People Sentence Examples
Most people will tell you anything you want to know.
People on top of the earth are all meat.
I made friends with many people on the train.
People passing between them were a blur.
When she talked to people, she liked to do it face to face.
The 1920s to 1950s renderings of what people thought the future would look like are full of things like personal jetpacks and flying cars.
There are the people who hope the future will be better.
Most people haven't even tried because we cannot reasonably imagine a way by which we can be rid of them.
You teach them to respect people.
Mom used to say that people suspected in others what they had experienced or what they would do in the other person's shoes.
AdvertisementAnd because human nature changes either not at all or very slowly, people make the same choices over and over again.
Friday was usually a hectic day, with people being released, so she was unable to leave early.
With so many people at their house, it was fortunate that the weather was warm and dry so they could utilize the courtyard for the children.
At the moment he was one of the most important people in her life.
So he followed the Prince into the great domed hall, and Dorothy and Zeb came after them, while the throng of people trooped in also.
AdvertisementEverything that I saw other people do I insisted upon imitating.
The people did not like this.
I may be connected to other people, but still it is all about me.
Maybe that was the attraction she felt for people like Yancey and Allen.
I guess maybe hearing people talk... about their marriage.
AdvertisementI don't care what other people think.
Being around Lathum had opened his eyes to the number of people who deceive and are deceived.
The people were dressed in old fashioned clothes.
Maybe so, but there have been many people attacked by bears - mostly black bears.
The people whom they met gazed at them and wondered who they could be.
AdvertisementI don't want people harassing me.
I suppose there are some people who would consider it unthinkable to keep it in operation.
Science would solve everything, prosperity would grow indefinitely, and people would thrive.
There were so many people and cars.
Immediately the Prince and all of his people flocked out of the hall into the street, that they might see what was about to happen.
It is a secret the bears do not know, and we people of Voe usually walk upon the water when we travel, and so escape our enemies.
The people for miles around were roused as though a fire were raging.
Then there are the people who reason the future will be better.
That it would mean people would no longer know their neighbors?
I do not remember when I first realized that I was different from other people; but I knew it before my teacher came to me.
What old people say you cannot do, you try and find that you can.
More people she wouldn't know.
And if so, would they be able to fit three people comfortably in the front seat?
No. Well yes, but so were other people.
The same thing people are up to now, I suppose.
People always wanted what seemed unobtainable.
He pissed off the wrong people.
Only a fairy country could have veg'table people; and only in a fairy country could Eureka and Jim talk as we do.
Here the conversation seemed interesting and he stood waiting for an opportunity to express his own views, as young people are fond of doing.
Oh, I can understand why you would want to deceive people, I just don't understand how you can involve your family in such a thing – especially Tammy!
The stage came to a halt in front of the station, and people drifted by, satisfying their curiosity about its occupants.
I think you're one of the few people who would truly appreciate it.
We'd be accusing people of serious crimes!
There is an army of people who would kill for what you possess.
Frankly, it's a pain in the ass with five people using one bathroom.
Several people stopped to stare or skirt them as Rhyn padded through, and one startled gasp drew his attention briefly to a stairwell.
People gathered around them to ask questions.
A few people acknowledged Cassie, and glanced curiously at Darcie.
Keep in touch with people.
I know, but there are a lot of people who don't understand.
I was talking about other people's children.
You said marriage was for people who wanted to spend a lifetime together, not a few nights.
But were they real people?
Off to one side was an old fire ring but no buildings or people.
I appreciate what I've put you people through but after this afternoon things are going to be different.
I've seen a lot of places and people in these visions but never anyone I knew.
The smallest state has lots of small people; delightful children everywhere, but alas, now there is one less.
You won't know how many people are involved or how the information is obtained.
I'm sure our people have that stuff.
Sworn assurances you or your people will not pursue our identity in any way and you'll do all in your power to protect our anonymity.
Allow Brennan to operate with total independence and no pressure from you people.
I only ask that you do as much good for as many people for as long as you can.
I'd never drive with my own plates when I'm on the prowl for little people.
Are your people checking him out?
You people need an exit strategy.
How are the other people who answer the tip lines taking it?
I managed to calm myself enough to relate what little I knew of what happened to the people with whom we'd both worked so closely.
People who would kill you.
The underground world was well built and bright with whitewashed walls lining corridors wide enough for two people to walk side by side.
