Personalities Sentence Examples
Some personalities simply didn't work together.
It gave her a snapshot of their interests and personalities as well.
Both Tim and Jim had brown hair and blue eyes, but their personalities were as different as day and night — just like Katie and Alex.
She was no stranger to private personalities.
But the interest of the war does not reside wholly in the personalities of the leaders.
They were already beginning to develop different personalities.
Many of Carlyle's and Thackeray's pieces first appeared in Fraser's Magazine (1830), long famous for its personalities and its gallery of literary portraits.
As a historical writer he excelled chiefly in brilliant and thoughtful essays on the leading political personalities of his time, such as Paul Nagy, Bertalan, Szemere and others.
He was one of those personalities in which everything transcends the ordinary scale.
Bobby Lowe, as he was popularly known, was one of the most remarkable personalities of his day, with his tall, striking figure, albino complexion and hair, and faculty for epigram and irony.
AdvertisementThese first unscientific ideas of a genesis of the permanent objects of nature took as their pattern the process of organic reproduction and development, and this, not only because these objects were regarded as personalities, but also because this particular mode of becoming would most impress these early observers.
We have hitherto dealt with isolated examples of prophetism and its rare and distinguished personalities.
The violent personalities of a pamphlet entitled Marie Joseph Chenier et le prince des critiques (1844), in reply to Jules Janin, brought him a six months' sojourn in La Pelagic, in the cell just quitted by Lamennais.
These numbers are valuable as an exhibition not so much of events as of the feelings of the Parisian people; they are adorned, moreover, by the erudition, the wit and the genius of the author, but they are disfigured, not only by the most biting personalities and the defence and even advocacy of the excesses of the mob, but by the entire absence of the forgiveness and pity for which the writer was afterwards so eloquently to plead.
Upon the failure of this attempt of his opponents, Desmoulins published a pamphlet, Jean Pierre Brissot demasque, which abounded in the most violent personalities.
AdvertisementApart from this general question, a difficulty arises on the Thomist theory in regard to the existence of spirits or disembodied personalities.
It was necessary that it should be applied to history and to the forces and personalities active within it.
Furthermore, this belief that prophecy had ceased led the religious personalities of the later time to authenticate their message by means of antedated prophecy.
It was not until the 19th century that "ultramontane and " ultramontanism " came into general use as broad designations covering the characteristics of particular personalities,.
Of the rest, whose personalities are less known to us, Papias shares Polycarp's qualities and their limitations, the anonymous homilist and Hermas are marked by intense moral earnestness, while the writer to Diognetus joins to this a profound religious insight.
AdvertisementHis satire Babie Kolo (The Women's Circle) gave offence on account of its personalities.
Tanaquil and Gaia Caecilia are, however, really distinct personalities.
Besides, it is the work of Mahomet, and as such is fitted to afford a clue to the spiritual development of that most successful of all prophets and religious personalities.
Pairs of deities whose personalities are often blended or interchanged are Hathor and Nut, Sakhmi and Pakhe, Seth and Apophis.
Readers of Philo are familiar with the half-philosophical and half-mythological mode of thought by which the " powers of God " are substantialized into independent personalities.
AdvertisementSuch myths were often based on grotesque philological analogies, according to which an existing connexion between two personalities (cities, &c.) was traced back to a common mythical origin.
To the savage, and apparently to men more backward than the most backward peoples we know, all nature was a congeries of animated personalities.
Our actions were testimony to our different personalities but it was imperative that we continue to work together if our operation was to survive.
All the brothers were, because Andre alone had been able to manage the different personalities in such a way that they all trusted him.
Both Tim and Jim had brown hair and blue eyes, but their personalities were as different as day and night — just like Katie and Alex.
Like many sisters, they offer a striking contrast in personalities.
Burmese have personalities that are quite similar to dogs.
As the leading "aesthete," Oscar Wilde became one of the most prominent personalities of the day; apart from the ridicule he encountered, his affected paradoxes and his witty sayings were quoted on all sides, and in 1882 he went on a lecturing tour in the United States.
Hearing the same view from all of your personalities was getting boring.
The position requires dedicated, hard working people with a smart appearance and friendly, outgoing personalities.
We've also virtually never had a cross word to say to each other in our time together, so equable are our personalities.
Several others become fearful of a time where they may realize they are living with multiple personalities.
