Pentameter Sentence Examples
T.S.Eliot " To break the pentameter, that was the first heave.
Help - Rhyme forms Terza rima stanza Three line stanza, commonly iambic pentameter.
The meter is basically iambic pentameter with variations, and incorporating a number of breaks within the line (caesura ).
The dialog, which Potter wrote, is in a rhyme which is an iambic pentameter, apart from a few direct declarations with eight syllables.
The poem is in the form of rhyming pentameter couplets, sometimes called heroic couplets, the favorite poetic form of the eighteenth century.
All the dialog, which Potter wrote, is in rhyming iambic pentameter, apart from a few direct declarations with eight syllables.
Must it rhyme, must it follow iambic pentameter; must every object be described through a metaphor?
Upon opening the envelope I remembered just how slim parochial pentameter is.
He lived in Windsor with his merry wives, writing tragedies, comedies and errors, all in Islamic pentameter.
Of the ill-fated C. Cornelius Gallus, their predecessor, we have but a single pentameter remaining.