Patch Sentence Examples
Giddon swung his arm out and pointed to a patch of flowers.
The square patch of light woke her.
She motioned to the small patch of grass.
We did a patch job—it wasn't all that serious.
Rob was silent, a large white patch across his nose.
So what was the patch kit doing in the trunk of his company car?
I sometimes try my acquaintances by such tests as this--Who could wear a patch, or two extra seams only, over the knee?
The chief occupation of the people is agriculture, and every available patch of land has been brought under the plough.
It was not all black but had a white patch around one eye.
A patch of blue cement suggested a swimming pool might also inhabit the estate.
AdvertisementIt's a Dramamine patch.
The fur of the dormouse is tawny above and paler beneath, with a white patch on the throat.
He spots a patch of scales on her shoulder and she explains everything to him, including flashbacks to the prolog.
Pregnant women are advised to not use the Nicoderm patch.
A popular brand of patch is Nicoderm CQ.
AdvertisementYou don't have to go it alone; there are some great medical treatments that can help like the Nicoderm CQ Patch.
This machine washable style features a button collar, a patch pocket on the chest of the shirt and a round sleeve finish.
His deep chestnut head and throat are diversified on either side by a line of buff, which, springing from the gape, runs upward to the eye, in front of which it forms a fork, one prong passing backward above and the other below, enclosing a dark glossy-green patch, and both losing themselves in the elongated feathers of the hind-head and nape.
Fortunately the pope interfered for a moment to lighten the friction; being threatened with a new invasion by the emperor Frederick, he suspended the sentences and sent legates to patch up a peace.
The minor accuracies, the limitation of range, the treading and re-treading of the same small patch of ground, the concentration of interest in success before a board of examiners, were all uncongenial to a nature of exuberant intellectual curiosity and of strenuous and self-reliant originality.
AdvertisementIf it be positive, a widely extending patch is seen on the plate, consisting of a dense nucleus, from which branches radiate in all directions; if negative the patch is much smaller and has a sharp circular boundary entirely devoid of branches.
In Germany, during the 15th century, a brilliant attempt was made to patch up the flaws in Ptolemaic doctrine.
It is nearly allied to the grivet, but distinguished (as indicated by its name) by the presence of a rusty patch at the root of the tail, and by the black (instead of grey) chin, hands and feet.
The hind end of embryos B, C, D is uppermost in the figures, the primitive streak is the white patch behind the blastopore.
Examples from the south of Spain differ slightly from those inhabiting the rest of Europe, and in some points more resemble the P. mauritanica of north-western Africa; but that species has a patch of bare skin of a fine blue colour behind the eye, and much shorter wings.
AdvertisementA cathode discharge is projected through two small holes in plates in the narrow part of the tube on a fluorescent screen at the end of the enlarged end, and the cathode ray or pencil depicts on it a small bright greenish patch of light.
If this patch is also given a displacement in the direction of right angles by examining it in a steadily vibrating mirror, we see a wavy or oscillatory line of light which is an optical representation of the wave form of a current in the coils embracing the Braun tube.
I picked it up in a garage sale, for two dollars—with a bike tire patch kit tossed in.
We did a patch job—it wasn't all that serious.
He barreled toward the forest, and she turned in time to see the black jaguar with the white eye patch seated at the edge of the park, tail flicking and intense green eyes on the approaching child.
If someone suffers a corneal abrasion through an accident, does padding the eye with an eye patch help it heal?
Jasminum Absolute produced positive patch test reactions in some patients who were contact sensitive to cinnamic aldehyde.
Occlusion of the normal eye with an adhesive patch is the mainstay of treatment in all forms of unilateral amblyopia.
Another system uses a sacrificial anode tied to the rebar on either side of the patch repair.
They discovered a large aneurysm of the proximal descending aorta at the site of the Dacron Patch Graft repair done 14 years earlier.
This commonly occurs over a patch of fatty material called atheroma.
Colin would also like to hear from volunteers interested in helping survey stag beetle activity in their own patch.
P Patch test A skin test that can show which substances are causing contact dermatitis or eczema.
The full details are provided with the patch and are easy to follow if a little convoluted.
The vines in the patch in front of the row were glowing crimson, purple and gold.
Dan Patch was born with legs so crooked that he had to be assisted by a trainer to stand or nurse.
Dr. Hanley had closed Fahad's ventricular septal defect with a patch of the pericardium.
We are also studying the ion channels that regulate calcium movements across the cell membrane using patch clamp electrophysiology.
You should be able to make out a misty patch which appears slightly elongate.
In an elective operation, for example carotid endarterectomy, a prosthetic patch will serve just as well.
A patch test with a leaf provoked diffuse erythema and edema.
The garden is lawned, except for a very small patch approximately 1 meter circular which we have put a few evergreens into.
Positive patch test reactions to the latex and to an aqueous extract of the leaves and latex were observed.
Recruiting posted by fez / / 18 Apr 2006 We are currently recruiting one or two members due to a recent patch of inactivity.
Siemens (1929) reported dermatitis from the foliage of silver fir; patch tests were not recorded.
A florist developed contact dermatitis from the foliage of balsam fir; a patch test produced a positive reaction (Kappes 1948 ).
This second flat patch is the site of what remains of the Yolanda, a wrecked freighter.
Goldeneye (Bucephala clangula) The mature male goldeneye (Bucephala clangula) The mature male goldeneye has an iridescent green head with a prominent white patch between bill and eye.
Finally, she had a skin graft from her left leg to patch skin on near her left elbow.
The path bears left at the end of a patch of woodland then makes a hairpin bend to cross a stream.
Yellowhammers & Reed Buntings - Barley Lane A patch of winter heliotrope is in flower along barley lane.
The Ocean Shirt has a shirt collar, elbow length sleeves, patch hip pockets and a straight hem with side vents.
On her front right hoof she has a small white patch of hair.
His " little patch of England " sounds idyllic.
