Permit Sentence Examples
The permit is withdrawn if the clearance is not obtained within three years.
Alex already had the permit.
His companions refused to permit him to surrender and were resolved to die.
Local authorities (particularly London and Glasgow) refused to permit the company to lay wires underground.
Only when she reached the other side of the bridge did she permit herself to breathe.
Each family member will need to apply for a work permit.
Getting a teenager work permit is usually easy.
Unless you are a Swedish citizen, you must obtain a work permit to work in the country.
In their new environment the Nestorians abandoned some of the rigour of Catholic asceticism, and at a synod held in 499 abolished clerical celibacy even for bishops and went so far as to permit repeated marriages, in striking contrast not only to orthodox custom but to the practice of Aphraates at Edessa who had advocated celibacy as a condition of baptism.
The bed of the river is too far below the surrounding country to permit the use of its waters for irrigation purposes by the usual gravity methods.
AdvertisementThe existence of monasticism made it possible at once to hold up a high moral standard before the world and to permit the ordinary Christian to be content with something lower.
This circumstance, as well as the failure to make other desired reductions, caused the ardent tariff reformers to be greatly disappointed with the act of 1894 as finally passed, and led President Cleveland to permit it to become law without its endorsement by his signature.
Shaler there are altogether " doubtless a hundred thousand miles of ways large enough to permit the easy passage of man."
All derived existence, however, has a drift towards, a longing for, the higher, and bends towards it so far as its nature will permit.
The general's supremacy received a shock when the eleventh general congregation appointed Oliva as vicar, with the right of succession and powers that practically superseded those of the general Goswin Nickel, whose infirmities, it is said, did not permit him to govern with the necessary application and vigour; and an attempt was made to depose Tirso Gonzalez, the thirteenth general, whose views on probabilism diverged from those favoured by the rest of the Jesuits.
AdvertisementTo protect these adventurers and to secure for itself the largest possible share in these new sources of wealth, the Spanish crown forbade the admission of foreigners into these colonies, and then harassed them with commercial and industrial restrictions, burdened them with taxes, strangled them with monopolies and even refused to permit the free emigration thither of Spaniards..
This is one of the very few records that remain of their undertaking.4 " (1) The ordinary Bible read in the Church, commonly called the Bishops' Bible,' to be followed, and as little altered as the truth of the original will permit.
Many venues have specific requirements, so make sure that you are aware of what they expect and permit at their location.
It is practically a traveller mounted on high legs, so as to permit of its being travelled on rails placed on the ground level, instead of on an elevated gantry.
Here was enough to endow an army, if some means could be devised to permit its use.
AdvertisementHis loyalty to King George (son of Ernst August) would not permit him to take the oath of allegiance to the victorious king of Prussia, and he was therefore placed on the retired list, though with the full amount of his salary as pension.
According to the constitution of 1860 "the nation professes the apostolic Roman Catholic religion; the state protects it, and does not permit the public exercise of any other."
Although exceedingly near-sighted, Tennyson was a very close observer of nature, and at the age of eighty his dark and glowing eyes, which were still strong, continued to permit him to enjoy the delicate features of country life around him, both at Aldworth and in the Isle of Wight.
So fierce was the antagonism that the military authorities refused to permit operations of survey in the southern suburb of Tokyo, and the road had to be laid on an embankment constructed in the sea.
This interruption, due to the practical prohibition of the industry by the United States courts, on the ground that it was injuring, through the deposit of tailings, agricultural lands and navigable streams, was lessened, though not entirely removed, by compromises and regulations which permit, under certain restrictions, the renewed exploitation of the ancient river-beds by the hydraulic method.
AdvertisementThe despised Herati Tajik, in blue shirt and skull-cap, and with no instrument better than a three-cornered spade, is as skilled an agriculturist as is the Ghilzai engineer, but he cannot effect more than the limits of his water-supply will permit.
Yet the beautiful images which these micrometers give permit the measurement of very difficult objects as a check on measures with the parallel-wire micrometer.
He himself did not get to Stockholm, as the Sailors' and Firemen's Union, whose distrust of Germany was based on practical knowledge of her crimes at sea, refused to permit him to sail.
Rather than permit the government to appropriate the money from the Bank he supplied two million from his own pocket for the arrears of the imperial troops after Waterloo.
Moreover, in order to permit him to pay the sums, he was to have half the proceeds in his provinces from an indulgence granted to forward the rebuilding of St Peter's.
It is protected for a long distance by moles, in which a break has been left in the Fischhauser Wiek, to permit of freer circulation of the water and to prevent damage to the mainland.
He devoted his leisure to the improvement of his economic treatise, which had for some time been out of print, but which the censorship did not permit him to republish; and in 1814 he availed himself (to use his own words) of the sort of liberty arising from the entrance of the allied powers into France to bring out a second edition of the work, dedicated to the emperor Alexander, who had professed himself his pupil.
Perhaps, however, such states as permit, permanently or normally, of interference by others on behalf of certain classes of subjects may be so described.
In granting absolution, even after general confession, it is in some places still the custom for the minister, where the numbers permit of it, to lay his hands on the head of each penitent.
The opposing forces were too strong to permit Lord Selborne to succeed.
In the following parts of this article the chronological character of each successive period of the Old Testament history will be considered and explained as far as the limits of space at the writer's disposal permit.
Coggeshall is our authority for the tale, which Shakespeare has immortalized, of Hubert's refusal to permit the mutilation of his prisoner; but Hubert's loyalty was not shaken by the crime to which Arthur subsequently fell a victim.
The duties of churchwardens comprise the provision of necessaries for divine service, so far as the church funds or voluntary subscriptions permit, the collecting the offertory of the congregation, the keeping of order during the divine service, and the giving of offenders into custody; the assignment of seats to parishioners; the guardianship of the movable goods of the church; the preservation and repair of the church and churchyard, the fabric and the fixtures; and the presentment of offences against ecclesiastical law.
Though petroleum and salt occur in the southwest peninsula of Ontario, metalliferous deposits are wanting, and the real wealth of this district lies in its soil and climate, which permit the growth of all the products of temperate regions.
In the central southern regions the climate is arid enough to permit of " alkaline " ponds and lakes, which may completely dry up in summer, and where a supply of drinking-water is often hard to obtain, though the land itself is fertile.
These permit the eggs to be landed in Europe in a practically fresh condition as to flavour, with the shells quite full.
It must be later than the other MS., and the similarity between them must be such as to permit of no other explanation.
Further, Berkeley's own theory would never permit him to speak of possible sensations, meaning by that the ideas of sensations called up to our minds by present experience.
The commercial quays are built in deep water and permit the mooring alongside of the largest vessels.
Thus the Bosporus and Dardanelles under the Treaty of Paris of 1856 and by the Treaty of London 1871 were and remain closed to the passage of foreign armed vessels in time of war, though the Porte may permit their passage in time of peace in certain cases.
They determined to reinvestigate the motion of y Draconis; the telescope, constructed by George Graham (1675-1751), a celebrated instrument-maker, was affixed to a vertical chimneystack, in such manner as to permit a small oscillation of the eyepiece, the amount of which, i.e.
Accordingly, the Hawaiian government sent another despatch to the governor of Hong Kong, refusing to permit any further immigration of male Chinese from that port.
The Cambrian rocks of Ireland, a great series of purple and green shales, slates and grits with beds of quartzite, have not yet yielded sufficient fossil evidence to permit of a correlation with the Welsh rocks, and possibly some parts of the series may be transferred in the future to the overlying Ordovician.
In surgery this period was far more productive than in medicine, especially in Italy and France, but the limits of our subject only permit us to mention Gulielmus de Saliceto of Piacenza (about 1275), Lanfranchi of Milan (died about 1306), the French surgeon, Guy de Chauliac (about 1350) and the Englishman, John Ardern (about 1350).
