personally was somewhat apprehensive of my first jump.
Personally I would pay money to see Sharman open a can of whoop ass on Trace.
I can personally attest to the relief that was reported by my patients in practically all cases.
But it is not only on the merits of the argument that I personally accept the Lucan authorship of the Gospel and Acts.
Just fill out the form below and The Scary Guy will personally autograph a copy.. .
I personally am allergic to ' new world orders ' the broken axles of which litter the trails of history.
Well, my poor, dear wife, I, personally, feel sorry for you and the helpless little babes of our loins.
Colin has personally driven the drugs agenda in Bradford, securing the backing of local authorities and partners to address drugs issues.
I have personally seen bogus " death threats " he claims that were left on this vehicle at very opportune times.
I personally prefer the gleaming white carapace of the stormtrooper or snow trooper, very well animated as they run to their doom.
The calendar is personally endorsed by local celebrity Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen, star of BBCâs interior design show Changing Rooms.
It also helped achieve greater clarity for me in terms of what I'm personally looking for.
I personally condemn this human tragedy that occurred, and also condole with the United States government on this tragedy.
Out of 500 nominations in the environment category alone, Samuel's work clearly impressed judges who personally congratulated him for his outstanding contribution.
Joan clears Ray over the smuggling by saying that she personally searched him and found no contraband.
A Japanese interpreter attended a concert and later 'he came personally to thank me... and was a most charming conversationalist ' .
It always sounded a bit corny to me, personally.
During the following twenty-four hours a massive counterforce was assembled and officers from General Headquarters personally supervised the annihilation of the disturbances.
Speaking personally, I have found the wardens invariably courteous, and very helpful when one seeks their advice.
A frank answer, so I brave the frank question, ' Do you feel personally culpable for that disaster?
Personally, I like these cakes highly spiced and use at least 1 dessertspoon aniseed and 1-2 tablespoons cumin.
I've personally never heard of anyone ever having a problem more serious than an oil leak from the rear differential on our cars.
Personally, from an early age I developed a distaste for many multiple shop groups.
Anything goes really and I personally wouldn't go out of my way to take anything too dressy.
Personally, when parting with hard earned cash, seeing effort being used in the gaining of results counts for a lot.
Everyone is given total ownership of their customers dealings and feels personally empowered to make instant decisions when called upon to do so.
The new science museum experience offered dynamic, personally meaningful engagement with structured'discovery learning ' .
I can personally vouch for the quality of the Lady Captain's bacon and egg flan.
It also helps individuals gain the skills they need to be employable and personally fulfilled.
Failure to exercise adequate protection of charitable funds may leave the trustees personally liable for any liabilities that the charity incurs.
As a company we choose to issue our own detailed and numbered personally handwritten certificates for history and traceability of autographs in the future.
I personally have been out & about my usual haunts are Lewin Street / White Horse Alley / St Annes Road / Stallard Way.
Personally I think it is more utterly hopeless in summer than in winter.
For me personally, as the 49th hereditary imam of the Ismailis, this is a day of great happiness.
Personally, I find CD based music totally incongruous to gaming.
Personally, there's nothing that dents my confidence more in an online business than poorly written, grammatically incorrect, misspelt copy.
I personally don't recall any righteously indignant posts in Blogland for those people.
He will personally indwell all the believers, a claim of omnipresence.
Members of Council will not be held personally liable for debt in the unlikely event of the University's becoming financially insolvent.
Is Ken Livingstone going to personally insult all 55 Ambassadors and their countries?
Discussions continued with people becoming very irate this lead to comments being personally directed at a Community Councilor.
If I'm sounding jubilant about this little victory it is not because I personally have anything against Uri Geller.
All acting heads of state get their own throne, although each is personally responsible for securely lashing it to the sacred islet.
I personally would prefer having each lib packed in separate class, using that as namespace, same way we did in php.
So far, he lists his greatest moments as having met horror maestro Clive Barker and spoken personally to author Brian Lumley.
Personally, I think Kev Howitt's past words and actions preclude him from being regarded as a neutral observer.
Collated and personally chosen by Donald Clark, the tables are not built from surveys, and therefore are quite opinionated.
Phil Barnes, Head of Regional sourcing at Sainsbury's is personally overseeing this area.
I personally am incredibly upset by this folly knowing there are only 4 PRTs in Iraq and they are all performing sub par.
Personally, I'd declare one that specified the exact parameters required.
I personally think that the cats will most likely be laughing into their furry paws.
Personally I think it's Heston and not Moore who is the big fat phony.
Mike Sharp Mike, personally I would ensure any paint on the wood was removed using a poultice.
Order Based These are the style of party that I personally prefer.
A man like that might personally be rather puritanical; but he would never call it being a Puritan.
These decorations with brilliants and rubies were personally bestowed by the Emperor on deserving recipients at the Kaiser's own expense.
One such gesture was personally administering communion to Pinochet in acknowledgment of his complete religious rectitude.
Personally, for convenience and cost, I'm amazed it hasn't rendered dating in Dallas utterly redundant.
Personally, I think people might be being just a little bit too reverential to the source material.
