Pasture Sentence Examples
He's so lonely in that pasture all by his self.
They rode across the pasture and entered a path through the forest.
Narrow down the field to another pasture, so to speak?
The cows came home from the pasture and stood mooing at the gate.
The five of them raced across the pasture, toward the buffalo pen.
The trees flowed gracefully down the mountain side, ending in the pasture where the goats used to graze.
The proportion of tillage to pasture is roughly as 1 to 22.
The remainder of the island consists chiefly of pasture and morass.
Princess was getting along in her new pasture and the other horses were all doing well.
There was pasture enough for my imagination.
AdvertisementI want to take you out to the north pasture before we leave today.
It sprawled out half way across the pasture toward her house.
Carmen watched from the porch as Alex leaned down from his horse and opened the pasture gate.
The plateau portion of West Virginia is largely covered by hardwood forests, but along the Ohio river and its principal tributaries the valuable timber has been removed and considerable areas have been wholly cleared for farming and pasture lands.
The god of a city was originally owner of its land, which encircled it with an inner ring of irrigable arable land and an outer fringe of pasture, and the citizens were his tenants.
AdvertisementThis industry has prospered greatly, and the area of permanent pasture encroaches continually upon that of arable land.
By the 39th Elizabeth (1597) arable land made pasture since the 1st Elizabeth shall be again converted into tillage, and what is arable shall not be converted into pasture.
Most of these main streams flow through profound gorges in a tropical climate, while the upper slopes yield products of the temperate zone, and the plateaus above are cold and bleak, affording only pasture and the hardiest cereals.
They also advised the protection and extension of communal rights of pasture, and the planting of the higher slopes with forest, with a view to the possible increase of the water-supply.
The temple itself was a great landowner, possessed of both farms and pasture land.
AdvertisementThe middle zone of Ararat, 5000-11,500 ft., is covered with good pasture, the upper and lower zones are for the most part sterile.
According to the return for 1900 about 55% of the entire surface was occupied by arable land, 26% by forest and 9% by pasture and meadow-land.
The word signifies horned cattle, and is found in Shakespeare's own writing, in the restored line "It is the pasture lards the rother's sides" (Timon of Athens), '' where "brother's" was originally the accredited reading.
East of the Ain, forests of fir and oak abound on the mountains, the lower slopes of which give excellent pasture for sheep and cattle, and much cheese is produced.
The effect of this, craftily calculated beforehand, was to compel the peasants to rent pasture lands from the landlord at any price.
AdvertisementA large part of the Trent valley is under permanent pasture, being devoted to cattle-feeding and dairy-farming.
Even better pasture is found in the low veld, but there stock suffers in summer from many endemic diseases, and in the more northerly regions is subject to the attack of the tsetse fly.
There are excellent pasture lands, especially in the upland districts, and stock-raising is an important and profitable industry.
On the commons or moors burgesses have rights of pasture.
It is a rich and well-watered country, producing abundance of grain and hops, and yielding excellent pasture for cattle.
The writer has found that many pasture soils containing less than.
It was plundered, although Totila did not carry out his threat to make it a pasture for cattle, and when the Gothic army withdrew into Apulia it was from a scene of desolation.
In the spring months, when their camels are in milk, the Bedouins care nothing for water, and wander far into the Nafud with their flocks in search of the green pasture which springs up everywhere after the winter rains.
The great wealth of the Arabs is in their flocks of sheep and goats; they are led out to pasture soon after sunrise, and in the hotter months drink every second day.
The Nafud sands, too, are tufted in many places with bushes or small trees, and after the winter rains they produce excellent pasture.
Formerly nearly the whole of Muttra consisted of pasture and woodland, but the roads constructed as relief works in1837-1838have thrown open many large tracts of country, and the task of reclamation has since proceeded rapidly.
The woods of algarrobo are used for pasture, cattle and horses enjoying the pendulous yellow pods.
In the loftiest regions the pasture chiefly consists of a coarse grass (Stipa ychu), of which the llamas eat the upper blades and the sheep browse on the tender shoots beneath.
It appears, therefore, that in the tradition followed by the Israelite historian the tribes within whose pasture lands the mountain of God stood were worshippers of Yahweh before the time of Moses; and the surmise that the name Yahweh belongs to their speech, rather than to that of Israel, has considerable probability.
The soil is sandy but affords good pasture in some places, and has been farmed with some success; the flora is rich, and includes some rare species.
It is less arid than the province of Atacama, the surface near the coast being broken by well-watered river valleys, which produce alfalfa, and pasture cattle for export.
But the decline of agriculture at the end of the Republic led to a conversion of the land to pasture, and later the unsettled state of affairs consequent on the fall of the Roman Empire resulted in neglect of the watercourses.
According to the returns for 1905, about 50% of the area was occupied by arable land, 10% by meadow-land and pasture and 30% by forest.
There is a considerable extent of pasture land, and the rearing of cattle, sheep, pigs and goats is largely practised.
Though the Boeotian climate suffered from the exhalations of Copais, which produced a heavy atmosphere with foggy winters and sultry summers, its rich soil was suited alike for crops, plantations and pasture; the CopaIs plain, though able to turn into marsh when the choking of the katavothra caused the lake to encroach, being among the most fertile in Greece.
