Patriotic Sentence Examples
He wrote both words and music in a fit of patriotic excitement after a public dinner.
Follen was the author of several celebrated patriotic songs written in the interests of liberty.
Encouraged by the sympathy of all patriotic Germans and the newly found energy of its own subjects, the House of Habsburg now began to prepare for war.
Amongst nomads the tribe is the unit of government, the political bond is personal, and there is no definite territorial association of the people, who may be loyal but cannot be patriotic. The idea of a country arises only when a nation, either homogeneous or composed of several races, establishes itself in a region the boundaries of which may be defined and defended against aggression from without.
The poems of Count Geza Zichy and Victor Dalmady, those of the latter published at Budapest in 1876, are mostly written on subjects, of a domestic nature, but are conceived in a patriotic spirit.
At this crisis the hands of Orange and the patriotic party were greatly strengthened by a new compact entitled " The Union of Brussels," which was extensively signed es eciall in the southern Netherlands.
We are informed that Fordun's patriotic zeal was roused by the removal or destruction of many national records by Edward III.
He is the type of knightly virtue, the mirror of patriotic duty, the flower of all Christian grace.
He was an enthusiastic and most useful leader of the volunteer movement from its beginning, and a writer, composer and singer of humorous and patriotic songs, some of which, as "The Three Foot Rule" and "They never shall have Gibraltar," became well known far beyond the circle of his acquaintance.
Yet some can be patriotic who have no self-respect, and sacrifice the greater to the less.
AdvertisementDavid Dean whistled a patriotic tune as he strolled up town from the park.
The struggle between them has been represented as one of a patriotic archbishop resisting the encroachments of the papacy on the Church of England.
The position of royal Hungary was still further improved when the popular and patriotic Archduke Matthias was elected king of Hungary on the 16th of November 1608.
It was regarded as a model of ecclesiastical, patriotic eloquence.
Patriotic efforts are made to encourage the use of Hebrew both for writing and speaking, but the continued existence of it as a literary language depends on the direction in which the future history of the Jews will develop.
AdvertisementPrince Louis of Battenberg, a most patriotic and capable sailor, unjustly attacked because of his German origin, tendered his resignation as First Sea Lord, and Mr. Churchill put in his place the indefatigable veteran, Lord Fisher.
The native archaeologists of the present day hold a recognized position in the scientific world; the patriotic sentiment of former times, which prompted their zeal but occasionally warped their judgment, has been merged in devotion to science for its own sake, and the supervision of excavations, as well as the control of the art-collections, is now in highly competent hands.
In the ensuing struggle with the empire, that great city rose to the altitude of patriotic heroism.
There would perhaps have been more general satisfaction with the results of Mr. Churchill's undoubtedly energetic and patriotic administration at the Admiralty, if he had not shown himself so vehement a partisan in internal politics.
Adams's upright and patriotic conduct in taking the unpopular side in this case met with its just reward in the following year, in the shape of his election to the Massachusetts House of Representatives by a vote of 418 to 118.
AdvertisementAn attempt of a patriotic party to keep the last Arpad, Andrew III.
Never was public money expended in a more patriotic fashion.
But within the Trinity Gateway he was so pressed to the wall by people who probably were unaware of the patriotic intentions with which he had come that in spite of all his determination he had to give in, and stop while carriages passed in, rumbling beneath the archway.
Here are a few ways to customize a plain flameless candle to give it a patriotic look.
The growth of a wider patriotic sentiment must depend on the spread of popular education; certainly up to 1908 no appreciable progress had been made in this direction.
AdvertisementAbout 1820 he united some patriotic friends into a society, called Amis de la verite.
As a statesman he was able, resolute, and in his general policy patriotic. As an ecclesiastic he maintained the privileges of the hierarchy and the dominant system of belief conscientiously, but always with harshness and sometimes with cruelty.
In this respect it is in marked contrast with all the patriotic verse of preceding and contemporary literature.
That evening she expected several important personages who had to be made ashamed of their visits to the French theater and aroused to a patriotic temper.
The conspirators endeavoured to obtain the co-operation of the prince of Carignano, afterwards King Charles Albert, who was known to share their patriotic aspirations.
During the revolution of 1848-1849, Eger was remarkable for the patriotic spirit displayed by its inhabitants; and it was here that the principal campaigns against the Austrians were organized.
In an hour of patriotic ardour he became (June 12, 1 759) a captain in the Hampshire militia, and for more than two years (May io, 1760, to December 23, 1762) led a wandering life of " military servitude."
Early in 1864, when it became evident that two more Republican votes might be needed in the United States Senate for reconstruction purposes, party leaders at Washington urged the people of Nevada to adopt a constitution and enter the Union as a patriotic duty, and on the 21st of March 1864 Congress passed an act to enable the people of the Territory to form a state government.
Faneuil Hall (the original hall of the name was given to the city by Peter Faneuil, a Huguenot merchant, in 1742) is associated, like the Old South, with the patriotic oratory of revolutionary days and is called " the cradle of American liberty."
A great number of the public institutions owe their origin to the munificence of patriotic Greeks, among whom Andreas Syngros and George Averoff may be especially mentioned.
A little farther away are the headquarters of the Patriotic Society (Patriotische Gesellschaft), founded in 1765, with fine rooms for the meetings of artistic and learned societies.
The patriotic journalist C. C. Gjorwell established about twenty literary periodicals of which the most important was the Swenska Mercurius (1755-1789).
The choice of his governor, the patriotic historiographer Hans Svaning, was so far fortunate that it ensured the devotion of the future king of Denmark to everything Danish; but Svaning was a poor pedagogue, and the wild and wayward lad suffered all his life from the defects of his early training.
In the satisfaction they afforded to the commemorative and patriotic instincts they anticipated an office afterwards performed by the national epics and the works of regular historians.
To this patriotic design he devoted the remainder of his life.
Modern literature has nothing nobler, nothing more harmonious in the declamatory style than these three patriotic effusions.
His first acts on coming to the throne caused patriotic Englishmen to despair.
Indeed, a simple way to make your project patriotic is to dress it up in the colors of the flag.
In 1860 he was chairman of the Massachusetts delegation to the Republican national convention at Chicago, which nominated Lincoln for the presidency; and from 1861 to January 1866, throughout the trying period of the Civil War, he was governor of Massachusetts, becoming known as one of the ablest, most patriotic and most energetic of the remarkable group of "war governors" in the North.
