Peel Sentence Examples
Brady leaned away only to peel off his undershirt.
Before he had found a stock in all respects suitable the city of Kouroo was a hoary ruin, and he sat on one of its mounds to peel the stick.
However, slowly and carefully peel them off.
As regards internal politics, it may be remarked that the queen and Prince Albert were much relieved when Peel, who had come in as the leader of the Protectionist party, adopted Free Trade and repealed the Corn Laws, for it closed a dangerous agitation which gave them much anxiety.
The chief public buildings are the museum and art gallery at Peel Park, the technical school, the education offices and the Salford Hospital.
The duke took temporary charge of affairs, but Peel was felt to be indispensable.
On the 10th of May she wrote curtly that the course proposed by Sir Robert Peel was contrary to usage and repugnant to her feelings; the Tory leader then had to inform the House of Commons that, having failed to obtain the proof which he desired of her majesty's confidence, it was impossible for him to accept office.
This change was carried, but Peel, 1846.
Peel Park, bought by public subscription in 1846, was the first public recreation ground in the borough.
In the park are statues of Queen Victoria, the Prince Consort, Sir Robert Peel, Joseph Brotherton and Richard Cobden.
AdvertisementThe only other monument - a South African War memorial - is outside and almost opposite Peel Park.
Other parks are at Seedley, Albert and Buile Hill; the last contains a museum, the contents of which have been transferred from Peel Park.
The Clare election and the progress of the Catholic Association convinced both Wellington and Peel that the time had come when Catholic emancipation must be granted; and, submitting when further resistance would have led to civil war, the ministry itself brought in at the beginning of the session of 1829 a bill for the relief of the Catholics.
The duke, however, recommended that Peel should be at the head of the government, and served under him, during the few months that his ministry lasted, as foreign secretary.
On Peel's later return to power in 1841 Wellington was again in the cabinet, but without departmental office beyond that of commander-in-chief.
AdvertisementHe supported Peel in his Corn-Law legislation, and throughout all this later period of his life, whether in office or in opposition, gained the admiration of discerning men, and excited the wonder of zealots, by his habitual subordination of party spirit and party connexion to whatever appeared to him the real interest of the nation.
On Peel's defeat in 1846 the duke retired from active public life.
Another form of the drink is made of rum, orange and lemon juice, peel, sugar and water.
Sometimes rough concrete is rendered over with a plaster of cement and sand after the shutters have been removed, but this is liable to peel off and should be avoided.
After 1849 the canal programme was again taken up by the state, which alone or in conjunction with the provincial authorities constructed the Apeldoorn-Dieren canal (1859-1869), the drainage canals of the " Peel " marsh in North Brabant, and of the eastern provinces, namely, the Deurne canal (1876-1892) from the Maas to Helenaveen, the Almelo (1851-1858) and Overysel (1884-1888) canals from Zwolle, Deventer and Almelo to Koevorden, and the Stieltjes (1880-1884), and Orange (1853-1858 and 1881-1889) canals in Drente, the North Williams canal (1856-1862) between Assen and Groningen, the Ems (1866-1876) ship canal from Groningen to Delfzyl, and the New Merwede, and enlarged the canal from Harlingen by way of Leeuwarden to the Lauwars Zee.
AdvertisementPeel's budget in 1845 was a first step towards Free Trade.
He was in the employment of Robert Peel, grandfather of the prime minister of that name, who here instituted the factory system, and as the director of a large business carefully fostered the improvement of methods.
O'Connell changed his policy as regards Ireland when Peel became minister in 1841.
One of his motives in taking this course no doubt was a strong personal dislike of Peel, with whom he had often been in collision, and who had singled him out in 1829 for what must be called a marked affront.
After some hesitation Peel resolved to put down the repeal movement.
AdvertisementHe also wrote A Political Life of Sir Robert Peel (London, 1856); A Financial, Statistical and Monetary History of England from 1688 (London, 1847); Matter for Materialists (London, 1870); The Eve of St Mark, a Romance of Venice; and three dramas, The Statue Wife, Diocletian and Caius Marius, in addition to some fishing songs, and many contributions to various newspapers and periodicals.
He was a lord of the admiralty under Sir Robert Peel (1834-1835), but on being invited to join Peel's administration in 1841 refused, having been unable to obtain Peel's support for the Ten Hours' Bill.
In Easter term r810 he had obtained double first class honours, a distinction which had been obtained only once before, by Sir Robert Peel.
It is difficult to determine whether this was always his idea of incidental protection, or whether his views were changed after 1844 through the influence of Walker and the example set by Sir Robert Peel in Great Britain, or whether he was simply "playing politics" to secure the protectionist vote in Pennsylvania.
