Performance Sentence Examples
A performance of one of the plays is given annually.
I repeated this performance several times.
That was assault of a peace officer in the performance of his duty.
They applauded all his tricks and at the end of the performance begged him earnestly not to go away again and leave them.
Your performance on the couch makes me think you're not above taking what you want, either, she reminded him.
To get better acquainted she asked that one of the young ladies should come into her box for the rest of the performance, and Natasha moved over to it.
During the Russo-Japanese War he served in the Red Cross and in the Municipal Union for the organization of hospitals; he was left to take care of the Russian wounded after the battle of Moukden, and showed much dignity and efficiency in the performance of his arduous duties.
His early years were spent in the performance of such labour as fell to the lot of every farmer's son in the new states, and in the acquisition of such education as could be had in the district schools held for a few weeks each winter.
The community we are studying must have reached such a stage of development that its economic functions and those immediately cognate to them form a well-defined group, and adequate means must be available so that we can, as it were, watch the performance of these functions and test our hypotheses and conclusions by observation and experience.
This is a very disappointing performance, since the author observes that, notwithstanding his new classification of birds is based on a study of the form of the sternal apparatus, yet, because that lies wholly within the body, he is compelled to have recourse to such outward characters as are afforded by the 1 From carin g, a keel.
AdvertisementThe scheme could hardly fail to be a crude performance - a fact which nobody would know better than its author; but it must have presented much that was objectionable to the opinions then generally prevalent.
They had rated each other highly in the entanglement, and by mutual consent began repeating the performance regularly.
The method which Napier terms "Rabdologia" consists in the use of certain numerating rods for the performance of multiplications and divisions.
He had composed an opera called Die Feen adapted by himself from Gozzi's La Donna Serpente, and another, Das Liebesverbot, founded on Shakespeare's Measure for Measure, but only Das Liebesverbot obtained a single performance in 1836.
Action from principle--the perception and the performance of right--changes things and relations; it is essentially revolutionary, and does not consist wholly with anything which was.
AdvertisementJust eight years later its fabric was complete, and June 1903 saw both the Cardinal's Requiem Mass and Elgar's first London performance of "The Dream of Gerontius" held in its towering nave.
We wonder whether there are any performance gains in using threads.
The count decided not to sit down to cards or let his girls out of his sight and to get away as soon as Mademoiselle George's performance was over.
The degree of our conception of freedom or inevitability depends in this respect on the greater or lesser lapse of time between the performance of the action and our judgment of it.
But, in actual operation, these two processes are simultaneous; every member is developed as an organ for the performance of some special function.
AdvertisementOf oriental origin, its first known performance in Italy occurred in A.D.
But, if we desire to keep by older landmarks and maintain a distinction between the two disciplines, a ground for doing so may be found in the fact that all the main definitions of logic point to the investigation of the laws of thought in a subjective reference - with a view, that is, by an analysis of the operation, to ensure its more correct performance.
At the end of the first year of training, the ephebi were reviewed, and, if their performance was satisfactory, were provided by the state with a spear and a shield, which, together with the chlamys (cloak) and petasus (broad-brimmed hat), made up their equipment.
Good interfacial adhesion is the key to the reliable service performance of durable bonded components.
Rita began to clap in appreciation of his performance.
AdvertisementThe second method, which he calls the "Promptuarium Multiplicationis" on account of its being the most expeditious of all for the performance of multiplications, involves the use of a number of lamellae or little plates of metal disposed in a box.
The earliest scientific result of the study of plants was the recognition of the fact that the various parts of the body are associated with the performance of different kinds of physiological work; that they are, in fact, organs discharging special functions.
Thus a standard of comparison for every individual engine may be obtained with which to compare its actual performance.
It never got beyond that rehearsal; Hume, indeed, approved of the performance, only deprecating as unwise the author's preference for French; but Gibbon sided with the majority.
The scope of this work was originally intended to be limited to North America, but circumstances induced him to include all the species of Northern Europe and Northern Asia, and though not free from errors it is a praiseworthy performance.
The engravings which these volumes contain are mostly bad copies, often of bad figures, though many are piracies from Bewick, and the whole is a most unsatisfactory performance.
This was the foundation of a more extensive work of which, from the influence it still exerts, it will be necessary to treat later at some length, and there will be no need now to enter much into details respecting the earlier performance.
He spent the autumn at Venice, and was well enough on Christmas Eve to conduct his early symphony (composed in 1833) at a private performance given at the Liceo Marcello.
Nevertheless he fulfilled all his episcopal duties with diligence, and threw all his heart into the performance of those of a specially spiritual nature, such as his addresses at confirmations and to those on whom he conferred orders.
Skill in modern laboratory work is as far out of the reach of the untaught as performance on a musical instrument.
At a convivial gathering on the, 8th of November he supported a toast to "the speedy abolition of all hereditary titles and feudal distinctions," and gave proof of his zeal by expressly repudiating his own title - a performance for which he was dismissed from the army.
Nor can there be much doubt that the great attention bestowed on acting - the Jesuits kept up the Renaissance practice of turning schools into theatres for the performance of plays both in Latin and in the vernacular - had much to do with Voltaire's lifelong devotion to the stage.
