Peach Sentence Examples
Bordeaux, this saucy little peach is Cassie Rinehart.
When they returned to the house, she made a peach pie and put a chicken on to bake.
The fruit of the peach is produced on the ripened shoots of the preceding year.
He reached into his jacket and produced an embossed invitation in peach and brown.
She'd be setting the table by now and the kitchen would smell of freshly fried chicken and peach cobbler.
On the whole, greater weight is due to the evidence from botanical sources than to that derived from philology, particularly since the discovery both of the wild almond and of a form like a wild peach in Afghanistan.
It may, however, well be that both peach and almond are derived from some pre-existing and now extinct form whose descendants have spread over the whole geographic area mentioned; but this is a mere speculation, though indirect evidence in its support might be obtained from the nectarine, of which no mention is made in ancient literature, and which, as we have seen, originates from the peach and reproduces itself by seed, thus offering the characteristics of a species in the act of developing itself.
The low ground between it and the shore, and between the Niagara escarpment and the water on the Canadian shore, is a celebrated fruit growing district, covered with vineyards, peach, apple and pear orchards and fruit farms. The Niagara river is the main feeder of the lake; the other largest rivers emptying into the lake are the Genesee, Oswego and Black from the south side, and the Trent, which discharges into the upper end of the bay of Quinte, a picturesque inlet 70 m.
The peach grows well only in the south-west near the border.
The peach border should be composed of turfy mellow FIG.
AdvertisementIt is questionable whether it is not better, in cold soils and bleak situations, to abandon outdoor peach culture, and to cover the walls with a casing of glass, so that the trees may be under shelter during the uncongenial spring weather.
To furnish young shoots in sufficient abundance, and of requisite strength, is the great object of peach training and pruning.
Bitters are usually sold under the name of the substance which has been used to give them the predominant flavour, such as orange, angostura or peach bitters, &c. The alcoholic strength of bitters varies, but is generally in the neighbourhood of 40% of alcohol.
As the commander of a brigade he served with particular distinction in the battles of Kenesaw Mountain (June 29 - July 3, 1864), Peach Tree Creek (20th of July 1864) and Nashville (15th-16th of December 1864).
In the first place, the peach as we now know it has been nowhere recognized in the wild state.
AdvertisementDarwin brings together the records of several cases, not only of gradations between peaches and nectarines, but also of intermediate forms between the peach and the almond.
Thus the botanical evidence seems to indicate that the wild almond is the source of cultivated almonds, peaches and nectarines, and consequently that the peach was introduced from Asia Minor or Persia, whence the name Persica given to the peach; and Aitchison's discovery in Afghanistan of a form which reminded him of a wild peach lends additional force to this view.
The peach has not, it is true, been found wild in China, but it has been cultivated there from time immemorial; it has entered into the literature and folk-lore of the people; and it is designated by a distinct name, "to" or "tao," a word found in the writings of Confucius five centuries before Christ, and even in other writings dating from the 10th century before the Christian era.
The treatment in horticulture of the peach and nectarine is the same in every respect.
For dry situations almond stocks are preferable, but they are not long-lived, while for damp or clayey foams it is better to use certain kinds of plums. Double-working is sometimes beneficial; thus an almond budded on a plum stock may be rebudded with a tender peach, greatly to the advantage of the latter.
AdvertisementThe pruning and training of the trees in the peach house do not differ materially from the methods practised out of doors.
The trees often suffer from mildew, which is best prevented by keeping the borders of the peach house clear and sufficiently moist and the house well ventilated, and if it should appear the trees should be sprayed with 1 oz.
Among fruit trees the vine, apricot, peach, apple, quince, fig and banana are cultivated in the highlands, and in the lower country the date palm flourishes, particularly throughout the central zone of Arabia, in Hejaz, Nejd and El Hasa, where it is the prime article of food.
The palm family is numerous and includes the species producing vegetable ivory (Phytelephas), straw for plaiting Panama hats (Carludovica palmata), and the peach palm (Guilielma speciosa).
