Passenger Sentence Examples
He reached the passenger side of the car and held the door open for her.
He opened the passenger door with a hopeful smile.
She pushed fast food trash from the passenger seat.
Darcie wasn't the only passenger on the stage to Springtown.
The earth, or other planet, does not actually move round the sun; yet it is carried round the sun in the subtle matter of the great vortex, where it lies in equilibrium, - carried like the passenger in a boat, who may cross the sea and yet not rise from his berth.
The above-named acts enable the Board of Trade to take all the necessary steps to ensure that the safety of passenger trains is sufficiently guarded.
Damian smiled wide and opened the door, sliding into the passenger seat.
Jessi settled into the passenger seat, her seatbelt barely on when Xander throttled the car out of the parking lot.
It also includes immigration and passenger lists.
He faked me out at first 'cause I was only looking at passenger cars.
AdvertisementThe passenger, skinny and much younger, had a facial tic that was very noticeable after he pushed back his hat and looked slowly at Dean who, in turn, continued to smile his silly smile.
A passenger vessel requires from 2 to 4 cwt.
She shook her head and strode around to the passenger side of the truck.
It will be seen from these particulars - which are typical of what has happened not only on other British railways, but also on those of other countries - that much more space has to be provided and more weight hauled for each passenger than was formerly the case.
The driver struck his passenger repeatedly on the side of her head with his free hand as he drove deeper into the wood.
AdvertisementThe car was backing out of the garage when she grabbed the door on the passenger side.
The group specially described as indirect taxes includes those on alcohol, wine, beer, cider and other alcoholic drinks, on passenger and goods traffic by railway, on licences to distillers, spirit-sellers, &c., on salt and on sugar of home manufacture.
Used to some extent in France and Germany and considerably in England for passenger traffic of moderate weight.
Used on several English lines for fast passenger traffic, and also on many European railways.
For passenger trains and occasionally for fast goods trains screw couplings are substituted for the simple chains.
AdvertisementThe Great Western railway company maintains a regular service of passenger steamers to Guernsey and Jersey.
Passenger steamers sail from the port of London to the principal ports of she British Isles and northern Europe, and to all parts of the world, but the most favoured passenger services to and from Europe and North America pass through other ports, to which the railways provide special services of trains from London.
This information will help in distinguishing between various vehicle Mayday systems such as passenger car systems, commercial vehicle systems or portable systems.
The Passenger Much like its discourse on documentary reportage, the film's formal critique of the thriller came straight from the Left Bank.
A flight landing at Chicago Midway International Airport overran a runway during a snowstorm, crashing into auto traffic on a local street and killing a passenger in one of the autos.
AdvertisementThe StarSpeeder 3000 finally escapes and takes the passenger back to their starting point.
You get a fancy red Ferrari, a gorgeous girl in the passenger seat, and some crazy tunes to play on the radio.
Players got behind the wheel of a bright red Ferrari and had a female companion in the passenger's seat.
Sick or pregnant immigrants from all passenger classes were sent to the hospital or contagious disease wards until cleared by health officials.
He pushed the passenger's side door open and she leaned down to look at him.
If Patsy had a destination in mind more specific than Chicago, she didn't share this knowledge with her hitchhiking passenger.
The other occupant was slouching down in the passenger's seat with his hat pulled over his eyes, apparently napping.
Jessi refused to look at him and slid into the passenger's seat.
The goods station is approached by a siding or fork set off from the main line at a point short of the passenger station.
In order to keep down the expense of shunting the empty trains and engines to and from the platforms the carriage and locomotive depots should be as near the passenger station as possible; but often the price of land renders it impracticable to locate them in the immediate vicinity and they are to be found at a distance of several miles.
Aspinall on the Lancashire & Yorkshire railway to ascertain the resistance of trains of bogie passenger carriages of different lengths at varying speeds, and the results are recorded in a paper, " Train Resistance," Proc. Inst.
The form of the torque curve, or crank effort curve, as it is sometimes called, is discussed in the article Steam Engine, and the torque curve corresponding to actual indicator diagrams taken from an express passenger engine travelling at a speed of 65 m.
A classification may also be made, according to the work for which engines are designed, into passenger engines, goods engines, and shunting or switching engines.
In America it is still the standard engine for passenger traffic, but for goods service it is now employed only on branch lines.
It has been extensively introduced, both in Great Britain and the continent of Europe, for passenger traffic, and is now the most numerous and popular class.
It may be divided into two classes, according as it is intended for passenger or for goods traffic.
Later, when increased length became desirable, six wheels with Passenger g g three axles came into use; vehicles of this kind were carria es.
In America the long open double-bogie passenger cars, as originally introduced by Ross Winans on the Baltimore & Ohio railway, are universally in use.
End doors opening on end platforms have always been characteristic of American passenger equipment.
This minimum was at first fixed at 50%, but on and after the 1st of August 1906 it was raised to 75%, with the result that soon after that date practically all the rolling stock of American railways, whether passenger or freight, was provided with compressed air brakes.
But goods and mineral trains so fitted are rare, and the same is the case on the continent of Europe, where, however, such brakes are generally employed on passenger trains.
Such l i nes are primarily intended to supply quick means of passenger communication within the limits of cities, and are to be distinguished on the one hand from surface tramways, and on the other from those portions of trunk or other lines which lie within city boundaries, although the latter may incidentally do a local or intra-urban business.
Intra-urban railways, as compared with ordinary railways, are characterized by shortness of length, great cost per mile, and by a traffic almost exclusively passenger, the burden of which is enormously heavy.
The maximum 1st, 2nd and 3rd class passenger fares are, per kilometre, 067 f.
The more numerous vessels of the Turkish service are so small, so inadequately equipped and so poorly handled, that they are used for either passenger or freight transport only by those who cannot secure the services of the British steamers.
Efforts have been made, however, to engage in foreign trade, and subsidies were offered for a passenger and freight service to the United States.
Leith, Granton and Grangemouth serve as the chief passenger seaports for Edinburgh.
Durban is also in regular and frequent communication by passenger steamers with the other South African ports, as well as Mauritius, Zanzibar, &c., and with India, Australia, the United States and South America.
The zone tariff has given a great impetus both to passenger and goods traffic in Hungary, and has been adopted on some of the Austrian railways.
Folkestone inner harbour is dry at low water, but there is a deep water pier for use at low tide by the Channel steamers, by which not only the passenger traffic, but also a large general trade are carried on.
In connexion with the postal services to outlying districts there is a public passenger service by mailcarts.
After many years of labour and at a great expenditure of money the Great Western railway has constructed a fine breakwater and railway pier at Goodwick across the lower end of the bay, and an important passenger and goods traffic with Rosslare on the opposite Irish coast was inaugurated in 1906.
The prosperity of the town has been revived in modern times by the establishment by the railway company of a branch line from Sittingbourne in connexion with a service of mail and passenger steamers to Flushing (Holland), which run twice daily.
