Patient Sentence Examples
You need to be patient and give him a little space.
He'd have to be patient with her.
They'd been patient, setting up their ultimate victory over the course of tens of thousands of years.
When she is older I will teach her many things if she is patient and obedient.
Dorothy was surprised to find how patient the people were, for her own little heart was beating rapidly with excitement.
But I tried very hard to be patient for teacher's sake.
I think you are very kind and patient, and I love you very dearly.
Finally she met his patient gaze.
I'll try to be more patient.
Hadn't she been patient while he stayed with his mother?
AdvertisementYou're a terrible patient, you know that?
My teacher says, if children learn to be patient and gentle while they are little, that when they grow to be young ladies and gentlemen they will not forget to be kind and loving and brave.
He was patient, still dealing with his own anger issues.
Please ask him/her to treat a patient.
I am a patient person by nature and fully expected to later take them one or two at a time.
AdvertisementIt definitely wasn't because he was the most patient of the three brothers.
I guess he wasn't the ideal patient so the doctors weren't inclined to put up much of a fuss.
The patient becomes collapsed, and the skin is cold and clammy.
Shipton's traveling companion, Penelope Something, hysterically filled in what little she knew to Jake Weller and Emile Corday, both of whom visited the patient at the hospital.
He was calm and patient as always, but she wasn't about to piss off her last friend on the planet.
AdvertisementHe wasn't a patient creature, whatever he was.
As powerful and patient as he was, he wouldn't hesitate to lay waste to anything between them.
No definite advantage from the patient's point of view has been demonstrated by the use of tubes and nasal packing.
We present a patient who developed both these complications after biopsy of nasal polyps which subsequently proved to be an inverted papilloma.
Surgeon John Walmsley, assisted by nurse Abby Hodges perform a tie-back on this patient with laryngeal paralysis.
AdvertisementThe breakfast room had cleared out an hour before, but the patient matriarch kept her coffee cup full and left her alone.
Most of these were simple records of patient and laborious analytical operations, and it is perhaps surprising that among all the substances he analysed he only detected two new elements - beryllium (1798) in beryl and chromium (1797) in a red lead ore from Siberia.
The early stages of a mental disorder were beginning to show in the patient.
His great work, Britannia Romana, or the Roman Antiquities of Britain (London, 1732), one of the scarcest and most valuable of its class, contains the result of patient labour.
If the patient survives the coma, recovery is complete and as a rule rapid, without secondary symptoms.
The same patient investigator gave his New Documents on Andre Chenier to the world in 1875.
At the head of a hundred thousand men he showed, besides the large grasp of strategy which planned the Carolinas march, besides the patient skill in manoeuvre which gained ground day by day towards Atlanta, the strength of will which sent his men to the hopeless assault of Kenesaw to teach them that he was not afraid to fight, and cleared Atlanta of its civil population in the face of a bitter popular outcry.
He took a leading part in the settlement of the dockers' strike in the autumn of 1889, and his patient and effectual action on this and on similar occasions secured for him the esteem and affection of great numbers of working men, so that his death on the 14th of January 1892, and his funeral a week later, were the occasion for a remarkable demonstration of popular veneration.
After a minute the muscles relax, and the patient sinks back exhausted, consciousness being preserved throughout.
The campaign of 1415, with its brilliant conclusion at Agincourt (October 25), was only the first step. Two years of patient preparation followed.
Being composed largely of red clays and laterite, the soil is not generally rich, and calls for the patient cultivation of the Chinese gardener to make it really productive.
As the result of the patient and masterly organization of the "young Turks," combined with the universal discontent with the rule of the sultan and the palace camarilla, the impossible seemed to be achieved, and the heterogeneous elements composing the Ottoman empire to be united in the desire to establish a unified state on the constitutional model of the West.
A violent paroxysm of asthma may be arrested by the administration of morphine subcutaneously, but the practice should not be continued, as there is great danger in a chronic disease that the patient may become the victim of morphinism.
Morphine is a sheet anchor in the later stages of cancer and other painful diseases, rendering the life of the patient one of comparative comfort.
The early stages of morphinism are marked by moral degeneration; the patient seems to lose all sense of right and wrong, and will lie most plausibly and even thieve to obtain the drug; personal disorderliness, disregard of time, neglect of business and decline of family affection become soon evident.
While not directly causing death, morphinism so lowers the bodily powers that the patient is easily carried off by some intercurrent malady.
Her first living patient was a shepherd's dog.
The pulse-rate becomes very rapid, the extremities become warm, so that the patient is obliged to wear few clothes, the temper becomes irritable, the patient nervous, and a fine tremor is observed in the hands.
Every means must be taken to keep the patient awake.
If this is ever accomplished it will need the patient investigation of a number of empirical observations by competent students unbiassed by any parti pris - a difficult set of conditions to obtain; and even then no definite results may be achieved.
He was so sweet - so patient.
Medical staff always keep referring clinicians informed of their patient's progress by sending reports at least every four weeks.
The patient should sit upright and bite against a clean rolled up linen handkerchief for about half an hour.