The revolution in Milan and Vienna aroused a fever of patriotic enthusiasm in Tuscany, where war against Austria was demanded; Leopold, giving way to popular pressure, sent a force of regulars and volunteers to co-operate with Piedmont in the Lombard campaign.
In the Legislative Assembly the Girondists represented the principle of democratic revolution within and of patriotic defiance to the European powers without.
External pressure, here as elsewhere, created a patriotic military caste, and the subsequent partitional period, when every little prince had his own separate court, still further established the growing influence of the szlachta, or gentry, who were not backward in claiming and obtaining special privileges in return for their services.
No patriotic Pole, we imagine, can read the history of this miserable war without feeling heartily ashamed of his countrymen.
This patriotic act was not, however, sufficiently appreciated by either King James I.
He is better known, however, as the author of the patriotic anthem "Hail Columbia" (1798).
To many people, the flag of their country is the basis for everything patriotic.
For this reason the flag can be the focal point of your patriotic tattoo.
Decorate your food tables with festive tablecloths and patriotic centerpieces to add to the ambiance.
The Southern states were fighting the war to end slavery and for patriotic reasons.
The abiding interest in Korner is patriotic and political rather than literary.
His fame as a poet rests upon his patriotic lyrics, which were published by his father under the title Leier and Schwert in 1814.
The patriotic action of the council and its attendant popularity enabled it to recover considerable administrative control, which it continued to exercise for the next eighteen years, although its deterioration in ability, becoming every year more noticeable, as well as the rapid rise of democratic ideas, prevented it from fully re-establishing the supremacy which Aristotle, with some exaggeration, attributes to it for this period.
During the War of Independence patriotic sentiment here was strong and Loyalists were sometimes exiled to Wallingford, where they could have no effective influence.
It was only to be expected that the Germans, whose very existence was in question, should show themselves to be patriotic. But it was somewhat surprising that at Prague, after the declaration of war, Germans and Czechs sang Die TV acht am Rhein together in the streets, and the burgomaster, a Czech, made a speech in German before the town hall in which he called for cheers for the Emperor William and the fraternization of Germans and Czechs.
The question was repeatedly raised as to why the prime minister did not take advantage of this patriotic spirit to obtain a corresponding parliamentary demonstration; but it had surprised him, as it had many, and he shrank from the serious responsibility which would have resulted if the experiment had turned out badly; the aged Emperor's need of quiet, and the conviction that the Reichsrat, if summoned ad hoc, would, as for so long before, be of no active use, also played their part.
In Germany, again, the last few years have witnessed a growing aversion from Ultramontanism on the part of those Catholics who cannot reconcile its tenets with their patriotic sentiments,.
Alexander II., personally averse from war, was not insensible to the patriotic enthusiasm, and halted between two opinions.
Its author declared later that it procured him an honorary membership of the patriotic societies of Carlisle, Berwick and Newcastle.
In view of the fact that Poland was the most defenceless country in Europe, with no natural boundaries, and constantly exposed to attacks from every quarter, it was not unreasonable to expect even this patriotic sacrifice from the privileged classes, who held at least two-thirds of the land by military tenure.
He uniformly had recourse to original sources of information; and he is entitled to great praise for his patriotic and self-sacrificing endeavours to illustrate the history, literature and antiquities of his native country.
The full development of this view seems to lie between the time of Elijah and that of Amos and Hosea - under the dynasty of Jehu, when prophecy, as represented by Elisha and Jonah, stood in the fullest harmony with the patriotic efforts of the age.
Thus, with Isaiah in the days of Sennacherib's invasion, the prophetic word became again, as it had been in the days of the Syrian wars, "the chariots and horsemen of Israel," the stay and strength of all patriotic hope.
He was forced to join Napoleon in the war against Russia; and even when the disastrous campaign of 181 2 had for the time broken the French power, it was not his own resolution, but the loyal disloyalty of General York in concluding with Russia the convention of Tauroggen that forced him into line with the patriotic fervour of his people.
He edited for a short time a patriotic journal, the Prussian Correspondent, joined the headquarters of the allied sovereigns, and witnessed the battle of Bautzen, and was subsequently employed in some minor negotiations.
He was chiefly instrumental also in founding the Loyal and Patriotic Society of Upper Canada, which raised funds for the relief of the wounded and the assistance of the widows and orphans of the slain.
With regard to France he played a more patriotic part than Conde or Turenne, for he never treated with the Spaniards, and his letters show that in the midst of his difficulties he followed with intense eagerness every movement on the frontiers.
The patriotic excitement produced by the war did not weaken the revolutionary agitation.
After the outbreak of war his activities were mainly directed to stirring up the patriotic spirit of the people, as in his messages to the Chambers of Aug.
In Germany patriotic waving of the flag, as a political method, is directed more especially to the strengthening of imperial, as distinguished from local, patriotism.
Some Russians would have preferred to proclaim Peter as emperor of the East; but Peter himself adopted the more patriotic title.
At the same time we do our Jewish authorities no injustice in imputing to them the patriotic tendency to idealize the society, and thus offer to their readers something in Jewish life that would bear comparison at least with similar manifestations of Gentile life.
In 1814 he joined the Greek patriotic society known as the Hetairia Philike, and in 1820, with other Suliots, made common cause with Ali of Iannina against the Ottomans.
Patriotic as the sentiment is, it is in more general terms than is found in later Scots literature.
It is in the nature of such movements to develop violent phases, and the leaders of the Aikoku-sha (patriotic association), as the agitators now called themselves, not infrequently showed disregard for the preservation of peace and order.
His Preussische Geschichte (4 vols., Stuttgart, 1899-1902), which is perhaps his most notable work, is an attempt to apply scientific rather than patriotic canons to a subject which has been mainly in the hands of historians with a patriotic bias.
A treaty projected on the news of the massacre of St Bartholomew, by which Mary should be sent back to Scotland for immediate execution, was broken off by the death of the earl of Mar, who had succeeded Lennox as regent; nor was it found possible to come to acceptable terms on a like understanding with his successor Morton, who in 1577 sent a proposal to Mary for her restoration, which she declined, in suspicion of a plot laid to entrap her by the policy of Sir Francis Walsingham, the most unscrupulously patriotic of her English enemies, who four years afterwards sent word to Scotland that the execution of Morton, so long the ally of England, would be answered by the execution of Mary.