Okamuia Yasutaro, commonly called Shozan, produces specimens which only a very acute connoisseur can distinguish from the work of Nomura Ninsei; Tanzan Rokuros half-tint enamels and soft creamy glazes would have stood high in any epoch; Taizan YOhei produces Awata faience not inferior to that of former days; Kagiya SObei worthily supports the reputation of the KinkOzan ware; Kawamoto Eijiro has made to the order of a well-known KiOto firm many specimens now figuring in foreign collections as old masterpieces; and ItO TOzan succeeds in decorating faience with seven colors sons couverte (black, green, blue, russetred, tea-brown, purple and peach), a feat never before accomplished.
AdvertisementThe citron, sour orange, lemon and lime grow wild; but the apple and peach do not come to perfection.
The fruit trees commonly cultivated are the peach, apricot, apple, orange, lemon, pear, fig and plum.
In the temperate uplands of the interior, as about Luang Prabang, Himalayan and Japanese species occur - oaks, pines, chestnuts, peach and great apple trees, raspberries, honeysuckle, vines, saxifrages, Cichoraceae, anemones and Violaceae; there are many valuable timber trees - teak, sappan, eagle-wood, wood-oil (Hopea), and other Dlpterocarpaceae, Cedrelaceae, Pterocarpaceae, Xylia, ironwood and other dye-woods and resinous trees, these last forming in many districts a large proportion of the more open forests, with an undergrowth of bamboo.
Again, galls may afford harbour to insects which are not essentially gall-feeders, as in the case of the Curculio beetle Conotrachelius nenuphar, Hbst., of which one brood eats the fleshy part of the plum and peach, and another lives in the " black knot " of the plum-tree, regarded by Walsh as probably a true cecidomyidous gall.
A few days after this battle (called Peach Tree Creek) took place the battle of Atlanta, which was fiercely contested by the veterans of both sides, and in which McPherson, one of the best generals in the Union army, was killed.
Although the crop of orchard fruits was no greater in 1899 than in 1889 the Number of apple trees increased during the decade from 1,744,779 to 2,034,398, the number of peach trees from 19,057 to 48,819 and the number of plum trees from 10,151 to 18,137; in the number of pear trees and of cherry trees there was a slight decrease.
The peach, horse-chestnut, lilac, morello cherry, black currant, rhododendron and many other trees and shrubs develop flower-buds for the next season speedily after blossoming, and these may be stimulated into premature growth.
Lindley has pointed out that, while in Persia, its native country, the peach is probably best grafted on the peach, or on its wild type the almond, in England, where the summer temperature of the soil is much lower than that of Persia, it might be expected, as experience has proved, to be most successful on stocks of the native plum.
The principal of these are the vinery, peach house, cucumber and melon house and orchard house.
A span-roofed house, being lighter than a lean-to, would be so much the better for peach culture, especially for the crop grown just _.
The Peach House is a structure in which the ripening of the fruit is accelerated by the judicious employment of artificial heat.
This mode of training is commonly adopted for the peach, nectarine, apricot and morello cherry, to which .
The best walls having a south or south-east aspect are devoted to the peach, nectarine, apricot, dessert pears, plums and early cherries.
The common fruits are the date, orange, citron, fig, grape, apricot, peach and banana.
We have also the yew, the hazel, juniper, walnut, wild peach and almond.
Among the indigenous trees are the Abies excelsa, Abies microsperma, Pinus sinensis, Pinus pinea, three species of oak, five of maple, lime, birch, juniper, mountain ash, walnut, Spanish chestnut, hazel, willow, hornbeam, hawthorn, plum, pear, peach, Rhus vernicifera, (?) Rhus semipinnata, Acanthopanax ricinifolia, Zelkawa, Thuja orientalis, Elaeagnus, Sophora Japonica, &c. Azaleas and rhododendrons are widely distributed, as well as other flowering shrubs and creepers, Ampelopsis Veitchii being universal.
