Perpetrator Sentence Examples
The actual perpetrator of the deed, a soldier, was tried and executed, but he was apparently ignorant of the persons who procured his services.
It was a moonless night and the perpetrator cut the power, pitching the farm house into total darkness.
Louise sought retribution from the perpetrator after her sister was bullied.
Most people never know how the perpetrator got their personal identification.
The perpetrator proved to be a thirteen year old girl, scarcely known to the victim, jealous of an older boy's changing affections.
Although it's really hard to tell whether a celebrity exposure is by accident, when the celeb is truly mortified or threatens legal action against the perpetrator, you can usually bet that the exposure was a complete accident.
Many times, adults fail to take an accusation of sexual abuse seriously, especially if the perpetrator is a family member or friend.
Martha was angry, certainly at the perpetrator but also at the Warwick police for not summarily arresting the man and rescuing the boy.
I told Ethel Reagan why I wanted to keep the news quiet; it might make a perpetrator feel safe to do his macabre mischief.
The case was only hours old when Betsy spotted it giving us hope for the boy's recovery and the perpetrator's arrest.
AdvertisementI knew rape was power to the perpetrator so I vowed to be firm and possibly defiant, and not display fear.
People who have been the victim of a prank or a practical joke may be considering taking action against the perpetrator in the form of revenge pranks.
Since many instances of child abuse, neglect, or mistreatment involve a parent perpetrator, a quality day care environment can be a lifesaver for a child at risk.
We knew some of our tips never came to fruition simply because authorities lacked the probable cause to arrest the perpetrator.
Look for an incident early in every game, and make a big deal about it, by publicly admonishing the perpetrator.
AdvertisementMost of us feel a strong antipathy to the restoration of relations with such a perpetrator.
A single perpetrator is able to anonymously take advantage of millions of vulnerable computer neophytes with relative ease.
Anger or the desire to punish the perpetrator can be safely directed through the art materials.
While the idea of a "surveillance camera" may conjure up images of spying or Big Brother, they are little more than a tool used to identify the perpetrator of a crime after it happens.
Each episode ends with the revelation that the true cause of the excitement rests with a human perpetrator who was pretending to be a ghost or a monster.
AdvertisementDon't show anger; it gives the perpetrator just the reaction he or she is looking for.
You could point to the industry of modeling/talent agencies as a main perpetrator in the facilitation of discriminatory practices against plus size fashion models.
To assist in the investigation of the crime, you'll need to provide copies of any documents related to your relationship with the perpetrator.
When the perpetrator is a family member, these crimes are also referred to as incest.
Any child or adolescent who is raped or sexually assaulted should be taken to an emergency room immediately so that evidence against the perpetrator can be gathered, and medical treatment can be given.
AdvertisementThe forensic medical examination is an invaluable tool for collecting evidence against a perpetrator that may be admissible in court.
Most reverse mortgage fraud complaints come from seniors who sign a power of attorney allowing the perpetrator of the fraud to enter into a reverse mortgage illegally leaving the seniors with no funds or home.
This scam involves an appraiser who over-values the home, a reverse mortgage is obtained, and then title and equity of the house is taken by the perpetrator who takes possession of the home, leaving seniors homeless and cash poor.