The passenger traffic, which is in the hands of the Sachsisch-Bohmische Dampfschifffahrtsgesellschaft is limited to Bohemia and Saxony, steamers plying up and down the stream from Dresden to Melnik, occasionally continuing the journey up the Moldau to Prague, and down the river as far as Riesa, near the northern frontier of Saxony, and on the average 12 million passengers are conveyed.
The first Rhine steamer was launched in 1817; and now the river is regularly traversed by upwards of a hundred, from the small tug up to the passenger saloon-steamer.
Large passenger boats ply regularly between Mainz and Dusseldorf, and sometimes extend their journeys as high up as Mannheim, and as far in the other direction as Rotterdam.
A local passenger steamboat service on the Thames suffers from the disadvantage that the river does not provide the shortest route between points at any great distance apart, and that the main thoroughfares between east and west do not touch its banks, so that passengers along those thoroughfares are not tempted to use it as a channel of communication.
There is a large passenger traffic, including pleasure trips, principally radiating from Toronto.
At the same time a passenger crossing the highway is also bound to use due care in avoiding vehicles, and the mere fact of a driver being on the wrong side of the road would not be evidence of negligence in such a case.
Chaplin's apparatus, which was invented and patented later, has also since 1865 been sanctioned for use on emigrant, troop and passenger vessels.
There is an extensive Chinese passenger trade.
Calais is the principal port for the continental passenger traffic with England carried on by the South-Eastern & Chatham and the Northern of France railways.
In 1905, exclusive of passenger and mail boats, there entered the port 848 vessels of 312,477 tons and cleared 857 of 305,284 tons, these being engaged in the general carrying trade of the port.
The jinrikisha, drawn by one man or sometimes two men, which were formerly the chief means of passenger conveyance, have notably decreased in number since the introduction of the trams. Tokyo has often experienced earthquakes, and more than once has suffered from severe shocks, which have hitherto prevented the erection of very large buildings.
Passenger steamers serve Belfast and Londonderry regularly, and the Isle of Man and other ports during the season.
In the United States' statistics we cannot distinguish in the outgoing passenger movement emigrants from other persons.
But if for a period of years we take the total inward passenger movement and subtract from it the total outward passenger movement, we ought to have the net immigration.
It is an important railway centre, with terminal stations of the Great Northern, Northern Counties (Midland of England), and Belfast & County Down railways, and has regular passenger communication by sea with Liverpool, Fleetwood, Heysham, Glasgow, and other ports of Great Britain.
Jackson is served by the Illinois Central, the Alabama & Vicksburg, the Gulf & Ship Island, New Orleans Great Northern, and the Yazoo & Mississippi Valley railways, and during the winter by small freight and passenger steamboats on the Pearl River.
The several roads are under the management of twenty-seven companies, but about 75% of the business is done by the Chicago Burlington & Quincy, the Chicago & North-Western, the Chicago Milwaukee & St Paul and the Chicago Rock Island & Pacific. Electric interurban railways are increasing in importance for freight and passenger service.
The port has a practical monopoly of the passenger traffic between the Cape and England.
The principal passenger steamers sailing from the port are those of the Royal Mail Steam Packet Company for the West Indies and the Pacific (via Panama) and for Brazil and the River Plate, &c., and the Union-Castle line for the Cape of Good Hope, Natal, East Africa, &c., both of which companies have their headquarters here.
Greenville is served by the Southern and the Yazoo & Mississippi Valley railways, and by various passenger and freight steamboat lines on the Mississippi river.
The Marine Department was created a separate branch of the board of trade in 1850, about which time many new and important marine questions came under the board of trade, such, for example, as the survey of passenger steamers, the compulsory examination of masters and mates, the establishment of shipping offices for the engagement and discharge of seamen.
It is an important steamboat station for both passenger and cargo traffic, and besides manufactures of cement, dyes and soap, has a considerable trade in the wines of the district.
The tramway was converted into a railway, and in 1865 opened for passenger traffic. In 1866 a dock (71 acres) and tidal basin (21 acres) were constructed, but since about 1902 they have fallen into disuse and the coal is diverged to other ports, chiefly Port Talbot.
Passenger steamers, however, also serve Liverpool, Heysham, Bristol, the south coast ports of England and London; Edinburgh and Glasgow, and other ports of Great Britain.
Since 1903 the Dominion government has instituted a railway commission of three members with large powers of control over freight and passenger rates and other such matters.
There is a considerable traffic on the river within the borders of Arkansas in miscellaneous freights, and a slight passenger movement.
A series of subterranean ways extending many miles have been constructed to enable merchandise traffic to pass through without interfering with passenger trains on the surface railways.
A weekly service between Constantza and Constantinople is conducted by state-owned steamers, including the fast mail and passenger boats in connexion with the Ostend and Orient expresses.
Railway communication with the interior is maintained by the Central do Brazil (formerly the Dom Pedro II.), Leopoldina and Melhoramentos lines, besides which there is a short passenger line up to the Corcovado about 21 m.
Of passenger steamship services from Hull the principal are those to the Norwegian ports, which are greatly frequented during the summer; these, with others to the ports of Sweden, &c., are in the hands of the large shipping firm of Thomas Wilson & Co.
Almost all the great steamship transportation lines of the Great Lakes have an eastern terminus at Buffalo, which thus has direct passenger and freight connexion with Cleveland, Detroit, Chicago, Milwaukee and the "Head of the Lakes" (Duluth-Superior).
Trenton is served by the Pennsylvania (main line and Belvidere division) and the Philadelphia & Reading railway systems, by inter-urban electric railways, and by small freight and passenger steamers on the Delaware river; the Delaware && Raritan Canal connects with r 0 U Argent Diagram of Half of Trente et Quarante Table.
Besides the numerous steam-ferries which connect island and island, and Jutland with the islands, and the Gjedser-Warnemiinde route, a favourite passenger line from Germany is that between Kiel and KorsOr, while most of the German Baltic ports have direct connexion with Copenhagen.
Passenger steamship services are worked in connexion with the Lancashire & Yorkshire railway to Amsterdam, Antwerp, Bruges, Copenhagen, Rotterdam and other north European ports.
The city is served by the Pennsylvania, the Erie, the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern, the New York, Chicago & St Louis, and the Dunkirk, Allegheny Valley & Pittsburg railways, by the electric line of the Buffalo & Lake Erie Traction Co., and by several lines of freight and passenger steamships.
A similar railway, of which the chief source of profit was the passenger traffic, was opened between Edinburgh and Dalkeith in 1831, branches being afterwards extended to Leith and Musselburgh.
When of one cable, called the taravita, the passenger and his luggage are drawn across in a rude kind of basket suspended from it; but when two or more cables are used, transverse sticks of bamboo and reeds are laid upon them, forming a rude prototype of the regular suspension bridge.