Her correspondence in cipher from thence with her English agents abroad, intercepted by Walsingham and deciphered by his secretary, gave eager encouragement to the design for a Spanish invasion of England Under the prince of Parma, - an enterprise in which she would do her utmost to make her son take part, and in case of his refusal would induce the Catholic nobles of Scotland to betray him into the hands of Philip, from whose tutelage he should be released only on her demand, or if after her death he should wish to return, nor then unless he had become a Catholic. But even these patriotic and maternal schemes to consign her child and re-consign the kingdom to the keeping of the Inquisition, incarnate in the widower of Mary Tudor, were superseded by the attraction of a conspiracy against the throne and life of Elizabeth.
David was a weak and incapable ruler, without a spark of his father's patriotic spirit.
Le Caron, inspired (as all the evidence shows) by genuinely patriotic feeling, from that time till 1889 acted for the British government as a paid military spy.
He saw that unaided the patriotic party could not hope to resist the power of Philip II., and he had therefore resolved to gain the support of France by the offer of the sovereignty of the Netherlands to the duke of Anjou.
In consequence of the success of these early enterprises his following largely increased, several of the more patriotic nobles - including the steward of Scotland, Sir Andrew Moray, Sir John de Graham, Douglas the Hardy, Wishart, bishop of Glasgow, and others - having joined him.
The first of these had a great success, partly no doubt because of its patriotic subject.
He was at first opposed to the war with Germany, but when satisfied that it had been forced upon France he did not, like some of his colleagues, refuse to vote supplies, but took the patriotic line of supporting the flag.
Delavigne, inspired by the catastrophe of 1815, wrote two impassioned poems, the first entitled Waterloo, the second, Devastation du musee, both written in the heat of patriotic enthusiasm, and teeming with popular political allusions.
He was autocratic, but just and very patriotic. During his reign the duchy, which had been more than half French, became predominantly Italian.
But popular discontent grew in force; risings took place in Concepcion and Coquimbo, and on the 28th of January 1823 O'Higgins was finally patriotic enough to resign his post of director-general, without attempting to retain it by force.
Great as were these results, they did not satisfy the aspirations of patriotic Germans, who, having so suddenly and so unexpectedly approached unity, longed that the work should be completed.
French patriotic feeling, suspicious, angry and alarmed, needed only a slight provocation to cause it to blaze up into an uncontrollable fever for war.
In 1787 he was authorized to raise a patriotic legion to help the Dutch against the stadtholder William IV.
The patriotic spirit and naval prowess of the Genoese, developed in their defensive wars against the Saracens, led to the foundation of a popular constitution, and to the rapid growth of a powerful marine.
Moreover, to the refusal to revive the Empire - which shattered so many patriotic hopes in Germany - Austria added another decision yet more fateful.
He was quick-tempered, but of kindly disposition, intelligent and patriotic, and he left a reputation of unblemished honesty and uprightness.
Although a warmly patriotic Roman, he does full justice to the merits of the barbarian enemies of the empire, particularly the Ostrogoths; although the subject of a despotic prince, he criticizes the civil and military administration of Justinian and his dealings with foreign peoples with a freedom which gives a favourable impression of the tolerance of the emperor.
The separation from the duchies of Schleswig and Holstein, which were more than half German, intensified the national character; the Danes are intensely patriotic; and there is no portion of the Danish dominions except perhaps in the West Indian islands, where a Scandinavian language is not spoken.
Unfortunately, too, for Norway's independence, the native gentry had gradually died out, and were succeeded by immigrant Danish fortune-hunters; native burgesses there were none, and the peasantry were mostly thralls; so that, excepting the clergy, there was no patriotic class to stand up for the national liberties.
The ministry was saved by a mere accident - the expulsion of Danish agitators from North Schleswig by the German government, which evoked a passion of patriotic protest throughout Denmark, and united all parties, the war minister declaring in the Folketing, during the debate on the military budget (January 1899), that the armaments of Denmark were so far advanced that any great power must think twice before venturing to attack her.
Johan Nordahl Brun's best work is to be found in his patriotic songs and his hymns.
Edvard Lembcke (18r5-1897) made himself famous as the admirable translator of Shakespeare, but the incidents of 1864 produced from him some volumes of direct and manly patriotic verse.
For many years he made the aspects of life at sea his particular theme, and he contrived to rouse the patriotic enthusiasm of the Danish public as it had never been roused before.
In 1885, however, Drachmann, already the recognized first poet of the country, threw off his allegiance to Brandes, denounced the exotic tradition, declared himself a Conservative, and took up a national and patriotic attitude.
These regulations placed heavy shackles upon the Press, but in the main they were accepted with patriotic equanimity.
This agency for publicity concerning war efforts and purposes developed into a great news agency and a means of distribution of patriotic propaganda.
In 1830 they came to Paris, where they sang in the streets, Rachel giving such patriotic songs as the Parisienne and the Marseillaise with a rude but precocious energy which evoked special admiration and an abundant shower of coppers.
Of the free imperial cities of central Germany, none had a greater historic fame or a more settled and patriotic government.
During the Civil War he was one of the closest and most constant advisers of President Lincoln, and one of the most efficient, most energetic and most patriotic of the "war governors" of the North.
These terms, which are said by Appian (De Rebus Samniticis, 10, II) to have included the freedom of the Greeks in Italy and the restoration to the Bruttians, Apulians and Samnites of all that had been taken from them, were rejected chiefly through the vehement and patriotic speech of the aged Appius Claudius Caecus the censor.
As the Bruce faction had asserted their fealty to Edward, the carefully patriotic attitude of the Scots may be ascribed to the two bishops, who did not consistently live on this level.
Stevenson, appealed as much to English readers as to their countrymen, patriotic as each of them was in his own way.
Of historical and patriotic verse there are few specimens, but some of the lyrics and love-songs, more or less medieval in timbre and form, are of importance.
This patriotic policy provoked loud protests both from Austria and Germany at the conference of Vienna in 1890, and Baross was obliged somewhat to modify his system.
In 1807 he became editor of the Gaceta de Madrid, and in the following year was condemned to death by Murat for publishing a patriotic article; he fled to Cadiz, and under the Junta Central held various posts from which he was dismissed by the reactionary government of 1814.
His work, continued by patriotic and able successors, was now taken up as the common task of the government and the nation.
When the war came, he took his stand, with the bulk of the Labour leaders, on the national and patriotic side; but, like many of them, deprecated the introduction of compulsory service, until it should be clear that the necessary men could be got in no other way.
