Peace Sentence Examples
I shall not be at peace till you promise me this.
I feel at peace and settled.
There was peace and happiness...
The sense of peace and calm at his core returned as her energy flowed through him.
Leave me in peace, his looks seemed to say.
In peace let us pray unto the Lord.
Several members, including Qatwal, may be willing to aid you in regaining your planet after you've reached a peace treaty.
We will end war by making peace more desirable.
She withdrew, taking the feeling of peace with her.
She deserves to know, if only for her peace of mind.
AdvertisementYoung people, who would be expected to do the dying if another war came, are generally more determined to keep the peace than their elders.
If peace happens, all is well.
There they might live in peace and safety while all the country round was overrun by rude and barbarous men.
And through this, peace is promoted.
If it can be demonstrated that in the future, peace will always be preferable to all nations, then war will end.
AdvertisementPublic opinion is a powerful force, and if it is generally a force for peace, then the web magnifies it.
A hand swept the dark memories from her mind, and she sagged against Darian, feeling the same sense of peace overtake his mind.
He suspected the Council members knew more and that this night of relative peace was the last he would know for a very long time.
I will not propose that we should "give peace a chance."
After speaking about the economic costs of war, the burden it places on the economy, and the toll this takes on the people, Eisenhower closed by describing the peace proposals he was offering Russia and China.
AdvertisementPromise you'll barter my freedom if Qatwali imprisons me on this peace mission.
I will not make peace as long as a single armed enemy remains in my country!
Wouldn.t you like to have Kris out of the way, so you and your human treat can live in peace somewhere?
I have no planet, half an army, no food or water for my people, and I must broker a peace deal.
Wondering how much he should say, A'Ran's gaze went to another screen first, the one listing the details of their unsuccessful peace mission.
AdvertisementEvelyn knew she didn't deserve to feel at peace after the mess she dragged Kiera into, but she did feel it, and it made her genuinely content for the first time since she'd kidnapped her best friend.
It had been addressed to the Peace Command Center—the site where peace had been declared and the new government created after the East-West Civil War—in Colorado.
Although they were rich, they lived simply and were at peace with all the world.
Of course, politics being what it is, the Peace Dividend was spent a dozen times over by as many special interests who felt they were the most deserving of such an unexpected largess.
Public opinion is ever more in the peace camp because the vast majority of the economy doesn't benefit financially in times of war.
More information leads to more peace, unless you want to argue that ignorance is more peaceful.
This is a force for peace, as more and more people have family members in more than one culture and share the interests of more than one nationality.
In my opinion perpetual peace is possible but--I do not know how to express it... not by a balance of political power....
Another emissary rode to the Russian line to announce the peace negotiations and to offer the Russian army the three days' truce.
But that day's encounter in church had, he felt, sunk deeper than was desirable for his peace of mind.
The brunette stood between Traci and Rainy, as if she were trying to broker a peace deal between two warring countries.
She was his, and she brought him a sense of peace.
That was assault of a peace officer in the performance of his duty.
His peace ruined, he rose and strode into the fortress.
The assassin left him in peace, and he stayed awake the rest of the night, watching over her.
You couldn't give me some peace?
Maybe then, she.d know peace.
The couple gave each other another heated look, and she wolfed down her food before leaving them in peace.
Instead of everyone running around, slipping and sliding, shoveling slushy muck and shivering, here people just shift into a lower gear, listen to the quiet and enjoy the temporary peace.
I can use the peace.
We can meet at the Peace Command Center.
We might as well leave her in peace.
All Podébrad's endeavours to establish peace with Rome proved ineffectual, and though the death of Pius II.
This promotes peace and deters war.
We will avoid war because it is unprofitable; and while that is not a moral reason, any reason that brings peace is fine by me.
What underlying mechanisms would make the Democratic Peace Theory "work"?
And now without thinking about it he had found that peace and inner harmony only through the horror of death, through privation, and through what he recognized in Karataev.
Irritated he continued to disturb her peace, she leveled a glare on him.
But much as he hated to do so, it was time to eat the proverbial crow and make peace.
Since the first time I stepped inside I had a sense of all of the love and happiness and peace those walls have witnessed.
I'm enjoying the peace and quiet, though.
The German diet was indifferent, and in May 1493 he agreed to the peace of Senlis and regained Artois and Franche-Comte.
Aided by France they defeated the German troops, and the peace of Basel in September 1499 recognized them as virtually independent of the empire.
As an immediate result of this catastrophe, Florence shook off the Medici, and established a republic. But Clement, having made peace with the emperor, turned the remnants of the army which had sacked Rome against his native city.
Then she could walk home in peace.
He flung his head back, trying to remember the last time he'd felt some semblance of peace.
Gabriel, if you can't find an option to save me, will you swear to let me live out what I have left in peace?
There was a stillness on the tree-lined lanes that whispered peace.
There was work to be done before the return of this sense of small town peace could to be fully embraced.
Her hands were by her side, turned out, tranquilly, as if to say, peace at last.
Only silence remained as he lay there, wanting to escape from all that was happening, surrender in the peace of sleep, but even sleep eluded him.
Jackson had not allowed himself to reflect on his relationship with Elisabeth prior to learning her secret, but now he let the memories rush in and in doing so, found some peace.
Or maybe they wanted you to stay in the hospital a little longer so they could enjoy some peace and quiet while you're away.
There will be no peace talks between the PMF and the government now.