Empire suggests a scene in Patch Adams where terminally ill children turn up at court to save the day for Williams ' comedy doctor.
J Fit the new inner tube Don't try to patch the old one, yet.
He may well be right as this murderous patch of the jungle covered pinnacle karst could conceal anything.
We tried bark chippings last year, and an area of ` chamomile lawn ' (more chamomile ` patch ' ).
American legislators have always had a tendency to take a simplistic sledgehammer to a patch of complex social oil.
We also came across a patch of reed mace going to seed.
Every year, I bought a trailer load of rotted cow manure which I used mainly for the potato patch.
We then went into the veg patch to weed and hoe and she did some Singapore maths 1A - subtracting across 10.
Charlotte Patch and Billy Richardson were crowned as the May Day queen and prince while energetic revelers danced around the decorated maypole.
We will use moray only to create the patch itself, not the other elements of the scene.
Garden nettle patch survey Have you got your own nettle patch survey Have you got your own nettle patch?
The patch contains nicotine, which is slowly released into the body through the skin.
P The plastic or paper backing on the new patch is easier to pull off from the middle outwards.
Further down the road we tried a patch of rice paddy where a group of water buffalo were grazing.
In order for the game to run properly you must install the latest patch.
The sucker is fixed to a bald patch on top of the skull.
Should Micorsoft release a patch for critical public 0-day before patch Tuesday?
The greatest fusarium patch infection occurs from early fall to early winter when the potassium level of tissue is approaching its lowest level.
It has a diameter of some 40 miles with over 700 shallow patch reefs in its interior.
I sent the pix of the 75th Patch ever made (Swede) that I recently acquired.
Full tire pressure under a new patch is a good way to make it peel off again.
He was looking so puffy in front-page pictures we remembered the attraction of Cabbage Patch dolls.
You may notice a slight redness or itching of the skin where the patch has been.
Our campsite is on a pleasant grassy patch, on the now much higher bank of the rocky riverbed.
Cut open the sachet along the dotted line, taking care not to damage the patch inside.
Stalker currently has a rather pink patch on his balding scalp, which is nice.
On a trip to Torquay the dog wanted to chase sea gulls - fine until he tried running on a patch of floating seaweed.
You might simply cover your floor drains with a concrete patch, or install an oil/water separator.
Others on the ground show off their blue face patch and an iridescent violet sheen on their neck.
We got as far as a patch of snow and were pleased to see a pair of masked shrikes.
Activision have just released this rather sizable patch for Elite Force II, which contains a long list of fixes.
Unless Rough Patch makes a last minute spurt, that is.
The growing patch of phytoplankton also produced significant quantities of dimethyl sulfide, a gas known to be important in cloud formation.
I'm busy with a new patch of my Poly 61, a good analog synthesizer.
Patch It has been tested by means of infra red thermography.
Got a good sized patch dug over at the cost of a few sciatic twinges.
A small patch of corn should be left uncut in the field for the birds to eat in winter.
Our 19 inch patch panels are used somewhere in most fly-away kit or satellite uplink vehicles across the UK.
They did not try to patch up an old suit with new cloth or pour new wine into old wineskins.
The spot or patch is an area of injury; on (or in) it the cell-contents are suffering destruction from shading, blocking of stomata, loss of substance or direct mechanical injury, and the plant suffers in proportion to the area of leaf surface put out of action.
It is a quaint old town, approached by a fine avenue of trees, and standing in the midst of a patch of fertile ground.
The planters in the Black Patch had met a combination of the buyers by forming a pool, the Planters' Protective Association, into which 40,000 growers were forced by " night-riding " and other forms of coercion and persuasion, and had thus secured an advance to I I cents a pound from the "regie " buyers and had shown the efficacy of pooling methods in securing better prices for the tobacco crop. Following their example, the planters of the Burley formed the Burley Tobacco Society, a Burley pool, with headquarters at Winchester and associated with the American Society of Equity, which promoted in general the pooling of different crops throughout the country.
After surgery, Shiburu recuperated in the recovery room, with a clear eye patch in place.
Its unlimited roll-forward and rollback capabilities provide flexible options to return systems to a known good state if a patch causes system malfunctions.
Juveniles are similar to the rufous female, but with a white patch on the nape.
The most common variety has a white spotted chestnut coat, with a white rump patch and a fairly long tail.
The symptoms are bald, scaly patches with broken hairs on the patch.
It was little more than a shadow, and it scuttled down the darkened hall fast, like a little patch of night.
Too shady for a vegetable patch but we may give it a go.
You will also get a very boggy patch in the lawn, where the water from the base slops over the side.
Waveney Close at Wells - patch existing footway surface, replace damaged kerbs and slurry seal.
The patch looks like a sticking plaster and is usually applied to the upper arm.
Nicotine patch, gum, sublingual tablet or nasal spray may be suggested by your doctor or pharmacist instead.
Golf course superintendents often rely on cultural methods for take-all patch management.
You may get slight redness and itching, burning and tingling of the skin where a patch has been.
Objectives The PATCH trial is a randomised-controlled trial investigating the use of transcutaneous estrogen patches versus LHRH analogs in prostate cancer.
The typescript transcripts of the diaries made by Blanche Patch were bought by the Library in 1960.
My veg patch has grown steadily each year for the past 3 years.
We also have a vegetable patch, which children then help turn into delicious soups !
My kitchen waste is fed to four hens, and their straw and manure returned to the veggie patch.
In particular, imagine seeing a vermilion patch, then a crimson patch, and finally a turquoise patch.
This species produced a positive patch test reaction in one of 50 patients investigated for " weed dermatitis " (Shelmire 1939).
Right now, it feels like we're at the top of the boom, and invariably, this period will be followed by a rough patch where money dries up, startups struggle and a shakeout occurs.
There is an approximately 3x3 inch patch in the training pants which contains Sorbitol, a sugar-like material that is used as a sweetener in gum or as a skin softening emollient.
You can start with crib bedding, like the Patch Magic set from Wayfair.