It is served by the Mobile & Ohio and the Southern railways, and by passenger and freight steamboat lines.
A Railway and Warehouse Commission has authority to fix freight and passenger rates for each road.
He welcomed both the bill establishing a Ministry of Health and that establishing a Ministry of Transport; but he warned the House of Commons not to expect cheaper passenger fares and freight charges; the railwaymen would not allow themselves to be sweated for the benefit of the travelling public. But, once again, his real activity was outside.
Laconia is served by two divisions of the Boston & Maine railway, which has a very handsome granite passenger station (1892) and repair shops here.
In 1905 Laconia ranked first among the cities of the state in the manufacture of hosiery and knit goods, and the value of these products for the year was 48.4% of the total value of the city's factory product; among its other manufactures are yarn, knitting machines, needles, sashes and blinds, axles, paper boxes, boats, gas and gasolene engines, and freight, passenger and electric cars.
It is one of the principal ports for passenger communications across the Channel, steamers connecting it with Calais and Ostend.
There he became interested in the problem of passenger transportation.
Railways in India serve different purposes - the ordinary purpose of trade and passenger communication, and also the Railays .
Regular passenger communications are maintained with the Isle of Man.
The passenger fare from Manila to Acapulco, at the end of the 18th century, was $1 000.
There is a railway station (Portsmouth Harbour) on the Hard, from which passenger steamers serve Ryde in the Isle of Wight.
There is also a considerable passenger traffic on the Arkansas.
Passenger travelling is slow, but extremely comfortable.
In 1878 the old Monks Ferry station on the Great Western system was superseded by the opening of the Woodside passenger station, and a few years later the Birkenhead town station was opened.
The consul may even defray the expenses of maintaining, and forwarding to their destination, passengers taken off or picked up from wrecked or injured vessels, if the master does not undertake to proceed in six weeks; these expenses becoming, in terms of the Passenger Acts 1855 and 1863, a debt due to His Majesty from the owner or charterer.
Kiel is connected by day and night services with Korsdr in Denmark by express passenger boats.
The harbour is used mainly by Clyde passenger steamers and yachtsmen.
The passenger steamers to Great Britain, mainly under the control of the City of Cork Steam Packet Company, serve Fishguard, Glasgow, Liverpool, Plymouth and Southampton, London and other ports, starting from Penrose Quay on the North Channel.
Passenger stations and depot buildings were included as part of the " main stem " until 1906, when their exclusion gave considerable added revenue to the municipalities.
On the 9th of September 1908 the former, at Fort Myer, Virginia, made three notable flights; in the first he remained in the air 571 minutes and in the second 1 hour 3 minutes, while in the third he took with him a passenger and covered nearly 4 m.
Four days afterwards Wilbur Wright at Le Mans in France beat all previous records with a flight lasting hour 31 minutes 25-tseconds, in which he covered about 56 m.; and subsequently, on the 11th of October, he made a flight of hour 9 minutes accompanied by a passenger.
This line was opened for passenger traffic in April 1906.
This company owns the great docks at Southampton, and maintains passenger services from that port to the Channel Islands, Havre, St Malo and Cherbourg.
Maintains a service of passenger steamers between Newhaven and Dieppe.
Southampton and Liverpool are the two greatest English ports for all oceanic passenger traffic; but London has also a large traffic, both to European and to foreign ports.
The passenger traffic to the Norwegian ports, always very heavy in summer, is carried on chiefly from Hull and Newcastle.
It is served by the Pennsylvania railway, and by passenger and freight steamboat lines on the Delaware river, connecting with river and Atlantic coast ports.
The dimensions of the exterior piers ceased to control the height of the building, which was limited alone by the possibility of securing adequate foundations, and by a consideration of the amount of floor space which could be devoted without too great loss to a system of passenger lifts of sufficient capacity to afford speedy access to all parts of the building.
The same remark would apply to the charges for passenger conveyance and goods freight made by governments which carry on railway business, as in Prussia, India and the Australian states.
The government employ steam vessels for passenger and mail services between the islands, and there are large numbers of sailing craft belonging to the islanders.
There is still considerable commerce on the Mississippi from St Louis to New Orleans, and a few passenger steamers are still in service.
A widower is entitled to a share in his wife's personal estate equal to the share of a child, and if there are 4 In 1907, in Missouri, as in various other states, passenger rates were reduced by law to 2 cents per mile; but this law was declared unconstitutional in 1909.
Fine passenger steamers run nightly between Buffalo and Cleveland and Detroit, and there are many shorter passenger routes.
There has been a great development also in interurban electric lines,which have been adapted both to passenger and to light freight and express traffic; in 1908 there were 31 interurban electric lines within the state with a mileage of 1500 m.
The Shatt el-Arab is deep and broad, easily navigable for ocean steamers, and there is weekly communication by passenger steamer with India, while two or more freight lines, which also take passengers, connect Basra directly with the Mediterranean, and with European and British ports.
A regular service of passenger steamers controlled by the company runs to Holyhead, Wales, 80 m.
The total gross receipts from all sources of traffic in 1905 were £4, 0 43,3 68, of which £2,104,108 was derived from passenger traffic and £1,798,520 from goods traffic. The total number of passengers carried (exclusive of season and periodical ticketholders) was 27,950,150.
There are a Union passenger station, and separate stations for the Chicago, Milwaukee & St Paul, the Chicago, Great Western and the Minneapolis & St Louis railways.
In 1906 all political parties conducted campaigns on promises of radical legislation on railway rates, passenger and freight; and a constitutional amendment creating a railway commission was adopted in the manner above described.
The legislature framed a stringent anti-pass law, reduced passenger fares and express and freight charges, provided for equitable local taxation of railway terminals, regulated railway labour in the interest of safe travel, fixed upon railways the responsibility for the death or injury of their employes, and gave to the newly-created railway commission complete jurisdiction over all steam-railways in the state, over the street railways of the cities, and over express companies, telegraph companies, telephone companies and all other common carriers.
Large passenger vessels and yachts are now generally fitted with refrigerating machinery for preserving provisions, cooling water and wine, and making ice.
The city is served by the Northern Pacific and the Great Northern railways, being the western terminus of the latter's main transcontinental line, by interurban electric railway, and by several lines of Sound and coasting freight and passenger steamboats.
The valet opened the door, and she dropped into the passenger seat.
Any kind of flying, except as a fare-paying passenger on a scheduled airline or licensed charter aircraft over an established route.
The flagship of the British Airways fleet, Concorde was the world's only supersonic passenger airliner.
The cockpit doors of every large passenger airplane that flies in the United States have been hardened.
Near the canal bridge is a level crossing with an old station house close by, the last passenger alighted in 1965.
Chrome tubular engine guards front and rear, a padded backrest and sturdy aluminum passenger grab rails are just part of the story.
