Passive Sentence Examples
He took in her features with passive curiosity.
On the Internet are far fewer passive observers.
They remained passive throughout the war and the neutrality of the country was respected by both armies.
And the passive resistance of those who refused to conform at length gave rise to active opposition.
He was a zealous advocate of the doctrine of passive obedience, and strongly opposed the Toleration Act, declaiming in unmeasured terms against the various Nonconformist sects.
During the reign of her husband, too (1547-1559), Catherine lived a quiet and passive, but observant life.
The Khazars, straitened on every side, remained passive till the danger culminated in the accession of Attila (434).
Employers should consider how to limit passive smoking at work.
Then, agreeing with evolutionism, that things are necessarily determined by forces, but with Leibnitz that body is merely passive,.
The swarthy figure and brilliant costume of the "Moor" when reproduced in wood and picked out in colours produced a very striking effect, and when a small table was supported on the head by the upraised hands the idea of passive service was suggested with completeness.
AdvertisementCameron was prepared to accept Episcopacy, and was cordially disliked for his adherence to the doctrine of passive obedience.
By virtue of the passive principle the thing is susceptible of motion and modification; it is matter which determines substance (obvia).
The methods of active immunity have been practically applied in preventive inoculation against disease; those of passive immunity have given us serum therapeutics.
Is it true that Asian women are passive, sexless beings forced into arranged marriages?
Consequently a visit to Jerusalem is interpolated in the journey from Tyre to Gaza; and, Alexander, contrary to all expectation, is made to respect the high priest's passive resistance.
AdvertisementThis idea contains within it the germ of the modern idea of the subjectivity of sense-given data; perception is not merely a passive reflection of external objects.
Thus if a little diphtheritic sputum were coughed into a person's eye, or some blood containing anthrax bacilli were to touch a raw spot upon the hand, the removal of microbes in either case by washing with simple water might be regarded as a means of passive defence, whilst washing them away with an antiseptic lotion might be regarded as active defence, because the antiseptic would tend not only to remove but to destroy the microbes.
But by the addition of some antiseptic to the ointment its defensive action would be converted from passive to active, and its power to prevent infection would become greater; and if inflammation had already set up in the skin, the addition of opium, belladonna, or cocaine would lessen local pain; and an astringent, either metallic or organic, would restrain inflammation and accelerate repair.
We have also considered in a general way the treatment of local diseases by passive protection, active protection and repair of waste; but both maintenance of health and repair of waste depend very largely upon the condition of the blood.
Exercises, passive and active, are also used in diseases of the joints, as well as massage and baths, but exercises and training are even more important in cases of cardiac disease.
AdvertisementIt is the idea of tension or tonicity as the essential attribute of body, in contradistinction to passive inert matter, which is distinctively Stoic. The Epicureans leave unexplained the primary constitution and first movements of their atoms or elemental solids; chance or declination may account for them.
That Zeno and Cleanthes crudely compared this presentation to the impression which a seal bears upon wax, with protuberances and indentations, while Chrysippus more prudently determined it vaguely as an occult modification or " mode " of mind, is an interesting but not intrinsically important detail But the mind is no mere passive recipient of impressions from without, in the view of the Stoics.
Withdrawal from the active duty of the world must lead to passive endurance, and, ere long, complete indifference.
The facts with regard to passive immunity were thus established and were put to practical application by the introduction of diphtheria antitoxin as a therapeutic agent in 1894.
The second - passive immunity - is produced by the transference of a quantity of the serum of an animal actively immunized to a fresh animal; the term is applied because there is brought into play no active change in the tissues of the second animal.
AdvertisementIt is by means of them that immunity (passive) can be transferred to a fresh animal.
The antitoxic serum when injected enttinoxic previously to the toxin also confers immunity (passive) against it; when injected after the toxin it has within certain limits a curative action, though in this case its dose requires to be large.
The fact that he not only did nothing to remove existing difficulties, but remained passive while his colleagues took the fatal step which led directly to separation, is in itself clear proof of his entire incapacity.
He had but imitated the policy of Theodosius with regard to the barbarians; but even that great emperor had met with passive opposition from the old Roman families.
Others have held that the self has a complex content, the subject self being, as it were, a fuller expression of the object-self (so Bradley); or again the subject self is the active content of the mind, and the object self the passive content which for the moment is exciting the attention.
As there are active and passive surfaces in the flying animal, so there are, or should be, active and passive surfaces in the flying machine.
The active surfaces in flying creatures are always greatly in excess of the passive ones, from the fact that the former virtually increase in proportion to the spaces through which they are made to travel.
Nature not only distinguishes between active and passive surfaces in flying animals, but she strikes a just balance between them, and utilizes both.
As a rule she reduces the passive surfaces of the body to a minimum; she likewise reduces as far as possible the actively moving or flying surfaces.
While, however, diminishing the surfaces of the flying animal as a whole, she increases as occasion demands the active or wing surfaces by wing movements, and the passive or dead surfaces by the forward motion of the body in progressive flight.
The elytra, moreover, are not wholly passive structures.
When the wings descend they elevate the body, the wings being active and the body passive; when the body descends it contributes to the elevation of the wings,' the body being active and the wings more or less passive.
This is necessary for the simple reason that the body must be active, the air passive.
The "passive resistance" movement, with Dr Clifford as its chief leader, had a large share in the defeat of the Unionist government in January 1906, and his efforts were then directed to getting a new act passed which should be undenominational in character.
Meanwhile "passive resistance" lost its interest, though Dr Clifford and his followers continued to protest against their treatment.