In fact, two famous on-line personalities were actually programs created to simulate human interaction in networked environments.
There is a wonderfully festive gala soiree for all the drivers and personalities on the Saturday before the spectacle of the races on Sunday.
For such a little bird, they have very interesting personalities and can become surprisingly tame and attached to you.
The working of the new order in France, and the personalities of the leading men, had a profound interest for him; he wrote on the subject in the Examiner.
Like all great epoch-making personalities, he was favoured by the circumstances of his life, notwithstanding the relentless persecution to which he was exposed.
Not only had a whole array of subsidiary industries to be established and supplies of raw materials secured; thousands of skilled workmen and hundreds of directing personalities of strong character and exceptional ability had to be found and trained.
Graetz's skill in piecing together detached fragments of information, his vast learning and extraordinary critical acumen, were equalled by his vivid power of presenting personalities.
It exasperated opponents, some of whom, notably Peter Pindar '(see' Wolcot, John), retaliated by brutal personalities.
Machines are not persons and so cannot have personalities.
Her victims included sports personalities, soap actors and the participants in alleged sexual sleaze scandals.
Those that drive red cars are usually sexy and vivacious with hugely dynamic personalities.
Alternatively, do you have any well-known local personalities?
Chimera has come to describe any being with split personalities or features, much like the mythical creature.
The strict dichotomy between the two personalities caused the relationship to be difficult.
You must be careful not to raise children with condescending personalities.
The more the couple got to know each other, the more they realized that there were abysses between their personalities.
The juxtaposition of their vastly different personalities made them an interesting and unique couple.
Certainly startup founders' personalities vary widely-some are outgoing and loquacious, others are introverted and reticent.
Actors, artists, musicians, comedians, and other entertainers are known for their creative and distinctive personalities.
It is important to remember, however, that while identical twins do share the same DNA makeup, they are separate individuals with separate emotions and personalities.
Most fraternal sets have their own personalities, interests and friends.
This is often the time when babies begin to show their unique personalities.
Like adults, babies have their own personalities which means their sleep patterns may not coincide with parental sleep times.
For certain infant personalities, a swing is a tremendous blessing since it functions as a nap aid.
There are many books and websites that show different breeds of cats and that discuss their personalities.
Like other home shopping networks, HSN is based on the idea that people can watch personalities and hosts talk about different products and call in to buy what they see on the screen.
While a cat might not give as much affection as a dog, cats do have distinct personalities.
Today's Bengals are prized for their wonderful, entertaining personalities, gaining themselves a reputation as great family pets.
Kool Kat Swing is a rap about different cat personalities, and finally I Love My Cat is an over-the-top homage to our feline best friend.
Different breeds and cat personalities have different requirements for what is right for them.
Both cats are sweethearts with people and have adorable personalities.
Owners of Siamese find them to have unique and bold personalities.
All animals have emotions, attitudes and personalities just like people, and cats are super sensitive.
Adult cats' personalities are more formed than kittens and "what you see is what you get".
In addition to their beautiful markings, flame points are coveted for their endearing personalities.
There really isn't an answer that fits every cat since personalities and levels of finickyness vary.
Their personalities are developing nicely, and they can be comical to watch as they ambush each other.The kittens can have a little canned food at this point.
The illustrations have soft edges and fine details that bring the personalities of the lovable characters to life.
These are living human beings with their own emotions and fledgling personalities, which require extra nurturing in the face of adversity.
From the historic 18th century homes of Society Hill to the row homes of Mayfair, Philadelphians love to decorate in a style that reflects their own tastes and personalities.
If not, you will still need to come to an understanding that allows each of you some space to express your design personalities.
The living room, more than any other room in the house, reveals both the personalities of the people who live in a home and how they live.
Since it's such an intensely personal room it should be a reflection of the people who reside in it and be indicative of his, her, or their personality or personalities.
For people with bold personalities and homes, bright red has always been popular for the kitchen.
Bedrooms should always reflect the personalities of the people who reside in them, so it should be the teenager in question who makes the final decisions.
Once again focusing on spokeswomen and their personalities to sell their products, StarStyle offers five collections inspired by five different celebrity women.
Based on the words of Dolce & Gabbana, the perfume was inspired by personalities such as Italian actresses Sophia Loren, Gina Lollobrigida and Anna Magani - all know for their beauty and strength of spirit.
