Perceived Sentence Examples
I asked her if she perceived any hint of threat.
He didn't have to explain how accusing his opponent would be perceived, especially after their acrimonious debate.
She perceived the difference in size at once.
About this time the king seems to have perceived the necessity of living and ruling in closer union with the church, a change of policy due perhaps to the influence of his brother Bruno, or forced upon him when his plans for uniting the duchies with the royal house brought rebellion in their train.
Boole was one of the most eminent of those who perceived that the symbols of operation could be separated from those of quantity and treated as distinct objects of calculation.
But by this time Tennyson was writing lyrics of still higher promise, and, as Arthur Hallam early perceived, with an extraordinary earnestness in the worship of beauty.
Fred rolled his eyes at Dean's perceived stubbornness.
Then I asked if she perceived any threats.
An unusually able ruler, connected by marriage with the powerful Servian dynasty of Nemanya, and by treaty with the republic of Ragusa, 2 Kulin perceived in the new doctrines a barrier between his subjects and Hungary.
The most important consequences of the expedient, however, were not intended or perceived at the time.
AdvertisementThat this was the question at issue is obvious enough now, although it could not be clearly perceived at the time.
He hardly knows the woman and you heard what Martha said; she still holds a grudge over what she perceived as Howie's carelessness that caused her daughter's kidnapping and death.
Fred just shook his head at Dean's perceived ignorance.
Personal good is perceived to be realizable only by making actual the conceptions thus arrived at.
The peculiar musky odour was perceived from a distance of a hundred yards; but according to Professor Nathoist there was no musky taste or smell in the flesh if the carcase were cleaned immediately the animals were killed.
AdvertisementIt was simply accepted by him in a broad way as the orthodox philosophic doctrine, and the doctrine which, as a sagacious churchman, he perceived to be most in harmony with Christian theology.
Abelard also perceived that Realism, by separating the universal substance from the forms which individualize it, makes the universal indifferent to these forms, and leads directly to the doctrine of the identity of all beings in one universal substance or matter - a pantheism which might take either an Averroistic or a Spinozistic form.
So, also, every one who has waded about the shores of the pond in summer must have perceived how much warmer the water is close to the shore, where only three or four inches deep, than a little distance out, and on the surface where it is deep, than near the bottom.
Horace Walpole, who gives an unfavourable picture of his private character, acknowledges that Stone possessed "abilities seldom to be matched"; and he had the distinction of being mentioned by David Hume as one of the only two men of mark who had perceived merit in that author's History of England on its first appearance.
In that gland the mystery of creation is concentrated; thought meets extension and directs it; extension moves towards thought and is perceived.
AdvertisementIn 1730 he entered the Mazarin College under the Jansenists, who soon perceived his exceptional talent, and, prompted perhaps by a commentary on the Epistle to the Romans which he produced in the first year of his philosophical course, sought to direct it to theology.
Recent criticism goes to show that there is a very considerable body of biblical material, more important for its attitude to the history than for its historical accuracy, the true meaning of which cannot as yet be clearly perceived.
The significance of this new orientation was at once perceived.
The value of this ringed structure was readily perceived, but objections were raised with respect to Kekule's disposal of the fourth valencies.
But whatever merits they had as clarifiers of turbid water, the advent of bacteriology, and the recognition of the fact that the bacteria of certain diseases may be water-borne, introduced a new criterion of effectiveness, and it was perceived that the removal of solid particles, or even of organic impurities (which were realized to be important not so much because they are dangerous to health per se as because their presence affords grounds for suspecting that the water in which they occur has been exposed to circumstances permitting contamination with infective disease), was not sufficient; the filter must also prevent the passage of pathogenic organisms, and so render the water sterile bacteriologically.
AdvertisementAt the same time he perceived that specific heats varied with temperature and also with allotropes, e.g.
Other isomorphously related elements and groups were soon perceived, and it has been shown that elements so related are also related chemically.
It was soon perceived, however, that if the empire could be governed by a princess of eighteen it could be managed better by the emperor himself, who was then fourteen.
But, since those universals, so far as they are called genera and species, cannot be perceived by any one in their purity without the admixture of imagination, Plato maintained that they existed and could be beheld beyond the things of sense, to wit, in the divine mind.
He perceived that opinion was seriously divided in the Established Church, and thought that a vigorous policy would soon prove effective.
Taken unawares and signally out-manoeuvred at Anzac and Suvla, Liman von Sanders perceived that his antagonists would probably retire from Helles also, and he took measures accordingly.
Jaidev was succeeded by numerous Hindu saints, who perceived that the superstitions of the age only led to spiritual blindness.
In the following year, according to Procopius, Justinian perceived the value of the Ghassanids as an outpost of the Roman empire, and as opponents of the Persian dependants of Hira, and recognized Harith as king of the Arabs and patrician of the Roman empire.
In formulating these facts Liebig at first retained the dualistic conception of the structure of acids; but he shortly afterwards perceived that this view lacked generality since the halogen acids, which contained no oxygen but yet formed salts exactly similar in properties to those containing oxygen, could not be so regarded.
Maltese authorities were ignorant of the disabilities of British Nonconformists at common law, and they had not perceived that persons with a British domicile could not evade their own laws by marrying in Malta, e.g.
He was a spectator of the riot of St Giles's, Edinburgh, on the 23rd of July 1637, endeavoured in vain to avoid disaster by concessions, and on the taking of the Covenant perceived that "now all that we have been doing these thirty years past is thrown down at once."' He escaped to Newcastle, was deposed by the assembly on the 4th of December on a variety of ridiculous charges, and died in London on the 26th of November 1639, receiving burial in Westminster Abbey.
Both have the feeling that it is inconsistent with the common sense of mankind, which will insist that the very object perceived is the sole reality.
Mayow perceived the similarity of the processes of respiration and combustion, and showed that one constituent of the atmosphere, which he termed spiritus nitro-aereus, was essential to combustion and life, and that the second constituent, which he termed spiritus nitri acidi, inhibited combustion and life.
Espartero crushed with much energy a revolutionary rising in Barcelona, but on his return to Madrid was so coldly welcomed that he perceived that his prestige was on the wane.
He perceived that to coil many turns of thin wire round an inner barrel was a logical extension of the large hooped method already mentioned, and in conjunction with I.