She dreaded entering, wanting a moment of peace before being confined within the spartanly furnished room with the manic Arnie Smith.
Elise promised to find her by dusk, and together, they'd go west, to the Peace Command Center.
She'd planned on Elise helping her escape to the west, where she could secure the Horsemen at the Peace Command Center.
What was it you had to take to the Peace Command Center?
Let her serve out her eternity in peace, Rhyn. I don't appreciate you dishonoring her more than you did.
He was resigned to quietly reading a book until Mrs. Porter the housekeeper showed up a day early, accommodating a family wedding, and Dean's peace began competing with the sounds of a vacuum cleaner and Mrs. Porter's radio music, even worse junk than Fred's usual selections.
Now she can mourn him in peace.
What peace she'd found in the familiar orchard fled as she looked at the charred, crumbling ruins of the once great city that lay beyond the wall.
I've come to peace with some things and am working towards peace on others.
Peace, friend, I came to see if you're alive.
For the first time in his life, he felt a deep sense of peace at his core.
Walls can be built with time and peace can be bought.
This led to the establishment of podests, who represented a compromise between two radically hostile parties in the city, and whose business it was to arbitrate and keep the peace between them.
Growing up out of the captain of the people or signore of the commune, the tyrant annihilated both parties for his own profit and for the peace of the state.
It was natural that these self-made of desprinces should seek to secure the peace which pollsm.
At the end of this century and a half, five principal powers divided the peninsula; and their confederated action during the next forty-five years (1447-1492) secured for Italy a season of peace and brilliant pro,sperity.
The peace of Cteau Cambresis, signed in 1559, left the Spanish monarch undisputed lord of Italy.
Therefore, in the peace of Utrecht (1713), the services of the house of Savoy had to be duly recognized.
After this marriage Philip broke the peace of Europe by invading Sardinia.
The terms of the treaty of peace signed at Zurich on the 10th of November were practically identical with those of the preT liminaries of Villafranca.
Peace not to be concluded until Italy should have received Venetia, I Prussia an equivalent territory in Germany.
On the 28th of March 1888 the negus indeed descended from the Abyssinian high plateau in the direction of Saati, but finding the Italian position too strong to be carried by assault, temporized and opened negotiations for peace.
At the end of May the pope, in an allocution to the cardinals, had spoken of Italy in terms of unusual cordiality, and had expressed a wish for peace.
After a temporary peace, he fled to the monastery of Classe near Ravenna.
A fifth had fallen in a lost battle, and only one had died in peace in his own house.
They acted also as police courts in the case of petty thefts, breaches of the peace and the like.
They can apply to the police commissaries (stanovoti) or to the justices of the peace; but the great distances to be traversed in a country so sparsely populated makes this course highly inconvenient.
The peace strength of the army is estimated at 42,000 officers and 1,100,000 men (about 950,000 combatants), while the war strength is approximately 75,000 officers and 4,500,000 men.
After a short campaign a peace was concluded and Ivan's daughter was given in marriage to the Lithuanian grandprince, but the matrimonial alliance did not improve the relations between the two countries.
In view of the annexation of new provinces under the peace treaties and of the altered state of public opinion on internal policy, he dissolved the Chamber on April 7 1921, and was confirmed in power by the elections on May 15.
They know no peace.
Her Immortal guard poked his head in every corner and door and looked under the bed before he left her in peace.
Not that she wouldn't mind some company; the house was too quiet this morning, and her memories refused to leave her in peace.
Her hands were by her sides, turned out, as if offering benediction for what she had done, as if to say, peace at last.
Even if she reached the Peace Command Center, the world wouldn't right itself.
She makes whatever she wants out of them. Most of them go in the bottom of the Lake of Souls, where they can find their loved ones and be in peace.
At least you have the peace of knowing you did something.
Let him, whoever has the millions, keep it and leave us peons in peace.
Glancing around the room, she searched for that feeling of peace.
Jule left them in peace, and Darian offered his hand to Claire.
She'd be at peace then, with her daughter.
He'd found some level of peace, and he'd grown powerful enough to kill an Other.
With his disappointment at the discovery of his immortal home no longer standing, he also felt a sense of peace that had eluded him.
I believe now the rumors were true, Darian said, at peace after his trip to the immortal world.
Darian didn't let her go even then, instead soothing her mind enough for her to sleep in peace.
If anything, she couldn't help feeling at peace knowing what she did now about salvation.
Whether or not Jonny would ever know that same sense of peace, there was always a chance he could.
With you leading Landis and me leading Tiyan, there will be peace at last.
Your people will never heal without peace.
I don't understand peace, Taran!
We alone can bring peace to this world and heal what the demons have done.
Bring peace to both of our kingdoms.
Dierdirien will arrive soon and can help us remove any king unwilling to accept peace.
In the last few years, since he had made peace with his father, he had finally brushed the chip from his shoulder.
Reverting to jeans and T-shirt for working was an obvious change, but the change inside gave her a peace she had forgotten existed.
His curiosity satisfied and the hunt over, he was ready to leave the noise of the club for the peace of his condo.
She ate a chicken salad in relative peace at the mall's food court.
Before I sit down, tell Xander Jenn comes in peace.
She'd never felt as at peace or sated or relaxed as she did now, and she couldn't imagine any other man making her feel the way he did last night or this morning.
The Peace of Villafranca made this impossible.
In due time he entered the military service, and fought through the civil wars until the peace in 1598.