Prostatic neoplasms; Patient Education; Prostate health A series of patient oriented documents about prostate health.
Sensory Fusion Present each eye with different stimulus If sensory fusion intact - patient will report a combined percept.
The local haemorrhagic extravasation frequently suppurates, or becomes gangrenous, and from this the patient may die even weeks afterwards.
Recovery is sudden, and within a few hours the patient becomes bright and intelligent.
In severe cases the pulse may become imperceptible, the extremities may become cold, and the patient may pass into coma.
The recovering patient suffers from haemorrhagic extravasations in various organs, besides from the lungs, nose, mouth and bowels.
According to Sir Thomas Fraser nothing else can compete with alcohol as a food in desperate febrile cases, and to this use must be added its antipyretic power already explained and its action as a soporific. During its administration in febrile cases the drug must be most carefully watched, as its action may prove deleterious to the nervous system and the circulation in certain classes of patient.
He was a patient organizer of victory rather than a strategic genius.
But as a rule most of those who have adopted this view have done so without the full and patient examination which the matter demands; they have been misled by the difference in tone and style between the earlier and later writings, and have concluded that underlying this was a fundamental difference of philosophic conception.
It was for the most part written laboriously, and polished with unsparing care, line by line, often as he rode from one patient to another, and it occupied the leisure hours of many years.
The same idea pervades old medical treatises; for a drug was not a chemical substance taking effect naturally on the human system, but something into which a supernatural virtue had been magically introduced, in order the more easily and efficaciously to be brought to bear upon the patient.
Cod-liver oil is used externally in medicine when its internal administration is rendered impossible by idiosyncrasy or the state of the patient's digestion.
Its only objection is the odour which the patient exhales.
It is best to begin with only one dose in the twenty-four hours, to be taken just before going to sleep, so that the patient is saved its unpleasant "repetition" from an unaccustomed stomach.
The usual dose, at starting, is one or two drachms, but the oil should be given eventually in the largest quantities that the patient can tolerate.
In disposition the Siamese are mild-mannered, patient, submissive to authority, kindly and hospitable to strangers.
The patient's skin burns, that of a frog is cold to the touch; therefore tie to the foot of the bed a frog, bound with red and black thread, and wash down the sick man so that the water of ablution falls 1 In its technical ecclesiastical sense the ablution is the ritual washing of the chalice and of the priest's fingers after the celebration of Holy Communion in the Catholic Church.
He met his death with patient dignity, having, indeed, disastrously shared the enthusiasms of his age, but taken no share in its crimes.
A whole literature of criticism and apology made its appearance, and the achievement of so many years of patient labour seemed destined to perish in a storm of resentments.
Sickness is often explained as due to the absence of the soul; and means are sometimes taken to lure back the wandering soul; when a Chinese is at the point of death and his soul is supposed to have already left his body, the patient's coat is held up on a long bamboo while a priest endeavours to bring the departed spirit back into the coat by means of incantations.
In many cases, as in syphilis, aneurism, lead poisoning, &c., the life of the patient depends on the free and continued use of the iodide, and this is best to be accomplished by securing an absolutely pure supply of the salt.
To the inventive activity of the discoverer he had already united the patient skill of the observer and the practical sagacity of the experimentalist.
The patient is quite unconscious, the eyes are motionless, the pupils dilated, the skin cold and moist, the limbs relaxed, the pulse is slow and barely perceptible, the respirations very slow and convulsive.
The patient who survives half-an-hour will probably recover, as the volatile acid is rapidly excreted by the lungs.
In addition to the local pain and tenderness, there is a high temperature accompanied with shiverings or occasional rigors, the patient becoming daily more thin and miserable.
The distress is due to spasmodic muscular contraction, and it comes on at intervals, each attack increasing the patient's misery.
When the rice in the cover is sufficiently cooked, the medicine is ready, and is then eaten by the patient, who drinks the ginseng tea at the same time."
The present was a blank, in which religious duty was summed up in patient obedience to the law and penitent submission to the Divine chastisements.
He had, however, some years before, when he was a medical student, noticed the apparent regularity of successive swings of a pendulum, and devised an instrument for measuring, by means of a pendulum, such short periods of time as sufficed for testing the pulse of a patient.
He is best known as the editor of the Archives et correspondence de la maison d'Orange (12 vols., 1835-1845), a great work of patient erudition, which procured for him the title of the "Dutch Gachard."
Fearless and patient navigators, they ventured into regions where no one else dared to go, and, always with an eye to their monopoly, they carefully guarded the secrets of their trade routes and discoveries, and their knowledge of winds and currents.
In pneumonia and other acute disease, where the patient is liable to sudden collapse, a hypodermic injection of strychnine will often save the patient's life.
The patient is then seized with violent convulsions of a tetanic character; the arms are stretched out, respiration impeded, the muscles are rigid, the body is thrown into opisthotonos, i.e.
In cases which recover the convulsions diminish in severity, leaving the patient exhausted.
The treatment of strychnine poisoning is to immediately evacuate the stomach with a stomach-pump or emetic, chloroform being administered to allay the spasms. If the patient can swallow, draughts of water containing tannic acid may be given.
