Perceives Sentence Examples
Vision does not perceive a sensation of colour; it perceives a visible picture, e.g.
Finally, as touch perceives reciprocal pressure within, and tactile inference infers it without, touch is the primary evidence of the senses which is the foundation and logical ground of our belief in Nature as a system of pressing bodies.
Alan urges the detective to follow up certain leads he perceives.
But, on the other hand, the vital spirits cause a movement in the gland by which the mind perceives the affection of the organs, learns that something is to be loved or hated, admired or shunned.
This view ignores that man has ideals of absolute value, truth, beauty, goodness, that he consciously communes with the God who is in all, and through all, and over all, that it is his mind which recognizes the vastness of the universe and thinks its universal law, and that the mind which perceives and conceives cannot be less, but must be greater than the object of its knowledge and thought.
All real connexion or relation, therefore, and with it all possibility of an objective system, disappears; it is, in fact, excluded by Hume ab initio, for " the mind never perceives any real connexion among distinct existences."
He next assumes that we have no immediate experience of independent things - that sense perceives sensations, feelings, or ideas; while all else, e.g.
So touch perceives not a sensation of pressure, but a pressure which is a material fact in the organism.
Blackmore's model does not address the question of how one perceives from a bird's eye vantage point.
Again, the magician conscious of his limitations will seek to supplement his influence - his mana, as it is termed in the Pacific - by tapping, so to speak, whatever sources of similar power lie round about him; and these the "magomorphism" of primitive society perceives on every hand.
AdvertisementCause has no existence apart from the mind which perceives; its validity is ideal, or, as Kant would have said, subjective.
Kant perceives that " perception without conception is blind, conception without perception is empty," but if he goes so far ought he not to have gone still further and inquired whether there can be any perception at all without a concept, any concept which does not presuppose a precept, and, if this is impossible, whether the distinction between a world of appearance which is known and a world of things-in-themselves which is not, is not illusory ?
But he who without faith approaches the sacred table, albeit he communicate in the sacrament, yet he perceives not the matter of the sacrament, whence is life and salvation..
She is able not only to distinguish with great accuracy the different undulations of the air and the vibrations of the floor made by various sounds and motions, and to recognize her friends and acquaintances the instant she touches their hands or clothing, but she also perceives the state of mind of those around her.
To show how quickly she perceives and associates ideas, I will give an instance which all who have read the book will be able to appreciate.
AdvertisementWithout that degree of mental development and activity which perceives the necessity of superhuman creative power, no explanation of natural phenomena is possible.
But by some strange chance no one perceives this.
Display of several optical illusions, to illustrate the way the brain perceives certain visual stimuli.
Blackmore 's model does not address the question of how one perceives from a bird 's eye vantage point.
Daily alerts can also be sent to your e-mail with account information, and if the bank perceives a security threat to your account, you will be alerted immediately.
AdvertisementThis may seem counter intuitive, but it isn't - your body is telling you that it perceives danger, so it's important that you honor that message.
When your body perceives a threat, it wants to either take care of it (fight) or avoid it (flight).
When your brain perceives stress, your body releases adrenalin into the bloodstream, giving your brain the burst of energy it needs to fight, flee, or freeze.
Teaching stress management techniques - Understanding how a person's body perceives a threat, and how it reacts to it is another part of therapy.
She's obviously an Alpha personality, which means she perceives herself as top dog.
AdvertisementLike any good mother, the female Argiope will protect her young if she feels threatened, and will bite if she perceives you as a threat.
The daughter is the true firstborn, but the first son is the first child in the household to be treated with what the family perceives as maleness.
Transgendered-Any person who feels their assigned gender does not completely or adequately reflect their internal gender, such as a biological male who perceives himself to be female.
Cognitive development refers to how a person perceives, thinks, and gains understanding of his or her world through the interaction of genetic and learned factors.
Transgender-Any person who feels their assigned gender does not completely or adequately reflect their internal gender, such as a biological male who perceives himself to be female.
Balance problems (vertigo) are often caused by a conflict between what is seen and how the inner ear perceives it, leading to confusion in the brain.
The way that you dress when you go on a job interview plays an important role in how the interviewer perceives you.
Anyone who wears one of these revealing suits should be completely comfortable with their own body, and not worried about how anyone else perceives it.
When a man perceives he has to work for something, his mind tells him what he is working toward is of value.
Much in the way that an actual crab will move sideways when it perceives danger, so too will Cancerians step aside.
While things are mutually shared, Taurus won't have much patience for what he perceives to be Libra's wishy-washy way of viewing life.
Often, it is the child who tries to manipulate the situation based upon what she perceives to be an act of loyalty towards the other parent.
Just as a musician requires ear training exercises to enhance how he perceives music, so may intuitive people need training to help them in developing psychic abilities.
Color theory attempts to explain how the eye perceives color and what combinations people find appealing.
It's a complex buying process and each person perceives a certain amount of risk in their relationship with you.
The height of the tower is 179 ft., but the ascent is easy by a stair in the wall, and the visitor hardly perceives the inclination till he reaches the top and from the lower edge of the gallery looks "down" along the shaft receding to its base.
There is none in the subsidiary senses, because none of them perceives the pressures exerted on them.
But the primary sense of touch perceives one bodily member causing pressure on another, reciprocally, within the organism, from which we infer similar particular pressures caused between the organism and the external world; but without needing the supposed stupendous belief and assumption of the uniformity of Nature, which is altogether ignored in the inferences of the ordinary man.
For when she perceives the approach of those Enemies, she so settles her self in her Nest as to put her Bill out at the hole, and gives the Monkeys such a welcome therewith, that they presently pack away, and glad they scape so."
The eye perceives this picture, which gives the impression of the T much magnified, but turned upside down.
The heretic, having developed powers of rational choice, perceives his heresy, to wit, his want of adaptation to the moral environment, and turning round embraces the new faith that is the passport to survival.
This bracing of the vital feeling takes place by means of imaginative appeal to the great forces man perceives stirring within him and about him, such appeal proving effective doubtless by reason of the psychological law that to conceive strongly is XXIII.
In time, however, he perceives that behind the fantastic garb of language there is an earnest and vigorous mind, an imagination that harbours fire within its cloudy folds, and an insight into the mysteries of spiritual life which is often startling.
And, again, when one perceives the tendency to look upon the alleged ancestor or weli as an almost divine being, there is much to be said for the view that the patriarchal figures were endowed by popular opinion with divine attributes.