Pericardium Sentence Examples
The typical pericardium is well developed.
A, Pericardium opened dorsally a, Ventricle of the heart.
The heart lying within the adjacent pericardium has the usual form, a single auricle and ventricle.
The heart is enclosed in the pericardium, and consists of a median elongated ventricle and a pair of lateral auricles, so that the structure somewhat resembles that in the Lamellibranchiata.
In Unionidae and several other forms the pericardial glands are extended into diverti cula of the pericardium which penetrate the mantle and constitute the organ of Heber.
The glands secrete hippuric acid which passes from the pericardium into the renal organs.
The excretory organs are coelomoducts with an internal ciliated opening into the pericardium and an opening to the exterior.
The gonad is transversely wrinkled and lies between the aorta and the intestine, extending from the pericardium to the anterior end of the body.
The pericardium is ciliated internally on its dorsal and lateral walls.
It contains a closed vesicle regarded by Schepotieff as a right probosciscavity and in any case representing the pericardium of Balangolossus, the glomerulus of which is also probably represented.
AdvertisementWhen the pericardium is cut open from above in an animal otherwise entire, the anterior face of the kidney is seen forming the posterior wall of the pericardial chamber; on the deep edge of this face, a little to the left of the attachment of the auricle to the floor of the pericardium, is seen a depression; this depression contains the opening from the pericardium into the kidney.
The gonads are paired and hermaphrodite, they form a pair of anterior prolongations of the pericardium, extending nearly to the anterior end of the body.
The chief difference is that the gonad or generative portion of the coelom is single and median, opening into the pericardium by a single posterior aperture.
Subsequent connected by nerve investigations carried on under the directo the streptoneur tion of the same naturalist have shown ous visceral loop. that the larger as well as the smaller renal sac is in communication with the pericardium.
Narrow process of the same running below the intestine and leading by k into the pericardium.
AdvertisementHe shows no inconsiderable knowledge of anatomy in his remarkable description of inflammation and abscess of the mediastinum in his own person, and its diagnosis from common pleuritis as well as from abscess and dropsy of the pericardium.
When young it is found in the intestine, but becomes mature in "Keber's organ" and the pericardium.
Each opens by its internal extremity into the pericardium.
Each nephridium in the oyster is a pyriform sac, which communicates by a narrow canal with the urino-genital groove placed to the front of the great adductor muscle; by a second narrow canal it communicates with the pericardium.
They are essentially aquatic animals, and the h, Heart, in the pericardium.
AdvertisementThe gonads originate by proliferation of the anterior wall of the pericardium.
In Anodon and the majority of lamellibranchs the ventricle surrounds the intestine; in the oyster the two are quite independent, the intestine passing above the pericardium.
Dr. Hanley had closed Fahad's ventricular septal defect with a patch of the pericardium.
Cardiac involvement occurs frequently in HIV/AIDS patients and it seems likely that the myocardium, pericardium and/or endocardium are involved.
The heart is in a sack called the pericardium, which he cut through to access the organ.
AdvertisementUse of bovine pericardium allows production of valves and pericardial patches on a large scale with availability in all the necessary sizes.
In the midline is the central tendon, the fibrous pericardium attaches to the superior aspect of this tendon.
Internally this glandular sac presents a second slit or aperture which leads into the pericardium (as is now found to be the case in all Mollusca).
The blood, which is a non-corpuscular fluid, is propelled forwards by the contractile dorsal vessel and collected into the central bloodsinus; this lies over the stomochord, and is surrounded on three sides by a closed vesicle, with contractile walls, called the pericardium (Herzblase).
A good case for the examination of the question as to whether blood enters the pericardium of Lamellibranchs, or escapes from the foot, or by the renal organs when the animal suddenly contracts, is furnished by the Ceratisolen legumen, which has red blood-corpuscles.
The pericardium never contains blood, as is well shown in those forms wl.ich have red corpuscles in their blood; these corpuscles are never found in the pericardium.
The case study does not report any contraindications using VAC therapy when treating the dehisced sternal wound where heart and pericardium were exposed.
A serosa is a serous (fluid-producing) membrane that can be found inside the abdominal cavity (peritoneum), around the lungs (pleura), around the heart (pericardium), and inside the joints (synovium).
Pericarditis-Inflammation of the pericardium, the sac that surrounds the heart and the roots of the great blood vessels.