The acreage under pasture slightly exceeds that of tillage.
The old Hebrew prohibition of graven images was surely based on a like superstition, so far as it was not merely due to the physical impossibility for nomads of heavy statues that do not admit of being carried from camp to camp and from pasture to pasture.
Good pasture grasses are numerous, but pasture lands are limited.
Only 57% of the area is occupied by arable land and pasture; forests, one-tenth of which are coniferous, occupy 38%.
An insurrection of the Yorkshire peasants, which is to be ascribed in part to the distress caused by the enclosure of the commons on which they had been wont to pasture their cattle, and in part to the destruction of popular shrines, may have caused the king to defend his orthodoxy by introducing into parliament in 1539 the six questions.
In 1824 Dutch farmers from Cape Colony seeking pasture for their flocks settled in the country.
The larger valleys of the Black Hills district contain fertile alluvial deposits washed from the neighbouring highlands, but in the plains adjoining these mountains the soils consist of a stiff gumbo suitable only for pasture land.
Good pasture grounds are only found near the streams. The soil is dry gravel and clay, upon which bushes of Ephedra, Nitraria and Salsolaceae grow sparsely.
The proportion of barren land to the total area is roughly as 1 to 9; and of tillage to pasture as 2 to 3.
Formerly the word "herdwick" was applied to the pasture ground under the care of a shepherd, and it is now used of a special hardy breed of sheep in Cumberland and Westmorland.
During spring, autumn, and winter in particular, the blue-grass (Poa compressa and Poa pratensis) spreads a mat, green, thick, fine and soft, over much of the country, and it is a good winter pasture; about the middle of June it blooms, and, owing to the hue of its seed vessels, gives the landscape a bluish hue.
Asmara, an Amharic word signifying "good pasture place," is a town of considerable antiquity.
These widely divergent conditions give to Mexico a flora that includes the genera and species characteristic of nearly all the zones of plant life on the western continents - the tropical jungle of the humid coastal plains with its rare cabinet-woods, dye-woods, lianas and palms; the semi-tropical and temperate mountain slopes where oak forests are to be found and wheat supplants cotton and sugar-cane; and above these the region of pine forests and pasture lands.
Those of the northern plateau are small, hardy and long-lived, being bred on extensive ranges in a cooler atmosphere, and accustomed to long journeys in search of water and pasture.
In Yucatan the open plains, rich pasture, and comparative freedom from moist heat, insects and vampire bats, have been particularly favourable to cattle-raising, and the animals are generally rated among the best in Mexico.
The wealth of the Bechuana consists principally in their cattle, which they tend with great care, showing a shrewd discrimination in the choice of pasture suited to oxen, sheep and goats.
The greater part of this region is uncultivated, and only utilized as pasture by the Indians, who form the majority of its inhabitants.
The general description of the nature and resources of Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt applies also to this principality, except that 62% of the whole is devoted to agriculture and pasture and 30% to forests, only about two-fifths of which are coniferous trees.
A large part of the province was given up to pasture, and the mountains were covered with forests, which abounded in wild boars, bears and wolves.
Beyond this to the north are the " barren grounds " on which herds of caribou (reindeer) and musk ox pasture, migrating from north to south according to the season.
Of the best hay and pasture grasses, Agropyrum Elymus, Stipa, Bromus, Agrostis, Calamagrostes and Poa, there are 59 species.
Besides the grasses there are leguminous plants valuable for pasture - Astragalus, Vicia (wild vetch), Lathyrus (wild pea) of which there are many species.
In the NorthWest Provinces there are vast areas of prairie land, over which cattle pasture, and from which thousands of fat bullocks are shipped annually.
Throughout other parts bullocks are fed on pasture land, and also in stables on nourishing and succulent feed such as hay, Indian corn fodder, Indian corn silage, turnips, carrots, mangels, ground oats, barley, peas, Indian corn, rye, bran and linseed oil cake.
Slaughtering notably free from epizootic diseases, with a fertile D soil or the growth of fodder crops and pasture, with abundance of pure air and water, and with a plentiful supply of ice, the conditions in Canada are ideal for the dairying industry.
But the valleys, especially those on the western side, are warm and healthy, enclose good pasture land and furnish fruits and wine in rich profusion.
The fertile glens of the Alcaraz district are richly wooded, and often, from their multitude of fruit trees, resemble the huertas or gardens of Alicante; but broad tracts of land are destitute of trees, and suitable only for pasture.
The mountains afford excellent pasture, and a considerable number of cattle, sheep and swine are reared.
Here the Bedouins (mostly Beni Hassa) pasture flocks and herds, amounting to several million head.
The southward slopes fall through ever-thinning pasture lands to sheer desert about 80 m.
Of the entire area of the country 28.6% is arable, 16.2 in meadow or pasture land, 14% in forests, 37.2% in uncultivated moors, heaths, &c.; from 17 to 18% is in possession of the state.
Goats are fed in considerable number on the brushwood pasture of the hills; and hares (in spite of Aristotle's supposed assertion of their absence) are exceptionally abundant.
Of the total area of the province 56% is occupied by arable land, 10.2% by pasture and meadow, and nearly 29% by forests.
But vast tracts of land are useless except as pasture for sheep, and even the sheep are driven by the severe winters to migrate yearly into Estremadura (q.v.).