In the second, vertical position, Triple Tail becomes a flexible passenger backrest with grab rails.
The front passenger seat backrest can also fold flat.
In addition, pre-flight passenger briefings need to be comprehensive and standardized.
Bullion Van A passenger rated van designed to carry bullion Van A passenger rated van designed to carry bullion securely.
He performed a wonderfully collected canter to ensure that his extra passenger would be as comfortable as possible.
The maximum passenger seating capacity for any vehicle is eight.
A passenger capacity efforts to offer the line and with zinc cardboard.
First we could offer the passenger cancun Caribbean in royal quot per se.
The high speed passenger catamaran service to Southampton is centrally located at Fountain Key, where you will also find the Tourist Information Center.
Passenger statendam ginger chile flakes a half million for someone who.
Integrated in the front bumper structure, this device prevents passenger cars from being wedged under the truck in a frontal collision.
Joanna's mother and Mrs Passenger are portrayed as virtually comatose.
Interior noise - the noise inside passenger vehicles has a great effect on the level of passenger comfort.
The network comprises routes used for main line, suburban, commuter and cross country passenger services and some freight-only routes.
Having left the plane the passenger enters a vast concourse in which clocks display the time is the world's main cities.
This would furnish the opportunity for the Airport to invest in escalator access directly from the passenger concourse to the station concourse.
Figures as high as 30% of the total passenger count on some off-peak services have been reported.
The most frequent passenger, oil company executive, clocked up almost 70 round trips transatlantic crossings a year.
After 15 years disuse, passenger services are being reintroduced in stages from 2004.
Also helped by the late Easter was Naples where passenger volume rose 14.9% .
Passenger lists from ships carrying emigrants from the 17th century.
The convention facility princess and passenger owner gerry herrod the ship's entire.
Rider and passenger enjoy ample room, excellent wind protection and advanced ergonomics.
Including gospel choirs to in a. Soon fell in the passenger esprit the special events wild west shootouts.
Another option is the five times weekly vehicle and passenger ferryboat from Tasucu in Turkey to Birne on Cyprus.
We soon joined them and had our first run in with one of the many passenger ferries, which cruise the fjords.
The irradiated fuel was carried in steel flasks on the vehicle deck of the ferry alongside passenger cars.
The Deluxe Touring Package includes a high windshield, lower deflectors, saddlebags, passenger floorboards and a passenger backrest.
Choose one with a soft deep passenger pad preferably with rear footrests!
There is no minimum age limit for pillion passengers but the passenger MUST be able to place both feet on the pillion footrests.
All exhausts are supplied complete with fitting kits and high level kits include the full spacer kit to retain the original passenger footrests.
Friend knows, the east coast main line carries Britain's fastest passenger train service and also handles heavy bulk freight and mail trains.
Bicycles must not be placed where they could obstruct any gangway or any passenger entrance or exit.
Even with her passenger's walking difficulties this was no reason to desecrate two graves simply for their own benefit.
Should any passenger be interested in insurance against accidents for a particular flight he/she can make arrangements for coverage at any insurance company.
Concerning the passenger exit hesitation times for the higher sill height, the trials produced inconclusive results.
With operating costs per passenger of 3.5 times that of a subsonic jet it was never going to be mass transport.
A US passenger flight from Heathrow to JFK made an emergency landing at Shannon Airport yesterday.
The new car has a wheelbase 105mm longer than the outgoing 156, significantly improving both front and rear passenger legroom.
This was then normalized to a value per passenger carried, based on maximum and average load factors.
These include large passenger and freight train locomotives, BR shunting locomotives a diesel multiple unit and small private factory and works shunting locos.
No passenger supplement is paid in respect of solo motorcycles and similar machines.
Cruises will Daytona Sailing Charters offer passenger horizon ii effigy mounds american river cruise line national.
The east roundhouse catered for passenger engines, whilst the west one catered for goods (freight in 1990's railroad parlance) engines.
London Luton Airport (a) To increase passenger transport usage by passenger transport usage by passengers.
Established in the 1960s, Gowrings Mobility is the UK's leading manufacturer and supplier of wheelchair passenger vehicles.
A separate passenger pillion can be removed in seconds to give the bike a solo profile.
How does being a passenger in one of THE fastest production powerboats in the world sound?
Available for your comfort is a passenger lift taking you to our manual wheelchair and riser recliner chair emporium.
The resurgence of the Irish economy since the 1990s has also rejuvenated Irish Sea passenger and ro-ro traffic.
Iraq said the flights mark the resumption of regular passenger service to the cities.
Why is the " terrorist ringleader Mohamed Atta " not listed on the passenger list for American Airlines Flight 11?
Had passenger cabins must-reads economist and quot murderers ' row above our beds.
Light aircraft overshoots runway A pilot and his passenger are recovering after their light aircraft overshot a runway and ended up in a hedge.
Sadly, the decline in freight traffic and the largely seasonal passenger traffic were insufficient to prevent closure early in 1962.
I rang the number from the passenger seat of the car to London.
Part of this process involves banning cargo from unknown shippers from passenger aircraft, and greatly strengthening the " Known Shipper " program.
The line opened to passenger traffic on 2nd June 1862, worked by the LC&DR from the outset, and was initially single-track.
There is a connecting spur into Bishop Auckland station - the terminus of the ' Heritage Line ' passenger service from Darlington.
Coruisk being used due to her having stabilizers for better passenger comfort.
Another type of vehicle modified for multiple passenger use is the motorized stage, applied to the same tasks as the earlier stagecoach.
August 1806 Mersey & Irwell Navigation He was ordered to have steamboats built for the company's Manchester to Runcorn passenger services.
She was a small passenger steamship and was apparently a very graceful ship.
Taiwan has been continuing to promote concrete measures, such as passenger and cargo charter flights, to alleviate cross-strait tension.
Security will be extremely tight at Rome's main passenger airport, Leonardo da Vinci.
However, within 20 years of completion most of its passenger traffic was lost to the railways.
Many happy days at City as well as countless Saturdays at Watford Junction enjoying the huge number of express passenger and lumbering freight trains.
A total of 25 companies will operate the passenger trains.
How to use this Guide Welcome to Merseytravel's Access Guide to passenger transport.
Thus given no alternative the passenger will use the turboprop.
Spike smiled to see the silent tussle over the keys, before she pushed Giles into the passenger seat.
These figures exclude any growth in the IPP payment resulting from passenger uplift.
This clash is seen in the debate over passenger profiling, roving wiretaps, surveillance, tracking systems, and immigration.
River travel began from the passenger the grand flotilla the yu yuan.
European countries absorb the greater part of Italian sea-borne trade, whereas most of the passenger traffic goes to North and South America.
The system has been retained in large measure in passenger business, but only because of the conflict which inevitably occurs between the authorities and the passengers with regard to the privilege of breaking and resuming a journey when passenger rates are arranged on any other plan.
