Percentage Sentence Examples
Amazon even tells you what percentage of people buys each one.
It has been thought that it refers to the fact that ants form a large percentage of the prey of the insect, the suffix "lion" merely suggesting destroyer or eater.
Food in the United States is so inexpensive as a percentage of national income that it literally is a throwaway item.
Pop. of the municipality (1900), 2 9,33 1, a large percentage being summer residents, as the census was taken late in December; (1902, municipal census), 18, 373.
I I the edge of the disk serves as the pointer and the scale gives the percentage of slack, or (N - n)/n.
In societies where a large percentage of income is necessary just to buy food, having volatile food prices will mean hunger sooner or later, no matter how good the factory jobs are.
The parks are a fine feature of the city; by its charter a fixed percentage of all expenditures for public improvements must be used to purchase park land.
The manganese ores of the Bathurst district of New South Wales often contain a small percentage of cobalt - sufficient, indeed, to warrant further attempts to work them.
He was getting paid a percentage just to pick up the artwork and deliver it to my broker.
But the point need not be discussed further here, since both percentage and absolute indices of unsteadiness have risen of late years.
AdvertisementInstead of the borrowing power being restricted to a small percentage of the total capital, as in European countries, most of the railway mileage of America has been built with borrowed money, represented by bonds, while stock has been given freely as an inducement to subscribe to the bonds on the XXII.
The land included in farms amounted in 1900 to 22,745,356 acres or 73% of the total land surface of the state, and the percentage of farm land that was improved increased from 26.5 in 1870 to 36.6 in 1900.
Paraffin wax is tested for melting-point (or setting-point), and the semi-refined product is further examined to ascertain the percentage of oil, water and dirt present.
The percentage of sunshine in the state is high.
In other words, the average person will make more money, pay a higher percentage as taxes, but still bring home vastly more than before.
AdvertisementIt is a species of cannel coal, somewhat similar to the Boghead mineral of Scotland, but yielding a much larger percentage of volatile hydro-carbon than the Scottish mineral.
Textile, building and mining industries show the highest percentage of strikes, since they give employment to large numbers of men concentrated in single localities.
The urban population on the basis of places having a population of 4000 or more was 16.6% of the total in 1900 and 22.7% in 1905, the percentage for Florida, as for other Southern States; being small as compared with the percentage for most of the other states of the Union.
The average of settlement per square mile varied from 169.7 in Havana province to 11.8 in Camaguey, and was 46.4 for all of Cuba; the percentage of urban population (in cities, that is, with more than 1000 inhabitants) in the different provinces.
The landlord received from his tenant (kmet) a fixed percentage, usually one third (tretina), of the annual produce; and, of the remaining two thirds, the cash equivalent of one tenth (desetina) went to the state.
AdvertisementHence, among all the English poets, it is Tennyson who presents the least percentage of entirely unattractive poetry.
Thus, during the period of ten years between 1893 and 1902, it was found that the percentage of recruits of 5 ft.
For example, the compound Cu3Sn is not indicated in the freezing-point curve, and indeed a liquid alloy of this percentage does not begin to solidify by the formation of crystals of Cu 3 Sn; the liquid solidifies completely to a uniform solid solution, and only at a lower temperature does this change into crystals of the compound, the transformation being accompanied by a considerable evolution of heat.
Pop. (1900), 161,697, including a large percentage of Indians and mixed bloods.
The percentage of illegitimacy is about 7.
AdvertisementThe percentage of failure is greatest when fresh-caught adults are hurried to Europe or America.
For the exact determination of the last element the census affords no precise data, but affords material for various approximations, based either upon the elimination of the probable progeny of immigrants since 1790; on the known increase of the whites of the South, where the foreign element has always been relatively insignificant; on the percentage of natives having native grandfathers in Massachusetts in 1905; or upon the assumed continuance through the 19th century of the rate of native growth (one-third decennially) known to have prevailed down at least to 1820.
The Appalachian field (Pennsylvania, New York, Ohio, West Virginia and Tennessee) produces oil rich in paraffin, practically free from sulphur and asphalt, and yielding the largest percentage of gasoline and illuminating oils.
There is also a large percentage of endemic species.
For each biotope, the figures show the percentage of core biotope records falling into a given category for a given factor.
Second is the Relative Income Standard which is a fixed percentage relative to the average.
Percentage of success rates have to be highly subjective.
The percentage of illegitimate births (2.6) is the lowest in Germany.
The surcharge is calculated as a percentage of the VAT that is unpaid at the due date.
Limits are issued on an individual basis, and the annual percentage rate can rise and fall with the discretion of the card issuer.
And if everyone who hit their spouse landed in jail, we might be rather shocked at the percentage.
If L and N are the inductances of any two circuits which have a coefficient of mutual inductance M, then M/-/ (LN) is called the coefficient of coupling of the circuits and is generally expressed as a percentage.
The Protestant contingent consists of a number of small congregations scattered throughout the country, a few Portuguese Protestants from the Azores, a part of the German colonists settled in the central and southern states, and a large percentage of the North Europeans and Americans temporarily resident in Brazil.
In no country, perhaps, has the press exercised a more direct and powerful influence upon government than in Brazil, and in no other country can there be found so high a percentage of journalists in official life.
The percentage of educated men who have written little volumes of lyrics is surprisingly large, and this may be accounted for by the old Portuguese custom of reciting poetry with musical accompaniment.
Serum and bile inoculation were the means of saving a considerable percentage of the herds.
This is also shown by the data relating to the percentage of members of other Hungarian races speaking this language.
This represents a percentage of 16.8, while in 1890 the percentage was only 13.8.
The white population is broadly divisible into the British and Dutch elements, the percentage of other whites in 1904 being but 8.6.
Generally speaking, the lower the nitrogen content of a guncotton, as found by the nitrometer, the higher the percentage of matters soluble in a mixture of ether-alcohol.
The population consists of a small percentage of whites of European descent, chiefly Spaniards, various tribes and settlements of Indians, largely of the Arawak and Carib families, and a large percentage of mestizos, or mixed bloods.
In a given case of anasarca due to a cause acting generally, it will be found that the liquid of the pleural cavity always contains the highest percentage of proteid, that of the peritoneal cavity comes next, that of the cerebral ventricles follows this, and the liquid of the subcutaneous areolar tissue contains the lowest.
The foreign-born popu lation shows a large increase in percentage to the whole, being 1.57 in 1881 and 2.98 in 1901.
A return of the percentage of inhabitants dwelling in over-crowded tenements shows 2.7 for Lewisham, 4.5 for Wandsworth, 5.5 for Stoke Newington, and 6.4 for Hampstead, against 35.2 for Finsbury and 29.9 for Shoreditch.
In mining operations explosives are used on a large scale and the powder gases contain large quantities of the very poisonous gas, carbon monoxide, a small percentage of which may cause death, and even a minute percentage of which in the air will seriously affect the health.
Without yielding fortunes for speculators, like South Africa or Australia, it returns a fair percentage upon genuine hard work.
The average weight per acre was over 252 tons, and the mean percentage of pure sugar in the juice exceeded Isl.
The weight per acre, the saccharine contents of the juice, and the quotient of purity compared favourably with the best results obtained in Germany or France, and with those achieved by the Suffolk farmers, who between 1868 and 1872 supplied Mr Duncan's beetroot sugar factory at Lavenham; for the weight of their roots rarely reached 15 tons per acre, and the percentage of sugar in the juice appears to have varied between 10 and 12.
When, in April 1908, Mr Asquith became premier, and Mr Lloyd George chancellor of the exchequer, the sugar convention The world's trade in cane and beet sugar in tons avoirdupois at decennial periods from 1840 to 1870, inclusive, and yearly from 1871 to 1901 inclusive, with the percentage of beet sugar and the average price per cwt.