The hill-sides afford pasture for 20,000 sheep. No forests exist on the island; all wood is brought from the coast of Rumelia or from Thasos.
A few wild bison still remain at large, and besides these there is a herd of about loo confined within a pasture in the Lamar Valley.
Some 50,000 in number, they spend a nomad existence wandering from pasture to pasture, living in low skin tents, their herds providing their food.
About another quarter is utterly barren, consisting of snow-fields, glaciers, bare rock, lakes and the beds of streams. There remains about one-half, which is divided between forest and pasture, and it is the produce of this half which mainly supports the relatively large population.
Sound friable loam cut one sod deep from the surface of a pasture, and stacked up for twelve months in a heap or ridge, is invaluable to the gardener.
The borders should consist of 3 parts rich turfy loam, the top spit of a pasture, and i part light gritty earth, such as road-grit, with a small portion (one-sixth) of fine brick rubbish.
Of the total surface of Bavaria about one-half is under cultivation, one-third forest, and the remaining sixth mostly pasture.
It must be further remarked that both the " dunepans," or depressions, which are naturally marshy through their defective drainage, and the geest grounds - that is, the grounds along the foot of the downs - have been in various places either planted with wood or turned into arable and pasture land; while the numerous springs at the base of the dunes are of the utmost value to the great cities situated on the marshy soil inland, the example set by Amsterdam in 1853 in supplying itself with this water having been readily followed by Leiden, the Hague, Flushing, &c.
Upon these clay-lands (kwelders) horses, cattle and sheep are at last able to pasture at low tide, and in course of time they are in turn endiked.
Sea-aster flourishes in the Wadden of Friesland and Groningen, the Dollart and the Zeeland estuaries, giving place nearer the shore to sandspurry (Spergularia), or sea-poa or floating meadow grass (Glyceria maritima), which grows up to the dikes, and affords pasture for cattle and sheep. Along the coast of Overysel and in the Biesbosch lake club-rush, or scirpus, is planted in considerable quantities for the hat-making industry, and common sea-wrack (Zostera marina) is found in large patches in the northern half of the Zuider Zee, where it is gathered for trade purposes during the months of June, July and August.
The Pontine Marshes (q.v.) included in the latter division, were drained, according to the plan of Bolognini, by Pius VI., who restored the ancient Via Appia to traffic; but though they have returned to pasture and cultivation, their insalubrity is still notorious.
In summer, indeed, the vast expanse is little better than an arid steppe; but in the winter it furnishes abundant pasture to flocks of sheep from the Apennines and herds of silver-grey oxen and shaggy black horses, and sheep passing in the summer to the mountain pastures.
The so-called " servitudes," however-that is, the right to pasture on and take wood from the landlord's estates-were maintained for political reasons.
Their country was rough and unfruitful as a whole (barley, however, was cultivated), being chiefly used for the pasture of sheep. Its inhabitants either led a nomadic life or occupied small villages; large towns were few.
Breeding swine, male and female, run most of their time at pasture and receive a liberal allowance of green food or raw roots.
During the years in which the soil is allowed to lie fallow, the grass and weeds which spring up serve as pasture for cattle, but the poverty of the pasture is such that at least two hectares are required for the maintenance of every animal.
Yet the wool harvest is scarce, and the production of butter a negligible quantity, though there is abundance of the principal product of Sicilian pasture lands, cheese of various kinds, for which there is a lively local demand.
South of the Sierra lies the Alcudia valley, owned by the crown, and used as pasture for immense flocks of sheep.
Only a little more than one-fourth of the area of Scotland is cultivated, while in England only one-fourth is left uncultivated; but it should be borne in mind that " permanent pasture " does not include the mountainous districts, which not only form so large a proportion of the surface but also, in their heaths and natural grasses, supply a scanty herbage for sheep and cattle, 9,104,388 acres being used for grazing in 1905.
The breeds include the Ayrshire, noted milkers and specially adapted for dairy farms (which prevail in the south-west), which in this respect have largely supplanted the Galloway in their native district; the polled Angus or Aberdeen, fair milkers, but valuable for their beef-making qualities, and on this account, as well as their hardihood, in great favour in the north-east, where cattlefeeding has been carried to perfection; and the West Highland or Kyloe breed, a picturesque breed with long horns, shaggy coats and decided colours-black, red, dun, cream and brindle-that thrives well on wild and healthy pasture.
The surface is moorland, pasture and mountain.
Potatoes, barley and a little oats are grown, and the pasture being good the cattle are larger than most of the Hebridean breeds.
It is a very prosperous port and its trade, carried on mainly by water, is mostly in the agricultural produce of the extensive moors and pasture lands which lie around it.
All that might be required besides would be a common for the pasture of the burgesses' cattle.
The plain is fertile where cultivated, fairly supplied with deep wells, and in many places covered with good pasture.
Of the whole country 44% is under forest (mainly coniferous trees), and 50% is devoted to agriculture and pasture.
The rainfall is scanty in average years, and only an insignificant proportion of the land is irrigated, while the rest is devoted to pasture, or covered with thin bush and forest.
Its acorn-fed swine are celebrated throughout Spain for their hams and bacon, and large herds of sheep and goats thrive where the pasture is too meagre for cattle.