The peach is believed to have been tender, and to have ripened its fruit with difficulty, when first introduced into Greece; so that (as Darwin observes) in travelling northward during two thousand years it must have become much hardier.
Among the many economic plants which have been introduced into Chile and have become important additions to her resources, the more prominent are wheat, barley, hemp and alfalfa (Medicago sativa), together with the staple European fruits, such as the apple, pear, peach, nectarine, grape, fig, olive and orange.
The peach, apricot, plum, quince and cherry are also cultivated with success.
Of fruit trees there are among others the blood-plum (Haematostaphis Barteri) with deep crimson fruit in grape-like clusters, and the Sierra Leone peach (Sarcocephalus esculentus).
Among the many varieties of trees and plants found are the date palm, mimosa, wild olive, giant sycamores, junipers and laurels, the myrrh and other gum trees (gnarled and stunted, these flourish most on the eastern foothills), a magnificent pine (the Natal yellow pine, which resists the attacks of the white ant), the fig, orange, lime, pomegranate, peach, apricot, banana and other fruit trees; the grape vine (rare), blackberry and raspberry; the cotton and indigo plants, and occasionally the sugar cane.
On the eastern plains are to be found the "miriti" (Mauritia flexuosa) and the "pirijao" or peach palm (Guilielma speciosa), called the "pupunha" on the Amazon, whose fruit, fibre, leaf, sap, pith and wood meet so large a part of the primary needs of the aborigines.
Among the more common fruit-trees, some of which are exotics, may be mentioned cacao (Theobroma), orange, lemon, lime, pine-apple, banana, guava (Psidium), breadfruit (Artocarpus), cashew (A nacardium), alligator pear (Pers ea), with the apple, peach, pear, and other fruits of the temperate zone on the elevated plateaus.
The trees whose fruit reaches the greatest perfection and yield the largest harvest are the apricot, peach, orange and apple.
The bright climate and pure atmosphere are admirably adapted to the growth of the apple, pear, peach, plum, grape and cherry.
Oklahoma is already producing large crops of apples, peaches, grapes, water-melons and musk-melons, and many large apple and peach orchards and vineyards have been planted.
The ravages of the rats have rendered impossible the growing of wheat; the wealth of the islanders now consists in their cattle, sheep, potatoes and apple and peach trees.
They are red in the peach, dark purple in the poppy and tulip, orange in Eschscholtzia, &c. The colour and appearance of the anthers often change after they have discharged their functions.
For desert she cooked his favorite - peach cobbler.
He was as sweet as peach pie in August—shook my hand like a Sunday preacher.
This unique dark chocolate bar holds quite a complex assortment of fresher fruit flavors including apricot, peach and even green olive.
Arrange peach halves cavity side down and sprinkle brown sugar over.
I've always adored how the small lights of the antique crystal chandelier illume the rich, peach chintz.
The CHARDONNAY offers refined citrus, peach and pineapple flavors with a gentle creamy, toasty oak finish.
Momma is a comic strip written by Mell Lazarus, also known for authoring the Miss Peach series of comic strip written by Mell Lazarus, also known for authoring the Miss Peach series of comic strips.
Once peach leaf curl gets a hold it is very difficult to control.
Aphids were also a problem in early salad crops especially black bean, peach potato and lettuce currant aphid.
The walls were painted in ' Peach ' Matt emulsion to give a soft, warm glow.
Having a ' peach fuzz ' at 19 years is perfectly normal.
The original surface underneath was in beautiful condition, a rich tawny peach color with a fair amount of original gilding evident.
Peach Gel ba Where does hairdresser go on holiday?
For a more contemporary design pastel pink or peach can be used to match your wedding colors.
Top with 1 tbsp fat-free plain greek yogurt and 1 sliced fresh peach.
It's hard to know what to do now there's no Eliot daring to preach about eating a peach.
We had a peach tree and in September we had the largest, lushest peaches ever.
Sometimes a cute, bubbly, and nice girl is the way to go and Princess Peach is all that.
