Peons Sentence Examples
Arthur never deals with the peons.
Let him, whoever has the millions, keep it and leave us peons in peace.
Peons were persons held in servitude on account of debt, and the peonage system was sanctioned both by the custom of the Mexican provinces and by the laws of the Territory.
The labour needed in this industry is supplied by Indian peons, who live in a state of semi-servitude and are paid barely enough to sustain life.
The condition of the itinerant labourers (peons) was still worse, the wages paid them being hardly sufficient to keep them from starvation.
In this same year a system of peonage that had grown up in the state attracted wide attention, and a Federal grand jury at a single term of court indicted a number of men for holding persons as "peons."
There were two classes of the population, however, whose status was practically that of slaves; namely, Indian captives and peons.