Power meetings require a tabletop conference phone that can simultaneously patch in several phone lines and transmit the linked lines to a central speaker providing staff members sitting at the table to hear and participate.
A patch sewn on your jacket or backpack can be a fun accessory and a great conversation starter. sells nearly 50 Star Trek patch designs, including insignia from the original series and The Next Generation, patches dedicated to popular alien races, and a Starfleet Academy patch.
A patch can be shipped very cheaply, but some sites charge a set shipping fee for all purchases, such as $4.95 for orders under $25 or $3 for the first item and $1 for each additional item.
Choose the patches you enjoy and display them proudly to show your Starfleet affiliations, and always keep a comm channel open to learn about new patch designs.
For example, Cabbage Patch Dolls and Furbys are toys of the past that were in high demand.
You can show your support for Team USA with a collectible lapel pin or a US Olympic Team patch.
She's getting a bald patch on her back right in front of her tail on both sides of her spine.
I also noticed a scabby patch, which might be caused by her rolling around, because she is in heat.
People will not want to traipse across a muddy patch of garden to place waste in the compost bin, therefore it is also useful to ensure that there is a path leading to it.
If you have sensitive skin, you'll want to conduct a test patch on your skin before using any tea tree oil product.
If there are any holes in the wall, patch then as needed.
Use a variety of different colored Easter basket grasses and place a yellow patch, a green patch and a pink (or purple) patch spaced along the length of the table like a bird's nest.
Testing a patch of the wall will ensure that you get what you want.
Swag style lamps can correct this problem without the need of an electrician to move the plate, and a ceiling specialist to patch your plaster.
See if you can try a sample or do a test patch in the store.
This can be done by applying a small patch of liquid latex to the underside of your forearm, waiting at least 15 minutes to see if any redness or swelling appears.
An allergy test should always be done before a full application of liquid latex by conducting a patch test to a small area of the skin to check for reactions.
Now imagine sliding across a patch of ice going 20 miles an hour while wearing no clothes.
This skirt comes in a versatile camel shade, has a side zipper closure, and button tab patch pockets.
These therapies include inhalers, lozenges, gum, and the patch.
To keep symptoms at bay, pharmacological treatments like the patch or gum are recommended.
To ease your discomfort, your doctor may recommend nicotine gum, a nicotine patch, or one of the other stop smoking aids.
The Nicoderm CQ patch is a three-step form of nicotine replacement therapy for people who wish to overcome nicotine addiction.
The Nicoderm patch should only be used by people who have already quit smoking.
The Nicoderm CQ patch is available in three different doses.
The patch should be applied to a skin that is clean, dry, and hairless.
You should apply the patch in a different spot each day.
Always wash your hands after removing or applying the Nicoderm patch.
Most people wear the Nicoderm CQ patch for 16 hours.
However, if you crave cigarettes in the morning, you may wear the patch for a full 24 hours.
After 24 hours, the patch will start to lose its strength and need to be replaced.
Since the Nicoderm patch contains a small dose of nicotine, this product can't be sold to people under the age of 18.
Like most medications, the Nicoderm CQ patch has been known to cause certain side effects.
If you are concerned about potential side effects from the Nicoderm CQ patch, contact your healthcare provider.
Although the Nicoderm CQ patch is very effective when used properly, this medication is not right for everyone.
The patch may interfere with the effectiveness of antidepressants or prescription medications asthma.
The Nicoderm CQ patch should be kept away from children and pets.
Even a used patch contains enough nicotine to be harmful.
If you are a nursing mother, the nicotine in the patch can be passed to your baby through your breast milk.
Contact your healthcare provider to see if the patch is the right choice for you.
Try a nicotine patch, nicotine gum, or nicotine lozenges.
You choose a patch based on how much you smoked, then gradually switch to lower-dose patches over several weeks until you're done.
The patch releases small amounts of nicotine into the system, reducing cravings.
No nicotine patches or nicotine gum because the problem is not the patch or the gum, the problem is the person smoking.
These patches can not be covertly removed and they will detect any drug that has been used while the patch was in place.
Your care provider should offer resources like Chantix reviews or advice on items like the nicotine patch and help you to locate other support resources as well.
At the end of their song, Timberlake was to rip a patch off of Jackson's outfit.
Items specific to the troupe, such as a field trip patch or fund raising pins go on the back.
Finally, an American flag patch is often found on the upper right corner of the tunic.
The American flag patch and insignia tab is the same as Daisy life, and troop numerals are added to the top right end of the sash.
There are many places to find springtime dresses, but a few retail favorites include Gymboree, Gap Kids and Pumpkin Patch.
Pumpkin Patch kids clothing stores have been providing trendy and affordable options for families all across the country.
Like many businesses, Pumpkin Patch, known to employees and faithful shoppers as "The Patch," started out small and grew rapidly as word about their great items spread.
The Patch actually began so simply, that the business was originally run out of the founder's personal garage, and eventually moved on to a mail order service and then a flagship store in New Zealand.
A store in Los Angeles quickly followed, and the rest of The Patch's success story is found in its trendy fashions and outstanding sales numbers.
The Pumpkin Patch is full of whimsical designs and current fads that your little boy or girl will get a kick out of wearing, and as a bonus, you'll love the price tag.
In the main area of The Patch's stores and website, you will find fashions for those aged five to 11.
Sometimes you can even find maternity clothes at The Patch, so when you're shopping for your soon to arrive newborn and older children, you can sneak in something for yourself at the same time.
For even further discounts, you can print out The Patch's promotional discount available to web users.
Finding the perfect clothing style is no longer an ordeal thanks to The Pumpkin Patch kids clothing.
Pumpkin Patch - totally trendy toddler girl clothes and items for grade schoolers, this store is full of fashion imports from down under that both kids and parents will love.
When shopping for pants, check for interior reinforcement at the knees, usually visible as a patch.
They are soft and slim cut and even come with an organic denim patch so that they can last longer and become personalized.