For example, you cannot buy or sell fireworks in Massachusetts unless you have a Class B permit for professional displays.
Do not permit yourself to be drawn into a destructive reaction of your anger.
If you are traveling between parks, a daily permit may be used in multiple locations on the same day.
Many places have dress code guidelines that may not permit radical hair colors.
Attempts have been made to prohibit so embarrassing a system; but as it is preferred by the agriculturists, the existing laws permit it.
In order to obtain the acid, a series of basins is constructed over the vents, and so arranged as to permit of the passage of water through them by gravitation.
Then the furnaceman, controlling the decarburization and purification of the molten charge by his examination of test ingots taken from time to time, gradually oxidizes and so removes the foreign elements, and thus brings the metal simultaneously to approximately the composition needed and to a temperature far enough above its present meltingpoint to permit of its being cast into ingots or other castings.
Such an introduction of reversibility is also possible by allowing sufficient time to permit the transformation to be produced by itself.
Until the time of the French occupation no Christian was allowed to pass through the gates without a special permit from the bey, whilst Jews were altogether forbidden to approach the holy city.
Confidence in French assurances, and belief that Great Britain would never permit the extension of French influence in North Africa, prevented him, from foreseeing the French occupation of Tunis (iith of May 1881).
These sluices are placed on as low a level as possible to permit the most turbid water at the bottom of the tide to pass through a channel in the base of the embankment.
The adjustment of the water by means of the sluices is a delicate operation when there is little water and also when there is much; in the latter case the fine earth may be washed away from some parts of the meadow; in the former case, by attempting too much with a limited water current, one may permit the languid streams to deposit their valuable suspended matters instead of carrying them forward to enrich the soil.
No longer had the princes as in former years any reason to dread the designs of an ambitious king; the destinies of the kingdom were in their own hands and they would not permit them to be controlled by an alien power.
At the south-eastern end St Mary's river carries its waters to Lake Huron, with a fall of 602 to 581 ft., most of which takes place at Sault Sainte Marie, where the largest locks in the world permit vessels of 10,000 tons to pass from one lake to the other, and where water-power has been greatly developed for use in the rolling mills and wood pulp industry.
But after the abdication of Alexander, Count Kalnoky stated in the Delegations that Austria-Hungary would not permit Russia to interfere with the independence of Bulgaria.
This sultan is said to have taken money to permit innocent persons to be ill-treated or executed.
In 1766, after the death of his supporter the grand vizier Raghib Pasha, he was again compelled to fly from Egypt to Yemen, but in the following year he was told that his party at Cairo was strong enough to permit of his return.
During the whole of the war the chief cause of complaint was the refusal of the authorities to permit the correspondents to identify the units taking part in particular operations, or, in other words, to name the troops engaged.
Exemption from this rule by special permit was allowed and freely granted.
Those of Ayrshire and Galloway are lower and more accessible, and permit of study of the plication of the strata.
At length, however, in 1912 the Sultan of Muscat issued a proclamation requiring all arms imported into Muscat to be placed in a special warehouse from which they could not be removed except on production of an import permit from the competent authority at their destination.
Luther was never a "wandering student"; his parents were too careful of their child to permit him to lead the life of wandering licence which marked these pests of medieval German scholastic life.
His policy, consistently maintained, was to permit no kind of foreign interference, on any pretext, with the interior concerns or the economical conditions of his country.
In 1833 the charter of the East India Company was renewed for twenty years, but only upon the terms that it should abandon its trade and permit Europeans to settle freely in the country.
The limits of this article do not permit a further detailed historical statement of the various steps by which the powers of the telescope were developed.
The base plate rests upon levelling screws which permit the adjustment of the polar axis to be made with great precision.
This was a better record than in Scott's autumn journey of 1911; but it was midwinter before Mackintosh found the ice strong enough to permit of his return to Cape Evans.
The refusal of General Merritt to permit Aguinaldo's troops to enter Manila created resentment on the part of the Filipinos.
The scope of the present article does not permit of an elaborate analysis of the different sections, but the evidence adduced will, it is hoped, afford sufficient proof of the truth of this statement.
If the road system was judged by the staffs sufficient to permit of the augmentation of the left wing, this was to be made up of 2 Serbian and 3 Bulgarian divisions - a force equivalent to to Turkish divisions, while the other 5 Serbian divisions (equal to about 8 Turkish) descended from Vranya upon Kumanovo.
A neutral government is bound - (i) to use due diligence to prevent the fitting out, arming or equipping within its jurisdiction of any vessel, which it has reasonable ground to believe is intended to cruise or to carry on war against a power with which it is at peace, and also to use like diligence to prevent the departure from its jurisdiction of any vessel intended to cruise or carry on war as above, such vessel having been specially adapted, in whole or in part, within such jurisdiction, to warlike use; (2) not to permit or suffer either belligerent to make use of its ports or waters as the base of naval operations against the other, or for the purpose of the renewal or augmentation of military supplies or arms or the recruitment of men; (3) to exercise due diligence in its own ports and waters, and as to all persons within its jurisdiction to prevent any violation of the foregoing obligation and duties.
But though some of those who bore the title may be reckoned at their best as orthodox conservatives, their position was, as far as our mainly Pharisaic authorities permit us to learn, merely negative; and all the information we possess, whether it rests on facts or on prejudice, points to their close affinity with the Jews who renounced their faith altogether and advertised the fact - say by habitual and unwarranted breach of the Sabbath, for example.
No definition had been given by the decree of 1885 as to what constituted the "vacant lands" which became the property of the state, but the effect of the later decrees was to assign to the government an absolute proprietary right over nearly the whole country; a native could not even leave his village with out a special permit.
It was felt that a system of administration which could permit such a catastrophe was no longer desirable.
But in 1601 he quarrelled with the lord deputy, who, though willing to establish Niall Garve in the lordship of Tyrconnel, would not permit him to enforce his supremacy over Cahir O'Dogherty in Inishowen.
Bombay is the only important place near the sea in India where the rise of the tide is sufficient to permit docks on the largest scale.
Three of these (woo) restrict the calling of the grand jury, permit two-thirds of a petit jury to render verdicts in courts not of record, and three-fourths to give verdict in civil ' In 1900 only one person in six had both parents of foreign birth.
The rivers Mira, Patia and San Juan permit the entrance of small steamers, as also some of the smaller rivers.
As the constituent assembly which amended the constitution, according to the president's wishes in 1905, was to continue in office until 1908 and to provide laws for the regulation of elections and other public affairs, it appeared that the president would permit no expression of popular dissent to interfere with his purpose to establish a dictatorial regime in Colombia similar to the one in Mexico.
There is considerable distortion of the clay, resulting from combined shearing and tensile stress, above each of the steps of rock, and reaching its maximum at and above the highest rise ab, where it has proved sufficient to produce a dangerous line of weakness ac, the tension at a either causing actual rupture, or such increased porosity as to permit of percolation capable of keeping open the wound.
The original material may have been perfectly satisfactory, but if, for example, in puddle the progress of the work a stream of water is allowed to flow across it, fine clay is sometimes washed away, and the gravel or sand associated with it left to a sufficient extent to permit of future percolation.
When the surface film has once been formed, and the filter has begun its work, it should continue without interruption until the resistance of that film becomes too great to permit of the necessary quantity of water being passed.
He would permit free election to all benefices, and free legislation by ecclesiastical synods, and would surrender any claims of the royal courts to have jurisdiction over clerks or the property of clerks.
Ministries which exist by sufferance are necessarily compelled to adapt their measures to the wishes of those who permit them to continue in power.
His lay fellowship at St John's College came to an end in 1852, and the existing statutes did not permit of his re-election.
In the case of horizontal retorts the space between the top of the coal and the retort is of necessity considerable in order to permit the introduction of the scoop and rake; the gas has therefore a free channel to travel along, but has too much contact with the highly heated surface of the retort before it leaves the mouthpiece.