As soon as the male birds have begun their graceful antics, he shoots them, one after the other, with blunt arrows, for the purpose of stunning and bringing them to the ground without drawing blood, which would injure their plumage; and so eager are those birds in their courtship that almost all the males are thus brought down before the danger is perceived.
Although Hippocrates could not determine the proportionals, his statement of the problem in this form was a great advance, for it was perceived that the problem of trisecting an angle was reducible to a similar form which, in the language of algebraic geometry, is to solve geometrically a cubic equation.
But the expedition brought back a considerable knowledge of the country and its products, and the Roman leader seems to have perceived that the best entrance to South Arabia was from the havens on the coast.
In the first case the waves are more likely to reach and be perceived by an observer level with the source, while in the second case they may go over his head and not be heard at all.
A determinate musical pitch is not perceived, he says, till about 40 vibrations per second.
About 1850 it was perceived that a bridge stiff enough to carry railway trains could be constructed by combining supporting chains with stiffening girders suspended from them.
A faint smell of acetylene may be perceived during the oxidation in moist air; this is probably due to traces of calcium carbide.
He perceived at once that it was the only way of counteracting the restlessness of the sultan's protégés, the Protestant princes of Transylvania, whose undisciplined hordes, scarcely less savage than their allies the Turks and Tatars, were a perpetual menace both to Austria and to Poland.
In order that the principles already perceived by Capellus might be satisfactorily applied in establishing a critical text, many things were needed; for example, a complete collation of existing MSS.
St Paul was an emancipated Jew, but his converts were mostly Greeks, and the permanent significance of St Paul's theories of law and faith only began to be perceived after his letters had been collected together and had been received into the Church's canon.
Being an intelligent man, he perceived the commercial value of his chance discovery, and began the manufacture of articles which, with all the appearance of silver, were both cheaper and stronger than those made of the pure metal.
On all the cardinal doctrines - God, matter, the relation of God to the world, freedom and evil - Augustine retained the impress of Neoplatonism; at the same time he is the theologian of antiquity who most clearly perceived and most fully stated wherein Neoplatonism and Christianity differ.
When they conversed about the change of system, Napier said that he had perceived and desired the same thing, but that he had published the tables which he had already prepared, so that they might be used until he could construct others more convenient.
It was early perceived by Huxley, Cope and many others that Cuvier's broad belief in a universal progression was erroneous, and there developed the distinction between " persistent primitive types " (Huxley) and " progressive types."
Elizabeth did not mean to marry, and although a defensive alliance was concluded between England and France in April 1572, the French government perceived that public opinion in France would not tolerate an open breach with Spain in Protestant interests.
He clearly perceived the significant analogy between terrestrial gravity and the force exerted in the solar system, and by the ingenious device of a circular pendulum illustrated the composite character of the planetary movements.
The features of a coast can be appreciated only when it is perceived that they result from the descent of the land surface beneath the sea and from the work of the sea, upon the shore line thus determined; and it is for this reason that through- Coast, out this article the coastal features are described in connection with the districts of which they are the border.
In effect, therefore, Mayow - who also gives a remarkably correct anatomical description of the mechanism of respiration - preceded Priestley and Lavoisier by a century in recognizing the existence of oxygen, under the guise of his spiritus nitro-aereus, as a separate entity distinct from the general mass of the air; he perceived the part it plays in combustion and in increasing the weight of the calces of metals as compared with metals themselves; and, rejecting the common notions of his time that the use of breathing is to cool the heart, or assist the passage of the blood from the right to the left side of the heart, or merely to agitate it, he saw in inspiration a mechanism for introducing oxygen into the body, where it is consumed for the production of heat and muscular activity, and even vaguely conceived of expiration as an excretory process.
Lotze concluded that we have no more reason for supposing an external space like space constructed out of our perceptions, than we have for supposing an external colour like perceived colour.
He perceived that Darwinism attributed too much to accident, and was also powerless to explain the origin of life and of consciousness.
The whole known world, then according to him, is the perceived and the perceptible content of common consciousness.
This ethical value is perceived by reason or understanding (which, unlike Kant, he does not distinguish), which intuitively recognizes fitness or congruity between actions, agents and total circumstances.
It was soon to be perceived how carefully the Curia had made its calculations.
He attained correct views as to the character of centrifugal force in connexion with Galileo's theory; and, when the fact of the variation of gravity (Galileo's acceleration) in different latitudes first became known from the results of pendulum experiments, he at once perceived the possibility of connecting such a variation with the fact of the earth's diurnal rotation relatively to the stars.
In fact, experiments upon the changes of velocity of bodies, due to a mutual influence between them, bring to light a property of bodies which may be specified by a quantity proportional to their volumes in the case of bodies which are perceived by other tests to be of one homogeneous substance, but otherwise involving also another factor.
When, as in the case of contact, a mutual relation is perceived between the motions of two particles, the changes of velocity are in opposite directions, and the ratio of their magnitudes determines the ratio of the masses of the particles; the motion being reckoned relative to any base which is unaffected by the change.
The importance of a study of the changes of the vis viva depending on squares of velocities, or what is now called the "kinetic energy" of a system, was recognized in Newton's time, especially by Leibnitz; and it was perceived (at any rate for special cases) that an increase in this quantity in the course of any motion of the system was otherwise expressible by what we now call the "work" done by the forces.
When the length of the flowering season is considered, it will be obvious that it is impossible to keep up the show of a single border or plot for six months together, since plants, as they are commonly arranged, come dropping into and out of flower one after another; and even where a certain number are in bloom at the same time, they necessarily stand apart, and so the effects of contrast, which can be perceived only among adjacent objects, are lost.
This disease, working as it does at a time when growth is at a standstill, is not perceived in time to be checked, and makes its appearance in November, especially if the weather be wet.
While there are many viable plastic decking products available, they continue to be perceived by the public as slippery when wet, even if they're not.
Is price or perceived value your main criteria, or do you choose your jewels according to what pleases your eye?
In addition, a person might have what is known as an auditory sleep start, in which a discomforting experience of hearing a perceived loud noise wakes you up in light sleep.
They may be perceived as slow learners or troublemakers in the classroom.
When in 1666 he made his discovery of the different refrangibility of light of different colours, he soon perceived that the faults of the refracting telescope were due much more to this cause than to the spherical figure of the lenses.
Davy, passing through Paris on his way to Italy at the end of 1813, obtained a few fragments of iodine, which had been discovered by Bernard Courtois (1777-1838) in 1811, and after a brief examination by the aid of his limited portable laboratory perceived its analogy to chlorine and inferred it to be an element.
