Peak Sentence Examples
The peak was flattened.
Nature was at her peak, blending the wild blooms with various shades of green.
Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau both climbed the peak multiple times and praised it in their writings.
At least from the peak, she'd see anything before it got to the fortress, even in the moonlight.
He led her through the small encampment toward the mountain and up a smooth walkway to the flattened peak of one ridge.
What was worth the lives of the thousand people at the Peak, Lana?
The moon reached its peak before he'd finished inspecting the walls and greeting its guards.
The windows of the compound at the peak of the mountain were protected by film to keep light from leaking out.
I keep records on each goat and how many pounds of milk she gives daily, when she reached peak production and how long she lactated.
In summer at the Bureau Central the intermediate peak nearly disappears in the profound afternoon depression, but it is still recognizable.
AdvertisementAmong the great glaciers which stream from the peak the most noteworthy are those of Bossons and Taconnaz (northern slope) and of Brenva and Miage (southern slope).
The restaurant was close by, so the ride there consisted of small talk about the weather, when peak foliage would be, and how much they both loved New England.
Among modern buildings may be mentioned the Bakewell and High Peak Institute, and the town hall and museum.
The old man was waiting for her on the other side of the peak.
No. The Peak is there.
AdvertisementIf nothing else, she wanted to correct him about the Peak, to tell him she'd thought she'd been saving everyone on the mountain by taking the very keypads that might kill them in the hands of a traitor.
Lana was surprised to find that someone else at the Peak within the mountain had issued a similar mayday call.
Popa, a detached peak in the Myingyan district, belongs to this system and rises to a height of nearly 5000 f t., but it is interesting mainly as an extinct volcano, a landmark and an object of superstitious folklore, throughout the whole of Central Burma.
She sensed his concern, the same she'd felt at the Peak when he walked her out of the medical bay.
Finally, the third layer, known as "the Peak," and reached by a cable tramway, is dotted over with private houses and bungalows, the summer health resort of those who can afford them; here a new residence for the governor was begun in 1900.
AdvertisementNo reservations are accepted at this bustling cafe, so expect lines during peak dining hours.
The demon of Teneriffe was called Guayota and lived in the peak of Teyde, which was the hell called Echeyde.
There are many summer resorts in the Tatra Mountains, the most frequented being Tatrafiired (German, Schmecks), three small villages situated at an altitude of 3250 ft., at the foot of the Schlagendorf peak; and the environs of the Lake of Csorba, which is called the "Pearl of the Tatra."
Chief among them are the snowy peak of Lirima (19,128 ft.) over the ravine of Tarapaca, the volcano of Isluga overhanging Camilla, the Bolivian peak of Sajama, and Tocora (19,741 ft.) near the Bolivian frontier.
The hills, which are mainly composed of granite, serpentine and syenite, rise in irregular masses to considerable heights, the loftiest point, Victoria Peak, reaching an altitude of 1825 ft.
AdvertisementThe summit of the rock, called the Peak, is crowned by a fort.
The Mahavinayaka peak, visible from Cuttack, has been consecrated for ages to Siva-worship by ascetics and pilgrims.
Sneffels (14,158, Hayden), Ouray county, and Uncompahgre Peak (14,289), Hinsdale county, the San Miguel and Uncompahgre ranges, which are actually parts of the San Juan.
Argentine Pass (13,000 ft.), near Gray's Peak, is one of the highest wagon roads of the world; just east of Silverton is Rio Grande Pass, about 12,400 ft.
The last three places, all beautifully situated - the first at the base of Pike's Peak, the second in the Clear Creek Canyon, and the third at the junction of the Roaring Fork with the Grand river - have an especially high repute.
Pike, mapping the Arkansas and Red rivers of the Louisiana Territory for the government of the United States, followed the Arkansas into Colorado, incidentally discovering the famous peak that bears his name.
Following this summary philosophy come the sciences proper, rising like a pyramid in successive stages, the lowest floor being occupied by natural history or experience, the second by physics, the third, which is next the peak of unity, by metaphysics.
Of these the most extensive, as well as the most lofty, is that which fills up almost the whole southern portion of the island, and is generally designated by modern geographers as Mount Olympus, though that name appears to have been applied by the ancients only to one particular peak.
The main range is continued eastward by the lofty summits known as Mount Adelphi (5305 ft.), Papoutsa(5124)and Machaira or Chionia (4674), until it ends in the somewhat isolated peak called Santa Croce (Stavrovouni or Oros Stavro), the Hill of the Holy Cross (2260 ft.).
The highest points in the range are Nokrek peak (4600 ft.) in the Garo hills, Shillongpeak (6450 ft.) in the Khasi-Jaintia hills, and Japva peak (nearly io,000 ft.) in the Naga hills.
The highest mountains are found in the north, the bold peak of Kebnekaise reaching 7005 ft., Sarjektjacko, 6972 ft., being the loftiest point of a magnificent group including the Sarjeksfjall, Alkasfjall and Partefjall, which range from 6500 ft.
Cathedral Peak on Wellington Island rises to a height of 3838 ft.
It rises on the slopes of the Kasil Kuh, a peak 12,000 ft.
The western ridge culminates on the north in the peak of Kaisargarh (11,300 ft.), and the eastern in a block, or detached headland, on the south, where rests the immortal " zirat " or shrine (11,070 ft.).
From the summit of the Kaisargarh peak a magnificent view is obtained which practically embraces the whole width of northern Baluchistan.
J Y Y explored from Lhasa to the sources of the Brahmaputra and Indus, at the conclusion of the Tibetan mission in 1904, conclusively prove that Mount Everest, which appears from the Tibetan plateau as a single dominating peak, has no rival amongst Himalayan altitudes, whilst the very remarkable investigations made by permission of the Nepal durbar from peaks near Kathmandu in 1903, by Captain Wood, R.E., not only place the Everest group apart from other peaks with which they have been confused by scientists, isolating them in the topographical system of Nepal, but clearly show that there is no one dominating and continuous range indicating a main Himalayan chain which includes both Everest and Kinchinjunga.