Lands newly broken up from pasture suit it well, as these are generally freer from weeds than those that have been long under tillage.
The rapidity with which wastes, composed entirely of sand newly washed forward by the current during floods, become converted into rich pasture is astonishing.
The climate is admirably suited to cattle-raising, as the winters are mild and pasture is to be found throughout the whole year, but the proximity of the Argentine pampas is fatal to its profitable development.
Soil which had been cultivated for many years as pasture was sown with lupins for fifteen years in succession; an analysis then showed that the soil contained more than three times as much nitrogen as at the beginning of the experiment.
The pasture lands of the state have been greatly decreased by the increase of forest reserves, especially by the large reservations made in 1906-1907.
Neither did the giraffe acquire its long neck by desiring to reach the foliage of more lofty shrubs, and constantly stretching its neck for the purpose, but because any varieties which occurred among its antitypes with a longer neck than usual at once secured a fresh range of pasture over the same ground as their shorter-necked companions, and on the first scarcity of food were thereby enabled to outlive them."
The marsh lands afford admirable pasture, and a greater proportion of cattle (65 per Iwo inhabitants) is reared in Schleswig-Holstein, mainly by small owners, than in any other Prussian province.
About 35% of the total surface is occupied by forests, while about 4 o% is under tillage and about 19% under meadow and pasture.
Throughout Hereford, and in part of Monmouthshire, the Old Red Sandstone sinks to a great undulating plain, traversed by the exquisite windings of the Wye, and forming some of the richest pasture and fruit lands of England.
The Carboniferous rocks of the centre form a soil which produces rich pasture under the heavy rainfall and remarkably mild and equable temperature, forming a great cattle-raising district.
The typical scenery of the Chalk country is unrelieved by small streams of running water; the hills rise into rounded downs, often capped with fine clumps of beech, and usually covered with thin turf, affording pasture for sheep. The chalk, when exposed on the surface, is an excellent foundation for roads, and the lines of many of the Roman " streets " were probably determined by this fact.
Within the Upper Greensand an equally narrow ring of Gault is exposed, its stiff clay forming level plains of grazing pasture, without villages, and with few farmhouses even; and from beneath it the successivOeds of the Lower Greensand rise towards the centre, forming a wider belt, and reaching a considerable height before breaking off in a fine escarpment, the crest of which is in several points higher than the outer ring of Chalk.
The counties in which the greatest proportion of the land is devoted to permanent pasture may be judged roughly from the list of " ` grass counties " already given.
These properties include tithes, tithe commutation rent charge, land used as arable, meadow or pasture ground only, or as woodlands, market gardens or nursery grounds, orchards, allotments, any land covered with water such as the reservoir of a waterworks company, or used only as a canal or towing-path of the same, or as a railway constructed under the powers of any Act of Parliament for public conveyance.
The district council might acquire land, let it and regulate it, and they might provide common pasture.
The neighbourhood affords pasture for large flocks of sheep. On the land known as the Rypes, in the neighbourhood, there is a military camp, with artillery and rifle ranges; hence the name given to the explosive "lyddite."
Along the shores of the Zuider Zee, however, west of the Zwolle-Leeuwarden railway, the country is low-lying and covered for the most part with fertile pasture lands.
The land is chiefly devoted to pasture for the numerous flocks and herds; but on the more sheltered southern slopes it is carefully cultivated, and produces grain, potatoes, fruit and tobacco.
Yet the vast arid plains are covered with shallow beds of the richest soil, which only require the fertilizing power of water to render them available for pasture or agriculture.
The lambs are weaned towards the end of June and the ewes run on the poorest pasture till August to lose surplus fat.
Weak ewes, not safe to survive the hardships of spring, are brought in to better pasture during February and March.
The business of the agister was to look after the pasturage of the forest, and to receive the payments for the same by persons entitled to pasture their cattle in the forests.
Upwards of 61% of the area is under tillage, 13% is occupied by pasture and meadows and 20% by forests, mostly fir.
The marshy tracts often afford excellent pasture and support large numbers of cattle, sheep and goats.
Buffalo and bunch, and other short native prairie grasses, very nutritious ranging food but unavailable as hay, once covered the plains and pastured immense herds of buffalo and other animals, but with increasing settlement they have given way generally to exotic bladed species, valuable alike for pasture and for hay, except in the western regions.
Alfalfa, the Japanese soy bean and the wheat fields - which furnish the finest of pasture in the early spring and ordinarily well into the winter season - are the props of a prosperous dairy industry.
Pasture is abundant, and horses, cattle, sheep and pigs are largely reared.
The remainder is divided between pasture land (less than 44%) and desert (54%).
In America these rodents inhabit forest, pasture, cultivated fields or swamps, but are nowhere numerous.
Heather covers large tracts, and also affords pasture for sheep. The development of forest trees is insignificant.
The power of the crown was increased by the confiscation of the great Sturlung estates, which were underleased to farmers, while the early falling off of the Norse trade threatened to deprive the island of the means of existence; for the great epidemics and eruptions of the 1.4th century had gravely attacked its pastoral wealth and ruined much of its pasture and fishery.
Portions of the pasture lands were reserved as meadows; the tilled land was manured.