She was one of the first off the train while the kid wailed and several people around her muttered.
He had to protect her from Sasha and the Dark One; he had to protect her from Kris and his people.
People around him had a way of dying horribly, and he wasn.t entirely sure what to do about it, now that it mattered.
The healers. village consisted of several dozen cottages around a central square, in which many of the village.s people gathered and talked or cooked meals over red flames.
The people called them the British.
How many times had people commented on his wealth?
As for Alex, he likes to control people.
Isn't it strange how babies can draw people together?
I'm talking about the safety of these people.
I walked down the entire block but there weren't any people.
Could other people do this too?
These were real people in life-altering situations.
That's what people do.
Animals bit the people.
Did most people want him?
Come, meet your people.
She knew he could heal people.
He'd known love and trust only in the earliest stage of his life, when he had a family before he entered the dark age of his people.
I can fight, and I hate most people.
Kris, you can't use people!
My people figured out the right mix of Rhyn.s girl.s blood to give immunity to whoever has it.
I want my revenge against Sasha and Kris both, but there are innocent people there.
He.s kinda got a whole bunch of people to worry about.
Some people said that they were what Henry Longfellow wrote on his slate that day at school.
He sent out among the poor people of the city and found two little babies who had never heard a word spoken.
The shah, or ruler of these people, went out to meet Alexander and welcome him to their country.
When I learned that there was a gift for each child, I was delighted, and the kind people who had prepared the tree permitted me to hand the presents to the children.
Love virtue, and the people will be virtuous.
As they approached the building, a large group of people came out whooping and yelling.
But then, maybe Alondra was one of those people who simply took a long time to warm to strangers.
Of course, she knew Alex well enough now to know he didn't like people to hand out information about him.
After all, he knew Katie too, but they only wanted the people he knew before he met his wife - excluding his sister.
Some people changed together and others went in different directions.
Had fate brought her to these people who welcomed her as if she were family?
But people are out here all the time with ATV's, aren't they?
They had to get away from here - back to the house where there were other people.
She was forming a habit of using people who expressed interest in her – Connie, Howard, Len and now Yancey.
She stopped at a light and glanced at a shop to her right where some people were standing around talking.
Their lives were now entwined with the two people they left alone in that building.
Financially, they think it's a sound move to have four people share the rent.
I'm just tired of the labels we slap on people who think independent of the 'in' crowd.
It's nice to know Brandon lives with people he can trust, don't you think, Fred?
I know you love me, but when people find out I lived with the Indians for three years...
I don't know about friends, but there sure are a lot of people in Ashley who seem preoccupied with everything I do.
I thought... of all people, he'd tell you his plans.
Of all people, surely Darcie should realize why.
I'm still not sure why they did - maybe because they had recently lost a lot of their own people.
I suppose it is different things for different people - dreams or goals.
But aren't you a little concerned about what people will say?
People are starting to wonder if you don't like them.
What could have happened so long ago that people still remembered it?
It's flapping jaws that get people into trouble.
I can get into enough trouble without people squeezing imaginary insults out of my words.
The more she learned about the way he thought, the more she was convinced that people around him were the strange ones, not Cade.
People had limited control over their emotions, but they could certainly remain in control of their actions.
People have urges and sometimes things just happen.
Well, maybe it does for some people, but not a hard hearted old witch like me.
Some people lived their entire lives without ever being close to anyone.
Everyone has feelings, Claudette, though some people are extremely successful at hiding them.
People are always willing to believe the worst about others.
It's inevitable that two people living in the same house are going to be at odds sometimes, but from now on I'll never feel completely safe.
Mary had never been the jealous type, but then, where love was concerned, people changed.
It's just that... well, it isn't right for two people who aren't...
People should get married because they want to spend the rest of their lives together, not because they've already shared a few nights.
I know people think I'm crazy, but I'd like to keep the ranch as near its natural state as possible.
Do you think the woman and the girl were people from your past; relatives?
The few family relatives I had were city people, for generations.
My dreams, the few times I remember them, are always about things that happened recently; people I just interacted with.
Just think; they might have been real people you were seeing.
Frankly, I'm petrified what I experienced last night might somehow lead to more of the same; people poking sticks at my psyche.
I was in a small town, on the main street with cars and people all around.
He did so, and then pointed out the location of where he'd seen people, cars, the two horses and the wagon.
There weren't any buildings or people so I 'came back'.