Community of creed, ancient traditional influence, the entire absence of Russian merchants, and t the consequent avoidance of many small commercial rivalries, contributed to bring about a sort of passive preference for Russia, while the bitter disputes that had occurred with Germany on the question of railway finance had left a very hostile feeling.
For the passive voice, a fi is used, with the past participle of the required verb.
The Norman barons had refused to strike a blow for John, and the cities had shown but a very passive and precarious loyalty to him.
His subjects had already begun to murmur; resistance, the early parliaments of his reign had been passive and complaisant; but by 1523 the Commons had been goaded into resistance.
This is said to have been done without Henrys consent; he certainly wished to avoid war with Charles V., and peace was made after six months of passive hostility.
During the revolution of August 177 2, Fersen remained a passive spectator of the overthrow of the constitution, and was one of the first whom Gustavus summoned to his side after his triumph.
Christ's twofold obedience, (a) active and (b) passive, produces jointly a twofold result, (1) satisfaction to the broken moral law, (2) merit, securing eternal life to Christ's people.
In bodies we observe no active agency, only a sustained natural order in the succession of passive sensuous phenomena.
Amid this commotion the king and his ministers remained passive.
The king could not like the new constitution, although, if left to himself, indolence and good nature might have rendered him passive.
With passive courage Louis refrained from making any promise to the insurgents.
But they remained passive until the enforcement of the decree for the levy of 300,000 men.
He was commonly regarded as a Roman Catholic, but he would appear to have been no more than an extreme exponent of the High Church doctrine of passive obedience.
David Hackston, the Covenanter, who was a passive assister at the assassination of Archbishop Sharp, belonged to this parish, his place being named Rathillet.
In the view of primitive Christians ordinary human society was a world temporarily surrendered to Satanic rule, over which a swift and sudden destruction was impending; in such a world the little band who were gathered in the ark of the church could have no part or lot, - the only attitude they could maintain was that of passive alienation.
We might further derive from the general spirit of Christian unworldliness that repudiation of the secular modes of conflict, even in a righteous cause, which substituted a passive patience and endurance for the old pagan virtue of courage, in which the active element was prominent.
He argues that Hobbes's atomic materialism involves the conception of an objective physical world, the object not of passive sense that varies from man to man, but of the active intellect that is the same in all; there is therefore, he urges, an inconsistency in refusing to admit a similar exercise of intellect in morals, and an objective world of right and wrong, which the mind by its normal activity clearly apprehends as such.
He warily refused the offer of a Scottish bishopric, and published in 1673 his four "conferences," entitled Vindication of the Authority, Constitution and Laws of the Church and State of Scotland, in which he insisted on the duty of passive obedience.
The idea of knowledge or scientific thought as distinguished from the passive form of thought - of aesthetics and religion - is thought which is produced by all thinkers in the same form and which corresponds to being.
The ideal state is a civil community ruled by a universal or Catholic church, the principles of which are equally distinct from mere passive pietism, or faith which will know nothing, and from the Protestant doctrine, which is the very radicalism of reason.
They had wished to set up a centralized empire, Catholic and German; but the treaties of Westphalia kept Germany in its passive and fragmentary condition; while the Catholic and Protestant princes obtained formal recognition of their territorial independence and their religious equality.
He did not succeed either in stemming the tide of expense, nor in his administration, being in no way in advance of his age, and not perceiving that decisive reform could not be achieved by a government dealing with the nation as though it were inert and passive material, made to obey and to payS Like a good Cartesian he conceived of the state as an immense machine, every portion of which should receive its impulse from outsidethat is from him, Colbert.
But Spain took a subordinate and often a merely passive part in these wars.
He died on the 22nd of December 1419, and all visitors to the Baptistery at Florence may admire, under its high baldacchino, the sombre figure sculptured by Donatello of the dethroned pontiff, who had at least the merit of bowing his head under his chastisement, and of contributing by his passive resignation to the extinction of the series of popes which sprang from the council of Pisa.
From this it appears that each observer obtains specific advantages from one and the same simple microscope, and also the individual observer can obtain different magnifications by either using different accommodations, or by viewing in passive accommodation.
His position was more passive than active, and consisted in giving his support as far as possible to the 1 Pierre-Louis-Casimir, comte (afterwards duc) de Blacas d'Aulps, was as rigidly royalist as d'Avaray, but more able.
The authorities were passive, and although some courageous persons actually rescued the victim at an early stage and concealed him in a friendly house, the bloodthirsty mob soon discovered his refuge and were about to force an entrance, when the dying man surrendered to save his deliverer's property.
Contrast her excellent reporting to the passive reporter who found out very little about the company.
It was an example of the detrimental effect that passive smoking can have on anyone's health.
First, we need to decide whether it can move beyond the role of passive recipient of management information to exert active influence over company policy.
In (2 ), the holding (closure) stage, the active articulator is held against the passive articulator.
Alison was very borderline, passive in the middle of a storm of helping activity around her.
But civil society and the rest of the world are not passive bystanders in the process.
Acupuncture inhibits the decrease in brain catecholamine contents and the impairment of passive avoidance task in ovariectomized mice.
The company still exists today but fortunately making watches for a more passive clientele.
Isolated individuals, united only by a passive contemplation of the spectacle.
Again thinking about heat, a passive cooler isn't always the answer.
The success of legislation would depend on the passive good will of the followers of organized coursing.
In fact it is potentially even more dangerous, especially in a system with passive crossovers.
Passive units incorporate a built-in crossover; Remote Active units include a G41 crossover module.
We have already moved away from a passive social security system which could be caricatured as encouraging welfare dependency.