In 278 Fabricius was elected consul for the second time, and was successful in negotiating terms of peace with Pyrrhus, who sailed away to Sicily.
Rudolph was not very successful in restoring internal peace to Germany.
In her son's lifetime she had, for his sake, condoned the mesalliance, but it was impossible for the stately chatelaine and her low-born daughterin-law to live in peace under the same roof.
Her husband, though he afterwards deteriorated, seems at that time to have been neither better nor worse than the Berrichon squires around him, and the first years of her married life, during which her son Maurice and her daughter Solange were born, except for lovers' quarrels, were passed in peace and quietness, though signs were not wanting of the coming storm.
He signed a blank treaty of peace with the Mahrattas, who were still in arms, reversed the action of the Madras government towards the nizam, and concentrated all the resources of Bengal against Hyder Ali.
The island remained a Spanish province until the War of the Spanish Succession, when in 1708 Cagliari capitulated to an English fleet, and the island became Austrian; the status quo was confirmed by the peace of Utrecht in 1713.
It is for this reason that concordats always present a clearly marked character of mutual concession, each of the two powers renouncing certain of its claims in the interests of peace.
After the conclusion of peace in 1815 it was restored to Prussia, except some small portions which were given to the kingdom of Holland.
Peace negotiations were begun with Charles II.
For two years more the fighting continued with varying success, until Charles of Valois, who had been sent by Boniface to invade Sicily, was forced to sue for peace, his army being decimated by the plague, and in August 1302 the treaty of Caltabellotta was signed, by which Frederick was recognized king of Trinacria (the name Sicily was not to be used) for his lifetime, and was to marry Eleonora, the daughter of Charles II.; at his death the kingdom was to revert to the Angevins (this clause was inserted chiefly to save Charles's face), and his children would receive compensation elsewhere.
Bonif ace tried to induce King Charles to break the treaty, but the latter was only too anxious for peace, and finally in May 1303 the pope ratified it, Frederick agreeing to pay him a tribute.
For a few years Sicily enjoyed peace, and the kingdom was reorganized.
In 1337 Frederick died at Paternione, and in spite of the peace of Caltabellotta his son Peter succeeded.
In the summer of 1516 Margaret went to her brother's court in London, while Angus, much to his wife's displeasure, returned to Scotland, where he made his peace with Albany and was restored to his estates.
On his return to Germany he made peace with France at Frankfort in July 1489, and in October several of the states of the Netherlands recognized him as their ruler and as guardian of his son.
The relations were now very strained between the reforming princes and Maximilian, who, unable to raise an army, refused to attend the meetings of the council at Nuremberg, while both parties treated for peace with France.
The English, under Sir Thomas Graham, afterwards Lord Lynedoch, in March 1814 made an attempt to take it by a coup de main, but were driven back with great loss by the French, who surrendered the place, however, by the treaty of peace in the following May.
After the conclusion of the peace with Brazil, the Unitarians placed themselves under the leadership of General Juan de Lavalle, the victor of Ituzaingo.
After some hesitation, on the advice of Roca the Argentines agreed to the demand, and peace was maintained.
After the peace of Westphalia Stralsund was ceded with the rest of Western Pomerania to Sweden; and for more than a century and a half it was exposed to attack and capture as the tete - de - pont of the Swedes in continental Europe.
In 1186 at Woodstock William married Ermengarde de Beaumont, a cousin of Henry II., and peace with England being assured three years later, he turned his arms against the turbulent chiefs in the outlying parts of his kingdom.
After a period of inaction war between the two countries again became imminent in 1209; but a peace was made at Norham, and about three years later another amicable arrangement was reached.
Definitely incorporated with this country in 1853, it experienced another change of fortune after the short war of 1864 between Denmark on the one side and Prussia and Austria on the other, as by the peace of Vienna (30th of October 1864) it was ceded with Schleswig and Holstein to the two German powers.
Morton landed with Warwick at Dartmouth on the 13th of September 1470, but the battle of Tewkesbury finally shattered the Lancastrian hopes, and Morton made his peace with Edward IV., probably through the mediation of Archbishop Bourchier.
On the restoration of peace he was appointed to high command in Hungary.
Haldane was afterwards present at the relief of Gibraltar, but at the peace of 1783 he finally left the navy, and soon afterwards settled on his estate of Airthrey, near Stirling.
He proclaimed a crusade against Louis and the French, and, after the peace of Lambeth, he forced Louis to make a public and humiliating profession of penitence (1217).
The Lateran council of 1139 restored peace to the Church, excommunicating Roger of Sicily, against whom Innocent undertook an expedition which proved unsuccessful.
The judiciary is composed of a supreme court of seven members, a court of chancery, a county court in each county, a probate court in each probate district, and justices of the peace.
Peace hath her victories No less renowned than war."
The religious element, however, which predominated in Cromwell's foreign policy inclined him to peace, and in April of that year terms were arranged by which England on the whole was decidedly the gainer.
He spent a year in prison at Perugia, and when peace was made at the end of 1202 he returned to Assisi and recommenced his old life.
In 40 he helped to arrange the peace of Brundisium by which Octavian (Augustus) and Antonius were for a time reconciled.
During the interval between these peaces, Matthias, in self-defence, again made war on the emperor, reducing Frederick to such extremities that he was glad to accept peace on any terms. By the final arrangement made between the contending princes, Matthias recognized Ladislaus as king of Bohemia proper in return for the surrender of Moravia, Silesia and Upper and Lower Lusatia, hitherto component parts of the Czech monarchy, till he should have redeemed them for 400,000 florins.