There were no people or vehicles in sight.
Betsy was hopeful she might be able to confirm where the people had lived.
He admitted scads of people, as he put it, were seeking his help.
I'm just learning my way around the internet at this level but Brennan's people could do it in a minute.
They say fifty thousand people have hit their web site!
Do you think he's one of people we tipped about to the line?
No records are supposed to exist and the people involved are vetted top secret.
I keep asking Howie about you people but he blows me off.
When you're an investigative journalist, you get to know all the right people... like Mr. Singer.
At least two different people call in the tips but I'm guessing only one person is the psychic.
There must be a lot of people answering a national tip line.
I can see where the local law enforcement people wouldn't be thrilled with these folks looking over their shoulder and pushing them.
The few people I've met who knew me back then say I'm a different person.
It was all over the Internet and the million dollar reward people started calling.
She should lock her doors and windows, just like you people, before this guy carves her up and adds her to the list.
That's something the law enforcement people don't want to do.
Some people around her know of her ability and assist her but she alone has the gift.
Can't he get these people off your back; and off ours?
I know for a fact they've talked to the tip line people and didn't get very far but who knows if they're tapping the line.
I'd like you or your people to check every medical facility in and around Cleveland.
Watch yourself; you're public and he might very well target you or your people.
I understand you have good people on your payroll.
We'd go back to god knows what; a life normal people live.
People out there want to kill someone with Howie's ability.
They have already killed innocent people.
Molly will find out, someone, this monster that's killing all these people; he'll find someone and force them tell.
Sure, the million dollar offer was withdrawn but I'll bet there are thousands of people out there who would still pay a fortune to own Howie.
I repeated the promise I'd made Merrill Cooms when he funded us so generously; "Do as much good for as many people for as long as you can."
I've not slept through the night since this monster began killing people!
I get a lot of phone calls from people snooping for more information but I tell them I print everything I know.
I got all the vehicle information and full descriptions of the people.
I considered a stop at the office of these people but I was intelligent enough to see it was wired with a sophisticated security system that I shall not attempt to challenge.
The father beat him near to death, people said.
Thankfully, most times people react rather than ask questions.
Half dozen people were huddled around several monitors.
Our people feel he's been very active since then.
Two people laughed aloud and someone growled about their federal tax dollars at work.
Do you realize how many thousands of people tried to find us?
The entire area was swarming with people in all manners of attire from combat ready armament to business suits to uniformed police.
At under five and a half feet, she wasn't sure how she was supposed to find her brother among the people around her.
Several of the rooms on either side were open, revealing couples in various stages of undress, a room with junkies shooting up and potheads lighting up, and a room filled with what looked like people sleeping.
Just like this place, filled with people who hurt her.
My job is to protect people like you from monsters like those in the alley.
Shouldn't you be saving those people so I don't blow them up?
I don't interact with people much.
It was busy enough; she might be able to lose him if she made it to a crowd of people.
As a former assassin and interrogator, Dusty didn't much care for people to begin with.
I only see other people's fates, not mine.
How many people lived to hear they'd died?
I didn't know there were such people in this world.
Men like Jake wouldn't want to die any other way than honorably defending people like you.
When the kings of our people found them, they mated with them to bind them to them.
Dusty takes care of these kinds of people.
I need more people, boss, or a Traveler at least.
There were many people in his dream, and he thought he should remember them.
If Dustin's words were true, she'd never be welcomed into the home of any of Damian's people, not if they feared the sight of her!
It was something normal people did during this time of year, something she'd done every year for twenty-three years.
It's not easy being the good guy, and it's a job not many people can do.
Exactly. But not everyone can do what we do, because we're, well, different than normal people.
We're in a unique position to help people who can't help themselves against bad guys who want to hurt them, he said.
He's really protective of the people he cares about.
There are two people on my list.
Every step he took brought more memories of people and places he felt to his core he knew – but couldn't recognize.
You were killing so many people?
She couldn't help thinking the creature whose job it was to trick people into Hell wasn't above lying to the human mate he took.
That is what people think of when I tell them about the chain of events.
You people have the lowest standards when it comes to quality of life.
Of course, he chose two of the most selfish people she knew.
The idea that Gabriel's people were there brought confusion.
She could summon Darkyn, though she feared his reaction to her leaving more than what these people would do to her.
Yesterday, she saw the power she could have to help people from Hell.