The Henriade was at last licensed in France; Brutus, a play which he had printed in England, was accepted for performance, but kept back for a time by the author; and he began the celebrated poem of the Pucelle, the amusement and the torment of great part of his life.
Nor did an extremely offensive performance of Voltaire's - the solemn partaking of the Eucharist at Colmar after due confession - at all mollify his enemies.
But he recovered, scoffed at himself as usual, and prepared more eagerly than ever for the first performance of Irene, on the 16th of March.
At the end of the month he was able to attend a performance of it, which was a kind of apotheosis.
Interesting accounts of the impression produced by the performance at Rome may be found in the first volume of Mendelssohn's letters and in Miss Taylor's Letters from Italy.
The theory contained in that edition was founded on the experiments of others, but he soon saw that a theory so new, and leading to results so different from the ordinary theory, should be founded on new experiments more direct than the former, and he was employed in the performance of these from 1780 to 1783.
The faithful performance of all the duties he had assumed in homage constituted the vassal's right and title to his fief.
She wrote a little piece which Comte rated so pre- v posterously as to talk about George Sand in the same sentence; it is in truth a flimsy performance, though it contains one or two gracious thoughts.
In the session of 1834 his most important performance was a speech in opposition to Hume's proposal to throw the universities open to Dissenters.
Men and women of all ranks began to visit it; the emperor himself consented (f 887) to witness a performance by the great stars of the stage at the private residence of Marquis Inouye; a dramatic reform association was organized by a number of prominent noblemen and scholars; drastic efforts were made to purge the old historical dramas of anachronisms and inconsistencies, and at length a theatre (the Yurabu-za) was built on purely European lines, where instead of sitting from morning to night witnessing one long-drawn-out drama with interludes of whole farces, a visitor may devote only a few evening-hours to the pastime.
Associating the nude solely with the performance of menial tasks, he deemed it worse than a solecism to transfer such subjects to his canvas, and thus a wide field of- motive was closed to him.
But there are no reasons for thinking the performance ironical or insincere, and it cannot be doubted that Defoe would have been honestly unable even to understand Lamb's indignation.
But he was so delighted with the general performance of the instrument, with the sharpness of the images and the possibilities which a kindred construction offered for the measurement of FIG.
Armstrong resigned his position in 1863, and for seventeen years the government adhered to the older method of loading, in spite of the improvements which experiment and research at Elswick and elsewhere had during that period produced in the mechanism and performance of heavy guns.
In the post-Vedic period ` right ' or ` wrong ' simply means the exact performance or the neglect, whether intentional or unintentional - of all the details of a prescribed ritual, the centre of which was the sacrifice.
For these reasons, every Hindu household - whether Brahman, Kshatriya or Sudra - that can afford to keep a paid cook generally entertains the services of a Brahman for the performance of its cuisine - the result being that in the larger towns the very name of Brahman has suffered a strange degradation of late, so as to mean only a cook "(Jogendra Nath Bhattacharya, Hindu Castes and Sects).
The most important compositions of this period of Mackenzie's life were the Quartette in E flat for piano and strings, Op. 11, and an overture, Cervantes, which owed its first performance to the encouragement and help of von Billow.
She repelled all attempts of the young men of her acquaintance to win her favour; and while active in the performance of her duties, and apparently finding her life quite congenial, inwardly she was engrossed with thoughts reaching far beyond the circle of her daily concerns.
In 1892 President Nunez was again elected to the presidency for a term of six years, his continued ill-health, however, forcing him to place the active performance of his duties in the hands of the vice-president, Senor Miguel Caro.
A number of officials were engaged in the performance of her temple service.
Quiet stance was assessed using a triaxial accelerometer and balance performance monitor simultaneously.
In The Tobacco Factory, Bristol has an intimate, engaging performance space, which deserves the national acclaim it has received.
At the end of the performance, a head popped out of the orchestra pit to receive some acclamation.
The first and most important factor is past performance accomplishments.
Well done to Claire Piper who won Best actress at Group round for her performance.
The promise of media reform which gathered momentum in the 1980s and 90s unfortunately did not actualize into performance.
The Academy is working in partnership with Emap to place advertorials in top biking magazines such as Bike, Performance Bike, What Bike?
Previous experience of aircraft performance analysis and/or aerodynamics would be advantageous.
Proven performance providing an effective alternative to traditional CCA (chromated copper arsenate) treated timber.
The three hundred-foot monoliths offer superb acoustics for any type of performance.
Ricardo's paper on" The Influence of Various Fuels on the Performance of Internal-Combustion Engines,"published in 1921.
At the age of nineteen he invented an electromagnetic engine, and in the course of examining its performance dissatisfaction with vague and arbitrary methods of specifying elec rical quantities caused him to adopt a convenient and scie tific unit, which he took to be the amount of electricity req ired to decompose nine grains of water in one hour.
In May 1888 she attended a performance of Sir Arthur Sullivan's Golden Legend at the Albert Hall, and in August she visited Glasgow to open the magnificent new municipal buildings, remaining for a couple of nights at Blythswood, the seat of Sir Archibald Campbell.
By his preaching, his holy life, and, as his earliest biographers assert, by the performance of miracles, he converted the king and many of his subjects.
Those who did not adopt the monastic life endeavoured on a lower plane and in a less perfect way to realize the common ideal, and by means of penance to atone for the deficiencies in their performance.