In 1889 a very important act was passed placing upon the Board of Trade the obligation to call upon railway companies throughout the United Kingdom (1) to adopt upon all passenger lines the " block " system of working; (2) to " interlock " their points and signals; (3) to fit all trains carrying passengers with some form of automatic continuous brake.
In laying out the approaches and station yard of a passenger station ample width and space should be provided, with welldefined means of ingress and egress to facilitate the Passenger ci rculation of vehicles and with a long setting-down stations.
The design combines ample boiler capacity with large adhesive weight and moderate axle loads, but except on heavy gradients or for unusually large trains requiring engines of great adhesion, passenger traffic can be more efficiently and economically handled by four-coupled locomotives of the eight-wheel or Atlantic types.
Both load and speed have increased so much in connexion with passenger trains that it is necessary to divide the weight required for adhesion between three-coupled axles, and the type of engine gradually coming into use in England for heavy express traffic is a six-coupled engine with a leading bogie, with wheels which would have been considered small a few years ago for the speed at which the engine runs.
Thus, on the Midland railway in 1885, each third-class passenger, supposing the carriage to have its full complement, was allowed o 62 ft.
In the United Kingdom the Regulation of Railways Act 1889 empowered the Board of Trade to require all passenger trains, within a reasonable period, to be fitted with automatic continuous brakes, and now all the passenger stock, with a few trifling exceptions, is provided with either compressed-air or vacuum brakes (see Brake), and sometimes with both.
They all connect and interchange passengers freely; so that the ordinary American five-cent fare enables a passenger to travel between almost any two points over an area of 100 sq.
Other sources of revenue are stamp taxes on business transactions, domestic consumption taxes (usually payable in stamps) on manufactured tobaccos, beverages, boots and shoes, textiles, matches, salt, preserved foods, hats, pharmaceutical preparations, perfumeries, candles, vinegar, walking sticks and playing cards, and taxes on lotteries, passenger tickets, salaries and dividends of joint-stock companies.
With regard to passenger vessels, the master is bound to give the consul facilities for inspection and for communication with passengers, and to exhibit his " master's list," or list of passengers, so that the consul may transmit to the registrar-general, for insertion in the Marine Register Book, a report of the passengers dying and children born during the voyage.
The manufacture of the wrought-iron " I " beam in 1855 made cheaper fire-proof construction possible, and, with the introduction of passenger lifts (see Elevators; Lifts or HoIsTs) about ten years later, led to the erection of buildings to be used as hotels, flats, offices, factories, and for other commercial purposes, containing many more storeys than had formerly been found profitable.
There was a ship just ready to sail for Corinth, and the captain agreed to take him as a passenger.
The Passenger Much like its discourse on documentary reportage, the film 's formal critique of the thriller came straight from the Left Bank.
A passenger safety lap belt (not the wheelchair lap belt) is the minimum acceptable for forward facing travel.
Dry ice may be transported when the passenger completes a shipper 's declaration at check-in, with a $ 40 USD one-way charge.
Another passenger was Muhammed Saad Madni, an Egyptian suspect who had worked with the British " shoe bomber " Richard Reid.
Kevin has been a sidecar passenger for 6 years.
August 1806 Mersey & Irwell Navigation He was ordered to have steamboats built for the company 's Manchester to Runcorn passenger services.
The pier here is the terminus for the passenger ferry to Fair Isle.
Describe to a terrified passenger how the engine works !
There are driver and passenger front and side thorax airbags, dual roll-over protection hoops and side impact door beams.
Security will be extremely tight at Rome 's main passenger airport, Leonardo da Vinci.
She is the longest, broadest, and tallest passenger vessel ever launched, with an unprecedented gross tonnage of 150,000 tons.
The project will develop and test an integrated panoramic imaging and low-cost transponder system for airport security and enhanced passenger flow.
The study developed options and recommendations over a thirty year period to meet freight and passenger needs within the Norwich to Peterborough transport corridor.
How to use this Guide Welcome to Merseytravel 's Access Guide to passenger transport.
Freight engines travel from the depot to pick up these trains which trundle around the continuous loops in between the passenger services.
One was a single engined job fitted with a vacuum brake ejector to enable her to be used on passenger trains.
Each passenger is responsible for the validity of his/her visa and travel documents.
For example, a passenger aircraft arriving at Heathrow airport veered off the runway onto the grass.
Even during its days as a passenger station it was only served by a couple of workmen 's trains each day.
Could you please curtail the texting and driving while I am a passenger in your car?
Liquid prescription medicine with a name that matches the passenger's ticket will be allowed.
Check the passenger capacity and examine cargo capacity with the back seats up and down.
When using a drive-up ATM, keep your doors locked and the passenger windows closed.
There are also driver and passenger airbags, rollover protection and energy-absorbing sections in the car's front and back.
With their sharp look, modern appeal, and spacious passenger areas, SUV limos are a hot trend in limo rental.
Some call the six passenger limos "stretch," leaving the next size bigger (seating for eight to ten people) to be called the "super stretch."
Paparazzi snapped a photo of Lindsay in the passenger seat, passed out from the apparent overindulgence.
And if hitting another car wasn't enough for Richie, yet one more day later, while getting her nails done in a Beverly Hills salon, the skinny starlet received a ticket for parking her BMW in a passenger loading zone.
Nick Bollea, son of legendary wrestler Hulk Hogan, was involved in a car crash August 26, 2007 in Clearwater, Florida, that left him and his passenger injured.
Bollea and his passenger had to be removed from the car using the Jaws of Life.
The passenger of the car remained hospitalized and in critical condition.
The female passenger riding in the front seat reportedly had bruises and cuts to her face and neck while the female passenger in the back seat fractured her neck.
Hogan's passenger, longtime friend John Graziano, was in the front passenger seat as Nick lost control of the small car and hit a concrete median.
No word as to the extent of he and his passenger's injuries, but they were both air lifted to a local hospital.
Luckily, both Freeman and his passenger were wearing seatbelts at the time of the crash.
Passenger talent shows, enrichment lectures, and unique demonstrations are more the norm on Celebrity ships.
To provide a true celebrity treatment to every passenger, Celebrity Cruises offers a number of extra amenities.
Some vessels are plagued with overly loud music in acoustically-enhanced areas, and the lack of a wraparound promenade deck slightly limits passenger strolling.
With multitudes of activities and exquisite dining and spa options, every passenger will return home feeling just a bit more famous than when they left.
In 1988, Royal Caribbean unveiled the Sovereign of the Seas, one of the largest passenger ships of the time, and that innovation sparked a resurgence of megaship construction.
While public areas are often eclectic and vibrant, passenger cabins are more serene.
In recent years, all of the fleet's older vessels have undergone extensive renovations to expand passenger services and amenities, and today Norwegian Cruise Line is rapidly becoming one of the most popular cruise lines in the world.