If he was half as creative at torturing people and planning his battles as he was in bed, he was more than capable of doing it.
Who was Deidre to interfere in something that spanned so long and involved two people who cared so much for each other?
He's good at pushing people away.
You play with people's lives every day.
I like staying in a house, or a bed and breakfast—places where you meet people.
People can't just shoot a gun anywhere they want to, can they?
Not so, as over a hundred people packed the room.
You can't go around reading other people's mail!
What are you people doing?
There were definitely two people in the car but he said one was a man.
The trio continued to click down the list of people at Bird Song who were around when the bone fragment theft was discovered.
Word is his people are pissed.
There are some people who deserve to die, like Blackie—like that sheriff—like me.
I can't believe sweet Cynthia Byrne, hitting people!
He looked around, furious at Darkyn for earning the trust of people who didn't trust him in his new role as Death.
It didn't matter that he'd been sentenced to Hell by the very people he was now charged with protecting.
His predecessor lulled people into trusting him with charisma and magic.
No longer hungry, she began to wonder how many other people she'd faulted over her lifetime.
I've hurt so many people.
Deidre whirled and saw two people between her and the yellow portal.
Gods help the girl, she trusted him of all people.
I mean, you can still help people like me.
No emotion crossed his features as his gaze settled on the two people on the bed.
Nope. Your people are handling all of that.
Absolutely. You are two separate people.
Trusting people you shouldn't.
The only two people she cared about in this godforsaken world were both fighting for their lives.
Nothing. Just pissing people off today.
Do you think people reeeeeeally want to know?
The people are already starving.
The fate of my people will not matter if they do not live through the war!
She'd wanted to return home since she arrived, yet when presented with the enormity of her importance in her new world … when she realized how incredible it really would be to have a man like A'Ran in her bed every night … when she saw he was capable of passion … when she found out an entire planet full of people would die if she left … She couldn't help the tears at such a thought.
That she, a starving artist who'd been dragged across the universe because her best friend felt sorry for her, was the key to saving an entire race of people was unimaginable.
I don't know what you did to him, but I intend to repair the damage you've done to our people.
Do you know how many of my people have starved this moon-cycle alone?
The world and its people will take time to heal.
She had nothing to fear from these people, especially not Mansr, a blood relative of A'Ran and his sisters.
My failure to protect my people should not be something another should bear.
His people needed him.
His people were safe.
We're running an inn and we see a lot of different people.
Real people have secrets.
A bunch of people confirm it.
I like most people well enough.
He reveled in the effect he had on people.
I mean people, my boy, people.
Sometime in the 40s she got it in her head that they were violating people, and developed a guilty conscience.
They began to wonder if there were no people to inhabit this magnificent city of the inner world.
Are you surprised that you are unable to see the people of Voe?
All the people I have ever met before were very plain to see.
We have seen no people since we arrived, so we came to this house to enquire our way.
Fruits and flowers grew plentifully all about, and there were many of the delicious damas that the people of Voe were so fond of.
These were very numerous, for the place was thickly inhabited, and a large group of the queer people clustered near, gazing sharply upon the strangers who had emerged from the long spiral stairway.
The creatures had sense enough to reason that way, and the only mistake they made was in supposing the earth people were unable to overcome such ordinary difficulties.
If the Gargoyles can unhook the wings then the power to fly lies in the wings themselves, and not in the wooden bodies of the people who wear them.
Then he called his wisest men together and asked them, "Is it really true that the first people in the world were Egyptians?"
These children are learning it just as the first people who lived on the earth learned it in the beginning.
The king had sent them there to make the people obey his unjust laws.
All the people whom they saw spoke in praise of his wisdom.
People were still alive who knew the Wright brothers.
Just here, perhaps, I had better explain our use of the manual alphabet, which seems to puzzle people who do not know us.
The only young people remaining in the drawing room, not counting the young lady visitor and the countess' eldest daughter (who was four years older than her sister and behaved already like a grown-up person), were Nicholas and Sonya, the niece.
In front of the Governor's house Alpatych found a large number of people, Cossacks, and a traveling carriage of the Governor's.
I've got people checking sales.
It would make some people feel much safer.
These people we point out to the authorities... they must hate us beyond all reason.
It would be so unfair to so many people if we quit, but God almighty, it's difficult and scary.
He's let other people pat him.
There were even other people on the street and all he did was stop.