His all too short performance in this office is represented by a posthumous volume which had not received his own final revision, International Law (1888).
In his own character it produced the somewhat blunted moral sense which led to the few incidents in his career which need moral defence, his performance of the marriage ceremony between his first patron Lord Devonshire and the latter's mistress, the divorced wife of Lord Rich, an act completely at variance with his principles; his strange intimacy with Buckingham; his love of power and place.
He remarks in a just historical spirit that the performance of these functions requires very different degrees of expense in the different periods of society.
Old women were employed as go-betweens, and the marriage ceremony was conducted by a priest who after moral exhortations united the young couple by tying their garments together in a knot, after which they walked seven times round the fire, casting incense into it; after the performance of the marriage ceremony, the pair entered together on a four days' fast and penance before the marriage was completed..
The Church of England, which had put forth the version of 1611, fitly initiated the work, but for its performance most wisely invited the help of the sister churches.
The object of the change was primarily to leave the hands of the celebrant freer for the careful performance of the manual acts, and to this end a process of cutting away at the sides of the vestment began, which continued until the tent-shaped chasuble of the 12th century had developed in the 16th into the scapular-like vestment at present in use.
But as ancient authorities are unanimous in giving munus in this connexion the sense of "duty" or "service," it is probable that the chief feature of municipality was the performance of certain services to Rome.'
The ostensible objects of nearly all such collegia of which we have any knowledge were twofold, the maintenance of the worship of some god, and provision for the performance of proper funerary rights for its members.
The due performance of funeral rites re-created the blood tie and renewed the kinship of living and dead at the moment when death seemed specially to endanger it by removal of that representative of the household whose special duty it had been to keep up the family sacra.
Promoters are not allowed without the consent of the owner to enter upon lands which are the subject of proceedings under the Lands Clauses Acts, except for the purpose of making a survey, unless they have executed a statutory bond and made a deposit, at the Law Courts Branch of the Bank of England, as security for the performance of the conditions of the bond.
After a period of retirement he reappeared in 1880, his final performance being given at Belfast in 1896.
He was a man of more promise than performance, and his chief achievement was the discovery of the elements iridium and osmium, which he found in the residues from the solution of platinum ores (1804).
The number of books required for the performance of divine service in pre-Reformation days was very large; the most important being the Missal for the service of Holy Communion or the Mass; the Breviary for the daily service or performance of the divine office; the Manual for the minor sacramental offices usually performed by the parish priest; and the Pontifical, containing such services as were exclusively reserved for performance by the bishop. Many of the contents of these larger volumes were published in separate volumes known by a great variety - over one hundred - different names.
Bradley's Appearance and Reality (1893) is a more original performance.
Others of his plays are Blanche et Montcassin, ou les Venitiens (1798); and Germanicus (1816), the performance of which was the occasion of a disturbance in the parterre which threatened serious political complications.
A continual circulation might thus be set up in an isothermal enclosure and maintained with the performance of an unlimited supply of work.
This process involves the performance of 6 7 8 9 an amount of osmotic work P(v - v).
Frau Neuber even accepted for performance Lessing's first comedy, Der junge Gelehrte (1748), which he had begun at school.
The plan is curious, and deviates much from the ordinary type; the internal arrangements are adapted for the performance of the peculiar rites of this deity.
Nevertheless he has a distinguished place in the story of precocious children, and in the much more limited chapter of children whose precocity has been followed by great performance at maturity, though he never became what is called a learned man, perhaps did not know Greek, and was pretty certainly indebted for most of his miscellaneous reading to Montaigne.
It is sufficient to say that at this time, despite the Rouen "conversion," there is no evidence to show that Pascal was in any way a recluse, an ascetic, or in short anything but a young man of great intellectual promise and performance, not indifferent to society, but of weak health.
The booksellers, when they saw how far his performance had surpassed his promise, added only another hundred.
The attainment of the higher stage of development is the moral and religious vocation of man; this higher stage is self-determination, the performance of every human function as a voluntary and intelligent agent, or as a person, having as its cosmical effect the subjection of all material to spiritual existences.
On the whole, while many parts of the Koran undoubtedly have considerable rhetorical power, even over an unbelieving stylistic reader, the book, aesthetically considered, is by Weak- no means a first-rate performance.
The word satura was originally applied to a rude scenic and musical performance, exhibited at Rome before the introduction of the regular drama.
The verbal spells were always accompanied by some manual performance, the tying of magical knots or the preparation of an amulet.
The pope's negotiations with Henry's representative evoked a bitter and menacing protest and a categorical demand for the performance of promises.
The direction of attention to the performance of some movement by the arm ensures that looseness and freedom from tension in the thigh muscles which is essential for the provocation of the jerk.
It was now essential that every performance should be national, and in the Danish language.
Any dispute or claim arising or related to this Agreement, its performance, breach, or interpretation (including issues about its validity or enforceability), shall be exclusively (except as provided below) resolved by final binding arbitration before the American Arbitration Association (AAA), utilizing its Commercial Arbitration Rules.
The first part was conducted in private by the chancellor and four examiners (temptatores in cameris), and included an inquiry into the candidate's residence, attendance at lectures, and performance of exercises, as well as examination in prescribed books; those candidates adjudged worthy were admitted to the more important examination before the faculty, and the names of successful candidates were sent to the chancellor in batches of eight or more at a time, arranged in order of merit.
