Passionate Sentence Examples
The young student was passionate about music.
The boy was passionate about wildlife, and learned to read through books about animals.
She was passionate about Asian cooking and that's reflected in her dining experience.
Carmen was as passionate as she was beautiful.
She didn't expect him to be as passionate, warm, and gentle as he'd been with her.
He was passionate about bikes.
His love to God as his Father was a passionate adoration which filled his whole heart.
Passionate about football, Derrick focused on his natural talent for the game of basketball.
In his early years he was seized with a passionate enthusiasm for Greek literature, and this continued through life.
Boniface was a passionate and unwise man.
AdvertisementI'm passionate about sports, mainly football but also anything involving water.
He was a passionate believer in regional broadcasting.
She was passionate... about everything.
Early in the morning of the 1st of July his proud and passionate spirit passed away.
Neither sorrow nor regret followed my passionate outburst.
AdvertisementForced into hiding by the circumstances of the past two weeks, Gabriel's yearning for his mate emerged stronger than ever at her passionate kisses and touch.
Every Wednesday afternoon he made a reverential pilgrimage to her tomb, and three times every day he invoked her memory in words of passionate expansion.
It was certainly a passionate kiss.
Maria Theresa had undoubtedly an instinctive histrionic sense of the perspective of the theatre, and could adopt the appropriate attitude and gesture, passionate, dignified or pathetic, required to impress those she wished to influence.
He showed passionate devotion to the underprivileged.
AdvertisementDuring the first period of their acquaintance Bolkonski felt a passionate admiration for him similar to that which he had once felt for Bonaparte.
With such a passionate response, what could he think?
Leo was by nature highly excitable and almost insanely passionate, though at the same time strictly honourable, unselfish, and in private intercourse even gentle.
Then they were locked in a passionate embrace, seeking and finding the love they had been pushing aside for so long.
Though naturally passionate, Matthias's self-control was almost superhuman, and throughout his stormy life, with his innumerable experiences of ingratitude and treachery, he never was guilty of a single cruel or vindictive action.
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Her breath caught as she recalled his searing touch and gaze, his passionate kisses, his confidence that nothing in this world would stop him from getting what he wanted.
The tone of this diet was passionate, and the government was fiercely attacked for interfering with the elections.
The count of Angouléme, who was the great-grandson of King Charles V., died in 1496, and Louise watched over her son with passionate tenderness.
And for the first time Sonya felt that out of her pure, quiet love for Nicholas a passionate feeling was beginning to grow up which was stronger than principle, virtue, or religion.
If you prefer to do your gourmet shopping with one vendor, and are passionate about local trade, stop into Culinarium located at 705 Mount Pleasant Road.
He refused to put the vote of outlawry, uttered a few passionate words, cast off his official robes, declared the session at an end, and made his way out under protection of a squad of grenadiers.
An intense and passionate ardour breathes in his verses, and forms one of the most remarkable as well as one of the most attractive characteristics of his style; for, while few even among Turkish poets are more artificial than he, few seem to write with greater earnestness and sincerity.
With a passionate hatred and distrust of the Catholics, and an intense love of political liberty, he united the desire for ease to Protestant Dissenters.
His relative, noting the lad's passionate addiction to study, solemnly warned him, against indulging such a taste, as likely to prove a fatal obstacle to his success in commercial life.
A strong will enabled him to overcome the passionate temper which marked his youth, and later in his career a habit of intemperance, which he at first shared with many public men of his time.
Physically incapable of rising to passionate heights of oratory, Cotta's successes were chiefly due to his searching investigation of facts; he kept strictly to the essentials of the case and avoided all irrelevant digressions.
Yet, as Pfleiderer says, the work "is full of a passionate enthusiasm for the character of Jesus."
Passionate opposition was led by Melanchthon's colleague, Matth.
Naturally cheerful and hospitable, he delighted in lively society; but he was also passionate, irritable and sensual.
In Virgil's poetry a sense of the greatness of Rome and Italy is the leading motive of a passionate rhetoric, partly veiled by the " chosen delicacy " of his language.
His most original compositions in verse, however, are elegiac and hendecasyllabic pieces on personal topics - the De conjugali amore, Eridanus, Tumuli, Naeniae, Baiae, &c. - in which he uttered his vehemently passionate emotions with a warmth of southern colouring, an evident sincerity, and a truth of painting from reality which excuse their erotic freedom.
Shortly it may be said that he was essentially a mass of contradictions - brilliant, passionate to the point of mania, but utterly weak and unstable, capable of developing into a saint or a monster, but quite incapable of becoming an ordinary human being.
Yet he was neither passionate nor masterful.
His style, if occasionally somewhat turgid, was elevated and passionate, and it always bore the impress of that intensity of conviction which is the most powerful instrument a speaker can have to sway the convictions of an audience.
He was not incapable of affection nor without generous impulses, but he was flighty, passionate in a childish way, and when angry capable of cruelty.
One of the most important things to consider when volunteering is to find an opportunity that you are passionate about and enjoy being part of.
Raunchy styles are hard to pull off under your everyday clothes, so it's difficult to wear them all day and reveal them only when you're ready for them to make an appearance later in a striptease or passionate moment.
