Perseverance Sentence Examples
It took planning and perseverance to be successful.
He had perseverance in good works.
He had perseverance in the face of obstacles.
It was this same perseverance that made her go to college.
Otto had untiring perseverance and relentless energy.
Getting years of training to forge the body for martial pursuit requires perseverance.
The purpose of the letter is not to give information as to the past, but to stimulate its readers to perseverance by giving fresh teaching as to the future.
The difficulties in the way of successful invasion are of course not understated, as it was the object of the writer to exalt the prowess and perseverance of the faithful.
Then it is beautiful to observe with what patience, sweetness, and perseverance Helen endeavours to bring the unruly fingers of her little friend into proper position.
The fame of these instruments was rapidly spread by the brilliant discoveries which their maker's genius and perseverance accomplished by their aid.
AdvertisementAnd so it fell to Mary Tealby, a penniless divorcee dying of cancer, to try to remedy the situation through sheer perseverance.
The work was carried on with splendid perseverance, and the uncovering of the interior was completed in 1908.
Does he have the perseverance of the saints?
Creating a masterpiece requires dedication, perseverance and patience.
But the untiring perseverance of the house of Alfred was at last rewarded by success.
AdvertisementIt was planning and perseverance and she had every reason to be proud.
With courage and dogged perseverance, the Catholic faith was kept alive during the years of persecution.
I know that the education of this child will be the distinguishing event of my life, if I have the brains and perseverance to accomplish it.
Heroism, perseverance and American masculinity are defining traits of these movies.
Stephen, though he had shown some enterprise and capacity in his successful snatch at the crown, was a man far below his three predecessors on the throne in the matter of perseverance and foresight.
AdvertisementYou may have to retrain the cat, and this requires patience and perseverance.
As a general on duty on Kutuzov's staff, he applied himself to business with zeal and perseverance and surprised Kutuzov by his willingness and accuracy in work.
It required all his indomitable perseverance to carry through a purpose which failing health continually menaced with frustration.
Wilson actually thought of retreating; but Baird Smith and Chamberlain insisted on perseverance, and the city was captured after six days' hard fighting.
Not the least of his achievements on this occasion was the successful attempt, made with extraordinary tact, ability, knowledge and perseverance, to induce the Orientals, Anglicans and Old Catholics present to accept a formula of concord, drawn from the writings of the leading theologians of the Greek Church, on the long-vexed question of the Procession of the Holy Spirit.
AdvertisementWith hard work and perseverance, there's no reason you can't become one as well.
It may just take a bit of work to find it, but some purses are worth the perseverance.
Born of a single mother's dream to make ends meet, Beijo purses are the result of a woman's perseverance, hard work and dedication to an entrepreneurial spirit she wasn't even aware she possessed.
In 1856 he drew up a plan of action, and he prosecuted it with untiring perseverance until he saw it embodied in an international convention seven years later.
The work did honour to the perseverance and ability of Calixtus, but it was merely the application of the ideas of Paschal II.
But the Buddha laid stress on the final perseverance of the saints, saying that even the least among the disciples who had entered the first path only, still had his heart fixed on the way to perfection, and constantly strove after the three higher paths.
The keys to success are hard work, dedication and perseverance.
Your motivation and perseverance are your most valuable assets when business is slow.
The practical assignments may help develop perseverance and boldness.
During the campaign he displayed the same perseverance and the same moderation that he had shown in the emancipation of the serfs.
Some opposition was offered to this scheme; but the perseverance of the king overcame all difficulties, and one of the most important events in European history took place on the 27th of December 1282, when Rudolph invested his sons, Rudolph and Albert, with the duchies of Austria and Styria.
As crisis followed calamity, commitment and perseverance kept me going.
Steve Carell's hard work and perseverance in the entertainment industry have not gone unnoticed.
It will test your perseverance and your wrist strength.
You will often find exactly what you need with a bit of perseverance.
A lot of patience and perseverance is necessary, but you can often find what you are looking for.
In foreign affairs he displayed the same capriciousness and want of perseverance.
It does take courage, and it takes perseverance.
With a little perseverance we got some really great views of these birds.
Otto was a man of untiring perseverance and relentless energy, with a high idea of his position.
One set will come from within the game disc itself and it will be up to you to unlock them through hard work and perseverance.
She is proud of her athleticism and is not afraid to show off the body that hard work and perseverance have wrought.
While earning money from poems may seem like a distant dream, with a little extra effort and a lot of perseverance, getting paid for writing poetry needn't be impossible.
Other Japanese meanings include perseverance and strength.