Even the most restrained, low-key personalities can't help but go all out on Halloween, when outfits take center stage.
The company's fragrance collection is modest, with a sampling of scents available to suit the differing personalities and moods of Liz ladies and the men in their lives.
The collection spans a wide range of scents, catering to women of various age groups and even personalities.
Witches are such an artful and eclectic costume choice since there are so many variables of witch styles and their differing personalities.
Stage makeup techniques are used by celebrities in both film and television, as well as television personalities like the anchor on your nightly news station or on your local weather channel.
Some of these pets even generate personalities and can play games with you, solve puzzles and a myriad of other things, so they're always entertaining.
Famous portrait photographers have a gift for bringing out different facets of their subjects' personalities.
Rather, use basic photo-taking techniques to capture the true essence of your family members' personalities.
Diversity is an understatement when it comes to describing the array of personalities in the field of photography.
Just as you may describe your spouse as loyal or your children as mischievous, pets tend to display their own unique personalities too.
Working in an office can be difficult because one needs to contend with so many different personalities.
Different coworkers may cause distractions and lower your productivity, or they may have personalities you find abrasive.
Major television and music personalities have starred in Old Navy Store commercials.
Famous politicians, movie stars, and news personalities are often quoted at various events.
Even the snobby girls- who change personalities when he's around (if we date, that might be an advantage!!).
My bro and I have the same personalities, and to me he does too, kinda.
Teenagers begin to develop individual personalities when they begin their adolescent years, and sometimes this change gives them a rebellious side.
It should be unexpected but still fit with the theme of your wedding or your personalities.
Take inspiration from your wedding, your life, or your surroundings to pick something that truly shows your personalities.
Although not an actual favor, this is another way to express you and your fiancé's personalities.
Modern wedding cakes can be reflective of a couple's personalities, a special wedding theme, or some other source of inspiration -- your imagination is the only limit.
Unique wedding cakes can be pieces of confectionary artistry, conversation pieces, and reflective of you and your new spouse's sense of style and personalities.
You may decide to have a pillow that reflects the theme of your wedding, the season in which it takes place, the atmosphere or style of the wedding, or merely something that reflects the personalities of you and your soon-to-be spouse.
One-of-a-kind wedding cakes are a fun, delicious way for couples to inject their personalities into the wedding festivities.
Different styles reflect different personalities.
Try to think of altars that fit both your personalities and the environment around you.
Choose the one that sounds the best and fits your new family's personalities.
A quick phone call or email to friends of both the bride and groom-to-be also clues guests in to what they enjoy in their free time and their personalities.
The best gifts are not always expensive. the couple is sure to appreciate a gift that really fits their personalities.
Shirts like these are perfect for the couple with fun-loving, easy-going personalities.
What each couple wants to do for trashing a gown depends on their personalities, and how far they are willing to go in destroying the gown.
If you have a relative you'd like to share your dress with (perhaps your own daughter one day), a simple dress is more likely to work for several different personalities and weather each year's trends.
If your personalities are calm and serious, people may find silly vows disconcerting and not fitting with who you are as a couple.
Castle cakes give couples the opportunity to showcase their individuality and personalities at a reception.
Instead, you can choose something that better fits you and your future spouse's personalities.
In 2006 she began her own XM Satellite Radio channel, Oprah Radio, which features her best friend Gayle King and other personalities.
In the later, we've devoted a bi-monthly column to the reality TV most notables and lesser publicized personalities.
At the age of 16, he was one of Atlanta's youngest radio personalities.
The Walk of Fame not only salutes film stars, but also television actors, radio personalities, stage performers, directors, singers, songwriters, and other celebrities.
But this doesn't just go for celebrities -- television personalities and models also are under public scrutiny because of their looks, and therefore turn to various treatments with high price tags.
As many a waiter and waitress are only to happy to share, there are plenty of sordid tales involving massive orders of food, unpleasant personalities and pathetic tips to top it all off.
A judge annulled the marriage when Spears' lawyers claimed they entered into it unaware of each other's personalities and tastes.
The radio show aired live games and interviews with game show personalities.
When it comes down to making a list of the most influential or popular celebrities in the world, British personalities often rank at the top of these lists.
College radio gave many famous on air personalities their start.
Emerging technology and Blackboard distance learning tools enhance existing course content and make it easy for a student to learn more about fellow classmates' personalities, views, and opinions without ever meeting them in person.