In applying tests of memory, it may be legitimate to allow a candidate to pass who answers correctly from 30 to 50% of the questions; such an allowance if applied to a test of capacity, such as the performance of a sum in addition, the solution of triangles by means of trigonometrical tables, or the translation of an easy passage from a foreign language, appears to be irrational.
But examinations consist as a rule of a number of tests, each one of which is complex; and a mark is recorded in respect of each test or portion of a test in order to enable the examining body to estimate the performance, considered as a whole, of the candidate.
Fawsitt (The Education of the Examiner, Royal Philosophical Society of Glasgow, 1905) shows that frequency-curves deduced from actual investigation of class-marks are not symmetrical, but have two maxima corresponding to the performance of " non-workers " and of " workers."
Lord Birkenhead brought to the performance of his new duties the vigour which had always been characteristic of him; his judgments in the two final Courts of Appeal were weighty and lucid; and he quickly made himself a force in the Lords' debates.
They compared its performance with that of the object-glass of 123-ft.
Another service, the performance of which established a presumption as to villenage, was compulsory service as a reeve.
Even the manorial system admitted the buying off for money of particular dues in kind and of specific performance of work.
It was first employed in the case of steam by Peabody as a means of estimating the wetness of saturated steam, which is an important factor in testing the performance of an engine.
Philip supported the clergy against the feudal lords, and in many cases against the burgesses of the towns, but rigidly exacted from them the performance of their secular duties, ironically promising to aid the clergy of Reims, who had failed to do so, "with his prayers only" against the violence of the lords of Rethel and Roucy.
If a child die before the performance of this ceremony he is.
The son or adopted son of the deceased kneels before the highpriest, and promises due performance of all the religious duties and obsequies to the dead.
This may occur by the dissolution of one of the contracting states, by the object-matter of the agreement ceasing to exist, by full performance, by performance becoming impossible, by lapse of the time for which the agreement was made, by contrarius consensus or mutual release, by " denunciation " by one party under a power reserved in the treaty.
Barisch was shown to have been careless in the performance of his duties, and to have disregarded instructions; and the inference is that he conveyed the infection to his mouth, and so to the lungs, from the bacteriological specimens or inoculated animals.
After Paganini he received a fresh impulse from the playing and the compositions of Chopin, who arrived in 1831, and yet another impulse of equal force from a performance of Berlioz's " Symphonie Fantastique, episode de la vie d'un artiste," in 1832.
His efforts on behalf of Wagner, who was then an exile in Switzerland, culminated in the first performance of Lohengrin on the 28th of August 1850, before a special audience assembled from far and near.
But strict secrecy being enjoined in the performance of these rites, it is not easy to check any statements made on this point.
The periodical performance of the commemorative rite of obsequies called Sraddha - i.e.
At the same time one also meets with frank avowals of a superstitious fear lest any irregularity in the performance of the obsequial rites should cause the Fathers to haunt their old home and trouble the peace of their undutiful descendant, or even prematurely draw him after them to the Pitri-loka or world of the Fathers, supposed to be located in the southern region.
Terminating as it usually does with the feeding and feeing of a greater or less number of Brahmans and the feasting of members of the performers' own caste, the Sraddha, especially its first performance, is often a matter of very considerable expense; and more than ordinary benefit to the deceased is supposed to accrue from it when it takes place at a spot of recognized sanctity, such as one of the great places of pilgrimage like Prayaga (Allahabad, where the three sacred rivers, Ganga, Yamuna and Sarasvati, meet), Mathura, and especially Gaya and Kasi (Benares).
The subsequent expenditure in the port is said not to flow from that sacrifice, but from the necessity of completing the voyage, and is incurred in performance of the shipowner's obligation under his contract.
He shows how morality can be viewed physically, as evolving from an indefinite incoherent homogeneity to a definite, coherent heterogeneity; biologically, as evolving from a less to a more complete performance of vital functions, so that the perfectly moral man is one whose life is physiologically perfect and therefore perfectly pleasant; psychologically, as evolving from a.
On his landing he was informed that the attainder had been reversed; and he received the royal patent authorizing his performance of the legatine duties within the realm.
The flamens were held to be elected for life, but they might be compelled to resign office for neglect of duty, or on the occurrence of some ill-omened event (such as the cap falling off the head) during the performance of their rites.
In Mansfeld brick cupola furnaces are without a rival in size, equipment and performance.
The device, frequently seen in farmyards, by which the power of a horse is utilized to drive threshing or other machinery, is sometimes described as a "horse-power," but this term usually denotes the unit in which the performance of steam and other engines is expressed, and which is defined as the rate at which work is done when 33,000 lb are raised one foot in one minute.
The mere performance of relative or imperfect duties, they would have said, is something neither good nor evil; the essential constituents of human good is ignored.
However, even if they had stage qualities, the very length of this and his other plays, the Ulisipo and the Aulegraphia, would prevent their performance, but in fact they are novels in dialogue containing a treasury of popular lore and wise and witty sayings with a moral object.
The bishops are still authorized by law to dedicate and set apart buildings for the solemnization of divine service, and grounds for the performance of burials, according to the rites and ceremonies of the Church of England; and such buildings and grounds, after they have been duly consecrated according to law, cannot be diverted to any secular purpose except under the authority of an act of parliament.