The effect on the passionate sultan of this " unparalleled outrage on a friendly power in time of peace " is easy to imagine.
Most of Nasir's lyrical poems - were composed in his retirement, and their chief topics are - an enthusiastic praise of `Ali, his descendants, and Mostansir in particular; passionate outcries against Khorasan and its rulers, who had driven him from house and home; the highest satisfaction with the quiet solitude of Yumgan; and utter despondency again in seeing himself despised by his former associates and for ever excluded from participation in the glorious contest of life.
A lifelong Southern Democrat, he was forced to lead (nominally at least) a party of Northern Republicans, with whom he had no bond of sympathy save a common opposition to secession; and his ardent, aggressive convictions and character, above all his complete lack of tact, unfitted him to deal successfully with the passionate partisanship of Congress.
Colonized by the steady industrial peoples of northern Europe, there is no danger of the turbulence of the industrially indolent but more passionate peoples of Central and South America.
Thirteen of them assembled at Anagni, and thence, on the 9th of August, issued a passionate manifesto, announcing the invalidity of Urban's election, on Election of the ground that it had been forced upon the conclave Anti-pope by the Roman populace.
The Naval War of 1812, by Theodore Roosevelt (New York, 1882), is lively but somewhat passionate, and not free from prejudice.
Tears, dejection and passionate expressions of a despair "wishing only for death," bore fitful and variable witness to her first sense of a heavier yoke than yet had galled her spirit and her pride.
The next or the twin-born impulse of her indomitable nature was, as usual in all times of danger, one of passionate and high-spirited defiance on discovering the seizure of her papers.
He was a passionate Ciceronian, and perhaps his chief contributions to scholarship are the corrected editions of Cicero's letters and orations, his own epistles in a Ciceronian style, and his Latin version of Demosthenes.
He produced some Parisian and purely imitative work; but the best part of his production is the outcome of a passionate idealism of the quiet Flemish towns in which he had passed his childhood and early youth.
His passionate disposition, however, embittered no doubt by his misfortunes, involved him in frequent difficulties and led to his quarrelling with Samuel.
He was a disciple, not of Machiavelli, but of Rousseau; and his scattered dominions, divided by innumerable divergences of racial and class prejudice, and enncumbered with traditional institutions to which the people clung with passionate conservatism, he regarded as so much vacant territory on which to build up his ideal state.
Nor would the cruelties inflicted on the bolder spirits who dared to preach reform, which made the Austrian government a by-word among the nations, alone have excited the passionate spirit of revolt which carried all before it in 1848.
And it is not in itself unlikely that the passionate vehemence which characterizes the first group was of short duration.
It was only after Mahomet encountered obstinate resistance that the tone of the revelations became thoroughly passionate.
The frank bearing, fortitude and self-sacrificing heroism of the best type of the soldierly character find expression in the persons of Achilles, Telamon and Eurypylus; and a dignified and passionate tenderness of feeling makes itself heard in the lyrical utterances of Cassandra and Andromache.
He was an enthusiastic social reformer, and a passionate imperialist.
It was the occupation of Moscow and the desecration of the Kremlin, the sacred centre of Holy Russia, that changed his sentiment for Napoleon into passionate hatred.
A still more striking contrast is the passionate outburst of sympathy and indignation with which, in the same diary, he comments on the supposed kidnapping of Luther by foul play on his return from the diet of Worms. Without being one of those who in his city took an avowed part against the old ecclesiastical system, and probably without seeing clearly whither the religious ferment of the time was tending - without, that is, being properly speaking a Reformer - Diirer in his art and his thoughts was the incarnation of those qualities of the German character and conscience which resulted in the Reformation; and, personally, with the fathers of the Reformation he lived in the warmest sympathy.
Darnley being a Catholic, as far as he was anything, the jealous fears of the Brethren under Knox reached a passionate height.
His discontent found vent in the passionate, unbalanced lyrics of this period.
His Socialism, though it made a brave show at times, was at heart a passionate enthusiasm for an inaccessible artistic ideal.
From the first, however, it was clear that Friederike Brion could never become the wife of the Frankfort patrician's son; an unhappy ending to the romance was unavoidable, and, as is to be seen in passionate outpourings like the Wanderers Sturmlied, and in the bitter self-accusations of Clavigo, it left deep wounds on the poet's sensitive soul.
There was something more spiritual, something that partook rather of the passionate friendships of the 18th century than of love in Goethe's relations with her.
They are unscrupulous in perjury, treacherous, vain and insatiable, passionate in vindictiveness, which they will satisfy at the cost of their own lives and in the most cruel manner.
The work in short - a second part, written during his ten months' imprisonment, was published after his release - represents the deism of the 18th century in the hands of a rough, ready, passionate controversialist.
Meanwhile Lamennais had published his Essai sur l'Indiference, - a passionate plea for Christianity and in particular for Roman Catholicism as necessary for the social progress of mankind.
As a proof of Pratt's moderation in a period of passionate party warfare and frequent state trials, it is noted that this was the only official prosecution for libel which he set on foot.