By this means we hope to counteract the common criticism that museum curators interpret objects in a purely didactic way for a passive public.
Measurements show comparable performance between active and passive diffusers, while the active solution requires less space.
Recent studies have shown that passive smoking may be associated with vascular endothelial dysfunction.
The scheme utilizes passive and active principles, ranging from thermal walls and glazed southerly elevations, to solar panel technology.
Right to Life - petitions to fight against the campaign to legalize passive euthanasia.
Are these acts or omissions; are these cases of passive euthanasia or active euthanasia?
Many people lead very passive lives and such exuberance actually scares them.
Direct and forthright manner with high achievements and results makes this a particular fave of those who prefer action to a more passive approach.
On this level the lower classes can no longer be made the passive footstool of the higher.
The active hand was a fist with an extended thumb, and the passive hand was a fist with an extended forefinger.
In the occupied area the whole of heavy industry lay inert because of passive resistance.
The amplifier will drive any conventional passive analog loudspeakers.
Will passive bookings be included in the debit memo program?
Hold the midfoot and manipulate each metatarsal up and down to estimate passive range of movement.
The gentleness of their character, and their passive obedience recall the character of the Russian peasant.
But the Empress was more than just a passive observer.
However, the support we receive from the union tops is passive or even obstructive.
I wish to become an active participant rather than a passive onlooker.
The Qal passive participle does occur c. 72 times with the meaning " be praised " or " be blessed.
Good uses of passives There are times of course when you should use a passive.
It is from the verb " sever " but it is past, passive, and adjectival, i.e. a perfective passive participle.
Even the many spectacular pictures generated from datasets available on the Web present an essentially passive view of what is happening.
Aristotle assigned women ' a purely passive role in conception as incubators for the reproductive power of men (8 ).
They are merely passive recipients of the shares or the money.
Although both mind and the sensory faculty receive their correlative forms when perceiving or thinking, neither is wholly passive in its defining activity.
Being out with the buggy was a relatively passive procedure.
It is not possible to estimate how many of the total deaths caused by passive smoking are from passive smoking at work.
In addition, the complete passivity of the wavelength router enables a totally passive hub.
It is this passive resistance which accounts, for example, for the comparative paucity and poverty of distinctively Scottish literature since the Union.
Although passive and suffering some matching problems between the two, very different, pickups.
Based on the threat and scheme of maneuver, assets may need support to enhance their passive air defense posture.
For both gas sufferers and those near and dear to them, this passive control device offers a win-win proposition.
We still seek from our students the passive absorption of the canon and we are still purveying traditional Western Eurocentric content.
Passive RF sensors, which use microwave radiometers to detect RF energy emitted or reflected from objects.
The media quickly developed a campaign of passive resistance.
About half the passive samplers had measurable levels of asbestos by TEM.
We propose to adapt some recent results obtained for the Navier-Stokes equations to the passive scalar.
Members who demonstrate a strong tendency to be passive or lack self-confidence in speaking up for themselves.
Each person is a member of the body, and consequently no one can come to a meeting as a passive spectator.
An additional passive subwoofer may be connected to enhance low-end punch for larger events.
A number of passive tracers will also be included in the 17 year integration.
But in passive transference there is no ' repression ' going on.
They see every foul device of imperialist tyranny employed against them with at any rate the passive acquiescence of the British working class.
But dogmatic atheism is rare compared with the sceptical type, which is identical with agnosticism in so far as it denies the capacity of the mind of man to form any conception of God, but is different from it in so far as the agnostic merely holds his judgment in suspense, though, in practice, agnosticism is apt to result in an attitude towards religion which is hardly distinguishable from a passive and unaggressive atheism.
Caesar was now best known as a man of pleasure, celebrated for his debts and his intrigues; in politics he had no force behind him save that of the discredited party of the populaces, reduced to lending a passive support to Pompey and Crassus.
According Lo both, it is always some substance, such as Socrates, which is quantitative, qualitative, relative, somewhere, some time, placed, conditioned, active, passive; so that all things in all other categories are attributes which are belongings of substances.
No wonder, then, that the Vatican, confronted by a new Italy, observed The Papacy a passive and expectant attitude, and sanctioned no jot or tittle that could infringe its rights or be Italian interpreted as a renunciation of its temporal sovereignty.
Her sublime folly turned out to be wiser than their wisdom; in two months, from May to July 1429, she had freed Orleans, destroyed the prestige of the English army at Patay, and dragged the doubting and passive king against his will to be crowned at Reims. All this produced a marvellous revulsion of political feeling throughout France, Charles VII.
Even in the absence of the new issue, defeat was foredoomed for Mr Balfour's administration by the ordinary course of political events; and it might fairly be claimed that "Chinese slavery," "passive resistance," and labour irritation at the Taff Vale judgment (see Trade Unions) were mainly responsible for the Unionist collapse.
Relaxed, passive stretching prepares your muscles for the quiescent period which follows your workout.
The depiction implies passive inertia on the part of the congregation who heard this message, rosaries in hand.
Periodically drug detection dogs operate and visitors maybe subject to routine screening by a passive drug detection dog.
Also, stative verbs are not usually used in the passive.
Conservation successes document that we should not be passive by-standers in the unfolding tragedy of biodiversity loss and species extinction.
There was no effect of a beneficial replacement of passive unintelligent people by active intelligent ones.
In contrast, the monkeys with a poor maternal relationship became passive and vocalized a lot.
Passive immunization should be carried out using Varicella zoster immunoglobulin (VZIG) in non-immune patients if exposed to chickenpox or shingles.