He encouraged the performance of mystery plays; on the performance of a mystery of the Passion at Saumur in 1462 he remitted four years of taxes to the town, and the representations of the Passion at Angers were carried out under his auspices.
In 1642 he published at Amsterdam a folio comprising the first twenty books of his Dutch History, embracing the period from 1555 to 1585, a magnificent performance, to the perfecting of which he had given fifteen years of labour.
Upon whatsoever principle the rightness of an action depends, its performance is right for the agent.
This business consists of the licensing of houses or places for the public performance of stage plays, and the execution, as local authority, of the Explosives Act 1875.
Every county council must establish a small holdings and allotments committee, to which must be referred all matters relating to the exercise and performance by the council of their powers and duties as to small holdings and allotments.
Indeed, it was not till the 9th century, when Cousin in 1836 issued the collection entitled Ouvrages inedits d'Abelard, that his philosophical performance could be judged at first hand; of his strictly philosophical works only one, the ethical treatise Scito to ipsum, having been published earlier, namely, in 1721.
The development from the name-series to the quantitative conception is aided by the numbering of material objects and the performance of elementary processes of comparison, addition, &c., with them.
These were treated as in their own homes according to the rank to which they belonged, and were discharged on the performance of the contract.
Besides the commentary on Job he published a book on the Hebrew Accents, the only Scottish performance of the kind since the days of Thomas Boston.
Such acute critics as Chesterfield and Warburton thought the performance serious.
In the same year (1756) appeared the Philosophical Inquiry into the Origin of our Ideas on the Sublime and Beautiful, a crude and narrow performance in many respects, yet marked by an independent use of the writer's mind, and not without fertile suggestion.
Sheridan's speech in the House of Commons upon the charge relative to the begums of Oude probably excelled anything that Burke achieved, as a dazzling performance abounding in the most surprising literary and rhetorical effects.
Philip Francis, to whom he had shown the proof-sheets, had tried to dissuade Burke from publishing his performance.
The Appeal was justly accepted as a satisfactory performance for the purpose with which it was written.
The extent and quality of his performance were the more remarkable considering his severe physical sufferings, his straitened means, and the antagonism to which he was exposed.
Whenever, for example, there is an admission on the part of any individual that in any previous act he made the attainment of pleasure his end rather than the performance of duty, there is also a tacit admission that he might have acted otherwise.
It may be politic or expedient to inflict pain upon a criminal in order either to effect an alteration in his character or to deter him or others from future performance of acts of a certain character.
The unsophisticated moral consciousness will still consider it unjust to punish a man for deeds of which he could not avoid the performance, and regard the alleged desire to produce in his future life consequences favourable to himself or society as beside the mark and irrelevant to the question at issue.
We saw that Socrates, while not claiming to have found the abstract theory of good or wise conduct, practically understood by it the faithful performance of customary duties, maintaining always that his own happiness was therewith bound up. The Cynics more boldly discarded both pleasure and mere custom as alike irrational; but in so doing they left the freed reason with no definite aim but its own freedom.
Even when the notion of " good performance of function " was thus widened, and when it had further taken in the pleasure that is inseparably connected with such functioning, it did not yet correspond to the whole of what a Greek commonly understood as " human well-being."
We may grant, indeed, that a moderate provision of material wealth is indirectly included, as an indispensable pre-requisite of a due performance of many functions as Aristotle conceives it - his system admits of no beatitudes for the poor; still there remain other goods, such as beauty, good birth, welfare of progeny, the presence or absence of which influenced the common view of a man's well-being, though they could hardly be shown to be even indirectly important to his " well-acting."
By the recognition of this law the church was constituted as an ordered community, essentially distinct from the State; the distinction between the two was emphasized by the withdrawal of the early Christians from civic life, to avoid the performance of idolatrous ceremonies imposed as official expressions of loyalty, and by the persecutions which they had to endure, when the spread of an association apparently so hostile to the framework of ancient society had at length alarmed the imperial government.
This derivative philanthropy characterizes the spirit in which all Christian performance of social duty is to be done; loving devotion to God being the fundamental attitude of mind that is to be maintained throughout the whole of the Christian's life.
As regards the moral faculty itself, Reid's statement coincides in the main with Price's; it is both intellectual and active, not merely perceiving the " rightness " or " moral obligation " of actions (which Reid conceives as a simple unanalysable relation between act and agent), but also impelling the will to the performance of what is seen to be right.
Thus, the miser first sought money as a means to comfort, but ends by sacrificing comfort to money; and similarly though the first promptings to justice (or any other virtue) spring from the non-moral pleasures gained or pains avoided by it, through the link formed by repeated virtuous acts the performance of them ultimately comes to have that immediate satisfaction attached to it which we distinguished as moral.
The Book of Settlements (Landnamabok) is a wonderful performance, both in its scheme and carrying out.
He was a competent mathematician, wrote with considerable ability on the theory and practice of music, and was especially distinguished amongst his contemporaries for the grace and skill of his performance upon the lute.
His father bore the shock of his temporary absence, and the following year Octave ventured to make the same experiment on occasion of the performance of Un Jeune Homme pauvre.
I'm just feeling magnanimous after my stellar performance with the socialite.