Personally I prefer to play it as a slow rhumba on the organ.
Some legends say that the great Taoist sage Lao Tzu, personally introduced him to the Taoist practices.
Personally if I found some low life scum selling drugs to my kids I would not stop at giving them a kicking.
Personally, I think this is a terrible shame.
Only the ones that really sickened me, or touched my life personally.
Personally I don't think it looks good, that they've adopted a siege mentality and battened down the hatches.
The ribbons were personally designed by King George VI and all have symbolic significance.
Personally, I always found the TV series faintly sinister, like Dr. Who with straw.
A few hardy souls went off for an early morning run, I personally had a cup of coffee in bed.
Personally identifiable information This refers to information that lets us know the specifics of who you are.
Personally, I'm bored stiff with In the Mood.
Full Cost This course allows for personally directed study using the specially equipped studio with guidance from an experienced tutor.
Partners can sue and be sued personally as well as in the name of the partnership.
Feeling rejected personally when someone else is deemed more suitable for the part.
Eliot himself contributed financially and personally superintended the whole enterprise, despite being then in his eighties.
They are personally supervised by the owners who live in the farm adjacent to the cottages.
Disaggregating the learning units gives you the power to create a personally tailored learning unit.
I can personally testify to its excellent results in a wide range of conditions.
I personally have had only tremendous encouragement over the years.
Personally, I think there is a very simple explanation why racist morons became uncool.
Personally, I don't get too uptight about stains - I've got too much to do with three small children!
Personally, I prefer music in smaller, more intimate venues.
By all accounts he was a hard drinking, personally vindictive man with a grudge.
I try not to take it personally, but it can be very vitriolic.
Roseland Holiday Cottages Small personally run agency offering luxury waterside & country cottages on the beautiful Roseland Peninsula, South Cornwall.
Lifestyle, which emphasizes methods people can use to personally monitor the impact of their daily lives on their overall wellness.
A brilliant scholar, a mediating theologian, and personally of lovable temperament, his influence was great and wisely exercised.
Once Madame Roland appeared personally in the Assembly to repel the falsehoods of an accuser, and her ease and dignity evoked enthusiasm and compelled acquittal.
In England "presentation at court" is the privilege of no particular class as such; and the wives of ministers of the class in strictness takes in only the peers personally; at the outside it cannot be stretched beyond those of their children and grandchildren who bear the courtesy titles of lord and lady.
Without intervening personally in French politics, he took a keen interest in the questions of administration and social reorganization arising from the fall of the imperialist regime and the disasters of the war.
As a preliminary to the transit of Mercury in 1743, which he personally observed, he issued a map of the world showing the varied circumstances of its occurrence.
All departmental expenses were to be submitted for the approval of the comptrollergeneral, a number of sinecures were suppressed, the holders of them being compensated, and the abuse of the" acquits au comptant "was attacked, while Turgot appealed personally to the king against the lavish giving of places and pensions.
He exercises also an appellate jurisdiction over each bishop, which, in cases of licensed curates, he exercises personally under the Pluralities Act 1838; but his ordinary appellate jurisdiction is exercised by the judge of the Arches court (see Arches, Court Of).
The court of Audience, in which the archbishop presided personally, attended by his vicar-general, and sometimes by episcopal assessors, has fallen into desuetude.
In 1526 he returned to Schlettstadt, and devoted himself to a life of learned leisure, enlivened with epistolary and personal intercourse with Erasmus (the printing of whose more important works he personally superintended) and many other scholars of his time.
However much they might personally disapprove, ' zealous priests could not forbid their parishioners to dance on Sunday, if the practice had won widespread toleration; on the other hand, they could not relax the usual discipline of the church on the strength of a few unguarded opinions of too indulgent casuists.
He made an attempt to oppose the agrarian law introduced by Caesar for distributing the lands of Campania, but was overpowered and even personally ill-treated by the mob.
The session of 1908 opened with Mr Asquith acting avowedly as the prime minister's deputy, and the course of business was itself of a nature to emphasize his claims. After two rather humdrum budgets he was pledged to inaugurate a system of old-age pensions (forming the chief feature of the budget of 1908, personally introduced by him at the beginning of May), and his speech in April on the Licensing Bill was a triumph of clear exposition, though later in the year, after passing the Commons, it was thrown out by the Lords.
For a while, indeed, this opposition did not impair the king's popularity, due to his amiable character, his extraordinary services in beautifying his capital of Munich, and to his benevolence (it has been reckoned that he personally received about io,000 letters asking for help every year, and that the money he devoted to charity amounted to about a fifth of his income).
Sometimes, as for instance during the insurrection of Zebrzydowski, Skarga intervened personally in politics, and on the side of order and decency, for his loyalty to the crown was as unquestionable as his devotion to the Church.
About twenty years after the Marlborough legacy, Sir William Pynsent, a Somersetshire baronet to whom he was personally quite unknown, left him his entire estate, worth about three thousand a year, in testimony of approval of his political career.
Winfield Scott, although the latter was personally unacceptable to himself, as its leader, and despite Taylor's vigorous protests detached most of his experienced troops to join Scott's command.