They comprise the Uskoken Gebirge, or Uskoks Mountains, named after the piratical Uskoks of Zengg, who were deported hither after the fall of their stronghold in 1617; the Warasdin Mountains, with the peak of Ivanscica (3478 ft.); the Agram Mountains, culminating in Sljeme or Slema (3396 ft.), and including the beautiful stretches of Alpine pasture known as the Zagorje, or "land beyond the hills"; the Bilo Gebirge, or White Mountains, a low range of chalk, and, farther to the south, several groups of mountains, among which Psunj (3228 ft.), Papuk (3217 ft.) Crni Vrh (2833 ft.), and the Ravna Gora (2808 ft.) are the chief summits.
Besides the sterile and monotonous steppes, valuable only as pasture, and so sparsely populated that it is possible to travel for many hours without encountering any sign of human life except a primitive artesian well or a shepherd's hut, there are wide expanses of fen-country, regularly flooded in spring and autumn.
The agricultural inquiry of 1895 showed that 94.5% of the country consisted of arable land, gardens, vineyards, meadows, pastures and forests; but much of this area must be set down as mountainous and swampy pasture of poor quality.
The municipal borough is under a mayor, 6 aldermen and 18 councillors, and has an area of 2404 acres, including a large extent of common pasture land.
The hilly districts consist almost entirely of forest and pasture, the most common trees being the pine, beech, oak and chestnut.
The greater part of the Maremma now affords pasture to large herds of horses and half-wild cattle, but on the drier parts corn is grown, the people coming down from the hills to sow and to reap. The hill country just inland, especially near Volterra, has poor soil, largely clayey, and subject to landslips, but is rich in minerals.
Odysseus at length succeeded in making the giant drunk, blinded him by plunging a burning stake into his eye while he lay asleep, and with six of his friends (the others having been devoured by Polyphemus) made his escape by clinging to the bellies of the sheep let out to pasture.
Simple souls found their spiritual pasture in little mincing "devotions"; while robuster minds built up for themselves a natural moralistic religion, quite as close to Epictetus as to Christianity.
While grazing they feed almost continually, preferring short pasture.
On the fine pasture lands which now support the flocks of the Kurds, the horses and mules, so celebrated in ancient times, were reared.
The central plain is highly cultivated, forming an almost continuous stretch of gardens and vineyards, varied here and there with a few patches of cornfields and pasture lands.
The fertile plain south of the town is noted for its wheat and fine pasture.
The best crop-producing districts lie near the base of the Harz Mountains, such as the "Magdeburger Borde" (between Magdeburg and the Saale) and the "Goldene Aue," and rich pasture lands occur in the river valleys, but the sandy plains of the Altmark, in the!north part of the province, yield but a scanty return.
The farm was a curious mixture of pasture, woodland and water.
I do not know the distribution and extent of the grazing marsh which is pasture or meadow and how much is grazed and periodically inundated with water.
Saturday country is largely arable with Wednesday's country heavier, with more pasture.
It is also ideal land for fattening beef cattle and you still see some of the beautiful white-faced Herefords grazing on the lush pasture.
Several approaches to the control and prevention of pasture bloat have been experimented with in various parts of the world.
In pasture, cutting will prevent meadow buttercup seeding.
Grazing with sheep will reduce it, as will sowing clover into an infested pasture.
However these changes in species composition would have very little impact on potential pasture production.
The landscape is one of rolling hills, pasture, small streams, woods and numerous fox coverts.
Mainly in arable cultivation, with some former pasture gone to scrub.
They were essentially a class of land cultivators, who possessed small tenements, in which arable predominated over both meadow and pasture.
The organic rules as devised by Europe, and you, seem to be designed for mixed farms and not for permanent pasture farms.
This area is wooded farmland, mainly under pasture.
The introduction of improved pasture which relies on nitrogenous fertilizer with the elimination of white clover is one major loss of a nectar source.
It's floored by a pasture of lush green grass that could almost be used as a tennis court.
Lowland Wood Pasture, Parkland & Mature Trees Mature trees are those which are old enough to be hollow or contain rotting heartwood.
I let ' em drive my old jeep cross the pasture at our home.
Durcott; footpath south of wooded knoll Beyond the environs of the knoll the path comes out into a pasture.
White clover has been an important constituent of fodder since the 17th century and is the most important pasture legume in Britain.
Crop and pasture legume suitability varied with soil type, so regional diversity was more readily apparent.
The cumulative effects of episodic deep drainage events may be substantially lessened by inclusion of a perennial pasture phase.
For ruminant livestock, access to pasture must be maximized.
In more recent years the village was an important lead mining center and Carsington Pasture is still littered with disused lead mines.
Tapeworm eggs are passed out in the dung and eaten by a microscopic mite which lives on the pasture.
We'll be following a bridleway through a curious mixture of pasture, woodland and heath.
We have learned that intensively managed pasture produces far more nitrous oxide than was suspected.
In the floodplain there are still areas of enclosed meadow pasture.
These hills are mostly bleak and barren, affording scanty pasture to large numbers of sheep.
Woodlands are mainly found around Drumbeg and are primarily associated with small estates (lowland woodland pasture and parkland ).
Habitats such as rhos pasture, heaths, wetlands and bluebell woods remain part of the everyday local environment in many Valleys communities.