In 1908 the constitution was amended to permit a graduated tax on incomes, privileges and occupations.
Space will only permit of a brief general account of the more obvious features of the several genera, the structure and lifehistory of which are known in great detail.
The interests of Russia would not permit her to recognize a candidate dependent directly on France and indirectly upon Sweden and Turkey, all three powers being at that time opposed to Russia's "system."
He applied for leave to visit his paternal territory, but Philip would not permit him.
But William would not permit this; he had not acknowledged Urban, and he maintained his right to prevent any pope being acknowledged by an English subject without his permission.
Passing from the lower savage myths, of which space does not permit us to offer a larger selection, we turn to races in the upper strata of barbarism.
Space does not permit us to recount the equally puerile and barbarous legends of Vishnu, Agni, the loves of Vivasvat in the form of a horse, the adventures of Soma, nor the Vedic amours (paralleled in several savage mythologies) of Pururavas and Urvasi.2 Divine Myths of Greece.
Avempace's principles, it is clear, lead directly to the Averroistic doctrine of the unity of intellect, but the obscurity and incompleteness of the Regime do not permit us to judge how far he anticipated the later thinker.
The low lands adjoining the tidal reaches of the Trent and Humber, and part of those around the Wash have been raised above the natural level and enriched by the process of warping, which consists in letting the tide run over the land, and retaining it there a sufficient time to permit the deposit of the sand and mud held in solution by the waters.
At Sansandig the stream is deep enough to permit of steamers of considerable size plying upon the river.
Spain was so far relaxed as to permit the re-establishment of the orders of St Vincent de Paul, St Philip Neri and one other among those approved by the Holy See, so that throughout the country the bishops might have at their disposal a sufficient number of ministers and preachers for the purpose of missions in the villages of their dioceses, &c. In practice the phrase one other was interpreted by the bishops, not as one for the whole of Spain, but as one in each diocese, and at the request of the bishops congregations of all kinds established themselves in Spain, the number greatly increasing after the loss of the colonies and as a result of the measures of secularization in France.i The result was what is usual in such cases.
We may therefore consider it settled that the different species of the group are now in that degree of physiological differentiation which enables them to produce offspring with each other, but does not permit of the progeny continuing the race, at all events unless reinforced by the aid of one of the pure forms.
The greater number of horses in the country should have green forage given them during summer, when the work they do will permit of it, as it is their natural food, and they thrive better on it than on any dry food.
A series of objectives with short focal lengths are available, which permit the placing of a liquid between the cover-slip and the front lens of the objective; such lenses are known as " immersion systems "; objectives bounded on both sides by air are called " dry systems."
As the pencils used in the representations are of wide aperture on the object-side, only such points as are proportionately very near the focal plane can produce such small dispersion circles on the plane focused for, that they, so far as the objectiveand eyepiece-magnification permit, appear as points to the eye.
It is therefore possible to judge the excellence of the focusing of objectives on the strength of the ocular-magnification, or the over-magnification, which they permit.
It may be highly desirable for the government to occupy certain territories, but political exigencies at home will not permit it to incur the expenditure, or international relations may make such an undertaking inexpedient at the time.
Space will not permit us to enter into any full discussion of the recurrence of Glacial and inter-Glacial periods and the influence they may have had on the flora.
It would have been much better to permit his exposition of the philosophy of religion to enjoy the same literary rights as his earlier works, since Kant could not be interdicted without first silencing a multitude of theologians who were at least equally separated from positive Christianity.
The Roman question yet remained unsolved, for Napoleon, although he had assisted Piedmont in 1859 and had reluctantly consented to the annexation of the central and southern provinces, and of part of the Papal States, would not permit Rome to be occupied, and maintained a French garrison there to protect the pope.
Under his Government a formal state of siege was maintained, and the police under the reactionary prefect Poehner exercised the greatest severity in the supervision of foreigners and even of non-Bavarian Germans, who were only admitted to the country by special permit.
A system of transparent overlays was also developed to permit even more accurate up dating to be made.
You must then find and change the appropriate configuration parameter to permit instant power on.
During the controlled times you must not park in permit holders ' bays without a permit holders ' bays without a permit.
Do I need to obtain a permit to film in the Northwest of England?
No second or subsequent permits will be issued 2. Car parking refunds will not be given without a valid permit.
A temporary permit allows up to ten trips, subject to the Construction Waste Rules.
For longer stays, you should apply to the appropriate office for a residence permit.
It is the child's employer's responsibility to apply for a Work/Employment permit, these are issued by the local education authority.
For example, a more restricted parking permit scheme could precede a phased introduction of parking charges.
At the end of the two years, holders must either return home or apply for a suitable work permit or similar visa status.
All moral perversion among religious people must have a theology to permit it, right?
The somewhat pompous permit seller showed me a map of infected Britain.
Currently international medical graduates (IMGs) are able to undertake postgraduate medical education in the UK without needing a work permit.
The second point is the work permit business is a complete and total red herring.
The Guardian said " Need to preserve pubic order does not permit the police to ride roughshod over the rights of ordinary people " .
How do I obtain a permit to erect scaffolding?
In tribal societies in which climate and custom permit scant clothing, body scarification is common and considered as artistically and socially valuable.
The book is too scrupulous, or perhaps too fickle, to permit any detail of significance to remain long in place.
Horse riding by permit only, £ 6 day permit or £ 50 annual season ticket.
Cingular offers customers advanced technologies in simple, cost-effective ways that permit them to tap the creative potential of wireless through their own self-expression.
Currently, the interstate shipment of live butterflies requires a permit from the USDA.
Condition Ii attached to the permit required the permit holder to fit air brake silencers and hush kits.
How to request a skip permit Detials of how a skip provider can request a permit to place a skip on the highway.
Near the aqueduct site work is in progress to build a double slipway to permit trailed boats to be launched onto the canal.
Accommodation, work permit, and visas, will be assisted by administrative staff.
The library does not permit the copying of any unpublished thesis without the prior permission of the author.
Tip - Cannes Antibes and Nice beaches permit topless tanning which is why so many film stars and model girls love the French Riviera.
In principle, the European licenses permit railroad undertakings to operate the described services in any EEA state.
Only a local, small-scale forest economy would permit, for example, the timely and selective cutting of small woodlots.
At this parliament, which lasted but a few days, he again made a personal appeal to Charles, which was curtly rejected, to permit the legitimizing of Monmouth.
To each radiator should be fitted an air tap, which when opened will permit the escape of any air that has accumulated in the coil; otherwise free circulation is impossible, and the full benefit of the heat is not obtained.
At one of the meetings the father of a newly-born child explained that he could not go outside France to seek a pure baptism and that his conscience would not permit his child to be baptized according to the rites of the Romish Church.
They were probably not definite massed movements, such as would permit of the survival of distinctive lines of custom between tribe and tribe; but rather spasmodic movements, sometimes of tribes or of groups, sometimes only of families or even couples, the first caused by tribal wars, the second to escape punishment for some offence against tribal law, such as the defiance of the rules as to clan-marriages.
The trachea or windpipe is strengthened by numerous cartilaginous, often osseous, complete rings, but in the emeu several of these rings are incomplete in the medioventral line, and permit the inner lining of the trachea to bulge out into a large neck-pouch, which is used by both sexes as a resounding bag.
The adoption of automatic couplers was stimulated in some degree by laws enacted by the various states and by the United States; and the Safety Appliance Act passed by Congress in 1893 made it unlawful for railways to permit to be hauled on their lines after the ist of January 1898 any car used for interstate commerce that was not equipped with couplers which coupled automatically by impact, and which could be uncoupled without the necessity for men going in between the ends of the cars.
