Person Sentence Examples
Do you expect to find this person in Ashley?
A person couldn't be in control all the time - right all the time.
It was amazing how clearly a person could see things when trouble lurked on the horizon.
The place was quiet and secluded, and Sarah would be a sweet person to work for.
That wasn't easy to do when a person was physically and emotionally exhausted.
Did they catch the person who did it?
She woke when the bed sank with the weight of a person sitting down.
Not a person was visible.
It will make us all profoundly wise, wiser than the wisest person who has ever lived.
Acquaintances were shallow and many, but if a person had one true friend in a lifetime, they were blessed.
AdvertisementThat sounds like your kind of logic - always thinking of the other person first.
You're the person who suggested this; tell me what to do.
They try to connect the person who wants to know something to the thing that person wants to know.
You're the sweetest person I've ever met.
He began to see how foolish he had been; he thought how terrible it would be to live there without one friend, without one person to whom he could speak.
AdvertisementShe felt that as she brought with her the person the dying man wished to see, her own admission was assured.
It depended on how a person looked at it.
Mechanics and tradesmen who come in person to the forest on no other errand, are sure to attend the wood auction, and even pay a high price for the privilege of gleaning after the woodchopper.
You're a very interesting person.
An unclean person is universally a slothful one, one who sits by a stove, whom the sun shines on prostrate, who reposes without being fatigued.
AdvertisementThe one person she thought she could trust had turned on her.
Saddle a mule for each person; pack all the supplies you might need on the extra mules and burn the rest of the supplies.
It sounds like he's a respectable person who likes to keep to his self.
He's a different person, entirely.
This person needs the counsel of a psychiatrist.
AdvertisementHe was such a wonderful person in so many ways.
A spiked drink might seem harmless, but if a person was taking certain prescription drugs, it could be dangerous.
Still, a person didn't need to say it to feel it.
Maybe it's something a person understands better when he becomes a father.
I think helping Lisa has made me realize that one person can make a difference.
I'm not much of a social person I guess.
What kind of a person was he when you met?
I think you're the most perfect person I've ever met.
I trusted you with that information and you gave it to the one person she didn't want to know.
There was no denying that Brandon was a private person - or that he had confided in her more than Rachel or Julia.
He was the person suspected of murdering Howie's sister, Annie, fifteen years ago.
Best I pluck one from their pack and nicely convince that person to share their secret with Daddy!
Does this Grasso character fit your pattern for being the person we're tracking?
Perhaps the culprit was the person who beat me to the publisher in Vermont, the sponsor of that idiotic contest!
If so, what would hard water do to a person?
There was one person she wanted to know more about.
Well, man up and do it in person.
You are the last person who deserves to be here.
The footsteps were soft, but it sounded like more than one person.
In the eyes of the Deans, it was looking more and more as if person or persons unknown did in fact take the original bones and switch them for the theatrical imitations Fitzgerald dragged out of The Lucky Pup mine.
One person had taken everything from Lori.
She wanted to feel his large hands on her body and to find out what it was about him that made her feel like he was the only real person she'd ever met.
There was not an ugly person in all the throng.
Do you know of any person who was once poor but who has lately and suddenly become well-to-do?
You're the person he wanted to put in the house.
He leans on me like I'm the only person in the world.
I am a patient person by nature and fully expected to later take them one or two at a time.
One, no matter what you See, you are forbidden from telling the person exactly what it is.
She never stopped to consider what it would be like if he became the person she had been. a better person than I am.
You're the second person to ask me for my opinion on something.
A person behind me answered nervously.
Incidentally, he supposedly came on the radar as a result of a tip from this man or woman everyone's read about; the so-called psychic tipster person.
As I understand it, the so-called visions were perpetrated with the assistance of a second person, now dead.
Was he truly the only person capable of doing those wondrous deeds?
I was sure his goal was to eliminate the person or persons tracking him; the tipster.
I must assure myself you are carrying nothing on your person.
She'll give up her husband who she practically calls stupid and this other Abbott person just so she can live.
The person you and Elizabeth have been stalking.
The only person I recognized was the black FBI woman from our earlier meeting.
She reached the door and undid the locks with trembling hands, wondering what kind of person kept five locks on his door.
She said she'd tell you that in person if you hadn't already taken her Traveler.
I can see parts of the future and more importantly for you, a person's soul.
And I'll be the first person to yell at you if you do something stupid.
