Perlite Sentence Examples
The amount of water adsorbed on the surface of Perlite is a function of particle size.
Water retention by horticultural perlite is not an indiscriminate action.
These globular bodies are, in fact, merely the more coherent portions of a perlite; the rest of the rock falls down in a fine powder setting free the glassy spheres.
Make a propagating compost from three parts sphagnum moss peat to one part perlite, sieved bark or acid sand.
The first dish uses just water, but they are difficult to keep upright so I now use perlite soaked with water.
Most experienced gardeners prefer to use a non-soil mixture of perlite, peat moss and vermiculite.
In this form of garden growing, a nutrient rich solution is used to feed the plants all the nutrients it needs while the roots are in a material such as gravel or perlite, or the roots directly placed in the water solution.
Growing medium - This is what the plants are grown in, usually consisting of pebbles, perlite, expanded clay pellets, rockwool or lava rocks.