Traditional slipper socks usually have a traditional knit pattern (think the usual "snowflake" design), plus a sewn-on leather patch to increase traction.
There is a polka dot diamond patch on the pant leg.
With race flags and a patch of road behind them, there is no doubt these cars are built for speed.
Shirts that are too small can be cut into scrap material to patch damaged clothing or to make accessories like hair bandanas or small bags.
There are slant pockets in front and two patch pockets on the back.
The jeans all feature True Religion's back patch with a Buddah design stitched in red.
The flowers, on a stem of about 6 inches high, are somewhat smaller than I. iberica, of a uniform lilac color, though marked with veins, but the uniformity is broken by a conspicuous "signal" patch of deep purple on the fall.
In the ground they can be grown in an informal patch or in neat rows.
Every two to three years the berry patch or rows will become crowded and the original plants will lose energy.
A well cared for asparagus patch will produce a delicious yield for 15 to 25 years.
Leave some each year to turn to ferns to allow your patch to get stronger and produce more each year.
Nothing is more fun than planning and dreaming of how your own personal patch of soil will look in full bloom.
Choose a spot in your garden for your vegetable patch that gets bright, full sun.
Harvest ripe strawberries frequently, and don't wait too long once you spy red berries in the patch.
Once it is moved, all you need to do is patch up a few screw holes and paint over them.
Sand the surface of the seam to hide the patch.
If the area needs more blending, you can add one more thin layer in an even larger area around the patch.
If it is a small hole that isn't near a stud, you can add strips of wood to secure the sheetrock patch.
Place the sheetrock patch in the hole and secure it with screws, either to the stud or to the pieces of wood you added.
Apply the mesh tape along the seams of the sheetrock patch.
Skimping on the time necessary to create a hard finish is one of the biggest reasons patch jobs turn out looking raggedy or sunken.
Drywall jobs can be small, like say, filling in a nail hole, or can be big enough to require a brace to support a replacement section of drywall as a patch.
When a dab of surfacing compound isn't enough to fill the hole, you can usually use a patch kit to perform a quick repair.
Just be sure to measure the hole to verify it's within a range that the mesh can accommodate; otherwise the patch may not hold.
The perimeter of the patch is then taped off, spackled and sanded.
Epoxy fill is used to patch natural pits and fissures in the stone.
You will need to have your flooring replaced at the same time; the damage done removing the old radiators and installing the new tubing isn't something you want to patch.
Nothing looks worse than a patch of skin between a sock and trousers.
If you purchase a sport coat in plain dark blue, you can add a patch effect easily with a pin in the shape of a crest design.
It has a notched collar and a buttoned throat tab along with patch pockets at the hips and chest.
It features three buttons, side vents and shooting vents, leather buttons and two front patch pockets, a breast pocket, fused front and canvas floating chest piece.
There are flap-patch pockets at the hips and a single patch pocket at the left chest, as well as interior chest pockets.
The Country Corduroy Sport Jacket is made of a dense cotton corduroy and features three buttons, patch and flap pockets, a bi-swing back and full lining.
What you may often find is that a 1960s corduroy jacket will be very similar to a modern jacket, with narrow lapels, two buttons and patch pockets.
The elastic waist has a reinforced drawstring and there is also a zip fly, plus two slash pockets and a back patch pocket.
Whether you have a little vegetable patch or a fully landscaped acreage, enhancing organic matter with more organic material instead of chemicals offers a number of benefits.
This will help to prevent your soil from getting depleted of important vitamins and minerals in that particular patch.
Since allergic reactions can happen, patch testing is always suggested.
The best thing to do if you are concerned is to test each salve on a small patch of skin about the size of a dime for 24 hours to ensure that it is okay.
Keep your vegetable patch clear of dead vegetation and debris.
Preparation is one key to success; however, if you fail to follow your plan each and every year, your garden patch could become re-infested.
Macy's carries a great looking short sleeve henley top that features two flap patch cargo pockets.
A great looking jacket for a fuller figure is the longer jacket featuring dropped shoulders, patch pockets and horn toggle closures.
Travel favorite Orvis has a relaxed fit jumper that comes in three colors - blue, brown or red - and features a scoop neck, brass-tone buttons, a back walking vent and front patch pockets.
They may or may not have a chest or back patch pocket, but they typically have long sleeves, a cuff that can be rolled, and contrast trim.
These are typically patch or bellows style pockets with flaps that button.
For this reason, it's a good idea to install the patch to upgrade your game to the latest version.
Once you've installed the patch, all you have to do is run an installer program, like the Install Monkey, and the mod that you've downloaded will be incorporated into your game.
It's actually a downloadable patch that is a little "mini-code" that is inserted into the main code of the game.
If you install the patch, you are able to enter your girlfriends' homes and play a sex mini-game.
If you decide to purchase this game, keep in mind that you may need to download the bug patch fixes (unless they release a newer version with it included).
The patch doesn't change the characters' attributes and is merely a visual alteration.
The co-op patch can then be downloaded for free and it will allow you to participate in a two-player online co-operative Scenario Campaign Mode.
This patch comes after another patch that improved online matches in Tekken 6, so make sure you have the newest update at all times.
For the PC version, Patch 1.02 included four muscle cars and a Toyota Supra Mk IV.
His characteristic right eye patch came as a result of a battle with Dan's father, Go, and the scar on his chest came from Ryu's Metsu Shouryuken.
Allegedly the Nude Raider patch was created from within Eidos and released on the official website in 1996.
The patch, which made Lara Croft appear naked, was available for only a few hours but was downloaded and distributed by a number of fans.
Eidos apparently threatened lawsuits against any server hosting the patch or any other unauthorized home-made patches for Tomb Raider.
Sometimes video game patches are necessary for the game to operate properly, whereas other times, you only need to download and install a video game patch if you want to enjoy extra features and functions.
If there is something distinctly wrong with a particular game, you can usually expect a video game patch to be released from the original studio that created the game in the first place.
