Perplexing Sentence Examples
It was on one of those occasions that Lisa made her first perplexing discovery.
Of course they did not realize how difficult and perplexing they were making the examinations for me.
Tradition, in fact, is concentrated upon the rise of the Judaean dynasty under David, but there are significant periods before the rise of both Jehoash and Uzziah upon which the historical records maintain a perplexing silence.
Aratus probably also organized the new federal constitution, the character of which, owing to the scanty and somewhat perplexing nature of our evidence, we can only approximately determine.
Mr. Gilman at first agreed to this; but when my tasks had become somewhat perplexing, he insisted that I was overworked, and that I should remain at his school three years longer.
It is most perplexing and exasperating that just at the moment when you need your memory and a nice sense of discrimination, these faculties take to themselves wings and fly away.
You might find answers to perplexing conflicts or contradictions.
A form of apocentricity extremely common and often perplexing may be termed pseudocentric; in such a condition there is an apparent simplicity that tive anatomy.
Their theological teaching is misty and perplexing; their earliest writings contain no error, and the hymns of their great St Ephrem, still sung in their services, are positively antagonistic to "Nestorianism"; their theology dating from the schism is not so satisfactory.
But the account of the events in the reign of Artaxerxes is extremely perplexing.
AdvertisementExternal evidence for Palestine, in emphasizing the necessity for a reconsideration of the serious difficulties in the Old Testament, Summary and in illustrating at once its agreement and still more perplexing disagreement with contemporary conditions, furnishes a more striking proof of its uniqueness and of its permanent value.
Albrecht has shown that, of the 10 members of the S Cephei class for which both the orbits and the light-variations are thoroughly known, the maximum light always occurs approximately at the time when the brighter component is approaching us most rapidly; this relation, which seems to be well established, is a most perplexing one.
Much has been done, by Mignet (Antonio Perez et Philippe II., 1845; 4th ed., 1874) and by Froude (" An Unsolved Historical Riddle," Nineteenth Cent., 1883) among others, towards the elucidation of various difficult points in Perez's somewhat perplexing story.
In the time of Adad-nirari of Assyria (812-783 B.C.) Edom is mentioned as an independent tributary with Beth-Omri (Israel) and Palashtu (Philistia); the absence of Judah is perplexing.
The thing that is perplexing about Michaels Crafts is its website.
AdvertisementThe alliances, counter-alliances and far-reaching political combinations which spring up at every advance of the greater powers are often perplexing in the absence of records of the states concerned.
Equally perplexing is the Egyptian style on the Phoenician statue, ib.
It combines amid diverse material a hero of Bethlehem and rival of Saul with the idea of a conqueror of this district; it introduces peculiar traditions of the ark and sanctuary, and it associates David with Hebron, Calebites and the wilderness of Paran 3 The books of Samuel and Kings have become, in process of compilation, the natural sequel to the preceding books, but the conflicting features and the perplexing differences of standpoint recur elsewhere, and the relationship between them suggests that similar causes have been operative upon the compilation.
The most perplexing questions treated by Jefferson as secretary of state arose out of the policy of neutrality adopted by the United States toward France, to whom she was bound by treaties and by a heavy debt of gratitude.
La Bruyere dares not pronounce against such beliefs, "for there are perplexing facts affirmed by grave men who were eye-witnesses."
AdvertisementI find the Democratic inattention to the deficiencies of the 2004 technologies before election very perplexing.
His answers are often indirect - he tells you what he wants you to know - which makes him somewhat perplexing to interview.
But the former do not correspond to the observed inequalities, and the explanation of the outstanding differences may be regarded to-day as the most perplexing enigma in astronomy.
I also discuss the political situation with my dear father, and we decide the most perplexing questions quite as satisfactorily to ourselves as if I could see and hear.
It was widespread and unidentified, all the more perplexing because of its tendency to form highly distinctive euhedral tetragonal crystals.
AdvertisementWhen answering the perplexing question of "What does restaurant dress code mean?" you will usually meet the requirements if you're dressed in business casual mode, at least.
The home you are selling must fall into that category, and it is a little perplexing that your closing company has never heard of a tie-down inspection.
This apprehension certainly has the potential to further confuse a matter that is already quite perplexing.
Fortunately to most readers and watchers of science fiction, particularly those under the age of, say, thirty, the debate is perplexing and ultimately meaningless.
With these perplexing data the position of Judah is inextricably involved.
The perplexing relation between the admittedly late compilations and the actual course of the early history becomes still more intricate when one observes such a feature as the late interest in the Israelite tribes.
The subject of the poem is the rescue of the queen from her abductor Meleagant; and what makes the matter more perplexing is that Chretien handles the situation as one with which his hearers are already familiar; it is Lancelot, and not Arthur or another, to whom the office of rescuer naturally belongs.
The special interest of Map lies in the perplexing question of his relation to the Arthurian legend and literature.
The explanation of the very perplexing changes which the character of Gawain has undergone appears to lie in a misunderstanding of the original sources of that character.
There is, however, appended one of those perplexing statements of personal opinion (for Hume declares Cleanthes to be his mouthpiece) not uncommon among writers of this period.
This episode of the false Guenevere is very perplexing.
It is difficult to extract any historical fact out of this maze of myths; the various groups cannot be fully co-ordinated, and a further perplexing feature is the neglect of Thebes in the Homeric poems. At most it seems safe to infer that it was one of the first Greek communities to be drawn together within a fortified city, that it owed its importance in prehistoric as in later days to its military strength, and that its original "Cadmean" population was distinct from other inhabitants of Boeotia such as the Minyae of Orchomenus.
Certainly what Paul has in mind throughout the epistle is not a Judaizing tendency among the Jewish Christians at Rome, but the general and perplexing question of Judaism in relation to the new faith.
The very important part played by the Victoria Nyanza in the Nile system has led to careful study of its drainage basin and rainfall and the perplexing variations in the level of the lake.
It is one of the perplexing points in Burke's private history to know how he lived during these long years of parliamentary opposition.
In this way the utilitarian method is freed from the subversive tendencies which Butler and others had discerned in it; as used by Paley, it merely explains the current moral and jural distinctions, exhibits the obvious basis of expediency which supports most of the received rules of law and morality and furnishes a simple solution, in harmony with common sense, of some perplexing casuistical questions.
It is impossible to recover the earliest traditions from the present narratives, and these alone offer sufficiently perplexing problems.'
Fathers For Justice hit upon the rather perplexing idea of campaigning whilst dressed in the uniform of a comic book superhero.
Papen, on his hypsographical map of Central Europe (1857) introduced a perplexing range of colours.
Four out of the five essays are elaborate and powerful solutions of perplexing technical problems - the distribution of the gains of international commerce, the influence of consumption on production, the definition of productive and unproductive labour, the precise relations between profits and wages.
It was the most perplexing enigma in astronomy.