They take things personally, and they are hapless and passive.
While sun panels are a way of directly harnessing the sun's energy and using it to supply your home with power, passive solar is a very different form of solar power.
This type of energy is called passive since instead of powering an electrical light, heater or whole house, the sun simply provides the light or heat.
While active solar can be added onto any existing structure, passive solar can only be capture through the use of certain design processes that orient the building toward the sun.
A top-notch passive solar design provides a considerable amount of heat and light for the home without any conversion of the sun's energy, making it an affordable type of solar energy use.
If you are building a new home, passive solar is a popular way to go.
While active and passive solar powers work entirely differently, they both help reduce the consumption of non-renewable resources and contribute to a cleaner, more sustainable energy future for the earth.
Combating apathy can be difficult, whether you are the passive being in question, or merely the observer.
This clear discrimination enables sidescan sonar to be used for validating airborne passive microwave data.
Research activities from previous projects include passive radar transponders.
In fact they have reached the final result of unveiled hylozoism, from which the distinction of the active and passive principles is discerned to be a merely formal concession to Aristotle, a legacy from his dualistic doctrine.
When he's not being overtly vicious, he may be passive aggressive in his actions.
You can start small by adding a solar panel to heat your water or if remodeling, take advantage of a passive solar design.
The best solar systems combine passive solar techniques with other active solar technology such as photovoltaics.
The same techniques that work to heat your home with a passive solar system also work to cool your home.
When done correctly, passive solar provides a comfortable home year round.
Solar heaters come in passive and active and include solar collectors and storage tanks.
Units that rely on passive composting rather than these technical aids often require more frequent attention to avoid insect invasion or strong odors.
There are several ways to design a home to conserve energy, including passive as well as active strategies.
You may choose to implement passive solar strategies or active strategies, such as installing solar panels.
Passive solar strategies rely entirely on the orientation and detailing of a home to capture energy rather than mechanical or electrical devices, as with active solar design.
According to the U.S. Department of Energy, there are five elements that must be combined to create a "complete passive solar home design."
For passive design, this involves the natural methods of conduction, convention and radiation, which you may recall from science class.
These include direct and indirect solar energy production, and each can have both passive and active solar power components.
The two basic types of solar energy components include passive and active solar energy systems.
A passive solar energy system is the most energy efficient way to harness solar power because it requires no other energy, with the exception of the suns' rays, in order to work.
For example, opening your curtains to allow the sun to warm your home and give you free light on a sunny day is a great way to utilize passive solar energy.
Active solar energy systems are not as energy efficient as passive systems because they require energy in addition to the sun's rays in order to function.
One of the best green home designs is passive solar.
Just as all builders are not equal, neither are all passive solar home designs.
A properly designed passive solar house will have even heat distribution throughout the home during the winter months and cool air distribution during the warmer months.
A passive solar design will regulate the amount of sunlight allowed into the home for optimum thermal mass absorption.
Another way to utilize passive solar heat is with silicone filled tubing underneath your floors to provide radiant heat throughout your home.
The best design is to incorporate passive solar techniques with green products and materials.
Photovoltaic panels are the familiar solar panels found on buildings and used as passive collection units.
Solar energy systems can be either passive or active, depending on how they collect and distribute the solar energy.
When a room heats up from the sunlight streaming through a south facing window, it is being heated by passive solar energy.
Passive solar works to reduce the amount of energy traditionally used to power a location, such as a building or house.
Examples of using passive solar power include building a house in the natural direction of sunlight to trap heat and using airtight windows, walls and floor structures in a manner that generates passive energy.
Passive solar can also produce heat for your home.
Passive muscle relaxation and [[Relaxation Imagery Exercises|guided relaxation exercises]] are other great relaxation activities.
Popular methods include meditation, progressive or passive muscle relaxation, visualization and deep breathing exercises.
When using the passive voice, your words can fall flat.
The sensor is a passive sensor because it does not detect radio or sound waves.
A water coaster is unlike any other passive water slide, and guests need to ride the slides appropriately for the safest experience to ensure they avoid any embarrassing or dangerous water slide oops.
The strategy involved in playing these games helped to bring young people into the Bakugan universe, turning the passive consumption of the cartoon series into an active competition with friends and other players.
Unfortunately, most gamemakers took a passive approach for game interaction.
The experience is far from passive anymore.
Reading comic books is mostly a passive experience, but many fans want to interact with their favorite comic book characters.
While social networking platforms don't necessarily provide you with on-demand real-time information, they can still be used to track cell phones in a more passive manner.
The biggest shortcoming of Foursquare is that each user has to "check in" to each venue to update his or her location, unlike the passive updating done by Verizon Family Locator and Google Latitude.
The breast is not a passive container of milk.
Second-hand smoke (passive smoking) has been shown to increase cancer risk in children and adults who live with smokers.
The benefits of baclofen include decreased stretch reflexes, improved passive range of motion, and reduced muscle spasms, pain, and tightness.
The benefits of benzodiazepines include improved passive range of motion, less muscle overactivity, fewer painful spasms, and overall relaxation.
Passive movement-Movement that occurs under the power of an outside source such as a clinician.
Rigidity-A constant resistance to passive motion.
Retention treatment stage-The passive treatment period following orthodontic treatment, when retainers may be used to stabilize the teeth.
Shy, passive children who are actively disliked and rejected by classmates often become teased and victimized.
In the case of animal bites on the face or head, the child may be given passive or active immunization against rabies if there is a chance that the animal is rabid.