I thought it was strange, since Jimmy's the last person who would veer off course from your orders because you let him blow up whatever he wants and he doesn't wanna lose that.
The hum around the Other assured Jule there was only one person in the alley without any sort of otherworldly power.
I can turn anything into something else the same size, but I'd never tried with a person before.
If more than one person knows something, it's not a secret.
It wasn't like the Magician's magic, which somehow fused with his, as if they were one person sharing one source of power.
Did it make her a bad person for wanting the best chance at life?
You become the only person in the universe that can influence him.
There were no advantages with Darkyn and she was the last person on the planet who would try to seduce anyone, especially a demon.
You'll be the one person in the universe who finds an ounce of good in that creature, Darkyn.
Darkyn is not an easy person to understand or live with, and I'm still not certain at all what to think of him at times.
These elderly patrons paid their bills, didn't trash their rooms and, to a person, were breathlessly enthralled with the mountains, weather, scenery, and everything else about the beautiful mountain town of Ouray, Colorado.
Say it wasn't supposed to be where it was, but the person who found it wasn't supposed to be there either.
It's like getting caught, not by a person, but by the circumstances of your actions.
Fred, with the help of his cadre of lady friends, was the one person who had the best shot of producing further information on the family and its history.
He talked to me as if I were a real person, not just a skirt he was plotting to lift.
He was just a nice person who happened to be a man.
My father Bill Radisson was a special person.
But the fact that some present-day person was trying to stop them from finding any answers somehow made the mystery more intriguing.
Each team has three members, a lead person and two back-ups.
He wondered which was the real person.
It must be the same person!
We are the same person.
A better person to ask might be Darkyn.
He pushed the door to a dark room open, using his senses to key in on where the person was.
He snatched the arm and whirled her, arm sliding around the neck of the mysterious person.
Even so, he managed to communicate better than the average person, and when he did say something, it was generally well thought out.
Surely Katie realized Alex remained head of the household because he liked the position – and because he was married to a person who liked him in that position.
When a person was bleeding, you applied pressure.
This was certainly a down side to having one person make the decisions.
Josh wasn't a vindictive person.
Considering the last person she thought might be one of his customers, the idea wasn't all that comforting.
And yet, the man who stabbed him was behind bars, and the person who hired him had confessed.
Was he the reason Alex had hopped on the phone so quickly, and was he the person Alex had been meeting, not Lori?
So, once a person came out of the coma, could they go back into it?
She kept telling herself she had married him not knowing what that would be like, so basically he was the same person.
Maybe he seems like another person because he doesn't feel like himself.
Did the man stab the wrong person?
She was the only person who had accepted him unconditionally.
He was the first real person she'd ever met.
It teaches compassion, because sitting on the bus, I know the person beside me is someday going to have to search his soul the same way I did, so I don't mind that he's spilling his coffee on my shoes.
It was like being drunk, but on a person, not alcohol.
Gabe shook on it, satisfied he at least had the right person looking into the issue.
The only person who can do it.
You didn't drink it, because you have an emotional connection to the person who asked you not to.
I'm the same person now as I was two days ago.
I never knew she existed until a day ago, and I'm only now learning how awful of a person she was.
How obligated was she to make amends for something an entirely different person had done?
Rarely do I get to see the Future unfold in person.
I thought you were the same person as past-Deidre, he started.
Am I right in assuming I'm the last person you want to see right now?
She'd never felt as secure or protected as she did this moment in the arms of the person who would claim her soul soon.
You'll have to court me like a normal person.
I wanted to thank you in person.
Everywhere you work, you're recognized for being the brilliant person I know you are.
He didn't know much about the woman staring at him except that she was the strongest person he'd ever met.
He's not a bad person, Rhyn.
He loped along the trail through the forest and trotted into the park around the castle, where the person he least wanted to see awaited him with a glower and crossed arms.
He scampered across the lab to a fridge that held cold tools and bottles of mysterious serums, everything except what a normal person put in a fridge.
She was struck by his words, feeling as if the one person she relied upon was not only running out on her but would chop her into pieces the next time she saw him. right, Kris, I can.t understand how you could turn your back on the person who needed you most and justify it with your shortsighted arrogance.
He.d lost the only thing that.d ever mattered, and the only person who ever truly loved him.
Freeing a man should put him in her debt, and he was the last person in the house who would rat her out to Romas's family!