Given that the game is very large, installation will run you about an hour at the minimum, not including the time it'll take afterwards to patch your client to the current running version.
It's also the first to allow developers to patch buggy games, much like PC games.
The Midessa Oil Patch RV Park offers beautiful scenery with a family atmosphere for $21 to 30 per day.
Check for holes and tears, patch them up if needed, and you're good to go.
You get a rechargeable pump, a bag, a patch kit, and a built-in pillow.
A small adhesive patch may be used to protect the site.
The secondary closure may involve sewing a synthetic patch made of Dacron material over the opening, or wrapping the patient's own tissue (often from the fluid-filled sac around the heart called the pericardium) to close the opening.
Symptoms begin with a single, large round spot called a herald patch on the body, followed days or weeks later by slightly raised, scaly-edged round or oval pink-copper colored spots on the trunk and upper arms.
A blister or a red, swollen, itchy patch then develops.
Sometimes, a paper patch is placed over the eardrum until the membrane heals.
The filter paper is called a sweat patch.
In the certified lab, the sweat patch is weighed and analyzed for sodium and/or chloride content.
This type of therapy can result in a temporary loss of a patch of hair on the back of the head and a small area of "sun-burned" skin.
A patch and eye ointment can be necessary at night if the child is unable to close an eye.
The patch usually contains a higher concentration of salicylic acid and may irritate the surrounding skin.
The patch should be tested for reaction severity before it proceeds to anaphylactic shock or severe allergic reaction.
A patch containing a small amount of the drug is applied to the skin to test for a localized reaction.
Between 20 percent and 35 percent of healthy children react to one or more allergens on standard patch tests.
Children of parents with allergic contact dermatitis have a 60 percent greater chance of having a positive reaction on a patch test themselves.
More difficult cases require patch testing to identify the specific allergen.
Two methods of patch testing are used in the early 2000s.
The most widely used method, the Finn chamber method, employs a multiwell aluminum patch.
Each well is filled with a small amount of the allergen being tested and the patch is taped to normal skin on the patient's upper back.
After 48 hours, the patch is removed and an initial reading is taken.
The second method of patch testing involves applying a small amount of the test substance to directly to normal skin and covering it with a dressing that keeps air out and keeps the test substance in (occlusive dressing).
Moreover, patch testing works only with ACD, though it is considered an essential step in ruling out ICD.
Longer trips may require a prescription medication called scopolamine available in the form of a skin patch or gel that is rubbed on the skin.
An antibiotic sterile ointment and a patch may be prescribed.
Patching. An opaque, adhesive patch is worn over the stronger eye for weeks to months.
The treatment plan should be discussed with the doctor to determine how long the patch should be worn.
When the child is wearing the patch, prescribed eye exercises may force the amblyopic eye to focus and work.
Atropine. This therapy is generally reserved for children who will not wear a patch or where compliance may be an issue.
Device closure of PDA is a medical procedure in which a device such as a coil, very small rings of wire, or an occluder, a tiny wire mesh patch, is placed over the PDA causing the blood to clot and thus closing the open ductus.
The rash-erythema migrans (EM)-generally develops within three to 30 days and usually begins as a round, red patch that expands outward from the tick bite.
One type, the salmon patch (nevus simplex), is a pink mark comprised of dilated capillaries (also called a stork bite).
Estrogen can be taken by mouth, injection, or skin patch.
Testosterone comes in the form of an injection, patch, or gel.
The tests usually begin with prick tests or patch tests that expose the skin to small amounts of allergen to observe the response.
Delayed allergic contact dermatitis diagnosis involves similar methods by application of a skin patch with allergen to induce an allergic skin reaction.
If the origin of the irritation has still not been identified, a dermatologist may perform one or more patch tests, which involves dabbing a small amount of a suspected irritant onto skin on the person's back.
If no irritation develops within a few days, another patch test is performed.
Whereas some persons will prefer a little hair waxed off the sides and top, others may opt for a more intense Brazilian wax, a technique that leaves a small triangle patch of hair.
Always remember to conduct a patch test prior to using any new hair color products.
To add some variation to your waxed pelvic region, you can request that a small patch of hair remains.
Even though the patch and pill release nicotine, it is still in lower levels than cigarettes.
Studies show that combination birth control such as the patch, the monthly shot, the ring and many birth control pills, will affect milk production in about half of all breastfeeding women.
If you're using a hormonal method of birth control, like the pill, the patch, or Depo-Provera, the hormones in your medication are determining when you get your period.
Right now, the majority of private health insurance plans don't cover reversible methods of birth control like the pill, patch, or ring.
Newer methods, like the patch and the ring, aren't yet available in generics.
This dark-washed style features a comfortable stretch waistband that fits below your bump, belt loops, a back yoke, and front patch pockets.
Mirena is designed for women who don't want to have to remember a pill every day, a patch every week, or a shot every three months.
You'll also need a prescription if you want the ring, the patch, or the birth control shot.
Your physician will help you determine whether a different form of hormonal birth control, such as the IUD or patch, is an option.
Most women don't have any trouble with birth control patch side effects although some women do.
Birth control patch side effects range from common, minor annoyances to rare but serious problems.
The birth control patch, sold under the brand name Ortho Evra, is made by Ortho-McNeil Pharmaceutical, Inc. It contains progestin and estrogen, which are the same hormones found in birth control pills.
The patch is designed to be applied to the skin and changed weekly, with one patch-free week each month.
The first place to turn, if you want to know about birth control patch side effects, is the manufacturer.
Some women also find that they have bleeding between periods while using the patch.
Other side effects that seem to be common with hormonal birth control (such as the pill, the ring, and the patch) include weight gain, moodiness, vaginal dryness, and an increase in yeast infections.
In 2005, the Food and Drug Administration required Ortho-McNeil to add a special safety warning to the label for the birth control patch.
Although these problems do not happen often, people with a history of blood clots, heart attack, or stroke are advised not to use the patch.