They include Monchique, with the peak of Foya or Foia (2963 ft.), and various lower ranges.
The northern part (Czech Cesky Les) attains in the massif of Czerkov an altitude of 3300 ft., but the southern part (Czech Sumava) is at the same time the highest and the most picturesque part of the range, including on the Bohemian side the Osser (4053 ft.) and the Plockenstein (45 1 3 ft.), although the highest peak, the Arber (4872), is in Bavaria.
The northeast frontier is formed by the Sudetes, which comprise the Lausitzergebirge (2500 ft.), the Isergebirge (with the highest peak, the Tafelfichte, 3683 ft.), the Jeschkengebirge (3322 ft.), and the Riesengebirge.
The lower part of the first, like the lower valley of the Charysh, is thickly populated; in the valley of the Ulba is the Riddersk mine, at the foot of the Ivanovsk peak (6770 ft.), clothed with beautiful alpine meadows.
Turner estimates the culminating peak of Mt.
Extending in a general north-east and south-west direction through Keweenaw peninsula to the Wisconsin border and beyond is the middle of three approximately parallel ranges, separated from each other by flat lands, with here and there an isolated peak (in the Porcupine Mountains) having an elevation of from 900 to 1400 ft.
The water-works are owned and operated by the city, the water being obtained from lakes at the foot of the Arapahoe Peak glacier in the Snowy Range, 20 m.
Prices are reasonable, but call ahead for reservations during peak times.
Reservations are recommended at the small restaurant, especially during the peak dinner hours.
Aldabra, however, although situated in that region of the Indian Ocean which forms part of the site of the IndoMadagascar continent of the Secondary period, is not a peak of the submerged land.
Its culminating point is toward the western extremity of the Mantiqueira range where the Itatiaya, or Itatiaia-assu, peak rises to an elevation of 8898 ft.
This is the case in the Mont-aux-Sources (11,170 ft.) and Cathkin Peak or Champagne Castle (10,357 ft.); the top of the third great height, Giant's Castle (9657 ft.), is in Basutoland, but its seaward slopes are in Natal.
The highest peak, the Gerlsdorf or Spitze or Gerlachfalva, situated in the Tatra group, has an altitude of 8700 ft.
The Bakony Forest, which lies entirely within Hungarian territory, extend to the Danube in the neighbourhood of Budapest, the highest peak being KOroshegy (2320 ft.).
The lake in Peru which is third in size is that of Parinacochas on the coast watershed, near the foot of the snowy peak of Sarasara.
The principal peaks are Rusky Put (4264 ft.), Popadje (5690 ft.), Bistra (5936 ft.), Pop Ivan (6214 ft.), Tomnatik (5035 ft.), Giumaleu (6077 ft.) and Cserna Gora (6505 ft.), the culminating peak of the whole range.
To the eastern Carpathians belongs also the range of mountains extending between the Laborcza and the Upper Theiss, called Vihorlat, which attains in the peak of the same name an altitude of 3495 ft.
On its west are the Liptauer Magura, with the highest peak the Biela Szkala (6900 ft.), and on its east are the Zipser Magura, which have a mean altitude of 3000 ft.
West of the Low Tatra extend the Fatra group, with the highest peak, the Great Fatra (5825 ft.), to the south and east of which lie the Schemnitz group, the Ostrowsky group, and several other groups, all of which are also called the Hungarian Ore Mountains, on account of their richness in valuable ores.
In their northern portion, they are also called S6var Mountains, and reach in their highest peak, Simonka, an altitude of 3350 ft., while their southern portion, which ends with the renowned Tokaj Hill (1650 ft.), is also called Tokaj Mountains.
It is traversed from west to east by the main chain of the Alps, which rises in various snow-covered summits, the more important being the Ortler (12,802 ft., the loftiest peak in Tirol and in the Eastern Alps generally), the Wildspitze (12,382 ft., Oetzthal group), the Zuckerhiitl (11,520 ft., Stubai group), the Hochfeiler (11, 559 ft., Zillerthal group), the Gross Venediger (12,008 ft.) and the Gross Glockner (12,461 ft., both in the Tauern range), while more to the south are the Dolomites, which culminate in the Marmolata (10,972 ft.).
The northern peak is 1327 ft.
After 1867 the greatest of modern Hungarian statesmen, Francis Peak, attached Csengery to his personal service, and many of the momentous state documents inspired or suggested by Peak were drawn up by Csengery.
The mountains of the Basin Range region, known in Texas as the Trans-Pecos Province, rise in Guadalupe Peak near the border of New Mexico, to nearly 9000 ft.
On the west they extend about 3 m., by Green Point to Sea Point, between the sea and the foot of the Lion's Rump; on the east they run round the foot of the Devil's Peak, by Woodstock, Mowbray, Rondebosch, Newlands, Claremont, &c., to Wynberg, a distance of 7 m.
Thence it crosses that lake in a straight line and afterwards the Ruwenzori to its highest point, Margherita peak, whence it follows the Lamia River to its junction with the Semliki.
Its greatest altitude - the Duke of the Abruzzi's Mt Stanley (Margherita Peak) - is 16,816 ft., and therefore the third highest point on the African continent.
The Himalayas in the north of the district attain a height between 7000 and 8000 ft., one peak reaching an elevation of 8565 ft.; the highest point of the Siwalik range is 3041 ft.
The highest peak is Mount Marcy (5344 ft.), though associated with it are several other peaks with an elevation from 4000 to 5000 ft.