Stockman, a Scottish physician who was sent for, thought it was only weakness, and that rest would restore the patient.
In prescribing this drug it must be remembered that fully three days elapse before it gets into the system, and thus it must always be combined with other remedies to tide the patient over this period.
Step by step, with sagacious and patient accuracy, he advanced to the great discovery which has immortalized his name.
Two years later he first tried the effect of electro-puncture of the muscles on a patient under his care, and from this time on devoted himself more and more to the medical applications of electricity, thereby laying the foundation of the modern science of electro-therapeutics.
While the patient fellah, resigned to the decrees Of the Almighty, saw the ruling Egyptian class hurry away from Cairo, he saw also those of his comrades who were stricken tenderly nursed, soothed in deaths struggles, and in many cases actually washed, laid out and interred by their new self-sacrificing and determined masters.
In the mass they were a body of patient laborers, tilling a rich soil, and hating all foreign lands and ways.
Officials, and the higher ones were nearly all Greeks, were legion, but the whole system was so judiciously worked that there was little discontent amongst the patient peasantry.
It follows from the above that a patient who is definitely under the influence of atropine will display rapid pulse, dilated pupils, a dry skin and a sense of discomfort, due to dryness of the mouth and throat.
A strong sense of duty, genuine piety, and a cautious but by no means pusillanimous common-sense coloured every action of his patient, laborious and eventful life.
The Vita Justiniani of Ludewig or Ludwig (Halle, 1731), a work of patient research, is frequently referred to by Gibbon in his important chapters relating to the reign of Justinian, in the Decline and Fall (see Bury's edition, 1900).
They are generally excellent rulers, stern but patient and just.
In 1908, in some counties, the care of paupers was still let by contract to the lowest bidder or the superintendent was paid between $1.00 and $1.80 - seldom more than $1.50 - a week for each patient, and he paid a small (or no) rent on the county farm.
In medicine the clinical examination of a patient is a test carried out under conditions more nearly approaching those of actual work than any other; and distinction in medical examinations is probably more often followed by distinction in after life than is the case in other examinations.
But more than this, Great Britain had gained a reputation for patient and persevering efforts to promote the spread of civilization in these regions, a prestige which yielded profit during the difficult years of the World War, and was not without its effect in India.
In both the patient was withdrawn from the multitude and the cure was wrought with the accompaniment of symbolic actions.
He was assisted in its preparation by William Borel, Dutch envoy at the court of France, and the latter declares, as the result of patient investigation, that.
It was only by slow steps that the royal authority was asserted, but the young king, who was of gigantic stature and immense strength, was also astute and patient.
At this stage collapse may set in, the patient become faint, the limbs twitch, the radical pulse become imperceptible, and unconsciousness supervene.
For the successf ul treatment of morphinism, complete isolation of the patient is necessary in a place where he is supervised so that he can obtain no morphine.
Gay-Lussac was patient, persevering, accurate to punctiliousness, perhaps a little cold and reserved, and not unaware of his great ability.
This resolution or analysis into simple, because clear and distinct, elements may be brought to a standstill again and again by obscurity and indistinctness, but patient and repeated revision of all that is included in the problem should bring the analytic process to fruition.
As the result of his steadiness of aim and patient sagacity, at the end of his reign the Crown was victorious over the feudal nobility and the royal domain extended to the frontiers along with royal authority.
President McKinley showed himself singularly patient and self-controlled in the midst of the popular excitement against Spain and the clamour for intervention by the United States in behalf of the Cubans; but finally, on the 23rd of March, he presented an ultimatum to the Spanish government, and on the 25th of April, on his recommendation, Congress declared war upon Spain.
After the world had been assured that the patient was doing well and would recover, he collapsed and died on the 14th.
Its patient watchfulness, the fascination it exerted over its victims, the easy domestication of some species, and the deadliness of others have always impressed primitive minds.
Even in Upper Egypt a few decades ago, there was a tomb of the Mahommedan sheikh Heridi, who - it is alleged - was transformed into a serpent; in cases of sickness a spotless virgin entered the cave and the serpentoccupant might permit itself to be taken in procession to the patient.
Nothing is known of its natural history outside the body, but on cultivation it is apt to undergo numerous involution forms. Its presence in a patient is regarded as positive diagnostic proof of plague; but failure to find or to identify it does not possess an equal negative value, and should not be too readily accepted, for many instances are recorded in which expert observers have only succeeded in demonstrating its presence after repeated attempts.
A characteristic symptom in severe cases is that the patient appears dazed and stupid, is thick in speech, and staggers.
The patient may die comatose within twenty-four hours, but more commonly death occurs on the second or third day.
The ambulatory plague patient goes far to explain the spread of the disease without leaving any track.
Yet in at least one case neither the patient nor the " contacts " were removed, but were all shut up in one room with a sentry at the door and another in the street.
Taken internally in any but minute doses, the drug causes the most severe gastro-intestinal irritation, the vomited and evacuated matters containing blood, and the patient suffering agonizing pain and extreme depression.
