Paying Sentence Examples
Whatever he's paying you, I'll double.
For about a year he studied at Leiden, paying special attention to philosophy and Greek.
The tension was paying its toll in another way.
Minerals have not been found in paying quantities.
Of the others, only Pete seemed to be paying any attention to their peril.
I think this place is beautiful, and apparently the ranch is paying for itself.
She would no longer be paying her own way.
Who was paying for this?
Alex wasn't paying a stranger to give him an heir.
Only if you're paying for it.
AdvertisementHow much did Ingrid say I was paying you?
They're paying us for tranquility, not to witness your domestic problems, which should be handled in private, in a lawyer's office.
Though countless have paid for me, never has a man risked paying so dearly for my body; his honor, his reputation, his family and even his soul.
He instinctively ducked his head but the two were paying no heed to a passing biker as they sped south.
Gladys Turnbull remained Bird Song's sole paying guest, at least for a couple of days longer.
AdvertisementShipton insisted on paying for the last two weeks even though he wasn't near the place.
I was concerned that you would insist on checking out too early, so I stopped by the office to see what arrangements could be made for paying your bill.
She sighed, wondering why she was paying attention to a dead-dead Immortal in the first place.
Parking wasn't a problem if you didn't mind paying the price of a good country dinner, but Dean didn't have time to hunt down a bargain so he reluctantly pulled into the closest lot.
She insisted on paying for her own coffee.
AdvertisementHe has a quiet humor that goes unnoticed if you're not paying close attention.
I'll bet someone was really paying out the bucks.
He is paying the penalty for the loss of a hundred thousand innocent lives.
She hadn't been paying attention; did he sink into the darkness or disappear?
On the 18th of July 1542 it was surrendered to Henry VIII., and its possessions granted to Robert Dacres on condition of maintaining the grammar school and paying the master £10 a year, the same salary as the headmasters of Winchester and Eton, and maintaining the almshouse.
AdvertisementThe Venetian ambassador Gradenigo estimated the paying number of offices on Leo's death at 2150, with a capital value of nearly 3,000,000 ducats and a yearly income of 328,000 ducats.
The coast is chiefly occupied by Arab tribes who were virtually independent, paying merely a nominal tribute to the shah's government until 1898.
But Sulla in Greece and Fimbria in Asia defeated his armies in several battles; the Greek cities were disgusted by his severity, and in 84 he concluded peace, abandoning all his conquests, surrendering his fleet and paying a fine of 2000 talents.
Shipping has been fostered by paying bounties for vessels constructed in France and sailing under the French flag, and by reserving the coasting trade, traffic between France and Algeria, &c., to French vessels.
On the formation of the Wirth ministry in May 1921 he was appointed Minister of Reconstruction, and in that capacity negotiated with the French minister, Loucheur, a convention for supplying German materials for the restoration of the devastated area in France, and thus paying in kind part of the reparation which the German Reich had undertaken to pay in gold.
It is the duty of a debtor to pay a debt without waiting for any demand, and, unless there is a place fixed on either by custom or agreement, he must seek out his creditor for the purpose of paying him unless he is "beyond the seas."
On arriving at a certain height the lift ceases and the jenny is released, and by the continued pull of the rope, it runs up the jib; on arriving at an adjustable stop, the jenny is again locked, and the load can be lowered out; the hook can then be raised, when the jenny is automatically unlocked, and on paying out the rope the jenny gravitates to its first position, when the load is lowered and the cycle repeated.
One of the earliest monuments records the purchase by a king of a large estate for his son, paying a fair market price and adding a handsome honorarium to the many owners in costly garments, plate, and precious articles of furniture.
Waste land was let to reclaim, the tenant being rent-free for three years and paying a stipulated rent in the fourth year.
The end is taken into the testing room in the cable-house and the conductor connected with the testing instruments, and, should the electrical tests continue satisfactory, the ship is put on the proper course and steams slowly ahead, paying out the cable over her stern.
The length paid out and the rate of paying out are obtained approximately from the number of turns made by the drum P and its rate of turning.
The speed of the ship can be roughly estimated from the speed of the engines; it is more accurately obtained by one or other of the various forms of log, or it may be measured by paying out continuously a steel wire over a measuring wheel.
The average speed is obtained very accurately from solar and stellar observations for the position of the ship. The difference between the speed of the ship and the rate of paying out gives the amount of.
But the mere paying out of sufficient slack is not a guarantee that the cable will always lie closely along the bottom or be free from spans.
The gap between the two ends has now to be closed by splicing on new cable and paying out until the buoyed end is reached, which is then hove up and brought on board.
The shore end was landed in Valentia Harbour on the 5th of August, and next morning paying out was started by the " Niagara," to which the laying of the first half had been entrusted.
The manufacture of the cable, begun early in the following year, was finished in June, and before the end of July it was stowed partly in the American ship " Niagara " and partly in decided to begin paying out in mid-ocean, the two vessels, after splicing together the ends of the cable they had on board, sailing away from each other in opposite directions.
It had paid the Post Office in royalties already £1,848,000, and the Post Office under the agreement would step into the business in 1911 by merely paying for the plant employed.
Vines and olives are usually planted, the landlord paying the taxes and receiving one-third of the produce.
The suffrage is extended to all citizens over twenty-one years of age who can read and write and have either attained a certain standard of elementary education or are qualified by paying a rent which varies from 6 in communes of 2500 inhabitants to 16 in communes of 15p,ooo inhabitants, or, if peasant farmers, I6s.
It established that all Italian cabinets since 1880 had grossly neglected the state banks; that the two preceding cabinets had been aware of the irregularities committed by Tanlongo; that Tanlongo had heavily subsidized the press, paying as much as 20,000 for that purpose in 1888 alone; that a number of deputies, including several ex-ministers, had received from him loans of a considerable amount, which they had apparently made no effort to refund; that Giolitti had deceived the Chamber with regard to the state banks, and was open tosuspicion of having,after the arrest of Tanlongo, abstracted a number of documents from the latters papers before placing the remainder in the hands of the judicial authorities.
In 1678, on the rupture of relations between Charles and Louis, a splendid opportunity was afforded Louis of paying off old scores by disclosing Danby's participation in the king's demands for French gold.
Dio Cassius and Capitolinus charge Faustina with the most shameless infidelity to her husband, who is even blamed for not paying heed to her crimes.
In 1752 this was altered to the 1st of January, but the 25th of March remains one of the Quarter Days; though in some parts old Lady Day, on the 6th of April, is still the date for rent paying.
In practice the gradient should not exceed i in 221, and even that is too steep, since theoretical conditions cannot always be realized; a wet rail will reduce the adhesion, and the gradients must be such that some paying load can be hauled in all weathers.
In Hungary and Russia a zone-tariff system is in operation, whereby the charge per mile decreases progressively with the length of the journey, the traveller paying according to the number of zones he has passed through and not simply according to the distance traversed.
An ordinary British 10-ton wagon often weighs about 6 tons empty, and rarely much less than 5 tons; that is, the ratio of its possible paying load to its tare weight is at the best about 2 to 1.
Hence less dead weight has to behauled for each ton of paying load.
Returning to London early in November, he found it necessary to consult his physicians for a symptom which, neglected since 1761, had gradually become complicated with hydrocele, and was now imperatively demanding surgical aid; but the painful operations which had to be performed did not interfere with his customary cheerfulness, nor did they prevent him from paying a Christmas visit to Sheffield Place.
Wheat has been produced in some localities, but not on a paying basis, and experiments have also been made with tea.
They are sometimes in the position of landlords, but often they are the assignees of the land revenue, which they are entitled under special grants to collect for themselves instead of for government, paying merely a small sum to Government by way of quit-rent.
His colleague, Vieillot, brought out in 1805 a Histoire naturelle des plus beaux chanteurs de la Zone Torride with figures by Langlois of tropical finches, grosbeaks, buntings and other hard-billed birds; and in 1807 two volumes of a Histoire' naturelle des oiseaux de l'Amenique septentrionale, without, however, paying much attention to the limits commonly assigned by geographers to' that part of the world.