Who tonight needs to repent and throw off the sin that so easily entangles and run with perseverance the race marked out for you?
In the eyes of the world they may not seem as heroic - but their fidelity and perseverance form their path to eternal life.
The Essential Balance is unique because it promotes moderation, perseverance and patience.
Pupils develop very good concentration and show very admirable perseverance in learning.
In Scotland its influence has continued to the present day, contributing not a little to mould the high qualities of religious insight and courage and perseverance which have honourably distinguished Scottish Presbyterians all the world over.
The heroic obstinacy of the defence was equalled by the perseverance of the attack, and there was a vast expenditure, especially on the side of the Spaniards, of blood and treasure.
The energies of the house of Babenberg were chiefly spent in enlarging the area and strengthening the position of the mark itself, and when this was done the house of Habsburg set itself with remarkable perseverance and marvellous success to extend its rule over neighbouring territories.
Conrad possessed military talents, and had many estimable qualities, but he lacked perseverance and foresight, and was hampered by his obligations to the church.
The glory attaching to the name of Prince Henry does not rest merely on the achievements effected during his own lifetime, but on the subsequent results to which his genius and perseverance had lent the primary inspiration.
It takes time and perseverance to become a freelance photographer.
Jackman's success is due to his talent, perseverance and good looks.
Housebreaking puppies may seem like an insurmountable task, but your new additions will quickly become part of the family with a little patience and a lot of perseverance.
Success as an entrepreneur, regardless of generation, requires dedication, perseverance, and a solid idea.
You could have the ultimate collection of Nintendo DS Lite colors with a little perseverance, time, and (oh, yeah) money.
With time and perseverance, Brad Pitt finally broke into bigger Hollywood business after he was cast a guest appearance alongside Johnny Depp in 21 Jumpstreet.
Determination and perseverance united the two of you for a common cause (the right to date) and as a result brought you closer.
A moon that falls in Scorpio has the tendency to brood and ruminate, but it also gives much strength, determination and perseverance to the individual.
With a little ingenuity and perseverance, your kids could be rolling in the dough before the first flowers of spring poke through the ground.
Of late years progress has been very intelligent; in earlier years it was gained through a multitude of experiments and failures, and great pecuniary loss, and progress was a testimonial chiefly to courage and perseverance.
He is a young man of considerable perseverance, he has worked his way for years, under many disadvantages, with great assiduity.
Their characteristics are patient plodding and indomitable perseverance, with, in many instances, great ingenuity.
Patience here is courageous perseverance in the face of suffering and difficulty is produced through divers temptations.
Silent contemplation and the total deadening of consciousness by perseverance for years in unnatural attitudes are among the commonest forms assumed by this mystical asceticism.
As member of the Committee of Public Safety, he devoted himself particularly to the question of food-supplies, and it was only by dint of dogged perseverance and great administrative talent that he was successful in coping with this difficult problem.
This, and Sackville's own dogged perseverance, turned the scale in his favour.
Buzurg Khan delivered himself up to indolence and debauchery, but Yakub Beg, with singular energy and perseverance, made himself master of Yangi Shahr, Yangi-Hissar, Yarkand and other towns, and eventually became sole master of the country, Buzurg Khan proving himself totally unfitted for the post of ruler.
He is conspicuous for his military ardour, his ambition, strong will, perseverance, watchfulness and energy, combined with great courage and unbounded selfreliance.
That it was unexpected there can be no doubt; and it was only by extraordinary perseverance and perspicuity that Bradley was able to explain it in 1727.
The difficulties experienced in applying the 1880 decree were great, but the perseverance of British officers gave the oppressed peasants, in 1885, an equitable law, which has been since improved by the decree of 1900.
But it happened that this small state was led by a man of high military genius, capable of infusing into others his own undaunted spirit, while his subjects had learned both from him and his predecessors habits of patience, perseverance and discipline.
Up to the time of his nomination for the presidency, the biographer of Jackson finds nothing to record but military exploits in which he displayed perseverance, energy and skill of a very high order, and a succession of personal acts in which he showed himself ignorant, violent, perverse, quarrelsome and astonishingly indiscreet.
The most cynical man of the world, he says, with whatever " sullen incredulity " he may repudiate virtue as a hollow pretence, cannot really refuse his approbation to " discretion, caution, enterprise, industry, frugality, economy, good sense, prudence, discernment "; nor again, to " temperance, sobriety, patience, perseverance, considerateness, secrecy, order, insinuation, address, presence of mind, quickness of conception, facility of expression."
The indomitable perseverance he had shown during one of the most arduous voyages in the history of sea adventure was rewarded by the capture of an immensely rich prize, the "Nuestra Senora de Covadonga," which was met off Cape Espiritu Santo on the 20th of June 1743.
