Passing-up Sentence Examples
Dean left Bird Song on foot, passing up the temptation to drive his Jeep the short distance to the Main Street delicatessen.
She sailed in June 1853, and passing up Smith Sound at the head of Baffin Bay advanced into the enclosed sea which now bears the name of Kane Basin, thus establishing the Polar route of many future Arctic expeditions.
After that all trace of him is lost for six years, when he reappears as the leader of a robber community established at Panshinskoe, among the marshes between the rivers Tishina and Ilovlya, from whence he levied blackmail on all vessels passing up and down the Volga.
The third route, starting from Chester and passing up the western coast, is more complex, and exists in duplicate, the result perhaps of two different schemes of road-making.
Io, the gas and air in one phase enter at the bottom of all three of the large vertical chambers, burn in passing up wards, and escape at once at the top, as shown by the broken m arrows.
The lime and iron oxide melt, and, in passing up through the overlying metal, the iron oxide very rapidly oxidizes its phosphorus and thus drags it into the slag as phosphoric acid.
Each senior must meet with every person at the event so there is no chance of passing up someone you may have not met at casual, mingling, affairs.
You may be passing up the opportunity to take your business to a new level.