Ethel, her usual sympathetic self, reached for her cigarettes and began to get dressed after what she deemed sufficient time to put up with the unsuccessful performance.
The test scientifically analyzesbattery performance with a true constant current load capacity test that is graphically displayed.
The performance was appreciated by the crowd.
Such improvement in the administrative performance of the NASS section 4 team, however belated and incomplete, is of course very welcome.
There will be a boycott of staff appraisal by all staff who participate in any form of staff performance appraisal.
The goal was quality of service to achieve a 92% compliance in customer assessments of agency performance against service level agreements.
Adding extra lean mass is not necessarily conduciveto improved performance.
The week culminated in a polished performance by participants at Manchester's creative hide out, The Circle Club.
The performance dates are Monday 22nd to Friday 27th July, to culminate with a performance on Saturday 28th July.
This is a real shame as the role does have potential to really deliver a great performance, despite the rather hackneyed script.
A pretty much definitive portrait of a late and greatly lamented genius, this set complements perfectly the new live performance CD.
I want you to liaise with clients to whatever level they wish, tailoring a performance to suit their needs.
You can achieve optimum performance with recycled paper.
Davis rescued her career with her greatest ever performance as Margo Channing, and the fading actress was gradually usurped by the conniving Eve.
Consistently strong performance in meeting national service priorities and improvement targets and carrying forward the Government's modernizing agenda for social services.
It sets out a challenging agenda for Departments in terms of identifying their major impacts, planning improvements, and monitoring and reporting performance.
And finally, the large canister air chamber offers the perfect spring rate compliment to Fox's refined damping performance and adjustability.
Lockheed Martin has chosen the high performance option when it proposed converting F-16 airframes into UCAVs.
To improve charging system performance under these conditions, a new, higher output alternator is now available.
There is also ancillary accommodation, dressing rooms and loading dock etc. attached to the main performance space.
The work combines audio, animation, computer graphics and digital video and the club environment with live performance.
To achieve good performance from lazy implementations, it proved necessary to apply strictness annotations to certain commonly-used data structures.
If this is the case you may need to purchase an additional re-radiating antenna, price £ 69.95 inc vat for optimum performance.
The audience enter a booth one at a time to watch a three minute performance through a small rectangular aperture.
The Harpo Marx comment near the beginning comes from ' marvelous aphorisms ' and sums up the serious and ridiculous nature of the performance.
The firemen were heartily applauded on their smart performance.
But the Friday night crowd remained appreciative of what was a professional and honed performance.
Does your sales contact keep his or her supervisors apprised of your company's performance record?
Each year we have to decide on a fairly arbitrary academic cut-off, usually on the basis of their GCSE performance.
Finally, in many cases the three-tier architecture can provide performance advantages.
With gentle guitar arpeggios and a vocal showcase for Grace, this performance was greeted with a " pin-drop " intimacy.
Our performance in collecting former tenant arrears shown in diagram 6 indicates that we are also just above the Welsh average.
This involves a week of workshops in various art forms and ends in a small performance and art exhibition.
What we had in this performance was sheer artistry by both dancers.
Outstanding levels of performance in areas such as memory, chess, sports or music are commonly ascribed to innate talent.
Everyone was absolutely astonished by the quality of their performance.
As you might expect in this context, this was a fast and highly athletic piece, ... just the fierce exhilaration of performance.
Due to its ability to improve performance its principles are utilized in a number of other areas where physical athleticism is required.
Performance Indicators Value of events as perceived by attendees.
A center with high attrition will constantly be hiring new recruits, whatever performance gains are put in place.
There will be a workshop performance to an invited audience on Thursday August at 12.30pm.
A contractual bailee for reward cannot avoid responsibility for the performance of his duties by delegation to servants or agents.
These opinions have been based primarily on detailed examination and interpretation of company balance sheets, profit and loss accounts, and payment performance.
This means that the performance of an externally ballasted system can be optimized much better for any chosen rotary speed.
Unfortunately with all the success ballast I couldn't repeat this performance in the second race.
Putting in a seperate PCI video card boosted video performance and also upped main memory bandwidth by 20% .
All in all a good debut performance and interesting use of the old banjo - come back soon I say.
He was chosen to sing the baritone solos in the four colleges performance of Mahler's Symphony No. 8 in the Royal Albert Hall.
We put on our best bowling performance of the season with Rory McElearney getting some good accurate away swing against aggressive batting.
Finally, many thanks to George Wright, from Malta, who is still bemoaning England's performance in the cricket.
Most presidential re-election bids become a referendum on the incumbent's performance in the Oval Office.
Our objective is to provide cost-effective performance related bitumen binders.
The unsurpassed performance is achieved by combining modern paint technology with highly advanced, proven biocides.
The aim is to test the performance of the new green biofuel produced by UK company D1 Oils.
Extended Performance X-ray - similar to the hardwood bolection bead (see Plasform original) for square or rectangular apertures only.
Joy Division's performance can be found on bootleg recordings.
Students will know exactly how close to class borderlines they are, at least in terms of overall performance.
The performance bottleneck may be worse than the average figures above suggest.
First, many engineering systems have performance requirements naturally stated in terms of the upper bounds on the steady-state variance values.
Last night Monsieur bourbon rounded off his performance by placing the three lions around him.