Hitherto our attention has been given wholly to Germany and France, for the chief ornithologists of Britain were occupying themselves at this time in a very useless way - not paying due heed at this time to the internal structure of birds, and some excellent descriptive memoirs on special forms had appeared from their pens, to say nothing of more than one general treatise on ornithic anatomy.
Thousands must have joined the Third Crusade in order to escape paying either their taxes or the interest on their debts; and the atmosphere of the gold-digger's camp (or of the cave of Adullam) must have begun more than ever to characterize the crusading armies.
Eventually St Louis was released on surrendering Damietta and paying one-half of his ransom, and by the middle of May 1250 he reached Acre, having abandoned the Egyptian expedition.
In 1327 thirty burgesses in Penzance and thirteen boats paying 13s.
They are indirectly elected, by deputy electors (Wahlmanner) nominated by the electors, who must be Hessians over twenty-five years old, paying direct taxes.
As treasurer of the navy in 1758 he introduced and carried a bill which established a less unfair system of paying the wages of the seamen than had existed before.
Peace was made through Venetian mediation, the Orsini paying 50,000 ducats in exchange for their confiscated lands; the duke of Urbino, whom they had captured, was left by the pope to pay his own ransom.
The coloni were inscribed (adscripti) on the registers of the census as paying taxes to the state, for which the proprietor was responsible, reimbursing himself for the amount.
It was agreed that the Spanish slave trade should come to an end in 18 20, England paying to Spain an indemnification of £400,000.
In 1794 Spain, hard pressed by Great Britain and France, turned to the United States, and by the treaty of 1794 the Mississippi river was recognized by Spain as the western boundary of the United States, separating it from Louisiana, and free navigation of the Mississippi was granted to citizens of the United States, to whom was granted for three years the right " to deposit their merchandise and effects in the port of New Orleans, and to export them from thence without paying any other duty than a fair price for the hire of the stores."
The senate contains four members from each province, chosen for eight years by a provincial electoral board, which consists of the provincial councilmen plus a double number of electors (half of them paying high taxes) who are selected at a special election by their fellow citizens.
In virtue of the enactments of May 1880, of November 1886, of February 1888 and of December 1903, military service had been obligatory on all Mussulmans, Christians having been excluded but under obligation of paying a " military exoneration tax " of T50 for 135 males between the ages of 15 and 75.
Finally the Imperial Ottoman government reserved to itself the right of paying off the whole unified debt at par at any moment, and all the dispositions of the decree of Muharrem not modified by the new " Annex-Decree " were formally confirmed and maintained.
Specimens may be sent to Europe for expert examination up to an aggregate weight of 2000 tons, on paying the requisite duties.
Spain, which was bound by treaty to join Napoleon, was allowed to preserve a show of neutrality by paying a monthly subvention.
The absence of a large proportion of the able-bodied young settlers in the northern armies was taken advantage of by the Indians, and in the summer of 1862 there was delay in paying them their yearly allowance.
The burgesses appear to have had much difficulty in paying this large farm; in 1227 the king pardoned twenty-eight marks of the thirty-two due as tallage, while in 1237 they were £23 in arrears for the farm.
On reaching his sixteenth year he began his studies at the university of Berlin, paying special attention to theology and the Talmud.
He decided in favour of Spain, but gave Germany free trading rights; and in 1899 Germany took over the administration of the islands from Spain, paying 25,000,000 pesetas (nearly £1,000,000 sterling).
Most of the remainder are employed on or live upon farms owned by whites, paying annual rents of from £1 to or more.
Richelieu, however, turned against the Habsburgs young Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden, paying him a subsidy of a million livres a year by the treaty of Barwald of the 23rd of January 1631.
The gross estimated rental is the rent at which a property might reasonably be expected to let from year to year, the tenant paying tithes, rates and taxes.
Consumption of Kohat salt is restricted, on account of its paying less duty, to the tracts lying to the north of the Indus and to the frontier tribes.
The citizens, however, did not obtain their rights without paying for them, and in 1139 they paid Stephen one hundred marks of silver to enable them to choose their own sheriffs.
During the troubles of the 15th century the authorities had seen the necessity of paying more attention to the security of the gates and walls of the city, and when Thomas Nevill, son of William, Lord Fauconberg, made his attack upon London in 1471 he experienced a spirited resistance.
By 1378 peace was made, partly through the mediation of St Catherine of Siena, and the interdict was removed in consideration of the republic's paying a fine of 200,000 florins to the pope.
On the afternoon of the 21st he succeeded in paying a third visit to the Tuileries, stayed there till m.idnight and succeeded, with great difficulty, in regaining Brussels on the 27th.
He did not recover his liberty until 1397, and then only by paying an enormous ransom.
Traces of ancient workings were found in several places, but the ores did not contain gold in paying quantities.
In 1824 Turki, son of the unfortunate Abdallah, headed a rising which resulted in the re-establishment of the Wahhabi state with Riad as its new capital; and during the next ten years he consolidated his power, paying tribute to and under the nominal suzerainty of Egypt till his murder in 1834.
Though Richard proved himself consistently the superior of Philip in the field, the difficulty of raising and paying forces to resist the French increased year by year.
Prefectural roads are maintained by a joint contribution from the government and from the particular prefecture, each paying one-half of the sum needed.
Since 1909, however, the various sections have left to the Academie des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres the entire direction of the Journal, while still paying the annual subsidy.
Influenced by a close study of English writers, the two Swiss, Bodmer and Breitinger, established Die Discurse der Maler (1721), and by paying more attention to the matter of works reviewed than to their manner, commenced a critical method new to Germany.
The lord of Rappoltstein was the king or protector of the wandering minstrels of the land, who purchased his protection by paying him a tax.
A voter is qualified on an income from property of £6, or by paying rent to the same amount, or having the qualifications required to serve as a common juror.
When he enforced his claim to the crown of Portugal (1579-1581) he preferred to placate his new subjects by paying attention to their feelings and their privileges.
When the load is being drawn out, the engine pulls directly on the main rope, coiling it on to its own drum, while the tail drum runs loose paying out its rope, a slight brake pressure being used to prevent its running out too fast.
In 1814 Alexandria was threatened by a British fleet, but bought immunity from attack by paying about $10o,000.
The public debt was £79,710, paying interest at 32%.
He claims for himself and his companions that they have lived a quiet and moral life, paying their dues and doing no wrong to their neighbours.
The census of 1831 was better, but the results were considered exaggerated, owing to the system of paying enumerators according to the numbers they returned.
By freeing Thebes from paying tribute to the Minyans of Orchomenus he won Creon's daughter, Megara, to wife.
In the lecture-room he laid great stress on the importance of experimental demonstrations, paying particular attention to their selection and arrangement, though, since he himself was a somewhat clumsy manipulator, their actual exhibition was generally entrusted to his assistants.
The government has aided immigrant farmers and farm labourers having a certain sum of money, also female domestics, by paying part of their passage money.
The state railways (2500 m.) return about £800,000 after paying working expenses.
At the time of the Domesday Survey of 1086 it already ranked as a borough, with a castle, a market paying 4 shillings, and four burgesses.
With regard to the latter, however, the requirements of industry were studied to a certain extent, in that the withdrawal of money from the banks was allowed, so far as it was necessary for paying wages and for the provision of working capital.
Silver follows gold in importance, but the other minerals met with, including gypsum, mica, petroleum, natural gas, granite, marble and tin are not found in paying quantities.
An event which is thought to have greatly influenced Hancock's subsequent career was the seizure of the sloop "Liberty" in 1768 by the customs officers for discharging, without paying the duties, a cargo of Madeira wine consigned to Hancock.
Entirely on her own initiative, and moved by admiration for the fine achievements of "her brave Irish" during the war, the queen announced her intention of paying a long visit to Dublin; and there, accordingly, she went for the month of April 1900, staying in the Viceregal Lodge, receiving many of the leaders of Irish society, inspecting some 50,000 school children from all parts of Ireland, and taking many a drive amid the charming scenery of the neighbourhood of Dublin.