The secondary closure may involve sewing a synthetic patch made of Dacron material over the opening, or wrapping the patient's own tissue (often from the fluid-filled sac around the heart called the pericardium) to close the opening.
Pancarditis is an inflammation that affects all aspects of the heart, including the lining of the heart (endocardium), the sac containing the heart (pericardium), and the heart muscle itself (myocardium).
A ventral vessel occurs on the anterior side of the metasome and forms a loop extending down the entire length of the stalk, while a " heart " projects into the cavity of the pericardium, probably connected on the ventral side of the notochord with the ventral vessel, and on its dorsal side with the dorsal vessel.
The whole ventral surface of the pericardium is exposed when the sternum is removed.
Close to this the small renal organ (i, mediad) and the larger renal organ (k, to the right and posteriorly) are seen, also the pericardium (1) and a coil of the intestine (int) embedded in the compact liver.
The existence of two renal organs in Patella, and their relation to the pericardium (a portion of the coelom), is important.
Pericardium indicated by a dotted outline - at its right side are seen the two renopericardial pores.
Heart has only a single auricle, neither heart nor pericardium traversed by rectum.
The heart c lying in the pericardium is seen in close proximity to the renal organ, and consists of a single auricle receiving blood from the gill, and of a single ventricle which pumps it through the body by an anterior and posterior aorta.
Its superficial extent is seen when the folds covering the shell are cut away and the shell removed; the external surface forms a triangle with its base bordering the pericardium, and its apex directed posteriorly and reaching to the lefthand posterior corner of the shell-chamber.
As so great a part of the whole surface of the kidney lies adjacent to external surfaces of the body, the remaining part which faces the internal organs is small; it consists of the left part of the under surface; it is level with the floor of the pericardium, and lies over the globular mass formed by the liver and convoluted intestine.
The typical character is retained by the heart, pericardium, and the communicating nephridium or renal organ in all Opisthobranchs.
In both animals the wall of the pericardial sinus is connected by vertical muscular bands to the wall of the ventral venous sinus (its lateral expansions around the lung-books in Scorpio) in each somite through which the pericardium passes.
Whether the pericardium and the ventral sinus are made to expand simultaneously or all the movement is made by one only of the surfaces concerned, must depend on conditions of tension.
In any case it is clear that we have in these muscles an apparatus'for causing the blood to flow differentially in increased volume into either the pericardium, through the veins leading from the respiratory organs, or from the body generally into the great sinuses which bring the blood to the respiratory organs.
Pore leading from the pericardium into the glandular sac of the left nephridium.
The rectum traverses the pericardium, and has the ventricle of the heart wrapped, as it were, around it.
C, Ideal pericardium and neph- i, Pore leading from the glandu ridium viewed laterally.
The heart is not contained in the pericardium, lies dorsad of the rectum and gives off a single aorta anteriorly.
The heart lies in the pericardium and gives off two aortae.
There is usually one pair of coelomic ducts leading from the pericardium to the exterior, and these are the excretory organs or kidneys, formerly known as the organs of Bojanus.
The walls of the pericardium are also excretory in parts, these parts forming the pericardial glands.
The heart is situated in the pericardium on the dorsal side of the intestine and at the posterior end of the animal.
The last is between the pericardium and the foot; from it the blood passes through the renal organs to the ctenidia.
The Prorhipidoglossomorpha are distinguished by the separation of the genital coelom from the pericardium, and by the long visceral commissure passing ventral to the intestine.
As in other molluscs the coelom is represented by a large pericardial cavity, situated above the intestine posteriorly, and a generative sac which is single and median and situated in front of the pericardium, except in the Nuttalochiton hyadesi, where the gonads are in a similar position, but are paired.
There is a heart in the pericardium consisting of a median ventricle attached, except in Neomenia, to the dorsal wall of the pericardium, and in Neomenia a pair of auricular ducts returning blood from the gills to the ventricle.
The pericardium being absent, there are no reno-pericardial apertures.
Peripatus is an Arthropod, as shown by (1) the presence of appendages modified as jaws; (2) the presence of paired lateral ostia perforating the wall of heart and putting its cavity in communication with the pericardium; (3) the presence of a vascular body cavity and pericardium (haemocoelic body cavity); (4) absence of a Derivisceral section of the coelom.
The batrachians they are confined to the vomers pericardium and palatines or to the vomers alone (37).