His size might have an impression on her in person, but over the viewer, it meant nothing.
The grey wall slid away to display an escape pod, large enough for one person standing.
She'd been ignoring Kevin's calls for two days without caring he was the only person who could help her put food on the table.
Did she act as if she knew the other person?
I'll bet there's a third person involved in this mess.
That's the way a left-handed person pours and Edith is the only lefty at Bird Song.
The first person Dean thought of was Donnie's stepfather, Jerome Shipton.
The only person who can keep him away is Edith herself and it doesn't look to me as if she has the sense to do so.
Nobody has a right to hurt another person, especially a defenseless woman.
She needs someone and you're the only person she has.
You were practically the last person to see him before he fell.
The logical suspect was the person who possessed the most reason to see Jerome Shipton dead.
The obvious answer was to protect that person.
The young boy would be the only person Dean could think of who Cynthia would care enough to at least consider protecting.
He paused and said a silent prayer for the spirit of this person who had brought so much grief to Bird Song and his previously contented life.
To Dean, his reputation mattered only in the eyes of one person, his wife.
Though he harbored no regrets in declining her invitation to sex, he knew he could and should have handled so obviously unstable a person in such a mental state far better than he did.
Edith Shipton was protecting the one person she truly loved, her son Donnie.
The you in my heaven is the person I create in my mind, the perfect you, who never drinks his milk from the cereal bowl and remembers every birthday and holiday with the nicest card he buys the day before, and he sends roses for no reason at all....
Maybe that speaks more about the person who took them.
When a person dies, the prime suspect is always the surviving spouse.
He also knew I was the only person who guessed what had transpired.
Next, the person must accept they are sleeping with a bloodsucker.
She is still that same wonderful person.
So, I think you can understand you really get to know a person in that kind of time, right?
Coming through the clearing to where the park benches were, he realized there was only one person.
Nothing hurts more than having the person you love call you terrible things and look at you with horror in their eyes.
You are the kindest, sweetest person I have ever met.
I don't think so either, but you never know what vampirism will do to a person.
You're the only person I've ever known who has had to be forced to take a vacation.
Everyone admires a person who does their own thing - as long as it's cool.
You're much more beautiful in person.
What kind of person did he think she was?
Josh Reynolds, you can march your jealous carcass right out that door and don't you come back until you can talk to me like I'm a reasonably intelligent and decent person.
Right now, any affection would be welcome; and Alex was obviously an affectionate person.
Still, what business could survive without a person with final authority on decisions?
And how could that person make wise decisions without the input from the accounting department, the lawyer and sales?
It was as if they were one person, clinging to each other - neither wanting to be the first to end the embrace.
You know, you're the first person to tell me that.
More than an hour later she was pouring herself a cup of coffee and wondering if a person could get dehydrated from crying.
No, she was not at all the type of person Tim normally surrounded himself with.
She still found it baffling how different he was in person than over the net.
He didn't know, and he knew the one person who might wasn't about to tell.
To see the expression in person both touched and frustrated him.
What kind of man risked the person he was trying to protect?
I'd hoped to have this conversation with her in person, if at all.
After the War, the government created seven protected sites around the world with only one person at the site knowing what was there and security measures that were beyond anything the Peak had.
I'm the only person who can get you and the Horsemen to safety.
Even his DNA-enhanced body would need time to heal, just not as much time as a normal person.
The loss of him and all the other lives made her feel like the worst person on the planet.
No. Mike already told the soldiers the person they're looking for isn't here.
She wanted to kill the one person who always believed in me.
What a broken heart will make a person do.
One person can help us. I just encouraged her to come find us.
You can't be serious, Kris. I'm the last person you want in charge of something important.
Picking up a hitch-hiker, giving a homeless person a dollar— things like that.
Why didn't the person who answered her call talk to her?
They were missing and the only person who gave a damn was Mrs. Wassermann, the mother of the bouncing boys.
His only phone message sounded like the same person who had telephoned the house the night before—again leaving neither name nor number.
He was the last person to spend any time with Byrne.
While Dean wanted the opportunity to speak with her in person after his Norfolk trip, he didn't feel in the best mood to do it after spending half the night and day coping with Vinnie Baratto and his sleazy friends.
The very presence of the opposite sex turned him to a totally different person, a regular lady-killer.
Unless I hear it from the other person.
I'll explain how we found out when I see you, but there was only one person in the room the whole time.