At present the belief in an objective atonement is still widely held; whether in the form of penal theories - the old forensic view that the death of Christ atones by paying the penalty of man's sin - or in the form of governmental theories; that the Passion fulfilled a necessity of divine government by expressing and vindicating God's righteousness.
By the 13th century it was a great commercial centre second only to London in paying £780 for two years to the fifteenth levied in 1205, and Edward III.
One day's gratuitous labour out of seven or more can be demanded of labourers either on private or on government estates; but in 1882 this form of labour was for the most part abolished as far as government estates were concerned, each labourer so exempted paying one guilder per year.
In 1876 the practice of paying a yearly surplus (batig slot) from the revenues of Netherlands India to the treasury at the Hague was discontinued.
Similarly an absent-minded man is said to be "abstracted," as paying no attention to the matter in hand.
Together with Khunsár it forms a small province, paying a yearly revenue of about L6000.
Moreover Casimir's difficulties were materially increased by the necessity of paying for Czech mercenaries, the pos polite ruszenie, or Polish militia, proving utterly useless at the very beginning of the war.
They have been charged with paying an exaggerated attention to form, and with neglecting the subject-matter of the classics.
In December 1906, after long discussion, the contribution of the Basque Provinces to the state, according to the law of the 21st of July 1876, was fixed for the next twenty years; for the first ten years at 8,500,000 pesetas, for the next ten an additional 500,000 pesetas, from 31st December 1916 to 31st December 1926, the province of Guipuzcoa paying in addition 700,000 pesetas to the treasury.
For the next ten years Smith lived with his mother at Kirkcaldy, only paying occasional visits to Edinburgh and London; he was engaged in close study during most of this time.
Prior to 1902 every male inhabitant of a town who was twenty-one years of age or over, a citizen of the United States, and not a pauper or excused from paying taxes at his own request, had a right to vote, but an amendment adopted in this year made ability to read English and to write additional qualifications, except in the case of those physically unable to read or to write, of those then having the franchise, and of persons 60 years of age or more on the 1st of January 1904.
The state also makes appropriations for the payment of a portion of the tuition in high schools and academies distributing it among the districts in proportion to the rate of school tax in each, appropriations for paying a portion of the salary of school superintendents where two or more districts unite to form a supervising district, and appropriations for general school purposes to be distributed among the districts according to the number of teachers trained in normal schools and to average school attendance.
On May 16th 1877, he was one of the "363" who voted want of confidence in the Broglie ministry (thus paying his debts), and he took considerable part in organizing the subsequent electoral campaign.
It is estimated that the value of the imports and exports into and from Muhamrah, excluding specie, is about £300,000 per annum, paying customs amounting to about £18,000.
In 1797 the state leased the lands, the lessees paying a royalty of 4 cents per bushel and being forbidden to charge more than 60 cents per bushel.
Since federation no chartered bank has been compelled to liquidate without paying its note-holders in full.
The income is estimated at Li 20,000, paying a revenue of £46,000.
In Rum the feudal system was extended to Christian princes, who were acknowledged by the sultan on condition of paying tribute and serving in the armies.
On this occasion he was fortunate enough to take prisoner the'Comnenian prince (Alexius) who ruled the independent empire of Trebizond, and he compelled him to purchase his liberty by acknowledging the supremacy of the Seljuks, by paying tribute, and by serving in the armies of the sultan.
Not very long ago Pan-Germans were paying much attention to the German settlers in the Brazilian province of Rio Grande do Sul, where large villages spoke nothing but German, and German, as the only language known on the spot, had become the tongue in which municipal business was transacted.
He was entrusted with ruling powers in 1894, and in all respects continued the reforming policy of the council, while paying personal attention to every department, being a keen soldier, an energetic administrator, and fully alive to the responsibilities attaching to his position.
Bridport was evidently of some importance before the Conquest, when it consisted of 120 houses rated for all the king's services and paying geld for five hides.
The Shammar have been in undisputed mastery from Urfa to the neighbourhood of Bagdad, practically all tribes paying khuwwa to them, and even the towns, till the government garrisoned them.
For twenty-five years he lived at Detroit and other places in America, paying occasional visits to Europe, and all the time carrying his life in his hand.
Provision is made for paying the councillors a certain fee - called presence-money " - when required.
The fundamental law of 1848 enacted that the first chamber of the StatesGeneral should be elected by the Provincial Estates instead of being appointed by the king, and that the second chamber should be elected directly by all persons paying a certain amount in taxation.
Votes were given to all householders paying a certain minimum house duty, and to all lodgers who had for a given time paid a minimum of rent, also to all who possessed certain educational and social qualifications, whose definition was left to be specified by a later law.
He wrote a letter to Mr Garlike, secretary of the British embassy at St Petersburg, saying that he had come with a small squadron as the best way of paying "the very highest compliment" to the tsar.
Pursuing a policy intended to reconcile the peasantry to Russian rule and to break the power of the Polish nobility, the Russian government promulgated, during the outbreak in 1864, a law by which those peasants who were holders of land on estates belonging to private persons, institutions (such as monasteries and the like), or the Crown were recognized as proprietors of the soil-the state paying compensation to the landlords in bonds, and the peasants having to pay a yearly annuity to the state until the debt thus contracted had been cleared off.
He even went the length of bestowing on Hobbes (but not always paying) a pension of £loo, and had his portrait hung up in the royal 4 Wallis's pieces were excluded from the collected edition of his works (1693-1697), and have become extremely rare.
These, like the Bedouin Arabs, are practically independent, waging constant warfare among themselves and paying an uncertain tribute to the Turkish government.
His great stroke as a collector was to acquire (by bequest, conditional on paying off certain debts) in 1701 the cabinet of William Courten, who had made collecting the business of his life.
The financial treaties in which the Egyptian government were bound up prevented their ever paying so large a sum as this within five years; but a company was formed in London to advance periodically the sum due to the contractors, on receipt from the government of Egypt of promissory notes to pay sixty half-yearly instalments of £78,613, beginning on the 1st of July 1903.
After finishing his studies in the Egyptian capital he set sail for Greece; but the ship was driven by contrary winds to Italy, and he seized the opportunity of paying a flying visit to Rome.
The largest of these investments served for paying the pensions of the invalided, and amounted originally to 28,000,000.
Every year, not only the interest, but part of the capital is expended in paying these pensions, and the capital sum was thus reduced in 1903 to 15,100,000, and in 1904 to 13,200,000.
The imperial chamber was restored on the lines laid down by Bertold of Mainz in 1495 (it survived until the dissolution of the Empire in 1806), and the estates undertook to aid the emperor by raising and paying an army.
This was, however, not put into circulation; it was used first for paying off the Staatsnoten.
An expedition sent in the following year (5426) succeeded in taking captive the king of Cyprus, who was brought to Cairo and presently released for a ransom of 200,000 dinars, on condition of acknowledging the suzerainty of the Egyptian sultan and paying him an annual tribute.
Al-Alfi and his partisans were unable to pay the sum promised to the Porte; Salih Pasha received plenipotentiary powers from Consta,ntinople, in consequence of the letter from the ulema; and, on the condition of Mehemet Alls paying 4000 purses to the Porte, it was decided that he should continue in his post, and the reinstatement of the beys was abandoned.
From that date to the spring of 1811 the beys from time to time relinquished certain of their demands; the pasha on his part granted them what before had been withheld; the province of the Fayum, and part of those of Giza and Beni-Suef, were ceded to ShahIn; and a great portion of the Said, on the condition of paying the land-tax, to the others.
After paying out of the capital the sums required for the indemnities due for the burning of Alexandria and the deficits of the years 1882 and 1883, it still had a million sterling, and boldly invested it in the improvement of irrigation.
He was released on bail, and in February 1683, after the flight and death of Shaftesbury, he openly broke the implied conditions of his bail by paying a third visit to Chichester with Lord Grey and others on pretence of a hunting expedition.