Choose one of many kart racers from Nintendo's world of characters -- Yoshi, Mario, Luigi, Princess Peach, etc. Then take on other racers and race around wacky courses for the top prize.
Melee is a video game with nearly two dozen popular Nintendo characters such as Mario, Luigi, Princess Peach, Yoshi and more.
He is a plumber by trade--though you never really see him in his environment--that consistently gets charged to rescue Princess Peach, who routinely gets kidnapped by Bowser and his underlings.
Princess Peach Toadstool (usually just referred to as Princess Peach) is usually the girl who needs saving in many Mario games.
Bowser is the leader of the Koopa race (named Koopa Troopas), a turtle-like people charged with kidnapping Princess Peach so Bowser can take over the Mushroom Kingdom.
Almost all the Mario games that require a Princess Peach rescue has either feature Bowser or his son, Bowser Jr., as the main antagonist.
Select your driver, choosing from Mario, Luigi, Princess Peach, Bowser, Donkey Kong and so on.
These are almost as rewarding as finally saving Princess Peach in New Super Mario Bros.
Everything seems to be going normal until the Bros find that Peach is nowhere to be seen, several palace guards have been attacked, and Toadsworth says "Hullabaloo."
Suddenly, Prince Bowser drops from the sky, Peach in tow, and announces his plans to kidnap the princess.
Gamecube owners can even play as Mario, Luigi and Peach, a grin-inducing extra for any long-time Nintendo fan.
Mario is invited to the castle by Princess Peach who has baked a cake for him.
Yoshi learns early on that rabbits have stolen the keys to Princess Peach's gaming cabinet.
On top of that, he stole the Shine Sprites, the artifacts that make Isle Delfino a paradise, and even kidnapped Princess Peach!
Choose from Mario, Luigi, Ness, Yoshi, Princess Peach, Link, Zelda, Bowser and many more, then enter the arena to begin the brawl!
Collect your 120 stars, battle Bowser (how many times?) and save Princess Peach (yes, again).
The never-ending love story between Mario and Princess Peach is one for the ages, as is the war exhibited in the Halo franchise of first-person shooters.
Play as Mario, Donkey Kong, Princess Peach and more as you throw fun obstacles and use special powers to be number one.
The ripe nose tells a different story showing lush melon, peach and banana flavors.
Note - Although Italian Bellinis call for peach juice, there have been many variations so feel free to experiment with your favorite fruit juice or puree.
This wine has an interesting aroma that has been described as a combination of honey, peach blossoms and ripe melons.
Many people enjoy this wine with fruit-glazed meats and peach or berry desserts.
Display a painting of a pair of mandarin ducks or peach blossoms for a happy marriage.
The peony is one of the most commonly used symbols of love as are peach blossoms.
If you choose to use a sculpture or picture of a peony or peach blossom in your bedroom or relationship sector, make sure you use two objects or pictures since two is always the optimum choice for positive energy in romantic relationships.
Women with darker hair colors and complexions may suffer from darker colored peach fuzz that can sometimes appear as a perceptible mustache, but neither of these previously described scenarios are the result of a medical condition.
As a mature physical characteristic, chest and abdominal hair is coarser, thicker, and more unruly than vellus or "peach fuzz" hair that is routinely associated with children or women.
Vellus is sometimes called "peach fuzz" and is often colorless.
A flirty Peach Flowers swimsuit is featured in SI's 2006 issue.
The Necessity look is actually a thong bikini, but even that is not the attention grabbing headline; it's the fact that this swimsuit, particularly when wet and in the Shiny Peach color, is completely see-through!
If gold feathered earrings seem like a bit much on a hot sunny beach day, then consider big, bold bracelets in look-at-me colors like peach coral, sultry purple or ravishing red.
Avoid suits that tan through in white, peach, or another light colors.
She is wearing a relatively modest peach bikini and has her head tilted back with her eyes closed, looking very relaxed.
Matching sets in some of Dolly's favorite colors would include peach, lilac, royal blue and bright pink.
