Peered Sentence Examples
The front door opened, and Jenn peered in.
He peered behind her.
Lana peered around them to see the five or more armed men about twenty meters away.
She peered at his profile in the darkness.
Fred peered at the paper.
The moon peered over the walls of the city, and he squinted toward it.
Rubbing his eyes, he peered at the blurred figures of his clock, (more evidence of the necessity for his glasses).
She stopped and peered over the gate.
He peered at the Original Immortal curiously then looked up at her.
He ran out to his bicycle and pushed the kickstand back while he peered through the window.
AdvertisementDeidre paused beside the bubbling nest of beetles the size of her hand. Katie watched as she picked up one, peered at it and then flung it. Deidre giggled.
I peered toward the opposite side of the chamber, adjacent to the black carved statue of the toad god.
She peered cautiously over the edge, but couldn't see the car.
When she didn't respond, he peered over the paper again.
He peered into her mind.
AdvertisementI peered over her shoulder and saw my wife.
He followed the sounds and peered through one shelf into the aisle on the other side.
The tips of its delicate pink petals peered above the clasping green calyx.
I peered out from beneath the slightly fusty smelling brim of the old green satin cloak.
She stood up on tip-toe and peered through the glass porthole window in the door.
AdvertisementShe peered out from under her wagon and found the smiling face of Bordeaux.
He peered sullenly from under the brim of his hat.
She snatched the keys and jammed them in her pocket then peered through the peephole again.
She was talking with her mother and Sarah, but must have felt his gaze because she peered at him quizzically.
Ed peered over the stall at her and nickered softly.
AdvertisementHe peered past the first gate.
He peered at her over the top of his glasses.
Taran felt someone watching him and peered between two of his father's men to see the youth his age with glowing green eyes.
One hauled it open, and she peered into the impenetrable depths.
Shielding her eyes from the bright sun, she peered into the shadows, gasping.
Children and adults alike pressed against the ropes and peered up the street, expectation on their collective faces.
Suddenly another voice called out, and as Dean peered upward, he could see a glow from a column of headlights moving up the road to where they'd parked.
Deidre landed on her back beside her, and Katie pulled Toby against her. They huddled on the ground, waiting for the trees to crush them or the demons to snatch them. The ground continued to rumble. Slowly, the sounds died down then fell silent. Katie peered apprehensively out at the world.
Safely inside the crate, we all peered through the cracks at the prone and seemingly lifeless form.
He peered into the box and saw a robin staring back at him!
As she peered through the soft gray light not a house of any sort was visible near the station, nor was any person in sight; but after a while the child discovered a horse and buggy standing near a group of trees a short distance away.
Taking his sword in both hands, he peered over the top rung of the ladder.
He peered into the box and saw a robin staring back at him !
Mandy peered up the snowy slope to the ridge.
I peered closely, searching to see if I could detect any movement but saw nothing.
She peered through her eyelashes at two armed men stopped in front of her.
She hugged her knees to her chest and peered through her fingers.
The others had heard it as well and all eyes peered upward.
Fred peered over his shoulder as he read it.
He dropped the camera and peered over the edge of the cliff but the outcropping blocked his view of anything below.
She stiffened and peered into the forest.
He stepped closer to the bassinet and peered at the sleeping child.
She peered through the peephole to make sure it wasn't the woman she'd barely gotten rid of earlier.
She crossed to it and peered through the peep hole, surprised to see Jonny's caramel features and black eyes.
Bianca jumped at the voice and peered out of the kitchen at the man named Darian.
She peered through the crack in the door until certain they both entered the bedroom, then opened the closet door and slid out the opened front door.
She peered behind them, as if searching to see if he'd been followed.
She peered down at the girl, so small and so pale.
She slid out from under the table and stood, hugging herself and shivering violently as she peered out the kitchen window into the darkness.
She peered out of the kitchen and saw he'd gone back to the porch, apparently done talking to her.
Jessi peered through the peephole.
Again everything was shrouded in hard, dry perplexity, and again with a strained frown she peered toward the world where he was.
She leaned forward and peered at his somber features.
Dean said as he peered at the screen.
She tiptoed to the iPad and peered at the note.
Natasha, very still, peered out from her ambush, waiting to see what he would do.
Petya came out, peered into the darkness, and went up to the wagons.
She rose, bored after being trapped alone the whole day in the condo, and peered through the peephole.
Furious, confused, she peered into the lake waters.
He growled a warning and peered back at her through the silver eyes of a cat-like beast the size of a large horse.
He peered into the hole.
Darian peered out the window, where he had a good view of the barn that had been converted into a gym.
The demon peered out at him, as if trying to judge whether or not he lied.
She shifted in the seat and peered into the night.
She peered at him closely.
The sun peered over the ocean to the north while blooming apple trees sprinkled their flowers into piles in a cool sea breeze.
She peered at the areas where there was bruising.
She went to the edge of the lake and peered into it.
Darkyn pursued and peered through it with a slow smile, recognizing the place from Katie.s dream.
Cracking it open, she peered out.
Cautiously, she crept up to the door and peered around it, jerking her head back instinctively when she spotted Yancey unlocking a door to an inner office.