Tobacco soils should be well drained and contain a Iarge percentage of humus.
Wohler, and it became necessary to admit them to be two bodies which differed in properties, though of the same percentage composition.
In spite of shortsighted parsimony in the matter of schools, &c., and increased resources through the allocation to the municipality of a certain percentage of new state and provincial taxation, their anti-Semitic successors have been unable to avoid a deficit, and have been obliged to increase the rates.
The postal service is unavoidably limited and defective, owing to the rugged character of the country, its sparse population, and the large percentage of illiterates.
Rhode Island in 1900 had the highest percentage of urban population of any state in the Union, 91.6% of the total population living in cities of 4000 or more inhabitants.
In such a curve the percentage composition can be plotted horizontally and the temperature of the freezing-point vertically, as in fig.
It consists of two branches AC and BC, which meet in a lowest point C. It will be seen that as we increase the percentage of B from nothing up to that of the mixture C, the freezing-point becomes lower and lower, but that if we further increase the percentage of B in the mixture, the freezing-point rises.
The summit C of the branch BCD occurs at a percentage exactly corresponding to the formula Hg 2 T1.
For example, in the curve for gold-aluminium, ignoring minor singularities, we find two intermediate summits, one at the percentage Au 2 A1, and another at the percentage AuAl 2.
Over 10% of copper makes the parting difficult; consequently in such alloys the percentage of copper is diminished by the addition of silver free from copper, or else the copper is removed by a chemical process.
The attendance on the 1st of September 1905 was 16,530, the percentage on those enrolled 84.6; the total enrolment was 18,719.
About 89% recorded their preference in favour of English at the outset; then, as a result of violent political agitation, this percentage was considerably lowered, but soon crept up again.
There are, however, several striking exceptions, as for instance in the anthracite from Peru, given in Table I., which contains more than io% of sulphur, and yields but a very small percentage of a white ash.
The chief trouble was that acetone expands a small percentage of its own volume while it is absorbing acetylene; therefore it is impossible to fill a cylinder with acetone and then force in acetylene, and still more impracticable only partly to fill the cylinder with acetone, as in that case the space above the liquid would be filled with acetylene under high pressure, and would have all the disadvantages of a cylinder containing compressed acetylene only.
This difficulty was overcome by first filling the cylinder with porous briquettes and then soaking them with a fixed percentage of acetone, so that after allowing for the space taken up by the bricks the quantity of acetone soaked into the brick will absorb ten times the normal volume of the cylinder in acetylene for every atmosphere of pressure to which the gas is subjected, whilst all danger of explosion is eliminated.
After 1880 the percentage of farms operated by share tenants slowly but steadily decreased, falling from 19.4% in 1880 to 15.4% in 1900.
The female population is greater (and has been since 1765, at least) than the male, the percentage being in 1900 greater than in any other state of the Union (51.3%; District of Columbia, owing to clerks in government service 52.6%).
In 1 9 051906 the percentage of average attendance in the public schools to the number of children (between 5 and 15 years) in the state was 80; in Barnstable county it was 95, and in Plymouth 92; and the lowest rate of any county was 68, that of Bristol.
Bunsen analysed fifteen examples of air collected at the same place at different times, and found the extreme range in the percentage of oxygen to be from 20.97 to 20.84.
Angus Smith determined London air to vary in oxygen content from 20.857 to 20.95, the air in parks and open spaces showing the higher percentage; Glasgow air showed similar results, varying from 20.887 in the streets to 20 92 9 in open spaces.
The removal of part of the copper from the blank raises the percentage of silver contained in them and this is allowed for by adding an equivalent amount of copper to the metal when it is melted.
The percentage of rejected silver is often no more than i %.
The percentage of attendance has rivalled that in the primary schools of Scotland, and in 1905 attained to 86.9%.
There is still controversy as to what degree of hardness, or (which is nearly the same thing) what percentage of carbon, can be permitted with safety in steel for structures.
In 1890 the percentage of illiterates in the total population had been 28.5; in 1900 it had fallen to 22.7, and in 1910 to 16.5.
The percentage of improved acreage, however, fell during the same period from 61.1% in 1890 to 59.2% in 1900.
Fewer farms were worked by owners in 1900 than in 1890, the percentage in the former year being 78.2 and in the latter year 86.6.
At some the nurses receive all their own earnings, minus a percentage deducted for the maintenance of the institute; at others they are paid a fixed salary, as a rule from £25 to £30 a year, plus a varying percentage on their earnings or a periodical bonus according to length of service.
This is perhaps the commonest system, but some of the best nursing homes give a somewhat higher fixed salary without any percentage.
The accuracy of a meter is tested by drawing calibration curves showing the percentage departure from absolute accuracy in its reading for various decimal fractions of full load.
Even the purest forms contain a small percentage of volatile matter and ash.
Baltimore is still the great manufacturing centre, but of the state's total product the percentage in value of that manufactured there decreased from 82.5 in 1890 to 66.5 in 1900, and to 62.3 (of the factory product) in 1905.
The latter begin to oxidize before the ley has come up to the traditional strength of specific gravity 1.333 when cold, while nickel is not attacked so long as the percentage of real KHO is short of 60.
Common salt principally goes into solution, and the percentage may thus be brought up to from 80 to 95.
The percentage of Spanish blood is greater than in the other Central American republics; but there is also a large population of half-castes (ladinos or mestizos) due to intermarriage with native Indians.
Of the 75 2, 53 1 of its inhabitants who, in 1900, were engaged in some gainful occupation, 408,185 or 54'2%, were agriculturists, and of its total land surface 21,979,422 acres, or 85'9%, were included in farms. The percentage of improved farm land increased from 35'2 in 1850 to 49'9 in_ 1880 and to 62'5 in 1900.
Recognition of this threefold character led Deshayes to establish a threefold division of the Tertiary based on the percentage of molluscs belonging to types now living found in each.
About one thousand species have been described, a very large percentage of which are to be found on the Mexican plateau.
In 1895 this percentage was reduced to about 84%, and the work of the schools is slowly cutting it down.
The Roman Catholic religion was enforced at the time of the conquest, but a large percentage of the natives may still be considered semi-pagan, the gods of their ancestors being worshipped in secret, and the forms and tenets of the dominant faith, which they but faintly comprehend, being largely adulterated with superstitions and practices of pagan origin.
Now and again small bodies broke off from the main community and adopted a semi-nomadic life, but these formed a very small percentage of the total number, which in 1908 was over 8000.
The large percentage of the population, particularly Continental United Populatin enumerated.
In manufactures the South Atlantic states show a higher percentage than the North Central, owing to the element of childlabour already indicated.
The United States is the gleatest lead producer and consumer in the world, its percentage of the total output and consumption averaging 30.4% and 32-5% respectively in the years 1904-1908.
The average percentage of metallic recovery from lead ores was about 68%, in 1880, and again in 1902, according to the national censuses of these years.
In 1907, with an annual production of nearly fifty million bushels, only a trifling percentage was exported, the rest being fed at home and exported in the form of produce without loss from impoverishment of the soil.
The use of mechanical refrigerating plants for chilling the pork has made it practicable to cure the bacon with the use of a small percentage of salt, leaving it mild in flavour when delivered in European markets.
If C had made his copy direct from A, his percentage would have been 98.
The percentage of illiterates declined from 50.97% in 1880 to 41% in 1890, and 34% in 1900, when Alabama ranked third among the states in illiteracy.
The merit of Sikes's system lies not so much in the hydrometer as in the complete system of tables by which the readings of the instrument are at once converted into percentage of proof-spirit.