Already, before the expedition to Salamanca, he had perceived that the sons of Witiza had neither military nor political ability.
These inevitable consequences came to be perceived in course of time and occasioned a backward tendency towards services in kind which could not prevail against the general movement from natural economy to money dealings, but was strong enough to produce social friction and grave disturbances.
Yet memory is not mere conception, as Aristotle, and Mill after him, have perceived.
The aim of logic in general is to find the laws of all inference, which, so far as it obeys those laws, is always consistent, but is true or false according to its data as well as its consistency; and the aim of the special logic of knowledge is to find the laws of direct and indirect inferences from sense, because as sense produces sensory judgments which are always true of the sensible things actually perceived, inference from sense produces inferential judgments which, so far as they are consequent on sensory judgments, are always true of things similar to sensible things, by the very consistency of inference, or, as we say, by parity of reasoning.
Implied in every contrast of principle and fact, of rule and application, involved as we see after the event, most decisively when we react correctly upon a world incorrectly perceived, thought is yet not reflected on in the common experience.
Although Wolf at once perceived the value of the Venetian Scholia on the Iliad, the first scholar who thoroughly explored them was C. Lehrs (De Aristarchi studiis Homericis, Konigsberg, 1833; 2nd ed., Leipzig, 1865).
The value of these rules was quickly perceived, and practical use of them followed.
Knowledge is explained by the principle that the several elements in the things outside us are perceived by the corresponding elements in ourselves.
He believed that the South would share in the general industrial development, not having perceived as yet that slavery was an insuperable obstacle.
Calhoun himself now perceived that the North and the South represented diverse tendencies.
The prominence of the notion of the Alcheringa " dreamtime," or sacred past, in Central Australian religion illustrates the essential connexion perceived by the savage to lie between the sacred and the traditional.
Where plants are raised from seed in large quantities, varieties always occur differing in constitution, as well as others differing in form or colour; but the former cannot be perceived by us unless marked out by their behaviour under exceptional conditions, as in the following cases.
In his memoir on the so-called Etruscan vases (Dei vasi antichi dipinti volgarmente chiamati Etruschi, 1806) Lanzi rightly perceived their Greek origin and characters.
Horn had clearly perceived this; and his cautious neutrality was therefore the soundest statesmanship. But the politicians who had ousted Horn thought differently.
The king himself perceived in the compromise a means of solving the conflicting questions, and warmly approved it.
But it was soon perceived that the new plan was unsatisfactory and required recasting, upon which the minister of war, Baron Rappe, resigned, and was succeeded by Colonel von Crustebjorn, who immediately set to work to prepare a complete reorganization of the army, with an increase of the time of active service on the lines of general compulsory service.
Marcion alone perceived their decisive religious importance, and with them confronted the legalizing, and in this sense judaizing, tendencies of his Christian contemporaries.
With the Liberal reaction and strong reform movement which characterized the earlier years of Alexander II.'s reign (1855-1881) he thoroughly sympathized, and for some time he warmly advocated the introduction of liberal institutions of the British type, but when he perceived that the agitation was assuming a Socialistic and Nihilist tinge, and that in some quarters of the Liberal camp indulgence was being shown to Polish national aspirations, he gradually modified his attitude until he came to be regarded by the Liberals as a renegade.
The Jesuits, who aspired to be the source of all scholarship and criticism, perceived that the writings and authority of Scaliger were the most formidable barrier to their claims. It was the day of conversions.
The Stoics explained it as a transmission of the perceived quality of the object, by means of the sense organ, into the percipient's mind, the quality transmitted appearing as a disturbance_or impression upon the corporeal surface of that " thinking thing," the soul.
What has not perhaps been so clearly perceived is the consequence that all that is told about Helen refers to the later Simon.
Canning and Lawrence, at opposite ends of the disaffected districts, alike perceived that Delhi was the centre of peril, and that all other considerations must be subordinated to striking a decisive blow at that historic city.
It is probable, however, that pure phosphorous oxide vapour is odourless, and the odour of phosphorus as ordinarily perceived is that of a mixture of the oxide with ozone.
The confines of the sun are visibly in a state of turmoil, for which a sufficient cause can be assigned in the relative readiness with which the outer portions part with heat to space, and so condensing produce a state of static instability, so that the outer surface of the sun in place of being fixed is continually circulating, portions at high temperatures rising rapidly from the depths to positions where they will part rapidly with their heat, and then, whether perceived or not, descending again.
The policy, imposed by the home government, of abandoning responsibility beyond the Orange river, was, he perceived, a mistaken one, and the scheme he prepared in 1858 for a confederation of all South Africa (q.v.) was rejected by Great Britain.
Brinkley seems at once to have perceived the vast talents of young Hamilton, and to have encouraged him in the kindest manner.
Walpole perceived that there was another world which understood none of these things.
He perceived instinctively that a large number, even of those who took greedily the bribes of Walpole and the Peihams, took them, not because they loved money better than their country, but because they had no conception that their country had any need of them at all.
It was because the issues opened led to changes so far greater than the wisest statesman then perceived, that Pitts solution, logically untenable as it was, was preferable to Burkes.
He perceived clearly that the effect of the new French principles could no more be confined to French territory than the principles of Protestantism in the 16th century could be confined to Saxony.
Both Plato and Aristotle devoted much thought to the discussion as to which is most truly real, the finite objects of sense, or the universal idea of each thing laid up in the mind of God; what is the nature of that unity which lies behind the multiplicity and difference of perceived objects ?
On the other hand, there is nothing perceived in the mathematical relations of bodies which in the least resembles their secondary qualities.
A further step was to suggest the ultimate dependence of the secondary qualities of bodies upon " the bulk, figures, number, situation and motions of the solid parts of which the bodies consist," these mathematical or primary qualities " existing as we think of them whether or not they are perceived."
In and de- other cases the known relation is perceived to be intellectu.
Without denying the actuality or importance of that sympathetic pleasure in the perceived or inferred effects of virtues and vices he yet holds that the essential part of common moral sentiment is constituted rather by a more direct sympathy with the impulses that prompt to action or expression.
Sometimes they consider moral intuition as determining the comparative excellence of conflicting motives (James Martineau), or the comparative quality of pleasures chosen (Laurie), which seems to be the same view in a hedonistic garb; others hold that what is intuitively perceived is the rightness or wrongness of individual acts - a view which obviously renders ethical reasoning practically superfluous.