There is some wet rush pasture toward the summit; elsewhere most cattle pasture is now equestrian grazing.
However, by the 16th century Grimes Graves had become a sheep pasture.
Without an effective preventive worming program pasture is likely to become heavily contaminated with potentially dangerous levels of Infective larvae.
The work was varied by walking the pasture of the whole dale and removing Spear thistle rosettes.
They were outraged at tightened game laws and the loss of the social safety net of common pasture and woodland.
The project was an agent-based simulation of pasture grazing by sheep.
Intensive grazing of pasture and saltmarsh can create a sward that is too short for nesting skylarks.
The outlet channel became a lagoon controlled by sluices and the mudflats were reclaimed as pasture.
Terrestrial habitat associated with the breeding areas is quarry spoil, early successional vegetation and surrounding pasture.
Oh, stony pasture, Where the tall mullein Stands up so sturdy On its little seed!
A group of horses remained near the center of the pasture, seemingly unconcerned by the approach of night.
A slender rougher pasture leads to the brow; only vestiges of this old enclosed way remain.
Then the way moves into denser conifer woodland before emerging into an open pasture, with oak woodland away to your left.
Climate.The north and north-west of France bear a great resemblance, both in temperature and produce, to the south of England, rain occurring frequently, and the country being consequently suited for pasture.
Moreover, many proprietors contrived to curtail seriously the allotments which the peasants had possessed under serfdom, and frequently they deprived them of precisely the parts which they were most in need of, namely, pasture lands around their houses, and forests.
The remainder of the island consists chiefly of low undulating ground, a mixture of pasture and morass, with many shallow freshwater tarns, and small streams running in the valleys.
As affecting agricultural practice there were three noteworthy improvements in respect of the making of which, without the consent of or notice to his landlord, a tenant might claim compensation - (1) the consumption on the holding " by horses, other than those regularly employed on the holding," of corn, cake or other feeding-stuff not produced on the holding; (2) the "consumption on the holding by cattle, sheep, or pigs, or by horses other than those regularly employed on the holding, of corn proved by satisfactory evidence to have been produced and consumed on the holding "; (3) " laying down temporary pasture with clover, grass, lucerne, sainfoin or other seeds sown more than two years prior to the determination of the tenancy."
In many cases it would be decided to let such land remain under grass indefinitely, and thus it would no longer be enumerated in the Agricultural Returns as temporary grass land, but would pass into the category of permanent grass land, or what is often spoken of as " permanent pasture."
A typical course at one of the higher colleges lasts for two years and includes instruction under the heads of soils and manure, crops and pasture, live stock, foods and feeding, dairy work, farm and estate management and farm bookkeeping, surveying, agricultural buildings and machinery, agricultural chemistry, agricultural botany, veterinary science and agricultural entomology.
As examples of class (i.) may be mentioned - erection or enlargement of buildings, laying down of permanent pasture, making of gardens or fences, planting of hops, embankments and sluices; as examples of (ii.) - chalking of land, clay burning, application to land of purchased artificial or purchased manure, except they have been made for the purpose of making provision to protect the holding from injury or deterioration.
The lowland pasture, from 2000 to 5000 ft., is composed of more vigorous grasses, with an undergrowth of an exceptionally succulent character.
The central peninsula contains some marshland and moorland pasture, on which a few thousand sheep graze; but the rest of the island consists merely of dunes or sandhills.
When a horse has been overstrained by work the best remedy is a long rest at pasture, and, if it be lame or weak in the limbs, the winter season is most conducive to recovery.
Half walking in the paths, half working our way through the lesser drifts, we succeeded in reaching a pine grove just outside a broad pasture.
Also ragwort in pasture has declined from sheep grazing.
The women traced the pasture 13. we retraced the route we took last summer 14.
Greater Rheas are a declining species, but these individuals seemed to be quite happy mingling with the cattle in fairly ordinary looking pasture.
In addition to his farm property, John III had recently purchased a cottage and five roods of pasture in Wainfleet.
Here you 're on a steep slope of rough pasture.
It nests on the ground in some rushy pasture or marsh.
Oh, stony pasture, Where the tall mullein Stands up so sturdy On its little seed !
The supernatant liquor is generally pathogen free and can be used for pasture irrigation without the drawbacks associated with raw effluent dispersal.
Docks & Spear thistle in pasture were looked at.
Various orchids were widespread, and Adder 's tongue fern was common on unploughed pasture.
Essential trace elements for lambs, basic facts Denied supplementary cobalt whilst grazing pasture deficient in it, the lamb will become sick.
Only a thousand years ago Greenland was a verdant pasture, grazed by the flocks of the settling Vikings.
They have been fed organic hay, pasture and other certified organic feed.
After all, that area was in his pasture.
Brandon is out at the north pasture, he'll be in any time for lunch.
Bordeaux pulled the team off the road, following a trail off through the pasture.
They caught the man running through the buffalo pasture, with Brutus barking and nipping at his heels.
She shooed the goat back into the pasture and grabbed a pair of linesman pliers and some bailing wire from the barn.
We're going to run the buffalo in the north pasture with the goats.
Releasing them to the corral, she watered them and then opened the gate to the pasture.