In the entertainment industry, those who work in public relations act as liaisons between well-known personalities and the public.
Cultivating an understanding of other people's communication styles and personalities is essential, so classes in psychology may be part of some school's curricula.
Knowing the pros and cons of different types of ships helps passengers choose which one to sail on, letting them personalize their vacation to suit their personalities and individual desires.
These dogs have glamorous, long coats, beautiful, big dark eyes that convey a soft, sweet expression, and very loving and devoted personalities.
Generally, dogs with unstable personalities, fear or abuse issues, or physical impairments should not be exposed to shock collars.
All the strange noises, smells, people, and other dogs can be a bit unnerving to older pets or pets with less outgoing personalities.
Along with these physical characteristics, only dogs with the most dominant personalities have been selected for breeding, eventually resulting in animals with die-hard aggressive qualities who are willing to fight on command.
They have great personalities, but it's important to buy one from a breeder that has the pups tested for the major genetic disorders in the breed.
Again, great personalities, and they're not too hyperactive.
If you are aware of the personalities, traits and characteristics of this beautiful loving breed and are thinking of adding one to your family, consider contacting a Great Pyrenees rescue.
Different small dog breeds have different personalities.
While the basic motorcycle style is always one to watch, there are many other styles available that suit various personalities and dress senses.
Men who wish to express their personalities can do so with a distinctive T-shirt that shows off their favorite band, slogan, saying or brand.
Because care of the soil is emphasized in organic agriculture, wine from different regions, and even different wineries in the same area, will have more distinctive personalities because the soil is cared for better.
Just like plus size women, the lingerie they wear comes in all styles, sizes and personalities.
Women with more flirty, outgoing personalities may prefer more risqué costumes, while a more conservative personality would do well in a moderate costume, such as a long flowing Renaissance dress.
While many find meeting new people to be the main attraction of attending a center, others may be put off by certain personalities.
Online personalities can lead you to think differently of someone than you would with direct conversation.
Providing top-quality home care, all caregivers are chosen by the service coordinator to match the needs and personalities of the senior.
Available in both classic and sport collections, Gargoyle shades have many designs to appeal to different personalities, but their quality is universal regardless of what style you wear.
This site offers no less than eight different looks to fit a variety of personalities, and a variety of budgets.
Very few video game franchises have had quite the same level of immediately recognizable characters as Super Mario, thanks largely to their colorful presentations and equally colorful personalities.
The convention includes panels with game publishers, developers and personalities and offers sneak peeks of games and tips on breaking into the industry.
The pooches are lovingly rendered and have their own unique personalities.
You'll find everything from French Bulldogs to Dachshunds, and they all have ever so slightly different personalities.
A month later, they announced a 15-year partnership with ESPN, locking up the sports network and its broadcast personalities.
What this means is that other companies can still produce video games featuring the likenesses of other PGA personalities, but they cannot have Tiger Woods in their game.
You can choose from a few rap personalities ranging from hardcore female to an Eminem look-alike to a Straight Outta Compton superstar.
The actors nailed down the personalities of the characters really well and you'd be hard-pressed to find an animated movie that has done better.
The puppies in Nintendogs have their own unique personalities, so you'll love your virtual pet almost as much as your real one.
Instead of just personalities, they all have their own bodies, but should still be considered the same person -- from the female assassin Kadee Smith to the Mexican Wrestler in a suit named Mask de Smith.
Seven characters were selectable in the first offering of the fighting game series, all of which were digitized from real actors and actresses, many of which inspired from existing movie personalities.
Speaking of characters, you get to select from some rather stereotypical musical personalities, including those that look like Elvis, Willie Nelson, and Geri Halliwell.
Nintendo was still pushing Mario on its Nintendo 64, and the PlayStation had quite a few amiable personalities, but the Saturn kind of came up short.
Their lock-up of the NFL and NFL Players Association licenses, combined with an exclusive license to use the ESPN Football personalities will only cement their position as the leader in publishing football video games.
Read up on Chun Li, Balrog, Cammy, and more in Street Fighter Characters and Street Fighter Characters 2, as well as personalities from the Alpha sub-series in Street Fighter Characters 3.
Create your Sims, control every move they make, set their personalities and more.
The personalities of the other characters in the game are also showcased by their appearance.