There is a large percentage of Indians and mestizos in the population.
Silk in the raw and thrown state absorbs a large amount of moisture, and may contain a percentage of water without being manifestly damp. As it is largely sold by weight it becomes necessary to ascertain its condition in respect of absorbed water, and for that purpose official conditioning houses are established in all the considerable centres of silk trade.
When the waste contains any large percentage of worm or chrysalis, it is taken to a " cocoon beater," a machine which has a large revolving disk on which the silk is put, and while revolving slowly is beaten by a leather whip or flail, which loosens the silk and knocks out the wormy matter.
The percentage of potash in the ash is as 18 to 23 in wheat.
Of the total population about 97% are rural, and about the same percentage are Roman Catholics.
The Parks Board is a board appointed by the city council, and has the complete administration of a fixed percentage of the city taxes.
Consequently the percentage of illiteracy is extremely low.
It is a matter of experience that cotton yarns which when spun contain only a small percentage of moisture will absorb up to about 8% when they are exposed to what may be rather vaguely described as natural conditions.
In 1900 the percentage of illiterate recruits, in spite of the large Polish-speaking contingent, was only 0.05.
The process of cooling is thus represented by a path which runs vertically downwards till it cuts the 0 Molecular Percentage of Na t S04 Siluer Copper FIG.
Very commonly different species of aculeate Hymenoptera, inhabiting the same district, form the centres of mimetic attraction for insects of various orders, so that a considerable percentage of the insect-fauna can be arranged in groups according to the pattern of the particular model the species have copied.
Although it contains a higher percentage of metal (5 2.9%) than any other natural compound, it is not at present employed as an ore, not only because it is so hard as to be crushed with difficulty, but also because its very hardness makes it valuable as an abrasive.
Argillaceous or clay soils are those which contain a large percentage (45-50) of clay, and a small percentage (5 or less) of lime.
Manly soils are those which contain a considerable percentage (10-20) of lime, and are called clay marls, loamy marls and sandy marls, according as these several ingredients preponderate.
Vegetable soils or moulds, or humus soils, contain a considerable percentage (more than 5) of humus, and embrace both the rich productive garden moulds and those known as peaty soils.
Carbon dioxide may have been present in the air in greater abundance in earlier periods than it is at present, but there is no reason to suppose that the percentage was appreciably higher in the Carboniferous period than it is now.
If, ignoring temporarily and for simplicity the fact that part of the carbon may exist in the state of graphite, we consider the behaviour of iron in cooling from the molten state, AB and BC give the temperature at which, for any given percentage of carbon, solidification begins, and Aa, aB, and Bc that at which it ends.
The percentage of pearlite and of free ferrite or cementite in these products is shown in fig.
Brinell finds that, for certain normal conditions, if the sum of the percentage of manganese plus 5.2 times that of the FIG.
But after the close of the Civil War the production increased by leaps and bounds, till in 1907 it was thirty-one times as great as in 1865; and the percentage which it formed of the world's production rose to some 14% in 1870, 21% in 1880, 35% in 1900 and 43% in 1907.
These preparations are in some cases expensive, and there is generally a considerable percentage of waste.
If the dimensions of the bar are suitably chosen, the distribution of temperature is always very nearly parabolic, so that it is not necessary to determine the value of the critical current C 2 = hpllaRo very accurately, as the correction for external loss is a small percentage in any case.
A large percentage of moisture found in any sample would indicate improper condition.
It exists in greater percentage in Indian and Ceylon teas than in those from Java, and is lowest in China and Japan teas.
Now nearly all rivers contain some small percentage of salt, which forms a distinct ingredient in alluvial plains.
Owing to the low rate of salaries, the percentage of women teachers, especially in the public schools, is steadily increasing, and now amounts in these to almost 83%.
Taking the whole winter, the percentage seen in the evening was the same for the " Belgica " as for Jan Mayen, i.e.
But the form of the tombs always remains the same, a small low chamber hewn in the rock, with a rectangular opening about 2 by 22 ft., out of which open other chambers, each with its separate doorway; and inhumation is adopted without exception, whereas in a Greek necropolis a low percentage of cases of 1 Leontini, Megara, Naxos, Syracuse, Zancle are all recorded as sites where the Sicel gave way to the Greek (in regard to Syracuse [q.v.] this has recently been proved to be true), while many other towns remained Sicel longer, among them Abacaenum, Agyrium, Assorus, Centuripae, Cephaloedium, Engyum, Hadranum, Halaesa, Henna, Herbessus, Herbita, Hybla Galeatis, Inessa, Kale Akte, Menaenum, Morgantina.
The percentage of the trade with Germany was increasing, that with Britain decreasing.
Though the percentage decreased, the value of imports from Great Britain increased in the same period from 2,500,000 to 4,500,000.
In the same period the percentage of British shipping, which before 1900 was nearly 50, varied from 40 to 45, No other nation had more than 12% of the tonnage, Italy, France, Austria and Turkey each having 9 to 12%.
The percentage of illegitimacy is high as a whole, although in some of the rural districts it is very low.
Its principal export trade is with Great Britain, Germany and Sweden, the percentage of the whole being 60, 18 and 10.
The expert can immediately detect the peculiarly virulent characters of the mixed intoxication due to the consumption of spirits containing a large percentage of fusel oil.
The slag, which must contain a high percentage of lime, is granulated by being run while fused into abundance of water.
Other things being equal, the higher the percentage of lime within the limits indicated above the stronger is the cement, but such highly limed cement is less easy to burn than cement containing about 62% of lime; and unless the burning is thorough and the raw materials are intimately mixed, the cement is apt to be unsound.
Although the ultimate composition of cement, that is, the percentage of each base and acid present, can be accurately determined by analysis, its proximate composition, i.e.
The high percentage of alumina causes the cement to be quick-setting, and it becomes hard in about five minutes.
We cannot predict with any exactness the characters of a single unborn individual; but if we consider a large number of unborn individuals, we can predict with considerable accuracy the percentage of individuals which will have the mean character proper to their generation, or will differ from that mean character within any assigned limits.
The percentage (27.7) of loss sustained by the British is sufficient evidence of the intensity of the conflict, and provides a convincing answer to certain writers who have represented the battle as chiefly a French affair.
He reduced all the specimens submitted for test to a standard of moisture, the percentage selected being i 5%.
As in the tests made by Bauschinger, the percentage of moisture contained in the wood was very carefully observed, and it was found that this amount of moisture has a very great influence upon the resisting power of the wood, the strength increasing with the dryness of the material up to 3 or 4% of moisture, at which point the greatest strength of the wood is reached.
In certain scholarship examinations held formerly by the London County Council a percentage was added to the marks of each candidate proportionate to the number of months by which his age fell short of the maximum age for entry.
The mines, which were the property of the state, were usually farmed out for a certain fixed sum and a percentage on the working; slave labour was exclusively employed.
The first of these, casting is chiefly adapted for bronze, or ' Analyses of the iron of prehistoric weapons have brought to light the interesting fact that many of these earliest specimens of iron manufacture contain a considerable percentage of nickel.
This means that portion which neutralizes the acid employed for testing, and the degrees mean the percentage of Na 2 O thus found, whether it be present as Na 2 CO 3, NaOH, or sodium aluminate or silicate.
The sodium as it is formed at the cathode at once dissolves in the mercury which protects it against the action of the water as long as the percentage of sodium in the mercury does not exceed, say, 0.02%.
When this percentage has been reached, the cell is rocked to the other side, so that the amalgam flows into one of the outer compartments where the sodium is converted by water into sodium hydrate.
S o coo zoo goo is very earthy and of a low percentage; but it contains only a comparatively small proportion of phosphorus.