It must always be employed with caution in the case of elderly persons and children; and it must not be applied to a paralysed limb (in which the power of healing is deficient), nor to parts upon which the patient lies, as otherwise a bed-sore is likely to follow its use.
The toxic symptoms have already been detailed, the patient usually dying from arrest of the renal functions.
Colebrooke, began to make known the treasures of Sanskrit literature, which the great scholars of Germany and France proceeded to develop. In Egypt the discovery of the Rosetta stone placed the key to the hieroglyphics within Western reach; and the decipherment of the cuneiform character enabled the patient scholars of Europe to recover the clues to the contents of the ancient libraries of Babylonia and Assyria.
He was a man of great learning, of a sound judgment, an able preacher, having great knowledge in divinity, law, physic, &c.; a bold and patient sufferer for the Lord Jesus and the gospel he preached."
The more modern of the two was built by two brothers, rich merchants, between the years 1197 and 1247, and for delicacy of carving and minute beauty of detail stands almost unrivalled, even in this land of patient and lavish labour.
She regularly took her place in the operation-room, to hearten the sufferers by her presence and sympathy, and at night she would make her solitary round of the wards, lamp in hand, stopping here and there to speak a kindly word to some patient.
She was on the point of being absorbed in that Northern System, the invention of the Russian minister of foreign affairs, Nikita Panin, which that patient statesman had made it the ambition of his life to realize.
An army of clerks in the numerous bureaus, hundreds of patient government employes, the ronds de cuir, as they are contemptuously called, because they sit for choice on round leather cushions, are engaged constantly writing and filling in forms for hours and hours, day after day.
On the other hand, when it becomes atrophied the circulation becomes feeble, the face heavy and dull, the patient suffers from cold, the features glow lumpish, mental processes become sluggish, and bodily vigour diminishes.
Thus too great a rise of temperature in fever may kill the patient; and the aim of therapeutics is to restrain the temperature within proper limits, neither allowing it to rise too high nor to fall too low.
Every one has noticed after prolonged fever how thin and weak the patient is, and both the muscular and nervous power throughout the whole body are sadly in want of repair.
The reason of this appears to he that the diplococcus is frequently present in the mouth or air-passages without giving rise to any symptoms; but when the patient is exposed to chill, and the tissues of the respiratory passages are thereby weakened, the diplococcus grows, multiplies and gives rise to inflammation of the lungs.
Sometimes the patient is put to bed and the circulation is encouraged, especially on the surface of the body, by the use of hot spirits and water, or opium and ipecacuanha, while the outside of the nose is protected to a certain extent from loss of heat, and consequent irritation, by smearing it with a tallow candle or rubbing some ointment over the skin.
In the same way, the reflex act of coughing is useful in removing either foreign bodies or excessive secretion from the air passages; but when the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract is irritated and inflamed, it produces a feeling of tickling and a desire to cough sometimes very violently; yet the coughing simply tends to exhaust the patient, because there is really little or nothing to bring up. The same is the case in inflammation of the lung substance itself.
As an example of excessive action we may take sneezing, which is calculated to remove irritants from the nose, but when too powerful may cause the patient to burst a blood-vessel.
In phthisis also, although there may be some expectoration to bring up, yet a good deal of the irritation is in the lung substance, and the efforts of coughing are far greater and more continuous than are required for the removal of expectoration, and they simply exhaust the patient.
In inflammation of the stomach also such continuous vomiting occasionally occurs that the patient's life is in danger by his inability to retain food; and similar danger also occurs from inflammation of the intestines and consequent diarrhoea.
When this is painted upon the part the corn usually peels off in a day or two, and the patient is cured.
There are therefore in most prescriptions (i) a basis or chief ingredient intended to cure (curare), (2) an adjuvant to assist its action and make it cure quickly (cito), (3) a corrective to prevent or lessen any undesirable effect (tuto), and (4) a vehicle or excipient to make it suitable for administration and pleasant to the patient (jucunde).
In the stomach we aid the vomiting by which microbes or the products of decomposition of food are usually eliminated by giving to the patient repeated draughts of hot water so as to wash the stomach clean.
When a patient is covered with several blankets, loss of heat from the surface both by radiation and evaporation is to a great extent prevented, but if a cradle be placed over him, so as to raise the bedclothes and allow of free circulation of air around his body, both radiation and evaporation will be increased and the temperature consequently lowered.
When the patient is very restless, so that cradling is impossible, a wet pack may be employed, a sheet wrung out of cold water being wrapped round him, and over this a blanket.
The bath should be brought to the bedside and the patient, wrapped in a sheet, should be lifted into it by two attendants.
After this the patient should be taken out and again put into bed.
It is inadvisable to lower the temperature quite to the normal while the patient is in the bath, as frequently it falls after his removal, and may fall so far as to induce collapse.
In cases where no bath is available a large mackintosh sheet may be spread upon the bed under the patient, the sides and top may be raised by pillows, and cold water may be applied to the surface of the body with large sponges.
By the alternate use of the two sheets, or by the use of one quickly wrung out of cold water as soon as it becomes warm, the patient's temperature may be rapidly reduced.