Ronnie doesn't know any of those people and he keeps saying I should step up to the plate, like it's the least I could do 'cause he already tolerates me like a bad case of hemorrhoids.
Won't most of the people know about your accident and loss of memory?
Yeah. That's all Ronnie want's to discuss with people, like his wife's son is some kind of freak.
Howie wasn't tops on my list of favorite people at the moment.
I was flat on my back on a stretcher and there were a number of people in the room, most with flashlights, all seemingly talking at the same time.
I think people did things to me in the night but when I finally woke, the room was awash in sunshine.
Yes, I thought, there were scores of people who wanted to murder Howie.
I worked so hard and so brilliantly in tracing down these people.
We're putting innocent people at risk and not just ourselves.
When Betsy mentioned telling the After people, a thought struck me that the death of Owen Bryce, once known to our friends at After would probably tie me directly to the tipster as well.
I was too scared to look out at the people.
We've changed the world together, for lots of people and now we can't even talk about what we did.
People at the memorial service had contradictory stories and when Howie pressed them, no one seemed to have any real facts.
I'm a little tired of making other people's decisions for them.
I haven't done anything illegal and it's his opinion I have no legal responsibility to tell them anything I know about you people.
And now, if these people think they are safe from me, are in for the surprise of their now-short lives!
I staggered back to my room, away from the contented people playing around the pool, not wanting them to see me in tears.
There were people in the lobby, ahead of me but I blurted out my question like a third grader with a bladder problem.
You can't just kill people!
But two thousand innocent people, down to the family dog.
The lights in every house were on, the doors boarded up, and people somewhere were screaming.
Dusty was going to kill all these people if he didn't figure out how to fix them.
He deserved it, after all the trouble he'd been, but these people didn't!
I mean, how do you heal people, like step-by-step?
I can only heal them one by one, but Dusty, if I don't do it, then you'll kill everyone, and it's not fair when they're just innocent people.
She's volunteered to help me round up the people and knows, like, everyone in town.
But I want you to move the cured people out of here and then level the city and the lab.
You won't destroy the people?
Clear the people, wipe out the town.
And how fortunate he was to have people who cared for him.
He was one of the only people who didn't shy away from her or treat her like she was a leper.
Normally, she'd leave before it got too crowded; her father preferred she avoided people altogether.
Instead, she started a third bowl of the soup and watched the pub fill with people.
There were a lot of tourists in town, probably for the autumn equinox, which drew people from around the world every year.
He'd watched Sean subtly steer people away from it.
She gathered up her things and left out the back door to avoid the small group of people gathered in the dining room for brunch.
The air between them shimmered with his body heat and her magic, and he didn't flinch away like normal people did.
Accustomed to being shunned by people, she'd almost felt normal around the stranger who seemed unaffected by her magic.
I'm so fed up with people making fun of me because I'm different, she said, frowning.
You were mumbling in your sleep about killing people.
But when I do, whatever I am, I can't get far without terrifying the people around me.
She was surprised to see three people within, none of whom looked like they fit in the refined, elegant spaces of the parlor.
She didn't fully understand what was going on between her father and these people.
Who are all these people, and why are they after me?
Her father had just admitted there were more people like her, and she couldn't help her flicker of hope at the news.
Those two will continue to send people to kill you, just like Jule and the swordsman.
She sat heavily, unable to fathom hundreds of people dying around her without her noticing.
Worse, what was she that hundreds of people were willing to seek her out to kill her?
I just found out my father's running around killing people, and you expect me to trust a stranger when I don't even know if I can trust him anymore?
They moved through the people with ease and walked up the low hill.
Resolved, she trailed her father down the hill, through the people who couldn't see them, and to the awaiting car.
She rose and trailed him from the house to the car, unable to guess what could agitate him if killing people didn't.
Her father hadn't taken the time to bury these people.
She faced her father, not expecting to see the small crowd of people on the other side of the monument.
She can bring people back from the dead.
She doesn't tell people what to do.
After a lifetime of rejection, she'd found a home with the very people her father warned her against.
She joined crowds of people milling through downtown Crystal City to see the Christmas displays and shop.
She fled, staggering as she bumped into more people and more visions flashed.
She ran until the cold air burned her lungs and the people were far behind her.
Instead, she wondered if those people she lived with would punish her if they knew what she was doing.
That's up to other people, not us, but I can tell you we'll miss you terribly and we'd love to have you stay a part of our family.