Prior to each show, there are displays with information and interactive exhibits on video games, video game character costume contests and meet and greets with video game music personalities.
I also got a good kick out of playing against real WPT personalities -- or their likenesses, at the very least -- including Erick Lindgren, Evelyn Ng, Antonio Esfandiari, and even the Unabomber, Phil Laak.
There are a plethora of Napa Valley wineries with unique personalities, histories, quality and size.
The magenta edition is considerably bolder and brighter, and as such, is better suited for people with bolder personalities.
Given the highly personal nature of cell phones, it makes sense that many mobile phone users want their handsets to best reflect their unique personalities.
One study done on eighth and ninth graders compared teens who generally had personalities considered non-aggressive but who played violent games to those teens who had aggressive personalities but did not play violent games.
It is considered to be an important influence in shaping the personalities of children who grow up in middle-class Western societies but less relevant in traditional African and Asian cultures.
As individuals' self-conceptions become more abstract and as they become more able to see themselves in psychological terms, they become more interested in understanding their own personalities and why they behave the way they do.
Children also learn to negotiate with different personalities and the feelings associated with winning and losing.
Statistics show that more than 90 percent of abusing parents have neither psychotic nor criminal personalities.
Schizoid personalities are introverted, withdrawn, solitary, emotionally cold, and distant.
Paranoid personalities interpret the actions of others as deliberately threatening or demeaning.
Paranoid personalities are often jealous, guarded, secretive, and scheming, and may appear to be emotionally "cold" or excessively serious.
Schizotypal personalities tend to have odd or eccentric manners of speaking or dressing.
Antisocial personalities typically ignore the normal rules of social behavior.
Antisocial personalities are at high risk for substance abuse, since it helps them to relieve tension, irritability, and boredom.
Borderline personalities are unstable in interpersonal relationships, behavior, mood, and self-image.
These personalities have great difficulty with their own sense of identity and often experience the world in extremes, viewing experiences and others as either "black" or "white."
Narcissistic personalities tend to have an exaggerated sense of self-importance, and are absorbed by fantasies of unlimited success.
Avoidant personalities are often fearful of rejection and unwilling to become involved with others.
As the name implies, dependent personalities exhibit a pattern of dependent and submissive behavior, relying on others to make decisions for them.
Compulsive personalities are conscientious, reliable, dependable, orderly, and methodical, but with an inflexibility that often makes them incapable of adapting to changing circumstances.
When their feelings are not under strict control, when events are unpredictable, or when they must rely on others, compulsive personalities often feel a sense of isolation and helplessness.
However, some patients may be much more expressive and tend to have hyperactive, talkative, and impulsive personalities.
Children's personalities also will influence their fears.
Jessica Simpson and Jennifer Aniston frequently wear them, as do many other famous personalities who wear their hair long and loose.
By changing the types of layers and how they are formed, as well as adding unique details, medium layers can be a great choice for many different personalities and lifestyles.
In keeping with the season, they represent change, vibrant personalities, and an embracing of the back-to-school season.
People with red hair are assumed to have bold personalities and short tempers, and they are frequently thought to be adventurous, unafraid, and mischievous.
From big and curly, asymmetrical, or short and cropped, the 1980s featured many extreme hair styles that suited different personalities.
It works well with softer, sweet personalities to add excitement and movement to their look.
The trained staff helps clients choose the perfect cut to accent face shapes and personalities.
Corporations have personalities, just like individuals do, and different ones value different traits in workers.
It's very important when raising twins to allow them to develop their own personalities.
Guests brought gifts that represented their personalities and challenged the pregnant Mariska Hargitay to guess to identity of the giver.
However, birth order research suggests that most only children have personalities that are similar to the firstborn son or daughter in a larger family.
Speculating fans and media personalities seem to think she might be.
Fans, paparazzi, and talk show personalities will certainly be keeping an eye on Anderson in the next few weeks.
Proud expectant mothers can now find dress in maternity fashions that reflect a variety of personalities and lifestyles.
Unfortunately, sometimes anonymous sources (photographers, personal assistants, stylists, and the like) tell paparazzi and media personalities about difficulties in the conception or about the celebrity's marriage and pregnancy.
North Beach has been home to a variety of personalities, including beat publisher Lawrence Ferlinghetti and director Francis Ford Coppola.