In this disease the face is heavy, puffy and expressionless, the lips thick, the speech slow, the hands shapeless and spade-like, the patient apathetic, the circulation slow and the extremities cold.
Under the influence of thyroid gland these symptoms all disappear, and the patient is frequently restored to a normal condition.
One is to put the patient on an almost complete vegetarian diet, so as to limit both the amount of uric acid introduced into the body as well as its formation in the body.
Rest in bed should be insisted upon for a longer time than appears actually required, because acute rheumatism tends to bring on cardiac changes, and is more likely to do this when the heart is excited than when the patient is kept at rest.
Elimination of waste-products is one of the most important points in regard to health, and when this is interfered with by disease of the kidneys, the life of the patient is rendered more or less uncertain and the health frequently seriously impaired.
The daily use of potash, and especially nitrate of potash, tends to reduce the tension and increase the patient's safety, but if pushed too far may sometimes render him very weak and depressed.
Where it is impossible for the patient to visit Carlsbad, half a teaspoonful or a teaspoonful of salt may be taken in a large tumbler of hot water on rising every morning; but when taken at home the treatment is not so effective as at Carlsbad, because at the wells sipping water is associated with early rising, considerable exercise and a very carefully regulated diet.
In very bad cases of heart disease, where the patient is unable to go about, the best plan of treatment usually is to make him stay absolutely quiet in bed and have massage, which aids the circulation, tends to remove waste, and increases the appetite.
But warm, moist climates rather favour sedentary habits and tend to lessen appetite, so that the nutrition of the patient is apt to suffer; and although phthisical patients may live in comparative comfort in such climates, their tendency to recovery in them is small.
The essence of this cure is to give to the patient rest, bodily and mental, by confinement to bed and isolation from the outside world.
While this treament by itself would aid recovery from nervous exhaustion, it would lessen appetite and thus interfere with nervous repair; but the want of exertion is supplied by means of massage, which stimulates the circulation and increases the appetite, so that the patient gets all the benefit of exercise without any exhaustion.
In order that the voyage should be satisfactory, however, it must be sufficiently long, and the weather must be sufficiently warm to allow the patient to stay in the open air the whole day long.
An attack of this kind may last for a few hours or for a whole day, and after it is over the patient feels comparatively well.
In severe cases all movement of the limb aggravates the pain, and the patient is obliged to remain in bed.
She was on the point of being absorbed in that northern system, the invention of the Russian vice-chancellor, Count Nikita Panin, which that patient statesman had made it the ambition of his life to realize.
Stimulants may be given subcutaneously, and the patient should be placed in bed between warm blankets with hot-water bottles.
The consequence of this indifference to original research and patient verification might have been less serious had the written tradition on which Livy preferred to rely been more trustworthy.
The patient who has swallowed a toxic or lethal dose of laudanum, for instance, usually passes at once into the narcotic state, without any prior excitement.
The comatose patient has a cold and clammy skin, livid lips and ear-tips - a grave sign - and " pin-point pupils."
The centre is directly poisoned by the circulation through it of opium-containing blood, and the patient's breathing becomes progressively slower, shallower and more irregular until finally it ceases altogether.
The duty of notification is imposed upon the head of the family, and also upon the medical practitioner who may be in attendance on the patient.
It encourages the believer to patient endurance to the end without murmuring or imprecations (7-12).
Quinine has some analgesic power, and is a safe and often efficient drug in the treatment of neuralgia, even when the patient has not had malaria.
The patient is deaf, but complains of ringing in the ears, which may assume various forms, especially in musical people.
In after ages the oppressed people saw in his love for Israel and his patient resignation their own realized ideal.
The ghost has now been brought back to much of true life again by the skill of the most scrupulous of all restorers, Cavaliere Cavenaghi, who, acting under the authority of a competent commission, and after long and patient experiment, found it possible to secure to the wall the innumerable blistered, mildewed and half-detached flakes and scales of the original work that yet remained, to clear the surface thus obtained of much of the obliterating accretions due to decay and mishandling, and to bring the whole to unity by touching tenderly in with tempera the spots and spaces actually left bare.
Slight as the story is, it is worked out into one of the most affecting poems in the language, and gives to literature one of its most perfect types of womanhood and of "affection that hopes and endures and is patient."
The last of his important political acts, the signing of the treaty of Paris in 1856, undid the results of his patient efforts to establish Russian preponderance in the Balkan peninsula.
They are of a sturdy, patient type, like their Indian ancestors, and are sufficiently industrious to carry on many of the small industries and occupations, and to meet the labour requirements of the inhabited plateau districts.
Should the patient survive the first twenty-four hours death generally results later from stricture of the oesophagus or intestine, from destruction of the glands of the stomach or from exhaustion.
Should the patient survive he will probably have to be fed by rectal enemata.
With weakness of the voluntary muscles went intermittent spasms which weakened the patient and ultimately led to death by implication of the respiratory muscles.
At the end of this patient search among our ideas, he supposes the reader apt to complain that he has been " all this while only building a castle in the air," and to ask what the purpose of all this stir is, if we are not thereby carried beyond mere ideas.
