Passivity Sentence Examples
Accepting their apparent passivity is clearly no way forward.
The climate itself encourages to passivity, and the very luxuriance of vegetable and animal life tends to blunt the feeling of the value of life.
It is only in a state of perfect passivity and repose that the soul can recognize and touch the primeval Being.
Even granting that some feeble remains of antique reserve may have contributed to this, and even although some of it is certainly to be set down to his disposition and temperament, still it was his religious passivity that here determined the character of Socrates and made him a typical example of the later Byzantine Christianity.
As video encourages passivity, it can prove difficult to engage the attention of students.
But little by little he succumbed to his milieu, the atmosphere of false confidence and passivity created around him by Alexeiev.
In that country the Church almost completely lost her possessions; in Germany they were at least considerably curtailed; in both the hierarchical organization was shattered, while the Catholic laity surveyed the catastrophe in complete passivity.
In these cases the activity of one of the gametes, and the passivity of the other, is regarded as evidence of incipient sex.
This "passivity" may be brought about by immersion in other solutions, especially by those containing such oxidizing anions as NO' 3, C10' 3, less strongly by the anions SO" 4, CN', CNS', C2H30'2, OH', while Cl', Br' practically inhibit passivity; H' is the only cation which has any effect, and this tends to exclude passivity.
Feelings of political exclusion and hopelessness engender damaging passivity punctuated by urban unrest.
AdvertisementInstead their analysis emphasized the passivity imposed upon workers by the dominance of the media.
The biomedical model of care predominates in these areas of medicine, potentially promoting patient passivity.
The AK explained the passivity of the workers when faced by this conflict in the enemy camp by their defeat in early 1933.
From this general perspective, ABC for a Marxist, he contrives however to make a recipe of temporizing passivity and national nihilism.
In the triumph of Royalist counter-revolution Milton saw the dangers of political passivity, of ideological sloth.
AdvertisementIn addition, the complete passivity of the wavelength router enables a totally passive hub.
He loathed the bourgeois notions of acceptable sexuality and sexual behavior, and in particular the tradition of female passivity.
Behind the relative passivity of this year's delegations are problems that could undermine the health and credibility of the NPT regime.
There has to be a certain passivity in our attitude to our preaching, if we are not to be manipulative.
One of expanded cinema's major aims is to work against audience passivity and compel active participation in one form or another.
AdvertisementHis philosophical works emphasize the passivity of the reason.
This exaggerates the passivity of life, and does not sufficiently recognize that the higher organisms largely adjust external to internal relations and adapt their environment to their needs.
Then the advocates of passivity regained the upper hand and kept the squadron in harbour, and henceforward for many months the Japanese navy lay unchallenged off Port Arthur, engaging in minor operations, covering the transport of troops to the mainland, and watching for the moment when the advance of the army should force the Russian fleet to come out.
Some pupae are thus more active than some nymphs; the essential character of a pupa is not therefore its passivity, but that it is the instar in which the wings first become evident externally.
An extreme result of this influence is shown in Tertullian's view, that no Christian could properly hold the office of a secular magistrate in which he would have to doom to death, chains, imprisonment; but even more sober writers, such as Ambrose, extend Christian passivity so far as to preclude self-defence even against a murderous assault.
AdvertisementBy creating reality shows that viewers compulsively tune into, goes Truth-It's argument, the corporations and the government can lull you into passivity.