These are Mount Rainier or Tacoma (14,363 ft.), Mount Adams (12,470 ft.), Mount Baker (10,827 ft.), Glacier Peak (10,436 ft.) and Mount St Helens (io,000 ft.).
The well-known Thaba Nchu (Black Mountain) is an isolated peak between this range and Bloemfontein.
To the south-east of this basin are the greatest mountain masses of the state; lofty and rugged ranges radiate in all directions, and in many instances rise to heights of 10,000-11,000 ft., the highest peak in the state being Granite Peak (12,834 ft.) in Carbon county.
I took the isolated peak on every issue, and my associates left me.
My isolated peak had become a valley; every bit of influence I had was gone.
Cathedral Park in the southern portion, Spearfish Canon in the north, and the extensive fossil forest at the foot of Mattie's Peak are noteworthy; while the Crystal Cave, near Piedmont, and the Wind Cave, near Hot Springs, are almost unrivalled.
The highest peak hereabouts is Mogadok, 5000 ft., close to the border.
Indeed Bogdanovich considers that the Tokuz-davan, the Muzluktagh, the Moscow Range and the Chimen-tagh form one single closely connected chain, in which he also places Przhevalsky's isolated peak of Mount Kreml (15,055 ft.).
It lies between Siam and the Bay of Bengal, enclosed by mountains on three sides, viz., the main chain of the Bilauktaung on the east, rising in places to 5000 feet, which, with its densely wooded spurs, forms an almost impassable barrier, between British and Siamese territory; the Nwahlabo in the centre, which takes its name from its loftiest peak (5000 ft.); and a third.
In Bohemia the highest peak Snezka (Schneekoppe) has an altitude of 5,216 ft., in Slovakia the summits of the Carpathians and of the High Tatra rise to a height of between 7,000 and 8,000 ft.
The municipal water-supply is drawn from Pike's Peak, 10 m.
The peak of Shellia, the highest point in Algeria, in the Aures range, has a height of 7611 ft.
The principal ranges of the Little Atlas - from west to east - are the Tlemcen (5500 ft.); the Warsenis (with Kef Sidi Omar, 650o ft.); the Titeri (4900 ft.); the Jurjura, with the peak of Lalla Kedija (7542 ft.) and Mount Babor (6447 ft.); and the Mejerda (3700 ft.), which extends into Tunisia.
The highest peak on the Carter-Moriah range is Carter Dome, 4860 ft., but seven others exceed 4000 ft.
That name was soon changed to Tacoma, said to be a corruption of Ta-ho-ma or Ta-ho-bet, Indian terms meaning "greatest white peak," the name of the peak (14,526 ft.), also called Mt.
Then (early in October), turning nearly south, he marched to the Arkansas river, which he reached on the r4th of October, and up which (after the 28th with only 16 men) he went to the Royal Gorge (Dec. 7), having first seen the mountain called in his honour Pike's Peak on the 23rd of November; and then went north-west, probably up Oil Creek from Canon City.
This low range turns westward in a curve through the Rattlesnake Mountains towards the high Wind River Mountains (Gannett Peak, 3,775 ft.), an anticlinal range within the body of the mountain system, with flanking strata rising well on the slopes.
South Park, directly west of Pikes Peak, is one of the highest basins (nearly 10,000 ft.), and gains its name from the scattered, park-like growth of large pine trees; it is drained chiefly by the South Platte river (Missouri-Mississippi system), through a deep gorge in the dissected mass of the plateau-like Front Range.
Just within the frontier of Lucania rises Monte Pollino, 7325 ft., the highest peak in the southern Apennines.
The city is regularly laid out on a hilly site, on both sides of the Purgatory (or Las Animas) river, near a picturesque canyon and mountain district, including the Stonewall Valley, and at the foot of the Raton Mountains, of which the highest peak, Fisher's (or Raton) Peak (9586 ft.), is 10 m.
The principal peaks in the Julian Alps are the Monte Canin (8469 ft.), the Manhart (8784 ft.), the Jalouc (8708 ft.), the Krn (7367 ft.), the Matajur (5386 ft.), and the highest peak in the whole range, the Triglav or Terglou (9394 ft.).
The land rises in a succession of richly wooded heights till it culminates in a central peak, upwards of 5000 ft.
The culminating point of that part of the Carioca range which projects into and partly divides the city is the Corcovado (Hunchback), a sharp rocky peak 2329 ft.
Before the 19th century the name Athos was usually confined to the terminal peak of the promontory, which was itself known by its ancient name, Acte.
The peak rises like a pyramid, with a steep summit of white marble, to a height of 6350 ft., and can be seen at sunset from the plain of Troy on the east, and the slopes of Olympus on the west.
The most considerable range of mountains occupies the centre of the province, the highest peak being the T`ai-shan (5060 ft.), a mountain famous in Chinese history for more than 4000 years, and to which hundreds of pilgrims annually resort.
Silesia is divided by a projecting limb of Moravia into two small parts of territory, of which the western part is flanked by the Sudetic mountains, namely the Altvater Gebirge; while the eastern part is flanked by the Carpathians, namely the Jablunka Gebirge with their highest peak the Lissa Hora (4346 ft.).
The principal peak east of the Salween is on the Loi Lan ridge, 7109 ft.
Thence for a short way the direction is north to the Col de la Seigne, and then north-east along the crest of the Mont Blanc chain, which culminates in the peak of Mont Blanc (15,782 ft.), the loftiest in the Alps.
These are usually divided into three groups, the Central (the watershed between the two passes named), the Western or French, and the Eastern or Italian; in the following lists the initials " C," " W," and " E " show to which group each peak and pass belongs.
This division includes three small groups, the Julie, Carnic and Karawankas Alps-each peak and pass being distinguished by one of the initial letters " J," " C " or " K."