In its charter this institution is described as "an academy for the purpose of promoting piety and virtue, and for the education of youth in the English, Latin and Greek languages, in writing, arithmetic, music and the art of speaking, practical geometry, logic and geography, and such other of the liberal arts and sciences or languages, as opportunity may hereafter permit."
God's presence was to abide in Jerusalem, and, as the century drew near its close, " Immanuel " became the watchword and talisman of a strong faith that God would never permit Jerusalem to be captured by the Assyrians.
Their quantitative experiments were, however, too rough to permit of accurate generalization; and although Lavoisier and Laplace stated the principle that the same amount of heat must be supplied to decompose a compound as would be produced on its formation, the statement was not based on exact experiment, and only received experimental confirmation much later.
They pressed Mr. Henderson to use his influence with British Labour to attend this Conference; and he, believing the Conference to be inevitable, came to the conclusion that, provided it were merely consultative, it would be better that British representatives should go, rather than permit Russian representatives to meet German representatives alone.
Moreover, the Anatolian railway receives, under the original Bagdad railway convention (1) an annuity of £14,000 per annum for thirty years as compensation for strengthening its permanent way sufficiently to permit of the running of express trains, and (2) a second annuity of £14,000 in perpetuity to compensate it for running express trains - this to begin as soon as the main Bagdad line reaches Aleppo.
The permit is withdrawn if the clearance is not effected within three years.
At the same time he persuaded the weak king of Spain (Charles IV.) and his corrupt minister Godoy to permit a French army to pass through Spain towards Portugal; while under a secret treaty signed at Fontainebleau on the 27th of October 1807 Spanish troops were to support the French.
But the imperiousness showed itself in the more effectual form of action; in his sudden resolves, his invincible insistence, his recklessness of consequences to himself and his friends, his habitual assumption that the civilized world and all its units must agree with him, his indignant astonishment at the bare thought of dissent or resistance, his incapacity to believe that an overruling Providence would permit him to be frustrated or defeated.
Partly to counteract any tendency to buckling under compression and partly for convenience in assembling a great mass of plates, the top and bottom were made cellular, the cells being just large enough to permit passage for painting.
Hence the maximum bending moment at C for a series of travelling loads will when the average load is the same on either side of C. If one of the loads is at C, spread over a very small distance in the neighbourhood of C, then a very small displacement of the loads will permit the fulfilment of the condition.
Pyramidal and bush trees out of doors are, of course, suffered to become somewhat larger, and sufficient wood must be allowed to grow to give them the form desired; but after the first year or two, when the framework is laid out, they are permitted to extend very slowly, and never to any great extent, while the young growths are continually nipped off, so as to clothe the branches with fruit buds as closely placed as will permit of their healthy development.
The point as to whether the original conditions were or were not servile was never legally tested, for eventually on the grant of self-government to the Transvaal the Botha cabinet decided (June 1907) not to renew the indentures nor to permit any new importation of coolies.
All the generals, officers, and soldiers of the French army knew it could not be done, because the flagging spirit of the troops would not permit it.
The minimum standard of fairness does not permit a person to be punished twice for the same offense.
These are designed to permit the natural ventilation of buildings where rain penetration during extreme conditions is not detrimental.
The tags have a long life span and permit data retrieval without recapture of the animal.
This is your obligation, and may otherwise render a permit invalid.
A residence permit issued by the Home Office to a national from a European Economic Area country or Switzerland.
Site has information about residency visas, work permit, inheritance law, power of attorney, taxes in Turkey.
The Guardian said " Need to preserve pubic order does not permit the police to ride roughshod over the rights of ordinary people ".
The signee of this permit has read the rules and regulations governing this event and agrees to be bound by them.
The full-duplex speakerphone capabilities permit high-quality conferencing and hands-free operation.
The publishing journal did not permit these criticisms to appear in subsequent correspondence, claims Zaret.
If the judges consider that a mouse has a high risk of damaging or sullying the maze they will not permit it to run.
The search forms are set up to permit searches for taxon names or specimens.
Asked for lower which would permit technicians service advisors.
The intention is to permit the use of such devices without the need to hold a Wireless Telegraphy license.
High tensile wires permit a larger spacing between posts.
It will reverse the triumph of liberalism and free inquiry over entrenched authority and permit religious dogma to go unchallenged.
The primary purpose of the catheter is to permit drainage, in this case of urine from the urinary bladder.
Vagrancy Passes were issued to permit a pauper to travel across parishes, usually as part of a Removal Order.
Tina's youngest son tried his hardest to fly like a superhero, but gravity would not permit it.
Once the adoption proceedings are finalized and you've obtained a Chinese passport, exit permit, and immigrant visa for your child, you're ready to return to your home country with your new son or daughter.
Your car will have a temporary registration permit, which will be displayed on your dashboard.
They offer far more brands than All Spark Fireworks (15 total, to be exact), and they ship to Arizona, Delaware, Maryland, Nevada and New Jersey customers who possess a fireworks permit.
A business permit, tax ID., or a resale certificate are all permissible items.
The Bahamas Frozen Concoction Maker features custom setting that permit you to shave or blend ice to make your own creations.
If you need a work permit, your employer will apply for one on your behalf.
The weather may not always permit outdoor activities, so when the kids are cooped up in the house, you can try these indoor art projects to keep them occupied.
While in many other chains, the screens are getting smaller to permit a larger number of auditoriums, the Marcus Theater chain has introduced some of the largest screens short of an IMAX screen.
If they decide to purchase the full program, they are given access to additional features or gaming levels, or the program may be constructed to only permit access for a limited period of time.
If your schedule won't permit you to attend a traditional Weight Watchers meeting, becoming a Weight Watchers online member might be a good alternative.
The only way he could get a permit for that from the city was to be a production company.
The stretches are extremely fluid, permit a greater range of motion in the muscles, ligaments and joints, and increase overall flexibility of the body.
In addition, you must inspect all work done, schedule permit inspections by city building officials and show the work to your clients.
In order to qualify for exemption, resellers must obtain a state sales tax or resale number, a sales tax license or seller's permit.
If you wish to operate your business at your own home located within the city limits, you will still have to apply for a Home Occupation Permit from the Planning and Development Department of the city.
The Home Occupation Permit fee is $50.00.
Contact the issuing agency for each license or permit that has been issued to your business to request cancellation.
Parking is another aspect of driving you'll need to master before you can get your driver's permit.
Suggest alternatives that permit both educational and fitness goals to be met simultaneously.
Free trials permit you to try a product or service before buying.
If finances permit, add a can of good Irish beer, such as Guinness, or a single-serving size bottle of Bailey's Irish Cream liqueur.
There are, however, other non-IRS provided services available which permit you to create your return online.
The choices available permit individuals to show their own taste and style.
Some places of employment require a basic color uniform while others are more flexible and permit the wearing of colors or prints.
Its rapid current does not permit of extensive navigation, but timber rafts are floated down from above Innsbruck.
The tank is placed above the level of the topmost draw off, and often in a cupboard which it will warm sufficiently to permit of its being used as a linen airing closet.
Where the face of the warehouse is sufficiently close to the water to permit of the crane rope plumbing the hatches without requiring a jib of excessive radius, it is a very convenient plan to place the whole crane on the warehouse roof.
In these the central bar which connects the two end links has screw threads cut upon it,;and by means of a lever can be turned so as either to shorten the coupling and bring the vehicles together till their buffers .are firmly pressed together, or to lengthen it to permit the end link to be lifted off the hook.
The regions of this cuticle have a markedly segmental arrangement, and the definite hardened pieces (sclerites) of the exoskeleton are in close contact with one another along linear sutures, or are united by regions of the cuticle which are less chitinous and more membranous, so as to permit freedom of movement.
They refused to permit the vital problem of limitation of armaments to be side-tracked, and surprised the conference by proposing a ten-year naval holiday and a drastic scrapping of tonnage by the three chief naval Powers.