Chief-Justice Pratt pronounced, with decisive and almost passionate energy, against their legality, thus giving voice to the strong feeling of the nation and winning for himself an extraordinary degree of popularity as one of the "maintainers of English constitutional liberty."
Later, we find him imitating Paganini and Chopin, and at the same time making a really passionate and deep study of Beethoven, Weber, Schubert, Berlioz.
In these pieces, as in almost every production of his, in lieu of melody Liszt offers fragments of melody - touching and beautiful, it may be, or passionate, or tinged with triviality; in lieu of a rational distribution of centres of harmony in accordance with some definite plan, he presents clever combinations of chords and ingenious modulations from point to point; in lieu of musical logic and consistency of design, he is content with rhapsodical improvisation.
The music is generally emotional, the expression direct and passionate; there is no lack of melodic charm and originality, yet the total effect is frequently disappointing.
Having married in due time, and a second time after the death of his first wife, he lived as a "householder" (grihastha) till the age of 24, when he renounced his family ties and set out as a religious mendicant (vairagin), visiting during the next six years the principal places of pilgrimage in northern India, and preaching with remarkable success his doctrine of Bhakti, or passionate devotion to Krishna, as the Supreme Deity.
It was fashionable and it was passionate, pervading all society with the fervour of romance.
Therefore there was narrow scope for imitation, and the right spirit of humanism displayed itself in a passionate study of perspective, nature and the nude.
In April 1754 Townshend was transformed from the position of a member of the board of trade, which he had held from 1749, to that of a lord of the admiralty, but at the close of 1 755 his passionate attack against the policy of the ministry, an attack which shared in popular estimation with the scathing denunciations of Pitt, the supreme success of Single-Speech Hamilton, and the hopeless failure of Lord Chesterfield's illegitimate son, caused his resignation.
The most prominent characteristics of his public life were his predisposition to "compromises" and "pacifications" which generally failed of their object, and his passionate patriotic devotion to the Union.
Nothing heroic or romantic was within Defoe's view; he could not understand passionate love, ideal loyalty, aesthetic admiration or anything of the kind; and it is probable that many of the little sordid touches which delight us by their apparent satire were, as designed, not satire at all, but merely a faithful representation of the feelings and ideas of the classes of which he himself was a unit.
Every thwarted desire was the signal for a passionate outburst, and as she grew older and stronger, these tempests became more violent.
With trembling hands Natasha held that passionate love letter which Dolokhov had composed for Anatole, and as she read it she found in it an echo of all that she herself imagined she was feeling.
He pulled her close again and this time his kiss was passionate.
He deepened the kiss, thrilled when she responded by becoming more demanding, more passionate.
He was educated by his mother because, being a Protestant, he couldnot attend school, and he grew up at once thoughtful and passionate, studious and social, handsome in person and graceful in manners.
Epiphanes in manhood was chiefly remarkable as a passionate sportsman; he excelled in athletic exercises and the chase.
On the other side the conscience of the North was excited by a passionate desire to wipe out the blot of slavery.
The history of Israel from Moses to Ezra furnishes a large number of instances in which the fasting instinct was obeyed both publicly and privately, locally and nationally, under the influence of sorrow, or fear, or passionate desire.
In the heat of passion she was a mature woman - a passionate and uninhibited lover.
He groaned and pulled her firmly against his body, his kiss becoming passionate.
She recalled their last kiss, as hot and passionate as she'd ever hoped, despite his aloof sense of duty.
Let's have a look… hmm, very loyal... and passionate...
It was a shared-popcorn, arm-around-her-shoulder, old-fashioned-love-story-movie kind of evening, topped off by a kiss goodnight—a real one, just one, maybe not passionate but on the lips and not a brother-sister smooch at all.
For a moment they clung to each other, their kiss evolving from tender to eager and on to passionate.
What he wanted was a woman with yesterday's morals and today's savvy – someone both passionate and honorable.
Radha's unhappiness results in an instant connection with Christopher and they begin a passionate affair that will change everyone's life forever.
The best known exponent of tennis was Henry VIII who, as a young man, was extremely athletic and passionate about sport.
The result is twelve tracks of passionate and almost grungy rock music.
It is true that he had a passionate longing to fellowship with them.
Indymedia is a democratic media outlet for the creation of radical, accurate, and passionate tellings of truth.
So passionate is our love affair that our old paramour, the pub, is losing out.
There is usually no shortage of romantic candidates drawn to their vibrant and charismatic appeal and young love can be intensely passionate.
A passionate seaman, he owned a schooner, the Fiery Cross.
Barberâs Cleopatra is a passionate free spirit, a manipulative temptress, a highly sexed, high maintenance drama queen.
Voltaire never wrote anything equal to Omars fascinating rhapsodies in praise of wine, love and all earthly joys, and his passionate denunciations of a malevolent and inexorable fate which dooms to slow decay or sudden death and to eternal oblivion all that is great, good and beautiful in this world.
If you have a beach house, a cabin in the woods, or you're just passionate about a specific design, such as Fleur de lis or even rooster's, decorative tiles were made for you.
A popular trend in home decorating today, bonus room design, is the concept of using extra space in your home to create a fun, functional room for entertaining, hobbies, exercise or anything else that you happen to be passionate about.