When after two-and-twenty years of fighting no substantial advantage had been gained by either party, Chosroes agreed in 562 to a peace which left Lazica to the Romans, but under the dishonourable condition of their paying 30,000 pieces of gold annually to the Persian king.
Beneath the freeholders and noblesse were free tenants, farmers paying rents, mainly in kind, and in services of labour and of war.
Alexander (1260) won the western isles and the Isle of Man from Norway, paying 4000 merks, and promising a yearly rent of 100 merks.
For two years the north of England, as far south as Durham and Chester, was the prey of the Scots, and some English counties secured themselves by paying an indemnity.
But constituents were averse to paying their members, no Speaker was elected, the reform never came into being.
Oil has, however, been struck in paying quantities hitherto only at a point 30 m.
Wales, and the disturbance spread partially to London and elsewhere; but the courts, on the application of the Board of Trade, prohibited the Union from paying strike pay, and the movement collapsed.
It should be noted that this " recovered sulphur," which is equal in purity to the " refined brimstone " of commerce, has a far higher value than the sulphur contained in the originally employed pyrites, so that the recovery is a paying process, in spite of the somewhat considerable cost of the plant and of the working operations.
Only more recently the manufacture of caustic soda by electrolysis has also been established as a permanent and paying industry, but as the greatest secrecy is maintained in everything belonging to this domain, and as neither patent specifications nor the sanguine assertions and anticipations of interested persons throw much real light on the actual facts of the case, nothing certain can be said either in regard to the date at which the profitable manufacture of caustic soda was first carried out by electrolysis, or as to what extent this is the case at the present moment.
Lay days, which are days given to the charterer in a charter party either to load or unload without paying for the use of the ship, are days of the week, not periods of twenty-four hours.
In the south, where they are known as the Dharwar series, they form long and narrow bands running from north-north-west to south-south-west across the ancient gneiss; and it is interesting to note that all the quartz-reefs which contain gold in paying quantities occur in the Dharwar series.
Other minerals which exist but have not yet been developed in paying quantities are copper ore, alum, gypsum and plumbago.
Oudh was given back to the nawab wazir, on condition of his paying half a million sterling towards the expenses of the war.
The mistake was made of paying very low salaries to the officials, who took this as a justification for illegal exactions.
The proud Arabic lords could not acquiesce in paying to a plebeian...
The original inhabitants had been left on the conquered lands as agriculturists, on condition of paying a fixed sum yearly for each district.
Irene took alarm, sued for peace, and obtained a truce for three years, but only on the humiliating terms of paying an annual 2 The first citizens of Medina who embraced Islam were called Ansar ("helpers").
They released themselves by paying the enormous sum of 240,000 dinars and 16,000,000 dirhems, which constituted nearly their whole fortune, and were then sent to Bagdad, where father and son died three years later.
The first caliph who imposed humiliating conditions on the Dhimmis, or Covenanters, who, on condition of paying a certain not over-heavy tribute, enjoyed the protection of the state and the free exercise of their cult, was Omar II., but this policy was not continued.
Land is held from the proprietors on the terms of receiving seed from them and returning half the produce, the landlord paying the taxes.
Besides, the hides and tallow yielded by the great herds of cattle at the missions were the support of foreign trade and did much toward paying the expenses of the government.
On the 13th of June 1545, she was arraigned as a sacramentarian under the Six Articles at the Guildhall; but no witness appeared against her; she was declared not guilty by the jury and discharged after paying her fees.
Each was an independent establishment controlled entirely by its own abbot and apparently divided into two sections, one priestly and the other lay and even marriedAt St Andrews about the year lioo there were thirteen Culdeesholding office by hereditary tenure and paying more regard tQ their own prosperity and aggrandizement than to the services of the church or the needs of the populace.
This would naturally lead to an excess of women over men in the higher septs, and would render it difficult for a man to get his daughter respectably married without paying a high price for a suitable bridegroom and incurring other heavy marriage expenses.
Peace was concluded at the river Polyankova on the 28th of May 1634, the Poles conceding the title of tsar to Michael Romanov, who renounced all his claims upon Livonia, Esthonia and Courland, besides paying a war indemnity of 200,000 rubles.
The story that he became impoverished by paying a fine incurred by his son Caeso is an attempt to explain the needy position of so distinguished a man.
The ordinary method of freeing captives was by paying their ransom and for this purpose vast sums of money were collected by the Trinitarians; but they were called upon, if other means failed, to offer themselves in exchange for Christian captives.
Some men labour more at it than others, and it is considered that a press is only really paying while it is actually running.
Thus there was the rusthall tenure, under which the tenants, instead of paying rent, were obliged to equip and maintain a cavalry soldier and horse, while the knektkallarer supplied duly equipped foot soldiers.
About 1377 Ystelstein descended to the house of Egmont, and in 1551 to the house of Orange, and by paying an annual contribution to the United Provinces remained an independent barony till 1795.
For commercial cases, not paying a bill in time, bankruptcies, &c., a kind of jurisdiction is exercised by the minister of commerce, or a board of merchants, but the decisions of the minister, or those of the board, are rarely final.
His nephew Shah Walad reigned for a few months only and the throne was occupied by his widow Tandu, formerly wife of Barkuk, who ruled over Basra, Wasit and Shuster till 1416, paying allegiance to Shah Rukh, the second Timurid ruler.
Frequent interruptions occurred on the telegraph line between Teheran and Meshed in 1885, at the time of the Panjdeh incident, when the Russians were advancing towards Afghanistan and Sir Peter Lumsden was on the Afghan frontier; and Sir Ronald Thomson concluded an agreement with the Persian government for the line to be kept in working order by an English inspector, the Indian government paying a share not exceeding 20,000 rupees per annum of the cost of maintenance, and an English signaller being stationed at Meshed.
On the 1st of May 1896 Nasur d-Din Shah was assassinated while paying his devotions at the holy shrine of Shah-abdul-Azim.
Moreover, the Persian government, finding that the previous estimate of the money required for paying its debts was about 50%, below the mark, now asked for double the amount offered by the London capitalists, without, however, proportionately increasing the guarantee.
The farm was assiduously, if not very skilfully, cultivated, and other industries were established - most of the members paying by labour for their board - but nearly all of the income, and sometimes all of it, was derived from the school, which deservedly took high rank and attracted many pupils.
The popularity of Charles, now greatly increased, was raised to national enthusiasm by the discovery of the Rye House plot in 1683, said to be a scheme to assassinate Charles and James at an isolated house on the high road near Hoddesdon in Hertfordshire as they returned from Newmarket to London, among those implicated being Algernon Sidney, Lord Russell and Monmouth, the two former paying the death penalty and Monmouth being finally banished to the Hague.
But the worst vices of the Inquisition were the widespread system of delation it encouraged by paying informers out of the property of the condemned, and its action as a trading and landholding association.
By this treaty Chile declared that if, in consequence of the plebiscite (to take place under the treaty of Ancon with Peru), or by virtue of direct arrangement, she should " acquire dominion and permanent sovereignty over the territories of Tacna and Arica, she undertakes to transfer them to Bolivia in the same form and to the same extent as she may acquire them "; the republic of Bolivia paying as an indemnity for that transfer $5,000,000 silver.
Silver, lead and other metals have been found in the hills, but not in paying quantities.
The textile industries taken together are the most important of the manufacturing industries, having a greater output (in 1900, $81,910,850; in 1905, $96,060,407), employing more labourers and capital, and paying more wages than any other group. Among the various textiles silk takes the first place, the value of the factory product in 1900 being $39,966,662, and in 1905, $42,862,907.
There are about 400 boats now employed in the pearl fisheries, each of them paying a tax to the Sheik.
Where a house or building in a street is taken down to be rebuilt, the urban district council may prescribe the line to which it is to be rebuilt, paying compensation to the building owner for any damage which he may sustain consequent upon the requirement.
The favour shown him by Marlborough did not deter Rivers from paying court to the Tories when it became evident that the Whig ascendancy was waning, and his appointment as constable of the Tower in 1710 on the recommendation of Harley and without Marlborough's knowledge was the first unmistakable intimation to the Whigs of their impending fall.