The label states that the risk goes up for women who smoke, so women who use the patch are advised not to smoke.
The label also mentions that the patch releases more estrogen into the bloodstream than typical birth control pills do.
Women with a history of certain cancers, including breast cancer, should not use the patch, because it may increase the risk that the cancer could return or worsen.
Hormonal birth control methods, like the patch, may increase the risk of gallbladder problems, especially in women who have had such problems before.
Women with serious hypertension (high blood pressure) may not be able to use the patch.
The hormones in the patch may affect cholesterol, making high cholesterol more difficult to treat.
Before you visit your doctor, become familiar with several modes of birth control, such as the IUD, male and female condoms, the patch, and several different types of birth control pills.
Attach a peace sign patch to a teen's jean jacket.
Two side-slit pockets and a loop back patch pocket complete this attractive look.
If you already chose a patch of hair to remain, this can now be trimmed and shaped.
The fabric may dip down low, have only a patch, or even be missing on certain areas.
These shorts feature a lace up front, an elasticized waist and a patch pocket with a grommet drain located in the rear.
Fuller figures, including plus sizes, require a bit of strategic support to keep everything in place, but the typical mono isn't designed to provide more than a patch of fabric as coverage.
The towel features a gigantic skull and crossbones grinning menacingly to all that come near, while the bottom portion of the towel features a traditional Pirate, eye patch and all!
Plain black long shorts are paired up with side pockets and a colorful Roxy pocket patch.
V-string thongs are so named because they have a patch in the back that forms a V or a triangle shape.
The microminimus's patch is two and three-quarters inches.
Since they first became popular in the early 1980s, little girls have looked forward to getting their first Cabbage Patch Dolls.
With the number of dolls the Cabbage Patch Kids line, a girl's first doll is only the beginning of her collection.The number of male babies available also means that little boys can get into the trend and adopt a new friend.
The Cabbage Patch Babies and Newborns help little kids develop their nurturing instincts.
Cabbage Patch Cuties are all ready for Halloween.
Today, the original Cabbage Patch Dolls have been modernized.
You can purchase a Cabbage Patch Kid dressed to fit your child's own personal style.
While the original Cabbage Patch Dolls are 20 inches tall, these dolls are toddler-sized.
Each year a special holiday edition Cabbage Patch Doll is created.
No matter what type of Cabbage Patch Doll your child has, you must make sure it is dressed in style.
A Dolly's World sells a variety of handmade clothes designed to fit Cabbage Patch babies and other dolls.
Doll Clothes by Carole has clothes to fit all sizes of Cabbage Patch dolls, from the 11 inch newborns to the 20 inch originals.
In the late 1970s, Cabbage Patch creator Xavier Roberts discovered fabric sculpture.
The first dolls sold under the Cabbage Patch Kids name appeared in 1982.
The first Cabbage Patch Kids maintained the all-fabric body of the Little People but replaced the fabric head with a molded vinyl one with yarn hair.
However, the name and birth date were only part of the Cabbage Patch Kid emphasis on individuality.
It was the biggest toy of 1983 and a Cabbage Patch Kid even appeared on the cover of a December issue of Newsweek.
Original Cabbage Patch Kids can be ordered online through the CPK Adoption Center.
For those who have been in love with Cabbage Patch Dolls from the beginning, an original is the way to go.
Members of the Cabbage Patch Kids Collectors Club have the option of ordering exclusive editions of the original Cabbage Patch Kids dolls, including those signed by the creator.
Since Cabbage Patch Dolls come in different races and with different hair and eye colors, it is easy to find a Cabbage Patch Doll that looks just like your child.
Start the collection when your child is small with a Cabbage Patch baby and add to the collection as your child gets older with a 14 inch and then a classic 20 inch doll.
Cabbage Patch Newborns are baby dolls with soft bodies and plastic heads.
They are the smallest of the Cabbage Patch Kids stuffed dolls, designed to represent newborn babies.
If you're curious as to how Newborns measure up to other lines of Cabbage Patch dolls, the traditional "kids" are 16 inches tall, "babies" are 14 inches tall, and newborns come in at about 11 inches tall.
Dolls started coming out of the cabbage patch way back in 1983.
Cabbage Patch dolls are designed to be unique, with no two being exactly alike.
Once you have a Cabbage Patch Newborn, it's time to dress it up.
Newborns are easy to find right now, but considering how often the Cabbage Patch brand changes hands, this may change in a few years.
While Cabbage Patch Kids are not as popular now as they were in the '80s, you may still have to shop around to find the one you want.
Like Cabbage Patch Kids, each Pound Puppy came with an adoption certificate.
One of the aliens features a patch over one of its three eyes.
The stuffed animal features a head that is a little too big, a patch, and ears that are not the same size.
Vitamin B12 is also abundant in most energy drinks, and it is available as a transdermal patch or lotion, as well as an injectable.
Other features include a woven voile collar, placket and a patch pocket.
Look for on trend details like patch pockets, pleated shoulders, and self belts, but keep in mind that details date an item.
The mayor tricks Frosty and leads him to go ice skating, where he falls through a patch of thin ice and melts.
It features a picture of a pumpkin wearing a crown, and the lettering says, "Pumpkin Patch Princess."
Also pick up a pirate's hat and a patch to create a better pirate look.
Tie a bandana around your head, and make an eye patch tied with string for your eye.
Fake blood and cosmetics can stain or be irritating to the skin, so remember to do a patch test for any potential allergies before applying any makeup.
Dads who want to squire their Bellas around trick or treating may dress in a simple uniform and add the Forks patch to the shoulder of the jacket.
A character costume might include a hooded jumpsuit, black and white tunic with embroidered patch, brown belt, boot covers, a sword, shield and a crown.
Do you think me and my ex will ever meet again and patch things up?
As for whether or not I think you and your ex will ever meet again and patch things up, I don't know.
All bags have a registration number found inside on the leather patch.
You will be asked for your bag's registration number which is located on the patch inside of the bag.