The three of them headed out to pasture.
I'll have them in the small pasture for a while until they get accustomed to their new surroundings.
I wonder if there is debris blocking it in the back pasture.
I want to check the fence line before I turn the buffalo into the north pasture.
Maybe he was working in the south pasture and decided to come see you.
He came at a time when I would normally be home - yet if he was in the pasture, he should know I hadn't come home yet.
She slowed and came to a stop, staring out into the pasture.
Maybe we should reinforce Ed's pasture.
The stock pond stared up at her coldly from the tawny pasture like a huge eye, the ice-covered edges surrounding a deep blue iris.
She opened the stall door to release Princess, Casper and Random in the pasture, and then saddled Ed.
As the days passed, the little filly grew stronger and they finally released her in the pasture with her mother and sisters.
Thinking a ride might put her in a better mood, she saddled Ed and released Princess and her daughters in the pasture.
Today they would put the buffalo and longhorns in the same pasture.
The fence had been altered so that the shed was now included in the new pasture.
The evening was already casting long shadows when he leaned down from the saddle and opened the gate to the south pasture.
The mares were now kept in the renovated dairy barn and they ran in a separate pasture.
They had been out to pasture all day, so they were looking for attention.
Have you been up in the new pasture since you came back?
It is totally different in appearance from the pasture mushroom, and, like it, its characters are so distinct that there is hardly a possibility of making a mistake when its peculiarities are once comprehended.
These were lands over which, in distinction front the other feudal lands, rights of pasture, cutting of wood, &c. &c., existed.
A considerable portion of Sardinia, especially in the higher regions, is devoted to pasture.
The forest habit in this region is close association of species, and there are " palmares," " algarrobales," " chanarales," &c., and among these open pasture lands, giving to a distant landscape a park-like appearance.
It had in 1909 a property of 2345 acres (of which 1000 were farm lands, 1145 pasture and wood lands, and 200 school campus), and loo buildings, many of brick, and nearly all designed and constructed, even to the making of the bricks, by the teachers and students.
The flocks were committed to a shepherd who gave receipt for them and took them out to pasture.
Enormous flocks are possessed by professional sheep-farmers, who pasture them in the mountains in the summer, and bring them down to the plains in the winter.
The river valleys abound in natural pasture, and sainfoin, lucerne and other forage crops are largely grown; cattle-raising is an important source of wealth, and the cheeses of Troyes are well known.
Habitats rich in mineral salts, especially calcium carbonate, poor in acidic humous compounds, and characterized by ash woods, beech woods, and calcareous pasture.
Year by year the influence of the Mahommedan tribes on the north leads to the cutting down of the forest, the extension of both planting and pasture and the introduction of cattle and even horses.
The climate is generally such as to secure the population the necessaries of life without severe labour; the extremes of heat and drought are such as to render the land unsuitable for pasture, and the people everywhere subsist by cultivation of the soil or commerce, and live in settled villages or towns.
About 55% of the whole is under tillage, while 16% consists of meadow and pasture and 21% is covered by forests.
A purely pastoral people, they move from pasture to pasture, as food becomes deficient.
The slopes of the Armenian highlands are clothed with fine forests, and the vine is grown at their base, while on the wide-stretching steppes the Turko-Tatars pasture cattle, horses and sheep. The lower part of the Kura valley assumes the character of a dry steppe, the rainfall not reaching 54 in.
In such districts sheep farming is chiefly practised, and there is a considerable area of heath pasture.
The territory of the " township " consisted of arable land, meadow, pasture and waste.
In some cases they ceased to farm their own land and let it out on lease often together with the stock upon it; or else they abandoned arable culture, laid down their demesnes to pasture, enclosed the waste lands and devoted themselves to sheep-farming.
His remarks on horses, cattle, &c., are not less interesting; and there is a very good account of the diseases of each species, and some just observations on the advantage of mixing different kinds on the same pasture.
And also another seuerall close for his portion of his common pasture, and also his porcion of his medowe in a seuerall close by itselfe, and al kept in seureall both in wynter and somer; and euery cottage shall haue his portion assigned hym accordynge to his rent, and than shall nat the ryche man ouerpresse the poore man with his cattell; and euery man may eate his oun close at his pleasure.
This writer seems to differ a good deal from Blith about the advantage of interchanging tillage and pasture.
Having arrived at the conclusion that the food of plants consists of minute particles of earth taken up by their rootlets, it followed that the more thoroughly the soil in which they grew was disintegrated, the more abundant would be the " pasture " (as he called it) to which their fibres would have access.
In the period 18 751905 the extreme areas returned as " permanent pasture "-a term which, it should be clearly understood, does not include heath or mountain land, of which there are in Great Britain alone about 13 million acres used for grazing-were 23,772,602 acres in 1875, and 28,865,373 acres in 1905.
The decrease in the demand for labour is attributable chiefly to the reduction of the cultivated area and the laying down to pasture of land once under the plough, and to the increasing use of agricultural machinery.
A crofter is defined as " a tenant of a holding " - being arable or pasture land, or partly arable and partly pasture land - " from year to year who resides on his holding, the annual rent of which does not exceed £30 in money, and which is situated in a ` crofting parish.'
In the richer soil they cut deep channels; the denudation thus caused threatens to diminish seriously the area of arable and pasture land.