Their innovative sock monkey comes in either peach (Finnoola Monkey) or blue (Eenie Mo Monkey), and is incredibly affordable.
Skin coloring is typically in cream or peach shades, with hair color ranging from auburn shades to golden and strawberry blondes.
Warm colors such as peach, golden yellow, copper, coral and brown shades with warm tones are good choices.
If you are an autumn, your undertones are typically golden, with skin coloring in shades like peach, beige and golden brown.
One of this site's most popular offerings includes kits to make gel candles that resemble apple, blueberry, strawberry, or peach pie.
It comes in white, peach, light pink and cream.
Pearls in pink, lavender and peach are just a few of the colors of pearls that can be place alongside the center black pearl to further bring out its beauty.
Imagine a tribal tat done in sea green, peach, pink or turquoise; this will definitely give the design an entirely different feel.
At Peach Tree Yoga Center in Atlanta, Georgia, teacher training takes place over nine weekends, spread out over time, in order to fit in with busy modern schedules.
For example, cocoa powder gives your soap a soft brown color, and paprika creates soaps with a peach tint.
The smoothies are available in strawberry, peach, mixed berry, tropical fruit and strawberry banana flavors.
A Fruit of the Loom camisole will quickly become the peach of your wardrobe.
Try navy pants with a sheer peach bodysuit, and then a shaped and cropped blazer over that.
The trick, however, isn't just the slight shade difference between your body and your panties; it's the pink or peach tint.
If your skin tone is warm, choose a peach.
Have your buddy go to Peach John, one of Japan's best-known labels, and pick up popular styles to send to you in America.
Also during this period, and also despite not having "broken" America yet, the band scored a high profile appearance on Beverly Hills 90210, performing three songs at The Peach Pit After Dark.
Movies he's been involved with include James and the Giant Peach and The Nightmare Before Christmas.
Their Flip Flop Fabulous shades of bright berry, peach, pink, orange, and red are just right for showing off your feet, or try their Bright collections for daring shades to show off your toes.
Kinder Haven offers a wide variety of scented goat's milk soaps, including peach mango, jasmine vanilla, lilac and more.
Mash up one fresh peach and puree with 1-2 tsp. olive oil until you have a spreadable consistency.
Wild peach tea, rhubarb, and a variety of other natural ingredients have also been linked to poison ivy treatment.
The shimmering pale peach shade flatters a variety of skin tones and looks pleasing when paired with sun-kissed skin.
Peach nail polish has never been an "in vogue" color, but surprisingly enough, it's one of the better shades within the light or nude polish color family that works on nearly everyone.
Even if you've never ventured into the world of a peach nail lacquer, a smooth and glamorous peach metallic such as Peachaboo is certain to change your mind.
Metallics have been a continually hot beauty and fashion trend the past few seasons, and a metallic peach nail polish adds instant girly charm to your summer pedicure without compromising good taste and timeless appeal.
The fabulous and glowing peach hue instantly became a favorite amongst nearly all skin types.
Peach flatters nearly every skin tone, adding a creamy warmth and infusing the complexion with a healthy-looking glow.
When paired with a metallic base, peach has the ability to look modern, magical and ethereal all at once.
Thanks to Internet auction sites such as eBay, finding your favorite discontinued cosmetic, whether that be a lipstick or a beloved peach metallic nail polish, has become a much easier task.
Finding a lovely peach or pink metallic that's timeless is always better than stressing over finding a discontinued shade.
Their UA Butter Soft Unisex Scrub Set is on sale for $17.99 and comes in colors such as Plum Fantasy, Orchid Pink, Playful Pink, Peach Blush and Aqua Sky.
The restaurant prides itself particularly on its peach butter, which patrons drizzle over chicken and waffle alike.
Try the campfire chocolate fondue, pecan pie or peach cobbler for dessert.
Thus in the peach, nectarine, apricot, plum and cherry, which are commonly trained fan-fashion, the first three (and also the morello cherry if grown) will have to be pruned so as to keep a succession of young annual shoots, these being their fruit-bearing wood.