If you have a hobby that you're passionate about, this may be a very easy decision for you.
Microstock photo agencies cater to novice photographers who are passionate about taking pictures, want to share their work with others, and are interested in generating cash from the process.
If you're passionate about photography, you could offer low-cost senior portraits to local high school students.
These outrageous sailings are fun for everyone, whether they're looking to meet new friends, a significant other, or just other passionate cruisers.
We're all passionate about building better home environments for ourselves and sharing our favorite tips with others.
If there is one thing organic gardeners are more passionate about than their plants it is the health of their soil.
For those who are passionate about becoming part of the Disney family, there just may be a place for you.
They do it because they love movies and they're passionate about their project.
The dance itself is vibrant, passionate, fierce, and beautifully shot in the video.
Love style - Would you like a date who is romantic, passionate, spontaneous, destined, sensible, or careful?
Getting some free love games, playing tantric twister, and reading passionate love poems to one another, are all things you can do to ramp up your sex life.
Together, share a vision of how things between you both would look if each of you were living a life together in which each felt supported, passionate, wanted and desired.
A kiss can certainly be a part of that communication - and paying attention to kissing techniques from any passionate embrace can improve the message regardless of gender.
Usually bright-colored and tongue-in-cheek, these cards are perfect for an exciting, passionate couple that loves trying new things and can be expected to have a non-traditional or outrageous wedding.
Additionally, because you tend to be impatient and passionate, consider spending time with goats and fellow horses.
In life and in love, Aquarians are very passionate people.
All that said, if both partners are willing to make compromises and treat the other with a higher degree of respect than they typically would, they could share a passionate, exciting life together.
Take care and nurture your passionate love affair.
Your lover sees you as being exciting, exotic and passionate.
Aries's passionate nature excites Aquarius who is eager to explore this fire sign's fable skills as a lover.
Sex will be adventurous, steamy and fiercely passionate.
This power, when used in a positive angle, can create a very passionate and artistic individual whose sympathy and intuition can lead him to be a strong and effective humanitarian.
Ashley Abbott fell in love with Victor Newman, engaged in a very passionate affair with him, and became pregnant.
Their romance was passionate, fun and sexy.
For example, you might be a passionate leader, a caring and intuitive listener, or a dynamic and creative motivator.
Gordon Ramsay often comes across as rude, gruff, and uncaring, but in this show you can truly see that he is extremely passionate about food and the people preparing it.
Everyone has something they are passionate about in life, and according to the reality television star Kat Von D bio, it's tattoos.
She is passionate about food, though she works in advertising.
Spike noticed and looked after her and the two enjoyed several passionate love/hate interludes.
Marianne is a seasoned writer and artist who is active in the Romance Writer's Association (RWA), GothRom, Passionate Ink, and First Coast Romance Writers.
New comers to Whedon's universe breathe passionate life into his characters and quickly gain the adoration, whether they are good or evil, of the audience.
The two finally shared a passionate kiss that started their relationship.
He had a well wrought-out belief in centralized authority in government and a passionate hatred of political and commercial corruption.
Murner was an energetic and passionate character, who made enemies wherever he went.
The extent of her family connexions, and the correspondence she maintained with foreign sovereigns, together with the confidence inspired by her personal character, often enabled her to smooth the rugged places of international relations; and she gradually became in later years the link between all parts of a democratic empire, the citizens of which felt a passionate loyalty for their venerable queen.
The defects of all sentimental writing are noticeable in him, but they are palliated by his wonderful feeling, and by the passionate sincerity even of his insincere passages.
His passionate appeal on behalf of "legitimacy" was particularly adapted to the necessities of the situation.
But Cecil never developed that passionate aversion from decided measures which became a second nature to his mistress.
Stern measures of suppression were directed not only against them but against " Goddis Lawe," the book for which they pleaded with such passionate earnestness.
During the whole of his life Edred was troubled by ill-health, a fact which may help to explain some of the more passionate acts of violence attributed to him.
His writings in tone and character are always alike " rich in thought and destitute of form, passionate and hair-splitting, eloquent and pithy in expression, energetic and condensed to the point of obscurity."
If, however, as is generally recognized, these poems are not the spontaneous and unstudied outpourings of passionate grief, but compositions of calculated art and studied effects, written for a purpose, it is obvious that they need not be contemporary.
The queen sent for him for the last time and burst into passionate tears as she asked, "What have you to do with my marriage?
A passionate fighting-man (he fought twenty-nine battles against Christian or Moor), he was'married to Urraca, widow of Raymond of Burgundy, a very dissolute and passionate woman.
There is an authentic story of Petracco's flinging the young student's books of poetry and rhetoric upon the fire, but saving Virgil and Cicero half-burned from the flames at his son's passionate entreaties.
Nor was Germanicus unworthy of this passionate devotion.
Probably also his exclusive belief in experimental methods, and slight regard for mere authority whether in science or art made the intellectual atmosphere of the Medicean circle, with its passionate mixed cult of the classic past and of a Christianity mystically blended and reconciled with Platonism, uncongenial to him.
Though a passionate lover of liberty, he hoped to secure the freedom of France and her monarchy at the same time.