The cost of buildings of the same class and finish is in direct proportion to their cubic contents, and each cubic foot constructed is commercially unprofitable which does not do its part in paying interest on the capital invested.
About 40 years later, Sultan bin Ahmad, the ruler of Muscat, having been appealed to for aid by the Arab inhabitants of the place against Persian misrule, occupied the town, and obtained a firman from the Persian government confirming him in his possession on the condition of his paying a yearly rent of a few thousand tomans.
On the other hand, the consumption by the income tax paying classes of customs and excise articles must vary indefinitely amongst themselves, according to personal habits, size of families, and even their geographical distribution.
The limited size of their farms, and the necessity for buying wood and paying for pasturage, both of which were formerly free, prevented them from obtaining complete independence of the large proprietors, on whose estates they still had to work for payment in money or kind, while their improvidence soon got them into the hands of Jewish money-lenders, who, fortunately for the peasants, were by law unable to become proprietors of the soil.
Most of the pyrites consumed in the United Kingdom come from Spain; this Spanish pyrites generally (not always) contains enough copper (say 3 or 4%) to make its extraction from the residues ("cinders) a paying process, and this of course cheapens the price of the sulphur to the acid manufacturer.
In the latter case the defendant could stop the progress of the seizure by paying the debt, giving a pledge, or demanding a trial; and he then could choose a Brehon.
Fasting could be stopped by paying the debt, giving a pledge, or submitting to the decision of a Brehon.
After several indecisive engagements, Caesar took the camp of Cassivelaunus, who was obliged to make peace on condition of paying tribute and giving hostages.
But the western half they handed over to an unwise thegn named Ceolwulf, who bought for a short space the precarious title of king by paying great tribute.
At first the English landowners who had not actually served in Harolds host were permitted to buy back their lands, by paying a heavy fine to the new king and doing him homage.
Military service and the paying of the feudal taxesaids, reliefs, &care incidents of the bargain between the crown and the grantee to whom land has been given.
Of the other rebels some were deprived of their English estates altogether, athers restored to part of them after paying crushing fines.
Henry developed as far as he was able the system of scutage (q.v.) which his grandfather had apparently invented; by this the vassal compounded for his forty days personal service by paying money, with which the king could hire professional soldiers.
It was not till February 1194 that he got lOose, after paying a considerable instalment of this vast sum.
But he was constitutionally incapable of keeping a promise or paying a debt.
David Bruce was to cede Roxburgh sion of and Berwick, but to keep the rest of his dominions on David of condition of paying a ransom of 100,000 marks.
Then came the Dutch war, bringing with it a suspicion that some at least of the money given for paying sailors and fitting out ships was employed by Charles on very different objects.
After her marriage she made the acquaintance of the most eminent scientific men of the time, among whom her talents had attracted attention before she had acquired general fame, Laplace paying her the compliment of stating that she was the only woman who understood his works.
As "adventurer" he should have done so; yet he neglected the cultivation of that paying art for the wisdom that looks to the long future, and bears its fruit, perchance, when no one cares to remember who sowed the seed.
This energetic prince, who disregarded the limits placed to his authority by the rudimentary constitution, by paying a large sum of money, induced the emperor Rudolph II.
Apart from soldiers of the active army, all male citizens of full age may vote, if they pay 15 dinars in direct taxes; while, apart from priests, communal mayors and state servants, all citizens of 30 years, paying 60 dinars, are eligible to the Skupshtina.
At last Thakombau, disappointed in the hope that his acceptance of Christianity (1854) would improve his position, offered the sovereignty to Great Britain (1859) with the fee simple of 100,000 acres, on condition of her paying the American claims. Colonel Smythe, R.A., was sent out to report on the question, and decided against annexation, but advised that the British consul should be invested with full magisterial powers over his countrymen, a step which would have averted much subsequent difficulty.
It was the rule for them to have paying apprentices living with them.
The poor squatted where they could, receiving starvation wages, and paying exorbitant rents for their cabins, partly with their own labour.
Money enough was advanced out of the surplus property of the Irish Church to pay for tenants of holdings under X30 one year's rent upon all arrears accruing before November 1880, giving them a clear receipt to that date on condition of their paying another year themselves; of the many reasons against the measure the most important was that it was a concession to agrarian violence.
A sum of 50,000 was collected to build " New Tipperary," and the fine shops and flourishing concerns in the town were deserted to avoid paying small ground-rents.
Touched by the gallantry of the Irish regiments in South Africa, and moved to some extent, no doubt, by the presence of the duke of Connaught in Dublin as commander-in-chief, the queen determined in April to make up for the loss of her usual spring holiday abroad by paying a visit to Ireland.
The American war had finally exhausted the exchequer, and, in order to replenish it, he would have needed to inspire confidence in the minds of capitalists; but the resumption in 2778 of the plan of provincial assemblies charged with remodelling the various imposts, and his corn pterendu in which he exhibited the monarchy paying its pensioners for their inactivity as it had never paid its agents for their zeal, aroused a fresh outburst of anger.
Special mention must be made of the manufacture of tobacco, a royal monopoly, farmed out to a company, which increased the factories from seven to twelve and began by paying the treasury f3,400,ooo annually.
The family of Witiza did obtain possession of an immense stretch of the land of the state in Andalusia on condition of paying tribute.
On the upper frcntier, which is now Aragon, the Visigoth Beni-Casi ruled, doing homage and paying tribute intermittently, supported by a loyal population of native Mahommedans, whose Christian or nominally Christian fathers had been their followers before the conquest.
The feeble Andalusian princes were terrified into paying tribute, and Fernando advanced to the very gates of Seville without finding an enemy to meet him in the field.
In 1236 Cordova was conquered, and Seville fell in 1248 with the help of a fleet from the Basque coast and of the Moorish king of Granada, who was Fernandos vassal, paying tribute and attending Cortes when summoned.
Nearly the whole of these county societies affiliated with the central association, paying an affiliation fee yearly, and receiving in return the silver medal, bronze medal and certificate of the association, to be offered as prizes for competition at the annual county shows.
In 1869 he was elected chairman of the executive council of the new National Education League, the outcome of Mr George Dixon's movement for promoting the education of the children of the lower classes by paying their school fees, and agitating for more accommodation and a better national system.
The Greek cities were allowed to retain their own institutions and government on condition of paying taxes and dues to the Lydian monarch, and the proceeds of their commerce thus flowed into the imperial exchequer.
The efforts have met with gratifying success, and they were much needed, for while in 1904 the Dutch government took away 350 of the best young Irish mares, Great Britain was paying the foreigner over 2,000,000 a year for horses which the old system of management did not supply at home.
At the age of thirty he returned to his native town and resumed his studies, paying special attention to Greek.
Here he was able to pursue his own studies under the guidance of the Augustinians, and to begin those labours amongst the sick and poor which gained him in later life the title of "Apostle of Rome," besides paying nightly visits for prayer and meditations to the churches of the city and to the catacombs.
Many Armenians fled to the mountains, where they embraced Islam, and intermarried with the Kurds, or purchased security by paying blackmail to Kurdish chiefs.
On his northern frontier he began a war against the Bulgarians, to whom the Byzantines had of late been paying tribute (967), and by instigating an attack from the Russians distracted their attention effectively.
The diet (Landtag) is composed of thirty-six members, of whom two are appointed by the duke, eight are representatives of landowners paying the highest taxes, two of the highest assessed members of the commercial and manufacturing classes, fourteen of the other electors of the towns and ten of the rural districts.
They weren't paying for a baby.
They were paying for a service - like a baby sitter.
What she didn't like was the idea that when she finished paying for the ranch, her father could come back and claim it.
And yet, now the twins could return to their beloved ranch – the one she had finished paying off.
There was no way for the insurance company to know they weren't paying for the real Thomas Morley, of Alabama, mugged on vacation.
Five minutes later, she bent over a toilet, paying homage to the porcelain gods.
I understand from Dawkins' son his old man was paying Josh pretty well to be his mine manager—up until August of 1961 when Josh disappeared.