Wollaston made the experiment in 1802, and perceived the spaces of colour to be interrupted by seven obscure gaps, which took the shape of lines owing to his use of rectangular slit.
The resemblance of the rhea to the ostrich (q.v.) was at once perceived, but the differences between them are also very evident.
As he well perceived, the popularity of his name, the vague "legend" of a Napoleon who was at once a democrat, a soldier and a revolutionary hero, was his only strength.
The serious character of the problems of early Israelite history can be perceived from the renewed endeavours to present an adequate outline of the course of events; for a criticism of the most prominent hypotheses see Cheyne, Ency.
Catherine de Medici soon perceived that the massacre of St Bartholomew had settled nothing.
He never perceived how its loss threw France back a full century, to the great profit of foreign nations; while neither did the Church perceive that she had been firing on her own troops.
They soon perceived conihion.
But the discovery which was at once perceived to be most important in itself, and most revolutionary in its effects, was that of Jupiter's satellites, first seen by Galileo on the 7th of January 1610, and by him named Sidera Medicea, in honour of the grand-duke of Tuscany, Cosmo II., who had been his pupil, and was about to become his employer.
By these momentous inductions the geometrical theory of the solar system was perfected, and a hitherto unimagined symmetry was perceived to regulate the mutual relations of its members.
He perceived the analogy between the power which holds the moon in the neighbourhood of the earth, and compels Jupiter's satellites to circulate round their primary, and the attraction exercised by the earth on bodies at its surface; 1 but he failed to conceive the combination of central force with tangential velocity, and was disposed to connect the revolutions of the planets with the axial rotation of the sun.
The latter at the last moment recorded their votes in favor of the Abarzuza Bill when they perceived that a strange sort of eleventh-hour presentiment was about to make all the Spanish parties vote this insufficient reform.
The Baggara perceived in this Mandi one who could be used to shake off Egyptian rule, and their adhesion to him first gave importance to his " mission."
The greater the visual angle, the more distinctly are the details of the object perceived.
The other portions which are reproduced on the retina on the regions surrounding the yellow spot will also be perceived, but with reduced definition.
From the Fraunhofer formula I =X/n sin a one can immediately deduce the limit to the diffraction constant I, so that the banding by an objective of fixed numerical aperture can be perceived.
All details of the object so resolved are perceived, if two diffraction maxima can be passed through the objective, so that the character of the object is seen in the image, even if an exact resemblance has not yet been attained.
Therefore we can assume that a detail which appears under an angle of 2' can be surely perceived.
Owing to these aberrations, the fine structure, which in consequence of the large aperture could be resolved, could not be perceived.
But in Primulaceae no vestiges of septa or marginal ovules can be perceived at any period of growth; the placenta is always free, and rises in the centre of the ovary.
We meet first with experiments made by investigators who perceived that observations on man and animals might lead to a better understanding of the action of drugs.
No real connexions between isolated objects of experience are perceived by us.
They are, in fact, as Kant presently perceived, the foundations for all judgments regarding real existence.
Determined sequence is the causal relation in any possible experience, and no experience is possible save through the determination of perceived changes as in relation to a determined order in time.
He hadn't believed her death inevitable, and only bought contracts on those he perceived as potential threats.
The identifiable hierarchy of settlement reflects a perceived increase in the stratification of society dominated by a warrior aristocracy.
But al-Qaeda is growing in support as a result of the ' War on Terror ' and a perceived American ignorant arrogance.
Performance Indicators Value of events as perceived by attendees.
These appear to have been specifically targeted to address perceived tax avoidance.
The ' Parent Know How ' campaign has been developed to break down some of the perceived barriers to asking for help.
But the perceived brightness of an object is a function of the receiver.
In the presence of a perceived crisis, the dominant castes see themselves as the representatives of Hinduism.
The most commonly cited reason for retention problems was a perceived lack of career progression.
Any perceived improvements in these services are not commensurate with the input.
First perceived western complicity in the oppression of Palestine.
It also gives a sub-contractor the opportunity to object to a proposed adjudicator on the grounds of actual or perceived conflict of interest.
Perhaps when they have seen huge spiders on T.V. being handled without mishap, the perceived danger from our tiny native specimens seems less.
The McGillicuddy's Reeks gather so hard about that the deep defile can be perceived from a great distance.
What are your perceived disadvantages of the type of analysis?
The original Borg scale of perceived exertion has been modified.
Do not make excuses for yourself or your perceived failings.
From this movement in turn is derived the articulatory gesture, the utterance relating to the perceived object.
It's not idiotic to replace golliwogs with goblins, as Blyton's own daughter perceived.
Amendments introduced by the Enterprise Act 2002 sought to redress the perceived imbalance in favor of the bankrupt.
Stress can be defined as a perceived inability to cope with an unpleasant or painful life situation.
Even so, and despite the perceived inconsistency, they are still in eighth place just a point behind the play offs.
When racism becomes economically inefficient then any perceived electoral gain will quickly be lost.
We propose measures to address the perceived inequity arising from one-to-one meetings with companies.
Crouch perceived an opportunity; he had a clerical kinsman, John Simons.
Animals were barely perceived to have physical needs, let alone mental and emotion needs, and were kept in appalling conditions.
All the correspondents voiced serious misgivings regarding the perceived lack of regard to the original planning consent by the occupant of The Prospect.
By the bright moonlight, she perceived me lying on the ground.
Perceived nearness of screen The fact that the subject ' knows ' that the visual target is close leads to instrument myopia.
The second issue for Labor that electoral reform helps is the perceived neglect of our core voters.
Indeed, the isolated sytem does not absorb or emit anything... and, as a result, cannot be perceived by any observer.
Independent schools are often perceived as being better than they really are, while the state sector sometimes attracts more odium than it deserves.
The perceived disadvantages of ethnic enclaves are not omnipresent.
Sexual orientation includes homosexuality, heterosexuality and bisexuality and also includes perceived orientation.
Looking up through the branches we perceived that the sky had become overcast with heavy clouds.
The central bank is widely perceived to be a driving force behind many of the reforms mentioned by Fitch.
This call for strike action can only be negatively perceived, given the increasingly bleak climate of uncertainty with regard to the international situation.
Despite the excellent safety record of Western reactor designs they are still perceived by the public as presenting risks to health and life.