The cotton trade developed rapidly after the introduction of the cylindrical carding machine, which was set up here two years before Peel used it at Bolton.
The crying need for reform and the introduction of a proper police was admitted by the government in 1829, when Sir Robert Peel laid the foundation of a better system.
Ireland has two police forces; the Dublin metropolitan police originated in 1808, and in 1829 the provisions of Sir Robert Peel's act for London were embodied in the Police Law for Ireland.
The "runners" had disappeared when the police organization introduced by Sir Robert Peel came into force in 1829, and at first no pait of the new force was especially attributed to the detection of crime.
Although Peel himself did some of the chancellor's work, Goulburn was responsible for a further reduction in the rate of interest on the national debt, and he aided his chief in the struggle which ended in the repeal of the corn laws.
Goulburn was one of Peel's firmest supporters and most intimate friends.
He probably contributed in a considerable degree to bringing about the change of opinion on the question of free trade which ultimately led to the legislation of Sir Robert Peel on that subject.
A certain step towards realizing the objects of his scheme, though on different lines from Ricardo's, was taken in Sir Robert Peel's act of 1844, by which the discount business of the bank was separated from the issue department.
Notwithstanding his frequent protests that he did not covet power, but longed for retirement, we find him again, so late as 1835, within three years of his death, in hopes of office under Peel.
Some of the most humorous poetical pieces in the New Whig Guide were from his pen, and he was entirely devoted, like his friends Peel and Croker, to the Tory party of that day.
Upon the death of Lord Liverpool, Canning was called to the head of affairs; the Tories, including Peel, withdrew their support, and an alliance was formed between the Liberal members of the late ministry and the Whigs.
Its efficiency as an instrument of producing revenue was, however, so great as to lead to its revival in 1842, when Sir Robert Peel inaugurated his great free-trade reform and swept away duties on exports, duties on imported raw material, and other imposts hampering the trade of the country.
The political problems of the time interested him greatly, and his writings include two able letters to Sir Robert Peel, one dealing with the Variable Standard of Value, the other with the Increase of Pauperism (Oxford, 1819).
Justin M`Carthy, amongst other works, wrote biographies of Sir Robert Peel (1891), Pope Leo XIII.
It was rebuilt next year, the peel, finished five years later, forming part of the modern mansion.
It is relatively simple in composition, the predominating flavour being obtained from the dried peel of the Curacoa orange.
The peel is first softened by maceration; then a part of the softened peel is distilled with spirit and water, and the remainder is macerated in a portion of the distillate so obtained.
In November following he had to give place to a Conservative ministry under Peel; but he resumed office in April 1835, and remained prime minister till 1841.
Even more significant was the change in the cabinet, which was strengthened by the admission of some of the more conservative section of the Opposition, Lord Sidmouth retiring and Robert Peel becoming home secretary.
Wellington, Eldon, Melville, Bathurst, Westmorland and Peel, the latter of whom resigned on account of his opposition to Catholic emancipation.
The first reformed parliament, which met on the 29th of January 1833, consisted in the main of Whigs, with a sprinkling of Radicals and a compact body of Liberal Tories under Sir Robert Peel.
In the TamThe worth manifesto of January 1835 Peel proclaimed Conser- the principles which were henceforth to guide the vative party, no longer Tory, but Conservative.
The queen naturally sent for Sir Robert Peel, who undertook to form a government.
As ministers, however, did not resign on their defeat, Sir Robert Peel followed up his victory by moving a vote of want of confidence, and this motion was carried in an exceptionally full house by 312 votes to 311.
It is the signal merit of Sir Robert Peel that he terminated this era of private distress and public deficits.
In the budget of 1842 Sir Robert Peel terminated the deficit by reviving the income tax.
The success of this budget in stimulating consumption and in promoting trade induced Sir Robert Peel to follow it up in 1845 with an even more remarkable proposal.
Sir Robert Peel told the house that, in his previous budgets, he had given the manufacturers of the country free access to the raw materials which they used.
In the same year the necessity of renewing the charter of the Bank of England afforded Sir Robert Peel an opportunity of reforming the currency.
The administration of Sir Robert Peel is also remarkable for its Irish policy.
Sir Robert Peel wisely endeavoured to stifle agitation by making considerable concessions to Irish sentiment.
Sir Robert Peel, whose original views on protection had been rapidly yielding to the arguments afforded by the success of his own budgets, concluded that it was impossible to provide for the necessities of Ireland without suspending the corn laws; and that, if they were once suspended, it would be equally impossible to restore them.
Differences, which it proved impossible to remove, between two prominent Whigs Lord Palmerston and Lord Greymade the task impracticable, and after an interval Sir Robert Peel consented to resume power.