He reasoned that there was a process by which children conform to society's norms of what is right and wrong, and that the process was active rather than passive.
Thus, the early movements of the fetus and newborn were previously viewed as passive byproducts of the central nervous system.
Discipline strategies with infants should be passive.
Toddlers, like infants, still benefit most from passive types of discipline and a toddler-safe environment.
In the case of animal bites, the child may be given passive or active immunization against rabies if there is a chance that the dog or other animal is rabid.
Muscle tone is usually tested by applying resistance to passive motion of a relaxed limb.
Watching television is a passive activity that does not meet these needs.
First, television viewing is a passive activity.
Occupational and physical therapy evaluations may be helpful to determine upper and lower extremity movement patterns and passive range of motion.
The tests range from the passive evaluation of an infant to the complex testing of adolescents.
It must be administered within 96 hours of exposure to chickenpox, and it results in a passive immunity against the disease for about three months.
Children with low self-esteem have a difficult time dealing with problems, are overly self-critical, and can become passive, withdrawn, and depressed.
Some research reveals that passive smokers, or those who unavoidably breathe in second-hand tobacco smoke, have an increased chance of many health problems such as lung cancer, asthma, and sudden infant death syndrome in babies.
This passive immunity fades over time and is less effective in children of immunized mothers than in children of mothers who had the measles.
Passive immunity-The body reception of proteins that act as antibodies instead of making the antibodies itself.
Boys who are regularly bullied tend to be more passive and physically weaker than the bullies.
Active and intrusive children are also more aggressive than passive or reserved ones.
Antibodies are administered to the patient in a process called passive immunization.
It is also important not to touch an animal that appears ill or passive or whose behavior seems odd, such as failing to show the normal fear of humans.
Passive immunization-Treatment that provides immunity through the transfer of antibodies obtained from an immune individual.
It is important to note that in other societies where cultural norms are different, dependent and/or passive traits may be valued, particularly in women.
Acquired immunity may be either active or passive.
Passive immunity is relatively short lived and is acquired by transferring antibodies from mother to child in the uterus or by inoculation with serum that contains antibodies from immune persons or animals.
Passive immunization is used to help a person who has been exposed or is already infected to fight off disease.
Although various types of serums may be used to produce passive immunization, gamma globulin is the most frequently used source of human antibodies.
Many researchers believe that in order to foster creativity in schools, education should be based on the discovery of knowledge and the development of critical attitudes, rather than on the passive absorption of knowledge.
This doesn't mean the follow is simply passive - remaining alert and adding in embellishments and ornaments to whatever forms are indicated by the lead is a very challenging skill.
Yin is the feminine, passive energy force and yang is the masculine, active force of energy.
The yin, or dark half, represents the female energy and is associated with being passive, negative and indirect.
The quiet passive energy of yin is slow, restful and relaxed.
Yin energy is feminine and considered to be passive.
The properties of passive energy means it gives in to the other forces surrounding it and at times even absorbs those energies.
Water is a passive energy because it moves over other elements yet can be a powerful force.
Yin (female) energy is dark, passive, cold, and restive.
The income can act as retirement income or as a source of passive income, just as it would if renting the home out, but the homeowner doesn't have to worry about the responsibilities associated with home ownership and being a landlord.
If you'd like to be noticed without possessing the flair of a fire hydrant, then Curran's devotion to greens, blacks, grays, and almost passive pink polka dots will provide you with at least something to covet.
Non-confrontational - Passive personalities have difficulty confronting others.
Other things like acting jealous, being passive aggressive, or disrespectful are red flags.
Realize that dating is "a pro-active art form" and that if you just take a passive stance, waiting for the man of your dreams to find you, you are wasting both your time and his.
Most programs have built in thesaurus and dictionary features, and some will evaluate your writing for passive and active voice and so on.
Writers can make money through passive and active income sources.
For those who aren't concerned with an immediate payoff for their writing, there are many ways to build passive income online.
Passive income projects are great for writers with full-time day jobs because you'll be continuously making money, even on days you don't have time to write.
This site is a great way for writers to earn passive income.
Honesty is the best policy with an Aries man, he will become annoyed with a partner that is resentful or passive aggressive.
Like other water signs, these men can be passive and aren't the type to make bold first moves.
Thus, Scorpio's jealousy will be fiery, as opposed to the passive aggressiveness of a Cancer.
Water, on the other hand, is passive and doesn't move on its own.
Unlike other shows that are passive entertainment, Dora the Explorer strives to keep kids thinking.
If you decide to allow your children to watch television, educational shows are probably much better choices than passive entertainment.
You won't get rich overnight, but with time you may be able to earn a decent passive income to use for paying down debts or boosting your emergency savings.
According to Harvard Medical School, babies who are less active and more passive at six months, but more irritable and demanding around their first birthday, are more likely to be diagnosed with autism later in childhood.
One of the most common mistakes resume writers make is writing in the passive voice.
Using passive voice makes it appear as though you are no longer able to perform the same tasks you once did.
These are cellular tracking, passive wireless, and satellite communication.
Passive wireless systems are unique tracking solutions that don't work in realtime.
Television watching, video games and web surfing are all passive movement activities.
Even sitting on the ball engages more muscles for a greater calorie burn, making it effective for passive calorie burn in between exercises.
Use of the ball increases your passive energy burn.
In contrast, the passive nature of static stretching may inspire the athlete to daydream.
As with the other leg exercises, your arms are engaging in passive activity.
Restraint System Discounts - Sometimes called a seatbelt or airbag discount, this applies to vehicles that have passive restraint systems, such as airbags and factory-installed motorized seatbelts.
