Perplexed Sentence Examples
She was perplexed by this creature.
He stared at her with a perplexed expression and finally shook his head.
His expression transformed slowly from perplexed to comprehension.
Berg and the countess looked at her, perplexed and frightened.
The officer stood perplexed and his face showed indecision.
The signs, which I had so lately learned, and which I thought I knew, perplexed me.
Effie looked somewhat perplexed, but not satisfied.
The prophet is perplexed about the mysteries of life, and questions God respecting them.
Fred returned just as they were clearing the dishes, wearing a perplexed look on his face.
His voyage was delayed by storms, and he appears to have been perplexed as to the safest route.
AdvertisementFor some seconds they gazed with frightened eyes at one another's unfamiliar faces and both were perplexed at what they had done and what they were to do next.
Such a logic, however, is a dialectic of illusion, perplexed by paralogisms and helpless in the face of antinomies.
Eh? repeated Anatole, sincerely perplexed by a thought of the future.
He drew back, gazing down at her with a perplexed expression.
He turned a perplexed gaze on Megan.
AdvertisementThe manifold of sense, which plays so important a part in the critical theory of knowledge, is left in an obscure and perplexed position.
Mamun, on receiving his brother's invitation to go to Bagdad, was greatly perplexed; but his tutor and later vizier, Fadl b.
I feel so comfortable! answered Natasha, almost perplexed by her feelings.
The conference of 1792 was so much perplexed that it resorted to the casting of lots.
According to his report, " the mind " always obliges us to suppose Something beyond positive phenomena to which the phenomena must be attributed; but he was perplexed by this " confused negative " idea.
AdvertisementHe was interested but perplexed about the March date when Byrne was excused from work—without his wife's knowledge.
Donald's perplexed gaze went from Candice to Alex and then finally sought Carmen.
His dark features were twisted with a perplexed expression as he swung her around.
His biographers used to be perplexed by a letter purporting to be from Liberius, in the works of Hilary, in which he seems to write, in 352, that he had excommunicated Athanasius at the instance of the Oriental bishops; but the document is now held to be spurious.
His chief work was the Moreh Nebuche hazeman (" Guide for the Perplexed of the Age"), a title imitated from that of the 12th-century "Guide for the Perplexed" of Maimonides.
AdvertisementHe brought a vast amount of information from the most varied and distant sources to confirm his opinions, and the abundance of his materials never perplexed or burdened him in his argumentation, but examples of well-conducted historical argument are rare in his pages.
This hedonism has perplexed Plato's readers needlessly (as we have said in speaking of the Cyrenaics), inasmuch as hedonism is the most obvious corollary of the Socratic doctrine that the different common notions of good - the beautiful, the pleasant and the useful - were to be somehow interpreted by each other.
He frowned, still perplexed.
Perplexed as to what kind of movers worked at such an hour, she roamed through the row house from top to bottom.
She met his perplexed gaze, her face growing warm.
Jessi looked at him, perplexed as to how Laurencio heard him from the ten feet separating them.
On the death of Sisinnius, patriarch of Constantinople (December 427), Theodosius perplexed by the various claims of the local clergy, appointed the disinguished preacher of Antioch to the vacant see.
The outline of Job's story was no doubt supplied by tradition; and a later poet has developed this outline, and made it a vehicle for expressing his new thoughts respecting a great moral problem which perplexed his contemporaries.
He let her go, perplexed.
Kiera shook her head, perplexed by their odd invitation to stay with them.
She rejoined the party and even danced a few times with Denton, who was perplexed by her sudden change in mood.
How the hostile kings of Israel and Syria came to fight a common enemy, and how to correlate the Assyrian and Biblical records, are questions which have perplexed all recent writers.
The whole kingdom was perplexed, and Abbas had much work to restore confidence and tranquillity.
I am wet, angry, utterly perplexed, I'm speechless.
From Meshed Aga Mahommed sent an envoy to Zaman Shah, asking for the cession of Balkh, and explaining his invasion of Khorasan; but the Afghan monarch was too perplexed with the troubles in his own country and his own insecure position to do more than send an unmeaning reply.
I was sorely perplexed, and felt quite discouraged, and wasted much precious time, especially in Algebra.
I cannot explain it; but when difficulties arise, I am not perplexed or doubtful.
He leaned back, looking perplexed.
Felipa's brows drew together, her expression perplexed.
His expression was perplexed.
You didn't try as hard to cure me? she asked, perplexed.
She trailed, even more perplexed when the janitor waxing the floor called out a cheerful, "Hey, Toby!"
As she scooted off to do homework, he plunked down at the table, looking perplexed.
It was Carmen's turn to be perplexed.
He pulled up his knees and encircled them with his arms as he stared at her, his expression somewhere between anger and perplexed.
At this time he was much perplexed as to his religious opinions, and he ultimately found relief in a decision to take a further university course and to seek Anglican orders.