As a proof of the rapidly-growing activity of Englishmen, it may be pointed out that while before 1858 only four summits (the Miterhorn, or central peak of the Wetterh6rner, the highest point of Monte Rosa, Laquinhorn and Pelmo) were first ascended by Englishmen, in the case of the second list only five (Grand Combin,Wildspitze,Marmolata, Langkofel and Meije) were not so conquered (if the present writer, an American, be included among the English pro hac vice).
Such are the valley of Korinchi, with the river of the same name, between the peak of Korinchi and Mt Raja; the valleys of Serampei and Sungei Tenang (as imperfectly known as that of the Korinchi), in which are to be sought the sources of the Tambesi and Asei, both affluents of the Jambi; the longitudinal valley of Kedah K i?
The municipality owns and operates the water system, water being drawn from lakes near Pike's Peak.
Excluding the Alps, the Schneekoppe (5266 ft.) is the highest peak in Germany; and the southern declivities of this range contain the sources of the Elbe.
It is so called in memory of Idris Gawr, celebrated in the Triads as one of the three "Gwyn Serenyddion," or "Happy Astronomers," of Wales, who is traditionally supposed to have made his observations on this peak.
In the north-west the Upper Guinea mountains send their eastern spurs across the boundary, and from a volcanic rift, which runs southwest to north-east, the Cameroon peak towers up, its summit 13,370 ft.
The native designation of the highest peak is Mongo-ma-Loba, or the Mountain of Thunder, and the whole upper region is usually called Mongo-mo-Ndemi, or the Mountain of Greatness.
In the south this is very narrow; it widens towards the north savewhere the Cameroon peak reaches to the sea.
At the foot of the Cameroon peak a number of estuaries cut deep bays which form excellent harbours.
Under the shadow of Cameroon peak lies the bay of Ambas, with the islands of Ndami (Ambas) and Mondola.
On Cameroon peak the forest ascends to 8000 ft.; above it is grass land.
The northern chain is of volcanic formation, and contains the peak of Lombok (ii,81o ft.), one of the highest volcanoes in the Malay Archipelago.
In the case of St Stephen's, the peak on which it is built does nor rise higher than the ground behind, from which it is separated by a deep, narrow chasm, spanned by a drawbridge.
Cayambe, or Cayembi, the second highest peak of the Ecuadorean Andes, has the noteworthy distinction of standing very nearly on the equator.
Mr Whymper's measurement is for the middle peak.
The general height of the mountain-range on Vancouver Island is from 2000 to 3000 ft.; some peaks are 6000 ft.; and Victoria Peak is 7484 ft.
Between these two distinct strata there is a gap, through which persons on a vessel near the island may obtain a glimpse of the peak.
South of the Zerka the country culminates in Jebel `Osha, a peak of Jebel Jil`ad (" the mountain of Gilead "), 359 6 ft.
The ancient city was situated on a lofty rocky peak, on the north-eastern coast, where the modern town of St George now stands.
The highest peak of the Safed Koh, Sikaram, is 15,600 ft.
From this central dominating peak it falls gently towards the west, and gradually subsides in long spurs, reaching to within a few miles of Kabul and barring the road from Kabul to Ghazni.
The highest point is Dodabetta Peak (8760 ft.), at the upheaved southern angle.
From the gorge of the Indus to that of the Brahmaputra, a distance of 1400 m., the Himalayas form an unbroken watershed, the northern flank of which is drained by the upper valleys of these two rivers; while the Sutlej, starting from the southern foot of the Kailas Peak, breaks through the watershed, dividing it into two very unequal portions, that to the north-west being the smaller.
Mahrattas wear fiat red pagris, with a small conical peak variously shaped and placed.
In the first of these, which consists of one principal ridge with several lateral spurs, overlooking Port Louis, are the singular peak of the Pouce (2650 ft.), so called from its supposed resemblance to the human thumb; and the still loftier Pieter Botte (2685 ft.), a tall obelisk of bare rock, crowned with a globular mass of stone.
The shrine at this time stood on a raised platform and apparently contained, as a characteristic feature, an artificial mountain or peak, a so-called ziggurat, the precise shape and size of which we are, however, unable to determine.
The town occupies a ridge of sandstone, washed on three sides by the river, and commanding fine views of the lofty peak of San Cristobal, on the east, and the fertile Guadalete valley, celebrated in ancient Spanish ballads for its horses.
The general character of the country is mountainous, though none of the ranges attains to any great elevation, and Kinabalu, the highest peak in the island, which is situated near its north-western extremity, is only 13,698 ft.
The upturning of the rocks of the Great Plains at the foot of the Front Range develops an interesting type of topography, the harder layers weathering into grotesquely curious forms, as seen in the famous Garden of the Gods at the foot of Pike's Peak.
It contains a number of fine summits dominated by Pike's Peak (14,108 ft.).
At its southern end are Blanca Peak (14,390) and Old Baldy (14,176, Hayden), both in Costilla county; to the northward are Rito Alto Peak (12,989, Wheeler), in Custer county, and many others of almost equal height and equal beauty.
Among the most remarkable of its separate summits, which rise superbly in a crescent about Aspen, are North Italian Peak (13,225), displaying the red, white and green of Italy's national colours, White Rock Mountain (13,532), Mt.
Owen (13,102), Teocalli Mountain (13,220), Snow Mass (13,970, Hayden) and Maroon (14,003, Hayden) mountains, Castle Peak (14,259), Capitol Mountain (13,997, Hayden), Pyramid Peak (13,885, Hayden), Taylor Peak (13,419), and about a dozen other summits above 12,000 ft.
A few miles to the north and north-east of the Mount of the Holy Cross are Red Mountain (13,333, Wheeler), in Eagle county, Torrey Peak (1 4,33 6, Hayden) and Gray's Peak (14341, Hayden), in Summit county, Mt.
