Passim Sentence Examples
See Holliday's Life (1797); Campbell's Chief Justices; Foss's Judges; Greville's Memoirs, passim; Horace Walpole's Letters; and other memoirs and works on the period.
Flournoy, Des Indes a la Planete Mars (Geneva, 1900; there is an English translation published in London); Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research, passim.
Xc-reev, tunica), like its Greek counterpart, was apparently of two kinds, for, although essentially a simple and probably sleeveless garment, there was a special variety worn by royal maidens and men of distinction, explicitly described as a tunic of palms or soles (passim), that is, one presumably reaching to the hands and feet (Gen.
On the whole subject in its older aspects, see Ludolf's Historia Aethiopica and its Commentary, passim.
Larmor, Aether and Matter, p. 262 and passim.
Breasted, Ancient Records, Egypt, passim, esp. i.
See Notizie degli Scavi, passim.
A good account of the Prussian policy in Posen, from an outside point of view, will be found in the Annual Register, passim.
See Le Mouvement ge'ographique (Brussels) passim, and especially articles in the 1910 issues.
In justification of the above statements see the correspondence of 1800-1804 passim - Works, vol.
AdvertisementIn the Protogaea, xxvi., Leibnitz distinctly suggests the mutability of species " Alii mirantur in saxis passim species videri quas vel in orbe cognito, vel saltem in vicinis locis frustra quaeras.
Ita Cornua Ammonis, quae ex nautilorum numero habeantur, passim et forma et magnitudine (nam et pedali diametro aliquando reperiuntur) ab omnibus illis naturis discrepare dicunt, quas praebet mare.
Zunz; Jewish Encyclopedia passim; publications of Jewish societies, such as Etudes Juives, Jewish historical societies of England and America, German historical commission, Julius Barasch society (Rumania), Societas Litteraria Hungarico-Judaica, the Viennese communal publications, and many others to which may be added the 20 vols.