In recent years, Holland America has sought to increase the numbers of younger cruisers and families, but the line still caters primarily to a more sedate, experienced passenger manifest.
Because of this, many activities are more sedentary than on glitzier lines such as sister line Carnival, but there is still a wide variety to suit every passenger.
Whether you are interested in sun-drenched beaches, vibrant tropical reefs, exclusive shopping, or unique cultural venues, western Caribbean cruises offer something for every passenger.
Most Costa Cruise ships have teak wooden built-in furniture throughout the passenger cabins.
Discount Carnival Cruises can be found quite easily, but there are limitations and restrictions that every passenger should be aware of when considering these great deals.
When arriving at the cruise port, passenger may drop their luggage with the porters near the terminal's entrance before parking, or they may park first and bring their luggage to the terminal by hand.
The standard gratuity is $1 per bag for this assistance, but it is not required and should be up to the passenger's discretion.
Oceania operates only three ships, the Regatta, Insignia, and Nautica, but each vessel offers casual elegance and unique appeal to every passenger.
While passenger cabins are well-appointed, crew cabins are far smaller and only offer basic amenities.
Based in Miami, this eclectic line's fleet consists of only five ships, yet it is still the largest sailing ship fleet in the world dedicated to passenger service.
Carnival cruise ships are some of the most recognizable passenger vessels in the world, but that's no surprise considering Carnival Cruise Line is one of the largest cruise lines in the world.
A stunning 1,112 feet long and a staggering 15 passenger decks high, Freedom of the Seas offers a tremendous range of activities and amenities for every passenger.
In December 2009, Carnival announced they have contracted with an Italian cruise ship builder for a 130,000-ton cruise ship with a 3,690 passenger capacity to be delivered in 2012.
The largest ships may indeed offer the widest range of options, but even that range does not encompass every potential passenger.
Knowing the different considerations for a cruise passenger's wardrobe as well as what extras may be needed can help travelers plan not only how to pack, but how to look fabulous along every nautical mile.
These surcharges are frequently added after a cruise quote and may run $100-500 per passenger depending on the length of the cruise, the number of ports, and the cruise line's policies.
Royal Caribbean does not add these fees onto fares for shorter (3-7 day) voyages, but the $10+ charge per passenger per day can quickly add up.
These elegant vessels not only offer the benefits of a typical cruise, but they go above and beyond to make every passenger truly feel like a star.
Approximately 80 percent of the fleet's passenger cabins offer oceanview windows or balconies, and the restful décor in each room creates a soothing retreat.
Small ships, on the other hand, offer a more personalized experience that allows guests to indulge in local culture and history in ways that large ships, with their lengthy passenger manifests, never can.
With dozens of ships sailing through a wide range of itineraries, there are tens of thousands of passenger berths available on Carnival ships every week.
For example, a five night cruise that costs $1,000 per passenger is a better value than a four night cruise that costs $900, even though it is slightly more expensive.
Most cruise lines spell out their liability - or lack thereof - explicitly in passenger ticket documentation or cruise ship job contracts.
Some suites also offer special passenger privileges, such as exclusive services or amenities.
When a passenger chooses a guarantee cabin assignment, they are assured of getting at least the lowest class of cabin in that specific category.
A passenger who pays the lower guarantee rate may only have the lowest of those cabins, but they may also be assigned to the highest category of those cabins, resulting in significant savings.
Personal greetings, smiles, and helpful hints gave every passenger the best possible service, while many crew members went above and beyond with their charisma and enthusiasm, turning this sailing into a true Fun Ship cruise.
You can find a wealth of helpful information about Ellis Island immigrants at, including passenger lists, immigration records, and even inspiring stories from other genealogists.
Immigration ships passenger lists, also known as passenger arrival records, can provide information on when and if a person arrived in the United States.
When passengers left the ship, the captain sometimes filed a passenger list at the port where they landed, but this was not a law until 1820.
It is extremely rare to find an ancestor on an immigration ships passenger list prior to 1820 and therefore very exciting if you do find their name.
Finding a relative on a later passenger list is also exciting, as challenges still abound with the search.
The information on passenger lists varied greatly.
Passenger lists are organized by port of arrival.
Family history centers, such as those owned by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, have the National Archives passenger ships lists on microfilm as well.
Many of the original immigration ships passenger lists have been copied and put in book form.
Begin your search of finding your ancestors on immigration ships passenger lists by following census records back to their year of arrival.
You will also find immigration information, such as ships passenger lists.
This helpful site provides information on everything from Mayflower passenger lists to Mennonite family trees.
In addition to maintaining a presence on passenger air flights, they also serve on task forces within the TSA and with other government agencies and perform various investigative duties.
Most shuttle companies use passenger vans, though in the last decade some have added SUVs to their fleets.
For example, if you have six passengers in a single van all traveling in the same direction, it is much less damaging to the environment than having six cabs or limos carrying one passenger each to the same destination.
Regardless of the speed, Barbie's Corvette is made for two, so she can drive around a friend (including Ken!) or she can play passenger.
You find that the passenger seat position in the car has been changed.
As luck would have it, a fellow passenger overheard Birkin complaining about the impracticality of her Kelly Bag.
Carefully going over how he would ask her out, he opened the door only to find the passenger seat empty.
Those who drive over the bridge at night often discover the man briefly sitting beside them in the passenger seat.
Before you can react, the woman is sitting in the passenger seat.
The car peels out of the parking area and when she emerges from the car, a hook is dangling from the passenger door.
Instead, every passenger is issued an identification card that serves as the key to their onboard charge account for gift shops, photographs, and other purchases.
Even if you paid half as much for your ticket as the passenger next to you, you will still receive the same service.
Charles de Gaulle airport is located near Paris and has a number of passenger options from the airport to the city.
Typically, light duty trucks get fewer miles per gallon than passenger cars, making them more costly to drive when gas prices are high.
There are a variety of floor mats for your Toyota Sienna such as driver, passenger, rear, and cargo, so check out some of these super websites and stores to find ones that fancy you and your wallet.
The gross vehicle weight (GVW) of your car is calculated by adding the standard curb weight of the vehicle to the manufacturer's predictions for luggage weight and passenger weight.
There are four classes of eligible vehicles, passenger cars; category one trucks; category two trucks; and category three trucks.
The passenger car and category one-truck classes will cover most vehicles including SUVs.
The passenger front row seat folds entirely flat as do the second row seats that have the capability of moving forward and backward for additional comfort.
It hangs from the passenger headrest, and a quick swing-around makes room for a front seat guest.
The general rule of thumb for car wash chains is around $60 for compact and passenger cars, $80 for minivans and SUVs, and approximately $100 for large trucks.
Unfortunately, once you buy the car, this isn't a good enough reason to return it, so sit in the front, the rear, and the passenger seat.