It may be seen on the western horizon from Dera Ismail Khan, a grey, flat-looking rampart rising from the lower line of mountains north and south 'of it, slightly saddle-backed in the middle, but culminating in a very well-defined peak at its northern extremity.
He saw the Yosemite Valley, the Big Trees, and botanized in the Sierra Nevada and at Gray's Peak.
Here some of the peaks rise to a height of over 7000 ft.; one of these, Mount Kosciusco, the highest peak in Australia, attains an elevation of 7328 ft.
The tableland called the Peak of Derbyshire, in the south of the Pennine system, is 2088 ft.
The South Tyne and Irthing valleys cut off the Cheviots on the north from the Crossfell section, which is also marked off on the south by the valleys of the Aire and Ribble from the Kinder Scout or Peak section.
Here rises the peak of Snowdon (3560 ft.), the culminating point of South Britain, and near it half a dozen summits exceed 3000 ft., while Cader Idris, farther south, though slightly lower, presents a singularly imposing outline.
The forests of Wyre, Elmet and Sel (wood), and the districts of the Wrekin and the Peak are probably Celtic.
The highest peak is Mt Katandin (5200 ft.), a little N.E.
In this section of the Caucasus no peak exceeds 9000 ft.
The axis, or backbone, of Pamir formation is the great meridional mountain chain of Sarikol - the ancient Taurus of tradition and history - on which stands the highest peak north of the Himalaya, the Murtagh Ata (25,000 ft.).
Thence the province stretches northwards across the mountains of the Tian-shan system and southwards across the Alai and Trans-Alai Mts., which reach their highest point in Peak Kaufmann (23,000 ft.), in the latter range.
Among the highest summits are Timpanogos Peak (11,957 ft.), Mt.
The highest point in the neighbourhood of Baden is the peak of the Hoher Lindkogel (2825 ft.), popularly called the Eiserne Thor, which is ascended in about three hours.
The old town is built inland, on a strip of country running between the Adriatic Sea and the Sutorman range of mountains, overshadowed by the peak of Rumiya (5148 ft.).
Clay Trumbull prefers the Jebel Madara, a peak north-west of `Ain Kadis.
Euchre Peak (Lincoln county), probably the highest point in the range in Oregon, rises 3962 ft.
Mount Hood (11,225 ft.), which is the highest point in the state, Mount Jefferson (10,200 ft.), the Three Sister Peaks, Mount Adams, Bachelor Mountain, and Diamond Peak (8807 ft.) all have one or more glaciers on their sides.
Pigg's Peak and Forbes Reef are mining settlements in northern Swaziland.
There is a botanic garden; and the town, being almost encircled by a river - the Badullaeya - and overshadowed by the Naminacooly Kande range of mountains (highest peak 6680 ft.), is very picturesquely situated.
A semicircular dwarf wall of good masonry runs round this peak, and a trench excavated in the rock may perhaps indicate the site of an altar.
It occupies a site of great beauty, standing on a series of low hills at the foot of Mount Wellington, a lofty peak (4166 ft.) which is snow-clad for many months in the year.
The peak of the Rhune, to the south of St Jean de Luz, rises only to 2950 ft.; and on the border of the Basque country the mean height of the summits is not much greater.
The peak of Orhy alone, in the south of the valley of Mauleon, reaches 6618 ft.
But beyond that of Anie (8215 ft.), on the meridian of Orthez, which marks the boundary of Beam, much loftier elevations appear, - Mourrous (9760 ft.), on the border of Hautes-Pyrenees, and the southern peak of Ossau (9465 ft.).
On a hill near the town is Melandra Castle, the site of a Roman fort guarding Longdendale and the way into the hills of the Peak District.
Khantengri (Mushketov, Semenov, Inylchik) and the Kok-su Mountains (Fedchenko, Shurovsky), south of Peak Kaufmann, there are welldeveloped glaciers.
The westernmost of these, which is separated from the innermost bay of the Corinthian Gulf, called the Mare Alcyonium, by an offshoot of Cithaeron, and is bounded on the east by a ridge which ends towards the Saronic Gulf in a striking twohorned peak called Kerata, is the plain of Megara.
His next novel was The Crater, or Vulcan's Peak (1847), in which he attempted to introduce supernatural machinery with indifferent success; and this was succeeded by Oak Openings and Jack Tier (1848), the latter a curious rifacimento 'of' The Red Rover; by The Sea Lions (1849); and finally by The Ways of the Hour (1850), another novel with a purpose, and his last book.
These ranges are outliers of the Pyrenees, which extend along the northern frontier, forming there the lofty Sierra del Cadi with the peak of Tosa (8317 ft.).
The peak of Khan-tengri, which according to Max Friedrichsen's observations is not so high as had generally been supposed, being 22,800 ft.
Merzbacher, is a peak to which he has given the name of Nicholas Mikhailovich; its altitude he puts at 20,670 ft.
They culminate in the peak of Dos-megen-ora at an altitude of 20,000 ft.
The general altitude of both ranges is 16,000-19,000 ft., but the Trans-Alai culminates in peak Kaufmann (23,000 ft.).
The Alai Mountains are continued westwards in the radiating ranges of the Karateghin Mountains, Zarafshan Mountains, the Hissar Mountains and the Turkestan range, which reach altitudes of 18,500-22,000 ft., though peak Baba in the Zarafshan range reaches nearly 20,000 ft.
An interesting feature in Bajour topography is a mountain spur from the Kunar range, which curving eastwards culminates in the well-known peak of Koh-i-Mor, which is visible from the Peshawar valley.
Higher still, on the edge of the plateau rises the Ilsenstein, a granite peak standing about 50o ft.
It has been confused with a peak to the west of it called Gaurisankar (by Schlagintweit), which is more than 5000 ft.