Sir Robert Peel was probably aware that his fall had been only postponed.
The policy on which Sir Robert Peel resolved facilitated attack.
Peel, worn out with a protracted struggle, placed his resignation in the dueens hands- Thus fell the great minister, who perhaps had conferred more benefits on his country than any of his predecessors.
Sir Robert Peel had attempted to deal with it (1) by purchasing large quantities of Indian corn, which he had retailed at low prices in Ireland, and (2) by enabling the grand juries to employ the people on public works, which were to be paid out of moneys advanced by the state, one-half being ultimately repayable by the locality.
Evictions were made on a scale which elicited from Sir Robert Peel an expression of the deepest abhorrence.
The government which Lord Derby succeeded in forming was composed almost exclusively of the men who had rebelled against Sir Robert Peel in 1845.
On the resignation of Lord Derby, the queen, anxious to terminate a period of weak governments, decided on endeavourGoaiition ing to combine in one cabinet the chiefs of the Whig party and the followers of Sir Robert Peel.
For the first time since their secession from Sir Robert Peel the Conservatives commanded more than three hundred votes in the House of Commons, but this increased strength was not sufficient to ensure them a majority.
This expectation was the more remarkable because Gladstone was the representative in the cabinet of the old Conservative party which Sir Robert Peel had led to victory.
General Peel, howeverSir Robert Peels brotherwho held the seals of the war office, objected to this extension; and the cabinet ultimately decided on evading, the difficulty by bringing forward a series of resolutions on which a scheme of reform might ultimately be based.
Lord Cranborne, Lord Carnarvon and General Peel, refused to be parties to the measure, and resigned office, the government being necessarily weakened by these defections.
It was also interesting to reflect that Gladstone had begun life as a Conservative, and had only gradually moved to the ranks of the Liberal party; while Disraeli had fought his first election under the auspices of OConnell and Hume, had won his spurs by his attacks on Sir Robert Peel, and had been only reluctantly adopted by the Conservatives as their leader in the House of Commons.
Mr Peel, who had been elected to the chair in 1884, decided that neither the speaker nor any other member had the right to intervene to prevent a member from taking the oath if he was willing to take it.
Though the fortunes of the Tory party were fast reviving under Peel's guidance, the victory was denied him on this occasion; but, for once, the return of the Whigs to power was no great disappointment for the junior member for Maidstone.
And if Disraeli, possessed by these views, became aggressively insubordinate some time before Peel's proclaimed conversion to Free Trade, we can account for it on reasonable and even creditable grounds.
Spite, resentment at being passed over when Peel formed the 1841 government, is one explanation of these outbreaks, and a letter to Peel, lately published, is proof to many minds that Disraeli's denial to Peel's face in 1846 that he had ever solicited office was daringly mendacious.
More than possible it is if Disraeli knew on the 5th (as he very well might from his friend Lyndhurst, Peel's lord chancellor) that the appointments were then complete.
Disraeli made Peel's acquaintance early in his career and showed that he was proud of it.
In his Life of Lord George Bentinck he writes of Peel fairly and even generously.
Such men make such feelings evident; and there is no reason for thinking that when, after 1841, Disraeli charged at Peel in obedience to his principles, he gave himself pain.
It was not long after it had settled in office that Peel's government, the creature of an anxious Conservative reaction, began to be suspected of drifting toward Manchester.
That it was forced in that direction we should say rather, looking back, for it was a time of dire distress, especially in the manufacturing districts of the north; so that in his second session Peel had to provide some relief by revising the corn laws and reducing import Poli, Y g g P dues generally.
His measures were supported by Disraeli, who understood that Protection must bend to the menacing poverty of the time, though unprepared for total abolition of the corn tax and strongly of opinion that it was not for Peel to abolish it.
It was repeated with greater emphasis in the session of 1844, also in a condition-of-Ireland debate; and from that time forth, as if foreseeing Peel's course and its effect on the country party, Disraeli kept up the attack.
Meanwhile bad harvests deepened the country's distress, Ireland was approached by famine, the Anti-Corn-Law League became menacingly powerful, and Peel showed signs of yielding to free trade.
Little conspiracies were got up to displace him, and might have succeeded but for an unconquerable dread of the weapon that destroyed Peel.
How, then, could it be imagined that with six years of power from his seventieth year, the Jew "adventurer," mysterious and theatrical to the last, should fill a greater space in the mind of England twenty years after death than Peel or Palmerston after five?
Another familiar feature in the landscape is the chain of peel towers crossing the country from coast to coast.
He supported Sir Robert Peel's free-trade policy, and went out of office with him.