Two words I wrote to Liszt; his answer was the news that preparations were being made for the performance of the work, on the grandest scale that the limited means of Weimar would permit.
This mode has some disadvantages attending it; such sheets are difficult to handle; the crustaceous species are liable to have their surfaces rubbed; the foliaceous species become so compressed as to lose their characteristic appearance; and the spaces between the sheets caused by the thickness of the specimen permit the entrance of dust.
At Crete the brazen Talos, who would not permit them to land, was killed by the Dioscuri.
In Egypt the Israelites, as a pastoral people, sacrificed the firstlings of their flocks in the spring, and, according to tradition, it was a refusal to permit a general gathering for this purpose that caused the Exodus.
These often have the form of prisms of calcite surrounded by a cuti cular meshwork; the whole is nourished and kept alive by processes, which in Crania are branched; these perforate the shell and permit the access of the coelomic fluid throughout its substance.
The limits of space do not permit of a fuller treatment of those matters here.
The ancients generally cared but little for what we call a philosophic distribution of topics, and Tribonian seems to have merely followed the order of the Perpetual Edict which custom had already established, and from which custom would perhaps have refused to permit him to depart.
It was in this year that a petition from Cape Town merchants asking for the creation of a British colony at Natal was met by the statement that the Cape finances would not permit the establishment of a new dependency.
If we are not prepared to say that the three Persons are one thing - in which case the Father and the Holy Ghost must have been incarnate along with the Son - then, did usage permit, he says, we ought to speak of three Gods.
In 1552 the new doctrines obtained complete recognition there, the diet of Torda (1557) going so far as to permit every one to worship in his own way so long as he did not molest his neighbour.
The powers of the executive, direct and implied, are very broad and permit the exercise of much absolute authority.
The state contributes to the support of the Church, builds its churches and provides for the salaries of its clergy, and at the same time it has the right to approve or reject all ecclesiastical appointments and to permit or forbid the execution of all decrees of the Roman See relating to Venezuela.
The greatest difficulty is found where the inclination of the deposit is too great to permit the mine-cars to be brought into the working-place and yet not great enough to allow the mineral to fall or slide to a point where it can be loaded.
In deep mines the pillars may furnish the bulk of the product, and the control of the fall of the roof, so as to permit the successful extraction of the mineral, demands a well-schemed plan of operation.
Near the top and bottom of hoisting shafts the tracks are usually graded to permit the cars to be run to and from the shaft by gravity.
In coal mining the market demand varies in different seasons, and surface storage is sometimes necessary to permit regular work at the mines.
As much ventilation as the state of the weather will permit should be given.
The oximes permit the reverse change, i.e.
These reactions permit the transformation of an aldose into a ketose; the reverse change can only be brought about by reducing the ketose to an alcohol, and oxidizing this compound to an aldehyde.
Bergne reported on the 27th of July 1907 to Sir Edward Grey that " The permanent session had met in special session on the 25th of July, to consider the suggestion of His Britannic Majesty's government to the effect that, if Great Britain could be relieved from the obligation to enforce the penal provisions of the convention, they would be prepared not to give notice on the 1st of September next of their intention to withdraw on the 1st of September 1908 a notice which they would otherwise feel bound to give at the appointed time "; and he added that " At this meeting, a very general desire was expressed that, in these circumstances, arrangements should, if possible, be made which would permit Great Britain to remain a party to the Sugar Convention."
Great Britain, instead of agreeing to prohibit the importation of bounty-fed sugar, was allowed to permit it under certain limits.
The mixture of ore and charcoal is put into the crucible around the pipe, the crucible closed by a luted-on lid, and placed in a furnace constructed so as to permit of the lower end of the pipe projecting into the ash-pit.
In 1276 the Pisans were compelled to agree to very grievous terms - to exempt Florentine merchandise from all harbour dues, to yield certain strongholds to Lucca, and to permit the return of Count Ugolino, whose houses they had burnt, and whose lands they had confiscated.
They connect all the important cities, towns and ports, but cover only a small part of the republic. The cost of erecting and maintaining telegraph lines in the sierra and montana regions is too great to permit their extensive use, and the government is seeking to substitute wireless telegraphy.
That some definite political changes ensued in this age have been inferred on other grounds, and the identification of the Purasati with the Philistines may permit the assumption that the latter succeeded in occupying the district with which they have always been associated.
But he did not permit his political enterprise to stay his military preparations; and, by constant attention to the minutest details, by June 1 he had got together an army of 360,000 for the defence of France, one half f of which was available for field service.
It was therefore put off first of all until 9 A.M., and later until 11.30, to permit the sodden ground to dry sufficiently for the mounted arms to manoeuvre freely and give time to the French army to close up. During the night the emperor had received a report from Marshal Grouchy, dated Gembloux, 10 P.M., 17th, which stated that the Prussians were retiring in two columns towards Wavre and Perwez.
The Company promised to permit the patroons to engage in the fur trade, whenever it had no commissary of its own, subject to a tax of one guilder (40 cents) on each skin, and to engage in other trade along the coast from Newfoundland to Florida subject to a tax of 5% on goods shipped to Europe.
When, in 1770, all the duties except those on tea were repealed, the conservative merchants wished to permit the importation of all goods from England except tea.
The new compact was indicated in Mr Balfour's letter, in which he declared that "fiscal reform is, and must remain, the first constructive work of the Unionist party; its objects are to secure more equal terms of competition for British trade and closer commercial union with the colonies; and while it is at present unnecessary to prescribe the exact methods by which these objects are to be attained, and inexpedient to permit differences of opinion as to these methods to divide the party, though other means are possible, the establishment of a moderate general tariff on manufactured goods, not imposed for the purpose of raising prices, or giving artificial protection against legitimate competition, and the imposition of a small duty on foreign corn, are not in principle objectionable, and should be adopted if shown to be necessary for the attainment of the ends in view or for purposes of revenue."
Dickinson, but the storming parties were too close to permit of the sheds being blown up, and an attempt to blow up the destroyers was beaten back.
Personally a devout Catholic and opposed in principle to the spread of sectarianism in Poland, Sigismund was nevertheless too wise and just to permit the persecution of non-Catholics;' and in Lithuania, where a fanatical Catholic minority of magnates dominated the senate, he resolutely upheld the rights of his Orthodox subjects.
Stand-pipes should be placed at intervals beside the walks and in other convenient places, from which water may at all times be drawn; and to which a garden hose can be attached, so as to permit of the whole garden being readily watered.
Except where space does not permit a span-roofed building to be introduced, a lean-to is not to be recommended; but a house of this class may often be greatly improved by adopting a half-span or hipped roof - that is, one with a short slope behind and a longer in front.
The trees should be planted inside and trained up towards the ridge on a trellis about a foot from the glass, the walls being arched to permit the egress of the roots.
It should also be sufficiently commodious to permit of the fruit being arranged in single layers on the shelves or trays.
Of those that are liable to suffer injury in winter, as the Brompton and Queen Stocks, a portion should be potted and wintered in cold frames ventilated as freely as the weather will permit.
In the forcing-houses, where the crops are past, part of the sashes may be removed, so as to permit thorough ventilation.
Plough all empty ground if practicable, and, whenever time will permit, do trenching and subsoiling.
The grand pensionary was nominally the paid servant of the States of Holland, but his functions were such as to permit a man of talent and industry in the stadholderless republic to exercise control in all departments of policy and of government.
This mould must obviously be made in scores of little separate sections (false cores or drawbacks) to permit of their removal from the model without causing fracture of the sand.
Even in Upper Egypt a few decades ago, there was a tomb of the Mahommedan sheikh Heridi, who - it is alleged - was transformed into a serpent; in cases of sickness a spotless virgin entered the cave and the serpentoccupant might permit itself to be taken in procession to the patient.
This has been reduced as rapidly as the bonds permit, and on the 30th of June 1910 the debt was only $140,000.