The peak possesses no distinctive native name and has been called Everest after Sir George Everest, who completed the trigonometrical survey of the Himalayas in 1841 and first fixed its position and altitude.
They comprise the Uskoken Gebirge, or Uskoks Mountains, named after the piratical Uskoks of Zengg, who were deported hither after the fall of their stronghold in 1617; the Warasdin Mountains, with the peak of Ivanscica (3478 ft.); the Agram Mountains, culminating in Sljeme or Slema (3396 ft.), and including the beautiful stretches of Alpine pasture known as the Zagorje, or "land beyond the hills"; the Bilo Gebirge, or White Mountains, a low range of chalk, and, farther to the south, several groups of mountains, among which Psunj (3228 ft.), Papuk (3217 ft.) Crni Vrh (2833 ft.), and the Ravna Gora (2808 ft.) are the chief summits.
It is of volcanic origin, is rugged and mountainous, the highest peak rising to 4380 ft.
Exactly at the head of the gulf the great peak of the Cameroon, on a line of volcanic action continued by the islands to the south-west, has a height of 13,370 ft., while Clarence Peak, in Fernando Po, the first of the line of islands, rises to over 9000.
The acropolis of the ancient city had been on a steep peak about 1250 ft.
Many who had migrated to Pike's Peak in 18J9, stopped in Nebraska on their return eastward; and settlement was stimulated by the national Homestead Act of 1862 (one of the first patents granted thereunder, on the 1st of January 1863, was for a claim near Beatrice, Nebraska), and by the building and land-sales of the Union Pacific and Burlington railways following 1863.
Here and there, rising abruptly from its surface, are to be seen isolated peaks, the most characteristic of which are Valentine's Peak (3637 feet) and Mount Pearse.
It lies in an upland valley of the Peak district, the hills of which rise above 1200 ft.
The foundation of the church of St Thomas of Canterbury is attributed to the foresters of the royal forest or frith of the Peak early in the 13th century; and from this the town took name.
Barahona Pass is 15,092 ft.; Ternera, 15,912 ft.; San Lorenzo, 16,420 ft., while the peak of the volcano reaches 18,143 ft.; Mount Olivares, 20,472 ft.; Porongos, 19,488 ft.; Tortolas, 20,121 ft.; and Potro, 19,357 ft.
Mount Aguita is 20,600 ft., and the Bolivia culminating peak of those of Tres Cruces reaches 22,658 ft.
In Colombia the three principal chains are continuations of those under the equator, and show very slight traces of volcanic action, In the western chain, which is remarkable for its regularity, the highest peak is 11,150 ft., and the lowest pass 6725 ft.
His entire career in the United States Navy was at its peak but he could not, like any family man, go against his own family in a war.
The western portion of the territory is undulating and in the extreme southwest, where it forms part of the Harz range, mountainous, the Ramberg peak attaining a height of 1900 ft.
In the south it joins the Peak of Bonthain, or Lompo-battang, a great volcanic mass 10,088 ft.
His black hair reflected sunlight at the peak of every wave.
While Mount Monadnock is less than thirty-two hundred feet, it stands alone as the highest peak for miles round, and due to early burning and erosion, is bare of trees for its top third.
The mountain traffic was at a peak with the massive influx of visitors, especially at the lower elevations.
The road rose, and she stopped at its peak to stare at the small village edging a wide bay below.
No matter where they were living, Jackson always made a trip to New England during peak foliage.
You surface dwellers better not be sleeping, or— In the quite, dark command center, Lana awoke from her doze with a jerk at the peeved female's voice, the dream of her journey to the Peak fading.
At least there was one good man outside the Peak, despite the constant stream of bad news about how crazy all the survivors were.
Everything—the net call that brought her to the Peak, the encrypted messages she'd read, Brady's protection—had fallen into place.
The Peak was flattened.
The only thing remotely personal she owned—her photo viewer—had been destroyed on the Peak.
This period coincides roughly with the peak of the Mayan civilization.
Yet even from the highest peak he'll fall into the deepest abyss from where there's no escape.
The height of Knight's Peak is not given by the OS, so the SMC measured it with a " precision altimeter " .
During peak travel times, travelers enjoy complimentary appetizers.
Torque peak tho is actually produced several hundred rpm below the torque peak rpm of the naturally aspirated version at 2100 rpm.
The point to note is that the low angle peak asymmetry is automatically refined without the need for separate parameters.
In continental Europe this reflects the fact that post war baby boomers are now at their peak earning and savings years.
All this will doubtless seem pedantic to many - but isn't peak bagging pedantic by its very nature?
For further afield we have info on new routing in Egypt and 8000m peak bagging.
Situated near the Peak District they stock a wide range of hardy bamboos.
The point of using a barbell to add weight to the squat is to help you to generate peak power.
Where the bomb blast hit at its peak, massive damage was done.
This is further boosted by 3G broadband 's improved peak download speeds of around 1.4Mbps and upload speeds of up to 384 Kbps.
In the 1770s the wheel was powering three pairs of stones - one each of Cullens, peak and French burr.
However, such bylaws have been imposed by the Peak District National Park.
However, the name cairngorm means blue mountain as the peak apparently looks blue from a distance.
During the 20th Century production of man-made cellulosics steadily increased to reach a peak of 3.5 million tons in 1970.
With the syrup, mean peak plasma concentrations are attained within 2 hours.
The first bird to appear was a fine immature Andean condor which soared over the local peak.
What is the peak conductance of the potassium conductance?
Marian Anderson - Singer who, at the peak of her career, was regarded as the world's greatest contralto.
Picasso and Braque brought cubism to its peak in around 1912.
There is still widespread disbelief or downplaying of the real significance of Peak Oil.
Its two main performance discriminators are average packet download throughput and peak rate.
The trick is to catch them at their peak and relinquish them wholly at their natural ebb.