His power of patient endurance, or perhaps his slowness, earned him the title of "the Ass"; but such was the esteem awakened by his high moral qualities that, on the death of Zeno in 263, he became the leader of the school.
Further, the serum of a patient affected with one of the types has a marked agglutinative power on the variety with which he is infected and not on the other.
The discharges from the bowels succeed each other with great frequency, and the painful feeling of pressure downwards (tenesmus) becomes so intense that the patient is constantly desiring to defecate.
Along with this the nervous depression is very marked, and the state of prostration to which the patient is reduced can scarcely be exceeded.
His own materials for these lectures and his students' notes and reports of them are the only form in which the larger proportion of his works exist - a circumstance which has greatly increased the difficulty of getting a clear and harmonious view of fundamental portions of his philosophical and ethical system, while it has effectually deterred all but the most courageous and patient students from reading these posthumous collections.
A great council of churchmen and nobles, held to settle the matter, advised Anselm to submit to the king, but failed to overcome his mild and patient firmness.
At .Waterloo he was in command of the Household Cavalry Brigade, which distinguished itself not less by its stern and patient endurance of the enemy's fire than by its celebrated charge on the cuirassiers of Milhaud's corps.
None of these known effects of arsenic is sufficient to account for the profound change that a course of the drug will often produce in the condition of a patient.
It is thus vaguely called an alterative, since the patient recovers under its use.
But many accidents have resulted from the arsenic being absorbed, and the patient thereby poisoned.
The patient suffers from intense thirst, which cannot be relieved, as drinking is immediately followed by rejection of the swallowed fluid.
The precipitate is strained off, and the patient can swallow it suspended in water.
He filled his treasury with spoils harshly wrung from all classes; thus inaugurating the monarchys long and patient labors at enlarging the crown lands bit by bit through taxes on private property.
But, in spite of these redeeming features, the prevailing baldness of Polybius's style excludes him from the first rank among classical writers; and it is impossible to quarrel with the verdict pronounced by Dionysius of Halicarnassus, who places him among those authors of later times who neglected the graces of style, and who paid for their neglect by leaving behind them works "which no one was patient enough to read through to the end."
His good-conduct notes for this period describe him as "docile, patient, diligent, painstaking, thorough."
Patient as I am, I've remained hidden here for an hour or more, having silently peddled on my new bicycle.
Having played the patient sounding board to the Council members for thousands of years, Andre was adept at discretion.
Speaking of preying on those weaker than you, I have an interest in your … patient.
Jetr and Ne'Rin were both patient and hopeful, and A'Ran steeled himself to tell them what he must.
In the interest of patient safety, please refrain from using mobile phones within the hospital.
The nurses held the torches over the patient's abdomen in shifts to prevent their arms becoming stiff.
Clinical Findings - Loss of active shoulder abduction, the patient compensating by upwards shrugging of the shoulder.
A diabetic patient with an open wound in his neck as a result of a surgically drained tooth abscess.
Effective leadership among ward managers leads to fewer drug errors, higher patient satisfaction and lower staff absenteeism and turnover.
If the patient does not tolerate an ACE inhibitor (usually due to cough ), an ARB should be substituted.
The biggest risk with Metformin is lactic acidosis, which has been reported to occur once per 30,000 patient years of use.
We report a case of Brunner's gland adenoma in which the patient presented with major gastrointestinal bleeding.
Each patient has a history of acute exacerbations that often lead to hospital admittance.
If the patient failed to recover, relapsed, or developed agranulocytosis, their treatment was changed to conventional antipsychotics.
When measuring blood albumin it is important to monitor the hydration status of the patient as this will affect interpretation.
To avoid alienation of patient groups, NICE needs to demonstrate that patients ' views have had more than a marginal impact.
During allergen deposition the patient should hold their breath to avoid inhaling allergen into lower airways.
The process may enable doctors to give amputees fully functioning bionic limbs which are linked to the patient's nervous system within five years.
She recorded the reluctance of the SHO to see the patient but he eventually did turn up and prescribed the analgesia as already noted.
This is done by teaching the patient how to produce analgesia in their hand.
In women with patient controlled epidural analgesia only 69% did not need a top up.
He advised that opioid analgesics should be avoided in a patient with impaired liver function.
The patient suffering from mental or emotional anguish will be offered a story ' cure ' .
Each patient's particular circumstances must be considered and the need to inform has to be balanced against possible creation of unnecessary anxiety.
We report a patient, FM, with progressive fluent aphasia due to selective atrophy of left temporal cortex.
One of my graduate students, a nurse, was examining a patient who had come in for a routine appendectomy.
Readings were corrected for energy, temperature and stand-off of the electron applicator from the patient surface.
Will giving electric shocks to a patient who is not in cardiac arrest be more harmful than just waiting for the professionals to arrive?
Metastatic peritoneal adenocarcinoma is the most likely diagnosis in a patient with malignant ascites.
The recumbent patient may undergo assessment of leg lengths.
Since the patient was completely asymptomatic and stable, the decision was made to attempt conservative management.