Oh by the way, a gently poached ripe peach is much sharper than you expect.
Yesterday he scored an absolute peach against Coventry where young Welshman Richard Duffy is currently spending his time.
He climbs into the giant peach to get away from his aunt.
Grilled peach Melba A combination of peaches, raspberries and ice cream is what peach melba is all about.
Mario and princess Peach are having a walk when suddenly Bowser Jr. kidnaps the princess while Mario is distracted.
Fuzzy Navel 3cl vodka 3cl peach schnapps 15cl fresh orange juice Pour all ingredients into a shaker with ice.
Pest & disease watch Keep temporary shelters in place over peach trees to protect against peach leaf curl.
We rounded off our meal with an exotic strawberry and peach sorbet, chosen form a simple yet very sympathetic dessert menu.
Typical aromas are poached pears, white peach, winter melon and ginger spice.
The blustery wind faded away and we were treated to a breathtaking sunrise and a ' peach ' of a day.
Blair Peach, a white teacher, killed by a police truncheon blow to the head.
Presently they came to a low plant which had broad, spreading leaves, in the center of which grew a single fruit about as large as a peach.
This is a nice scattered little town, with many gardens, full of peach and quince trees.
Baby Woo Woo 2cl vodka 2cl peach schnapps 2cl cranberry juice Pour all ingredients into a shaker with ice.
Perfect Lady 6cl gin 1.5cl peach schnapps 1.5cl fresh lemon juice 1 teaspoon eggwhite powder Pour all ingredients into a shaker with ice.
Peach Crush 6cl rye whiskey 1 peach, diced dash peach schnapps 2cl fresh lime juice dash grenadine Pour all ingredients into a blender.
Common flavors are vanilla, strawberry, and peach.
The North Georgia Premium Outlet Mall provides bargain lovers in the Peach State a massive selection of shops to choose from, each one offering up tremendous savings on everything from clothing and electronics to housewares and jewelry.
Garnish the drink with cranberries or a slice of fresh peach.
The interior of the fruit is eaten or juiced and is said to have a rich, citrus flavor with a hint of peach.
They not only come in skin tone formulas, but also offer color correctors such as green and peach.
The scent of the Paris Hilton perfume is a blend of frozen apple, peach nectar, freesia, mimosa, jasmine, sandalwood, ylang ylang and oak moss notes.
For lipstick, try warm pink, coral peach or spice.
Use soft matte lip colors in pink, berry, coral or peach shades to make your lips fuller.
From soft and opalescent peach to brilliant magenta, pink is leading the way year round in fashion shows worldwide.
But I recommend trying a dark peach and watch the blue jump out.
The men's version is a carefree blend of citrus, jasmine, sandalwood and musk, while Candies for women is sharply sweet, with grapefruit, gardenia and peach notes.
Kick for women is both fruity and sweet, boasting melon, pair, mandarin, peony, peach, vanilla and passion fruit notes.
Notes of frozen apple, peach nectar and mimosa give the scent its pleasant fruitiness, while muguet (Lily of the Valley), freesia, night-blooming jasmine and tuberose balance the sweetness with a soft floral tinge.
The scent is sweet, but not quite the fizzy, bubbling, frothy type of sweetness that peach granita and champagne mimosa suggest it will be.
It has a slight hint of peach in it and is beautiful to wear during the spring and summer months.
Expect to find mostly red, pink and deep peach stains instead of intense or neutral colors.
Use it on tanned skin, pair it with several coats of black mascara, dust on some peach blush and keep the lip color minimal; you'll enjoy a healthy, sun-kissed glow as a result.
Consider using eye shadows in champagne, peach, or light pink.
Follow up with a shade somewhere in between the two (for example, if your base is cream and your dark shade is rich chocolate, think golden peach or shimmery copper) and use it over the entire crease for added definition.
Expect to find bold and decadent organic lipstick as well as peach and rose tone glowing blushers.