You can dip in as a passive listener at any time, but you are at the mercy of the playlists created by the site owners and members.
The veteran players who thrive in these situations can appear quite intimidating, making more passive contestants quit or simply not return for another season.
Sue gained the passive ability of invisibility, leading her to play the distraction in many adventures.
After all, you know you want the traffic to come to your site because if it is set up as such, it will earn you some residual or passive income.
A passive Contact Us page is not enough.
They were passive aggressive with her, hazing her when the Black God and Xander weren't around.
The things themselves which exist and their changing phases must stand in some internal connexion; they themselves must be active or passive, capable of doing or suffering.
After another moult the insect passes into the passive nymphal or " pupal " stage, during which it takes no food and rests in some safe hiding-place, such as the soil at the base of its food-plant or the hollow of a leaf-stalk.
There are two conjugations; the passive formation, now wanting inmost Indo-European languages, has been retained, as in Greek; thus kerko-iy, " I seek," forms kerko-n -em, " I am sought."
She was helpless, and the violence of her grief and anger soon changed to passive resistance, and than to a complete forbearance and complaisance which gained the king's regard and favour.
It was only the habit of interurban jealousy which prevented the communes from at once combining to resist demands which threatened their liberty of action, and would leave them passive at the pleasure of a foreign master The diet was opened at Roncaglia near Piacenza, where Fredericli listened to the complaints of Como and Lodi against Milan, of Pavia against Tortona and of the marquis of Montferrat against Asti and Chieri.
One may regard him as an idealist, though Scottish intuitionalism - especially in the writings of Professor John Veitch - has claimed him for its own; and indeed Descartes's two substances of active mind and passive extended matter are very much akin to " Natural Dualism."
If the attack of a parasite is met by the formation of some substance in the protoplasm which is chemo- tactically repulsive to the invader, it may be totally incapable of penetrating the cell, even though equipped with a whole armoury of cytases, diastatic and other enzymes, and poisons which would easily overcome the more passive resistances offered by mere cell-walls and cell-contents of other plants, the protoplasm of which forms bodies chemotactically attractive to the Fungus.
This group of ideas culminated in the Logos of Philo, expressing the world of divine ideas which God first of all creates and which becomes the mediating and formative power between the absolute and transcendent deity and passive formless matter, transmuted thereby into a rational, ordered universe.
The Syriac verb is remarkable for having entirely lost the original passive forms, such as in Arabic can be formed in every conjugation and in Hebrew are represented by the Pual and Hophal.
The simple active q`tal makes its passive ethq`tel; the intensive gattel makes.
The union which sound religious teaching represents as realized in the submission of the will and the ethical harmony of the whole life is then reduced to a, passive experience, to something which comes and goes in time, and which may be of only momentary duration.
Young resembling parents, but penultimate instar passive and enclosed in a filmy pellicle.
Young animals always unlike parents, the wing-rudiments developing beneath the larval cuticle and only appearing in a penultimate pupal instar, which takes no food and is usually passive.
As the life-conditions and feedinghabits of the larva and imago become constantly more divergent, the appearance of the wing-rudiments would be postponed to the pre-imaginal instar, and that instar would become predominantly passive.
The student of English constitutional history will observe the success with which Friends have, by the mere force of passive resistance, obtained, from the legislature and the courts, indulgence for all their scruples and a legal recognition of their customs. In American history they occupy an important place because of the very prominent part which they played in the colonization of New Jersey and Pennsylvania.
No use was made of American military force save as a passive background to the government.
His system declared that holiness and sin are free voluntary exercises; that men act freely under the divine agency; that the slightest transgression deserves eternal punishment; that it is through God's mere grace that the penitent believer is pardoned and justified; that, in spite of total depravity, sinners ought to repent; and that regeneration is active, not passive, with the believer.
Parliament (which re-assembled on the 7th of May) and the heads of the army came to an agreement to effect his dismissal; and in the subsequent events Richard appears to have played a purely passive part, refusing to make any attempt to keep his power or to forward a restoration of the monarchy.
A period followed of arbitrary government on the one hand and of stubborn passive resistance on the other.
When Lord Roberts arrived in Cape Town on the 10th of January 1900 the three garrisons were still invested, and the relieving forces were still maintaining their role of passive resistance, while at the same time restraining the Dutch in Cape Colony.
In the treatment of disease Asclepiades attached most importance to diet, exercise, passive movements or frictions, and the external use of cold water - in short, to a modified athletic training.
The Ottoman higher command was well content that the troops under its charge should maintain an attitude of passive defence; they were keeping Allied divisions in idleness which, were they to be transferred to some other one of the theatres of war, might prove invaluable assets to the cause of the Entente.
As in Bantu, the verb presents a multiplicity of forms, including one present, three past and future tenses, with personal endings complete, passive, interrogative, conditional, elective, negative and other forms, each with its proper participial inflexions.
Against these the church is not to attempt to use physical force; its only weapon is to be passive endurance and loyalty to God.
They were still loyal, but they were no longer passive.
But for the most part his share in the great events of the reign was a passive one.
The spores formed on the delicate grey mould are carried during the summer from one plant to another, thus spreading the disease, and also germinate in the soil where the fungus may remain passive during the winter producing a new crop of spores next spring, or sometimes attacking the scales of the bulbs forming small black hard bodies embedded in the flesh.
Things are substances (oioiam), each of which is separate individual (Xcopu rTOv, TO& TL, Kae' 'KaQTov) and is variously affected as quantified, qualified, related, active, passive and so forth, in categories of things which are attributes (ovy13€07paiTa), different from the category of substance, but real only as predicates belonging to some substance, and are in fact only the substance itself affected (avr6 it€irovObs).