The main period of seedling emergence is April to May with a peak in April.
It also shows that the black body emits at a peak wavelength, at which most of the radiant energy is emits at a peak wavelength, at which most of the radiant energy is emitted.
A full weekend of action in the Peak District for those tough enough to take on our most EXTREME event yet!
Enjoy a drink in the air conditioned lounge and bar where nightly family entertainment takes place during peak season.
The contours so obtained showed a peak in n i at, or slightly South of, the geomagnetic equator.
Peak force, velocity and power during five and ten measured rowing ergometer strokes by world class female and male rowers.
This is the most ambitious, and possibly the most exciting, trekking peak expedition we have yet devised.
The Mini Wright Peak Flow Meter measures the maximum expiratory flow rate during a forced expiration.
For damped exponentials, the ordering is by energy spectral density at the peak frequency.
The exercise did not effect the peak work load, peak oxygen uptake, or muscle function in knee extensors compared with the controls.
Croft House Barn self catering holiday cottage is part of a 17th century farmhouse in the idyllic Peak District hamlet of Waterfall.
Matt Maple returned from holiday a little way off peak fitness to place 69 th.
But from the point of view of the fittings, as you peak the gaff up two things happen.
By covering the base load, as opposed to peak loads, a greater energy content can be supplied by the distributed generator.
Monks established medieval granges on the limestone uplands of the Peak where they carried out large-scale sheep farming.
Extra busses will be introduced, running every half-hour, during Monday to Friday peak periods.
In theory, too, the peak halyard should be pulling at right angles to the gaff.
An initial peak in lameness occurs in young first calving heifers.
How Does a helmet Work A bicycle helmet reduces the peak energy in a sharp impact.
The mods have delivered an extra healthy mid range punch but no extra peak horsepower.
The peak primary current can be found by dividing the " fully charged " capacitor voltage by the surge impedance.
Obtained by substituting the peak inductor current into the familiar inductor energy equation.
To keep the traffic running on the highway in peak time a ramp metering system is operating on 3 highway intersections.
Together, at their peak, they were virtually invincible.
Maximum or peak bone mass is achieved by the mid 20s.
Use a peak flow meter to monitor whether your asthma is getting worse.
The integration is done in frequency partitions that use the midpoints between adjacent spectral peak frequencies.
This is a really monumental piece of work by an artist at the peak of his powers.
Standing 130 feet from base to peak, the hill is the tallest man-made mound in Europe.
We journey south to Bakewell, a delightful Market town nestling in the Peak District.
Those making car commuting journeys were most likely to be traveling outbound during peak hours compared with any other journey purpose.
To the North, East and West lies the Dark Peak which has peat bogs, large expanses of moorland and gritstone outcrops.
British parachutists are high-class sportsmen and women at the peak of their chosen sport.
At night during the peak season the streets are full with young partygoers moving from bar to bar.
Camborne reached the peak of its prosperity in the mid 1880s.
Near the summit On the Island peak trek The Island Peak Trek is the most popular trekking peak in Nepal.
Peak torque is at 12,000rpm, but it doesn't drop off, giving a long, flexible spread of peak torque is at 12,000rpm, but it doesn't drop off, giving a long, flexible spread of peak power.
Increase of 29,000 bus passengers entering zone during morning peak.
The probability for the tensor perturbations will peak at order ten to the minus eight.
There are high pings to even their email servers at peak times.
Eldon Hole near Peak Forest used to be feared as the entrance to a bottomless pit or even to Hell itself.
A substantial portion of the Peak District National Park lies within Derbyshire.
No way geico insurance number phone i from a peak of of kibble prentice.
From its peak, the share price of AOL - Time Warner declined sharply.
Four musicians at the peak of their powers creating some of the best prog I've heard in a while.
Maximum peak concentrations are obtained within 1 to 1.5 hours; serum prolactin decreases within 2 hours and is maximally decreased at 8 hours.
Vitamin D analogs can take upto 8 weeks for their peak effect and can clear psoriasis if used correctly.
It is a suggestive coincidence that the space density of bright optical quasars also reached a peak sometime around z = 2-3.
The Sanctuary is a protected subtropical rain forest surrounded by the Maya Mountains with the highest point being Victoria Peak.
As your players age, their abilities will peak and decline, while fresh new rookies will join your ball club.
The so-called banlieues rouges reached their peak in the mid-1930s with the electoral sucess of left- wing coalition of Le Front Populaire.
Media attention was at it peak in 1983 when radioactive ruthenium was allowed out to sea and washed back onto the holiday beaches.
This is Peak Practice Country, the town often having been used to shoot scenes from the ITV television program.
Nature The mountain peak stands serene sloping down to valleys where life is teeming.
A peak average protein sequence similarity of 80% was seen at a Tanimoto similarity score of 0.9.
The cobalt is still Co 2+ as evidenced by the crystal field splitting of the Co L-edge peak in the absorption spectrum.
The difference relates to the difference between average whole body SAR and peak spatial SAR (which involves the square root of 2 ).
The mean peak of the response was at 10.5 sec after stimulus onset, with little further change until stimulus onset, with little further change until stimulus offset.
For each peak, peaks related by crystallographic symmetry are also listed.
Local roads which are at full capacity at peak times will have long tailbacks where the route crosses them, holding up traffic.
The best way to avoid these temptations to is plan your shopping during off peak hours.
It will deliver three teraflops of peak computing power - three million million calculations per second.
The highest peak torque of each test was used for analyzes.
Peak Forest Canal Opened with a connecting tramroad at Marple.
This circuit has a level control and peak display indicator, a variable trigger threshold and trigger threshold and trigger indication.
The peak nesting period for the turtles is April/May with the first hatching turtles emerging from mid May until the end of the season.
Massive numbers of Large yellow underwings were also trapped with a peak of 592 on 21st.