Not a rough prophet in the desert like John, not a leader striking for political freedom, not a pretender aiming at the petty throne of the Herods, not even a great rabbi, building on the patriotic foundation of the Pharisees who had secured the national life by a new devotion to the ancient law.
Luther was a patriotic German who was for ever bewailing the disintegration of the Fatherland; Zwingli was full of plans for confederations of Swiss cantons with South German cities, which could not fail to weaken the empire.
The bold and patriotic Crabbe contrived to board the bewitched flagship, and was seen apparently laying about him with an axe on the water - which the spectators took to be a proof either that he was mad, or that this was the devil in his shape.
His own attitude towards the World War was vigorous and patriotic. He made a recruiting tour in 1915 through Great Britain, where he won a popularity perhaps greater than he enjoyed at home, and pledged himself to introduce conscription in Australia, though he failed to carry it.
Most of the principal poems, tales and essays of JOnas Hallgrimsson appeared in the periodical Fj olnir, which he began publishing at Copenhagen in 183 5, together with Konr65 Gislason, a well-known philologist, and the patriotic Thomas Saemundsson.
Fj olnir had in the beginning a hard struggle against old prejudices, but as the years went by its influence became enormous; and when it at last ceased, its programme and spirit still lived in N5' Filagsrit and other patriotic periodicals which took its place.
For, though that celebrated personage would have liked to be called, not " sophist " but " political philosopher," and tried to fasten the name of " sophist " upon his opponents the Socratics, it is clear from his own statement that he was commonly ranked with the sophists, and that he had no claim, except on the score of superior popularity and success, to be dissociated from the other teachers of political rhetoric. It is true that he was not a political sophist of the vulgar type, that as a theorist he was honest and patriotic, and that, in addition to his fame as a teacher, he had a distinct reputation as a man of letters; but he was a professor of political rhetoric, and, as such, in the phraseology of the day, a sophist.
The agitation in favour of Germany had been to a considerable extent conducted by the so-called Heimatsdienst, a patriotic German society which had spread its organization over the whole of the plebiscitary areas.
It contained nothing but sound and patriotic suggestions, but it was greedily seized upon by the enemies of the Gironde as evidence of treason.
Although not officially connected with the college, the South Atlantic Quarterly, founded by a patriotic society of the college and published at Durham since 1902, is controlled and edited by members of the college faculty.
His Forty Singing Seamen (1907) and Drake (1908) were characteristic of his patriotic note as a poet of the sea.
A special interest attaches to the dwellings of Albrecht Dürer, Hans Sachs, the cobbler-poet, and Johann Palm, the patriotic bookseller who was shot by order of Napoleon in 1806.
It is not easy to see how Washington survived the year 1775; the colonial poverty, the exasperating annoyances, the outspoken criticism of those who demanded active operations, the personal and party dissensions in Congress, the selfishness or stupidity which cropped out again and again among some of the most patriotic of his coadjutors were enough to have broken down most men.
The most prominent characteristics of his public life were his predisposition to "compromises" and "pacifications" which generally failed of their object, and his passionate patriotic devotion to the Union.
The standing order in New England represented the patriotic and popular party.
Indifferent to theological, or even to patriotic, considerations, his plans to protect the reformers rested upon two main principles - unity among the Protestants at home and military aid from abroad.
Animated by the patriotic enthusiasm of Cardinal Ximenes, the Spaniards determined to put a stop to these expeditions which were carrying off their countrymen, destroying their commerce, and even ravaging their country.
A royal commission of inquiry was appointed, a patriotic fund opened, and money flowed in fast.
And to the honour of the Swedish people be it said that, from first to last, they showed a religious and patriotic zeal which shrank from no sacrifice.
He succeeded all the better as the new elections to the Riksdag of 1900 showed clearly that the Swedish people was not inclined to follow the ultraconservative or so-called " patriotic " party, which resulted in the resignation of the two leaders of that party, Professor Oscar Alin and Count Marschal Patrick Reutersvard as members of the First Chamber.
Of its patriotic editors the most prominent was Erik Gustaf Geijer (q.v.; 1783-1847), but he was presently joined by a young man slightly older than himself, Esaias Tegner (q.v.; 1782-1846), afterwards bishop of Getter.
The most popular poet at the close of the 19th century was the patriotic Finn, Zakris Topelius (q.v.; 1818-1898).
Even the few who were patriotic enough to acquiesce in the change by no means liked it.
When exercised from patriotic and disinterested motives, its effects were beneficial; but the moment the principle of reward was introduced, this was no longer the case.
Energy was worn out, patriotic 'os' Seiscen-- ardour declined into blind nationalist vanity, and rhetoric conquered style.
Repeated but fruitless attempts were made by the Hasmonaeans and their patriotic supporters to throw off the Roman yoke.
After his ordination he became professor at the lyceum of his native place, but his patriotic sympathies excited the jealousy of the Austrian authorities, and although protected by his diocesan, he was compelled to resign in 1853.
Zanella was a broad-minded and patriotic ecclesiastic, and his character is justly held in equal honour with his poetry, which, if hardly to be termed powerful, wears a stamp of peculiar elegance and finish, and asserts a place of its own in modern Italian literature.
The schools showed him an able and wise disciplinarian, and his patriotic orations and sermons prove him a speaker of great power.
He soon began to distinguish himself as an orator, and the three patriotic sermons he delivered at Bahia (1638-40) are remarkable for their imaginative power and dignity of language.
The brothers Bandiera, sons of Baron Bandiera, an admiral in the Austrian navy, were themselves members of that service, but at an early age they were won over to the ideas of Italian freedom and unity, and corresponded with Giuseppe Mazzini and other members of the Giovane Italia (Young Italy), a patriotic and revolutionary secret society.
While Vrchlicky (pseudonym of Emil Frida) has no less strong patriotic feelings, he has been more catholic in the choice of the subjects of his many works, both in poetry and in prose.
Through Cooke's activities the sales became enormous; the notes, issued in denominations as low as $50, appealed to the patriotic impulses of the people who could not subscribe for bonds of a higher denomination.
When nineteen years old he corresponded with Mazzini, to whom he became whole-heartedly devoted; among other patriotic poems he wrote a hymn to the Bandiera brothers, and in the autumn of 1847 a song called "Fratelli d'Italia," which as Carducci wrote, "resounded through every district and on every battlefield of the peninsula in 1848 and 1849."
Among the best known is the patriotic Deutschland, Deutschland fiber Alles, composed in 1841 on the island of Heligoland, where a monument was erected in 1891 to his memory (subsequently destroyed).