Charles seems to have been a youth of good parts, lively and agreeable, but he had a weak, passionate and fantastic nature.
The proclamation of the allies calling on the French to restore the royal Beginning authority was answered by a passionate outburst of of the redefiance.
This passionate attachment to the Revolution, which in France displayed itself in a carnival of insane suspicion and cruelty, inspired on the frontiers an astonishing patriotic resistance.
Educated first in Spain and afterwards in France, the boy whose infancy had followed the fortunes of the imperial camp grew up a royalist and a Catholic. His first work in poetry and in fiction was devoted to the passionate proclamation of his faith in these principles.
The story of Claude Gueux, published five years later (1834), another fervent protest against the infliction of capital punishment, was followed by many other eloquent and passionate appeals to the same effect, written or spoken on various occasions which excited the pity or the indignation of the orator or the poet.
All the poet and all the man spoke out and stood evident in the perfervid patriotism, the filial devotion, the fatherly tenderness, the indignation and the pity, which here find alternate expression in passionate and familiar and majestic song.
In the midst of the torrent of his most strenuous and passionate deliverances, he suddenly rises aloof from his immediate subject, and in all tranquillity reminds us of some permanent relation of things, some enduring truth of human life or human society.
They were, moreover, concentrated in individual cases, which exercised Burke's passionate imagination to its profoundest depths, and raised it to such a glow of fiery intensity as has never been rivalled in our history.
The Irish Church abolished, he set to work with passionate good intention on the Irish land laws.
But a strong opposing current of feeling, equally passionate, set in against the Turks; war began and lasted long; and as the agitation at home and the conflict abroad went on, certain of Disraeli's colleagues, who were staunch enough at the beginning, gradually weakened.
From such passionate errors the truly wise man will of course be free.
It was Demosthenes who went to Byzantium, brought the estranged city back to the Athenian alliance, and snatched it from the hands of Philip. It was Demosthenes who, when Philip had already seized Elatea, hurried to Thebes, who by his passionate appeal gained one last chance, the only possible chance, for Greek freedom, who broke down the barrier of an inveterate jealousy, who brought Thebans to fight beside Athenians, and who thus won at the eleventh hour a victory for the spirit of loyal union which took away at least one bitterness from the unspeakable calamity of Chaeronea.
Wherever the noblest expressions of her mind are honoured, wherever the large conceptions of Pericles command the admiration of statesmen, wherever the architect and the sculptor love to dwell on the masterpieces of Ictinus and Pheidias, wherever the spell of ideal beauty or of lofty contemplation is exercised by the creations of Sophocles or of Plato, there it will be remembered that the spirit which wrought in all these would have passed sooner from among men, if it had not been recalled from a trance, which others were content to mistake for the last sleep, by the passionate breath of Demosthenes.
He met with various adventures, being present at the famous tournament given by Lord Eglinton, and yielded to the charm of his passionate admirer Miss Howard.
Men ask themselves why their gods are worshipped in the form of beasts, birds, and fishes; why their gods are said to have prosecuted their amours in bestial shapes; why they are represented as lustful and passionate - thieves, robbers, murderers and adulterers.
For the proud and passionate Eleanor married, two months later (May 1152), the young Henry, count of Anjou and duke of Normandy, who held, besides these great fiefs, the whole of the south-west of France, and in two Rivafryof years time the crown of England as well.
They demanded freedom of thought and belief with passionate insistence; they ardently discussed institutions and conduct; and they imported into polemics the idea of natural rights superior to all political arrangements.
Of his two capital errors, regarding respectively the theory of the tides and the nature of comets, the first was insidiously recommended to him by his passionate desire to find a physical confirmation of the earth's double motion; the second was adopted for the purpose of rebutting an anti-Copernican argument founded on the planetary analogies of those erratic subjects of the sun.
The new king was much under the influence of his wife, Maria Louisa of Parma, a coarse, passionate and narrow-minded woman; but he continued to repose confidence in his fathers ministers.
Drunkenness is rare, but they are passionate, and running amuck is frequent among them.
Better yet, he was eager and passionate about battle, a rare trait among the warriors of Landis, who were forced to fight or starve!
These radical insights brought him to a passionate advocacy of Turner, another spirit in advance of his era.
I have been a passionate advocate of unpaid work, community punishment, community service over the years.
Bruce tinsley fish was too from that point smart tough passionate.
The brigade of award-winning chefs is passionate about food & their cooking will quite literally feed the mind.
Selena goes to introduce herself to Kris and instead, ends up in a passionate clinch with her.
Two years ago at Durban, HIV positive Judge Edwin Cameron's passionate denunciation of health inequality galvanized the world drug access movement.
He compelled attention by his strenuous activity, his passionate espousal of causes, and his enthusiasm for a constructive measure.
It isn't an angry outburst - more a passionate eulogy for American virtues strong enough to survive times like these.
The range was immense - a reflection of the passionate, even fanatical, interest of the Hillier family in hardy plants.
Dry Fly ' Dry Fly ' is a passionate fly fisher who, unusually, fishes dry fly exclusively and with no exceptions.
Ransome was born in Leeds in 1884, educated at Rugby and became a passionate fisherman from a very young age.