The perceived ability of learning providers to meet the needs of business has become a burning question.
The approach is bottom-up and largely reactive to perceived need at grass-roots community level.
This prompted reflection on the effect of culture on the perceived legitimacy and efficacy of alternative and diverse forms of feedback.
One recurring theme has been our perceived reluctance to tell the world of our successes and of our contributions.
She became deeply resentful of a regime which she perceived " found us to be problem people " " .
Even more importantly, deep conflicts of value and perceived self-interest are at stake.
The first dealer was still whingeing about the perceived slight, seemingly understanding nothing of the dynamics of street trade.
The crew perceived a hostile aircraft threat to be closing on their ship.
Being so top-heavy, the IFA is perceived as representing the interests of members who are in senior posts within archeology.
They could identify to the controller the perceived urgency of a call.
Those who perceived a narrow utilitarianism as dominant took the opposite view.
The graphs also show that the range of effective variances is well below the values of perceived variances.
The effect on perceived contrast ratio can be substantial and the whole picture will look more vibrant.
That something was finally done has much to do with the perceived weakness of the Royal Navy at that time.
However, in so doing, Lord Goff may have introduced a high degree of uncertainty to the previously perceived wisdom on false imprisonment.
When this proposal was quietly put aside by the president, and Seward perceived in Lincoln a chief-executive in fact as well as in name, he dropped into his proper place, and as secretary of state rendered services of inestimable value to the nation.
As the towns expanded, they perceived that they must mutually exclude each other.
After the commencement of the 14th century, the civil wars decreased in fury, and at the same time it was perceived that their effect had been to confirm tyrants in their grasp upon free cities.
In these two incidents the tsar perceived a diminution of Russian prestige and influence in Turkey, and Prince Menshikov was sent on a special mission to Constantinople to obtain reparation in the form of a treaty which should guarantee the rights of the Orthodox Church with regard to the Holy Places and confirm the protectorate of Russia over the Orthodox rayahs, established by the treaties of Kainarji, Bucharest and Adrianople.
The result was perceived first in Montenegro and Servia, and then in Bulgaria.
No sooner is the vibration perceived than the spider descends with all speed to the centre, and by feeling the ends of the radiating lines learns which is ashake and rapidly, without the possibility of mistake, makes its way to the entangled insect.
Led thereto by speculations on gases, Dalton assumed that matter was composed of atoms, that in the elements the atoms were simple, and in compounds complex, being composed of elementary atoms. Dalton furthermore perceived that the same two elements or substances may combine in different proportions, and showed that these proportions had always a simple ratio to one another.
More emphatic opposition to the dualistic theory of Berzelius was hardly possible; this illustrious chemist perceived that the validity of his electrochemical theory was called in question, and therefore he waged vigorous war upon Dumas and his followers.
When, therefore, he perceived the impression he had made upon the first citizen of Florence, Gemistos suggested that the capital of modern culture would be a fit place for the resuscitation of the once so famous Academy of Athens.
The diet of 1497 passed most of its time in constructing, and then battering to pieces with axes and hammers, a huge wooden image representing the ministers of the crown, who were corrupt enough, but immovable, since they regularly appeared at the diet with thousands of retainers armed to the teeth, and openly derided the reforming endeavours of the lower gentry, who perceived that something was seriously wrong, yet were powerless to remedy it.
From the foregoing criticism it will be perceived that all the questions whether Machiavelli meant to corrupt or to instruct the world, to fortify the hands of tyrants or to lead them to their ruin, are now obsolete.
No philosophy founded on this assumption is likely to maintain itself against the twofold evidence of modern psychology and modern logic. According to the first the world, whether looked at from the side of our perception or from the side of the object perceived, can be made intelligible only when we accept it for what it is as a real continuity.
The extraordinary ambiguity and uncertainty which allegorical interpretation tacitly ascribed to Scripture, and the ease with which heretical as well as orthodox teaching could be represented as " hidden " under the literal sense, was early perceived, but instead of this leading to any real check on even wild subjectivity in interpretation and insistence on reaching the literal sense, it created an ominous principle that maintained much of its influence long after the supremacy of allegorism was overthrown.
Waagen's law of mutation, or the appearance of new parts or organs so gradually that they can be perceived only by following them through successive geologic time stages, appears to be directly contradictory to the saltation principle; it is certainly one of the most firmly established principles of palaeontology, and it constitutes the contribution par excellence of this branch of zoology to the law of evolution, since it is obvious that it could not possibly have been deduced from comparison of living animals but only through the long perspective gained by comparison of animals succeeding each other in time.
The latter had for some years perceived the influence exercised in benefit societies by badges and titular appellations, and he further endeavoured to devise some quaint phraseology which would be attractive to the working classes.
Whereas, so long as philosophy was in abeyance Socrates and the Socratics were regarded as sophists of an abnormal sort, as soon as philosophy revived it was dimly perceived that, in so far as Socrates and the Socratics dissented from sophistry, they preserved the philosophical tradition.
Good and evil, virtues and vices, remarks Plutarch, are all capable of being perceived "; sense, this common basis of all mental activity, is a sort of touch by which the ethereal Pneuma which is the soul's substance!
Bauer was a man of restless, impetuous activity and independent, if ill-balanced, judgment, one who, as he himself perceived, was more in place as a free-lance of criticism than as an official teacher.
Ismael Bouillaud (1605-1694) stated in 1645 the fact of planetary circulation under the sway of a sun-force decreasing as the inverse square of the distance; and the inevitableness of this same " duplicate ratio " was separately perceived by Robert Hooke, Edmund Halley and Sir Christopher Wren before Newton's discovery had yet been made public. He was the only man of his generation who both recognized the law, and had power to demonstrate its validity.
The Liberals had to act cautiously and slowly, because they perceived that any premature move towards reform or democratic legislation wculd not be welcome at court, and might displease the generals.
She became deeply resentful of a regime which she perceived " found us to be problem people " ".
A study from Toronto found that dipping was not perceived to be risky by gay men, but was associated with recent seroconversion.
Every moment they perceived some friend floating around them, for a while, then sinking into the abyss to rise no more.
For politicians, nothing spells ruin so quickly as being perceived as being soft on crime.
Mr Maclean should not have permitted the MLC advertisements to claim that with the stringency of controls even the remotest perceived risk was avoided.
Perceived transgressions of such codes have led to the imprisonment and even killing of some women.