Meanwhile Christian was preparing for the inevitable war with Sweden, where the patriotic party, headed by the freely elected governor Sten Sture the younger, stood face to face with the philo-Danish party under Archbishop Gustavus Trolle.
At 12 o'clock that night the patriotic bishops of Skara and Strangnas were led out into the great square and beheaded.
In Italian we possess the Canzoniere, which includes odes and sonnets written for Laura during her lifetime, those written for her after her death, and a miscellaneous section containing the three patriotic odes and three famous poetical invectives against the papal court.
The intervention of the Curia, which hitherto had been hostile to Casimir because of his steady and patriotic resistance to papal aggression, was due to the permutations of European politics.
When Ismail's financial straits compelled him to agree to a commission of inquiry Riaz was the only Egyptian of known honesty sufficiently intelligent and patriotic to be named as a vice-president of the commission.
About 1780 Riga Velestiniul, a Hellenized Vlach from Macedonia who is also known by the purely Greek name of Rigas Phereos, had founded in Bucharest a patriotic and revolutionary association known as the Society of Friends (e'Taepia 7c;'v 4LXcvv) which gradually attained great in- The fiuence.
Vacarescu, there are -odes, hymns, patriotic poems, ballads, lyrical and didactic poems, some of them among the most beautiful in the language.
These mostly patriotic compositions were as a rule less felicitous than his political satires (Nemesis, Menade, &c.).
Sihleanu (1834-1857), who left some weak poems of a sentimental and patriotic character.
In Legende (1871) and Osta.Fii noctrii (1877) he strikes the patriotic note.
Several patriotic Bohemian noblemen founded this association.
Patriotic, energetic, independent, incorruptible, shrewd, fair-minded, he was endowed not only with great sympathy with progress, but also with a full faculty for resistance to mere democraticism.
If the Bond aroused disloyalty and mistaken aspirations in one section of the Cape inhabitants, it is equally certain that it caused a great wave of loyal and patriotic enthusiasm to pass through another and more enlightened section.
In domestic affairs Marcy was a shrewd, but honest partisan; in diplomacy he exhibited the qualities of a broadminded, patriotic statesman, endowed, however, with vigour, rather than brilliancy, of intellect.
The titles of In War Time (1863) and National Lyrics (1865) rightly designate the patriotic rather than Tyrtaean contents of these books.
The fact remains that no other poet has sounded more native notes, or covered so much of the American legendary, and that Whittier's name, among the patriotic, clean and true, was one with which to conjure.
Archbishop Langton, who on assuming possession of his see had shown at once that he was a patriotic English statesman, and not the mere delegate of the pope, besought his master to hold back, and, when he refused, threatened to renew the excommunication which had so lately been removed.
But it is most noteworthy that the barons, while providing for the abolition of abuses which affect themselves, show an unselfish and patriotic spirit in laying down the rule that all the concessions which the king makes to them shall also be extended by themselves to their own sub-tenants.
All through these twenty-six years he was being opposed and criticised by a party which embraced the wisest and most patriotic section of the baronage and the hierarchy.
But it was possible for patriotic Scots to contend that they had done so only in their capacity as English baronsfor they held much land south of Tweedand topoint to the similarity of their position to that of the English king when he did homage for his duchy of Guienne at Paris, without; thereby admitting any suzerainty of the French crown Over England or Ireland.
Burgundy dared not concede so much, under pain of alienating all his more patriotic Murder of supporters.
The duke and the bishop were both unscrupulous; but the churchman, with all his faults, was a patriotic statesman, while Gloucester cared far more for his own private ends than for the welfare of the realm.
This passionate attachment to the Revolution, which in France displayed itself in a carnival of insane suspicion and cruelty, inspired on the frontiers an astonishing patriotic resistance.
In the middle ages the stimulus to write was mainly of a moral or ecclesiastical nature, though the patriotic impulse which had suggested the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle was perhaps never entirely absent, and the ecclesiastical motive often degenerated into a desire to glorify, sometimes even by forgery, not merely the church as a whole, but the particular monastery to which the writer belonged.
As nationalism developed, the patriotic motive supplanted the ecclesiastical, and stress is laid on the famous history of England.
After the fall and flight of the house of Orleans, his parliamentary eloquence was never less generous in aim and always as fervent in its constancy to patriotic and progressive principle.
The "age of small factions" was now succeeded by an age of great principles, and selfish ties of mere families and persons were transformed into a union resting on common conviction and patriotic aims. It was Burke who did more than any one else to give to the Opposition, under the first half of the reign of George III., this stamp of elevation and grandeur.
They were well-meaning and patriotic men,but it was not always easy to get them to prefer politics to fox-hunting.
He entered with enthusiasm, both from patriotic and from economical motives, into the question of the improvement of the condition of the serfs and their partial emancipation.
The public having shown no eagerness to subscribe, Necker proposed that every man should be invited to make a patriotic contribution of onefourth of his income.
At Meran his patriotic deeds of heroism are the subject of a festival play celebrated annually in the open air.
The rationalistic movement, headed by Magnus Stephenson, a patriotic, narrow-minded lawyer, did little good as far as church reform went, but was accompanied by a more successful effort to educate the people.
His father, a merchant of Canea, took an active part in the Cretan patriotic movement and was therefore exiled by the Turks in 1866, but returned to the island in 1872.
In Egypt especially the monophysite movement had assumed a nationalistic, patriotic character.
At last, in 330, the patriotic party felt strong enough to force him to an issue.
In all wild parts divine service was neglected, and wandering friars or subtle Jesuits, supported by every patriotic or religious feeling of the people, kept Ireland faithful to Rome.
Other writers representative of Croatian literature before 1867 were the lyric poet Stanko Vraz (1810-1851) and Dragutin Rakovac (1813-1854), the author of many patriotic songs.
His action was applauded by Young China at the time as evidence of patriotic self-abnegation, but events proved that it was chiefly inspired by recognition of the fact that he and the Cantonese group of politicians who had joined him as leaders of the Republican movement, did not yet carry sufficient weight to justify them in attempting to form a national government.
Ancestor-worship occurs most naturally among a people where tribal organization has reached a fairly advanced stage, and is the natural outcome of patriotic reverence for a successful chief and his councillors.
Not that it is wholly free from error or exaggeration, but its mistakes are due merely to defective knowledge of the outside world, and its overstatements, virtually confined to the matter of numbers, proceed from a patriotic desire to magnify Jewish victories.