What gets you through those near-death experiences is commitment and perseverance; you are not likely to make it through without a healthy dose of both.
By the world at large he is known as the commander of the voyage of circumnavigation, in which success was won by indomitable perseverance, unshaken firmness, and infinite resource.
When relationships are worth saving, hard work and perseverance go a long way toward mending the ties that once bound two lives.
Home staging is just one path to Interior Decorator Jobs that are in demand and can be quite lucrative with the right perseverance.
Bourke-White's perseverance paid off when she was named as the first female war correspondent.
Having a job is a great way for teenagers to gain many skills that will help them later in life, such as responsibility and perseverance, and it's a good way for a teenager to make some extra money.
It will be difficult, but with perseverance and by taking recovery one day at a time, anyone can become a former heroin addict.
More than anything else, Oprah is a picture of perseverance and triumph, proof that we really can overcome any adversity.
The life of Lance Armstrong has been a study in perseverance and the incredible strength of determination.
Just like any other specialized technique, folding paper takes practice and perseverance.
With the right ingredients and a little perseverance, your family can save money, help the environment, and know exactly what you're putting into your washing machine.
If that's the spot where the fat retreats last, then it might be even harder to lose, but with a little perseverance, it can be done.
You need perseverance to push through those moments of frustration.
At Surat he succeeded, by perseverance and address in his intercourse with the native priests, in acquiring a sufficient knowledge of the Zend and Pahlavi languages to translate the liturgy called the Vendidad Sade and some other works.
Toghluk's death facilitated the work of reconquest, and a few years of perseverance and energy sufficed for its accomplishment, as well as for the addition of a vast extent of territory.
By means of negotiations instigated and prosecuted with great perseverance by the university of Paris and the Inquisition, and through the persistent scheming of Pierre Cauchon, the bishop of Beauvais - a Burgundian partisan, who, chased from his own see, hoped to obtain the archbishopric of Rouen - she was sold in November by John of Luxemburg and Burgundy to the English, who on the 3 rd of January 1431, at the instance of the The Porte St Honore where Joan was wounded stood where the Comedic Francaise now stands.
Refused at first a hearing, his perseverance was at length rewarded by the emperor's assent to his reasonable request that his accusers should be brought face to face with him in the imperial presence.
A nice racing game with challenges to test your reflexes and perseverance.
Not contented with a careful attention to details, Tull set himself, with admirable skill and perseverance, to investigate the growth of plants, and thus to arrive at a knowledge of the principles by which the cultivation of field-crops should be regulated.
With indomitable perseverance he applied himself to these subjects; although himself a teacher, he regularly attended the lectures of Ammonius Saccas, and made a thorough study of the books of Plato and Numenius, of the Stoics and the Pythagoreans.
With a little perseverance, however, examples of the watch can be found in stores all over the world.
All you need is a food scale, measuring cups and spoons and the perseverance to put for the extra effort to count calories.
Though, like all undisciplined races, the Sandwich Islanders [Hawaiians] have proved deficient in firm and steady perseverance, they manifest considerable intellectual capability.
In 1849 he was appointed director of the observatory of the Collegio Romano, which was rebuilt in 1853; there he devoted himself with great perseverance to researches in physical astronomy and meteorology till his death at Rome on the 26th of February 1878.
The city has fishing, manufacturing and trading interests, but its prosperity is chiefly due to the gold mines in the adjacent Silver Bow basin, the source of Gold Creek, and the site of the great Perseverance mine, and to those on the Treadwell lode on Douglas Island, 2 m.
After the date, vines, peaches, apricots, oranges, mangoes, melons and mulberries find special favour with the Rehbayin, who exhibit all the skill and perseverance of the Arab agriculturist of Yemen, and cultivate everything that the soil is capable of producing.
His dauntless courage, his perseverance, and his earnestness at length prevailed, and he had the satisfaction, before he died, of seeing his favourite system of church polity firmly established, not only at Geneva, but in other parts of Switzerland, and of knowing that it had been adopted substantially by the Reformers in France and Scotland.
Starting yoga may be challenging at first, but your confidence and perseverance will increase with each successive accomplishment in the practice, and that makes you healthy from the inside out.
Perseverance may be required and you may have to attend several calls before being cast but once everything clicks, you could be on your way to reality show stardom.
Further, unexpected experiences may also lead to reluctance to participate raising the question of when perseverance in following up participants becomes coercion?
But with a little perseverance, you will eventually get through all the bad news and find yourself making money as a published writer.