Pelicans Sentence Examples
Cranes, storks, flamingoes and pelicans are found in large variety.
Several varieties of water-fowl, especially curlews, pelicans, gulls, ducks, terns, geese and snipe, are found in the vicinity of the lakes.
The avifauna is varied and abundant, comprising eagles, vultures (protected by law), hawks, owls, pelicans, cranes, turkeys, geese, partridges " (called quail or " Bob White " elsewhere), ducks, &c., besides numerous smaller species, many of which are brilliant of plumage but harsh of voice.
The genus Pelecanus as instituted by Linnaeus included the 1 This caution was not neglected by the prudent, even so long ago as Sir Thomas Browne's days; for he, recording the occurrence of a pelican in Norfolk, was careful to notice that about the same time one of the pelicans kept by the king (Charles II.) in St James's Park, had been lost.
Among the larger birds are cranes, herons, the ibis, storks, eagles, vultures, falcons, hawks, kites, owls, the secretary birds, pelicans, flamingoes, wild duck and geese, gulls, and of game birds, the paauw, koraan, pheasant, partridge, guinea fowl and quail.
Geese, ducks, cranes, pelicans and gulls are very numerous in the autumn months.
Large numbers of grebes - great crested, eared, and little, - gulls and pelicans frequent the lake.
Snipe and various species of wild fowl are found in the marshes, and pelicans and storks abound along the banks of the Euphrates and Tigris.
Innumerable aquatic birds haunt the banks of the Save, Danube and Drina, and the lower reaches of the Timok and Morava; among them being pelicans, cranes, grey and white herons, and many other kinds of waders, besides wild geese, ducks, rail and snipe.
There were also numerous White and Brown Pelicans and a flock of 200+ American avocets plus many gulls and terns.
AdvertisementHere I saw sea lions, pelicans, flamingo and a strange bird called the brown booby.
Most of these rocks and islets are inhabited by a variety of seabirds including pelicans and also the ubiquitous sea lions.
I live 15 miles inland from the sea, but we watch pelicans diving into a small lake near my house.
There are over 500 birds on site, including a large nesting colony of injured brown pelicans.
Dollar Bill Origami has designs for cranes, vultures (perhaps not the best choice for a serious gift), geese, swans, peacocks, pelicans, and eagles.
AdvertisementThe island was more hospitable to pelicans than humans and during the period that the Spanish held sway and dominion over California, they did not make use of the island.
Here vast numbers of ducks, geese, swans and pelicans resort every year.
Birds include the ostrich, great kori bustard, the eagle, vulture, hawk and crane, francolin, golden cuckoo, bootie, scarlet and yellow finches, kingfishers, parrots (in the eastern regions), pelicans and flamingoes.