Assigned to Territorial Militia and excused peace service..
The peace strength under the new scheme is nominally 300,000, but actually (average throughout the year) about 240,000.
The kingdom of Italy, transmitted on his death by Charles the Great, and afterwards Confirmed to his grandson Lotbar by the peace of Verdun in 843, stretched from the Alps to Terracina.
When the truce expired in 1183, a permanent peace was ratified at Constance.
The signatories of the peace of Constance were divided between leaguers and imperialists.
The privileges confirmed to the Lombard cities by the peace of Constance were extended to Tuscany, where Florence, having War of ruined Fiesole, had begun her career of freedom and clues prosperity.
Apprehending the importance of Italian federation, Lorenzo, by his personal tact and prudent leadership of the republic, secured peace and a common intelligence between the five powers.
But the peace does not seem to have been popular.
In 163 Lysias led another expedition against these disturbers of the king's peace and defeated Judas at Bethzachariah.
Jonathan was summoned to Antioch, made his peace and apparently relinquished his attempt in return for the addition of three Samaritan districts to his territory.
In subsequent negotiations he accepted the disarmament of the besieged and a tribute as conditions of peace, and in response to their entreaty left Jerusalem without a garrison.
Alexander raised the siege, made peace with Ptolemy and secretly sent to Cleopatra for help against her son.
When he repented of his attempted resistance and treated with Pompey for peace, his followers threw themselves into Jerusalem, and, when the faction of Hyrcanus resolved to open the gates, into the Temple.
He said, " Be of the disciples of Aaron, loving peace, and pursuing peace, loving mankind and bringing them nigh to the Law."
His attempts to crush all such disturbers of the peace were cut short by his death in his second year of office.
The rulers, who desired peace, and upon whom Florus had laid the duty of restoring peace, asked him for troops; but the civil war ended in their complete discomfiture.
It is clear, however that he did not share the "passion" of his colleagues for "peace with honour," clear also that he wholly misread the intentions of the European powers in the event of war.
There are 26 justices of peace, to whose decision are referred slight contraventions of the law (lrraLQµara) and civil causes in which the amount claimed is below 600 francs.
In the negotiations for peace Henderson was one of the Scottish commissioners, and made a very favourable impression on the king.
The maturing of the treaty of peace took a considerable time, and Henderson was again active in the negotiations, first at Ripon (October 1st) and afterwards in London.
He strongly promoted the League of Nations in the early part of that year; he attended the International Socialist Conference at Berne; and in Dec. 1920 he paid an informal visit to Ireland in the hope of promoting peace.
The local judicial authorities are the county board of supervisors of five members and the justices of the peace.
Subordinate to them are the township boards of trustees, composed of a clerk, and two justices of the peace.
After the peace he was employed in an administrative post in Armenia, where he remained until 1882.
Radegunda stayed in Poitiers, founded a monastery there, and lived for a while in peace.
It is remarkable that though the Jews live in relative peace with Asiatics, the great majority of them prefer Europe as a residence.
Clearly such alterations as the construction of railways in nearly all parts of the continent, and the establishment of peace over formerly disturbed areas like India, are of enormous importance, and must change the life of the people.
He was subsequently a delegate to the Peace Congress in 1861, and was a loyal supporter of President Lincoln's war policy.
The tortuous negotiations which preceded the struggle need not be discussed here, but in defence of Aberdeen it may be said that he hoped and strove for peace to the last.
His foreign policy was essentially one of peace and non-intervention, and in pursuing it he was accused of favouring the despotisms of Europe.
The island remained in the hands of Spain until the peace of Utrecht (1714), by which it was assigned to Austria.
At the peace of Westphalia they claimed the duchy, in opposition to the elector of Brandenburg, and the result was that the latter was obliged to content himself with eastern Pomerania (Hinterpommern), and to see the western part (Vorpommern) awarded to Sweden.
In 1720, by the peace of Stockholm, Swedish Pomerania was curtailed by extensive concessions to Prussia, but the district to the west of the Peene remained in the possession of Sweden until the general European settlement of 1815.
He first sent Mme de Nehra to Paris to make peace with the authorities, and then returned himself, hoping to get employment through an old literary collaborateur of his, Durival, who was at this time director of the finances of the department of foreign affairs.
From the beginning he recognized that government exists in order that the bulk of the population may pursue their daily work in peace and quiet, and that for a government to be successful it must be strong.
After the Passover he went to Caesarea, where he had games performed in honour of Claudius, and the inhabitants of Tyre and Sidon waited on him to sue for peace.
The ultimate result was that in 1454 an embassy of the League offered Prussia to the Polish king, and that, after many years of war, the Peace of Thorn (1466) gave to Poland West Prussia, with Marienburg, Thorn, Danzig and other towns, in full possession, and, while leaving East Prussia to the Order, made the Order the vassals of Poland for the territory which it retained.
The master of the latter province had beaten off an attack of the Russians in 1502, and secured a fifty years' peace.
Outvoting Franklin, they decided to break their instructions, which required them to ` make the, most candid confidential communications on all subjects to the ministers of our generous ally, the king of France; to undertake nothing in the negotiations for peace or truce without their knowledge or concurrence; and ultimately to govern yourself by their advice and opinion "; and, instead,.
Political conditions in Great Britain, at the moment, made the conclusion of peace almost a necessity with the British ministry, and eventually the American negotiators were able to secure a peculiarly favourable treaty.