But reality consists only of individual substances, numerous, moving, related, active as efficient causes, passive as material causes, essences as formal causes, ends as final causes, and in classes which are real universals only as real predicates of individual substances.
Each natural substance is a formal cause, as being what it is; a material cause, as having passive power to be changed; an efficient cause, as having active power to change, by communicating the selfsame essence into different matter so as to produce therein a homogeneous effect in the same species; and a final cause, as an end to be realized.
Intelligence is not active intellect propagating universal essence in passive intellect, but only logical inference starting from sense, and both requiring nervous body and conscious soul.
In the earlier poems he is practically a lay figure, his court the point of departure and return for the knights whose adventures are related in detail, but he himself a passive spectator.
Chromium as prepared by the Goldschmidt process is in a passive condition as regards dilute sulphuric acid and dilute hydrochloric acid at ordinary temperatures; but by heating the metal with the acid it passes into the active condition, the same effect being produced by heating the inactive form with a solution.
Dealing with the formation of habits, he is compelled to note that passive impressions, however transformed, do not furnish a complete or adequate explanation.
With Laromiguiere he distinguishes attention as an active effort, of no less importance than the passive receptivity of sense, and with Butler distinguishes passively formed customs from active habits.
He finally arrived at the conclusion that Condillac's notion of passive receptivity as the one source of conscious experience was not only an error in fact but an error of method - in short, that the mechanical mode of viewing consciousness as formed by external influence was fallacious and deceptive.
On the other hand, under the influence of the mechanics of his day, which had hardly distinguished between inertia, or the inability of a body to change itself, and resistance or the ability of bodies to oppose one another, he concluded that, as inertia is passive, so is resistance, and refused to recognize that in collision the mutual resistance of moving bodies is a force, or active power, of changing their movements in opposite directions.
From these two arbitrary hypotheses about corporeal motion, that it requires indivisibly simple elements, and that it offers only passive resistance, he concluded that behind bodies there must be units, or monads, which would be at once substantial, simple, indivisible and active.
In support of this view, he said that bodies are not substances, though substantiata; that their apparent motion and resistance are results of the passions of their monads; that their primary matter is nothing but passive power of their monads; that the series of efficient causes between them is merely phenomenal.
From this point of view he believed that the real unity of a body is a vinculum substantiale, which gives it its real continuity and is the principle of its actions; that its primary matter is its own principle of resistance; and that it has not only this passive, but also an active, power of its own.
F His point was that there are no things in themselves different from minds or acting on them; that man is no product of things; nor does his thinking arise from passive sensations caused by things; nor is the end of his existence attainable in a world of things; but that he is the absolute free activity constructing his own world, which is only his own determination, his self-imposed limit, and means to his duty which allies him with God.
In order to prove this novel conclusion he started afresh from the Cartesian " I think " in the Kantian form of the synthetic unity of apperception acting by a priori categories; but instead of allowing, with all previous metaphysicians, that the Ego passively receives sensations from something different, and not contenting himself with Kant's view that the Ego, by synthetically combining the matter of sensations with a priori forms, partially constructs objects, and therefore Nature as we know it, he boldly asserted that the Ego, in its synthetic unity, entirely constructs things; that its act of spontaneity is not mere synthesis of passive sensations, but construction of sensations into an object within itself; and that therefore understanding makes as well as shapes Nature.
In accordance with his previous division of outer will into impulsive and decisive, he divides the inner will of apperception into passive apperception and active apperception.
Apperception in general thus becomes activity of inner will, constituting the process of attention, passive in the form of impulsive will required for association, and active in the form of decisive will required for understanding and judgment.
Wundt's answer is that inner impulsive will, in the form of passive apperception, forms compound ideas by association; so that all these operations are necessary to the starting-point.
Recognizing, then, three kinds of association in all, he supposes that they are the first processes, by which inner will, in the form of passive apperception, generates ideas from sense.
Even in the physical, he confines substance to matter, or what Aristotle would call material causes, thus makes its power to be merely passive, and limits substantial causality to potential energy, while he supposes that actual causality is a relation not of substances but of events.
He thought that in the soul there is a productive intellect and a passive intellect, and that, when we rise from sense by induction, the productive causes the passive intellect to receive the universal form or essence, e.g.
Both held property in common; both had scattered communities which received guests one from the other; both avoided a light use of oaths; both taught passive obedience to political authority.
Iron when brought into contact with nitric acid under certain conditions, remains passive to the acid.
Schrader that the form HEpcEpEES requires a passive meaning, "those who are carried round the altar," perhaps dancers like the whirling dervishes; distinguishing them from the Hyperboreans, he explains the latter as those who live "above the mountains," that is, in heaven.
In South America the passive character of the population made them submissive alike to the Spanish government and the Roman faith.
The attitude of passive resistance is, however, still maintained, and has affected the position of the duchy of Brunswick.
They violently attacked Rieger, the leader of the Old Czechs, who maintained the alliance with the Feudalists and the policy of passive opposition.
Parliament was dissolved in the summer, and Taaffe, by private negotiations, first of all persuaded the Bohemian feudal proprietors to give the Feudalists, who had long been excluded, a certain number of seats; secondly, he succeeded where Potocki had failed, and came to an agreement with the Czechs; they had already, in 1878, taken their seats in the diet at Prague, and now gave up the policy of " passive resistance," and consented to take their seats also in the parliament at Vienna.