I then perceived that these people were peasants, who were loading two wagons with empty wine- casks.
The words of angels are usually perceived as vatic.
Sometimes, perfectionism is just an excuse to delay a product's release and it's a seductive one, because fixing perceived or real problems feels like an essential task.
In most cases, however, what is perceived as stuttering really isn't as serious as it might appear.
Unique baptism gift ideas may be perceived as practical or creative.
Rough textures are generally perceived as being more informal and smooth, while finished textures look decidedly more formal.
In the 1950s, the television show Leave it to Beaver portrayed what was perceived as the quintessential modern American family.
One of the perceived problems of going green is the potential enormity of the task.
Lighting has a big impact on how a color is perceived - always look at a color in the light it will be permanently displayed before committing.
Another reason why wicker was a good choice was because it was flexible which made it very comfortable.As a natural fiber, wicker was perceived as being a clean material that later became synonymous with healthy outdoor living.
Color design can affect not only the way that a room looks, but how it is perceived in terms of size and comfort.
In the beauty world, very little is perceived to be sexier or more smoldering than dark eye makeup.
If you asked a fellow Christian single a barrage of moral and ethical questions on the first date, this could easily be perceived as bombastic and even rude.
While you may be concerned and ask what is wrong with Yahoo mail, many of perceived problems with the service are not generally deal breakers.
Aided by a dual-layer, auto-exposure sensor, the T2i exposure system (iFCL for intelligent focus, color and luminance) takes factors like subject luminosity, focus distance and perceived color information into account during shooting.
Once the perceived threat is no longer present, your body will return to its relaxed state.
When the perceived danger is false, the body experiences a false alarm and triggers a panic attack.
Part of the function of stress is to protect the body from perceived threats.
The body releases chemicals, such as adrenaline, that are designed to help you survive a perceived threat or attack.
Educating - The therapist will help sufferers understand what GAD is and how their thoughts make their bodies react to perceived threat.
One of the perceived disadvantages of vegetarianism is it can be harder to get certain nutrients, such as calcium, folic acid, omega 3 fatty acids and protein.
Raw Kids - Since it can be hard to get kids to eat anything that's perceived as different, this book focuses on not only recipes but guiding kids through the transition to raw foods as painlessly as possible.
Most employees do not use these alcohol rehab programs because of an associated stigma impacting their perceived professional ability.
What your boyfriend perceived as guilt was really only submissive behavior on your dog's part.
The Affenpinscer is bold and will not back down from perceived danger.
How you look may determine how you are perceived professionally.
Most believers like it for its perceived detoxification properties, which they note can result in everything from resistance to allergies to a decrease in cellulite.
Never mislead your intended mark with news that could be perceived as dangerous.
Don't write in all caps - it's perceived as shouting.
On the other hand, activities that are too simple or seem too childish may be perceived by the individual as embarrassing or demeaning.
For both mental and physical health, long-term care residents need to be challenged with activities that are both entertaining and perceived as worthwhile by the resident.
In the earliest stage of sleep, your body completely lets go and this might result in a twitching or falling sensation as a reaction to this perceived loss of control.
Infrared light is perceived as heat -- it is what causes you to feel the heat of the sun on a warm day.
Because infrared light is perceived as heat energy, it is important to protect both the skin and the eyes from it.
This is because video games are perceived as being fun.
Streaming lets customers play the game while download progresses, this drastically reduces perceived delivery time since only a portion of the data is needed to launch the game.
There is a perceived value to a wine that is around $50+.
Inchildhood, girls with gender identity disorder experience less overall social rejection than boys, as it is more socially acceptable for a girl to be a tomboy than for a boy to be perceived as a "sissy."
In childhood, girls with gender identity disorder experience less overall social rejection than boys, as it is more socially acceptable for a girl to be a tomboy than for a boy to be perceived as feminine.
However, custody decisions are strongly influenced by the circumstances of each individual case, the welfare of the involved child or children, and the perceived effect of each parent on the child.
Bensley, Lillian, et al. "Community Responses and Perceived Barriers to Responding to Child Maltreatment."
They often form intense personal attachments only to quickly dissolve them over a perceived offense.
Seventh cranial nerve endings control neck, eyelid, and forehead muscles; are responsible for facial expression, the secretion of saliva, the volume at which sound is perceived; and a myriad of other functions.
As the facial paralysis of Bell's palsy is usually perceived correctly by parents to be a neurological condition, neurologists are often consulted.
Amok-A culture-specific psychiatric syndrome first described among the Malays, in which adolescent or adult males are overcome by a sudden fit of murderous fury provoked by a perceived insult or slight.
They are usually extremely concerned about how they look and how they are perceived and accepted by their peers.
A complete head-to-toe exam will be performed, during which the parent may want to ask questions related to birth marks or anything that is perceived as unusual.
In addition, because hypomanic episodes are characterized by high energy and goal-directed activities and often result in a positive outcome or are perceived in a positive manner by the patient, bipolar II disorder can go undiagnosed.
For the bully, these perceived slights serve as justification for aggressive behavior.
Studies show that students who are gay or bisexual or are perceived as gay or bisexual experience an extremely high rate of bullying, not only by other students, but often by teachers and other school personnel.
In all countries, shyness is perceived as more negative than positive, with 60 percent or more considering shyness to be a problem.
The Golden Ratio in a face means the face is symmetrical, in proportion and is perceived as beautiful.
In fact, the more measurements of the face that fall into the Golden Proportion, the more beautiful the person is perceived to be.
Some women went as far as to shave off the front of their hairline to extend the depth of their foreheads, increasing their perceived beauty and status.
The difference is that you might not be aware of the rotten day your child's teacher was having, but you will certainly be aware of your own perceived shortcomings.
Most homeschooling parents are acutely aware of the perceived social disadvantages of homeschooling.
Another disadvantage to outsourcing is how the outsourcing company may be perceived by the public at large.
Employees who do not truly understand what this type of harassment is frequently exhibit behaviors that have the potential to be perceived as offensive or intimidating to co-workers.
Although the stigma of unplanned teenage pregnancy has eased in recent years, many women say they continue to be perceived as immature and irresponsible by older mothers.
There's no doubt that beautiful string bikini models are some of the sexiest women around, but that has a lot less to do with any perceived perfection in their figures and much more to do with their confidence.
Halter Bikini - This type of body paint bikini is much more forgiving for women of various breast sizes because the illusion is that it goes around the neck, offering a perceived form of support.