A slick of clear gloss maintains the color's integrity, but I can deepen it with a darker pink gloss or play it down and add a hint of peach (great for summer) with a fresh, lighter gloss.
If it's summertime, you may find yourself needing a new blush, as tanned gals will demand a different color, usually some shade of peach or coral.
These colors will suit almost any women of color from women with lighter peach shades, and honey olive complexions to deep, rich mahogany shades.
Obviously orange eye shadow would be a little shocking, but think warm tones like brown, bronze, peach and gold.
For daytime wear, try brushing a peach or beige shadow with a subtle shimmer from your eye lids to brows.
Even if you have an olive skin tone, a pink blush with peach undertones can be perfect for a soft look.
Ditch the red lips and opt for a subtle and youthful shimmering pink or peach gloss instead.
You can opt for a peach or pink hue depending on which works best with your coloring.
If you're not going for the full-on smoky, completely dark eye, you can even choose a white or light peach liner to apply to the lower water line to give the illusion of opening the eyes back up (dark colors tend to make eyes look smaller).
Shades of brown, gray, camel, taupe, dark brown, black, charcoal, copper, pink, peach, violet, lilac, silver and gold will make blue eyes appear even bluer.
For blush, brown, rose, peach and apricot are all good color choices.
Natural bridal makeup shades include beige or light brown on the eyes, soft pink or peach on the cheeks and pink, nude or peach on the lips.
The best MAC makeup for brides who want to keep their look natural include Blanc Type eye shadow, a creamy beige and Bamboo eye shadow, a light beige with peach for eyes that pop with neutral color.
Sweep MAC powdered blush in Buff, a muted pinkish peach on apples of cheeks for a fresh, natural glow.
Crème d'Nude is a muted peach beige lipstick hue that will add a subtle pop of color to lips while keeping the natural vibe.
Soft peach hues on cheeks and lips complement the bright blue shadow and offer just enough definition to the rest of your features.
Lightly sweep Sunbasque, a peach with pearl along cheek bones and apply Lipglass in C-Thru, a peachy beige shimmery lip gloss.
Choose a foundation or tinted moisturizer to even out your skin tone, and choose a natural looking blush close to the color of your cheeks when they are slightly flushed (peach or pink tones work well for most girls).
Shades such as soft peach and pale pink flatter blue-green eyes without looking too strong on fair complexions and are perfect for a natural daytime look.
Peach Cobbler - Peaches are the ultimate summer treat.
Finish a good southern meal with pound cake, peach cobbler, sweet potato pie, or caramel cake.
Silver, peach, brown, or dark red can all make a darker décor really stand out and look elegant, and there are other tricks to put a Halloween touch on your reception without going overboard.
Consider yellow, peach, or a dark blush.
You don't have to make Santa's face peach if you'd like to give him a different skin tone.
Use a small star tip in a pastry bag filled with light peach colored buttercream to color in the rest of the leprechaun's face.
Hit albums such as The Allman Brothers Band, At Fillmore East and Eat a Peach offer guitarists a meaty collection of songs that are heavy on the guitar and heavy on improvisation.
The stones range in color from white, gray, peach and pink to yellow, blue or green.
The translucent gem stone has a sheen that resembles opals and comes in colors such as white, gray, peach and blue.
Termed 'fairytale' designs, this collection comes in pink, peridot green, peach, sapphire, amethyst, black, crystal and teal colors.
The residual chemical level of the sister to the peach is a little lower at 84.
It comes in colors such as Peach and Peri Blue.
Warm skin tones favor peach, gold, olive or red.
You can choose from colors such as Direct Blue or Georgia Peach.
It comes in either sapphire blue or champagne peach.
You can choose from quite a few lens colors, including blue, red, peach, gray, amber and even mirrored styles.
In fact, metal frames of coral peach, deep red, and chocolate brown all but guarantee that your teen will be able to find a pair that they love!
In this game, Princess Peach and Mario eat some cake while beautiful stardust rains on the Mushroom Kingdom, which only happens every 100 years.