The United States was, at this time, drawn into the vortex of European complications, and Adams, instead of taking advantage of the militant spirit which was aroused, patriotically devoted himself to securing peace with France, much against the wishes of Hamilton and of Hamilton's adherents in the cabinet.
Charles also rightly felt that he could never trust the treacherous Augustus to remain quiet, even if he made peace with him.
But the allies interfered in Charles's favour, lest he might be tempted to aid France, and induced the emperor to satisfy all the Swedish king's demands, the maritime Powers at the same time agreeing to guarantee the provisions of the peace of Altranstadt.
Here it need only be said that Sweden, during the course of the Great Northern War, had innumerable opportunities of obtaining an honourable and even advantageous peace, but they all foundered on the dogged refusal of Charles to consent to the smallest concession to his despoilers.
In 1590 he sent an expedition to Provence in the interests of the Catholic League, and followed it himself later, but the peace of 1593, by which Henry of Navarre was recognized as king of France, put an end to his ambitions.
Finally, by the peace of Lyons (1601), he gave up all territories beyond the Rhone, but his possession of Saluzzo was confirmed.
The Spaniards invaded the duchy from Lombardy, and although the duke was defeated several times he fought bravely, gained some successes, and the terms of the peace of 1618 left him more or less in the status quo ante.
In 1905 the treaty ending the war between Japan and Russia was negotiated in what is known as the Peace Building in this yard.
A peace, honourable to both parties, was brought about by Matteo Visconti, lord of Milan, in that same year.
The lord of Milan again arranged a peace (1355) We have now reached the last phase of the struggle for maritime supremacy.
The war of Ferrara and the peace of Bagnolo (1484) gave her Rovigo and the Polesine.
The peace of Leoben left Venice without an ally.
On the 17th of October Napoleon handed Venice over to Austria by the peace of Campo Formio, and between 1798 and 1814 she passed from France to Austria and Austria to France till the coalition of that latter year assigned her definitely to Austria.
The constitution provides that the terms of supreme and circuit judges shall be such even number of years not less than six as may be prescribed by the legislature - the statutory provision is six years - that of the judges of the common pleas six years, that of the probate judges four years, that of other judges such even number of years not exceeding six as may be prescribed by the legislature - the statutory provision is six years - and that of justices of the peace such even number of years not exceeding four as may be thus prescribed - the statutory provision is four years.
The other township officials are the clerk, treasurer, assessor, supervisor of roads, justices of the peace, constables, board of education and board of health.
In 1861 he was a delegate from Maryland to the peace convention at Washington; in1861-1862he was a member of the Maryland House of Delegates.
He opposed the issue of paper money, supported Robert Morris's plan for a national bank, and was prominently connected with all Congressional action in regard to the peace with Great Britain.
Peace and security being established in his dominions, he convoked an assembly of the states and declared his son Malik Shah his heir and successor.
Romanus was taken prisoner and conducted into the presence of Alp Arslan, who treated him with generosity, and terms of peace having been agreed to, dismissed him, loaded with presents and respectfully attended by a military guard.
The powers of the old township were much more extensive than those of the present city of Boston, including as they did the determination of the residence of strangers, the allotment of land, the grant of citizenship, the fixing of wages and prices, of the conditions of lawsuits and even a voice in matters of peace and war.
Half-hearted attempts after the peace to repair the ruined mines failed; the town became impoverished, and in 1770 was devastated by fire.
The Liberal party and Sagasta paid the penalty of their lack of success, and directly the Cortes met in March 1899, after the peace treaty of the 1 oth of December 1898 with the United States, they were defeated in the senate.
Before a battle they often throw themselves between two armies to bring about peace.
While opposing the Covenant of the League of Nations, he gave to many of his supporters the impression that he desired an " association of nations " which, without the characteristics of a super-state (such as he believed the League to be), might safeguard peace.
In rejecting the League Covenant, he said " we make no surrender of our hope and aim for an association to promote peace, in which we would most heartily join."
The President advocated a declaration of peace with Germany by resolution, and the immediate negotiation of a treaty.
This policy was adopted by Congress, which agreed upon a joint peace resolution, signed by him on July 2.
The President made it clear that he regarded the conference merely as a step in securing international understanding and good will; he advocated the convening of succeeding conferences as a possible means of securing an international association for the promotion of peace, and he approved the principle of substituting an understanding between the United States, Great Britain, France and Japan regarding Far-Eastern problems, for the existing Anglo-Japanese Treaty.
One result of the Russo-Japanese War was the evacuation of Manchuria by the Russians, which, after the conclusion of peace in 1905, was handed over by Japan to China.
Since the close of the 10th century diocesan councils in France had been busily acting as legislatures, and enacting "forms of peace" for the maintenance of God's Peace or Truce (Pax Dei or Treuga Dei).
The hardships of war and the excesses of peace shortened the lives of the men; the kingdom of Jerusalem had eleven kings within a century.
In the event, a peace was made for three years (September 2nd, 1192), by which Lydda and Ramlah were to be equally divided, Ascalon was to be destroyed, and small bodies of crusaders were to be allowed to visit the Holy Sepulchre.
Here there reigned, during the forty years of the loss of Jerusalem, an almost unbroken peace.
While the Holy Land was thus at peace, crusaders were also being drawn elsewhere by the needs of the Latin empire of Constantinople, or the attractions of the Albigensian Crusade.2 But Innocent could never consent to forget Jerusalem, as long as his right hand retained its cunning.