Neil is a passionate plantsman and has several gold medals to his name including five consecutive Golds at Chelsea for his grasses.
The films are at once hardened, philosophical, passionate and darkly subdued.
Passionate writing and courageous performance born out of anger, disillusionment, and an implacable hatred of Ben Elton.
At aquaculture hydroponics, we are as passionate about hydroponics as you are.
The mystic has to evolve an idealistic side to his character, or become an idealist with a passionate drive.
But even then he had a passionate impatience to become a powerful magician.
Certainly, in its passionate intensity, this work demonstrates Trotsky's unsurpassed literary gifts.
Capable of fierce invective, his oratory is impersonal; passionate and emotional himself, his speeches are temperate.
Spike and Buffy end up in a passionate kiss.
I have also developed a deep, passionate loathing for Cisco IOS.
It is well known that I have a passionate loathing of musicals.
Observing the passionate love affair between light and atmosphere became the motive and the subject or this collection of works.
Ian is passionate about his ideas but will never oversell them, as he believes that good ideas speak for themselves.
I've met many people working for Shelter who are fiercely passionate and dedicated to the organization they work for.
Not all of it deserves an equally passionate defense.
The staff were very helpful, the chef genuinely passionate about the food and the stunning belly dancers topped off two brilliant nights.
With almost 10 years usability experience, she's incredibly passionate about usability, talking to anyone she can about it.
Charlie has devoted his entire life to music and is deeply passionate about brass banding.
I could see how they'd become passionate about saving the nation.
The unimpassioned account of a mutilated former slave is the ideal narrative vehicle for the passionate and often repulsive material of the story.
No less intensely passionate than the A minor sonata is the Violin Sonata in D minor Op 121.
Cardiff acoustic songstress Julia Harris makes a very welcome return with her ' red case ' full of gutsy, passionate songs.
Mr Blair yesterday faced down rebellious Labor MPs with a passionate defense of his hardline stance on Iraq.
The two arts, dance and film, have enjoyed a passionate, sometimes stormy marriage ever since.
And, many gamers are very territorial or passionate about what they play.
Passionate words, lively tunes and complex rhythms reflect the richness of the Nicaraguan folk tradition.
A taste of exotic Spanish culture twirls into Cambridge with the opportunity to learn this most popular and passionate of dances.
Passionate, not always scrupulous in his choice and use of political weapons, intensely patriotic, loyal with a loyalty based rather or reason than sentiment, quickwitted, prompt in action, determined and pertinacious, he possessed in eminent degree many qualities lacking in other Liberal chieftains.
Impervious to Russian influence, he remained true to his original nationality, and by his undisguised aversion to everything in his adopted country and his passionate, childish admiration of Frederick the Great, he made himself so unpopular that within a few months of his accession, in December 1761, he was dethroned and assassinated by the partisans of his ambitious and able consort, the famous Catherine II.1 During the long reign of Catherine II.
After a short time his father removed to the " rustic solitude " of Buriton (Hants), but young Gibbon lived chiefly at the house of his maternal grandfather at Putney, where, under the care of his devoted aunt, he developed, he tells us, that passionate love of reading " which he would not exchange for all the treasures of India," and where his mind received its most decided stimulus.
Fearless and masterful he also possessed high diplomatic gifts, and though on occasion arbitrary and passionate he was neither revengeful nor cruel.
The excesses of the earliest Spanish settlers have become a commonplace, largely through the passionate eloquence of Bartolome de Las Casas (see LAS Casas).
Francis Meres (Palladis Tamia, 1598) mentions him in conjunction with many great names among "the most passionate, among us, to bewail and bemoan the perplexities of love."
The queen now appealed to France for aid; but Castelnau, the French ambassador, replied to her passionate pleading by sober and earnest advice to make peace with the malcontents.
Mary took leave of her first and last master with passionate anguish and many parting kisses; but in face of his enemies, and in hearing of the cries which burst from the ranks, demanding her death by fire as a murderess and harlot, the whole heroic and passionate spirit of the woman, represented by her admirers as a spiritless imbecile, flamed out in responsive threats to have all the men hanged and crucified, in whose power she now stood helpless and alone.
His flight from the monastery of Sahagun, where his brother Sancho endeavoured to imprison him, his chivalrous friendship for his host Almanun of Toledo, caballero aunque mon, a gentleman although a Moor, the passionate loyalty of his vassal Peranzules and his brotherly love for his sister Urraca of Zamora, may owe something to the poet who took him for hero.
On the political storms which shook his country and drove him from one employment to another, he seems to have looked not with the passionate participation of a Dante or a Michelangelo but rather with the serene detachment of a Goethe.
His mastery of the English tongue, his dramatic power, his instinctive art of impersonation, which had become a second nature, his vivid imagination, his breadth of intellectual view, the catholicity of his sympathies, his passionate enthusiasm, which made for the moment his immediate theme seem to him the one theme of transcendent importance, his quaint humour alternating with genuine pathos, and above all his simple and singularly unaffected devotional nature, made him as a preacher without a peer in his own time and country.