The bag is lined in sturdy twill and features a large interior zip pocket and two patch pockets.
It features four patch pockets and has easy to carry rounded handles.
Similar in design to the medium size shopping tote, this version is studded with a smattering of colored jewels over its front patch pocket.
Many are familiar with the traditional Jansport logo; a square patch sewn into the front of the pack that features the label's name in white type face.
If you live near an apple orchard or a pumpkin patch, take your kids out to pick your own fruit.
If that's the case, look for Groovy Girls, the Journey Girls or even Cabbage Patch Kids.
The Sunny Patch line features adorable characters and outdoor toys for your child to use for helping in the garden, blowing bubbles or playing with water and nature.
Based on the children's books by David Kirk, Miss Spider's Sunny Patch Friends takes preschoolers into a bug's life.
Toys for girls range from Cabbage Patch Kids to princess dolls, horse toys to sports supplies.
We do pumpkin patch hayrides, which takes you through a small section of the farm and everyone picks a pumpkin.
It has a patented two-piece split-sole design, elasticized instep and suede sole patch.
Features a decorative swirl patch at the center and comes in dark brown or cream.
The signature patch was added, a new low-cut version was introduced, and the shoe got a color infusion.
His rugged good looks were marred by a patch on his face from losing his eye during a brawl in the merchant marines.
Nichols is a favorite among loyal Days fans and he plays the character of Steve "Patch" Johnson.
Evans was the original Kayla Brady, now Kayla Johnson as her character is married to Steve "Patch" Johnson.
Race car driver Stephanie Johnson is the daughter of Kayla and Steve "Patch" Johnson.
Oliver went through a rough patch with his parents, coming out to them and then later to his John.
He was Patch Johnson (Stephen Nichols) best friend.
I could be Matt's (Barr, Dan Patch on Hellcats) brother.
Alex rushes her to the ER and thinks he can do her "bad patch," but Izzie knows he's in over his head.
Its called a "zero day" exploit because hackers are taking advantage of it while there is no patch available, and the flaw can zip past any other patches installed on PCs according to several security experts.
Unfortunately the patch doesn't apply to Windows 95, 98, ME or NT users.
Windows has developed a patch to fix the problem.
The fix has been verified by John Gibson and there are no interactions between Ilfak's patch and Microsoft's.
Per Steve Gibson, all Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows SE and Windows ME systems are not vulnerable to the WMF bug and don't need the patch.
Why bother treating the occasional patch of mold?
First, if you find mold growing in an unlikely place in your home such as the drywall in the family room or a patch on a bedroom ceiling, that's a big warning sign that somehow water is leaking into the home.
This beautiful quilt patch includes buttons, ribbon flowers, and ric-rac.
They were first created commercially under the brand Cabbage Patch Kids® by Xavier Roberts in 1983.
Nothing says "pirate" quite like an eye patch.
You can make this eye patch from items you probably already have around the house, which makes this project a perfect choice for spontaneous crafting sessions.
Holding the cardboard eye patch against the construction paper, use a pencil to trace it twice.
Make a hole on each side of the eye patch using the hole punch.
Tie the black yarn through the hole, and then use it to attach the eye patch to the child's head.
Can a diet patch really help you lose weight quickly?
The idea behind all of the diet patch offers is that a skin patch that delivers a combination of herbal or chemical ingredients will help a person lose weight, in much the same way as the nicotine patch helps smokers quit.
While there are hundreds of anecdotal accounts of people losing significant amounts of weight while using a diet patch, there has been no clinical research to substantiate these claims.
Rather than risk hard-earned money on an uncertainty like a miracle diet patch, invest in healthy foods and exercise.
Patch colors are typically available in dark blue, light blue, black, and white, so you'll be able to easily find the perfect match for your pants.
It gives warmth without weight and sumptuous softness combined with features like a stylish shawl collar, decorative piping, and patch pockets.
Patch up holes in other clothing with the material.
Accessorize with boots, a tri-corner hat, an eye patch and a sword.
The latter robe sports a shawl collar, two patch pockets, hits at mid calf, and is available in brown, white, beige and pink.
Former users that found flaws in the original system will be happy to know that the newest patch available has made some improvement.
Pumpkin Patch - The Pumpkin Patch is another Nightmare Before Christmas fansite, which boasts a mixture of MP3 downloads and streaming.
A Pirates Booty bag with an eye patch, bandana and some Chocolate "Gold coins" will get the party looking right.
There should be a creed marking on the inside of the bag, either as an embossed leather patch or a stamp on a leather interior.
To add even more character to the invitation, glue a patch of sand or a small shell onto the card to bring the beach alive right from the start.
Tour a nearby pumpkin patch and go for a hay ride.
Children can take turns trying to attach a cardboard crown and eye patch to a cut-out princess and cut-out pirate while blindfolded.
The song "Where My Heart Will Take Me" was sung by Rod Stewart on the Patch Adamssoundtrack.
Looking for a diagnosis for that itchy, red patch on your arm or those spots your spouse is complaining about?
Skin cancer usually starts as a discrete mole, bump, or patch, not a rash.
Advanced squamous cell cancer can look like a large tumor, a sore that won't heal, or a large patch of thickened or irritated skin.
Promising as it sounds, it's important to conduct a patch test if you suspect your skin may not tolerate something new very well.
Individuals with sensitive skin may wish to conduct a patch test prior to using this product.
Keep in mind that your white patch might be caused by any one of these conditions - or absolutely none of them.
If your skin is sensitive, you will want to conduct an initial patch test to rule out the occurrence of side effects.
Ask the doctor to perform a patch test before you agree to a complete series of treatments.
There is also an award patch set and a special keepsake that goes with each level.
A Year of Celebration patch celebrates the 100th anniversary of the Boy Scouts of America.
The following websites offer helpful information on proper uniform patch placement, or are websites that offer patches, badges and other scouting needs.
It should also have a Velcro patch on the pocket so that the association badge can be placed on it without having to sew it on.