More like paying for a service – you know, like babysitting.
It took five blocks before her agitation at Logan faded, and she started paying attention to the world around her.
Sarah obtained her blood by paying people to let her draw it the old fashion way.
There was nothing suggestive about his demeanor, and the trust he had cultivated during their courtship was now paying off.
The owner was absolved from the responsibility of paying for major repairs.
This, he said, would lead to an increase in correspondence and virtually abolish all attempts to evade paying postage.
I am, however, still paying off debts accrued during the marriage.
You could not opt out of paying for support without the written agreement of your landlord.
Targets Carnival Cruise Lines black singles passengers paying a success Anita decided then positions to.
They do this to ensure that the details given in the application form are correct before paying the annuitant an income.
He has been paying full Council Tax, but since April 2004 he has been accruing arrears on his account due to non-payment.
I hope you are paying attention at the back!
My personal bank account has been cleared out by an online bookie, our joint account is empty and our mortgage needs paying.
His day job was simply a way of paying the bills!
If you're paying mega bucks for a large wide screen TV, there's really no excuse.
In Dingwall, new burgesses could stay for ten years without paying rent.
In this record 225 acres are charged, paying 22 bushels and an half.
In 1847, the Tithe records show that there were six farms, each paying an annual payment of twelve bushels of barley.
Unlike a supermarket chain, he's not going to be paying you compensation is he?
The lands themselves, of course, were originally chantry lands, providing income for paying chantry lands, providing income for paying chantry priests in this very church.
It will, indeed, be paying them a deserved compliment.
The question of delay in paying valid claims is a newer topic, which, it seems to me, does merit consideration.
Paying national insurance contributions in the UK can also help you build up entitlements in your home country.
But paying extra makes such plans even more controversial.
Even after the famous Iron Bridge was built locals objected to paying a toll to cross the bridge so carried on using the coracle.
The star-crossed lovers play out their tragic courtship in the setting of a private fee paying school.
Like paying out fujitsu dell gateway the company is also says he's.
Otherwise UK paying agents will be at a competitive disadvantage.
Now there's no need to watch the March Madness while paying for expensive lager during a cheesy disco anymore.
The work disincentives created by the current arrangements for paying income support on mortgage interest were reduced.
I had intended paying into our joint mortgage, as the value of stocks and shares is so dismal.
Sky is paying a final dividend of 3.25p per share, taking its full-year dividend to 6p.
You buy Euro, paying with US dollars, or you sell Japanese Yens for Canadian dollars.
Secondly, the argument that paying for higher education out of general taxation would be unfair is an entirely false one.
A carer can accompany them, also paying the concessionary fare.
Each race has four ferrets " owned " by someone paying 15 GBP.
Rausing legally makes use of a loophole by which wealthy foreigners living in Britain avoid paying tax.
I was a die-hard wintel user for many years, paying only the occasional admiring glance at Macs.
With the company and salesa handful paying off their mortgage out of pocket.
Only then did the Serbs start paying heed to outside attempts to make peace.
Camilla Wells (Annette Andre) Talk show hostess jailed for not paying parking fine.
I would like to conclude this paper by paying tribute to an Australian humorist.
There are perverse benefits incentives -- paying more the longer people claim.
I don't believe he had the slightest intention of paying me any money in the first place for a reading.
Britain's defenses are paying an increasingly intolerable price.
This was particularly irksome in respect of paying for boot repairs.
Many users paying magazine joker card what they want.
But what is to say that a judgment will lead to D actually paying the judgment debt promptly?
Your ad can rise above someone paying more if it is highly relevant for a specific keyword.
Last year, in France, he was convicted of paying kickbacks to the oil firm Elf.
Very few exemptions from paying KFC - only extremely strict dietary requirements (e.g. kosher, not vegan ).
Why do I have to manage the logistics of updating every PC or paying the IT section to do it?
It's pretty amazing to think that a club crippled by debt would even consider paying such an amount to get a new manger.
You can set up a pay per click campaign yourself and save paying a middleman to do it.
With the OPTO Counter System, you can create a custom-designed retail counter without paying custom millwork prices.
Renfrewshire MP Douglas Alexander is urging local people not to stand for the poor excuses given by employers to avoid paying the minimum wage.
Small boys and other miscreants used to try to sneak in through the exits as paying patrons opened the door on their way out.
The company, rather than paying for a wigs mistress, had agreed to pay her extra money each week for this added responsibility.
He is paying for the families to attend his bar mitzvah - he is LONG past the traditional thirteen years old!
Paying rather modest awards in two even more modest stages was never going to be well received.
I remember my great nan paying for us to have a phone put in in around 1980.
Many career women who employ a nanny have to allocate virtually their entire wage to paying their nanny.
In the next who only drives understand real no-fault to paying lower.
Establishment jobs south florida health insurance paying five practicing obstetricians.
While paying lip-service to democracy they perpetuate an unhealthy oligarchy.
The Chancellor announced a one-off £ 200 payment to all council tax paying households with someone over 65 living there.
Paying back overpaid housing benefit We may ask either you or the person who received the payments to pay back the overpayment.
The cost of training Not all managers were happy about paying overtime for staff to attend training.
These monthly mortgage payments are covered by the properties tenants who are paying our borrower rent every month.
Private sector members may try out our services for a three month trial period without paying a subscription.
At present, honest policyholders end up paying over the odds in premiums to cover monies lost to fraudulent activity.
I guess not even the pollsters can be relied upon for an unbiased perspective when its Murdoch paying the piper and calling the tune.
Damage jim brown auto insurance providence massachusetts up paying the.
In fact, they could say that domestic ratepayers have little choice about paying the electricity charges imposed on them.
Key Fact Holistic means treating " the whole " paying due regard to the interdependency of the parts that make up the whole.
The Admiralty handled it wisely by making slight improvements in the conditions, paying the sailors and only hanging the ringleaders.
When the Soviets stopped paying their soldiers, a lot of them went rogue.
And mercury sable of a medical these rings feature checks and paying.
The right of election is in the inhabitants paying scot and lot.
Paying tribute to his rescuers, Skipper Garner said; " The Polish skipper showed magnificent seamanship.
The former serfs occupy on the average about an acre, paying a rent of from twenty to twenty-four francs.
The Hasmonaeans also instituted the duty of paying a half shekel to the temple.
Slow, forgetful and slightly sniffy service, never paying us much attention and having to be reminded to bring drinks and take orders.
The picture is of the earl's eldest son paying his final respects.
Paying more than you should for your prescription spectacles?
It is to escape the straitjacket of the traditional comprehensive school and embrace the idea of genuinely independent non-fee paying state schools.
They believe it will mean paying a monthly subscription, be expensive to install or have to be obtained from Sky.
Their partnership approach is paying dividends in tackling the last great taboo.
For higher-rate taxpayers paying 40 per cent, every £ 100 going into their pension costs them £ 60.
All too often the result is you end up paying for that flat screen plasma telly for thirty years.
A minimum threshold for paying stamp duty is set by the Government, which may vary over time.
Plus, I got tired of paying for the upgrades.
It has also toughened up rules on claiming, backdating and paying arrears.
In times past crossing the line was always recognized for first trippers by a ceremony paying homage to Neptune.
The young tykes who wrote it will get tuppence in royalties, which just might go toward paying their Prozac bills.
Thanks for the advice, the other thing is got the right ump because I insisted on paying the bill for lunch last time.
In 2003 the scene is all about time-poor young urbanites paying somebody else to sort out their love lives for them.
The busiest concert venue on the planet with 823,000 paying guests in 2003.
However, the time limit for paying voluntary National Insurance Contributions for the tax years from 1996-97 to 2000-01 has recently been extended.
With breathable waders, on the other hand, I feel that the best are worth paying for.
The Excess is £ 500 which can be reduced to zero by paying the collision damage waiver of £ 4 per day.
So they should get the ticket wording watertight so no motorist can get away without paying them.
I was at the counter paying for something and my son said ' Look mommy, I've got a big willy ' .
If you are paying yearly you have up to 30 days from renewal to cancel.