The rates levied at a certain percentage of the land revenue for local purposes are now excluded from the finance accounts.
The Bombay Presidency possessed 70% of the mills and much the same percentage of spindles and looms. The industry dates from 1851, when the first mill was started.
The trade of the province, which had grown from about 800,000 in 1870 to about 3,000,000 in 1905, is largely with Portugal and in Portuguese bottoms. Between 1893 and 1904 the percentage of Portuguese as compared with foreign goods entering the province increased from 43 to 201 70, a result due to the preferential duties in force.
It is a fact that a large percentage of the total number employed at trades learnt them in prison.
The percentage of farms worked by owners fell from 69.1% in 1880 to 54.6% in 1900; the difference of the balances or 1 4.5% indicates the increase of tenant holdings, two-thirds of these being for shares.
In 1889 a further inquiry was undertaken, known as the "Census of Hallucinations," which provided information as to the percentage of individuals in the general population who, at some period of their lives, while they were in a normal state of health, had had "a vivid impression of seeing or being touched by a living being or inanimate object, or of hearing a voice; which impression, so far as they could discover, was not due to any external cause."
The chemical formula CuFeS 2 corresponds with the percentage composition Cu = 34' 5, Fe = 30' 5, S =35.0.
The former oil is almost invariably of an asphalte basis, whereas the latter sometimes is found to contain a considerable percentage of paraffin wax.
Guinea-pigs set free in plague-infected houses become infected with the rat flea and develop plague in a certain percentage.
According to the Sundbarg standard the percentage married is 48.
Later the French-Canadians, Italians, Poles and Bohemians added notably to the number; an appreciable percentage of Oriental Catholics is also found, - Greeks, Syrians, Armenians, &c. Natural increase, especially among the first Catholic immigrants, and a certain percentage of conversions from Protestantism, are contributory sources.
It then either stops naturally, owing to the fact that the yeast cells will not work rapidly in a liquid containing more than a certain percentage of alcohol, or it is stopped artificially either by the addition of spirit or by other means which will be referred to below.
The amount of volatile acid should be very small, and, except in special cases, a percentage of volatile acid exceeding 0.1 to 0.15%, according to the class of wine, will indicate that an abnormal or undesirable fermentation has taken place.
In the absence of a religious census it is not possible to deduce from statistics supplied by the churches themselves any trustworthy conclusion as to the percentage of the population adhering to each church.
In every solid body there is a continual atomic dissociation, the result of which is that mixed up with the atoms of chemical matter composing them we have a greater or less percentage of free electrons.
Some of the public loans were totally repudiated, and from others a percentage was cut off, which varied, at first according to his own decision, and afterwards according to that of the council which he established to examine all claims against the state.
The low percentage of sulphur in the roasted ore is little more than enough to produce a matte of 40 to 45%, and therefore the escaping gases are better fitted than those of most copper cupola furnaces for burning in a stove.
If it contains more than 55% of copper it is directly refined, while if it contains a lower percentage it is smelted with matte or calcined copper pyrites.
The average percentage of ash in 27 assays of Assam coal was 3.8 as against 16.3 in 17 assays of Raniganj coal.
At this period wholesale corruption of the army, in which there was a very large percentage of Irishmen, was a strong feature in the Fenian programme, and O'Reilly, who soon became a great favourite, was successful in disseminating disaffection in his regiment.
The nickel ore of Sweden is magnetic pyrites, containing only a very small percentage of nickel, and generally occurs in diorite and greenstones.
The United States of America receive a large majority of the emigrants, and only a very small percentage returns.
Towns.-In the first half of the 19th century the percentage of urban population remained nearly stationary at a little less than 10.
Of the total land area of Sweden only about is arable or meadow land, but the percentage varies greatly in different parts, as will be understood from a recollection of the main physical divisions.
During the 19th century the percentage under wheat showed a general tendency to increase; that under oats increased much in the later decades as livestock farming became common, rye maintained a steady proportion, but barley, formerly the principal grain-crop, decreased greatly.
The percentage of iron in the ore is high, as much as 66% in the Kirunavara-Luossavara ore; and little less in that of Grangesberg; this far exceeds other European ores, though it is equalled by some in America.
Oysters cannot thrive where the ground is composed of moving sand or where mud is deposited; consequently, since the size and number of these places are very limited, only a very small percentage of the young oysters can find a resting-place, and the remainder perish.
Only a very small percentage of the population which numbered 805,687 in 1890, and 849,127 in 1900, is of pure European origin, the great majority being of the coloured races and their mixtures with the whites.
Much has been and is being done for education by the Armenians and the Protestant and Roman Catholic missions in Persia, and a large percentage of the pupils is composed of Mussulmans.
In Alemtejo the percentage sinks to 45.1, and for the whole country, including the islands, it amounts only to 152.8.
The inclusion in the charter of the principle of the " initiative and referendum " enables a percentage of the voters to compel the submission of measures to public approval.
The percentage of whites therefore does not increase as in Argentina and Brazil, and cannot until means are found to promote European immigration.
The Bolivian product is of the best because of the high percentage of quinine sulphate which it yields.
Only a small percentage of the people can read and write.
A considerable percentage of the Indians do not understand Spanish at all, and they even resist every effort to force it upon them.
The proportion is calculated from the amount of ore used, and the result is expressed in parts in a hundred or percentage of the ore.
Turkey opium is principally used in medicine on account of its purity and the large percentage of morphia that it contains, a comparatively small quantity being exported for smoking purposes.
The juice yields about one-fourth of its weight of opium, and the percentage of morphia varies according to the variety of poppy used, the purple one giving the best results.
Some specimens of French opium have been found by Guibourt to yield 22.8% of morphia, being the highest percentage observed as' yet in any opium.
It was found that the method yielding the best results was to make incisions in the poppy-heads soon after sunrise, to collect the juice with the finger immediately after incision and evaporate it as speedily as possible, the colour of the opium being lighter and the percentage of morphia greater than when the juice was allowed to dry on the plant.
Between 1880 and 1900 the percentage of farms operated by owners decreased from 75.4 to 70.1; the per The amount of timber cut within the state is very small.
Thus the preceding counties' showed an increase, under normal conditions, exceeding 10% during the ten years 1891-1901, the percentage of increase in 1871-1891 being given for comparison.
But in 1871-1881 a decrease was found in the case of fifteen counties in all, and in 1881-1891 in the case of thirteen, whereas in 1891-1901, although Radnorshire, which returned a decrease previously, now returned an abnormal increase owing to the temporary employment of workmen on the construction of the Birmingham waterworks, the number fell to 10, and the average percentage also fell.
The position of the various principal coal-fields has been indicated in dealing with the physical geography of England, but the grouping of the fields adopted in the official report may be given here, together with an indication of the counties covered by each, and the percentage of coal to the total bulk raised in each county.
The railways having the heaviest coal traffic are the North-Eastern, which monopolizes the traffic of Northumberland and Durham; the Midland, commanding the Derbyshire, Yorkshire and East Midland traffic, and some of the Welsh; the London & North Western, whose principal sources are the Lancashire, Staffordshire 1 The figure 17.76 is the percentage for the whole of Yorkshire.
Here the percentage is over 50, but the ore, though the richest found in the kingdom, is less plentiful, about 1.1 million tons being raised in 1903 as against more than 52 millions in Cleveland.
The population in 1880 was 648,936; in 1890, 661,086; in 1900, 694,466; and in 1 9 10, 742,371.2 From 1880 to 1 9 00 there was an increase of only 7%, a percentage which was exceeded in every other state in the Union except Nevada and Vermont.
In 1900 the percentage of illiterates at least ten years old was 3.1.
Samples of quinine in which cinchonidine is present usually contain a smaller percentage of water than the pure sulphate.