More than most other sports, swimming was perceived as one that did not require much investment, as you could swim for free in nearby lakes, or inexpensively in a local pool.
For men who are uncomfortable swimming or participating in water sports without a shirt, a rash guard can help to conceal perceived body flaws by holding your stomach in and covering pale skin.
It may seem almost impossible to do, especially when you're sporting minimal swimwear, but there are ways you can minimize any perceived flaws you may have.
Stop fretting over every perceived body flaw, and don't worry if your hair is out of place.
It should be noted, however, that the perceived "bargain" is, in many ways, anything but.
This adds to the perceived depth of the candle itself, and has a really pretty overall effect.
You believe that you are being perceived by your date as fun, lively and a good conversationalist.
In fact, many couples discover new topics to discuss as their families come together for the first time, often arguing over perceived difficulties with the wedding planning.
They are then used by some jewelers to show a perceived value savings, when in fact the retailer is charging a full mark-up and not offering a good buy.
One of the key benefits of etiquette is that it has evolved through many centuries of practice and therefore many potential engagement problems, whether perceived or real, can be overcome by following a few key rules.
Regardless of perceived diamond quality, you may simply know in your heart that this is the diamond for you.
Gold is known for its timeless quality and for its perceived strength.
You take criticism as an opportunity to improve your skills, instead of becoming angry at the perceived insult.
Your body is simply responding to a perceived threat with the release of histamine.
Because you carry this same sort of determination through other areas of your life, you can also be perceived as a bit stiff and uncooperative at times.
Study at your own pace without the pressure (real or perceived) to advance at a particular rate.
It's often perceived that your hard work must be coupled with luck in order for you to succeed.
Perhaps this is because these natives spend so much time shoving their angry feelings down, but many people are truly surprised when a Cancer packs up her bags and leaves instead of taking one more perceived insult.
However, as time wears on, Pisces might find that Aries has no time for dealing with deep emotions, while Aries finds Pisces' perceived lack of ambition a bit irritating.
In some cases, the abuse was intentional, and in other cases, the abuse may be perceived as accidental.
Their theory on this topic is simplistic-if students dress alike, they are perceived as alike, and thus treated alike.
The White House Report on No Child Left Behind provides detailed information regarding the goals and perceived benefits of the legislation.
While requiring all students to wear the same clothing can be perceived to have positive effects, the downside is that students are robbed of their freedom to express themselves through their choice of clothing.
Additionally, potentially objectionable subject matter, such as violence, nudity, sex, profanity, and other topics might be perceived by some parents as acceptable in some contexts and completely inappropriate in others.
It's a mistake to dwell on animosity or perceived wrongs and slights associated with any past life search.
All too often, a psychic has to be "right," even if her perceptions is in direct contradiction to what the witnesses have perceived.
Alarm clocks with programmable snooze functions and multiple settings overcome this perceived problem and these clocks allow users to set their own snooze time.
Eagerly, Seiko responded to what the company's horology engineers perceived as a mighty challenge.
The fact is, autistic children are often perceived by the general public and parents and physicians to appear to be typical children falling within the normal range of development - until they don't.
Humor is often misinterpreted and frequently perceived as insulting.
Lowered balances are perceived positively.
The sample functional resume below is a method of presenting what could be perceived as a "questionable" work history in a positive manner.
Considering that Microsoft has always perceived Macintosh as a weak competitor more education-oriented and lacking a business orientation, this bias isn't a mystery from a business point of view.
Timing is critical to the sales process and so is a customer's perceived value of his/her time.
Despite a popular perceived view, not all business owners are cold-hearted calculating machines caring only for profits at the expense of everyone they step on while rising to the top.
The tasks of manufacturing is perceived by these entrepreneurs as time consuming and boring.
It's no longer important just because you care how you are perceived by employees and the public - it is vitally important to your bottom line.
Before you sell - If you're planning to sell your car or trade it in at the dealer, thoroughly cleaning it beforehand can increase its perceived value.
While McDonalds nutrition may be perceived as unhealthy, creating a healthy meal is attainable with the right information.
It slows the metabolism and tells your body to store fat for energy until the perceived "famine" is over.
Additionally, the natural movement pattern of the elliptical machine means that there's a lower perceived rate of exertion, which can inspire you to work harder.
The perceived lack of transparency when it comes to business practices is one of the problems that customers have cited with the General Electric program.
The perceived complexity of annuities comes from the number of options that are available to people, not so much from any real complexity in how these investment vehicles work.
Women reported less perceived breast pain with exercise.
The best way to avoid any perceived dangers of buying a bra previously tried on is to go to a lingerie shop that sells high-quality bras and offers high-quality shopping assistance.
Even as more men seem to be wearing them, whatever their job, the mantyhose are still hard to find in shops, as there is a perceived stigma about buying them.
The benefit of this style is an increased hourglass figure that will enhance your natural curves, while minimizing any perceived flaws.
However, there are many options in sexy lingerie that can hide perceived imperfections and enhance assets.
Many retro and vintage styles, though perceived as rather racy when they were new, fall into a tamer category that is more romantic and less erotic.
In order to solve this dilemma, it may be best to consider the strengths and perceived weaknesses of your body.
Some perceived the band as belonging to the waning Manchester pop scene, and consequently achieved a reputation for being insincere charlatans.
Clapton is a true music legend who is perceived by those in and out of the industry as one of the best guitar players in history.
Individuals who tune into reality television programs week after week are shown what is perceived as reality, when in essence it really isn't.
Feelings with regard to the Vulcans waxed and waned between gratitude for their friendship and resentment for their perceived containment of the human spirit.
Uniforms need to have perceived quality and value.
Maria crushed Martha in her happy embrace, although what she'd perceived of the young girl's absence through the veil of her linguistic limitations was anyone's guess.
On the 21st of January Dr Saenz Pena at last perceived that his position was untenable, and he handed in his resignation.
In 1885 Preece and Heaviside proved by experiments made at Newcastle that if two completely insulated circuits of square form, each side being 440 yds., were placed a quarter of a mile apart, telephonic speech was conveyed from one to the other by induction, and signals could be perceived even when they were separated by 1000 yds.
It will be perceived that the type was rather oligarchical than strictly democratic. Between the parlamento and the consuls with their privy council, or credenza, was interposed the gran consiglio of privileged burghers.