Within its pages you'll find a stunning collection of photographs that highlight The Roars' cheerful, friendly and highly energetic personalities.
The clothes are stylish enough to speak for themselves, and are probably best suited to those with similarly colorful personalities.
From that standpoint, it's easy to find something that will appeal to specific personalities; there's a beach towel out there for everyone, from the low-key to the more extroverted types.
There are as many different kinds of women's swimwear as there are personalities.
They come in different ethnicities and personalities, allowing many girls to connect with and choose a clear favorite.
The Uglydoll plush creatures are very popular for their endearingly funny personalities.
Many other characters offer many different personalities and stories.
Girls can learn more about their dolls' "personalities" thanks to a special 12-digit code that comes printed on the box.
These interactive pets each have their own personalities and each has a unique sound.
Like the bigger Pets, the babies have unique names and "personalities".
The individual hamsters even have distinctive personalities.
These plush products presents Disney characters with a fresh Japanese animation (anime) look that captures their personalities with new style.
While Gobots were simply robot toys that turned into cool vehicles, Transformers each had their own specs, personalities and back stories.
Seen in tie-dyes, free-flowing skirts and beads, the hippies' psychedelic style was as unique as their personalities.
Again, the fashion-obsessed might think it inappropriate, but a lot of women rail against the basic mermaid-shape formal gown and want to use a dressy occasion to express their personalities.
You'll find long denim skirts for all style personalities, so there's definitely one out there to fit yours.
One, you'll laugh at the different combinations of "Things" and "Descriptions" and two, players typically pick red cards that fit personalities so really knowing your friends helps.
Instead of preparing for a date with an unknown character, players have an idea of the personalities and looks of the "people" they may find behind the game's mystery door.
Scrabble is one of those board games which lends itself to a lot of different player personalities and skill levels.
When you are choosing the best adult board games for a party or a game night, you need to take into consideration the personalities of the people attending.
Hosted for the last several years by television personalities Regis Philbin and Kelly Ripa, this parade entertains viewers at home who cannot be at the Disney World Resorts.
Famous performers and personalities appear in the Disney World Christmas Parade.
There are many options for Halloween costumes for couples, though, and finding the perfect match for two personalities can be a challenge.
There will be times that no famous couple is suitable for a costume to match both personalities.
Finding the perfect costume that fits both your personalities will surely make you the hit of the party.
Nearly all dating web sites utilize a profile system to help match like-minded personalities in an effort to achieve the greatest compatibility.
Keep in mind that people can invent personalities and identities online.
Make the letter fit your relationship and each other's personalities.
I've been searching the Internet for date ideas but none of them match our personalities of being really laid back yet crazy people.
They say that physical attraction and lust aren't factors, so couples really get to know and love each other for their personalities and other good qualities.
This is meant to give them a logical look at you as a person that they can systematically match with people with similar or compatible personalities and interests without having to spend hours talking with both parties.
They vary in body type, clothing, and personalities, and you are expected to pick up on clues from all three as you pick your answers.
Some girls might actually be easier to talk to than others, depending on both of your personalities.
When considering things to talk about with girls, take into account both of your personalities.
Non-confrontational - Passive personalities have difficulty confronting others.
Different people have different personalities.
Just as every couple is different, an invitation can be printed to match their personalities and share the joy of their engagement in a fun and unique way.
There are many different types of diamond jewelry, and the couple should choose pieces that are not only beautiful and of high quality, but that best suit their personalities.
Standard congratulations cards also come in humorous, traditional, and formal styles that should be matched to the personalities of the betrothed couple.
The best proposals are planned with as much attention to detail as selecting the engagement ring, because they take into account the personalities of the individuals involved as well as their expectations for this momentous occasion.
This gives the couple great flexibility in designing unique platinum wedding bands with just the right accents to suit their personalities and relationship.
From a learning guide to various purchase options, the company provides the tools for couples to make the best choice for their personalities and their budget.
Discussions about different ring styles to help couples select which one best suits their personalities.
Most jewelers offer a wide selection of right hand diamond rings to appeal to many different personalities.
With such a wide range of cubic zirconia rings available, every couple is sure to be able to find one that suits their personalities and symbolizes their commitment to one another.
Incidentally, the ring and other jewelry used in the movie is real and was loaned to the production by Chopard.Even when used in a movie, engagement rings must be believable and must match the personalities of the characters involved.