A precarious peace had reigned in the Holy Land since 1272, when Bibars had granted a truce of ten years; but the fall of the great power of Charles of Anjou set free Kala`un the successor of Bibars' son (who reigned little more than two years), to complete the work of the great sultan.
General Cathcart accepted the offer of Moshesh and peace was proclaimed, the Basuto power being unbroken.
In 1880 the Cape government felt sufficiently strong to extend to Basutoland the Cape Peace Preservation Act of 1878.
Peace in Basutoland was not announced until the end of 1882.
Alaric died in the same year, and in 412 Honorius concluded peace with his brother-in-law and successor, Ataulphus (Adolphus), who married the emperor's sister Placidia and removed with his troops to southern Gaul.
Peace was then made on the terms that Turkey should retain her conquests and Venice should pay an indemnity of 300,000 ducats.
In the spring of 1553 the victories of the Persians called for the sultan's presence in the East; a truce for six months was now concluded between the envoys of Ferdinand and the pasha of Budapest, and Austrian ambassadors were sent to Constantinople to arrange a peace.
On the 17th of February 1568, two years after the accession of Suleiman's son Selim, peace was concluded with Austria on the basis of the former terms, the emperor Maximilian having sent ambassadors to congratulate the new sultan on his accession.
The war lasted for twelve years, during which Tiflis, Shirvan and Daghestan were taken; finally Shah Abbas established himself on the Persian throne and in 1590 made peace with Turkey, who retained her conquests in Georgia, Azerbaijan and Shirvan.
The peace concluded in 1568 arfd thrice renewed (in 1 573, 1 57 6 and 1584) had not prevented the continuance of raids and forays, from either side of the frontier, that at times assumed the dimensions of regular campaigns.
In 1599 the first peace overtures were made, but came to nothing; and the confused fighting of this and the following year culminated in the capture of Kanizsa by the Turks (September 1600).
Though negotiations for peace were at once begun, it was not till three years after Ahmed's accession that the peace of Sitvatorok, concluded on the 11th of November 1606, at last put an end to the war in Europe.
For the remainder of the reign the Persian War was continued fitfully, a treaty of peace, signed in 1611, not being observed.
Osman IL, were given up. Peace, however, left the rebellious 1618-1622.
Peace was made in 1639,- leaving the Turco-Persian frontier practically as it now stands.
Meanwhile the Cretan campaign continued, and here also France lent her aid to the Venetians; this assistance could not, however, prevent the capture of Candia in 1669; on the 5th of September of that year Morosini, the Venetian commander, signed a treaty of peace with the Turks by which, after twenty-five years' warfare, they were placed in possession of the fortress of Candia, and with it of the effective rule over the whole island, Venice retaining only the fortresses of Suda, Grabusa and Spinalonga, and the islets along the coast.
On the 4th, Russia concluded a two years' armistice, but remained in possession of Azov, which was formally ceded to her by the definitive treaty of peace signed at Constantinople on the 13th of June 1700.
The peace of Karlowitz marks the definitive termination of Turkey's power of offence in Europe.
It is noteworthy also as being the first occasion on which representatives of the mediating powers took part in the peace negotiations.
The grand vizier's efforts to take advantage of the peace to introduce order in the country were unavailing; he was driven from office, and disorders ensued which led to the sultan's abdication.
The Turks succeeded in surrounding Peter the Great near the Pruth, and his army was menaced with total destruction, when the Turkish commander, the grand vizier Baltaji Mahommed Pasha, was induced by the presents and entreaties of the empress Catherine to sign the preliminary treaty of the Pruth (July 21, 1711), granting terms of peace far more favourable than were justified by the situation of the Russians.
Russia having thus lost all the advantage gained by the peace of Karlowitz, Venice was next taken in hand, she having invaded the Bosnian frontier and incited the Montenegrins to revolt, besides capturing Turkish ships in the Mediterranean.
Charles VI., weary of the war for the Spanish succession, had shortly before concluded the peace of Rastadt (1715) and was anxious that Venice should not be too hardly pressed.
In spite of this initial success, however, the campaign proved disastrous to the Austrians; and France, which had meanwhile come to terms with the emperor, endeavoured to mediate a peace in conjunction with Sweden and Holland.
Not till the middle of 1739 would they consent to negotiate seriously for peace.
The war, which broke out in 1743, was waged with varying fortunes, and the peace by which it was concluded on the 5th of September 1746, beyond stipulating for a few privileges for Persian pilgrims to the holy places, altered nothing in the settlement arranged ten years before with Murad IV.
Negotiations for peace were now opened and on the 21st of July - chosen by the Russian plenipotentiary as the anniversary of the humiliating convention of the Pruth - the treaty of Kuchuk Kainarji was signed.
Sultan Selim was anxious to restore his country's prestige by a victory before making peace, but the condition of his troops rendered this hope unavailing; while Prussia, though on the 31st of January 1790 she had signed an offensive treaty with Turkey,' gave her no help during the war.
The conclusion of peace was welcomed by Selim as the opportunity for carrying out reforms, of which he thoroughly realized the necessity in every branch of the administration, and especially in the army, to whose defects the disasters of the state were due.
In 1802, by a treaty of peace signed at Paris on the 25th of June, France resumed her former terms of friendship with Complica- Turkey.
The British ambassador sought by every means in his power to induce Turkey to give way to Russia, going so far as to guarantee the withdrawal of the Russian troops from Moldo-Walachia if the Porte remained at peace, and threatening that if Turkey persisted in her opposition England would join with Russia against her.