I asked about a private detective—God knows how I would pay— but she said a hired person wouldn't be seen as objective.
The report methodically listed each person interviewed and what they said about Jeffrey Byrne.
We're just following up on a missing person.
And I'm the only other person in the building!
Nor had Burgess heard any noise or conversation from apartment C to indicate there was anyone there—much less more than one person.
Cece Baldwin was the only person seated at the counter when Dean arrived at the designated shop, only a few minutes before the allotted time.
Byrne was the only recent missing person in the file.
Mrs. Glass told him he wasn't the first person asking about her Bascomb Place tenant and the fellow wanted to know all about us.
He was the only person who stayed there on the night of the May sixteenth and he had a Pace Arrow camper!
Cece Baldwin sounds like a nice person.
Your father was a nice enough guy to be that person.
Even visiting the banks in person produced no success.
And there was no sign of Jeffrey Byrne, in person, in conversation or in spirit.
He could have painted it—if it even happens to be the same person.
Looks like you were the last person to talk to him.
Dean only had a brief glance at the rider, not enough to even tell if the helmeted figure was a man or a woman, much less recognize the person.
Dean spent a pocket full of coins before he found the one housing the person for whom he was searching.
I never could understand how Winston was so positive the person you were following was Jeff when you knew all along it was that other horrid man.
They saw people not for who they were or what they had, but for what kind of person they were.
And then there was the issue of one person making decisions.
That wasn't too surprising, considering the fact that she insisted she wasn't a social person.
Carmen was a straight forward person, and didn't pretend she was something she wasn't.
It was strange how a person got to thinking that way after they learned to love someone.
I can't imagine you taking advantage of a person down on their luck.
Josh was the last person on earth she wanted to talk to right now.
You do know you're the most wonderful person in the world, don't you?
No good could come of longing for things a person could never have.
Strange how a person's mind could get set on something and see nothing else.
He really is a gentle and loving person.
That sounds like a person with second thoughts.
It's hard to believe a person would turn down a trip to the Bahamas.
Only a person who had spent many of them alone would realize how special it was to have a partner next to them.
Was that where he planned to meet the mystery person?
How could a person get into so much trouble minding their own business?
Alex had once asked if Josh would be the person she turned to when they were having problems.
Josh was the last person she wanted to talk to.
Now he thought he had been betrayed by the one person that he had believed he could trust.
She always seemed to know what was going on inside people's heads, and to anticipate how a person would react to a given circumstance.
You're not the first person to ... her voice trailed off as Carmen frowned at her.
You're a very resourceful and courageous person.
There is another person to consider — the baby.
Two young lives wasted because they fell in love with the wrong person.
When Dusty found Bianca, she swore she'd seen a miracle, for the master assassin was the last person in either world she'd ever have thought would fall to something like love.
Someone who could love her and understand how important it was that she remained her own person.
Her thoughts turned to the one person she felt comfortable talking to.
You care about the other person in the equation.
You've been the only person who stayed with me through this all.
She wasn't about to live with the guilt of hurting yet a third person she cared about.
So you mean I wasn't the very last person to know?
He'd been scarred so badly, he was hardly recognizable as a person.
He was looking at the only person who'd ever caused it.
You are the strongest, most honorable person I've ever known.
In this, she would always remain a better person than the twisted, abusive man who had controlled her so absolutely before she killed him.
Even in the body of a good person, the demon tried hard to corrupt.
Still, a person could go only so far in planning their life.
Yet Alex was the most responsible person she had ever met.
It was his responsibility and, Alex being the person he was, could do nothing but step up to it.
Don't you have any desire to be your own person?
I married a wonderful person, not a bankroll.
Even so, how did a person respond to that kind of praise?
She worked hard at taking care of her husband and children, yet how often had someone told her she was a good wife and mother - or even a nice person?
She's a very special person.
A person never got old enough or mature enough that they were no longer capable of making a poor choice.
You're the most stubborn person I've ever met.
It's a scary thought, isn't it – having someone look at what you have instead of the person you are?
Sam was an interesting person.
Alex hadn't been around since the accident - only this person who looked tantalizingly like him.
At least there would be another person with you in case something happened – and she seems the capable type otherwise.
A person couldn't grow when they were living up to the expectations of others.
Socializing didn't require a person to look or act like everyone else.
By noon it would have been a close contest to say who was the crankiest person in the house.
He was the one person on earth who could send her heart into a frenzy with one kiss.