He was the very opposite of Richelieu, as wheedling in his ways as the other had been haughty and scornful, as devoid of vanity and rancour as Richelieu had been full of jealous care for his authority; he was gentle where the other had been passionate and irritable, with an intelligence as great and more supple, and a far more grasping nature.
The MG XPower SV is a car with appeal to passionate sports car drivers who will relish its extraordinary racetrack performance characteristics.
You do n't have to be religious to enjoy the uplifting, passionate, exciting sounds of gospel music.
No less intensely passionate than the A minor Sonata is the Violin Sonata in D minor Op 121.
Their essays display the creative pluralism and passionate vitality which typify the best aspects of therapeutic work.
I hope to be a bastion of support for the homeless shelter. I feel so passionate about helping others.
I wish I had the motivation to doggedly pursue research in a topic that I am passionate about.
I am very passionate about working with these very special children and have been doing so since I was 15 years old in some capacity.
Every passionate and busy cook should have one.
The content on LoveToKnow Green Living is created by a team of professional writers and editors who are passionate about understanding environmental issues and making wise "green" lifestyle choices on a daily basis.
The color red is known as a passionate color and with good reason.
See what Rachel has done in what she calls her labor of love, to transform vintage furniture and decor into new treasures for the passionate cottage chic collector.
The Luxe perfumes designed to focus on the more passionate aspect of dance and creates a richer, more indulgent scent experience that celebrates luxury.
If you're a passionate scrapbooker looking to take her crafting skills to the next level, attending Creating Keepsakes University could be the experience of a lifetime.
In addition, many passionate scrapbookers have managed to turn their knack for creating custom digital scrapbook supplies into profitable home-based businesses.
Anyone who is already passionate about scrapbooking probably has a wealth of resources lined up for everything she needs, whether online or in local stores.
Find something that truly touches your heart and something you are passionate about.
A short poem can be just as passionate as a longer poem.
However, if modeling is something you are passionate about, keep at it until you make it.
If a young girl is passionate about becoming a tween girl model, then she will likely do well with her modeling.
If you let them know you are really passionate about your dream, they will probably, at the very least, let you pursue a part time career, as long as you don't forget your other responsibilities to your school and your home.
If you are passionate about pursuing a modeling career, and want to break into the business as a teenager, then becoming a young model is a probably good idea for you.
Whether you're a ballerina with a passion for dance or a pet lover, there are so many teenage room styles out there that can help you tie the things your passionate about to the room you spend a lot of your time in.
Controversies about its overall health and practicality abound, but many adherents are passionate about its positive effects.
Susan Schenck is passionate about eating raw foods.
Whether you're a bride or groom making your own cake or a passionate baker who's making a cake for a friend, keep a few tips in mind that can help you create the best dessert possible.
If you're interested in setting a romantic mood, make the most of passionate red.
The Canadian-born vixen is also an accomplished actress, producer, and author, as well as a passionate animal rights activist.
In addition to acting, he is passionate about American cars, a love he attributes to his mechanic dad.
In her final years, Blake lived at the PAWS sanctuary in Galt, California, where she interacted daily with the animals she was so passionate about.
If you are passionate about ending animal abuse, consider joining any one of these organizations.
If you are passionate about dogs, like working outdoors and enjoy being with people, training dogs may be the perfect job for you.
Their knack for good riffs, simple melodies, good rhythm and passionate delivery attracts a devoted and constantly growing fan-base.
They've sold millions and millions of records, played live in front of some of the largest audiences ever assembled and have one of the most devoted, passionate fan bases in the history of contemporary music.
One of the most intriguing aspects of the song is that, even though the title translates to kiss me a lot, the young songwriter was in her early teens when the song was written and had never experienced a passionate kiss before.
It doesn't matter if you buy these tees for yourself or as a gift for someone else, they're made to show the world how passionate the Harley fan is.
His success came from a passionate attention to detail in both the materials and the function of his clothing.
The LoveToKnow Organic team of professional writers is passionate about the benefits of an organic lifestyle.
If you're passionate about raspberry, enjoy your organic fruit spread.
Fortunately, enough people are passionate about their corn that you won't need to look far to find a source for corn seeds that are certified as organic.
Red, on the other hand, is a powerful color - a stimulating, passionate color.
This most romantic of hues is as flattering as it is passionate.
Don't read a book your are passionate about and avoid the television right before bed.
A dentist who is passionate about helping people to overcome breathing problems related to sleep disorders can benefit from exploring the educational opportunity that continues to help and guide professionals.
However, if you're passionate about your games, you may find that demos can compel you to spend more than you'd planned!
It can often take programmers months or even years to make the game they're passionate about.
If you're looking for someone to play with that is passionate about the game like you are, online chess games are the answer.
In terms of her personality, she is smart and passionate about life, and tends to be a 'people-person'.
Their Pinot Noirs are wonderful too and the winemaker is passionate about what he is doing.
Madame Alexander doll collectors are passionate about their hobby as they lovingly search for the next charming and irresistible member of their collection.
However, if you're passionate about antiques and you're lucky enough to find one somewhere reasonably close, it could be worth the time and expense to go pick it up.
It has been used to convey passionate emotion and desire in movies for as long as the medium has existed, ranging from silent films to Mission Impossible 2.