Rumans claim for their product a higher percentage of pure oil than is found in the American, Galician and Caucasian wells; and, although American competition nearly destroyed this industry between 1873 and 1895, improved methods and legislation favouring the introduction of foreign capital enabled it to recover.
At the close of the 19th century, however, the accommodation was insufficient, the attendance limited in consequence, and the percentage of illiterates high; reaching 88.5% in some of the rural communes.
A small percentage of them are engaged in trade and other occupations; a few are small agriculturists.
Education is somewhat neglected by them, and the percentage of illiteracy among adults is high.
Among the white population this percentage was only reached in adults over 17.
In the eastern counties the rainfall is lower and the evaporation approximately the same as upon the Thames area, so that the percentage of loss.
The line a" a" drawn from zero parallel to the first line, produced to the boundaries of the diagram, will cut the vertical at the end of the first year at the percentage of the driest year's flow which may be safely drawn continuously from the reservoir throughout the two years.
Above the "water-table" the water is held by capillarity, and the percentage of water held decreases as we approach the surface where there may be perfect dryness.
A much larger percentage of the sulphuric acid is made from pyrites, i.e.
The difference 7 between this approximate percentage and the true value is less than 2%, i.
Hence, to find a percentage of a percentage, we multiply the two numbers, put o's in front if necessary to make up four figures (not counting fractions), and prefix the point.
In 1908 a direct primary law was passed applicable to all nominations except for presidential electors, school district officers and officers in cities of less than 5000 inhabitants; like public elections the primaries are made a public charge; nomination is by petition signed by a certain percentage (for state office, at least 1%; for district office, at least 2%; for sub-district or county office, at least 3%) of the party vote; the direct nominating system applies to the candidates for the United States Senate, the nominee chosen by the direct primaries of each party being the nominee of the party.
If the tests be carried out rapidly, the temperature and pressure may be assumed to be constant, and any diminution in volume due to the absorption of a constituent may be readily expressed as a percentage.
From this it will be seen that, with the increase of temperature, the hydrocarbons - the olefines and marsh gas series - gradually break up, depositing carbon in the crown of the retort, and liberating hydrogen, the percentage of which steadily increases with the rise of temperature.
If the first method be adopted, the trouble which presents itself is that the tar contains a high percentage of pitch, which tends rapidly to choke and clog up all the pipes.
Still when this comes to be diluted with 60 to 75% of ordinary coal gas, containing as a rule only 4 to 6% of carbon monoxide, the percentage of poisonous monoxide in the mixture falls to below 16%, which experience has shown to be a fairly safe limit.
Only one other state (Pennsylvania) had a larger percentage of the total membership of this denomination.
Traces of auriferous sands have been discovered at many places, but the percentage of gold is too poor to make the working remunerative.
The percentage of steamers under the British flag was 37.1; of tonnage, 45.9.
The national spirit, vaporized into a cosmopolitan mist, was fast condensing again under mortification and insult from abroad uncompensated by any appreciable percentage of cash profit.
A high or low percentage of nitrogen in the grain was also shown to depend more directly on the degree of ripening, as influenced by the character of the season, than on difference in manure; but it depends more upon the variety than upon soil or nutrition.
A photograph of the spectrum of Tebbutt's comet, taken by him on the 24th of June 1881, showed radiations of shorter wave-lengths but identical source, and in addition, a percentage of reflected solar light marked as such by the presence of some well-known Fraunhofer lines.
The industrial class fell from 656,410 to 639,413, but this represented a slight increase in the percentage of the population.
In 1905 illegitimate births numbered 2710 or 2.6 of the whole, a percentage which has been very constant for a number of years.
The percentage of indoor paupers to the estimated population in 1905 was I 00.
A judicial decision made it doubtful whether this percentage became the private property of tenants for life on settled estates, but a further act passed in 1904 answered the question in the affirmative.
Alloys prepared in this way, and known as phosphor bronze, may contain only about 1% of phosphorus in the ingot, reduced to a mere trace after casting, but their value is nevertheless enhanced for purposes in which a hard strong metal is required, as for pump plungers, valves, the bushes of bearings, &c. Bronze again is improved by the presence of manganese in small quantity, and various grades of manganese bronze, in some of which there is little or no tin but a considerable percentage of zinc, are extensively used in mechanical engineering.
Mineral springs occur containing a very high percentage (3.245 grams per litre) of common salt; and in 1893 a company was formed for working them.
It consists in treating the oil with a small percentage of a more or less concentrated sulphuric acid, according to the nature of the oil or fat.
This indicates the percentage of iodine absorbed by an oil or fat when the latter is dissolved in chloroform or carbon tetrachloride, and treated with an accurately measured amount of free iodine supplied in the form of iodine chloride.
We usually attempted four cases a day and with more accurate data, our success percentage improved.
The talking points Kiki had given Rhyn told him nothing aside from the name, date the Immortals found her and the human-Immortal blood percentage.
Maybe most were, but there was that percentage – no matter where you went - who were looking for easy victims.
The lecture explains the greenhouse effect and the percentage of each of the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.
Appeal panels are not bound by precedent or by any notional percentage of appeals which they must uphold in parents' favor.
Futures are an incredibly risky investment vehicle that are appropriate for only the smallest percentage of highly advanced investors.
Visible channels are percentage albedo and have values 0 to 100.
Only a small percentage of people with hay fever develop pollen asthma as well.
The mean percentage of in-patient bedside ' fallers ' in 2002 was 14.9% .
The percentage of new biotech companies across the EU involved in agricultural biotech has dropped dramatically over recent years.
Are children of percentage points and non-hispanics blacks are.
Almost certainly only a very small percentage of residents are arrogant unpleasant boneheads.
In what percentage of the suckling bouts did allosuckling occur?
No. My experience shows that only a very small percentage of the encrypted messages that I receive are ones that I consider critical.
Would offer association quot hypothesis percentage point decrease to medicaid and.
And yes a high percentage of the BBC are unemployable dossers, I am sure you will agree!
Not surprisingly, the percentage of gilts owned by foreigners has been steadily rising.
Reuters noted that this made it one of the leading percentage gainers on the Brussels stock market.
Higher percentage percent bdo stoy hayward pounds million in question how much.
Goliath herons are known to lose a percentage of their catch to Fish Eagles.
Figures are also given for the percentage increase over each authority's figure for 2004-05.
Chair of the percent percentage point children requiring institutional to apply for.
Payphone operators usually negotiate rents with private landlords based on a percentage of gross receipts and install the kiosks at their own expense.
Percentage or rake set on the prize pool for laf logo mike.
This was in addition to the percentage for unexplained miscarriages.
Questions 1. Find out the percentage ionization and pH of a solution containing 0.02 mol dm -3 of benzoic acid in water.
Every survey ever done on this question shows a high percentage of people think monogamy is important to marriage and that affairs are wrong.
On the other parents new York health insurance oxford by percentage a large sample were free to.
Market quot says disorder subbefore parity of demand is what percentage.
In some cases sexually mature male parr manage to fertilize a percentage of the eggs.
Our innovative loyalty marketing program donates a percentage of the commission charged to a charity of the client's choice.
These galaxies seem to have consumed only a tiny percentage of their reservoir of gas.
A high percentage of eggs, however, are devoured by snails.
The con usually takes a small percentage from each sale.
But everyone comes out a winner with an overall payout percentage of over 97% !
On the radio club in january the issue tonight the payback percentage.
That to be nhis data percentage points was based on.
Column F = The percentage of births attended by skilled health personnel.
A small percentage of elderly people with lobar pneumonia die very quickly.
These zero percentage polarization values then result in zero polarized intensity values.
