Persists Sentence Examples
The latter pair alone persists in all other genera.
In the Malacostraca it is absent in the adult, or persists only in a vestigial condition, as in some Decapoda and Schizopoda.
The former still persists unchanged, while the Bible is read and exhortations are given in Arabic; and priests may still be ordained after marriage.
The former type is exemplified by the toads and the lower Ecaudata, whilst the latter is characteristic of the true frogs (Ranidae), although when quite young these batrachians present a condition similar to that which persists throughout life in their lower relatives.
The left hepatica magna receives also the umbilical vein, which persists on the visceral surface of the abdominal wall, often anastomosing with the epigastric veins.
The style is deciduous or persists after fertilization.
In the Caudata and Apoda, cartilage often persists between the vertebrae; this cartilage may become imperfectly separated into a cup-and-ball portion, the cup belonging to the posterior end of the vertebra.
But in a few European and North American species, and in a great many inhabitants of the tropics, the egg is large and a considerable portion of it persists for a long time as a yolk-sac. Although the segmentation is always complete, it is very irregular in these types, some of which make a distinct approach to the meroblastic egg.
The lymph vessels of the tail and hinder parts of the body enter the hypogastric veins; and at the point of junction, on either side, lies a small lymph heart, which often persists until maturity.
Probably it persists.
AdvertisementAnother departure from the normal is that in which the juvenile or seedling form of shoot persists in the adult tree; the numerous coniferous plants known as species of Retinospora are examples of this.
During the growth of the cell which forms the megaspore the greater part of the nucellus is absorbed, except the apical portion, which persists as a cone above the megaspore; the partial disorganization of some of the cells in the centre of the nucellar cone forms an irregular cavity, which may be compared with the larger pollen-chamber of Ginkgo and the cycads.
Although the present article does not discuss mammalian osteology in general (for which see Vertebrata), it is interesting to notice in this connexion that the primitive condition of the mammalian tympanum apparently consisted merely of a small and incomplete bony ring, with, at most, an imperfect ventral wall to the tympanic cavity, and that a close approximation to this original condition still persists in the monotremes, especially Ornithorhynchus.
The parapodia of Chaetopoda are never coated with dense chitin, and are, therefore, never converted into jaws; the primitive " head-lobe " or prostomium persists, and frequently carries eyes and sensory tentacles.
The praeseptal cavity is a vascular space, since it is in free communication with the dorsal vessel of the larva, and it persists in part as the two lophophoral vascular crescents of the adult.
AdvertisementThis immediate consciousness of freedom persists upon another occasion even though subsequent reflection upon conduct should lead the individual to regard himself as determined at the very moment when he was aware of himself as free.
The flowers have an urn-shaped calyx which persists around the fruit and is strongly veined, with five stiff, broad, almost prickly lobes; these, when the soft matter is removed by maceration, form very elegant specimens when associated with leaves prepared in a similar way.
Latin u persists with the Latin pronunciation, and, as already said, does not take the FrancoProvenal pronunciation it.
So I will get a better indoor Ariel and see if the problems persists.
The former view has been extensively held, and it is supported by the fact that in Octochaetus the first segment of the body has a pair of nephridia which is exactly like those which follow, and, like them, persists.
AdvertisementIt was famous in ancient times for its bees, which gathered honey of peculiar flavour from its aromatic herbs; their fame still persists.
It is presumed that in the Glacial epoch the genus was exterminated except in the areas in western North America where it still persists.
The term is now less fashionable, though the state of mind persists.
Confusion persists about supplementary prescribing Hay A. et al.
The Australian, when he suffers from an oppression in his sleep, says that Koin is trying to throttle him; the Caribs say that Maboya beats them in their sleep; and the belief persists to this day in some parts of Europe; horses too are said to be subject to the persecutions of demons, which ride them at night.
AdvertisementAs the plant develops the veil is ruptured; the lower portion forms a sheath or volva round the base of the stem, while the upper portion persists as white patches or scales or warts on the surface of the cap. The stem usually bears an upper ring of tissue, the B C Amanita muscaria.
Any symptom of ill-health which persists despite treatment or which recurs after treatment should arouse suspicion of food intolerance.
If the rash persists, a mild steroid cream may soothe the irritation.
If it persists, during the day ask your toddler about his day at child care - see if there is something upsetting your child.
However, for some babies, cradle cap persists despite treatments.
If he persists and want to jump back up and mouth your hand again, have your squirt bottle ready to discourage the unwanted behavior.
If the boil persists, or if you develop a fever, see your doctor.
If the threat persists or is severe, your brain calls in the big guns.
For informed students, perpetual myths about online learning are easy to disprove, but much of the misinformation persists among the general public.
If the sleep problem persists, you should consult with your doctor to determine the best course of action to improve sleep in your particular situation.
If irritation persists, discuss the mask form with the prescribing physician.
Prevent drowsy driving by taking care of yourself, getting a good night's rest and consulting with your physician if daytime drowsiness persists.
If unexplained daytime sleepiness persists, talk to your doctor about which hypersomnia treatment is best for you.
If the problem persists, you will need to see your eye care professional.
If the problem persists, there are special cloths and fluids that you can purchase to safely remove smudges from the lenses.
If the problem persists, make an appointment with your eye care provider.
If constipation persists, obtain medical help.
Early and appropriate intervention when problem lying persists will increase the possibility that the child will choose honesty in subsequent interactions.
Lying that persists and worsens year after year is cause for concern.
In most cases, it persists throughout adulthood.
Those individuals in whom gender identity disorder persists into adulthood retain the desire to live as members of the opposite sex, sometimes manifesting this desire by cross-dressing, either privately or in public.