Less of the ground is cultivated and more of it is in pasture land than in any other of the seven islands.
If they fall on pasture land or fodder of any kind and are eaten by any herbivorous animal, such as a hare, rabbit, horse, sheep or ox, the active embryos or larvae are set free in the alimentary canal of the new host.
The south and central region was the land of the bison, its grasses affording a great pasture ground for tens of thousands of "buffaloes."
The state bureau of agriculture in 1903 estimated that of the total area 14.9 millions of acres were timber land, 5.7 millions pasture and marsh, and 5 o millions cultivated farm land.
Wheat, oats, barley and other cereals are grown and exported, and owing to the abundance of pasture and forage, sheep and cattle-rearing are actively carried on.
The whole of this region is covered with excellent pasture.
This necessitated their constantly moving in search of fresh pasture, spending the spring and autumn upon the open steppe, the winter and summer by the rivers for the sake of moisture and shelter.
Though almost waterless, it is in fact better wooded and richer in pasture than any part of the Hamad; the sand-hills are dotted with ghada, a species of tamarisk, and other bushes, and several grasses and succulent plants - among them the adar, on which sheep are said to feed for a month without requiring water - are found in abundance in good seasons.
In 1895 began a marked commercial revival, mainly due to the steady conversion of the colony's waste lands into pasture; the development of frozen meat and dairy exports; the continuous increase of the output of coal; the invention of gold-dredging; the revival and improvement of hemp manufacture; the exploiting of the deposits of kauri gum; the reduction in the rates of interest on mortgage money; a general rise in wages, obtained without strikes, and partially secured by law, which has increased the spending power of the working classes.
About that time parts of a confederation of tribes which had taken the name of Shammar from a moun tain in their neighbourhood, moved northwards from Central Arabia in search of better pasture, &c. Successfully displacing their forerunners, they made themselves at home in the Syrian steppe - until their possession was in turn disputed by a later emigrant from Arabia, for whom they finally made room by moving on into Mesopotamia, over which they spread, driving before them their predecessors the Tai (whose name the Mesopotamian Aramaeans had adopted as a designation for Arab in general), partly north of the Sinjar, partly over the Tigris.
The summer water-level of the pasture polders south of the former Y is about 4 to 8 ft.
For pasture land a special rent was paid.
I was in haste to buy it, before the proprietor finished getting out some rocks, cutting down the hollow apple trees, and grubbing up some young birches which had sprung up in the pasture, or, in short, had made any more of his improvements.
Wild waterfowl make themselves peacefully at home along his pasture stream, .
They are also cleared to provide pasture for livestock, or to create new areas for crops like coffee plants.
Out of pasture exercise, fresh air, clean bedding and water are mandatory.
For added fun, hitch a trailer filled with hay to a tractor or pickup, and take the teens for a ride through the pasture and woods nearby!
If you have access to a pasture or woods, create a trail through the field, and station various "spooks" along the trail, or fix up a basement with boxes, sheets, etc., and have some friends dress up as ghosts and goblins.
Cattle that are dead, dying, and diseased or disabled (the "4 D's") can be used in pet food, and the dead cattle may have been lying in a pasture for days rotting.
Trailing or half-shrubby herbs, the one best worth growing being the native L. corniculatus, which occurs in almost every meadow or pasture, forming tufts of yellow flowers with the upper part often red on the outside.
Cattle must have access to outdoor pasture lands.
The cattle are pasture grazed in a stress free environment on small to medium sized family farms.
They are not raised in confinement, but are given access to pasture and a clean environment.
Organic livestock must be given access to pasture as well as a clean water source, sunlight, and 100% organic feed.
This does not mean that the pasture was organic.
The pasture may have been treated with chemical fertilizers and herbicides and these toxins may be in the meat.
They are grazing on pasture and moving freely rather than being confined in their own filth.
It is caused by increased omega-3 fatty acids present in the meat as well as the residual flavors of the pasture that the animal fed on.
Cattle must have access to open pasture during grazing seasons and whenever weather permits at other times.
The cattle must be fed organic grain and pasture.
They were meant to graze and live on a diet of pasture.
While the beef may be eating from a pasture that has been doused with herbicides and chemical fertilizers, the likelihood is small.
The large corporate farms that can afford to do that usually do not pasture raise their beef.
This means that the beef is pastured on all organic pasture and is not finished with grain at a feed lot.
There are five hexes you can use throughout the game - clay to build bricks, forest for lumber, mine for ore, farm for wheat, and pasture for wool.
Hay Ride- If you live on a farm, fill up a trailer or the back of a pickup with some hay, and take the kids for a ride through a pasture or along a dirt road.
Lexington, the horse capital of the world, is a bustling city surrounded by acres of pasture land and forests.
As he turned, the lights of a silent ambulance bounced across the long stretch of pasture between the highway and the mangled car.
She turned her head and stared across the pasture, acutely aware of the warmth of his hand on her leg.
Dawn and Random followed their mother as they trotted out to the pasture.
She locked the bison out of the pasture surrounding the pond and joined the men by the footbridge.
Only 41% of the total area is devoted to agriculture, while meadow-land and pasture occupy 11%.
She would bring Princess up to the pasture where Ed used to be.