Ron Perlman's performance will linger in the memory, and del Toro's razzle-dazzle makes the film breathtaking in its beauty.
For the ball Miss Simmons wore an off-the-shoulder gown of gold brocade - the same dress she wore for the Royal Command film performance.
It was a funny and tender film partially because of Moore's steadfast performance to Grant's stumbling buffoon.
Whiplash uses more fiber bundles when braiding, contributing to the performance and knot strength.
The differences in performance create conditions that allow combustion byproducts to more easily enter home living spaces.
Further more, braking performance was also much improved, by the fitment ventilated front disks and 4-piston brake calipers.
New intake and exhaust camshafts have higher lift for more performance in the higher rpm ranges.
You should have won but you did n't capitalize on a poor Margate performance.
The use of standard carburetors and exhausts can be retained, or larger carbs and performance exhausts can be added to boost power.
It therefore widens performance between member states, which through cumulative causation grow greater.
On April 4th - the day of the 40th anniversary celebrations we were treated to a performance at a school for physically disabled.
There's no high performance track racing here, no glorious trophies and no rendered sequences of victory celebrations.
The performance of patients with lesions to the prefrontal cerebral cortex on these tasks will be described.
Think a dragging romantic performance of Handel's Messiah, or " village church " Anglican chant.
Especially designed plug-in charger to charge 2 or 4 high performance batteries.
His vocal performance is also first rate, breathing life into Sonny but never making him too childlike or annoying.
Second section of CD inludes contains performance of all choral parts without the tenor choral part.
Technical training at LCDS directly feeds courses in repertoire and performance studies where students learn solo and group work choreographed by professional choreographed by professional choreographers.
The spent medium was analyzed for amino acid content by high performance liquid chromatography.
The effect of lower sulfur coal blends on the performance of electrostatic precipitators and fabric filters is also covered.
Students can choose between a range of topics, including analysis, notation, historical subjects, ethnomusicology, performance and music cognition.
Mine's a flat cola A whole range of drinks can boost sporting performance, claim their makers.
Despite a nasty cold hindering her performance this week Karin Jaggi (F2) battled hard to take third.
Under the bonnet & other performance accessories Of course not all bolt-on goodies were there to make the motorist more comfy.
It enables Orlando Bloom to deliver a much fuller performance that marks a coming-of-age for him.
I think you should mention the date of performance of the 9 th [missing comma or dash] 22 nd March.
This book contains a compendium of some of the papers presented at a workshop on Performance Measurement and Management Control in October, 2001.
On this performance My awesome compilation don't deserve to step into the UK minor leagues never mind the majors.
Neither were the duration of the agency nor the agent's performance necessarily conclusive.
The two sources of transaction costs identified are performance ambiguity and goal congruence.
In 1991 the Academy became the first conservatoire in Britain to introduce a fully-accredited degree in Performance Studies.
Special complex diagnostic contact lens A lens used by the optician to assess performance of the design on the eye.
The findings challenge the conventional wisdom that low intensity forms of EI have little effect on performance.
That's the end of Bingham's brave challenge as Ebdon has dominated frame ten for a 6-4 victory and a thoroughly convincing performance.
Ravenscroft was a very corpulent man, a circumstance which made the neatness of his performance the more remarkable.
Conceptual understanding broadly reflected these trends, and conceptual and behavioral performance were found to be only weakly correlated.
I was well below 50% of my normal performance so I don't place too much credence in that either.
The stand's lower crossbar even prevents the pedal from " creeping " forward in performance.
The performance becomes a crutch to help out weaker writing.
There are over 350 lighting cues called by the stage manager per performance.
Also it what way does a cyborg beat an ego in performance.
Jane then gave a rousing performance to a packed out audience with Lionel giving a top class tap dance along side.
Smart Wizard performance dashboard, a graphical gage that tracks the throughput of the adapter, lets you monitor network speeds.
In addition, we also calculate dividend yields, and examine the performance of the market for company debentures.
They set out to win the decathlon of automotive performance. ' Honest.
More importantly, degrading exterior letters produced a greater decrement in performance relative to degrading other letter pairs.
Any age-related loss in leg muscle mass would cause further decrements in performance.
Obscuring body and gait produced a small decrement in recognition performance.
Sleep length can be reduced one to two hours without performance decrement over an extended period.
A small hole in a wall or floor can significantly degrade the performance.
Running long jobs in the background can result in seriously degraded graphics performance.
If however you are certain that performance is substantially degraded over a period of time, then you should contact Legend Internet.
The performance of the technology will be proved in the form of Internet-accessible prototype demonstrators.
We analyze the determinants of graduate first destinations and suggest a method for the construction of university performance indicators.
Avoid the risk of dampness or overnight dew, as this will spoil the results and subsequently affect the performance.
Measurements show comparable performance between active and passive diffusers, while the active solution requires less space.
Its two main performance discriminators are average packet download throughput and peak rate.
Of course everyone is entitled to their opinion but do n't dissect the team or the performance quite yet.
Has supervised doctoral research on organizational culture and levels of performance, and has supervised postgraduate dissertations in her areas of research.
The OPS system allows the electronics distributor to continually monitor the real-time inventory, the system performance and the workload balance in the system.