The nursing auxiliary had suggested that he had injured a patient at the Nursing Home, which he denied.
However, there remains the debate on short-stretch bandage use in the immobile patient.
Diagnosis is usually made with barium X-rays (taken after the patient swallows barium liquid to show up the inside of the intestine ).
Striving to put the incident behind her, she gets to work on the patient, teenage beauty queen Katie Bryce.
Others say that this represents the greatest advance in patient care since the invention of the disposable bedpan.
For example, in one case a wheelchair arrived too late, by which stage the patient was completely bedridden.
Deliver TV to patient bedsides to improve the health care environment.
Here, nursing staff and clinicians work together where it matters at the patients bedside, to direct and manage patient care.
Benefits advice at the patient's bedside Job Center Plus now provide a new service at the Royal Free.
One such patient arrived in a very belligerent mood, the appointment having been made by his wife.
The patient was concious but had received serious injuries to his lower limbs including bi lateral fractured femurs.
The patient's serum biochemistry normalized after removal of the adenoma.
The machine rotates quickly around the head of the patient, taking X-ray images whilst a dye is put into the patient's bloodstream.
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Remain with the patient and assess the response to repeated fluid boluses.
Thirty seconds after the injection of suxamethonium, the patient developed a bradycardia and suffered cardiac arrest.
The patient should be instructed to seek medical advice if short-acting relief bronchodilator treatment becomes less effective or they need more inhalations than usual.
National targets state that if a patient has a heart attack they must receive clot busters within a specified time after arriving at hospital.
Chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis is a condition in which the patient suffers severe persistent candida infections.
In cases of doubt, healthcare professionals should make every effort to decide whether the patient lacks capacity.
Previous studies report associations that may be due to the older age of the gallbladder carcinoma patient.
Use the Referral button to generate a request for specialist cardiology advice at an out patient clinic.
Increased urine catecholamine levels were observed only in the patient with neuroblastoma.
Case 61 Traumatic urethral rupture Findings The patient has a suprapubic catheter in situ.
There has been little success in any area except when using the patient's own adult stem cells to mend damaged organs and tissues.
Payment options under discussion include a fee per patient or a fixed fee per year for the service, said Ms chapman.
Treatment guidelines Activated charcoal (50g) by mouth or nasogastric tube is indicated if the patient presents within 3-4 hours of ingestion.
For a vascular assessment it is necessary to establish whether the patient has intermittent claudication.
Online access to patient records and support on best clinical practice, for all NHS clinicians.
The patient is recommended to have coitus on the day of, and on the day following, hCG administration.
This may include a colloid to rapidly expand the circulating volume but what the patient really needs is crystalloids with a high sodium content.
A loop colostomy in the sigmoid area would usually produce a formed stool allowing the patient to use a closed pouch.
The extra-wide commode is available in two designs, one with fixed arms and one featuring easily removable arms for improved patient access.
This is dependent on the reason for input, the complexity of the care required, any complicating factors and patient concordance.
The decision is more difficult when the hip appears congruent even with the patient out of traction.
Flatten the lumbar curvature by raising the patient's knees.
The outcome was analyzed for correlation with patient characteristics, the disease including cytogenetics, and the graft itself.
There remains a dearth of evidence evaluating effects on patient outcomes.
Other patient groups with cognitive deficits may have similar outcomes.
Dermagraft enables the damaged or destroyed dermis of a patient with a full thickness ulcer to be replaced.
Recurrence of symptoms occurred in only 1 patient at 3 months, due to only a partial vitreous detachment being obtained.
Section 221 provides for the temporary suspension of the measure in an assessment order which authorizes detention of the patient in hospital.
The longer a patient took an alcohol deterrent, the researchers found, the more likely he or she was to stay sober.
I saw ' Fight Club ' at the local fleapit with a girl patient with hearing impairment.
An even simpler test is to place a forefinger on the patient's hand and to ask him to imagine it is burning hot.
If this is indicated, the doctor may choose gently to examine the genitalia, but he will tell the patient first.
If a patient has had problems with recurrent facial herpes simplex, can a RESTYLANE treatment contribute to another herpes simplex eruption?
Patient prognosis and survival was best predicted by tumor histology.
A simple example is how much space is required to transfer a patient on to a chair using a mobile hoist.
Made to measure elastic hosiery - garments made to patient's measurements.
Treatment Keep the patient well hydrated, ie give plenty to drink.
What are the options for treatment of a patient with familial hypercholesterolemia?
One of the most effective ways the therapist can help in alleviating the symptom is to teach the patient self hypnosis for stress reduction.
The patient was lightly hypnotized and told that he could learn to control the blood vessels in his face.
Occasionally, too many cells are damaged so the patient often becomes hypothyroid a year or two later.
There was a distinct trend for women patient over the age of 50 years to have increased risk of developing hypothyroidism.
This patient was discharged well after a proximal loop ileostomy and repair of the terminal ileum.
This allows the simultaneous analysis of every chromosome for submicroscopic chromosome imbalances using only a single slide per patient.
This can be achieved by typing the patient for the relevant antigen and/or performing a direct granulocyte immunofluorescence test.