Finally, as though to render the task - of patriotic Spaniards wellnigh hopeless, there was little evidence of any cessation of that purely factious spirit which in Spanish politics has ever rendered stable party government impossible.
Among his noteworthy orations of a patriotic character were those delivered at Boston in 1876, at Yorktown in 1881, and in Washington on the completion of the Washington Monument in 1885.
On the contrary, Carbonarism flourished and spread to other parts of Italy, and countless lodges sprang up, their adherents comprising persons in all ranks of society, including, it is said, some of royal blood, who had patriotic sentiments and desired to see Italy free from foreigners.
The country abounds in romantic scenery; that of the district of Ararat especially has been celebrated by patriotic historians like Moses of Chorene and Lazarus of Pharb.
After the war of 1877-78 the Russian consuls in Turkey encouraged the formation of patriotic committees in Armenia, and a project was formed to create a separate state, under the supremacy of Russia, which was to include Russian, Persian and Turkish Armenia.
He read Burr's character correctly from the beginning; deemed it a patriotic duty to thwart him in his ambitions; defeated his hopes successively of a foreign mission, the presidency, and the governorship of New York; and in his conversations and letters repeatedly and unsparingly denounced him.
In 1882 he repeated his great patriotic success of 1874 with a group " Quand Memel" replicas of which have been set up at Belfort and in the garden of the Tuileries.
Americana Decor And Home Decor Ideas - visit hometown harvest for country decor, americana decor, patriotic gifts and Americana Decor And Home Decor Ideas - visit hometown harvest for country decor, americana decor, patriotic gifts and americana decor ideas.
This, however, does not prevent the reactionaries and irresponsible demagogues from indulging in false patriotic manifestations and provocations.
Beware the leader who bangs the drums of war in order to whip the citizenry into a patriotic fervor.
Nast was a staunch opponent of slavery and throughout the Civil War Nast produced patriotic drawings urging people to help crush the rebels.
And it makes me laugh especially that somebody like you with all your patriotic piffle likes a film like Braveheart.
Trafalgar and Nelson, until a generation ago, were names that inspired every schoolchild and enthused them with patriotic pride.
Many in Ireland agreed that this was the patriotic thing to do - even staunch supporters of Home Rule.
I have to admit, I too have felt the faint stirrings of patriotic pride.
Patriotic zeal is not a ' fruit of the Spirit ' .
At this time the universities were still agitated by the Liberal and patriotic aspirations aroused by the War of Liberation; at Breslau Leo fell under the influence of Jahn, and joined the political gymnastic association (Turnverein); at Jena he attached himself to the radical wing of the German Burschenschaft, the so-called "Black Band," under the leadership of Karl Follen.
But this book itself was a farrago of heterogeneous elements - pieces of genuine history, ancient stories once told in Babylon of Gilgamesh or Etanna, literary forgeries of the days soon after Alexander, like the oldest part of the "Testament of Alexander," variations due to Egyptian patriotic sentiment, like that which made Alexander the son of the last Pharaoh, Nectanebus.
He foresaw the coming storm, and he did his utmost to induce Egmont, Hoorn and other prominent Flight .f members of the patriotic party to unite with him in Orange taking measures for meeting the approaching danger.
Passionate, not always scrupulous in his choice and use of political weapons, intensely patriotic, loyal with a loyalty based rather or reason than sentiment, quickwitted, prompt in action, determined and pertinacious, he possessed in eminent degree many qualities lacking in other Liberal chieftains.
The process was accelerated by Sellas illness and death (14th March 1884), an event which cast profound discouragement over the more thoughtful of the Conservatives Ind Moderate Liberals, by whom Sella had been regarded as a supreme political reserve, as a statesman whose experienced vigour and patriotic sagacity might have been trusted to lift Italy from any depth of folry or misfortune.
He attacked with patriotic eloquence the "irresponsible influences " at Court and the shortcomings of the Ministry of War in preparing for the inevitable conflict with Germany.
From the Traite de tactique (1772) of Guibert he caught a glimpse of the power which a patriotic and fully armed nation might gain amidst the feeble and ill-organized governments of that age.
From the beginning he was determined never to allow himself to be misled, in his search for truth, by those theories and prejudices by which nearly every other historian was influenced - Hegelianism, Liberalism, Romanticism, religious and patriotic prejudice; but his superiority to the ordinary passions of the historian could only be attained by those who shared his elevation of character.
It speaks well for the patriotic devotion and discipline of her commons that Athens, weakened by plague and military disasters, should have withstood for so long the blows of her numerous enemies from without, and the damage inflicted by traitors within her walls (see Antiphon, Theramenes).
The Ottoman troops in Arabia were mutinous and unpaid; the Albanians, long the mainstay of Turkish military power in the west, had been irritated by unpopular taxes and by the repressive edicts which deprived them of schools and a printing-press; foreign interference in Crete and Macedonia was resented by patriotic Moslems throughout the empire.
Indeed it may be safely said that Gustavus III., during the last six years of his reign, mainly depended upon Wallqvist and his clerical colleague, Carl Gustaf Nordin, who were patriotic enough to subordinate even their private enmity to the royal service.
By August Vieuville's worst fears were realized; he was arrested on the 13th of the month for corrupt practices in office, and the intriguing cardinal who had caused his overthrow became chief minister of Louis His advent was hailed with joy by both the Catholic party and the patriotic party, eager for the overthrow of Habsburg supremacy in Europe.
As statesman Dalberg was distinguished by his "patriotic" attitude, whether in ecclesiastical matters, in which he leaned to the Febronian view of a German national church, or in his efforts to galvanize the atrophied machinery of the Empire into some sort of effective central government of Germany.
Entering politics at the dreariest and least profitable stage in Canadian history, he took the foremost part in the movement which made of Canada a nation; he guided that nation through the nebulous stages of its existence, and left it united, strong and vigorous, a monument to his patriotic and far-sighted statesmanship. His statue adorns the squares of the principal Canadian towns.
From the modest and simple art of the patriotic poets and novelists of the first half of the 19th century, whose work nevertheless was an influential factor in the awakening of a national sentiment among the common people, Czech literature, after a period characterized by the romanticism of Macha and the critical realism of Havlicek, arrived at a school which, while it took its inspiration from the sources of the national spirit, did not shut itself out from foreign influences.