To earn his Tiger badge, or patch, a scout must complete 15 requirements in five achievement areas of fun and age appropriate indoor and outdoor activities.
To earn his Wolf badge, or patch, the scout has to pass 12 mental and physical skills.
He will then be presented with the Arrow of Light Award and patch.
Often the term patch is used to describe other types of uniform embellishments since they are also sewn or glued onto the uniform.
A Cub Scout wears only one temporary patch on his uniform.
The scout is free to choose which patch to wear whenever he wears his uniform.
Although there are many temporary patches, the following are several examples of events that earn a Cub Scout a temporary patch.
The Virtual Cub Scout Insignia Guide includes an accurate description of the placement of each permanent patch on a Cub Scout uniform.
A great guide to badge and uniform guidelines for Cub Scouts can be had by going to The Thinking Mother, a blog explaining early badge and patch placement.
Part of the Cherokee Workwear line of clothing, the men's white zip front jacket shirt features a lapel collar, two lower patch pockets and a chest pocket.
Crew members also wore a patch on their right upper arm of the United Earth Starfleet which had the arrowhead emblem.
On their left upper arm was a patch of the Enterprise.
A work uniform name label is simply a patch that can be attached to a piece of uniform clothing.
You may want to consider adding your company's logo to each patch, along with the worker's name.
In clement weather, this is the outermost layer of the uniform, with a patch and usually a brass name tag to show the ranger's authority.
There is a leather name patch positioned on the left hand side.
Members must wear a command patch on the right upper chest and a flight cap.
A command patch is on the upper right chest.
You can find a lot of different ways to design the patch, either collaborating on the artwork or holding a contest to see who can create the best design.
However, keep in mind that multiple colors will cost more when the patch is actually produced, so try keeping it to three or four different tones.
However, if you can make a patch that can be enjoyed and worn by future Girl Scouts as well (or perhaps even by parents) you can order more and therefore each one will cost less.
There are very high-quality and reliable patch manufacturers that can turn your design into a real product worthy of the Girl Scout uniform.
The Patch Connection prides itself on custom designs, every run of patches being a unique work of art.
Even the pictures in their gallery are protected from duplication because they want to create your patch just for you, not like any other.
The Patch Superstore has a less cartoony look to their patches, and can take a rough sketch and turn it into a full-fledged logo.
They also include up to nine colors free on each patch, and have many other customer service oriented features.
There are specialized pins and badges that can show this for things like Asthma Awareness or the Go Global patch for traveling scouts.
Upon completion of each set of criteria, a new badge was awarded to the Junior Girl Scout, and if all three were earned it actually took the form of a larger patch on their sash with a kind of trefoil shape.
For example, if a Girl Scout loves to dance, she won't be able to go out and purchase the patch and place it on her uniform until the scout leader gives her an activity to complete or an event to attend that earns the patch she wants.
In some cases, what the Girl Scout will need to do to earn a patch will be obvious, like participation in an event, performing a community service or going on a trip.
In some cases, the scout will need to speak up and ask the leader about the requirements to earn the patch she'd like.
Once your Girl Scout has earned a fun patch, you can place it on the back of the vest, sash, or on another item completely, like a blanket or tote bag.
To obtain the patch, the scouts must work through the list of requirements for the specific achievement.
Then, once their leader confirms their accomplishment, the scout receives the patch.
To obtain patches, scouts need to complete the activities required for the patch.
Many of these patches have activity booklets that explain what the patch is and how to earn the patch.
Asthma Awareness Patch focuses on learning about asthma and about the respiratory system in general.
Discover the World Patch helps the scout learn about the world through exploration of intercultural life and budget traveling.
Girl Scout American Volkssport Association Master Program Award Patch is a joint program between the Girl Scouts and the American Volkssport Association and focuses on creating a fit lifestyle with a focus on outdoor activities.
Patch is a patch that focuses on getting moving and getting fit.
Ms. President Patch focuses on women in leadership roles, to encourage scouts to work towards being in the White House as President one day.
Look up the type of patch earned and the type of uniform you have.
In addition to this, most patches that come with activity booklets to complete will provide information on patch placement.
The recommended method is to sew the patch onto the vest or sash so that it remains in place.
Another option is to use fabric glues to secure the patch to the uniform.
The insignia of the FFA consists of a large patch on the back with the official logo, plus the state association and local chapter.
Making sure that you get the Cub Scout patch location right for your young scout is a meticulous process.
By standardizing the Cub Scout patch location, the Boy Scouts of America have created a way for all Cub Scouts from around the world to recognize and know a lot about each other, from the different colors of Arrow Points to the Den Number.
Occasionally there are areas where the Cub Scout is working solo because there are no dens in his area, and he can be recognized as a "lone scout" by a round patch in the third position on this sleeve.
Medals are worn above the left pocket (according to regulations, no more than five at one time) and other patches such as the Interpreter patch or the Recruiter patch go above or below the right pocket.
Another useful but unofficial guide to Cub Scout patch location is the Virtual Cub Scout Insignia Guide, which includes scans of the various patches and their placement.
While earning a uniform patch is rarely simple, some require more work than others.
There will also be a United States flag patch on the right sleeve, as well as identification patches for the local council and unit number on the left sleeve.
To see a diagram of the Boy Scout uniform patch placement, you can visit Scout Stuff and scroll to the second page.
Working to earn a Boy Scout uniform patch takes diligence, time, and dedication.
Another source to check out that sells Eagle Scout patches is the Patch Store.
Whether you need a patch for a sports uniform or scouting, there are various retailers who can provide exactly what you are looking for at a reasonable price.
Patch Superstore can create embroidered patches from designs that you submit or from designs from their in-house staff.
The design staff will create a patch free of charge and makes the entire process very simple and hassle-free.
The staff will use your ideas and come up with a design to use as a custom patch.
Color Patch gives you the freedom to order as many patches as you need.
Color Patch is able to match a wide range of colors and styles and offers a discount for group orders.