Our sources will not permit the precise determination of the order or the nature of these appearances, but in any case from them arose the faith which was the basis of the Christian Church and the startingpoint of its theology.
The limits of this article do not permit us to state and criticize the many elaborate theories that have been proposed respecting the origin of the poem.
The general results of the decline of the marriage-rate and the postponement of marriage upon the natural growth of population will be discussed in connection with the birth-rate, though the statistics available do not permit of the accurate measurement of the respective influence of these factors, and there are others, too, which have to be taken into consideration, as will appear below.
The vintage on the Rhine is, in order to permit the grapes to acquire the " over-ripeness " necessary to the peculiar character of the wines, generally very late, rarely taking place before the end of October.
California was applying for admission to the Union as a state under a constitution which did not permit slavery.
So far, then, as the mere taking of bribes is concerned, he would permit no defence, and his own confession and judgment on his action contain as severe a condemnation as has ever been passed upon him.
They involve high cost in fuel and labour, but permit the utilization of the waste gases.
Shaft calcining furnaces are available for fine ores and permit the recovery of the sulphur.
The M`Dougall-Herreshoff, working on ores of over 30% of sulphur, requires no fuel; but in furnaces of the reverberatory type fuel must be used, as an excess of air enters through the slotted sides and the hinged doors which open and shut frequently to permit of the passage of the rakes.
A conversion fund was also created, and, although the government afterwards authorized two more large issues, the beneficial effects of this law were so pronounced that the customs regulations were modified in 1907 to permit the payment of import duties in paper.
It is important for telescope objectives, since their apertures are so small as to permit higher orders to be neglected.
In England the cluster-pine has been largely planted on sandy districts near the sea, and has become naturalized in Purbeck and other wild tracts in the southern counties, but the summer heat is too small to permit of its resinous products acquiring any value; the soft coarse wood, though perishable in the natural state, has been used for railway sleepers after saturation with creosote or preservative solutions.
Cultch is placed upon them every year, and gathering of oysters upon them is allowed only at intervals of two or more years, when the authority thinks they are sufficiently stocked to permit of it.
In his words it was intended "to insure a more natural union between intellectual and manual labour than now exists; to combine the thinker and the worker, as far as possible, in the same individual; to guarantee the highest mental freedom by providing all with labour adapted to their tastes and talents, and securing to them the fruits of their industry; to do away with the necessity of menial services by opening the benefits of education and the profits of labour to all; and thus to prepare a society of liberal, intelligent and cultivated persons whose relations with each other would permit a more simple and wholesome life than can be led amidst the pressure of our competitive institutions."
The economic situation had in the meantime considerably altered, and the Transvaal was able to bring pressure upon Portugal to permit the recruiting of many thousands more Kaffirs from Mozambique province.
He will permit no anticipations of nature, no a priori construction of experience.
Nonsense. You're a lovely girl, and I won't permit you to put yourself down at my table.
If you will permit one more intrusion, we will go and retrieve both the madman and the Ancient.
But wouldn't a fireplace and central heat be nice - and windows that would permit the light to brighten a room without seeping cold air - a place like Josh's?
We are committed to that end and are pleased that the Adapted Treaty will permit accession by new States Parties.
The Warwick Framework container architecture was developed to permit the aggregation of different metadata types [16] .
At higher oscillation amplitudes, the test probe actually bounces on the surface to permit the investigation of impact phenomena.
An amusement permit applied where there was a mixture of amusement permit applied where there was a mixture of amusement and gaming machines or purely gaming machines.
Remember that genuine antiques must have an export permit from the Director General of Museums in Kuala Lumpur.
We will permit only authorized employees, who are trained in the proper handling of personal data, to access your personal information.
The permit is a license to hunt and does not guarantee the availability of a parking space.
The front flap folds down to permit toner cartridges etc to be added or to remove paper jams.
For certain nationalities entry clearance is required in addition to a work permit.
This expedition has clearance from the Chinese authorities to climb the North col without the need for a highly expensive Everest permit.
He did not permit the people to ratify the covenant at once.
In nuisance, if negligence were not involved, compliance with terms of a permit would be relevant but not determinative.
To do so an EEA permit is required, which the Norwegian directorate of Immigration (UDI) issue.
We welcome the Committee's clear view that nothing in the draft Bill would permit euthanasia.
But does the fact that the 1990 Act does not permit any exceptions breach Natallie's Article 8 rights?
The trade union bureaucrats can permit themselves such boastful formulas only because they are not immediately threatened by fascism, or by Communism.
He has hake and bream, and hopes to get the permit to farm turbot, too.
How do I obtain a permit to erect hoardings?
The bus permit entitles holders to free travel at any time of the week.
During the controlled times you must not park in permit holders ' bays without a permit.
A special permit extension is required for fishing this place and barbless hooks and catch and release are obligatory.
However, the Inquiry is concerned that current categorisations used in the SSCSS survey do not permit clear inferences to be drawn.
The Act can specifically permit the infliction of pain, which allows researchers to experiment on conscious animals without any anesthetic at any stage.
Many of them leave us with almost insuperable restrictions on methods, seasons, or permit availability.
Keith m (for,fish,toffee,can't) Rob, Don't you need a permit to fish it?
Since the Republic of Turkey does not allow linguists to conduct field research on the language, MacKenzie was denied a research permit.
The License does not permit the reproduction of os maps for consultancy or commercial purposes, or the scanning of paper OS maps.
The capsules, or bioreactors, permit the release of recombinant proteins that may assert their effects in the tumor microenvironment.
Obtaining a work permit is more straightforward where the job is listed as a " shortage occupation " .
It can be separated from the upper body very easily to permit cleaning of the internal optics.
To permit the steady execution of a normal programme of shipbuilding, the Italian Chamber, in May 1901, adopted a resolution limiting naval expenditure, inclusive of naval pensions and of premiums on mercantile shipbuilding, to the sum of 4,840,000 for the following six years, i.e.
Athens must never permit, if she could help it, the re-establishment of such a domination as Sparta exercised in Greece from the battle of Aegospotami to the battle of Leuctra.
Of these formulae '(chosen because illustrated by Greek heroic legends) - (I) is a sanction of barbarous nuptial etiquette; (2) is an obvious ordinary incident; (3) is moral, and both (3) and (1) may pair off with all the myths of the origin of death from the infringement of a taboo or sacred command; (4) would naturally occur wherever, as on the West Coast of Africa, human victims have been offered to sharks or other beasts; (5) the story of flight from a horrible crime, occurs in some stellar myths, and is an easy and natural invention; (6) flight from wizard father or husband, is found in Bushman and Namaqua myth, where the husband is an elephant; (7) success of youngest brother, may have been an explanation and sanction of " tungsten-recht " - Maui in New Zealand is an example, and Herodotus found the story among the Scythians; (8) the bride given to successful adventurer, is consonant with heroic manners as late as Homer; (9) is no less consonant with the belief that beasts have human sentiments and supernatural powers; (to) the " strong man," is found among Eskimo and Zulus, and was an obvious invention when strength was the most admired of qualities; (II) the baffled ogre, is found among Basques and Irish, and turns on a form of punning which inspires an " ananzi " story in West Africa; (12) descent into Hades, is the natural result of the savage conception of Hades, and the tale is told of actual living people in the Solomon Islands and in New Caledonia; Eskimo Angekoks can and do descend into Hades - it is the prerogative of the necromantic magician; (13) " the false bride," found among the Zulus, does not permit of such easy explanation - naturally, in Zululand, the false bride is an animal; (14) the bride accused of bearing be 1st-children, has already been disposed of; the belief is inevitable where no distinction worth mentioning is taken between men and animals.
The college authorities would not permit Miss Sullivan to read the examination papers to me; so Mr. Eugene C. Vining, one of the instructors at the Perkins Institution for the Blind, was employed to copy the papers for me in braille.