Keep in mind how well you know the couple and the lifestyles and personalities of the bride and groom to select the best present.
The clear icy blue tones of the aquamarine are in perfect contrast to the luscious warmth of the chocolate diamond, the juxtaposition like a dazzling marriage of opposite personalities.
Many different marriage proposal ideas are available to fit the personalities of most couples.
Couples should pick an engagement notice format that fits their personalities and the tone of their wedding.
You can also talk about your individual personalities and how to incorporate both of your tastes into the matching bands.
There are as many ring styles as there are personalities to match them.
There are products available to suit every type of traveler and all personalities!
Fashion-conscious women will likely have a hard time narrowing down their choice of wallet to just one With styles that range from rich and dramatic to bright and buoyant, there's a wallet for all personalities, ages and senses of style.
Like horoscopes for people, pet horoscopes describe the attitudes and personalities of your pets based upon the sign under which they were born.
Remember, attitudes and personalities of pets born under the same sign will vary depending on their life experiences, so take that into consideration as well when you are trying to decipher your pets behavior and personality.
Animal sun signs operate on the same compatibility factors as human sun signs; some signs get along famously, while others make less than ideal companions according to the way their personalities interact.
Gemini personalities crave the limelight and know how to keep it shining in their direction.
Gemini personalities love to be informed about all that is going on at the work place, they will look to their co-workers for input and advice.
Capricorns enjoy a well-earned reputation as being thoroughly dependable personalities.
Virgo and Scorpio most often make a wonderful astrological pair because the similarities and differences in their personalities usually complement one another.
Chinese astrology sign information can provide you with insight into your personality and the personalities of those around you.
They draw others to them with their magnetic personalities.
This weighing of options is inherent to Libra personalities; making snap decisions does not come easy for them.
As the twins of the Zodiac, Gemini is often a mix of different personalities.
Capricorns have strong personalities and are practical, logical, ambitious and somewhat reserved.
Leo looks for personalities like Aries, Sagittarius and Gemini.
For the undeveloped Gemini, there can be a constant clash between her two distinct minds, and in some cases, personalities; Gemini is able to see the entire world perspective and not just her own.
Both are good-looking, and both are unique personalities who know how to behave in public.
To be sure, there are differences in the personalities of these two signs.
Cats have different personalities, and this can determine how much or how little work they require.
Fun, like cool, is purely subjective, so the definition of a fun backpack will vary depending on your kids' personalities, likes, and hobbies.
The dolls have to be given personalities.
Boys programming tends to emphasize the adventuresome aspect of boys' personalities, and many boys camps offer a variety of adventures, such as kayaking, paint ball, high ropes, rock climbing and spelunking.
All of these factors, Adler felt, could have lifetime effects on the behaviors and personalities of the children.
As she searches for his killers, also sorts of strange happens go on that require the acting skills of such personalities as Dr. Phil, Shaq, Debra King, and Charlie Sheen to keep the ridiculous from turning into down right unwatchable.
It seemed almost inevitable that characters with such unique features and discernable personalities would eventually become legendary figures in the annals of children's television.
These two fan favorites need no introduction - their love story is fabled and flawed, and their unique looks and endearing personalities instantly commanded adoration.
Many personalities began to emerge as hosts from these shows, including Vampira, Elvira, Gilbert Gottfried and Rhonda Shear.
In other words, people have all lived before this current incarnation and in those lives, just like in this one, they had distinct personalities.
Could it be that these deformities and behaviors brought about by personalities, coupled with nocturnal behavior, lead to sightings of werewolves?
The following list represents psychics of diverse backgrounds and personalities who were able to convince entire crowds that their extra-sensory abilities were authentic.
Many believe that people retain their personalities from life into the afterlife, and a demon may just be a person who was not very nice in life and is continuing on in the afterlife.
Others dislike the show's overt dramatization of the personalities among the TAPS members.
It's easy to confuse the human personality with the soul, but the two are quite different as evidenced by the many lifetimes and different personalities a soul is believed to assume, according to common reincarnation theory.
There can be no doubt that the NBA produces some of the most revered, talented and sought-after personalities of our athletic industry, and this rise in popularity is reflected in our popular culture.
Available in colors that run the gamut from wild and carefree to practical and reserved, sandals bearing ruffles have strong personalities all their own.