You are warmly invited to ' Wedding Cake Dreams ' - a performance revealing the bizarre rituals of marriage divination by Jen Walke.
It is unfortunate, but to be honest Dominic Purcell is probably the worst performance and characterization of Dracula to ever don the screen.
Anna was at Stagecoach, where she had a dress rehearsal for their end of term performance next week.
A basic, yet high performance range of air handling units for use with distribution ductwork.
The lecture will explore why non-linear dynamics must be at the core of performance based earthquake engineering.
Thanks to parallel processing, the human brain easily eclipses the performance of PCs.
To assist UK construction to improve economic, social and environmental performance through the increased use of enabling technology on construction sites.
Williams was delighted by the performance of his squad describing it as " everything you could wish for in a trial eights race " .
Fellow Tamworth AC athlete Rebecca Findlay is ranked eighth in the same performance table.
Made of TPE, a high performance thermoplastic elastomer that stretches easily, Active SEAL maintains a waterproof seal.
Speed enhancing and spin controlling ionomer casing with a high performance, soft and thin urethane elastomer cover.
The type of glass used in the pH electrode can be selected for optimal performance.
Our research and consultancy activities are supported by a large advanced equipment base ranging from the latest electron microscopes to high performance computing hardware.
James Vaughan gave an unusually unemotional performance as an Arab emissary.
Left hand fingerings are provided along with helpful performance notes from Alan.
The technique may reduce finger-pointing on multivendor IT projects and yield better performance for applications.
Thomson NETg puts the information that drives performance literally at your people's fingertips.
Instead a rather fitful performance fell away to become one of our least convincing of the season.
At the end of the six-week program, the subjects were retested for toe flexor strength and jump performance.
D65 performance and dynamic range is adjusted by an illumination system with RGB-optimised f-numbers.
Deep flex grooves and a blown rubber forefoot ensures the shoe delivers a true performance ride.
But there's an edge to this performance from the Canadian funnyman that has not often been seen before.
Ovarian tumors are common in female gerbils with poor reproductive performance.
SiGe chips are similar to standard silicon chips, but they also contain germanium for better performance and lower power consumption.
Sabretooth Pro Crampons offer high performance for mixed masters, whether you're climbing a heady thin pillar or crossing a sketchy crevassed glacier.
This report looks at our performance across a number of priority areas that contribute to our strategic goal.
This results in the most convincing piano sample yet released, where the performance actually interacts with the soundboard like a real grand piano.
Unresolved grievances can lead to bad feelings and adversely affect relationships and performance.
The performance of medium grade recycled glass grit supplied by Wolverhampton Abrasives was compared with copper slag using the same blasting equipment.
Whether music is written with tails or beams is partly a matter of style but can also indicate note grouping during performance.
This timely guide for serious athletes is written by Peak Performance ' s resident nutrition guru, Andrew Hamilton.
Well done to all the team on a very gutsy performance you deserved your medals.
But there is an additional reason for using an English harpsichord for the performance of Handel's keyboard works.
His stellar performance complete failure to help out the peugeot workers at Ryton has probably hastened his shift to another portfolio.
Passionate writing and courageous performance born out of anger, disillusionment, and an implacable hatred of Ben Elton.
It provides considerable performance headroom for the most demanding departmental applications.
The annual health check The annual health check is the system for assessing and rating the performance of NHS healthcare organizations in England.
High performance tubular heat exchangers ensure Rycroft calorifiers offer the most flexible solution to provide your hot water heating requirements.
Sound quality is ensured with integrated full range hi-fi speakers and a bass reflex port for enhanced bass performance.
These advanced configurations are capable of providing higher performance than even high-end SGIs workstations which has been proven in test cases.
Spring cleaning Some basic housekeeping might improve your computer's performance enough to postpone the ' upgrade or replace ' decision altogether.
Therefore, it appears illogical not to require performance criteria for options to be included in the graph.
The Duke is nicely understated in this atypical role, a nice counterbalance to costar Quinn's typically impassioned performance.
However, chemotherapy in itself doesnât usually affect sexual performance or cause impotence.
A number of performance improvements were put in place during March.
The guitar here is almost incidental to what's going on, which is something I never expected to feel about a Verlaine performance!
Last year, we exceeded the target figure set in the performance indicator.
All Ecosse ' speaker ' cables exhibit low resistance (which together with low inductance) ensuring smooth, musically accurate performance.
Finance Again we achieved a good cash performance with operating cash inflow of 14.5p per share (2004 12.7p ).
Effect of sequential porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome aand swine influenza on the growth and performance of finishing pigs.
Stepping outside the performance area will result in an out-of-bounds infraction.
It was also interesting to read the extent to which Britain covered up the rather inglorious performance of the Australian troops.
The panels have high thermal performance, with cellulose insulation (recycled newspaper) well exceeding Building Regulations.
Having two processing cores on one physical CPU allows system integrators to produce significantly higher performance systems at a remarkably low price.
Hummingbird Exceed provides the performance boost necessary for students to remotely access graphically intensive CAD design tools from PCs in their homes.
Yes, under certain circumstances the electromagnetic interference from a mobile phone can affect the performance of some medical devices.
In a regular user of cannabis, acute intoxication by the drug would have little effect on performance.
She gives a quite extraordinary performance, as much to do with body language as dialog, as the deeply introverted Pomme.