The ease with which explicit invocations attach themselves to many of these apparently self-contained forms proves that there is not necessarily any perceived difference of kind, and that implicit address as towards a "something not-ourselves" is often the true designation of the latter.
Gorchakov perceived that Russian designs against Turkey, supported by Great Britain and France, were impracticable, and he counselled Russia to make no more useless sacrifices, but to accept the bases of a pacification.
These had existed for a long time side by side, without knowing anything of each other, but when they perceived each other, the Light had only looked and then turned away; but the Darkness, seized with desire for the Light, had made itself master, not indeed of the Light itself, but only of its reflection (species, color).
This was clearly perceived and keenly felt by the educated classes, and as soon as the strong hand of the uncompromising autocrat was withdrawn, they clamoured loudly for radical changes in the aims and methods of their rulers.
In this way we can reconcile the fact that the sun is certainly losing heat with the fact that the change in temperature has not been large enough to be perceived within historic times.
Austria was continuing to arm; and the emperor perceived that the diplomatic failure at Erfurt was now about to entail on him another and more serious struggle.
The chemical analogy of this substance to chlorine was quickly perceived, especially after its investigation by Davy and Gay Lussac. Cyanogen, a compound which in combination behaved very similarly to chlorine and iodine, was isolated in 1815 by Gay Lussac. This discovery of the first of the then-styled " compound radicals " exerted great influence on the prevailing views of chemical composition.
Notwithstanding these errors, the value of the " ethyl theory " was perceived; other radicals - formyl, methyl, amyl, acetyl, &c. - were characterized; Dumas, in 1837, admitted the failure of the etherin theory; and, in company with Liebig, he defined organic chemistry as the " chemistry of compound radicals."
Utilizing this principle he constructed the radiometer, which he was at first disposed to regard as a machine that directly transformed light into motion, but which was afterwards perceived to depend on thermal action.
As far back as 1878 Matsukata perceived the.
The responsible authorities on the spot perceived that the process of gradually removing the huge accumulations of impedimenta that were massed about the landing-places and of reembarking the troops must take place during the dark hours and step by step, every effort being made to keep the Turks unaware of what was in progress.
Neoplatonism perceived that neither sense perception nor rational cognition is a sufficient basis or justification for religious ethics; consequently it broke away from rationalistic ethics as decidedly as from utilitarian morality.
It is evident that in the category of substance, as Aristotle perceived, substance is predicate of substance, e.g.
Long before the exact length of the year was determined, it must have been perceived that the synodic revolution.
About The Year 73 O The Venerable Bede Had Already Perceived The Anticipation Of The Equinoxes, And Remarked That These Phenomena Then Took Place About Three Days Earlier Than At The Time Of The Council Of Nicaea.
In Order That It May Be Perceived At Once To What Centuries The Different Lines Of Epacts Respectively Belong, They Have Been Placed In A Column On The Left Hand Side Of The Table On Next Page.
No doubt he was waiting for an opportunity of recovering the portion of Bessarabia which had been ceded by the treaty of Paris, and he perceived in the disturbed state of Eastern Europe a possibility of obtaining the desired rectification of frontier, but he hoped to effect his purpose by diplomatic means in conjunction with Austria.
Bradley had already perceived, in the case of the two stars previously scrutinized, that the apparent difference of declination from the maximum positions was nearly proportional to the sun's distance from the equinoctial points; and he realized the necessity for more observations before any generalization could be attempted.
While Balfour Stewart's work on the theory of exchanges was too easily understood and therefore too easily ignored, the weak points in Kirchhoff's developments are only now beginning to be perceived.
It is because Kant alone perceived the full significance of the change required in order to meet the difficulties of the empirical theory that we regard his system as the only sequel to that of Hume.
But the full significance of his work on the theological side was not at the time perceived, and justice has barely been done to the admirable manner in which he reduced the theological disputes of the century to their ultimate elements.
But the nobility soon perceived the necessity of complete surrender.
He united two unusual gifts, being at the same time the most cultured man of his day, and also in the highest degree a practical person, who clearly perceived what would most rapidly educate and interest the uncultivated.
Accordingly, as soon as all the great planets had disappeared, a new constellation was perceived to have risen, and all the stars in it had been lighted by the enthusiasm of Brandes.
Arran must have perceived that Henry had infuriated the Scots and that the cardinal might adopt the claims of Lennox and proclaim Arran illegitimate.
Till she became Elizabeth's captive there was always the possible hope of her conversion, and despite her professions to the pope there was at least one moment when the pope perceived this possibility.
Cardinal Tencin was not in the secret, and by the time Charles made his way to Paris in January 1744, James clearly perceived the duplicity of France.
The past is now filled with a glory which could not be so fully perceived at the time, but which, as St John tells, it was the function of the Holy Spirit to reveal to Christ's disciples.
And though he perceived the advantages of change in the constitution of the estates, he still doubted if an improved system could work in the actual conditions of his native province.
O'Connell seems to have thought success certain; but he had not perceived the essential difference between his earlier agitation and this.
The precise meaning of these changes for Palestinian history and life can only incompletely be perceived, and even.
It will be perceived that an objective attitude to the subjective writings must be adopted, the starting-point is the writings themselves and not individual preconceptions of the authentic history which they embody.
The leading chiefs of Afghanistan perceived that the maintenance of Shah Shuja'?
Not only were they dismayed by the novelty of the sophistical teaching, but also they vaguely perceived that it was subversive of authority, of the authority of the parent over the child as well as of the authority of the state over the citizen.
As the result of the war with the Mogul empire, which lasted from 1686 to 1690, the company perceived that a land war was beyond their strength, but their sea-power could obtain them terms by blockading the customs ports and threatening the pilgrim route to Mecca.
Rowland was one of the most brilliant men of science that America has produced, and it is Curious that at first his merits were not perceived in his own country, In America he was unable even to secure the publication of certain of his scientific papers; but Clerk Maxwell at once saw their excellence, and had them printed in the Philosophical Magazine.
It will not be welfare (or, at least depending on how you define the term, it will not be perceived as welfare).
When adolescent friends squabble, their conflicts typically center on issues such as gossiping, disclosing secrets, or loyalty and perceived betrayal.
Then, too late, patriots like Machiavelli perceived the suicidal self-indulgence of the past, which, by substituting mercenary troops for national militias, left the Italians at the absolute discretion.
The purely artificial character of the System of Linnaeus and his successors had been perceived, and men were at a loss to find a substitute for it.