The second and decisive victory followed at the Vatican Council (1870), which, at the cost of a small secession of distinguished men, declared the pope personally infallible (see Infallibility) and irreformable as often as he rules ex cathedra points of faith or morals.
His faults are nowhere better shown than in his quarrel with John Adams. Three times, in order to accomplish ends deemed by him, personally, to be desirable, Hamilton used the political fortunes of John Adams, in presidential elections, as a mere hazard in his manoeuvres; moreover, after Adams became president, and so the official head of the party, Hamilton constantly advised the members of the president's cabinet, and through them endeavoured to control Adams's policy; and finally, on the eve of the crucial election of 1800, he wrote a bitter personal attack on the president (containing much confidential cabinet information), which was intended for private circulation, but which was secured and published by Aaron Burr, his legal and political rival.
Again, we aren't talking about anyone knowing anything about you personally.
It was not a council of war, but, as it were, a council to elucidate certain questions for the Emperor personally.
Well, mon cher, what are you doing personally?
A man like that might personally be rather Puritanical; but he would never call it being a Puritan.
These decorations with brilliants and rubies were personally bestowed by the Emperor on deserving recipients at the Kaiser 's own expense.
Personally, for convenience and cost, I 'm amazed it has n't rendered dating in Dallas utterly redundant.
The themes have been reworked to make it easier for the reader to identify the part of the strategy that relates to them personally.
I personally use at least one self-hypnosis programming session every day and I know how beneficial it is for me.
Personally I do n't think it looks good, that they 've adopted a siege mentality and battened down the hatches.
Personally I would suggest you use a smidgen of common sense along with a little intuition.
I personally didn't find very many opportunities to use all six speeds, so this wasn't a particularly useful feature for me.
Personally, I think that without those instincts, stay-at-home dads would not be able to care for the babies.
Open all the doors, check the bumper, look under the car, run the engine, etc. If you don't know much about cars, consider bringing a mechanic along with you, especially if you know one personally.
Trying different materials will give you the best idea of what works for you personally.
Cards which have been personally autographed by the players are much more valuable than those created by manufacturers as a part of 'autographed sets'.
I personally prefer a good set of plastic birdies, but at the competition-level, they typically make use of the more expensive feathered-type shuttlecocks.
The primary drawbacks of off-board chargers are that (1) they are less convenient than on-board chargers and (2) they usually need to be personally monitored throughout the charging process to avoid overcharging.
It's helpful to get context from people who you know personally.
To a certain extent, having a broker is a necessity, since you cannot personally execute stock trades unless you are an employee of an exchange floor.
I personally think your cat is getting safer nutrition from the real meat and fruits you are serving.
We were talking one day recently about Christmas and the challenges we personally have as pet owners.
You can personally design a card to promote your business incentive programs by choosing the type of currency and ongoing rewards, and you can even make the card reloadable.
The husband was a business owner and the wife had contributed financially as well as personally to the business.
Always personally interview and check the investigator's history with the Better Business Bureau before you commit to hiring him.
That sort of passion both, for the industry and personally for each other, is what drove the two unacknowledged lovers to the continued development of one of the finest Parisian beauty products around.
Bear in mind that they may be getting approached by many other people, so don't take it personally if they don't respond straight away.
The owner travels to China every year to personally select quality consumer fireworks to sell online and in the retail stores, Starr Fireworks.
There is a small but enthusiastic community of people who like to strip down when they ski, and even those in the ski community who aren't personally comfortable with such activities are typically tolerant of naked skiers.
This therapeutic environment not only teaches your teen what it is to be a responsible citizen, it also allows her to grow personally through a better understanding of who she is.
Try not to take it personally; it's not your fault.
Don't take your friends' actions personally.
Both options are beneficial to you personally and professionally.
Anyone who wants you to spend hundreds of dollars on photos, usually from a photographer that he or she personally recommends.
If a child is allowed to have a social networking page, such as a Myspace or Facebook page, parents should make sure that privacy settings are enabled, and that their child only adds people she personally knows as friends.
Be careful going into people's homes you do not know personally.
Not only must the bride and groom personally deal with the tragic decision to cancel, but they also must notify family, friends, and guests who will ultimately bombard them with questions and concerns.
Though white satin boxes might be traditional, a personally decorated box is easy to make and will look beautiful with your wedding decorations.
Just because something is trendy or you personally like it does not mean the couple will enjoy it.
Though professional bakeries and hired cake decorators can certainly add custom details to a cake and decorate on request, they don't usually know the marrying couple personally.
Visit Maui beaches online or through a booking agent if you are unable to personally check out potential beaches.
If there was ever a time that I wanted to drink it was right before facing her personally and apologizing for my behavior, drinking, affair and other acts.
Whether you are personally suffering from an addiction or simply trying to offer support to a loved one during a difficult time, understanding the link between drug addiction and personality can be useful.
If a woman is asked, "What do you think of my hair, outfit, etc.?", she will typically respond by finding something positive to say, even if she personally didn't like item in question.