Friend join me in paying tribute to my constituent Fusilier Russell Beeston, following his funeral yesterday?
Compelled by Bardanes's disloyalty to take the field himself, he sustained a severe defeat at Crasus in Phrygia (805), and the subsequent inroads of the enemy into Asia Minor induced him to make peace on condition of paying a yearly contribution of 30,000 gold pieces.
The natural phenomena of Switzerland, and the political complications in the Valtellina, where the Catholic inhabitants had thrown off the yoke of the Grisons and called in the Papal and Spanish troops to their assistance, delayed him some time; but he reached Venice in time to see the ceremony of the doge's wedlock with the Adriatic. After paying his vows at Loretto, he came to Rome, which was then on the eve of a year of jubilee - an occasion which Descartes seized to observe the variety of men and manners which the city then embraced within its walls.
Electric traction was first used in Buenos Aires in 1897, since when nearly all the lines of that city have been reconstructed to meet its requirements, and subways are contemplated to relieve the congested street traffic of the central districts; the companies contribute 6% of their gross receipts to the municipality, besides paying $50 per annum per square on each single track in paved streets, 5 per thousand on the value of their property, and 33% of the cost of street repaving and renewals.
The tax on doors and windows is levied in each case according to the number of apertures, and is fixed with refetence to population, the inhabitants of the more populous paying more than those of the less populous communes.
Instances of what we may term tolerated parasitism, where the host plant seems to accommodate itself very well to the presence of the Fungus, paying the tax it extorts and nevertheless not succumbing but managing to provide itself with sufficient material to go on with, are not rare; and these seem to lead to those cases where the mutual accommodation between host and guest has been carried so far that each derives some benefit from the associationsymbiosis (see FUNGI).
Their custom was to offer their neighbours or victims the alternative of paying chouth, that is, one-fourth of the revenue, or being plundered and ravaged.
On the other hand, the vassal was not bound to render service, unless he were paid for his service; and it was only famine, or Saracen devastation, which freed the king from the obligation of paying his men.
It is only by paying great attention to the current density that good results are obtained, since metals other than that sought for may be deposited.
Lala Shahin Pasha was appointed feudal lord of the district of Philippopolis, and Timur Tash Pasha became beylerbey of Rumelia; Monastir, Perlepe, and parts of Bosnia and Herzegovina were next taken, a.nd the king of Servia consented to furnish to Murad a fixed contingent of auxiliary troops, besides paying a money tribute.
Both Servia and Bulgaria were by this time split up into half a dozen principalities which, as much for religious as for political reasons, preferred paying tribute to the Turks to acknowledging the hegemony of Hungary.
For the first time in history the idea of centralization was introduced into politics; the Tiglathpileser conquered provinces were organized under an elaborate bureaucracy at the head of which was the king, each district paying a fixed tribute and providing a military contingent.
It was owing to their thorough organization, the secrecy and security with which they went to work, but chiefly to the religious garb in which they shrouded their murders, that they could, unmolested by Hindu or Mahommedan rulers, recognized as a regular profession and paying taxes as such, continue for centuries to practise their craft.
Together with Khunsár it forms a small province, paying a yearly revenue of about L6000.
The proud Arabic lords could not acquiesce in paying to a plebeian like Hajjaj, invested with absolute power by the caliph, the strict obedience he required.
In the infantry, too, the old system of paying men and requiring them to equip, clothe and feed themselves, is in vogue to some extent.
Owing to Aratus's irresolute generalship, the indolence of the rich burghers and the inadequate provision for levying troops and paying mercenaries, the league lost several battles and much of its territory; but rather than compromise with the Spartan Gracchus the assembly negotiated with Antigonus Doson, who recovered the lost districts but retained Corinth for himself (223-221).
As regards indirect taxes, again, there appear to be some cases at least where it is by rio means certain that the charge is passed on; stamp duties, for instance, especially where moderate in amount, may have the effect of diminishing pro Canto the profits in business of the person paying them, or the income which he enjoys.
You might argue that since there is now a surplus of labor in Chad's neighborhood, the price of labor is lowered and Chad will only find work paying $9.75 an hour.
Cynics view this as the rich paying off the poor to keep them from revolting.
And that is paying full retail prices in an air-conditioned Western supermarket; by the ton, this food costs much less.
His eyes, prominent from the emaciation of his face, gazed inquiringly at his comrades who were paying no attention to him, and he moaned regularly and quietly.
Paying the ransom did not mark the end of the company 's problems.
The policy would also leave the lowest income earners paying exactly the same high marginal rates of tax.
This presumption can be rebutted by proof that the paying party has acted unreasonably.
The difference, moreover, is immediately recognizable in all concrete human contexts where people are actually paying attention to each other.
Paying rent in advance or removal expenses for a new home?
Most of the money went toward providing fuel or rent-free accommodation or paying rents; food was not normally provided.
I kind of resent paying to get into a pub regardless of who is playing.
No. The scholarships scheme applies only to students who will be paying the new variable or flexible fees from 2007/08.
Paying tribute to his rescuers, Skipper Garner said; The Polish skipper showed magnificent seamanship.
If you were selling a disk off the shelf, shrink-wrapped then people would immediately ask why I am paying 4,995 for this box?
The panel was sketched freehand, paying particular attention to areas of fading, detail or difficulty.
I do not know whether you are paying spousal maintenance or maintenance for the children.
Paying players large sums of money at club level is not the way to go forward.
Menopause symptoms are Nature 's wake-up call to let you know you need to start paying more attention to your health.
Even the super-rich might have a job paying for the upkeep of those beautiful but temperamental machines.
Council taxpayers should not be paying for clearing up the mess these unsociable people leave behind.
I was at the counter paying for something and my son said ' Look mommy, I 've got a big willy '.
The only point to identify now is how the late payer will attempt to wriggle out of paying interest.
Paying bills is my least favorite part of adulthood.
You will have to pay an application fee, a home study fee, and various legal fees, but you may also be responsible for paying the birth mother's medical fees and some living expenses.
In some cases, employers prefer paying the agency for their nanny's services.
If this is the case, the agency is responsible for paying a nanny payroll tax.
If you plan on paying your nanny yourself, however, you will need to pay the taxes, which will include federal unemployment, state employment, disability, Medicare, and Social Security.
How will you handle paying your friend or relative?
Ask them to help with the grocery list, finding items in the store, placing them in the cart and paying at the register.
This is a great way to give your baby a one-of-a-kind look without paying designer prices.
Baby swings are often more useful in living rooms or kitchens - the baby is kept occupied while you attend to other tasks, like paying bills or folding laundry.
However, paying too much for car insurance isn't.
Sometimes unwary buyers get stuck paying for a heap that dies before the note is paid.
After all, it's better to invest a small amount of money in renting a motorhome and finding out you don't like the experience than to commit to years of paying for something you really don't enjoy.
While inkjets are low-priced, you're going to be paying a lot to replace ink cartridges.
Unscrupulous jewelers may pass off the total weight of the doublet as the weight of the stone and you will end up paying the opal's carat value for the total weight of the doublet, including the background stone or material.
Tired of spending hours upon hours doing your taxes by hand, or worse, paying someone lots of money to do them for you?
You can purchase any one of their products online, and you can also try what you're interested in purchasing for free before paying!
If you are unsure of the price you should be paying for the used model you want, consult with friends and other motorcycle enthusiasts.
Paying a tax professional to prepare your taxes for you is a good way to go if you're unsure on how to file, or if your taxes are extremely complicated.
If you are required to use a participating dentist and there is such a discrepancy, you should not be responsible for paying the difference.
However, if you are allowed to choose an out-of-network dentist, you may be responsible for paying the difference between what the insurance company considers UCR and what your dentist charges for the service.
When you lease a vehicle, you are only paying the depreciating value of the car for the time you have it.
Of course, the netting is of little concern, but it is the equipment you hold in your hand (and on your body) that you should be paying serious attention to.
Sometimes it is worth paying a few dollars more for the peace of mind a well-known retailer provides.