They also make from straw and papyrus peel strong and beautiful mats and baskets in great variety, some of much fineness and delicacy, and also hats resembling those of Panama.
Pusey's elder brother, PHILIP PUSEY (1799-1855), was a member of parliament and a friend and follower of Sir Robert Peel.
Oranges and lemons, excluded from the plateau by the severity of the Winter cold, are grown in great quantities on the plains of Andalusia and all round the Mediterranean coast; the peel of the bigarade or bitter orange is exported to Holland for the manufacture of curacao; and figs, almonds, pomegranates, carobs and other southern fruits are also grown abundantly in all the warmer parts, the first two even in central Spain and the more sheltered parts of the northern maritime provinces.
In 1835, however, Sir Robert Peel made him rector of St Margaret's, Westminster, and canon of Westminster, and in 1849 he became dean of St Paul's.
He broke with him in 1827 on the occasion of the re-election of Peel for the University, Newman opposing this on personal grounds.
The oranges, lemons, &c., are peeled, and the peel is pressed against a large number of fine needles, the exuding oil being absorbed by sponges.
The aromatic bitters such as chamomile flowers, cascarilla bark, hops, orange peel and others contain in addition small quantities of essential oils which increase their local action.
It was long the residence of John Peel, yeoman, whose hunting proclivity was well known throughout the whole north country.
Peel's period as Irish Secretary saw him supporting the constitutional status quo.
It got into Peel's Festive Fifty, but did it dominate the nation's airwaves like it should have?
Avocado and prawn open sandwich Peel 1 small avocado and prawn open sandwich Peel 1 small avocado and remove the stone, then cut into slices.
Peel the avocados, remove the stones and cut the flesh into thick slices.
If you peel the bark off a tree, you don't renew its youth as a sapling; it just dies.
The bark of European white birch is beautiful and white, but does not peel in large plates as does the Northern paper birch.
While this is doing Blanche the tomatoes in hot water so the skins start to peel.
French brandy 1 bottle champagne Rub peel off 1 lemon with some lumps of sugar.
Peel and slice the celery and spring onion as finely as possible at an angle.
Peel and slice the garlic and onions, slice the chillies and pound them all in a mortar with the ginger and mustard seeds.
Drain, cool and peel, then cut into 1cm cubes.
Cornish Saffron buns are made with yeast and include currants and candied peel.
There was a compressed peel of thunder as eight powerful hooves pounded across the wooden drawbridge.
The winged spindle euonymus alatus Rosa roxburghii, when mature, peel and flake in cinnamon tinted hues.
He opposed Peel's free trade policies, especially after the later repealed the Corn Laws in order to relieve the famine in Ireland.
Here, beneath the towering 8th century peel tower King Malcolm gave fealty to the English king, William the Conqueror.
Failed harvests In 1845, Peel faced the defining challenge of his career.
Children were taught folk songs " Do ye ken John Peel?
Stained cellulose lacquer peel, examined under PPL illumination.
Whoa, you can really peel the layers off the onion!
Peel and finely chop the onions, add to them trimmed, washed and shredded leeks.
Finely peel the lemons, removing only the outer waxy layer, squeeze the juice.
Perhaps there's a slight suggestion of a lemon about the edges, like a lemon peel has been rubbed lightly around the rim.
If using lychees, peel and stone them over a bowl to catch the juice as you work.
Peel and thinly slice mango (its GI score is reduced by the protein in the mackerel ).
Wash, core and slice the pears and peel the oranges and add to the blender.
Peel, core and chop pears, add to onions and garlic.
Most Mums probably prepare veg most days, if you are standing still peeling carrots why not peeling carrots why not peel and squeeze?
Plums, currants, almonds, pistachio kernels, candied peel or dried cherries may be added.
He makes that hoop and set the balls for the 4-back peel on blue.
The best turn of the day was Robert Fulford's sextuple peel.
This image was derived from an unstained cellulose lacquer peel, from the Jurassic, Kimmeridge Clay, Maple Ledge Shales.
Top each with equal portions of remaining chicken and ½ tablespoon grated lemon peel.
The penult peel goes through to 2 yds in front of rover.
It is part of a stained cellulose lacquer rock peel.
Posted by mr mackenzie on 26/10/04 [Link] steve lamacq filling in for john peel John Peel, RIP Peelie's gone!
Method Clean the asparagus and trim any white ends or peel with a vegetable peel with a vegetable peeler.
The ICP peel is a powerful treatment for sun damaged skin and abnormal pigmentation of hormonal origin such as melasma and chloasma.
Wash and slice the pears and peel and chop the pineapple and pour into the blender.