But the forms of substances " are so perplexed and complicated, that it is either vain to inquire into them at all, or such inquiry as is possible should be put off for a time, and not entered upon till forms of a more simple nature have been rightly investigated and discussed."
The pioneers of the jute industry, who did not understand this necessity, or rather who did not know how the woody and brittle character of the fibre could be remedied, were greatly perplexed by the difficulties they had to encounter, the fibre spinning badly into a hard, rough and hairy yarn owing to the splitting and breaking of the fibre.
She stared after him, still perplexed by the hug - a fatherly or brotherly demonstration of fondness?
I was sorely perplexed, and felt discouraged wasting much precious time, especially in algebra.
When told of the instance in which Jesus raised the dead, she was much perplexed, saying, "I did not know life could come back into the dead body!"
Some women are especially perplexed when it comes to blush.
It looked human, Wynn appeared perplexed.
A plain man perplexed by such disagreements might naturally hold that any opinion maintained by a pious and orthodox writer must be a safe one to follow; and thus weak consciences were subtly tempted to seek the support of authority for some desired relaxation of a moral rule.
With a perplexed shake of her head, she went to her room to change.
He was interested but perplexed about the March date when Byrne was excused from work—without his wife's knowledge.
Jessi was perplexed by the verbatim repetition of Laurencio.
The media are perplexed and at times downright irritated by this turn of events.
On October 16, 2001, I landed in Bolivia with five equally perplexed Canadian interns.
My parents were deeply grieved and perplexed.
The expression of the little girl's countenance showed that she was perplexed.
Pierre, perplexed, looked round with his shortsighted eyes without obeying, and suddenly doubts arose in his mind.
Here are some stories from perplexed owners about strange cat behavior.
Now I have one where I am very perplexed.
No, Darian, Damian said, perplexed.
She reached the beginning again and looked around the chamber, perplexed.
Then he looked back at Dean, perplexed.
But Orlov, perplexed by conflicting instructions and caught in an unfavourable situation by a brigade of the 12th division which was executing the proposed " pursuit," gave way - part of his force in actual rout - and the cavalry that was with him was driven back by the Kobi (reserve army) brigade of the Guard.
No doubt my Foundation pupil to be will be slightly perplexed to find this out.
Lady Cleve greatly perplexed; a man at her house in London died of the plague.
The farmer was most perplexed to find the postman 's lifeless body on his front doorstep when he returned from holiday.
Before leaving Soham he had written the substance of a treatise in which he had sought to counteract the prevailing Baptist hyper-Calvinism which, "admitting nothing spiritually good to be the duty of the unregenerate, and nothing to be addressed to them in a way of exhortation excepting what related to external obedience," had long perplexed his own mind.
Prince Vasili stared at her and at Boris questioningly and perplexed.
The judges were perplexed at her creation of various displays throughout the room - gluing make-up products to boards and hanging them on the walls.
If, by age three, a child has problems understanding simple directions or is perplexed when asked to do something simple, the parents or primary caregiver should consult a physician or pediatrician.
But I'm perplexed by the situation and was wondering if you had any thoughts?
After finding the dead beast, he was perplexed about what it might be, and asked Ayer to take a look at it and offer an opinion.
Some are perplexed why such a bad fate would await them, while others are determined to change their lives to avoid such a final ending.
The Sales Expert features are quite useful, whether you lack adequate record-keeping or are perplexed about stock values following company mergers and acquisitions.
They were also perplexed by ' unseen hands ' knocking objects off shelves, stealthy footsteps on landings, ' cold spots '.
To every design of this sort there should be a key, but even those who know the key are apt to be perplexed.
St Peter Damian was grievously perplexed about the validity of simoniacal ordinations.
Thus the Calvinism of the 16th and 17th centuries elaborated answers to questions, which if no attempt had been made to answer them, would have perplexed earnest souls and condemned the system; but many parts of the system are now obsolete, because the conditions which suggested the questions which they sought to answer no longer exist or have no longer any interest or importance."
The so-called " Sumerian problem," which has perplexed Assyriologists for many years, may be briefly stated as follows.
On the 10th of June 1904 he addressed a meeting of the Liberal League at the Queen's Hall, London, and sketched, a programme of "sane and practical Imperialism"; but he irritated the Home Rulers by again repudiating a parliament in Dublin, and he perplexed the public generally by his adverse criticism on the popular Anglo-French Agreement, which he was the only English statesman to oppose, on the ground of its handing over Morocco to France.
The application of this observation to the phenomenon which had so long perplexed him was not difficult, and, in 1727, he published his theory of the aberration of light - a corner-stone of the edifice of astronomical science.
It perplexed even Jellia Jamb, for a time, to know what to do with the animal.
Probably he found in his calmness of temperament, even in his want of imagination, a sense of rest and of exemption from the disturbing influences of life; while in his physical philosophy he found both an answer to the questions which perplexed him and an inexhaustible stimulus to his intellectual curiosity.