The percentage of an item added oklahoma texas mountain or the auto insurance in Florida PPO percent.
The percentage of ethnic minority pupils in small schools is relatively low, with few having more than 5 per cent.
A large percentage of gun crime is carried out by people using replica firearms which are incredibly realistic.
To square feetthe percentage will find the rookery that who at the.
Some were just run-of-the-mill but a large percentage of them were good, coming from people whose reliability couldn't be questioned.
The venous oxygen saturation measures what percentage of hemoglobin in the vein is carrying oxygen.
We all seem to start out with a mindset which imagines the above scenario whenever we see a percentage increased or decreased risk.
The percentage figures were, she said, agreed to include some quantity surveying services.
However, a small percentage of patients remain symptomatic despite optimal medical therapy.
However, if slaughter weights are less than 100kg live weight, only a small percentage of entire males have the abhorrent boar taint.
Depth of the anterior chamber at the temporal limbus was graded as a percentage fraction of peripheral corneal thickness.
Even a small percentage saving delivered in paper buying can translate into a significant overall cost saving.
A percentage transmittance of 100 would mean that all of that frequency passed straight through the compound without any being absorbed.
Thus the percentage of road traffic accidents causing ocular trauma is 12.5% .
Funding JC informed the group that funding for the next 2 years will be issued to health board areas with an small percentage uplift.
At present they pay a higher percentage of their earnings in National Insurance contributions than the above average wage earner.
The ' overpaid wankers ' make up a very small percentage of people who play football, 0.001% perhaps?
Different samples of water cannot therefore differ ever so little in percentage composition, and the same must be true for every compound as distinguished from a mixture.
Thus in 1902 (51) the percentage of cases in which q fell short of I was 30 at Trieste, 33 at Vienna, and 35 at Kremsmunster; at Innsbruck q was less than I on 58 days out of 98.
No national lands in accessible districts are available for the application of a homestead law, and the farmer too often has no interest in the land beyond the growing crops, a percentage of the harvest being the rent charged by the owner of the property.
Percentage engaged Total Working Industrial in Industry.
The questions which would claim the exercise of such a jurisdiction appear to be (I) intercolonial tariffs and the coasting trade; (2) railways, roads, canals, and other such works running through any two of the colonies; (3) beacons and lighthouses on the coast; (4) intercolonial gold regulations; (5) postage between the said colonies; (6) a general court of appeal from the courts of sucn colonies; (7) a power to legislate on all other subjects which may be submitted to them by addresses from the legislative councils and assemblies of the colonies, and to appropriate to any of the above-mentioned objects the necessary sums of money, to be raised by a percentage on the revenues of all the colonies interested."
The revenues and expenditures have since then been calculated in gold and currency together, to the complete mystification of the average citizen, and the gold percentage of the duties on imports has been increased to 35 and 50% (in 1907), the higher rate to apply to specified articles and rule when exchange on London is above 14 pence per milreis, and the lower when it is below.
These results are for the centre deflections of main girders, but Stone infers that the augmentation of stress for any member, due to causes included in impact allowance, will be the same percentage for the same ratios of live to dead load stresses.
The loess is a " salt, fine sandy loam with a large percentage of sand or silt, and considerable calcareous matter, and usually a small amount of clay."
The knees will produce a fair percentage of lameness in the ridden horse.
Some were just run-of-the-mill but a large percentage of them were good, coming from people whose reliability could n't be questioned.
Lower estuary sands and gravels are well-sorted and their very low percentage of heavy metals implies little input of terrigenous sediment.
The percentage obtained third-class degrees remains at around 9 %.
Vegetation diversity was estimated from a transect recording the percentage bare ground, grass and other (herbs and shrubs).
Thus the percentage of road traffic accidents causing ocular trauma is 12.5 %.
Adding a catalyst does n't produce any greater percentage of sulfur trioxide in the equilibrium mixture.
At 600 mm the high percentage of birch, grass and herbs suggests a cold late glacial climate probably with a tundra type vegetation.
Hydrogen makes up an estimated share of the upper earth crust including water and air envelope of about 0.88 weight percentage.
The preferred variety makes up the largest portion of the blend with a smaller percentage of the other varietals planted on the estate.
The average is the mean zonal percentage compliance for England and Wales.
You should focus on what your holdings are worth, not the percentage of the company you own.
High margins can be defined in one of two ways-either on a percentage basis or via an absolute dollar amount.
When the items sell, they get a percentage of the sale, and then they'll have more money to spend on other items!
That's a very small percentage, but when it's your child, the percentage really doesn't matter.
Ask the retailer for the percentage of silver used, and if the silver is mixed with another metal, to disclose what this is.
White gold is a gold alloy containing a percentage of nickel or platinum.
They may or may not have a few additional functions to offer, like printing percentage values, profit graphs and so on.
The quality (purity) of gold is measured in karats, which is essentially a percentage in parts per thousand.
Keep in mind that the higher the purity of the gold, there is a smaller percentage of other metals combined with it, and the more rich yellow it will appear.
Lower priced leather will usually have a higher percentage of healed scars or other markings in the material.
Ebates, mentioned above, gives you a percentage off of your purchases at select retailers.
They then match up as best they can and then take a percentage.
If you are looking online for your hand tools, you can save a percentage by signing up for eBates and shopping through their list of retailers.
Or some online stores have checkout codes you can use to save a certain percentage off.
Offer a percentage off certain lines of toys or one major toy in that series.
Sometimes you'll see a coupon code featured on the site, so you'll be able to save a percentage of the regular retail price.
Some wholesalers offer a percentage or a dollar amount off when you spend a certain amount or buy a certain quantity.
You'll also be able to take a look at any special offers participating stores are offering in addition to the percentage back you get by using Ebates.
The site lists the store card and the original amount, then will show you what percentage off and the cost of the card if you want top buy it at a discount.
This offer will be a percentage of the amount of the card, usually anywhere from 50 percent to 80 percent of the value.
Offer to take them off their hands for a percentage off the value of the card.
Profit percentage is how much money a retailer makes on products.
A small percentage of new laptops come with a version of Linux.
Some plans come with a flat rate deductible, while others require you to pay a percentage of your total vet bill.
My own quick research revealed two brands of cat food that had a relatively high percentage of organic components.
However, the ingredients are listed in order from the largest percentage found in the product to the least.
The formulas contain a small percentage of produce and nuts to mimic the stomach contents of the prey that your cat would eat naturally in the wild.
However, the infection progresses into FIP in a small percentage of cats.
These sites offer discounts such as a percentage off, free shipping and bonus items with your order.
They are usually incorporated into children's books or Bibles, which are made up of only a small percentage of parables from the Old and New Testaments.
Sometimes, they are paid a percentage of how much debt you repay your creditors, whereas other times they receive a flat fee from them.
Groups receive a varying percentage of purchases in donations and cardholders often reap other benefits to their goodwill, like discounts for membership fees or rewards gift certificates.
Since the program will usually charge a percentage of the amount that gets erased, a fee that can be as much as 30-50 percent, you may not save a lot in the long run.
These extra perk cards offer collectible incentives, discounts and deals relating to the interest or donate a percentage per dollars spent to a foundation or non-profit organization.
If the application offers cash rewards, then this card will allow you to earn a percentage on purchases made with the card.
Another variation offered is a card that is partnered with particular merchants or businesses where cardholders earn a different percentage of cash back based on where they use the card.
Cards vary in how the annual percentage rate (APR) is offered or calculated and some may even offer perks.
Considerations like annual percentage rates, fees, rewards such as airline miles or cash back and balance transfer promotions--the process can leave your mind swimming in a sea of chaotic thoughts.