Like Peel she was a provincial, but quite unlike him she despised consensus politics.
First of all, peel the potatoes for the mash and put on to to boil.
Full tire pressure under a new patch is a good way to make it peel off again.
There are two countryside rangers based at Linlithgow Peel.
Further details have been revealed about Peel Holding's proposed new waterside regeneration scheme in Warrington.
Visitors to the local shop on the corner of Peel Street expressed regret at what had happened.
Use weekly, to speed the ' feedback ' of your bliss sleeping peel serum.
Peel the top third of the skin from the apples and cut a sliver off the bottom so the apples can stand upright.
Simply peel the repositionable stickers from the wall and rearrange it in any way to suit your style.
To prepare the stuffing, peel and chop the onions.
Clean currants and raisins, chop suet finely, cut candied peel fine, beat eggs well.
Alongside John Peel, The Big Chill's Pete Laurence was also an enthusiastic early supporter of Hint.
Click here for more photos and information Much admired French & Peel 59ft liveaboard trad narrowboat (1991) with lovely lines.
Three into one will go Radio 1 has lined up a talented trio to replace the late John Peel.
Government advice is to peel apples for small children as residues can lead to stomach upsets.
Between the valleys of the Aa and the Maas lies the long stretch of heavy high-fen called the Peel ("marshy land").
Prolonged illness brought on straitened circumstances; and application was Iriade to Sir Robert Peel to place Hood's name on the pension list with which the British state so moderately rewards the national services of literary men.
The second largest of all, Chichi-jima, in Japanese cartography was called Peel Island in 1827 by Captain Beechey, and the same officer gave the name of Stapleton Island to the Ototo-jima of the Japanese, and that of Buckland Island to their Ani-jima.
Sir Robert Peel's party, catching at this hint, threw themselves into a frantic state of excitement, and when Cobden attempted to explain that he meant official, not personal responsibility, they drowned his voice with clamorous and insulting shouts.
The state of utter indigence to which Tennyson was reduced greatly exercised his friends, and in September 1845, at the suggestion of Henry Hallam, Sir Robert Peel was induced to bestow on the poet a pension of f200 a year.
In the autumn of 1845 the failure of the potato crop in Ireland threatened a famine, and convinced Sir Robert Peel that all restrictions on the importation of food must be at once suspended.
It was a curious irony of fate which excluded him from parliament at this crisis, for it seems unquestionable that he was the most advanced Free Trader in Sir Robert Peel's Cabinet.
The queen was affected Sir Robert to tears at parting with him; but the crisis had been peel's fully expected and prepared for by confidential corn- ministry.
The duke of Wellington, Sir Robert Peel and several other members of the ministry, moved perhaps by personal animosity, and certainly by dislike of his known and consistent advocacy of the claims of the Roman Catholics, refused to serve with him.
In the third game he revived a breakdown to complete a quintuple peel.
Further details have been revealed about Peel Holding 's proposed new waterside regeneration scheme in Warrington.
In 1829 Robert Peel decided to reorganize the way London was policed.
Resurfacing skin peel The very latest in skin resurfacing.
They exited the stage to a peel of riotous applause from one man sitting in the third row.
A rover peel on red failed with the ball sticking in the hoop.
Peel clears up the loose ball, but Thompson is penalized for coming into a ruck from the side.
Peel away the skin, or scoop out the flesh with a spoon.
The sheaf of arrows is from the arms of the Peel family of Drayton, to which belonged Sir Robert Peel.
The sodium in the salt combines with the silicates in the clay to produce a glossy ' orange peel ' textured glaze surface.
However, when Pete squeezed through to the last safe haven before the choke, we heard laughter peel out.
Here we have images of Dinoflagellate 5 cysts from a stained cellulose lacquer peel.
Peel 's period as Irish Secretary saw him supporting the constitutional status quo.
The research this year involved the removal of a sediment peel from a deeply stratified archeological site located the Cypress Hills.
Alongside John Peel, The Big Chill 's Pete Laurence was also an enthusiastic early supporter of Hint.
There is one small drawback to this recipe and that is the dried tangerine peel.
Numbers of other minute wood fragments were found on this single 1 cm² peel, some of which showed damaged bordered pit tracheid structures.
David had his own +26, with his second triple peel of the tournament, in the resumed game against Brian Murdoch.
Peel or scrub a number (say 6) of waxy potatoes & slice them very thinly into rounds.
Innovative Stencils has One Fish Two Fish peel and stickwall decals priced around $15.
Peel fresh fruit, such as apples, pears, and peaches, and cut into bite size pieces.
Contact dermatitis appears red and flat, and the skin may begin to peel or become flaky.