However, the fact the company offers an attractive affiliate program, paying 50 percent on each sale, makes it difficult to find unbiased reviews.
However, keep in mind that you are not really paying for the car's total value.
Instead, you are paying the vehicle's depreciating costs.
There are some tricks to avoid paying top-dollar for your flight.
Your best protection against paying too much for a car that could turn out to be a lemon is to educate yourself.
If you use those cords, then there was no sense in paying for an HDTV.
However, if you want to have as few worries about the history of the gun as possible and you don't mind paying a little extra for the peace of mind, you can always purchase a new rifle.
The good news is that these taxes do not apply to Indian reservations, meaning you may obtain cigarettes from stores located on reservations without paying any pesky federal taxes.
Likewise, you ought to avoid purchasing cigarettes in New York, lest you don't mind paying an outrageous state tax of $4.35.
As your collection gets bigger and you learn more and more about swords, your taste may change and paying $1,000 for superb swords might be what you should expect.
Budgetary constraints can be a serious issue when you're choosing your golf clubs, but you can get away with paying less, particularly when you don't play often.
To save the most money, consider sending the gift directly to the recipient to avoid paying to ship it twice.
When paying for college, interest on these bonds is often exempt from taxation by the government.
Because these change daily, you could find yourself paying more than what you budgeted.
Contact a tax attorney about how to declare gold sales on your income tax forms, and make sure you're aware of the additional fees, such as commissions, that you may end up paying on a purchase.
Paying for your items later seems ideal, until you receive a bill inflated with fees and interest costs.
This expert can help you determine the true value of a specific coin, which helps you avoid paying too much for a coin that is not worth as much money as you hoped.
Check with your local mattress stores to see if they carry this type of mattress and if buying one is worth paying any retail prices.
The government resolved this problem by issuing short-term maturities and paying back the long-term bonds.
The final step is to reinvest your money once the bonds have reached maturity or stopped paying interest.
It also offers Treasury Hunt, a database of savings bonds that have stopped paying interest.
The government did not have enough money to pay back those who purchased bonds, so the Treasury had to issue short-term bonds to cover the costs of paying the matured bonds.
Consider purchasing zero coupon bonds to save for buying a new house, retirement funds, or paying for a college education.
For instance, if you are going to buy a $1,000 bond and you have the choice between paying $600 and $700 for it, you want to choose the $600 because this will yield you $400 in profits when the bond matures.
This type of shopping is ideal for students, elderly people on fixed incomes and anyone who wants to make installment payments instead of paying the full price of a product up front.
This poses several problems, the most common being that paying in full drains your bank account and makes it necessary for you to wait until your next paycheck before you can make any more purchases.
Many people wish there was some way to buy products when they are needed but put off paying for them until a later date.
Instead of purchasing a $100 product and paying $100 in full, for example, you might have to make five payments of $20 each.
Once you finish paying off the merchandise, you can file your installment agreement with all of your business documents.
You can purchase items online without paying for them up front.
Keep those factors in mind since any profit you make may go to keeping your balance and paying the fees.
Instead of paying retail prices, you should consider visiting one to obtain a variety of the most fashionable products for a fraction of their normal cost.
By paying with your Visa or MasterCard bank-issued debit card, you can wire money anywhere in the world and the intended recipient can pick it up at any nearby Western Union location.
While you will wind up paying more than you would had you purchased an instrument, many programs also allow you to apply rental fees to the purchase of a new or different instrument.
For owners who would have no difficulty paying a large vet bill on demand, it might make more sense to forego purchasing a policy altogether.
You may want to look around your environment and try to see what might have changed, paying particular attention when he goes through the sneezing phases.
Always change your cat's diet slowly while paying special attention to any changes in behavior or digestion.
Moreover, you may get tired of paying a tree-trimming service to rescue poor "Cuddles" from the highest branch.
Indeed, many an injury will accompany this feet first fall, and so before you take out the garden hose to blast your cat out of a tree, it's important to remember that you may be paying some hefty vet bills before the day is out.
While the alcohol gets all the attention, you can add your own flourishes to your drink by paying close attention to the color, consistency, flavor and amount of these ingredients you choose to put into your Cosmopolitan cocktail.
They will still, however, provide you with financial advice, specifically about paying off your debts.
While the traditional and most recommended method for paying off debt is to pay what you owe, there may be ways to eliminate some of what you have to pay back.
The Slate and Blueprint cards offer cash-back bonuses, plus give card members options for paying down balances quicker and saving interest by selecting charges to apply payments to.
There are advantages to using this method of paying off debt instead of others.
This process can be somewhat difficult, though some lenders are likely to agree if they believe you do not have the ability to continue paying your bills.
They can help you create a budget and possibly consolidate your debt so you're actually paying less each month.
First of all, there has to be a commitment to paying off the debt, otherwise it will happen again.
The time it will take to consolidate has everything to do with how much you're paying.
There needs to be a commitment to reduce spending and stay out of additional debt while paying off the previous debt.
These services are usually free for a trial period like 30 days, so you can get your score and this service without paying for it as long as your cancel in time.
However, it may be a hassle to cancel the service and if you forget to do it, you could end up paying close to $80.
Paying your bills by their due date and paying down your debt will help raise your score.
File first, then find the options for paying.
The penalty for not filing is much more costly than that of paying late.
It can mean the difference between a paying customer and someone who "just looks."
You've probably seen the commercials wherein a woman completes her bill paying in the time it takes to draw a nice, hot bath.
This considers how well you do at paying your accounts on time.
Start making some purchases and paying them off.
It has become all too common in our society to charge now and worry about paying later.
Paying down balances is not an overnight process.
This can lower your interest rates and allow you to concentrate on paying off the debt quicker than you would if you were paying on several accounts during the course of the month.
Perhaps you can earn extra income by taking a part-time job, asking for a raise or promotion, or looking for a higher paying job.
Few cardholders manage to avoid interest charges by paying the entire balance each month.
Simply put, the appeal of buying something now without worrying about paying for it until later is too overwhelming.
This distracts the cardholder from realizing that signature transactions are less secure, but it does save them from potentially paying the on-the-spot pin transaction fee.
You should always keep this in mind when thinking about skipping a payment or paying a bill past the grace period.
To develop a bill paying system, you must first have a clear understanding of what your bills are, when they are due, and the payment options available to you.
This will help you to avoid paying any unnecessary fees.
Another popular option involves paying bills over the Internet.
Most people who pay bills online do it because it is often easier and more convenient than traditional bill paying methods.
Paying bills online allows consumers to save time from writing checks and save money on stamps.
There are two basic types of online bill paying services.
Many banks now provide bill paying services.
When choosing which online bill paying service is best for your financial needs, consider the features discussed in this section.
Be certain that the online bill paying service provider allows you to arrange for repeating payments and schedule payments for standard monthly expenses in advance.
Some online bill paying services will only work with creditors that allow electronic payments.
Some online bill paying services require that you change your billing address to that of the online bill paying service provider.
The bill paying service you choose will help you notify your creditors of the change of address.
However, you should always be careful to monitor your bill paying service in order to catch any errors quickly.
Paying bills online does not mean you can ignore your bills.
If you keep your accounts error-free and use online bill paying services to keep your finances in order, you may avoid burdening yourself with excess paperwork and chores.
If you attempt to close a card before paying the balance, the issuing bank may increase the interest rate to the maximum as a penalty and you are still responsible for any charges or fees.
Accountants handle the day-to-day tasks of balancing a budget, paying and maintaining accounts, and coordinating the movement of money from one source to another.
Paying bills using electronic payments is growing in popularity among consumers.
It's a different story if you have plenty of money in savings for emergencies even after paying your debt off, but if paying your debt means you have no money to fall back on in the bank then you should leave your money where it is.
Paying down debt really isn't all that much fun.
Even if you plan on paying the bill as soon as you receive your statement, it is a good idea to find a company that charges a competitive interest rate.
The first step involves paying down your debt.
This may involve paying off old debts, making arrangements with creditors, searching for evidence of identity theft, or clearing up incorrect information.