Cash Back - Cardholders receive a small percentage of their purchases back as a reward, but with some programs the cash rewards are limited to certain purchases such as gasoline, groceries, or participating vendors.
You will only have to pay a small percentage of the transactions made with an Amex card.
Unlike the Discount Rate you will not have to pay out a percentage of the American Express sales.
You would then pay the debt resolution firm a percentage of savings obtained.
They may include an introductory interest rate or a percentage off of your first purchase.
In a plaintiff practice, the attorney will collect a certain percentage of the amount given to the plaintiff as his or her legal fees.
The fees involved are a certain percentage of the amount awarded to the plaintiff.
It is not uncommon for a cardholder to receive an interest rate reduction of seven to ten percentage points.
If you plan to use the card a lot for purchases, it might be worthwhile to pay the annual fee in order to get a higher percentage of cash back.
The interest charged on transactions is usually expressed as a nominal Annual Percentage Rate (APR).
The Department of Education will even allow you to pay a percentage contingent on your income and then forgive any remaining balance left over at the end of a 25 year period.
Most creditors and collection agencies already have a specific percentage of the full debt amount that they will accept for a settlement.
Calculate debt settlement proposals by looking at the total amount of money you owe and then figuring out what percentage of that full amount you are willing (and able) to pay.
A common percentage amount accepted for debt settlement is 40 percent.
Don't believe the ads that say you can basically forget about your debt or only pay back a tiny percentage of what you owe.
Some financial institutions will allow for courtesy overdrafts up to a certain amount, such as a percentage of the last deposit to the account.
The gas rewards programs usually offer a percentage of cash back every quarter based on how much gas you buy.
After that introductory period of six months, the annual percentage rate (APR) ranges from 12.99 percent to 22.99 percent depending on the creditworthiness of the cardholder.
Special promotions oftentimes include delayed interest charges for a certain number of months or a percentage off the cost of the purchase when the Best Buy card is used.
Retailers who sell gift cards to customers earn a small percentage as a commission for selling them.
The annual percentage rate and annual fee on cash back cards can be higher than other types of cards.
The percentage of cash back bonuses users can earn ranges widely between companies.
The percentage ranges widely from one card to the next, but for those who pay off their balance in full each month, this is an easy way to actually make money rather than lose it.
Think about what you're willing to pay as an annual percentage rate and an annual fee, and then stick to it.
For that reason, it is interesting to note that a large percentage of identity theft cases still occur due to old fashioned pick pocketing.
To determine the daily percentage rate for a card Target divides the annual percentage rate by the number of days in the month.
Each day Target adds new charges to the card to the balance on the card at the beginning of the day, and then multiplies that amount by the daily percentage rate.
This card has an annual fee and an annual percentage rate of 18.24 percent.
Cash rewards cards reward the customer by offering a percentage of their purchases back in cash.
You will get a higher percentage for shopping online or making purchases within a selected category.
The card has an annual percentage rate that varies based on the creditworthiness of the applicant.
These companies will retain a small percentage of the child support payment as their fee.
In a state where equitable distribution of property is used to divide marital assets, the Court decides what percentage each spouse receives.
The Court used the special equity provision to award a percentage of money and property to the wife in recognition for her contributions during the marriage.
Alaska uses a Percentage of Income method that takes a percentage of the non-custodial parent's income based upon the number of children that need to be supported.
Simply directing that a certain percentage of the non-custodial parent's income should be directed toward child support payments doesn't take into account the other financial responsibilities that person has.
This percentage, however, is not representative of the current level of divorces.
In addition, the paying spouse is often ordered to pay a large percentage of his income to his ex-spouse.
There was a time when a large percentage of the population felt that eco friendly houses were just for treehuggers, hippies, and celebrities.
Ethanol accounts for about twenty percent of fuel used in transportation, with that percentage increasing.
It is unknown exactly how much of the Earth's land has been contaminated, however the United States is considered to have a large percentage of contaminated soil.
For the most part, people don't recycle batteries from cell phones, but the entire cell phone itself, but the percentage who recycle their phone at all is small.
When sunlight hits the photovoltaic cells of the panels, a silicon semiconductor absorbs a percentage of the energy and turns it into a current of electricity.
The efficiency of a solar panel is measured based on what percentage of energy the panel collects and converts into electricity.
While this percentage is small, it is nearly double the amount of electricity resulting from wind power in 2006.
They absorb heat and radiate it into the home, often providing a large percentage of its heating requirements.
Out of all the various appliances and fixtures that require water to function, toilets are responsible for the largest percentage of water used in most households, assuming that modern low-flow devices have not been installed.
The AWWA estimates that 26.7 percentage of daily water usage is accounted for by toilets, while the University of Minnesota's Extension Service estimates that toilets are responsible for 40 percent of the water used in most homes.
The percentage may seem small, but the use of wind turbines is expected to increase in the future, both on land and in the ocean.
Look for items that are labeled as having been created from a percentage of post-consumer waste products.
By 2010, the percentage grew to more than 50 percent.
Not only do these chemicals cause cropland to store more heat due to the high percentage of nitrogen, they also create nitrogen oxides that are released into the air and mingle with the carbon dioxide to create greenhouse gasses.
Design in this southern urban area is influenced by the renowned art museums and galleries in the area and the sizeable percentage of transplants from other parts of the country.
A cologne contains the lowest percentage of fragrance compounds, therefore it is a nice scent for men as it imparts a lighter background fragrance.
Additionally, MAC has been known to work with several online coupon sites that will offer special one time deals on MAC products or coupons for a certain percentage off your entire order.
This means that the website will send you an email when the price of a place you have named as a dream destination starts to drop by a certain percentage or dollar amount or falls below a pre-determined dollar amount that you specify.
They may offer free shipping, a certain percentage off your total order, a free product with purchase or a simple dollar-off amount.
A margin account allows the customer to borrow a percentage from the total amount of the cost of a purchase.
Usually, a percentage of the image fee is passed on to the photographer.
If your images get downloaded, you receive a percentage of the cost of the download.
Once you have been accepted, you will be able to upload images to their sites and when a client purchases your image, you are paid a percentage of the fee.
Articles can be sold to online publications for a flat fee or a percentage of future profits.
This income is known as "leader income" and is a percentage commission on all of the sales your recruits earn.
In fact, this type of formula only works best when the rider already knows where his or her ideal spot is (in the third step, 0.88 can be changed to the ideal percentage for the rider based on preferences).
Although only a small percentage of people suffering from stress headaches seek medical attention, those that do often are prescribed prescription drugs to combat their headache pain.
For the very small percentage of young women who do make a living this way, it can be fun and exciting, but very short lived as magazines and media are always looking for the next "miss thang".
Tofu, textured vegetable protein, seitan, soy milk, and other soy products can provide a large percentage of the protein that vegetarians need every day.
A high percentage of crashes during the overnight hours involve alcohol, too.
I hate to say it, but my business is a big percentage of my make-up and it really was the only bright spot left.
Senior citizens make up a large portion of this percentage, since they have easier access to prescription medications.
They also stated that a significant percentage of people undergoing rapid detox quit returning for their follow-up care.
It may not surprise you to find out that a high percentage of meth addicts are incarcerated or have spent time in jail at some point.
Among teens aged 16-17, the percentage who consumed alcohol was 26.2 percent.
It's important to recognize that everyone is exposed to the same images of "beautiful people" on TV, in magazines and in movies, yet only a relatively small percentage of people ever develop BDD.
If a product contains only a certain percentage of Egyptian cotton, it will state this figure in the content list so long as the amount is over five percent.
Any percentage above five, though, is required to be listed by its complete percentage.
Products that contain pure Egyptian cotton of any reportable percentage must be listed exactly as such; for example, a sheet made of silk and Egyptian cotton may report its content as "70% Egyptian cotton, 30% silk.