When soap operas first began airing as radio dramas in the 30s and 40s, what appealed to the fans that tuned in daily or weekly was the personalities that came through the radio box.
The winners are announced by other daytime television personalities, entertainers, and media figures.
In the 80s and 90s, that included the soap opera within a soap opera featuring Megan (Viki's long-lost daughter with Roger Gordon), the underground city of Eterna and the multiple personalities of Viki herself.
The small, quirky little town is populated with dozens of unique personalities.
Recognized for their feisty personalities just as much as their looks, the ladies are portrayed by a group of women who enjoy great popularity thanks to their fans and British press.
Viki Lord's battles with multiple personalities may be over, but her daughter Jessica continues to struggle with mental illness.
The personalities and humor of the people behind the show made it an instant success as well as an inspiration for creative body art.
Fairies can have distinct personalities.
The dual nature of the Gemini has led astrologers to ascribe such traits as mercurial and restless to Geminis, as well as two faces and variable personalities.
An earth sign, people born under Capricorn are known for their solid, dependable personalities.
Their sudden bouts of wit can make them seem rather capricious, but this only adds dimension to their personalities.
While often referred to as mischievous, pixies have plenty of different personalities they can take.
We use them everyday to accessorize outfits, to make a statement, to express our personalities, declare our love for Mickey Mouse and of course, to tell time.
Even the smallest children have unique personalities that don't always make sense to adults.
Some studios take on new instructors on an as-needed or volunteer basis, just to see if styles and personalities are compatible.
Some people see the disorders as barriers they have to overcome, others embrace them as aspects of their personalities.
Like all human creatures, children with autism are unique beings with distinct personalities.
If you haven't already, spend some money and take a course to help you understand different personalities.
The show is entertaining both for the humor and personalities of the hosts and for their impressive range of knowledge about automobiles.
The Spirit Squad members have to have big and energetic personalities.
Cheerleaders are known for their bright and bouncy personalities, but ebullient personalities should be matched by bright and bouncy hair styles.
Adapt these ideas to fit the personalities of the young artists or to match the craft supplies you have on hand.
Although it's possible to crochet a somewhat realistic banana, most amigurumi bananas have distinct personalities.
The people involved in the raw foods movement come from all walks of life - models, actors, personalities, and authors.
For example, several of the styles that Joe Boxer makes are quite funny, and some men find that they fit more comfortably with their personalities.
Instead, men can choose a style that suits both their personalities and their lifestyles.
As you can see, light cotton nightgowns are available for every walk of life, almost every temperature, and for all types of personalities and personal styles.
Use the personalities and interests of the person (or people) being honored to spark ideas for choosing an appropriate invitation card.
Different personalities - Most likely, you work with a lot of different people.
This means a lot of different personalities.
The personalities of your co-workers make a huge difference when coming up with holiday office party ideas.
The favors may be directly connected to the interests and personalities of individual characters, associated with East High School, or just fun items that can be used to recreate the glamour and excitement of the movie.
While the personalities of the contestants are definitely displayed, the real stars of this show are the clothes.
With so many different personalities all living under the same roof there is no surprise that the interactions can get quite entertaining.
In the final episode she chooses between two arch rivals who were very different both physically and with regards to their personalities.
Road Rules brings a cast of people together to tackle various challenges while also dealing with the romantic inclinations and strong personalities of everyone on the show.
In addition to the training and transformation, the show focuses on the personalities of those participating and their relationships with family and friends.
Omarosa versus Janice - Season five gave us the battle of the egos, with the strong and aggressive personalities of Omarosa and Janice Dickinson clashing.
The episodes of the show all center around the couples working on one aspect of their relationship while the men work on one aspect of their personalities.
It also helps that some of these women have very colorful personalities, which makes the show even more intriguing to watch.
Reality TV producers are looking for people with genuine personalities who will provide authentic reactions to varying situations.
Together, the close-knit clan deals with the trials and tribulations that come when you stick four different personalities under the same roof.
Most of the family members on Cake Boss have strong personalities, but they also have a strong bond with each other.
It is a spin off of the successful Top Chef series that features new personalities and a different vibe from the original.
Bill and Jen are taking reality TV by storm, and not just because they have fabulous personalities.
The twenty are quickly whittled down to ten finalists after challenges designed to test their strength, poise, personalities, and abilities are judged.
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