An ultimatum was presented ordering Turkey within twenty-four hours to dismiss the French ambassador, hand over the Turkish fleet, and make peace with Russia.
All officers who were partisans of the reforms were obliged to take refuge in flight; and Turkey's position would have been desperate but for the conclusion of the peace of Tilsit (July 7, 1807) between Russia and France, to which Turkey also became a party.
Accordingly, though France made every attempt to induce Turkey to adopt her side, the young Stratford Canning succeeded in causing the resumption of the peace negotiations at Bucharest, broken off through Russia's terms being considered too onerous, and followed by the capture of Izmail and Bender.
In spite of the emperor Alexander's engagements to the Grand Alliance and the ideal of European peace, this was no easy matter; for the murder of the patriarch was but the culmination of a whole series of grievances accumulated since the Treaty of Bucharest.
The effect on the passionate sultan of this " unparalleled outrage on a friendly power in time of peace " is easy to imagine.
The news of this aggression roused intense excitement in England; but the British government still exerted itself to maintain peace.
I'd sleep a bit and then again go and kiss the relics, and there was such peace all around, such blessedness, that one don't want to come out, even into the light of heaven again.
Lord Aberdeen still hoped to secure peace, and the Russian government was informed that no casus belli would arise so long as Russia abstained from passing the Danube or attacking a Black Sea port.
An armistice and preliminaries of peace were signed on the 31st of January 1878 at Adrianople, and a definitive treaty was concluded at San Stefano on the 3rd of March 1878.
Peace once restored, some attempt was made by Turkey in the direction of complying with her engagements to institute reform.
So long as Stambolov, the energetic Bulgarian statesman, was alive he succeeded in keeping the Bulgarian element quiet, and the peace of the country was less liable to disturbance.
In Albania serious discontent, resulting in an insurrection (May-September 1909), was caused by the political rivalry between Greeks and Albanians and the unwillingness of the Moslem tribesmen to pay taxes or to keep the peace with their neighbours, the Macedonian Serbs.
After the peace of Tilsit the Grand Army was gradually withdrawn behind the Rhine, leaving only three commands, totalling 63,000 men, under Davout in Prussia, Oudinot in west central Germany, and Lefebvre in Bavaria, to assist the princes of the Confederation of the Rhine in the maintenance of order and the enforcement of the French law of conscription, which was rigorously insisted on in all the States comprised in this new federation.
This left the direct road to Vienna open, and Napoleon, hoping to find peace in the enemy's capital, pushed the whole of his army down the right bank, and with Murat's cavalry entered the city on the 12th of May, after somewhat severe resistance lasting three days.
The only other event which occurred before peace was made was an unimportant action at Znaym on the 11th of July.
Cyr, who had relieved Macdonald on his extreme left, had only 17,000 men left under arms against upwards of 40,000 Russians under Witgenstein; and to the south Tschitschagov's army, being no longer detained on the Turkish frontier, peace having been made, was marching to join Tormassov about Brest-Litewski with forces which would bring the total of the two well over ioo,000 men.
Oh the 1st of October 1801 an armistice was signed in London, and the Peace of Amiens followed, on the 27th of March 1802.
If Mme de Stael had really desired to take up her parable against Napoleon seriously, she need only have established herself in England at the peace of Amiens.
The borough has a separate commission of the peace, having a stipendiary magistrate since 1858.
The Defensor pacis, as its name implies, is a work intended to restore peace, as the most indispensable benefit of human society.
The country was at war, and it seemed best to postpone the new constitution until peace should be concluded.
The opening of the Chippewa lands in the northwest and the coming of peace marked the beginning of a new period of rapid growth, the Federal census of 1870 showing a population of 439,706, or a gain of 75.8% in five years.
The maintenance of peace and order, and the mining development of the interior, have added to the trade and prosperity of the port.
Henry's English government was severe and grasping; but he "kept good peace" and honourably distinguished himself among contemporary statesmen in an age when administrative reform was in the air.
The eulogies of the last Peterborough Chronicle on his government were written after the anarchy of Stephen's reign had invested his predecessor's "good peace" with the glamour of a golden age.
On the 13th of April 1814 officers arrived with the announcement to both armies of the capture of Paris, the abdication of Napoleon, and the practical conclusion of peace; and on the 18th a convention, which included Suchet's force, was entered into between Wellington and Soult.
Figueras surrendered to Cuesta before the end of May; and peace was formally signed at Paris on the 30th of May.
Under the long peace which followed the close of the Napoleonic wars, its trade gradually revived, fostered by the declaration of independence of South and Central America, with both of which it energetically opened close commercial relations, and by the introduction of steam navigation.
In the same year he accompanied Albert Gallatin, as his secretary, to Russia, and in 1814 returned to the United States as the bearer of important dispatches from the American peace commissioners at Ghent.
The conclusion of peace was followed by a remarkable episode.
Splendid banquets lasting far into the night, private and intimate conversations between the princes who had only just emerged from a mortal struggle, seemed to point to nothing but peace and friendship in the future.
After the peace of Amiens he had an interview with Napoleon at Paris, and received some territory adjoining the hereditary domains of the house of Nassau in Westphalia as a compensation for the abandonment of the stadtholderate and the domains of his house.