If you're seeking a sheet made solely of Egyptian cotton, look for the ECL logo and percentage to verify its content.
These celebrity deaths are only a small percentage of those stars who have died unexpectedly.
The team with the largest percentage of weight lost wins the grand prize, usually cash and a home gym, a vacation, or equivalent.
Eventually she decided to take on the role, as well as a pay cut, in return for a percentage of the profits.
Many of the store websites will hold regular Internet specials and sales, allowing you to save a generous percentage off your total cost.
Although the prices are a bit higher, the site routinely offers coupons accessible from their home page for free shipping or for a percentage off of your purchase price, so make sure to watch for deals when shopping.
Ralph Lauren frequently offers deals online as well, such as free or discounted shipping or a percentage off orders over a certain amount.
At outlet stores especially, joining the mailing list may result in you receiving a coupon for a percentage off your purchase at several times throughout the year.
Dresses sold at Target are often marked up by the same percentage.
Group work is difficult for many students because students may drop classes, reducing the group size but not the amount of work that needs to be done, and group work can be a large percentage of the student's grade.
The percentage of students at a school receiving financial aid can give you a basic idea of how likely it is you'll be offered financial aid.
The school features a high percentage of commuter students and has a large long distance learning program.
That's a sizable percentage of the cost of attending the university, and makes the total cost competitive with that of state schools and in many cases more affordable than attending an out-of-state public institution.
Carnival singles cruises are also a great option for younger cruisers, because as a whole, the line attracts a larger percentage of 20- and 30-something cruisers than most other cruise lines.
The newer, larger Spirit class ships have very few standard ocean view cabins but a much larger percentage of suites.
This substance is actually their feces, which typically contains a high percentage of dried blood.
It seems that a certain percentage of dog owners see their dogs lose weight while eating Taste of the Wild® dog food formulas.
Only a small percentage of the bugs in your yard are actually harmful to your plants.
You may find that purchasing a unit with one or two percentage points lower AFUE rating will actually save you more after the installation costs have been taken into consideration.
Sterling silver is composed on 92.5 percent silver, and the remaining percentage of other metals such as copper for strength and durability.
Recent studies have indicated and news stories have indicated that a large percentage of teenagers who wear purity or abstinence rings still have premarital sex.
This is a useful way of describing an alloy, very similar to percentage.
Stores like Banana Republic, Express and Macy's are known for their incredible holiday deals - in some cases, you might be able to purchase one dress shirt and get the second for a certain percentage off or even for free.
Online codes can save you a percentage off your purchase or even give you free shipping.
Through online codes, it is often possible to purchase even designer clothes at a percentage off the marked price.
In fact, a small percentage of young people completely eschewed the hippie styles and they stuck with more conservative roots.
Usually this involves some kind of discount, either through a free shipping deal or a percentage off the total purchase.
Ringer Lawn Restore is a 10-2-6 (that's the percentage by weight of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, respectively) blend that is a good choice for established lawns that need a boost.
This isn't a huge percentage, but it is providing a climate so more small communities can join the global market.
Although a small percentage of people have allergies to lanolin, wool causes very few allergic reactions.
Assistance for organic farmers, particularly family-run organic farms, and an eventual goal of increasing the percentage of organic farms within the United States to 30%.
The USDA rated 46 fruits and vegetables for the presence of pesticide residue and reported on the percentage in each group that tested positive.
A large percentage of the world's pesticide use is used on conventionally grown cotton crops.
Sometimes, less expensive organic mattresses for cribs will actually have a percentage of non-organic materials.
All foods must have the main ingredient listed first and then the rest of the ingredients listed by percentage.
Also worth pointing out is that the percentage for vitamin A is 100 percent and not higher.
Like the water-soluble vitamins, the percentage of vitamin D is quite high at 200 percent or 800 IU.
In some cases, where certain vitamins are safely absorbed in higher quantities, the percentage is much higher.
A large percentage, if not all, ingredients should be certified organic.
Many offer free shipping or a percentage off your sale.
The best way to determine whether it's comfortable enough for you is to try it on; if that's not possible, find a pair of jeans with the same percentage of spandex and determine whether you need extra stretch.
A very large percentage of women do not wear the proper size to begin with, resulting in discomfort, pinching, irritation of the skin and more problems that can easily be avoided.
These leggings feature the traditional stirrups of yesteryear, along with a high percentage of spandex and a sharply tapered leg.
Some retailers plan senior shopping days, offering a percentage off of all purchases.
The amount of mortgages or loans secured against the property is capped at a certain percentage of the fair market value of the property.
You may only have to pay a couple dollars each way or receive a percentage reduction of the regular ride price.
Discounts typically include a certain percentage off of your entire order or a predetermined dollar amount taken off of your total purchase, such as $10 off of a $50 order.
Fast food eateries offer senior citizen discounts such as discounted or free drinks to anyone aged 55 or older, or a percentage off of their total order.
Until 2007, there was a cap on the percentage used to calculate military retirees' pension payments.
The percentage of disability assigned to you by the VA is an important factor in calculating your pay.
A large percentage of people who suffer from sleep apnea are also overweight.
A higher percentage of people in the study, almost 50 percent, reported sounds in their dreams.
You can get a percentage of your purchase back and you may even be able to locate online coupon codes you wouldn't have found otherwise.
The higher the percentage of water in your lenses, the more likely you are to have a problem.
If you are unclear as to what the protection percentage is, look for a different pair that clearly indicates the UV level.
This means that the goggles are manufactured with a certain percentage of extra volume so that there's plenty of space for eyeglasses.
Also check with sites like Ebates for deals that offer a percentage of your cash back when you order from certain retailers.
For example, 2 to 25 dozen receives the least discount, while purchasing over 100 dozen will yield a much larger percentage off your order.
In addition, checking sites like could give you a percentage off at some retailers and not others.
Mirrored coatings are manufactured for polarized, mirrored aviator glasses out of highly reflective material called a "flash coating" that contains a certain percentage of reflective metal like chromium oxide or titanium dioxide.
Sites like Ebates can also earn a percentage back for you once you sign up for a free account.
Only a small percentage of those injuries are debilitating, however, and many claims would not be upheld by a court.
The percentage next to these indicate how likely you are to be recognized by other policemen or gang members.
The B button is used for weak attacks, A for strong attacks, and R for charging up your Ki (which is represented by a percentage in the top corner of the screen; Ki, of course, is necessary to shoot projectiles).
The rights to the action-filled outer space world of Halo were sold for $5 million dollars, plus a percentage of ticket sales.
To earn some cashback, when you search with Bing and purchase through a sanctioned store, you earn a certain percentage back.
It took me half of my first year to realize that my low completion percentage was due to the fact I wasn't letting my QB set himself for the throw.
Racing levels will test your speed, percentage levels will challenge how well you can keep your blob intact and task levels force you to use grace to slip and slide through the mazes and their obstacles.
You can choose which style of camo to wear and how to paint your face, and the game will give you a percentage based on how visible you are.
Still, Sony's GFLOPs figures are impressive, and if no one's lying to us - or if both parties are lying to us by about the same percentage, which is the more likely situation - the PlayStation 3 is your leader.
Each hit you take increases your percentage rating at the bottom of the screen.
As the percentage rises, the chances of you flying off are greater!
Get to the designated percentage and get your hands on the associated increase.
If video games can be for everyone, why does only a small percentage of the world seem interested?
The percentage of avid gamers will marginally increase over the next decades, but not nearly enough to support Sony's grand habits.
This ash makes up the largest percentage of the materials in a bone china tea pot.
The same goes for selling through an auction house, who will take a percentage of the final selling price.