The team of expert writers and editors at LoveToKnow Dance are passionate about their topic and work hard to provide you with the most effective and useful information.
Think of the type of poem you would like to use, whether deep and passionate or lighthearted and optimistic.
This is seven days of passionate mourning during which time community members see to it that the mourner can focus on their grief.
There are literally thousands of websites written by educators and other individuals who are passionate about their favorite history topics.
The quickest way to teach a student to write using his own voice is to let him write about a topic he is passionate about.
Nonprofits tend to be passionate about their cause, so you want to make sure that you can support the mission of any organization where you apply to work.
Since fire is symbolic of the "spark of life," people with fire signs are passionate, assertive, spontaneous, and energetic.
If you're outgoing, assertive, and passionate about your product, you may be able to earn a sizable profit from this type of business.
Should you decide to take one, the San Francisco International Airport offers a comprehensive list of providers, while community-built Yelp shares passionate opinions about the best and worst companies.
What's a passionate chef to do in a floundering economy?
Perhaps that's in part because the fans of such genre pieces are so passionate about all aspects of the fantasy worlds created.
Currently, Mackenzie Rosman is more likely to be photographed in riding gear since she is a skilled, passionate horsewoman and a competitive jumper rather than a swimsuit model.
Is your family not quite sold on adopting a dog or cat, but your little girl is passionate about wanting a pet to love?
LoveToKnow's writers are passionate about the topics they write for and are careful to provide the most reliable information possible.
They have firsthand knowledge of the fashion and beauty industry and are passionate about bringing women resources that help them look great and fuel their confidence.
These agents are also highly passionate about the products they sell because they are Gold Canyon customers themselves.
This will help you make an educated decision about which charity within your most passionate cause you should donate your money or time to.
Anthony and Frederick Douglas, and became a passionate supporter of both women's suffrage and civil rights.
If you are passionate about seeing others heal from severe illness and thrive, then you may want to take your donation one step further and sponsoring a blood drive.
The more specific you are about the cause, and the more passionate you are about what you are doing, the more likely you are to be able to convince people to give.
Often, donation letters are written by individuals who are either volunteering to write on behalf of an organization they are passionate about, or who want sponsors for an event such as a walk for cancer, or even a bake sale.
Don't just concentrate on your appearance, talk about what you're interested in, what you are looking for in a mate, anything that you are seriously passionate about.
If you don't know what she is passionate about, make it a game.
I have always been a very loving, trusting, and passionate person.
Romantic letters can be a passionate expression of a burning love or a simple admission of a crush.
Western culture is very enamored of the idea of overwhelming passionate love.
Love letters are passionate windows into the soul.
Saying "I love you" can take many forms, including sending romantic and passionate greeting cards to that special someone.
The best passionate cards tend to express some of the vulnerability of wanting someone that much - or the difference between "want" and "need."
There is a sense of abandon in giving a passionate card to someone, the risk of having him or her reject it - or of having his or her eyes light up and realizing that he or she shares that passion with you.
Passionate, powerful and provocative words weaved together to form an image that is compelling to all the senses.
If you're passionate about comic books, you can join that group and meet others who share your interests as well as your religious beliefs.
Some people are passionate, and when passions fly, the discretion necessary to maintain a private affair becomes threatened.
Try to get a feel for how passionate the designer is about his or her work, how satisfied past customers have been, and how open the designer is to making requested changes in his designs.
Michelangelo Stanchi- This Italian designer is passionate about designing one of a kind jewelry.
Try to get a feel for how passionate he is about his work, how satisfied past customers have been, and how open he is to making requested changes in his designs.
Everyone knows that people do their best writing when they are writing about subjects they are passionate about.
If you're passionate about journalism, the right job opportunity will eventually come your way.
Writers are often passionate people who fly by the seat of their pants, but all writers need to learn to balance this fiery side with a bit of practicality.
Paid freelance sports writing jobs aren't easy to come by, but this can be a great gig for a writer who is passionate about athletics.
I am a passionate person that does everything 1,000 percent.
The more I learn and grow within this business, the more passionate and inspired I become."
Spontaneous, exciting, and passionate, Aries as a boyfriend is not for the shy, retiring type of person.
Aries likes an adventurous and passionate mate.
Both can mask their feelings well, though the Scorpio man's passionate nature could keep things from becoming too cool and detached.
The Scorpio's passionate and adventurous sexual nature can sometimes overwhelm the shy and practical Virgo.
On the positive side, those with Moon in Aries are leaders, passionate and independent.
Tigers are very passionate and energetic in all that they do.
Those born in the year of the Dragon are very proud and passionate about what they do.
Loving a Virgo man can be downright frustrating if you are born under one of the more passionate or emotional sun signs.
Although they are attentive and devoted, Virgo men are not very passionate.
This doesn't mean Virgo is a sexual and intimate robot, but his motivations differ from those of more passionate signs.
This person would differ greatly than one who has Mars (a passionate and sexual planet when related to relationships) in this house.
Fire drives are explosive, passionate and bold.
Capricorns tend to extremely passionate in their romantic relationships.
Compatibility for Scorpios is a more of a complex issue than some zodiac signs because of Scorpio's passionate nature.