At peak times hundreds of thousands of data items arrive and must be processed by the system, whilst still remaining up-to-date.
A high and late autumn peak of phytoplankton off the coast of Portugal may be associated with coastal upwelling.
Crystal Peak - A white wine produced by blending grape varietals picked from vineyards in southeastern Australia.
Firstly, the primary winding must be able to withstand the peak primary voltage across the number of turns which are utilized.
In practice the Static gap may be set such that its breakdown voltage is equal to the peak voltage of the supply transformer.
At the foot of High Peak Trail is a catch pit, where runaway wagons once came to rest.
The peak of northern hemisphere whaling was in 1842 - at that time there were 594 American whalers.
The first wharfinger employed in 1835 on The Cromford & High Peak Railroad on it being opened.
Risk workshop report - Peak District (moorland wildfires) (pdf, 317KB ).
The highest peak reaches 2500 ft.
In the latitude of Brisbane the chain swerves inland; no other peak north of this reaches higher than Mount Bartle Frere in the Bellenden Ker Range (5438 ft.).
From the morphological point of view it is more important to distinguish the associations of forms, such as the mountain mass or group of mountains radiating from a centre, with the valleys furrowing their flanks spreading towards every direction; the mountain chain or line of heights, forming a long narrow ridge or series of ridges separated by parallel valleys; the dissected plateau or highland, divided into mountains of circumdenudation by a system of deeply-cut valleys; and the isolated peak, usually a volcanic cone or a hard rock mass left projecting after the softer strata which embedded it have been worn away (Monadnock of Professor Davis).
It is one of the highest mountains of Africa, its highest peak reaching an altitude of 17,007 ft.
To the east of the Hohe Tauern stretches the group of the primitive Alps of Carinthia and Styria, namely the Pöllauer Alps with the glacier-covered peak of the Hafner Eck (10,041 ft.); the Stang Alps with the highest peak the Eisenhut (8007 ft.); the Saualpe with the highest peak the Grosse Saualpe (6825 ft.); and finally the Koralpen chain or the Stainzer Alps (7023 ft.) separated from the preceding group by the Lavant valley.
It drains north by St John's Vale into the Greta, north of which again rises a mountain-group of which the chief summits are Saddleback or Blencathra (2847 ft.) and the graceful peak of Skiddaw (3054).
In the Smoky Mountains we have Clingman's Peak (6611), Guyot (6636), Alexander (6447), Leconte (6612), Curtis (6588), with several others above 6000 and many higher than 5000.
Dotted with towered hamlets and stately chinas groves the valley of the Kurram runs south-east from the Peiwar Kotal (below the great peak of Sikaram), past Thal in the Miranzai valley, through the southern Kohat hills to Bannu.
Kutuzov was impatiently urging on his horse, which ambled smoothly under his weight, and he raised his hand to his white Horse Guard's cap with a red band and no peak, nodding his head continually.
Lake steamers carry you across to nearby resorts, while the rack-and-pinion railroad takes you up to the peak of the Schafberg.
The fitted Gaussian dropped to of the peak value from the center, implying an RMS readout noise of.
If the space charge region is placed into a resonant cavity which is appropriately tuned, very high peak powers may be achieved.
Because our fruit and vegetables ripen naturally, we have a very short time to get them to you in their peak condition.
Local deposition of rippled sands on the lower slope suggests peak currents in the order of 30-40 cms -1.
Runoff rates were also very high in rivers draining the Peak District.
The observed shrinkage of the diffractive peak therefore corresponds to a relative reduction of the diffractive cross section with increasing energy.
At the peak of building activity, there will be more than 1,500 skilled workers on site - ranging from caterers to IT experts.
In July 1917 the slander campaign reached its highest peak.
Take a sneak peak at what might be going on beyond the final curtain.
You may even get a sneaky peak of what 's to come on the new cd !
A view from the Signal Hill Station looking in a southerly direction over the western side of Cape Town toward Devil 's Peak.
The difference relates to the difference between average whole body SAR and peak spatial SAR (which involves the square root of 2).
This is what most people will experience after first receiving the deeksha, once you stabilize following the peak experience.
They steepen considerably on the climb to a point beneath the highest line of cliffs, seen under the eastern peak.
The stiffened peak is okay, tho a wired one would be better.
The mean peak of the response was at 10.5 sec after stimulus onset, with little further change until stimulus offset.
Project manager Sue Prince says Many Peak District farmers are producing fantastic quality meats, because they are exceptionally good stockmen.
The spectral peak count will be half the signal subspace value.
In peak season, you'll be hard pushed to find a sunbathing spot.
A former soldier, Richard swoops down upon the sleepy peak district town of his birth from a deserted hilltop farmhouse.
Including manual indexing of a cubic cell, labeling HKLs and showing peak splitting when going from cubic to tetragonal cells.
Firstly, the purchases on the peak and the throat halyards should be the same.
Normally, your immune system is kept in peak condition by your thymus gland, which is located in your upper chest.
In the summer time, parking fees apply at a toll gate, during the off peak season tickets are issued from the cafe.
An engine also has a peak torque at a specific rpm.
We did have a peak at the famous ' Treetop walk ' near Walpole.
Garden Warblers and Willow Warblers are still very much trickling through slowly with a peak of just 3 birds each.
This circuit has a level control and peak display indicator, a variable trigger threshold and trigger indication.
Premix Modulating Burner Operation With a turndown ratio of 5.1 to 1 the modulating burner ensures optimum load matching and peak seasonal performance.
Massive numbers of Large Yellow Underwings were also trapped with a peak of 592 on 21st.
Autumn wader passage showed an improvement on recent years with 13 species being recorded during the peak period.
The first Wharfinger employed in 1835 on The Cromford & High Peak Railroad on it being opened.