He Occasionally Nods; Is Rather Strident In The Patriotic Vein; And Too Often Answers The Untoward Call Of Rhetoric When His Subject Is About To Soar Into The Heights Of Poetry.
From this date Aristotle probably spent much time at his paternal house in his native city at Stagira as a patriotic citizen.
For Sanchuniathon is a mere literary fiction; and Philo's treatment is vitiated by an obvious attempt to explain the whole system of religion on the principles of Euhemerus, an agnostic who taught the traditional mythology as primitive history, and turned all the gods and goddesses into men and women; and further by a patriotic desire to prove that Phoenicia could outdo Greece in the venerable character of its traditions, that in fact Greek mythology was simply a feeble and distorted version of the Phoenician.'
Darnley at once threw himself into the arms of the party opposed to the policy of the queen and her secretary - a policy which at that moment was doubly and trebly calculated to exasperate the fears of the religious and the pride of the patriotic. Mary was invited if not induced by the king of Spain to join his league for the suppression of Protestantism; while the actual or prospective endowment of Rizzio with Morton's office of chancellor, and the projected attainder of Murray and his allies, combined to inflame at once the anger and the apprehension of the Protestant nobles.
Charles Potvin (1818-1902), a poet and a dramatist, is best known by a patriotic Histoire des lettres en Belgique, forming vol.
Despite the fact that the Austrian Army bill had been voted by the Reichsrath (February 19), the crown consented to withdraw the bills and thus compelled the Austrian parliament to repeal, at the dictation of the Hungarian obstructionists, what it regarded as a patriotic measure.
This freedom from the trammels of convention appears yet again when he claims as a new disciple a publican, a man whose calling as a tax-gatherer for the Roman government made him odious to every patriotic Jew.
Hegel, like Goethe, felt no patriotic shudder at the national disaster, and in Prussia he saw only a corrupt and conceited bureaucracy.
He began by founding the Order of the Immaculate Conception, consisting of 72 young noblemen who swore a special oath of allegiance to the crown, and were to form the nucleus of a patriotic movement antagonistic to the constant usurpations of the diet, but the sejm promptly intervened and quashed the attempt.
A special interest attaches to the dwellings of Albrecht Dürer, Hans Sachs, the cobbler-poet, and Johann Palm, the patriotic bookseller who was shot by order of Napoleon in 1806.
Without considering the impossibility of restoring the majesty of ancient Rome, or the absurdity of dignifying the medieval Roman rabble by the name of Populus Romanus, he threw himself with passion into the republican movement, and sacrificed his old friends of the Colonna family to what he judged a patriotic duty.
In all these transactions, whilst full justice must be done to the force and patriotic vigour which Lord Palmerston brought to bear on the questions he took in hand, it was but too apparent that he imported into them an amount of passion, of personal animosity, and imperious language which rendered him in the eyes of the queen and of his colleagues a dangerous minister.
Their patriotic ardour gladly seized on "a view of the original faith of India that seemed to harmonize with all the discoveries of modern science and the ethics of European civilization," and they cheerfully supported their leader's strange polemic with the agnostic and rationalist literature of Europe.
The patriotic drama Balkanska Tsaritsa, by Prince Nicholas of Montenegro, has been often played and enthusiastically received by the public, but the critics deny to it much dramatic value.
Hubert Parry set in 1916, as a wartime patriotic song for unison voices and organ.
I 'm not saying I 'm not patriotic, I just would n't hand over my life willy nilly for my country.
Patriotic zeal is not a ' fruit of the Spirit '.
What better way to update your home and show off your national pride than to incorporate patriotic home décor into your living space?
By using a patriotic decorating theme, you can proudly display your patriotism while at the same time updating the look of your home with a popular design trend.
Patriotic design elements can be incorporated into any room of your home.
You can easily build an entire room's decor around a patriotic theme, or you can simply incorporate individual patriotic home décor pieces into your current décor as you see fit.
The kitchen is probably the most popular room in the home for showing off one's patriotic spirit through decorating.
One of the most popular kitchen decorating styles is that of the country kitchen, and patriotic design elements lend themselves very well to this style.
It is easy to find curtains, dish towels, tablecloths, placemats, plates, tablecloths, wall hangings, and many other types of kitchenware that reflect patriotic themes.
Whether you prefer a bold stars and stripes approach to decorating with a patriotic flair, or if you like the Americana and folk art style, you can create a fabulous kitchen environment with patriotic home décor.
Since many people associate patriotic colors and designs with summertime and cookouts, the sunroom is one of the most popular locations for patriotic décor.
One of the best ways to bring patriotic design elements into your bedroom is with a traditional quilt set.
By selecting a quilt that incorporates patriotic colors of red, white, and blue, along with a star design theme, it is easy to bring patriotic design into your sleeping quarters.
A cane back rocking chair, pewter candleholders and folk art wall hangings are the ideal patriotic complements to your quilt set.
At certain times of the year, patriotic home décor can be found in any department store, home improvement warehouse, or specialty interior decorating shop.
The best time of year to locate decorating items with a patriotic theme is late spring and early summer, when retailers are marketing seasonal décor items for the Memorial Day and Independence Day holidays.
However, no matter what season it is, you can easily find the patriotic home décor items that you need to complete your decorating projects online.
There are a number of online retailers that have an extensive selection of patriotic themed decorating items available year round.
Country Porch carries a wide selection of Americana patriotic décor items. features an interesting array of patriotic themed decorative elements.
The Art of Patrizia has an interesting selection of handmade stained glass nightlights in a variety of patriotic designs, including angels, eagles, flags, patriotic ribbons and other designs.
The key with introducing patriotic home décor into your home is not to go overboard with bold colors and patterns.
Use the bold colors sparingly and wisely, and you'll end up with a beautiful color palette and decorating scheme that is both attractive and patriotic.
Patriotic colors of red, white and blue inspired by the American flag will lend authenticity to your kitchen design.
You may love the idea of having a patriotic bedroom, a nautical room or one that will indulge your sense of whimsy and romance.
A lot of Christian decor is mixed with a patriotic look and message.
Patriotic decor with a Christian influence is commonly seen in wall plaques, figurines, wreaths and tapestries.
Even though the Constitution guarantees our religious freedom and forbids an official state religion or church, many of the founding fathers openly practiced Christianity, and it is obviously apparent in many patriotic American traditions.
Americana crosses often have the American flag colors or patriotic documents such as the Pledge of Allegiance.