If you wanted full airbags and the vehicle you buy only comes with front and passenger airbags, once you own it, you're stuck with it.
The Limited trim level has all the features of the SE and SEL, plus a power passenger seat, parking sensors, leather interior, and 19-inch wheels.
Passenger room is usually somewhat limited in compact models, so adults may feel cramped in the back seat.
Throughout the 2000s, these vehicles continued to be popular with United States consumers, because they combined the practicality of a truck or large van with the comfort and luxurious features of a passenger car.
A recall in November of 2009 involved the passenger side airbag on the Jeep Cherokee.
With some high capacity minivans, you'll trade fuel economy for extra passenger seating.
Some passenger minivans offer comfortable, customizable interiors and convenience features worth investing in.
The company called ths vehicle a Passenger Wagon.
The Previa was the first minivan to meet all the new passenger car standards set forth by the industry.
Open the drivers door or passenger door and check the door frame for a sticker (known as a placard) which lists important information about your vehicle.
Try to compare the beverages you drink to passenger buses making their way through a very busy downtown area at rush hour.
When it comes to personal passenger vehicles, Geico is the fourth largest provider of auto insurance in the United States.
Installing a driver and passenger side airbag in your vehicle.
It also usually covers you if you are a passenger in a car involved in an accident, or are a pedestrian hit by a car.
Titan underwrites private passenger automobile insurance through Titan Indemnity Company.
Titan provides its customers with affordable car insurance for their private passenger vehicles.
Choose a vehicle that's packed with safety equipment, like driver and passenger side airbags, anti-lock brakes, and traction control.
Just four years later in 2000, Western General launched the "Private Passenger Auto Insurance" program known as Western Auto Insurance.
This can be someone who you hit with your car or a passenger in your car.
Your insurance would, however, cover your neighbor or friend if they were a passenger in your car during an accident.
The crash left his passenger, US Marine John Graziano, with severe brain damage and on life support.
Rarely, though, do his plans run as smoothly as he expects and a certain new passenger on board promises to deliver the crew a whole new set of problems.
Star Trek fans everywhere enjoyed the symmetry that the first space passenger vehicle would be named for the Starship that served as the flagship of the Federation.
Dean said as he braked the Jeep, nearly tossing his standing passenger.
A woman's pale blue flowered sweater was draped over the passenger seat.
The woman was driving and the guy was the passenger.
Alex opened the passenger door and climbed into the car, his attention equally divided between the retreating figure and Carmen.
Sarah opened the passenger door, and found a beautifully wrapped shoebox on the seat.
He shut it and reached over, opening the passenger door for her.
He was merely another passenger.
The state has considerably improved the engines and passenger carriages.
An effort to encourage the development of the mercantile marine was made in the same year, and a convention was concluded with the chief lines of passenger steamers to retain their fastest vessels as auxiliaries to the fleet in case of war.
It is the place of transhipment from the large Glasgow passenger steamers to the small craft built for the navigation of the canal.
The fare was is., and each passenger was allowed to take baggage not exceeding 14 lb weight.
The first act which has reference to the safety of passengers is the Regulation of Railways Act of 1842, which obliges every railway company to give notice to the Board of Trade of its intention to open the railway for passenger traffic, and places upon that public department the duty of inspecting the line before the opening of it takes place..
The Regulation of Railways Act of 1871 extends the provisions of the above act to the opening of " any additional line of railway, deviation line, station, junction or crossing on the level " which forms a portion of or is connected with a passenger railway, and which has been constructed subsequently to the inspection of it.
In America, also, freight trains are fitted with an automatic continuous brake, whereas in the United Kingdom this appliance is required by law only in the case of passenger trains, and in fact is not fitted to goods and mineral trains except in a few isolated instances.
In the latest years in which comparisons can be made, the passenger journeys in the United Kingdom amounted to 1500 millions (including season-ticket holders, estimated) and the train n iles to 428.3 millions, while the corresponding figures in the United States were 873.9 millions and 1171.9 millions.
Of the total train mileage in America more than half is freight; in Great Britain much more than half is passenger.
On some of the earlierEnglish main lines no curves were constructed of a less radius than a mile (80 chains), except at places where the speed was likely to be low, but in later practice the radius is sometimes reduced to 40 or 30 chains, even on high-speed passenger lines.
At many intermediate stations the same arrangements, on a smaller scale, are made; in all of them there is at least accommodation for the passenger and the goods traffic. The stations for F - FIG.
Still used by several railways in Great Britain for express passenger service, but going out of favour; it is also found in France, and less often in Germany, Italy, and elsewhere in Europe.
In the United Kingdom, as in Europe generally, the vehicles used on passenger trains include firstclass carriages, second-class carriages, third-class carriages, composite carriages containing compartments for two or more classes of passengers, dining or restaurant carriages, sleeping carriages, mail carriages or travelling post offices, luggage brake vans, horse-boxes and carriage-trucks.
Passenger carriages were originally modelled on the stage-coaches which they superseded, and they are often still referred to as " coaching stock."
In all countries passenger trains must vary in weight according to the different services they have to perform; suburban Weight trains, for example, meant to hold as many pas ah d sengers as possible, and travelling at low speeds, do not weigh so much as long-distance expresses, which include dining and sleeping cars, and on which, from considerations of comfort, more space must be allowed each occupant.
Pilgrim Hall, a large stone building erected by the Pilgrim Society (formed in Plymouth in 1820 as the successor of the Old Colony Club, founded in 1769) in 1824 and remodelled in 1880, is rich in relics of the Pilgrims and of early colonial times, and contains a portrait of Edward Winslow (the only extant portrait of a "Mayflower" passenger), and others of later worthies, and paintings, illustrating the history of the Pilgrims; the hall library contains many old and valuable books and manuscripts - including Governor Bradford's Bible, a copy of Eliot's Indian Bible, and the patent of 1621 from the Council for New England - and Captain Myles Standish's sword.
Parkersburg is served by the Baltimore & Ohio, the Baltimore & Ohio Southwestern, and the Little Kanawha railways, by electric railway to Marietta, Ohio, and by passenger and freight boats to Pittsburg, Cincinnati, intermediate ports, and ports on the Little Kanawha.
Harwich is one of the principal English ports for continental passenger traffic, steamers regularly serving the Hook of Holland, Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Antwerp, Esbjerg, Copenhagen and Hamburg.
But the passenger traffic appears to have been as important at Harwich in the 14th century as it is now.
Regular passenger steamers serve Yarmouth in the Isle of Wight.
Passenger steamship service was transferred to a new 5 ac. pier on the lake front, built at a cost of $500,000.
He established the freedom of the instrumentalities of the national government from adverse legislation by the states; freedom of commerce between the different states; the right of Congress to regulate the entire passenger traffic through and from the United States, and the sacredness of public franchises from legislative assault.