In some states, you can own an exotic pet with a permit, while other states have no permit requirements.
After purchasing a propane tank and prior to installation, a gas company representative typically assists the homeowner in making sure that all distance and permit requirements have been met.
In fact, nuzzle them a bit if they'll permit it.
You specifically permit the insurance company to obtain your medical information.
Keep in mind whatever system you use, you'll more than likely have to get a permit.
Always check local building codes before installing a solar panel system, as you will likely need a building permit.
All of the Lower Peninsula Michigan resorts, like most North American ski areas, now permit snowboarding.
If finances permit, treat yourself to a massage from a licensed therapist.
Along with an online course, it offers a workbook, CD ROM, or textbook, which fulfills many state requirements to obtain a learner's permit and/or a drivers' license.
Getting a teenager work permit is a rite of passage for most adolescents.
Since most states have laws prohibiting teenagers from working certain jobs or certain hours, it is important to know if you will need a work permit.
Most schools will let you have one if you just go up to the front office and ask for a blank work permit.
Though, it is better to already be hired for the job you want to do before you go in to get your work permit, because it will be easier to obtain the permit if your school counselor knows what type of job you will be doing.
If you are trying to get any jobs like the ones listed above before you are eighteen, you will not be able to get a work permit for them and will not be hired by the company.
Make sure you are not late to work, especially when you first start your job, and make sure that you have your work permit ready in case your employer needs it for legal reasons.
A learning permit allows you to drive with a parent or older adult in the car and can give you valuable insight into how to handle spur of the moment situations where a driver cuts in front of you or you hydroplane on water.
However, with a work permit some fifteen year olds can get the same jobs as a sixteen year old, though the hours probably will not be as long.
Cooler, lightweight fabrics will be more comfortable and will permit more air to circulate between layers to keep the bride cool.
Many churches do not permit strapless designs without a more modest cover or wrap.
The Sand Key Park area of Clearwater Beach requires a Pinellas County Special Events Permit.
Some towns just require a permit or two in order to be married at the ocean, and you will be spared the shocking fees charged by other wedding ceremony and reception sites that other couples choose.
Find out as far ahead of your wedding date as possible if you need to obtain a permit or pay a fee because you do not want something like the lack of a simple permit stopping you from going through with your ceremony as planned.
In Maui, you will need a beach permit to marry on the beach.
Paying a small permit fee will allow you to marry hassle free on the beach.
Keep in mind the beach permit is not the wedding certificate.
There are also programs that do not provide you with a degree, but that do permit you to get a certificate of completion.
Most cruise lines will permit children to sail as young as eighteen months or just one year old, though policies vary.
For those parks that do still permit dogs, strict leash laws hamper their outdoor activities.
While most stores may not permit pets, many will look the other way when your pet is well contained in it's carrier where it can't cause any harm.
Sometimes the house can get a definite "doggy" smell, especially when weather doesn't permit opening the windows for fresh air.
Find out if you have to have a permit to bring your dog.
In light dry soils early autumn sowing is recommended, sufficiently early to permit the young plants to attain some size before the setting-in of winter.
Before starting the construction or even choosing the plans for your backyard deck, visit your local building inspector's office and check to see if a building permit and/or inspection is required.
Get a building permit - Most local building ordinances require that you purchase a building permit and post it in a noticeable location, like front window.
If you don't get a permit, you may find yourself facing a hefty fine.
You may need a permit to build, or a permit might be conditional based on size, in which case a small shed may be free of permit regulations that require the submission of a formal building plan.
A permit may be required to build any shed, or may only be necessary for larger structures.
If you do need a permit, it may entail submitting a building plan, which is more work and expense than if you didn't have to take this extra step.
Electrical upgrades may require a permit, and failing to get one could create problems when you go to sell your home.
Before you start breaking ground on your new sunroom, check with your local zoning commission to see if you need a permit for the job.
If you're having an existing room transformed into a sunroom, you may not a building permit, but check to be sure because odds are you will.
Thus, he gained the move-making permit he needed, and the rest, as they say, is history.
Many parks do not permit loose articles on the platforms of the fastest coasters.
It should be noted, however, that most parks do not permit ride photography or filming on roller coasters without proper authorization, and LoveToKnow Theme Parks does not sanction or encourage any unauthorized filming.
Many parks will not permit video taping on rides without proper authorization.
Kings Island does not permit outside food or coolers, except for baby food and food required to accommodate medical conditions, such as allergies.
Keep in mind that there are some states that don't permit shipping wine across state borders.
Rumor has it that they got their permit for picnic grounds when Napa County was more lenient towards wineries having them.
The state of Washington requires all campers to purchase a Natural Investment Permit before launching watercraft or dumping from a trailer.
If you plan to stay overnight in the basin, you must make reservations and obtain a camping permit for the backcountry.
Often, national parks require a permit for backpacking so this is something you must check into ahead of time.
Permits may need to be secured in advance so check out the permit information from the park you plan to visit and make sure you make your reservations in advance if needed.
Drugs and doses should be adjusted based on observation of healing rate, switching patients from high to low doses and from narcotic analgesics to non-narcotics when circumstances permit.
Genes make proteins, which are the ultimate workhorses of the cells, responsible for the many processes that permit humans to breathe, think, and move, among other functions.
Parents should list the people by name whom they permit their children to visit.
The normal process of single ovulation is interrupted because fertility drugs permit more than one egg at a time to mature and be released.
A water-soluble gel is placed on the underside of the transducer to permit the conduction of fetal heart sounds.
Amniotomy-Rupturing or breaking the amniotic sac (bag of waters) to permit the release of fluid.
A reasonable goal is to permit it in the bedroom and bathroom only.
Therefore, the RBC indices permit the physician to narrow down the possible causes of an anemia.
Be certain that the door knob cover is sturdy enough so that it does not break but will still permit a door to be opened quickly by an adult in the case of an emergency.
Signing the informed consent form indicates that the parents permit a treatment to be administered to their child.
Before committing to a wild style with funky hair color, however, be sure to check your school's dress code guidelines - many schools don't permit unusual cuts or colors that may be distracting in class.
Colorizing the hair tips to match the gown (note that some schools may not permit unnatural hair colors such as pink or purple to be worn to a school function).
It goes without saying that fashion and beauty are tightly linked, and if there is one aspect of hygiene the beauty industry will never permit it is an excess of unwanted hair.
After finding a job, you will need to either get a visa or work permit.
To apply for a visa or work permit while in the United States contact the United States Department of State's Embassy of Kenya.
If you're interested in working in Greece, the first thing you'll need to do is find out what's involved in getting a permit to live and work in the country.
You can also do an Internet search for countries that particularly interest you entering a country name an the phrase "work permit" or "work visa" in a search engine.
If you're interested in working in Norway, the first thing you'll need to do is find out what is involved in getting a Work Permit that allows you to work in the country.
If you're interested in working overseas you need to start by researching what's involved in getting a permit to work in the countries that you would like to live in.
Do an Internet search looking for the names of countries that interest you along with "work permit" or "work visa".
You'll also want to visit the Kenya High Commission website, where you can learn the details about getting a work permit for employment in the country.
European Union citizens are not required to have a permit to live in the country for up to three months while searching for a job.
You have to return to your own country daily while using this permit though.
Only under this permit will self-employment be allowed.
If you're from a country that is a member of the European Union, Switzerland, or Liechtenstein, you don't have to get a permit to work in Germany.
Getting a work permit takes a long time, so don't expect to move there and find work on a whim.
The good part about getting a job in Germany as a student is that you don't have to worry with the workers' permit (according to Just Landed).
Instead, you can stay for up to ninety days, working and going to school without the hassle of applying for the permit.
Finding jobs in Sweden can be challenging for individuals hoping to move there from another country, but it is certainly not impossible if you know where to look and are able to get a work permit.