Flag Cake - Perhaps one of the most patriotic desserts ever, the flag cake is an amazing centerpiece for your table until it's time to slice it up.
Place large stars on picks into small decorated Styrofoam holders during July for a patriotic centerpiece.
Since then, the group has gone on to defend their less than patriotic stance.
It does not take a Mensa membership to recognize country music fans as some of the most patriotic of all U.S. citizens.
You'll find themes such as nautical, floral, holiday, patriotic, insects, sports and even big and tall men's ties.
You can choose from yellow poplin, blue poplin, white, black, denim, and even patriotic western shirts that resemble the United States flag.
They're organized by style, like vintage and retro, solids, plaids, plaid with detail, stripes, denim and chambray, logo, patriotic, and more.
Don't forget to check out their patriotic roll-ups featuring slogans showing American pride.
Located in the Main Street Opera House in Town Square, this audio-animatronic replica of U.S. President Abraham Lincoln takes visitors on a walk through Civil War history through an inspiring speech and patriotic music.
In all his splendor, the audio-animatronic Abraham Lincoln, voiced by actor Royal Dano, gives an inspiring and emotional patriotic speech, which includes portions of the Gettysburg Address.
The exception being enlistment records, as many enthusiastic young men might exaggerate their age in order to join a patriotic cause.
There are also patriotic red, white and blue tassels.
For the patriotic, try this origami eagle.
No one has to be left out when it comes to patriotic swimwear.
You'll also find a patriotic mini skirt that you can slip on as a cover-up when the day's swimming is over.
This suit is done in a patriotic stars and stripes fabric with clear elastic strings.
Besides the usual two-piece suits, the store also carries crochet bikinis, sheer bikinis and patriotic styles.
There you'll find a wide array of patriotic looks to choose from.
Patriotic flameless candles can be used as part of your everyday home décor, or added to a themed table or other display for a party.
You can find flameless candles, including those with a patriotic theme, at most stores that carry home décor items.
They have several patriotic warmers available, including the Liberty Warmer and the Patriotic Collection, which features military themes.
If you can't find the perfect patriotic candle, it's simple to create your own display with a basic flameless candle.
Flameless candles are the perfect choice for a patriotic party or any other situation in which you want to use a candle.
America is a country filled with very patriotic citizens who feel a loyalty and an obligation to the nation.
TracyTrends sells egg ornaments with Americana and patriotic themes.
Even in the most patriotic of times, Marine Corps Christmas cards are a specialty item, difficult, if not impossible, to find at traditional card shops.
Patriotic costumes like Lady Liberty are popular for multiple occasions particularly when combined with patriotic music or in a theme.
Lady Liberty costumes honor the history of the national landmark and is immediately recognizable, making it a wonderful idea for a patriotic event.
The correct term for retro jewelry refers to a specific jewelry fashion between 1935 and 1950 that introduced large amounts of machine manufactured pieces, bold multiple stone styles, patriotic themes and two-toned metal designs.
Encourage them to decorate their bikes, wagons, scooters, or just themselves for the parade with balloons, streamers, banners, ribbons, patriotic hats and anything that else that seems appropriate.
Escaped maniacs who kill unsuspecting couples on lover's lane, companies treading on our cherished patriotic or religious notions are just some tales that can turn into urban legends.
Patriotic eagles also appear in memorial tattoos, often for soldiers, firefighters, or police officers who died in service to their country or community.
Patriotic tattoos are a great way to show off your love for your country and culture.
Whether you want to show off your love of the United States with American tattoos or your Asian patriotism with some Japanese symbols, patriotic tattoos are a good way to explore your heritage.
So, explore this patriotic tattoo gallery, and get some ideas for your next tat.
The design is often enhanced with eagles, flags and other patriotic symbols.
Anyone can be patriotic, regardless of their place of origin, and you may want to show that pride with a new tattoo, but there are many patriotic tattoo ideas available so which is right for you?
If you are American you may look at the ideals of freedom as to why you are patriotic.
If your country of origin is the United Kingdom, then you may pledge your allegiance to the crown and so your patriotic tattoo ideas may include the crown.
No matter your country of origin, or where you may call home these days, take the time to look deep inside yourself to see why you are patriotic and use that when planning your tattoo.
After the events following September 11th, patriotic fervor was at an all time high and remembering that day has since been synonymous with patriotism.
Religion has crosses and their bibles just as much as a patriotic person will hold up the flag pole.
You can take many patriotic tattoo ideas from the world around you.
The nautical star served as a patriotic symbol of service in the Navy.
As the national symbol of the United States of America, the eagle easily became one of the popular old school tattoo designs for many patriotic tattoo enthusiasts.
Finding a patriotic watch such as a pocket watch with the American flag on the face is quite straight forward.
Buying a pocket watch with an American flag on the face is extremely patriotic and the image of the American flag to many people reflects many positive qualities and gives a common point of focus.
Patriotic watches can be bought from a variety of stores.
A patriotic pocket watch can be a wonderful item to own and will give years of pleasure.
The World Trade Center Memorial Square combines the patriotic colors red, white and blue into one design.
Fun and festive, patriotic craft projects combine your civic pride, holiday spirit, and creativity all in one.
While patriotic crafts can be made year-round, there are certain occasions when they are especially timely.
As Martha Stewart says, patriotic crafts can add a "festive touch" to any celebration.
Spruce up a picnic or patriotic party with a few homemade red, white, and blue creations.
Remember, that no matter how it turns out, the colors will keep it patriotic.
Patriotic crafts are also a great way to get kids interested in American history.
Design with stars, stripes, fireworks, or quotes, and you will have a perfectly patriotic craft to express your love of country.
It's not just the patriotic Scotsman who appreciates the ties of heritage and Scottish culture reflected in the works of Runrig over the years.
And of course, patriotic red, white and blue colors are classic for 4th of July party invitations.
Patriotic Rocket from includes a die-cut rocket that wiggles when it is moved.
Paint vegetable cans in patriotic colors and designs, and put bundles of sparklers in each can, which can later be distributed to the kids.
With the addition of bleu cheese, traditional bruschetta becomes a patriotic treat that your family members and guests are sure to enjoy snacking on.
It’s easy to create a fruit pizza using a patriotic color scheme.
With a store-bought angel food cake, you can prepare a delicious patriotic trifle quickly and easily – even if you can’t bake at all.
These are just a few ideas for easy snack dishes to serve at a patriotic gathering.
Patriotic cupcakes are also a fun option; you can even have the party attendees decorate their own!