Patient enthusiasm for transplantation must be tempered by discussion of the risks associated with surgery, chronic immunosuppression and the rejection process.
Clinical Governance is a framework which helps staff to continuously improve and safeguard standards of patient care.
In the patient group, urinary excretion of 5-HIAA and serotonin was compared with concentrations of plasma indoles.
Place a tape recorder approximately where a patient would sit and run through a hypnotic induction and suggestions.
One patient, for instance, complained of severe insomnia.
Rejoicing in hope; patient in tribulation; continuing instant in prayer; 12.
Patient Education A person who has adrenal insufficiency should always carry identification stating his or her condition in case of an emergency.
Had implemented tanf sb authorizes insurers were imputed for patient comes in.
Approximately 23% of patient in ICU receive intravenous (parenteral) feeding.
If required the patient should be given intravenous N-acetylcysteine, in line with the established dosage schedule.
If aspiration occurs at induction then intubate the patient and clear the airways with suction.
Neither patient received any adjuvant chemotherapy nor postoperative irradiation.
By transplanting a new pancreas into a diabetic patient we also transplant the islets.
A patient must also be fit enough to undergo an ERCP for a stent to be used to relieve jaundice.
If the Patient problem keystone is discarded, the Patient history keystone is discarded as well.
A gray tabby kitten with an injured foot from a road traffic accident was the first patient in the cat ward.
Pain occurs if bending the knee is resisted, or if the patient attempts to stretch the muscle.
However this was a fairly specific patient group, which may not reflect all postop laparotomy patients.
Treatment guidelines consider gastric lavage if the patient presents early.
The only poor result was in a patient with generalized joint laxity.
A favorite ' cure ' was to bleed the patient using leeches.
The patient was taken to the emergency room, where doctors identified the problem as a bloodsucking leech.
But many have lengthy waits to see a doctor and surgeries often employ staff unaware of the specific needs of an HIV positive patient.
This covers both physician assisted suicide and the situation of giving a lethal injection to an incompetent patient.
The patient displayed moderate leukocytosis, anemia and thrombocytopenia.
Another patient is a builder who tore the ligaments in his knee.
In order to deliver the radiation to the patient we use devices called medical linear accelerators, or " linacs " .
We present a patient with a large colonic lipoma causing abdominal pain and altered bowel habit.
Of the latter, 2 patients underwent ipsilateral nephrectomy, and 1 patient had right hepatic lobectomy plus nephrectomy.
Izzie, meanwhile, is having trouble with her patient, who needs a biopsy on a potentially cancerous testicular lump.
The six benign lesions included three false-positive mediastinal lymph nodes in one patient.
In a 53 year old patient FDG-PET was performed after chemotherapy of an abdominal Non-Hodgkin lymphoma for evaluation of persistent tumor vitality.
Control tube 8 is designed to verify that the patient's serum will not lyse the horse red blood cells.
Insensitive nursing marred a patient's last hours of life As a second-year nursing student on clinical placement, I witnessed a disturbing incident.
An example may be the assessment for a pressure relieving mattress for a patient who sleeps with a partner in a double bed.
One patient who died of metastases had epithelioid cell type melanoma.
This is the mellowing process and it seems the more patient you are the mellowing process and it seems the more patient you are the mellower the cheese.
However, only very close household contacts of the patient are at an increased risk of contracting meningitis.
After treatment with both radiation to the head and neck and intrathecal methotrexate the patient achieved complete symptom resolution.
How do you choose which patient for which therapeutic modality?
Position the 15- or 19-inch monitors anywhere around the patient -- either separately or together -- providing total freedom for surgeons.
Together with patient history and potential underlying co morbidity factors this may lead to a provisional diagnosis of PG.
As with modified release morphine this is not suitable for use if the patient has unstable pain.
These were entwined about the affected part and an incantation muttered over the patient three times.
This patient had been treated for five months for a stage I IgG lambda multiple myeloma.
Vouchers of the same value were given each time the patient took naltrexone.
We are a patient led national Charity focussing specifically on Rheumatoid Arthritis.
Make sure the catheter tubing is slack and is not dragging on the patient's bladder neck.
Another major concern with autonomic neuropathy is the lack of perception of cardiac pain by the patient.
He is still undergoing various operations and treatments at GOSH and has numerous out patient appointment there.
The aim of the unit is to generate, disseminate and apply knowledge in order to improve practice and patient outcomes with rheumatology nursing.
The patient may need to continue using artificial tears following occlusion.
The decision to offer injectable opiates must take all factors into account for each patient.
This delivers opioid to the same opioid receptors as an intermittent injection, but allows the patient to circumvent delays.
Patient information is available at accredited optometrists for patients suitable for the scheme.
The LOC may be approached to get involved in a group reviewing patient data flows which involve optometrists.
In case 1, for a period of 4 years following high orchiectomy, the patient has been doing well.
This patient was diagnosed as having chronic recurrent multifocal osteomyelitis (CRMO ).
There are no contra-indications to treatment, administered by a properly trained osteopath, with regard to the age of the patient.