If you have been offered a position expected to keep you in Sweden for longer than three months, you will also need a residence permit.
If you're going to Sweden on an assignment of less than three months in duration, your entry visa and your work permit will be sufficient.
Getting a Swedish work permit is not an easy matter.
If you wish to apply for a first-time Swedish work permit, you should do so at the Swedish embassy in your home country.
If you meet the following requirements, you may be eligible for work permit.
If you're planning to go to work in Finland, you'll need to obtain a residence permit for an employed person unless you are a resident of one of the European Union nations.
If you visit the country with a visa, you'll be required to obtain a residence permit before you can accept paid employment in the country.
Unfortunately, the fact that you apply for a work permit does not guarantee that one will be granted.
Depending on the nature of the job you have been offered, you may be awarded a temporary work permit, or a residence permit that allows for continuous employment in the country.
You'll need a visa, a worker's permit, and a glimpse into life in Turkey before you move over and get settled.
If you plan to stay more than three months, you'll need to apply for a resident's permit.
In addition to that, to work in Turkey, you'll need a worker's permit.
To achieve a worker's permit, you'll have to have a job offer first.
Status as a United States citizen or legal work permit is required for unemployment insurance.
If you have a number starting with the number nine, you also need your work permit and immigration status available.
If you have a permanent resident status or a temporary (or permanent) work permit, you are eligible to apply for most jobs.
After approval of your application, most states permit you to continue getting unemployment for 26 weeks, although you may be able to collect under the extended benefits plan for an additional 13 weeks.
While the installation of these types of ovens can be tedious, their exteriors stay cleaner than countertop styles and permit cooks to access them at eye-level rather than bending over a counter.
Establish a regular "game night" weekly, monthly, or otherwise as frequently as schedules permit.
If the setting and weather permit, a coconut bra may be appropriate.
Some careers, such as medical professionals or teachers, will not permit any drinking; instead, choose sparkling juices for a celebratory toast.
Scalloped settings are somewhat unusual, but they do permit couples to find a detailed, textured design with distinctive elegance without additional gemstones.
Silver is a practical metal for highly detailed rings because it is more easily malleable than white gold or platinum, which can permit more delicate designs.
The UK government requires all overseas workers who move to the UK for jobs to obtain a passport and a visa and sometimes a work permit.
Some riders permit the insured to draw money to cover long term care expenses even after the death benefit amount is depleted.
And, perhaps most important of all, make sure that the rental company you choose has a license, insurance and a government permit to operate their business.
The president had made up his mind that the sentence must be carried out; the congress by a great majority were resolved not to permit the death penalty to be inflicted.
In Plotus, the snakebird, the pyloric chamber of the stomach is beset with a mass of hair-like stiff filaments which permit nothing but fluid to pass into the duodenum.
If your schedule won't permit attending a live support group or you feel uncomfortable with the idea of sharing your thoughts with strangers, you may prefer to express yourself in an online community.
Goggles let swimmers explore underwater and when paired with a snorkel, permit explorations that can last for hours.
The youngest servant of the Company claimed the right of trading on his own account, free from taxation and from local jurisdiction, not only for himself but also for every native subordinate whom he might permit to use his name.
If the clearance is effected without the necessary permit, the land is nevertheless granted on application, and on the payment of the tapu or sum paid by the proprietor to the state for the value of the land.
At the new Victoria station (London) of the London, Brighton & South Coast railway - which is so long that two trains can stand end to end at the platforms - this system is extended so as to permit a train to start out from the inner end of a platform even though another train is occupying the outer end.
The conditions permit of the circulation of the alternating currents of low periodicity, which are used for operating the bells, but in respect of the battery the circuit is open until the subscriber lifts the receiver, when the hook switch, thus released, joins the transmitter with one winding of an induction coil in series across the circuit.
But I think, again, This is no reason why I should do as they do, or permit others to suffer much greater pain of a different kind.
The principle was patented, but the company owning the patent undertook to permit its free use by railway companies which were members of the Master Car Builders' Association, and thus threw open the underlying principle to competition.
As yet our authorities do not permit us to follow them to Egypt with any certainty, but the Psalms of Solomon express the mind of one who survived to see Pompey the Great brought low.
A favourite form of tolerance was to grant a permit to the Jews to remain in the state for a limited term of years; their continuance beyond the specified time was illegal and they were therefore subject to sudden banishment.
This process can therefore only be looked on as a secondary one that hastens and perfects the destruction necessary to permit of the accompanying histogenesis.
The outward set of teeth drill the hole large enough to permit the drilling apparatus to descend freely, and the teeth set inwardly pare down the core to such a diameter as will admit of the body of the cutter passing over it without seizing.
The American government asked the Spanish authorities of East Florida to permit an American occupation of the country in order that it might not be seized by Great Britain and made a base of military operations.
The rail-failures mentioned above also drew renewed attention to the importance of the thermal treatment of the steel from the time of melting to the last passage through the rolling mill and to the necessity of the finishing temperature being sufficiently low if the product is to be fine grained, homogeneous and tough; and to permit of this requirement being met there was a tendency to increase the thickness of the metal in the web and flanges of the rails.
In Great Britain the mineral trucks can ordinarily hold from 8 to io tons (long tons, 2240 lb), and the goods trucks rather less, though there are wagons in use holding 12 or 15 tons, and the specifications agreed to by the railway companies associated in the Railway Clearing House permit private wagon owners (who own about 45% of the wagon stock run on the railways of the United Kingdom) to build also wagons holding 20, 30, 40 and 56 tons.
In 1920 he vetoed a bill calling for censorship of moving pictures and likewise a bill to permit the sale of " 2.7 5 per cent " beer.
In order to permit a comparison of crystal forms, from which we hope to gain an insight into the prevailing molecular conditions, it is necessary that some unit of crystal dimensions must be chosen.
Any one can obtain a gratuitous permit to clear and cultivate such lands; the laws governing ordinary agricultural lands then apply to them.
As far as the difference in language will permit, there is cordial fellowship and co-operation with the Presbyterian Church of England.
The mines, however, are situated too far from the coast to permit of serious competition with Newcastle in an export trade, and the output is practically restricted to supplying local requirements.
The third type is the intermediate one between those two, followed by the Metropolitan and Metropolitan District railways, in London, where the railway has an arched roof, built usually at a sufficient distance below the surface of the street to permit the other subsurface structures to lie in the ground above the crown of the arch, and where the station platforms are from 20 to 30 ft.
Bartole, the official biographer of Ignatius, says that he would not permit any innovation in the studies; and that, were he to live five hundred years, he would always repeat "no novelties" in theology, in philosophy or in logic - not even in grammar.
The cultivators, on the other hand, may not plant tobacco without permits from the regie, although the power of refusing a permit, except to known smugglers or persons of notoriously bad conduct, seems to be doubtful; nor may they sell to any purchaser, unless for export, except to the regie, while they are bound to deposit the whole of the tobacco crops which they raise in any one year in the entrepots of the regie before the month of August of the year following, [[Table A]].-Showing Revenues ceded to Ottoman Public Debt Administration at Various Periods to 1907-1908.
Wherever they came from, there is abundant evidence that their first occupation of the Australian continent must have been at a time so remote as to permit of no traditions.
The advantage claimed for roofs formed with one or two large spans is that they permit the platforms and tracks to be readily rearranged at any time as required, whereas this is difficult with the other type, especially since the British Board of Trade requires the pillars to be not less than 6 ft.
It became clear that neither the influence of the regular clergy, of which the Society of Jesus is the most powerful embodiment, nor that of foreign clerical parties, which largely control the Peters Pence fund, would ever permit renunciation of the papal claim to temporal power.
For a moment Baratieri thought of retreat, especially as the hope of creating a diversion from Zaila towards Harrar had failed in consequence of the British refusal to permit the landing of an Italian force without the consent of France.