He worked energetically to put Paris in a state of defence and throughout the siege showed himself a master of the passive defensive.
In Sirogonium there is cell-division in the parent-cell prior to conjugation; and as two segments are cut off in the case of the active gamete, and only one in the case of the passive gamete, there is a corresponding difference of size, marking another step in the sexual differentiation.
Fertilization is effected by the passive convection of a spermatium from the antheridium to the trichogyne, to which it adheres, and to which it passes over its nucleus through an open communication set up at the point of contact.
The organism is not a passive medium; the amount and nature of the response it makes to the action of environment depends on its own qualities, and these qualities, on any theory of inheritance, pass from generation to generation.
There is an interchange of the divine and human attributes, a communication of the former which deifies the receptive and passive human nature.
One of his phrases went home, when he described the majority as " begotten by Chinese slavery out of Passive Resistance."
The Notes on Virginia were widely read in Paris, and undoubtedly had some influence in forwarding the dissolution of the doctrines of divine rights and passive obedience among the cultivated classes of France.
St Edme (Comptes rendus, 1886, 106, p. 1079) sheet nickel is passive to nitric acid, and the metal remains passive even when heated to redness in a current of hydrogen.
The Path has an active and a passive side.
Out of this conscious "air," by a process of thickening and thinning, arose cold and warmth, or water and fire, the one passive, the other active.
If_ that power form part of the true method, then the mind is not wholly passive or recipient; it anticipates nature, and moulds the experience received by it in accordance with its own constructive ideas or conceptions; and yet further, the minds of various investigators can never be reduced to the same dead mechanical level.'
The old passive voice has become an impersonal active, each tense having one form only.
While Hellenism was thus gaining a firm footing in all the East, thenative population remained absolutely passive.
Bier increases the blood in a part by compressing the veins and thus producing passive instead of active congestion.
The defensive powers of the body against microbes, when actually on or in it, may be classed as means (z) of passive defence, (2) of active defence, and (3) of repair.
The means of passive and active defence are sometimes so closely associated that it is difficult to distinguish between them.
The balloon is passive; the flying creature is active.
The oblique line referred to as running diagonally across the wing virtually divides the wing into an active and a passive part, the former elevating and propelling, the latter sustaining.
The latter maintained for many days an absolutely passive defence, and could not be tempted to fight; Richard and his knights made occasional charges, but quickly withdrew, and on the 7th of September this irregular skirmishing, in which the crusaders had scarcely suffered at all, culminated in the battle of Arsuf.
In this connexion may be mentioned the idea of a divinity, half male, half female, uniting in itself the active and passive functions of creation, a symbol of luxuriant growth and productivity.
Public opinion today, Saudis say, is a far cry from the largely passive acquiescence to a massive US military presence in 1991.
While we do not exclude active trail blazers, we initially focus more on paths built up as a passive by-product of everyday activity.
The FoR supported conscientious objectors during World War I and was a supporter of passive resistance during World War II.
Initially Friedrich was a very dreamy, passive child of poor health.
Active nihilism (opposing religion) has changed into passive Nihilism.
Fire and Earth Fire and Earth are friendly to each other, but while Fire is all action, Earth is totally passive.
He willingly follows the lead of other group members but remains passive when the work is being organized.
Networking power Candidates have become far less passive about making their own luck.
The objective is to confer some passive immunity to the agent that causes PMWS at the pig's most susceptible age.
Passive smoking Breathing in smoke from other people's cigarettes is called passive smoking Breathing in smoke from other people's cigarettes is called passive smoking.
Did you know that passive smoking can cause cancer?
The goal is to create active space rather than passive space.
There are also checkboxes for anonymous login, passive mode or to enable SSL (secure) file transfers.
In the manufacturing branches are required skill, and efficient and economical work, both executive and administrative; in the storekeeping part, good arrangement, great care, thorough knowledge of all warlike stores, both in their active and passive state, and scrupulous exactness in the custody, issue and receipt of stores.
In the Italian Renaissance, only a thin veneer of society's elites participated in the creation or ownership of the frescos, music, statues, and paintings; most were only passive observers.
Benefits may include improved passive movement, decreased muscle tone, and reduced muscle spasms, tightness, and pain.
But he was too slothful to have more than a passive part in the direction of his own government.
With reference to all such further refinements of theory, it is to be borne in mind that the perfect fluid of hydrodynamic analysis is not a merely passive inert plenum; it is also a continuum with the property that no finite internal slip or discontinuity of motion can ever arise in it through any kind of disturbance; and this property must be postulated, as it cannot be explained.
After the second larval moult, he passes through a passive stage comparable to the pupa-stadium of an b insect, and during this stage, which occurs inside the root, the reproductive organs are perfected.
The captured passes were therefore fortified (as Feng-hwang-cheng had been) for passive resistance.
As a presumptive ruler of England she was, like Cecil, and for that matter the future archbishop Parker also, too shrewd to commit herself to passive or active resistance to the law; and they merely anticipated Hobbes in holding that the individual committed no sin in subordinating his conscience to the will of the state, for the responsibility for the law was not his but the state's.
Thereupon the power of church and state enforced by positive enactments the passive resistance of old institutions to the novel theories.
It was the liberal-minded Germans who were instrumental in the first place in getting them passed; while the Sla y s from the beginning took up - to their own disadvantage - a hostile or at least passive attitude towards the establishment of these laws."
The teachers at the Wright-Humason School were always planning how they might give the pupils every advantage that those who hear enjoy--how they might make much of few tendencies and passive memories in the cases of the little ones--and lead them out of the cramping circumstances in which their lives were set.