Peaceably Sentence Examples
It announced that the beys should live peaceably in Egypt, with an.
In 1243 he was obliged to cede to Venice, Zara, a perpetual apple of discord between the two states; but he kept his hold upon Spalato and his other Dalmatian possessions, and his wise policy of religious tolerance in Bosnia enabled Hungary to rule that province peaceably for many years.
After this period Orvieto was peaceably ruled by papal governors, and had practically no history.
Sober and industrious, good farmers and skilful artisans, they scarcely ever had recourse to a lawsuit, and lived peaceably under their native chiefs.
The efforts of diplomacy were directed to allaying the resentment of the " Young Turks " on the one hand and the ardour of the Greek unionists on the other; and meanwhile the Cretan administration was carried on peaceably in the name of King George.
It is probable that no actual conflict took place, and in 959, on Edwy's death, Edgar acceded peaceably to the combined kingdoms of Wessex, Mercia and Northumbria.
As many as 5000 Christians lived peaceably in Tlemcen, and the Sultan included in his army a Christian bodyguard.
But he was spared the necessity of coming to blows, for the leaders, finding the government in the hands of the national executive, had peaceably submitted to General Ovando.
About 1530 he appears to have revisited the Spanish court, but on what precise errand is not known; the confusion concerning this period of his life extends to the time when, after visits to Mexico, Nicaragua, Peru and Guatemala, he undertook an expedition in 1537 into Tuzulutlan, the inhabitants of which were, chiefly through his tact, peaceably converted to Christianity, mass being celebrated for the first time amongst them in the newly founded town of Rabinal in 1538.
The legislature of Georgia remonstrated but expressed a willingness to cede the land to the United States, and in 1802 the cession was ratified, it being stipulated among other things that the United States should pay to the state $1,250,000, and should extinguish " at their own expense, for the use of Georgia, as soon as the same can be peaceably obtained on reasonable terms," the Indian title to all lands within the state of Georgia.
AdvertisementIn Wurttemberg alone the government continued to live peaceably with the bishops.
Thousands of men peaceably disposed and, if left alone, perfectly satisfied with their position as British subjects, are being drawn into disaffection, and there is a corresponding exasperation on the side of the British.
About the same time the Burgundians settled even more peaceably in Rhenish Gaul, and, after 456, to the west of the Jura in the valleys of The the Sane and the Rhone.
And yet over the last century, we also have seen colonies gain their independence and become nations, and nations peaceably divide.
They have no doubt that it is a damnable business in which they are concerned; they are all peaceably inclined.
AdvertisementSimilarly a man who committed a murder twenty years ago and has since lived peaceably and harmlessly in society seems less guilty and his action more due to the law of inevitability, to someone who considers his action after twenty years have elapsed than to one who examined it the day after it was committed.
In 1857 he was attacked by cancer, and died peaceably on the 5th of September of that year.
St Martin was first occupied by French freebooters in 1638, but ten years later the division between France and Holland was peaceably made.
Small military expeditions had constantly to be employed to break up slave-raiding gangs or reduce to order tribes which blocked trade routes or made war on other tribes living peaceably under British protection.
It would have been well for England if this agreement had held, and the crown had passed peaceably to the house of York, after the comparatively short and bloodless struggle which had just ended.
AdvertisementIn Transylvania matters were at first ordered more peaceably.
These two sons succeeded to their father's possessions in 1464, and for twenty years ruled together peaceably.
Here he had once more a chance of settling peaceably.
Again according to Broadyard Associates and Mr Borrell on 29th April 1998 they peaceably re-entered the premises and forfeited the lease.
In a few minutes she yielded and finished her breakfast peaceably.