In the autumn of 1779 he was appointed secretary to John Adams, who had been selected as minister plenipotentiary to negotiate treaties of peace and commerce with Great Britain, and in December 1780 he was appointed diplomatic representative to the Russian government.
After falling into various hands, it was ceded to Savoy by the peace of Utrecht in 1713, and its citadel was begun in 1728.
After several military successes gained by Zizka (q.v.) in 1423 and the following year, a treaty of peace between the Hussites was concluded on the 13th of September 1424 at Liben, a village near Prague, now part of that city.
The almost uninterrupted series of victories of the Hussites now rendered vain all hope of subduing them by force of arms. Moreover, the conspicuously democratic character of the Hussite movement caused the German princes, who were afraid that such views might extend to their own countries, to desire peace.
Many Hussites, particularly the Utraquist clergy, were also in favour of peace.
Before definitely giving its consent to peace negotiations, the Roman Church determined on making a last effort to reduce the Hussites to subjection.
From Aristophanes (Peace, 830 ff.) it is concluded that he died before the production of that play (421).
Ultimately, however, the minister, strong in the support of Elizabeth, prevailed, and his faultless diplomacy, backed by the despatch of an auxiliary Russian corps of 30,000 men to the Rhine, greatly accelerated the peace negotiations which led to the treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle (October 18, 1748).
The failure of the campaign of 1760, so far as Russiaand France were concerned, induced the court of Versailles, on the evening of the 22nd of January 1761, to present to the court of St Petersburg a despatch to the effect that the king of France by reason of the condition of his dominions absolutely desired peace.
It was finally arranged by the allies that their envoys at Paris should fix the date for the assembling of a peace congress, and that, in the meantime, the war against Prussia should be vigorously prosecuted.
He advised his fellow-townsmen to send Helen back to her husband, and showed himself not unfriendly to the Greeks and an advocate of peace.
The goddess of war develops into the goddess of peace and the pursuits connected with it.
In 1679 Gyllenstjerna was appointed the Swedish plenipotentiary at the peace congress of Lund.
Ulm is the basis of operations for the German army behind the Black Forest, and can easily shelter a force of ioo,000 men; its peace garrison is 5600.
Before the general peace of 1815 he had served in North America and the West Indies and gained a wide knowledge of conditions of life on board ship under various commanders.
In 1808, on the restoration of peace, he resigned all his civil appointments, and returned home in the possession of a fortune of £40,000.
He was incessantly on his legs in committee, and became a name for an opposition bandog who gave chancellors of the exchequer no peace.
It was he who caused the word "retrenchment" to be added to the Radical programme "peace and reform."
With the Romans he maintained peace, but he tried to keep down the Ephthalites, who began to conquer eastern Iran.
Although he had advised the ratification of the Peace Treaty, he opposed the permanent acquisition of the Philippine Islands.
Next year Patenotre signed with Li Hung Chang a treaty of peace at Tien-tsin, by which the French protectorate in Annam and Tongking was recognized, and both parties agreed to remain within their own borders in the future.
After this his only interference in the internal affairs of France was when he sought to make peace between the rival factions in that country.
Courland during the advance of the German army lost two-thirds of the population, which began to return after the Brest Litovsk Peace in 1918.
In 1 555 he was one of the French deputies at the conferences held at Mark near Ardres to discuss peace with England.
By the peace of Westphalia (1648) it was recognized as an independent ally of the Swiss League.
By the terms of the peace of Utrecht (1713) the fortifications were demolished and its harbour filled up, a sacrifice demanded by England owing to the damage inflicted on her shipping by Jean Bart and other corsairs of the port.
But in November 1813 Napoleon replaced him by Caulaincourt, duc de Vicence, who was thought to be more devoted to the cause of peace and personally grateful to the emperor Alexander I.
The finances were speedily put on an excellent footing, means were provided for carrying on the war to a successful issue (one of the chief expedients being the raising of the Sound tolls) and on the conclusion of peace Oxe, as lord treasurer, not only reduced the national debt considerably, but redeemed a large portion of the alienated crown-lands.
The history of international arbitration is dealt with in the article Peace, where treaties of general arbitration are discussed, both those which embrace all future differences thereafter to arise between the contracting parties, and also those more limited conventions which aim at the settlement of all future differences in regard to particular subjects, e.g.
The establishment of a permanent tribunal at the Hague, pursuant to the Peace convention of 1899, marks a momentous epoch in the history of international arbitration.
These must one and all be cleared away before we can enter on that era of universal peace towards the attainment of which the tsar of Russia declared, in his famous circular of 1898, the efforts of all governments should be directed.
A London journal, The Herald of Peace and International Arbitration, issued some years ago a list of instances in which arbitration or mediation had been successfully resorted to during the 19th century.
Evans Darby, and is published, along with'the texts of several projects for general arbitration, at the offices of the Peace Society, 47 New Broad Street, London.
As the delegate of the executive power he had the right to military command in the king's name, and to take all the measures necessary for the preservation of the peace, i.e.
This total represents the nominal strength of the army in times of peace.
The Tupinoquins at first offered some opposition; but having made peace, they observed it faithfully, notwithstanding that the oppression of the Portuguese obliged them to forsake the country.
The Tupinoquins, the most tractable of the Brazilian tribes, made peace with the settlers, and the colony was founded without a struggle.
Financial embarrassments increased to an alarming extent; the emperor was compelled by the British government to make peace with Buenos Aires and to renounce the Banda Oriental; and to fill the sum of disasters Dom Miguel had treacherously usurped the crown of Portugal.