To test freshness, peel back the leaves slightly and run a thumbnail against one of the kernels.
The paring knife is much smaller, and is used to peel and to make small, precision cuts.
Small flakes of metal could peel up and find their way into your meal.
It's dishwasher safe, made from commercial-grade aluminized steel, and coated with Swiss Goldtouch ceramic non-stick coating that's not supposed to chip, scratch, or peel.
Garnish your drink with a lemon or orange peel.
Garnish the drink with an orange wedge, maraschino cherry or twist of orange peel.
It is the combination of flavors in Chambord, which include cognac, lemon peel and Madagascar vanilla, that makes this Martini taste so fantastic.
Serve your beverage garnished with a twist of lemon peel or a couple of berries on a cocktail toothpick.
Peel and cube half of your honeydew, and add it to the blender.
If you like, you can garnish the drink with a cherry or an orange peel.
Although the bark is often removed by machine, there are still craftsmen that peel and sand the logs by hand.
Using a draw knife to skip peel the wood adds interesting texture and color to the logs.
Many simply peel the root, slice or grate it and add it to recipes.
This particular tea also features chamomile, orange peel and spearmint leaves to enhance the flavor.
Once you have selected a recipe and root, you can peel, slice, chop or grate it and experience its aromatic essence and sharp flavor.
Chen-pi, or Bitter Orange Peel, comes from the peel of the Mandarin orange.
Dorm Buys - specializing in decor and accessories for dorm rooms, including peel and stick wall art, laundry accessories, lighting and more.
Dorm Buys- specializing in decor and accessories for dorm rooms, including peel and stick wall art, laundry accessories, lighting and more.
Wall Decor Shops -- features murals, paint-by-number designs 3-D, puffy wall stickers, peel and stick chalkboards and white boards, and even tile-sized appliqués to put on your kitchen or bathroom tiles.
Easy to apply murals are peel and stick simple.
Peel and stick wall decals have gained in popularity quite a bit over the last couple of years and some companies now make them in zebra stripes.
Peel and stick wall decals are also a great option for teenagers' rooms.
Carefully peel the cling off the wax paper and transfer it to a window.
They can, however, peel the paint off the wall behind it when you attempt to remove them.
Examples of such innovation include a digitally-enhanced flat hair iron, a slimming corset designed to peel the pounds off in just a few days and a selection of green tea and fruit-flavored extracts offering plenty of health benefits.
The sifter may prove slightly messy as you peel the protective covering from it, so take precautions to ensure you don't spill any powder.
Madonna Nudes 1979 for Men contains top notes of olive blossom, citron and grapefruit peel; middle notes of cardamom, star anise and Tonka bean; and base notes of musk, tobacco and teak.
Printed photos have a peel off sticky back that can adhere to many surfaces.
Peel off the lids and eat the frozen yogurt with a spoon.
Peel the chestnuts and then roast them in a 350-degree oven for 15 minutes.
Add the remaining flour (2/3 cup), butter (1/2 cup) and orange peel.
Peel the lemon, being sure to remove all the pith (white part).
If you peel and slice apples, be sure to drizzle them with lemon juice so they won't turn brown.
Boil 1 quart of chestnuts, shell, and peel them.
Just press the paper backing firmly onto your embellishment, then peel it off.
Many of these accents will already be fully decorated; some may even have the adhesive added to the back so you only need to peel and stick them to your layout.
In most cases, you can peel the top layer of the chipboard off to reveal a brown or white core that can be decorated as desired.
Punch out your stickers, peel off the backing, and adhere them to your layout.
How far in advance you get facial treatments will depend on the depth of the peel, facial, or other treatment.
You'll be able to peel that right off when you go away to college!
This player must peel and eat the banana.
Peel the cucumber and dice it, the tomatoes and the pepper.
A juicer is designed to thoroughly puree even the toughest fruits and vegetables, and some will even peel and chop them for you.
One easy way to do this is to peel beets with a vegetable peeler and grate the flesh into strips to add to a salad.
With the Vita Mix blender, there is no need to chop, peel or de-seed any of your ingredients, so you get the maximum amount of nutrients in the minimum amount of time.
Try a lemon-poppyseed cake with raspberry frosting or a plainer cake with lemon citrus peel in the buttercream and fresh raspberries on top.
Examples include fresh tiger lilies atop a white cake, garnishes of orange peel on a traditional vanilla cake, or orange fondant flowers on a dessert with any color scheme.
Add a cascade of fresh yellow and red flowers down the side of the cake, and garnish with lemon peel and raspberries.
Kids and adults love this icing and they will not peel it off to get to the "good stuff" underneath.