He kidnaps Princess Peach as a witness to his new universe.
The Lumas want to help Mario rescue Peach so they transform themselves into Launch Stars to Mario can jet to various worlds in order to get to Bowser's fortress.
While the Italian plumber has gone on to drive go-karts, play tennis, and even kill off a virus or two, the core appeal always comes back to the main adventure games where he is tasked with saving Princess Peach for the umpteenth time.
Luigi, Bowser and Princess Peach should come to your mind.
She has been the damsel in distress since the inception of the Mario Bros. game and finally got her own game as the main character in 2006 called, Super Princess Peach.
Another one has you protecting Princess Peach from Bowser.
After embarrassed apologies, she seemed compelled to sit down and chat, as if idle conversation might be penance for the pilfered peach pie.
He was as sweet as peach pie in August—shook my hand like a Sunday preacher.
Her beloved walls stood strong and beautiful, the white stone streaked with peach.
When he came home to supper and found peach pie, baked chicken and all the trimmings, he might have been pleased, but his expression was more displeased when he saw her in a sundress.
In general terms the peach may be said to be a medium-sized tree, with lanceolate, stipulate leaves, borne on long, slender, relatively unbranched shoots, and with the flowers arranged singly, or in groups of two or more, at intervals along the shoots of the previous year's growth.
The nectarine is a variation from the peach, mainly characterized by the circumstance that, while the skin of the ripe fruit is downy in the peach, it is shining and destitute of hairs in the nectarine.
That there is no essential difference between the two is, however, shown by the facts that the seeds of the peach will produce nectarines, and vice versa, and that it is not very uncommon, though still exceptional, to see peaches and nectarines on the same branch, and fruits which combine in themselves the characteristics of both nectarines and peaches.
The blossoms of the peach are formed the autumn previous to their expansion, and this fact, together with the peculiarities of their form and position, requires to be borne in mind by the gardener in his pruning and training operations.
In the case of the peach this peculiarity is in some way connected with the presence of small glandular outgrowths on the stalk, or at the base of the leaf.
The history of the peach almond and nectarine is interesting and important as regards the question of the origin of species and the production and perpetuation of varieties.
As to the origin of the peach two views are held, that of Alphonse de Candolle, who attributes all cultivated varieties to a distinct species, probably of Chinese origin, and that adopted by many naturalists, but more especially by Darwin, who looks upon the peach as a modification of the almond.
The whole shrub resembles more what one might consider a wild form of the peach than that of the almond."
As to the nectarine, of its origin as a variation from the peach there is abundant evidence, as has already been mentioned; it is only requisite to add the very important fact that the seeds of the nectarine, even when that nectarine has been produced by bud-variation from a peach, will generally produce nectarines, or, as gardeners say, "come true."
So far as we know, however, no case has yet been recorded of a peach or a nectarine producing an almond, or vice versa, although if all have had a common origin such an event might be expected.
On the other hand, Alphonse de Candolle, from philological and other considerations, considers the peach to be of Chinese origin.
Xenophon makes no mention of the peach, though the Ten Thousand must have traversed the country where, according to some, the peach is native; but Theophrastus, a hundred years later, does speak of it as a Persian fruit, and De Candolle suggests that it might have been introduced into Greece by Alexander.
According to his view, the seeds of the peach, cultivated for ages in China, might have been carried by the Chinese into Kashmir, Bokhara, and Persia between the period of the Sanskrit emigration and the Graeco-Persian period.
While the peach has been cultivated in China for thousands of years, the almond does not grow wild in that country and its introduction is supposed not to go back farther than the Christian era.
The fruit of the pupunha or peach palm (Guilielma speciosa) is an important food among the Indians of the Amazon valley, where the tree was cultivated by them long before the discovery of America.
The wild peach (momo) blooms at the same time, but attracts little attention.
In the east portion of the mountainous region the soil so well adapted to peach culture contains much clay, together with particles of Cambrian sandstone.
Is that peach cobbler?