Peacemaker Sentence Examples
He was their elder, the peacemaker, and the executioner.
He was no longer a peacemaker, but an ardent warmaker.
His ambition was to play the role of peacemaker, and his conciliatory policy achieved many successes.
He was a great peacemaker, used by many Popes to pacify warring Italian cities.
He had sought the acquaintance of Benjamin Franklin, who was a friend of his sister Miss Howe, a clever eccentric woman well known in London society, and had already tried to act as a peacemaker.
At the burning of Moscow, he declared afterwards, his own soul had found illumination, and he had realized once for all the divine revelation to him of his mission as the peacemaker of Europe.
Despite Rhyn's fury and occasional diversion from the Immortal Codes, he still believed in them, a weakness Sasha was trying to beat out of him since their eldest brother --the peacemaker and enforcer of the Council That Was Seven --sentenced them both to Hell.
Beth acts the peacemaker and says that they have to try and find a way home for them.
During his short pontificate, however, he played the part of a peacemaker; he came to terms with the emperor Frederick I.
Instead of merely acting as dress experts, Kleinfeld consultants are forced to assume the role of family therapist, peacemaker, and fairy godmother.
AdvertisementThe peacemaker of the brothers, Andre instinctively used his gift of mind control to counter the tempers of his fiery brothers.
Do whatever you can, in small or large ways, to assist anyone who wants to become a peacemaker.
Instead of being toppled and arrested, he played the peacemaker.
He was regarded as the consummate peacemaker at a time of international tension.
Currently part of my work is as a humanitarian peacemaker in the Holy Land.
AdvertisementAnother source of trouble was the attitude of the emperor Sigismund, who, not content with protecting by his presence and as far as possible directing the deliberations of the "Universal Church," followed on more than one occasion a policy of violence and threats, a policy all the more irritating since, weary of his previously assumed role of peacemaker between the Christian powers, he had abruptly allied himself with the king of England, and adopted an extremely hostile attitude towards the king of France.
The pope's attempt to unite the grandi having failed, he summoned Charles of Valois to come to his assistance, promising him the imperial crown; in 1301 Charles entered Italy, and was created by the pope paciaro or peacemaker of Tuscany, with instructions to crush the Bianchi and the popolo and exalt the Neri.
He also acted as peacemaker between France and England, accompanied the emperor Henry VII.
No claim is made by the Roman Church to interfere on any ground of superior rank; yet it is noteworthy that in the earliest document outside the canon which we can securely date, the church in the imperial city comes forward as a peacemaker to compose the troubles of a church in Greece.
He was crowned at Rome in January 1295 with great pomp. He planned to pacify the West and then recover the Holy Land from the infidel; but during his nine years' reign, so far from being a peacemaker, he involved the papacy itself in a series of controversies with leading European powers.
AdvertisementDoubtless in the poems of writers like Martial this deification was nothing but fulsome flattery, but in the case of the provincials it was a sincere tribute to the impersonation of the Roman Empire, as the administrator of good government and the peacemaker of the world.
The following year (1137) saw the deaths of the two powerful princes, Griffith ap Cynan, " the sovereign and protector and peacemaker of all Wales," and Griffith ap Rhys, " the light and the strength and the gentleness of the men of the south."
Sadoleto had a remarkable talent for affairs and approved himself a faithful servant of the papacy in many difficult negotiations under successive popes, especially as a peacemaker; but he was no bigoted advocate of papal authority, and the great aim of his life was to win back the Protestants by peaceful persuasion - he would never countenance persecution - and by putting Catholic doctrine in a conciliatory form.
Unfortunately, Mr Hofmeyr's influence was more than counterbalanced by an emissary from the Free State, Mr Abraham Fischer, who, while purporting to be a peacemaker, practically encouraged the Boer executive to take extreme measures.
The king himself (see EDWARD VII.), who nobly earned the title of Edward the Peacemaker, played no small part in the domestic and international politics of these years; and contemporary publicists,whohadbecomeaccustomedto Victorian traditions, gradually realized that, within the limits of the constitutional monarchy, there was much more scope for the initiative of a masculine sovereign in public life than had been supposed by the generation which grew up after the death of his father in 1862.
AdvertisementDuring the following years she became known to an increasingly wide circle, especially as a peacemaker, and entered into correspondence with many friends.
You behold me gentle, a peacemaker, pure of heart, a mourner, hungering, thirsting, bearing persecutions and hatreds for righteousness' sake, and do you doubt whether I accept the gospel..