If a dull aching sensation persists after this instillation then a co-existing iritis, or inflammation of the iris, also called a uveitis, may also be present.
Chronic pain refers to pain that persists after an injury heals, cancer pain, pain related to a persistent or degenerative disease, and long-term pain from an unidentifiable cause.
Chronic-Refers to a disease or condition that progresses slowly but persists or recurs over time.
Once IgG exists, it persists for a lifetime, but the special IgM antibody usually wanes over six months.
It is important to call the doctor if the child has a fever, pain in the eye, swelling or redness over the entire eyelid, or a painful sty persists for one to two weeks.
If selective mutism persists for more than a month, parents should discuss this pattern with their child's teachers, family physician, or pediatrician.
A small proportion of children do experience social anxiety, incapacitating shyness that persists for months or more, which should be treated.
If the crying persists, the child should be seen by a physician.
If the blockage persists it causes chronic secretory otitis media, the most common cause of conductive hearing impairment in children.
However, a procedure called myringotomy or tympanostomy may be used for recurrent acute otitis media or secretory otitis media that persists for several months.
The person should be hospitalized if any abnormalities are found or if confusion persists.
Unless it is treated successfully in early childhood, amblyopia usually persists into adulthood and is the most frequent cause of monocular (one eye) visual impairment among children.
Leukotriene modifiers, also called antileukotrienes, can be used in place of steroids for older children who have a mild degree of asthma that persists.
If OME persists for over three months, despite antibiotic treatment, the doctor may suggest a hearing test.
If OME persists for more than four to six months, even if hearing tests are normal, the doctor may suggest surgery to drain the eardrum and implant ear tubes for continuous drainage.
Parents of newborns should call the doctor if they notice a lump on their child's neck or any time that their child persists in holding the head at an angle.
For some, however, the suppression of hair pulling may be possible, even if the underlying urge persists.
If your husband or significant other persists in wearing the same old pair of long swim trunks each year, count your blessings for the freedom of choice your man has when it comes to swim wear.
If she persists with the silly reasoning that she does not want to wear that ring for fear of losing or ruining it, then inform her that she can purchase a very inexpensive band (for under $50) and wear it instead.
The question persists - why is Friday the 13th unlucky?
The photo was proven to be a composite of two photos, yet the urban persists.
However, if the problem persists or worsens, you should visit your doctor for additional treatment and possibly a prescription for an antibiotic.
Widely popular in the 1950s through the 1970s, the form has seen better days, but persists.
This usually clears up on its own as baby gets older, but check with you pediatrician about topical treatments if it persists.
If the discomfort persists, your doctor can provide a prescription cream.
Any rash that persists longer than a few days with marked discomfort should be seen by a doctor.
If you're dealing with a stubborn skin issue that persists, though, pay a visit to your dermatologist for other specialized treatment options.
If this sensation persists or redness occurs, contact your physician immediately.
If further events related to the main event occur, then it persists for a long time.
In Lumbricus the connexion is a little closer; the funnel of the nephridium, in the segments in which the funnels of the gonad ducts are to be developed, persists and is continuous with the gonad duct funnels on their first appearance.
If the tax-payer declines to pay his due, he is brought before the proper authorities by the tahsildar; if he persists in his refusal, all his goods, except those indispensable for his dwelling and the pursuit of his trade, are sold by auction, without recourse to a judgment by tribunal.
The young Brachiopod in all its species is protected by an embryonic shell called the " protegulum," which sometimes persists in the umbones of the adult shells but is more usually worn off.
Hansen (10) has recognized that the " praegenital somite " persists in a rudimentary condition, forming a " waist " to the series of somites in the Pedipalpi and Araneae.
In its primitive sense the word persists in the vocabulary of coal-miners.
Although the tendency in Massachusetts is towards chartering as cities " towns " which have a population of 12,000 or more, the democratic institution of the town-meeting persists in many large municipalities which are still technically towns.'
The Italian name of calamita, which still persists, for the magnet, and which literally signifies a frog, is doubtless derived from this practice.
The spinner who persists in over-weighting his yarn finds it difficult to obtain "repeat" orders.
It appears that as the native industries decline the weaving section persists longer than the spinning section.
There is nothing to show whether the pigment persists or is absorbed.
In the Western Alps the outer border of Molasse persists; but it no longer forms so well-defined a zone, and strips are infolded amongst the older rocks.
The soft phloem soon becomes crushed, but the hard wood persists, and forms the great bulk of the stem and branches of the woody perennial.
Frequently, as in many Dicotyledons, the primary root, the original root of the seedling, persists throughout the life of the plant, forming, as often in biennials, a thickened tap-root, as in carrot, or in perennials, a much-branched root system.
When it persists as a massive element of the seed its nutritive function is usually apparent, for there is accumulated within its cells reserve-food, and according to the dominant substance it is starchy, oily, or rich in cellulose, mucilage or proteid.
We know that the sultan will soon think better of the matter; but, if he persists, every act of his government will be null, for every treaty of peace and war, every act of sale and purchase, is valid only through our testimony."
When a cell divides it is found that there remains in the middle of the new wall a single large circular pit, which persists throughout the life of the cells, becoming more and more conspicuous with the progress of the thickening of the wall.
In the 10th century the short-lived Egyptian government introduced into the population an element from that country which still persists in the villages.
Still the attitude created by the Tubingen theory largely persists as a biassing element in much that is written about Acts.
All agree, however, in having each vertebra formed of at least two pieces, the suture between which persists throughout life.
The tropical belt of high pressure persists all the year tion of ture.