She thought it was at the time, but an independent person never actually wanted someone else to make all the decisions.
What I wanted is who you really are, not the person I've guilted you into becoming.
Denton met her at the door, smiling as though she were the only person on his mind.
What was so strange about a man dropping in to welcome a new neighbor - one visitor to another - a man welcoming a person who lived several miles away?
Yesterday she had alienated the only person in Arkansas who had shown the slightest interest in her plight.
To that end, he also served a purpose for her – a person in a sea of strange faces that she could trust.
It was sinful to get so much pleasure out of another person's predicament.
Of course, mostly she had viewed him as a parent, not a person.
I only have one sleeping bag, and it will only accommodate one person.
What a genial person he was.
Was he shy, or was he simply a casual type of person?
Fear didn't make a person a coward.
How a person dealt with that fear was the measure of their strength - and she was coming up short on the yardstick.
It has possibilities - providing a person could buy it.
They said he was unavailable for comment, so I suppose he's a private person.
I don't have a radio or a TV, and I have no trouble believing he is a private type of person.
She was a different person now – hopefully a better one.
It was amazing how a person could change.
You're the most persuasive person I've ever met.
She was so confident and independent that she could be a different person.
Xander's eyes went from the gem to her, the only person in either world that he trusted.
If Ashley wasn't the fourth person to say so, I'd probably refer her to psych for an evaluation.
Jonny turned to face the person Jessi hadn't heard arrive.
You'll have to get rid of the person who's supposed to be there.
The air conditioning was high enough to make her shiver, the bright interior settling her fear of walking into some crazy person's house.
This was not the room of a normal person.
Except, for the first time in his existence, Xander wasn't able to read the mind of the only person who knew why.
He couldn't sense her like he did the person at the door.
I'm the only normal person I know.
You are the only person who can do this, or I'd kill all three of you now.
He's the kind of person you need to run from, if you ever meet anyone like him.
He's not the kind of person I want to piss off.
If I'm the first person whose mind you can't read, doesn't it scare you that you can't tell what I'm thinking?
He was also the most fascinating person she'd ever spoken to, in a terrifying, otherworldly way.
There is nothing human about me, Jessi, nothing good, except for the reminder I wear around my neck of the only person who ever gave up her life for me.
The epoch-making victory of the 12th of September 1683 was ultimately decided by the charge of the Polish cavalry led by Sobieski in person.
He became a notary and a person of some importance in the city, and was sent in 1343 on a public errand to Pope Clement VI.
Next to the grandmother, the most important person in the household at Nohant was Deschatres.
For a year the person who gave me this portrait sat with me every night at a little table and lived by the same work.
Leo sent a new nuncio to Copenhagen (1521) in the person of the Minorite Francesco de Potentia, who readily absolved the king and received the rich bishopric of Skara.
Paupers, insane, and those convicted of treason, felony or bribery in an election are barred, " while the disability continues," and no person in the military, naval or marine service of the United States is deemed.
No person holding a lucrative office under the state or the United States, no salaried officer of a railroad company, and no officer of any court of record is eligible for membership in either house.
In India, too, a dead person treated with funeral honours becomes a guardian spirit - if neglected, a tormenting demon.
Curiously, Apotheosis is used by the Latin Christian poet, Prudentius (c. 400), as the title of a poem defending orthodox views on the person of Christ and other points of doctrine - the affectation of a decadent age.
In person Propertius was pale and thin, as was to be expected in one of a delicate and even sickly constitution.
The Mahrattas at this time had got possession of the person of the Mogul emperor, Shah Alam, from whom Clive obtained the grant of Bengal in 1765, and to whom he assigned in return the districts of Allahabad and Kora and a tribute of 30o,000.
This explains the late date at which the dogma was defined, and the assertion that the dogma was already contained in that of the papal primacy established by our Lord himself in the person of St Peter.
The Short View was followed by a Defence (1699), a Second Defence (1700), and Mr Collier's Dissuasive from the Playhouse, in a Letter to a Person of Quality (1703), and a Further Vindication (1708).
In the mountain villages the parish priest takes the lead among his people, and is not infrequently the most important person.
In person Madame Roland was attractive though not beautiful; her ideas were clear and far-reaching, her manner calm, and her power of observation extremely acute.
He found ships for the invasion of England and fought in person at Senlac; in 1067 he became earl of Kent, and for some years he was a trusted royal minister.