They soak up fluid, and you can layer the pads on top of each other so all you have to do is peel off the top layer or two and you have a fresh liner beneath.
There's no need to fully peel them because the skin adds to the fiber content.
Some of these products are so simple they are merely peel and stick!
Metal that is merely painted and not powder coated may peel and chip over time, requiring regular painting, just like wood.
It's a peel 'n stick solution that is available in traditional 12" x 12" squares as well as planks for a wood flooring look, and larger formats.
Simply peel off the paper backing to expose the adhesive; when the tile is pressed into place it will adhere to the subfloor.
Peel off the backing and press the tile onto the floor to install.
G-Floor's Peel and Stick Floor Tile is made for garage floors.
The downside to tiles with decals is that the decal may eventually degrade - either discolor, bubble, crack or peel - due to cleaning, water and the heat of the kitchen.
Also known as peel and stick tile, self adhesive vinyl tile has the advantage of being an inexpensive, no fuss solution to a number of flooring and wall challenges.
Take note of any areas that are beginning to peel, chip or show wear.
The easiest vinyl tiles to install are the peel and stick variety.
Most vinyl tiles are the peel and stick type.
Do not buy the cheapest vinyl tile, they will peel up and need to be replaced too soon.
Peel away the paper and set the tile down wherever you want.
Peel away the paper covering and stick the carpet tiles down wherever you want them to go.
Allow them to cool and then peel and puree.
Take the air freshener and peel it open before hiding it somewhere in the vehicle.
Additionally these nose pads are relatively straightforward, as all that's needed is for you to peel and press on.
The layering process also causes the lenses to not scratch or peel.
The usual banana peel tossing, turtle shell lobbing action is here, but there's lots of new items and tracks to keep you busy.
After you peel back all the layers and layers (trust me, they're there) of glorious explosions, deafening gunshots, and beautiful environments, you'll soon run out of reasons to play Black.
Hit by a shell or slipping on a banana peel?
Print the final labels onto the peel and stick labels on a sheet.
Pustules appear within a few hours, then dry, and peel within two days.
The skin around an affected nail is sometimes inflamed, and the nail may peel away from the nail bed.
Wash fruits and vegetables carefully or peel them.
Tape a piece of banana peel, smooth side down, over the wart and leave it on overnight.
One to three weeks later, patches of skin may peel off, as might occur with a sunburn, especially on the fingers and toes.
Dermatologists can peel off the upper layers of skin using a special ultraviolet light.
Glycolic acid is applied to peel off the top layer of skin to reduce scarring.
The skin may also peel, appear white or charred, and feel numb.
After these developments, the skin on the hands and feet may peel.
Symptoms appear from one to 24 hours after sun exposure and peak several days later, after which dead skin cells peel off.
Some people like to peel the eggs before putting them into the jar of beet juice, but I like to leave the shells on.
Once you have made your hard-boiled eggs, let them cool and peel them.
Once it has dried carefully peel the icicle off the paper.
Hot wax can also cause the skin to peel or become wrinkled, so it is beneficial to use a hair removal method that does not involve the application of any sort of heated substance or chemical near the brows.
However, if your eyes cannot peel themselves away from a particular weave hairstyle, then you will not want to waste any valuable planning time.
Veet Ready to Use Wax Strips for Legs, Body & Bikini are pre-cut strips with the wax already on that you apply and peel off so there’s no mixing or preparation needed.
Sally Hansen Naturally Bare Waxing Strips for Body are pre-cut, pre-waxed strips that you apply to skin and peel off.
Are you going to let the fact that you didn't pack a swimsuit stop you from enjoying a dip, or are you going to peel off your street clothes and make a splash?
To complete your swimsuit wardrobe, WW carries a number of coverup garments designed to easily peel off the moment you hit the beach.
First, peel and cut the potatoes and then quarter them.
Just allow it to harden, then peel off the tray and melt again.
Allow the wax to set, and then peel away the milk carton.
If you apply too much glue to the puzzle, the picture may start to peel off the pieces.
Adhere one side to the circumference of your ornament, then peel the outside protective strip off and press the top strip of the fringe firmly onto the tape, with the right side (the more finished looking side) of the fringe facing you.
Print, peel and stick the labels over the regular ones.
They also may lose the richness of their color or even peel over time.
Most classic cranberry sauce recipes only contain cranberries, water, a sweetener such as sugar, and optional flavor and texture enhancers such as orange peel and nuts.
They lean in to share a kiss and a banana peel flies into the front seat.
If you have apples that are bruised, cut away the damaged portions and peel them to make a batch of homemade applesauce.
When bananas get too ripe to eat, peel them and cut into small chunks.