Refusing to recognize the new archbishop of Canterbury, William of Corbeil, as his superior, Thurstan took no part in his consecration, and on two occasions both archbishops carried their complaints in person to Rome.
In the spring of 1625 1 It was only published after the author's death; and of it, besides the French version, there exists an English translation " by a Person of Quality."
In person he was small, with large head, projecting brow, prominent nose, and eyes wide apart, with black hair coming down almost to his eyebrows.
In this third part Aquinas discusses the person, office and work of Christ, and had begun to discuss the sacraments, when death put an end to his labours.
An antiquity of 150o years is claimed for the foundation of the monastery, but it is certain that the first person who raised it to importance was the emperor Alexius Comnenus III.
So eminently respectable a person as John Evelyn thought no harm in bowling for stakes, and once played at the Durdans, near Epsom, for £io, winning match and money, as he triumphantly notes in his Diary for the 14th of August 1657.
The latter enterprise Alexander designed to conduct in person; under his supervision was prepared in Babylon an immense fleet, a great basin dug out to contain 1000 ships, and the watercommunications of Babylonia taken in hand.
The Lingayats number 436,968, or 46% of the Hindu population; they worship the symbol of Siva, and males and females both carry this emblem about their person in a silver case.
Before opening a private school the person proposing to do so must give notice to the mayor, prefect and academy rnspector, and forward his diplomas and other particulars to the latter official.
On the death of William Longsword, duke of Normandy, who had been assassinated by Arnulf, count of Flanders, in December 942, Louis endeavoured to obtain possession of the person of Richard, the young son and heir of the late duke.
It was formed in the traditional order of the galleys - a long line abreast, subdivided into the centre or "battle" commanded by Don John in person, the left wing under the proveditore Barbarigo, and the right under Gianandrea Doria.
Phillimore was also the last judge of the high court of admiralty, from 1867 (the date of his appointment to the high court) to 1875, the two offices were, probably for the first time in history, held by the same person.
It was provided that a person was to be prohibited from landing in Australia who failed to write in any prescribed language fifty words dictated to him by the commonwealth officer supervising immigration.
The party therefore determined that they would refuse to support any person standing in the Labour interests who refused to pledge himself to vote on all occasions in such way as the majority of the party might decide to be expedient.
Worthy of special note are canon 33, enjoining celibacy upon all clerics and all who minister at the altar (the most ancient canon of celibacy); canon 36, forbidding pictures in churches; canon 38, permitting lay baptism under certain conditions; and canon 53, forbidding one bishop to restore a person excommunicated by another.
Its matter is olive oil, blessed by a bishop. It shall not be given except to a sick person whose death is apprehended.
Among later residents commemorated is Edward Lloyd, who was the first person to show the value of esparto grass for the manufacture of paper, and thus started an industry which is one of the most important in Algeria.
Possession of the king's person now became an important consideration.
The military rule excited universal hostility; there was an earnest desire for a settled and constitutional government, and the revival of the monarchy in the person of Cromwell appeared the only way of obtaining it.
Or, when one person is compelled by law to discharge the legal liabilities of another, he becomes the creditor of the person for the money so paid.
Again, where a person has received money under circumstances which disentitle him to retain it, such as receiving payment of an account twice over, it can generally be recovered as a debt.
Payment by a third person to the creditor is no discharge of a debt, as a general rule, unless the debtor subsequently ratifies the payment.
The payment of a debt is sometimes secured by one person, called a surety, who makes himself collaterally liable for the debt of the principal.
But in cases where a debt or instalment is in arrear and it is proved to the satisfaction of the court that the person making default either has or has had since the date of the order or judgment the means to pay the sum in respect of which he has made default and has refused or neglected to pay, he may be committed to prison at the discretion of the judge for a period of not more than forty-two days.
A king's thegn was a person of great importance, the contemporary idea being shown by the Latin translation of the words as comes.
In October of this last year, however, the duke of Savoy, who came then to assist in person at the great religious feasts which celebrated the return of the country to unity of faith, expatriated such of the leading men as obstinately refused even to listen to the Catholic arguments.
God, he says, is to be regarded not as an absolute but as an Infinite Person, whose nature it is that he should realize himself in finite persons.
Debt was secured on the person of the debtor.
In these circumstances, when, as frequently will be the case, the person calling desires to be put in communication with a subscriber who belongs to another section, connexions must be established in the office between th