Tattooing citrus peel isn't exactly like working with skin, but it does give you a feel for working with the needle before you graduate to real flesh and blood.
Gently peel away the clear plastic cover and place the tattoo against your skin.
Now, either gently peel back or slide the paper away from your decal.
In a moment or two, you can gently peel away the paper backing and the tattoo should cling to your skin.
If your body paint is starting to peel or fade and you'd like to remove it, you can do so with either rubbing alcohol or baby oil.
This product contains the chemical Trichloroacetic Acid which makes the skin peel.
If you're cartridge has foil don't peel it all the way off as it is needed to reseal the hole.
If you give it too much gas and let the clutch out too fast you will peel out.
Carefully peel the sticker off the backing and place firmly on the card where you would like it to go.
Long lines of paint have many stress points and they tend to crack and peel over time.
On the blog, Suncatcher Eyes there is a pattern for a baby banana that is shown with a white center and a strangely baby-blue peel.
The yarn used is worsted weight in yellow for the peel and off-white for the "edible" part of the banana.
The peel is made in three pieces that are joined with whip stitches on the inside.
Use a G crochet hook for the banana and an E crochet hook for the peel sections.
Fasten off and weave remaining yarn into the peel.
Start stitching at the second stitch at the bottom and stitch around the corners to give the peel a slightly rounded end.
Simply place the banana into the peel or sew it into the peel.
Yarn colors can vary for the banana and the peel can vary, as can the size and shape of your banana.
When the water evaporates, peel away the paper cup to reveal your new soap.
Peel the protective backing off of a magnet sheet and carefully align the card stock on top.
Peel the roasted peppers and then chop into half-inch squares.
If you usually peel the skin off your apple, keep it on.
This is especially important if the peel will be eaten.
If you will be removing the peel from your veggies and fruit, you have a little leeway here.
You probably already have halfway decent abs right now if you could magically peel away the covering.
Peel the top layer of plastic wrap from the butter.
The simplest way to grill vegetables is to wash them, peel and slide them.
Or how about trying to peel sticky fabric off of your skin during the sweltering summer months?
Joy Division released their LP Unknown Pleasures in June 1979, establishing them with national music hotshots the New Musical Express (NME) and the late Radio 1 presenter John Peel.
Print the photos, use a peel and stick magnetic sheet and cut the magnets to size.
Then peel the backing off of one sheet and carefully place the leaves on the sticky side.
Once done, peel the backing off the second sheet and carefully stick them together creating a colorful seasonal place mat.
It is often used as superficial chemical peel to exfoliate the skin.
Made mainly from citrus acid, alpha hydroxy can be applied in concentrated form as a chemical peel by a qualified dermatologist.
If you are using products containing these ingredients, or recently had a chemical peel, your skin will be much more susceptible to burning than usual.
A chemical peel is a skin treatment that consists of applying a special solution created to dissolve skin layers.
You can visit your physician for this outpatient procedure or try an at-home chemical peel.
When you're using a home chemical peel treatment, it's extremely important to follow the product's directions.
Chemical peel kits can contain salicylic acid, resorcinol, sulfur, PPT, and/or phenol.
In that case, a gentle chemical peel from a dermatologist may hasten improvement.
The peel is made of Trichloracetic Acid mixed with a patented base from Obagi.The physician will determine the strength of the peel needed based on the individual's skin damage.
After using the Blue Peel system, patients may be prescribed the Nu-Derm system in order to help maintain their transformed skin.
He has personally trained hundreds of dermatologists and plastic surgeons in the use of his Blue Peel system and Nu-Derm system.
I recommend facials with microdermabrasion; like the diamond peel that I do with every treatment."
The tip of the nail might peel away from the nail bed.
It is available at your dermatologist as a chemical peel, and as a less potent formulation over the counter.
Another product to try is Oil of Olay's Regenerist Microdermabrasion & Peel System.
Laser Resurfacing, also known as a laser peel, is accomplished by using a CO2 laser to vaporize wrinkled skin one layer at a time.
Avoid the peel off type of mask as it can damage your skin.
Plus, once the skin starts to heal, it can peel and flake.
Grind an orange peel until it reaches a powdery consistency.
Using it prior to microdermabrasion or a peel can improve the results of those procedures.
Many patients undergoing chemotherapy will develop Hand Foot Syndrome, meaning that their hands and feet will eventually crack and peel to the point where daily tasks become unmanageable.
The daily fade cream contains octyl methoxycinnamate, which protects the skin from the sun and is used to reduce the appearance of scarring and Unshiu Peel Extract, which is used to lighten the skin.
Generally, patients may experience a stinging or itching sensation during chemical peel treatments, with some irritation or redness during the healing period.