Regular passenger steamers run from Grimsby to Dutch and south Swedish ports, and to Esbjerg (Denmark), chiefly those of the Wilson line and the Great Central railway.
Every lineal descendant, over eighteen years of age, of any passenger of the "Mayflower" is eligible to membership. Branch societies have since been organized in several of the states and in the District of Columbia, and a triennial congress is held in Plymouth.
It is served by the New York Central & Hudson River railway, and by passenger and freight steamboat lines on the Hudson river.
At Fontainebleau in 1876 Stevenson had met Mrs Osbourne, the lady who afterwards became his wife; she returned to her home in California in 1878, and in August of the following year, alarmed at news of her health, Stevenson hurriedly crossed the Atlantic. He travelled, from lack of means, as a steerage passenger and then as an emigrant, and in December, after hardships which seriously affected his health, he arrived in San Francisco.
The intervening ground upon which the railway lines and buildings stood was sold for building sites, the sum obtained being more than sufficient to cover the cost of the majestic central terminus (the third largest in the world), which, in addition to spacious and handsome halls for passenger accommodation, has three glass-covered spans of 180 ft.
Telegraph and telephone cables join these ports, but a regular passenger route does not exist owing to the unsuitability of Portpatrick.
The average speed of passenger trains in Japan is 18 m.
Long jetties spring out on either side of the entrance, curving round about midway in order to run parallel to the river, thus forming a huge funnelshaped entrance; the eastern jetty forms a landing-stage for passenger traffic and the western is designed for the shipment of bunker and cargo coal.
It is served by the Pennsylvania railway, the Camden & Trenton railway (an electric line, forming part of the line between Philadelphia and New York) and by freight and passenger steamboat lines on the Delaware.
With the latter port it is connected by the Great Northern Steamship Company, a subsidiary line of the Great Northern railway, the passenger service of which is carried on by what are probably the largest and finest inland passenger steamships in existence.
The nearest railway stations are Govilon (5 m.) and Gilwern (4 m.) on the London & North-Western railway, but a mail and passenger motor service running between Abergavenny and Brecon passes through the town.
Fishkill Landing is served by the New York Central & Hudson River and the New York, New Haven & Hartford railways; by railway ferry and passenger ferries to Newburgh, connecting with the West Shore railway; by river steamboats and by electric railway to Matteawan.
Various regulations restricting Chinese immigration were enacted from time to time, until in 1886 the landing of any Chinese passenger without a passport was prohibited.
Six passenger and freight steamship lines communicate with Cleveland, Buffalo, Sandusky, Detroit, Port Huron, Alpena, Mackinac, Georgian Bay and other points on the Great Lakes, and the city has 25 m.
It is served by the Central Vermont and the Rutland railways, and by lines of passenger and freight steamboats on Lake Champlain.
The larger passenger steamers of the Rotterdamsche Lloyd to Netherlands India and of the Holland-American Steamship Company (the two principal passenger and cargo steamship companies at Rotterdam) have their berths on the south side of the river.
Since the introduction of deep-level electric railways in London and elsewhere, hydraulic passenger lifts on a large scale have been brought into use for conveying passengers up and down from the street level to the underground stations.
These steamers are chiefly employed on the passenger route between Ostend and Dover.
In summer, passenger steamers run to and from Ilfracombe pier; but the shipping trade generally has declined, though herring fisheries are carried on with success.
Apart from these docks Ostend has a very considerable passenger and provision traffic with England, and is the headquarters of the Belgian fishing fleet, estimated to employ 400 boats and 1600 men and boys.
Until 1907 no uniform system of passenger rates had been adopted, each state retaining its own faresa condition that led to much confusion.
The passenger ports of Germany affording oversea communications to distant lands are mainly those of Bremen (Bremerhaven) and Hamburg (Cuxhaven) both of which are situate on the North Sea.
London and other English ports, French, Italian and Levant coast towns are also served by passenger steamboat sailings from the two great North Sea ports.
The exports are olive oil, hemp, flax, rice, fruit, wine, hats, cheese, steel, velvets, gloves, flour, paper, soap and marble, while the main imports are coal, cotton, grain, machinery, &c. Genoa has a large emigrant traffic with America, and a large general passenger steamer traffic both for America and for the East.
The Odero yards, for the construction of merchant and passenger steamers, have been similarly extended, and the Foce yard is also important.
Dalby (London, 1906), where the inertia stresses brought upon the several links of a Joy valve gear, belonging to an express passenger engine of the Lancashire & Yorkshire railway, are investigated for an engine-speed of 68 m.
The city is served by the Alabama Great Southern (Queen and Crescent), the Cincinnati, New Orleans & Texas Pacific (partly controlled by the Southern), the Nashville, Chattanooga & St Louis (controlled by the Louisville & Nashville), and its leased line, the Western & Atlantic (connecting with Atlanta, Ga.), the Central of Georgia, and the Chattanooga Southern railways, and by freight and passenger steamboat lines on the Tennessee river, which is navigable to and beyond this point during eight months of the year.
And scenic gulf and australia especially passenger ship in di savoia Andrea.
God is in charge and driving the bus, I am just a passenger and I do not have to be in charge.
What is relaxing and indulgent to one passenger may be boring and tedious to another, while what is hectic and crowded to one person may similarly be fun and exciting to another.
Besides the typical photo of each passenger boarding the vessel on the first day of the cruise, the QM2 has at least eleven photographers.
Carnival Cruise Line offers the cheapest 3 day Mexico cruise itineraries, starting at the amazing price of just $249 per passenger.
With many different options for delightful cruises, any passenger can find a Mediterranean cruise to suit their interests and travel plans.
Most of these temporary jobs are for drivers, baggage handlers, and other passenger service positions.
Working for the Disney Cruise Line is similar to other cruise lines, but with Disney's added guest service specialization that can add an element of magic to every passenger's experience.
The charming Julia Belle Swain was built in 1971 and is considered one of the few authentic steam-powered passenger vessels still in operation on the Mississippi.
With many unique vessels offering tours from various points along the river, there is an option for Mississippi River cruises for any interested passenger.
At the same time, however, this type of cruise is not always right for every passenger.
Today, day trips are still available from a limited number of lines, or charter cruises may be able to be arranged to suit a passenger's travel plans.
Built in Turku, Finland, by STX Europe (Aker Yards), Freedom of the Seas became the largest passenger ship upon its completion in 2006 - a title previously held by Cunard's RMS Queen Mary 2.
While job opportunities are varied, most outside of engineering focus on passenger needs.
The problem for some people is that repositioning voyages begin in one port and end in another, leaving the passenger to foot the bill for an expensive one-way airline ticket.
At 101,000 gross tons, it was the world's largest passenger ship that year.
Most cruise lines require that only one passenger per cabin must be at least 55 or older to get the discounted rate.
In addition, several well respected cruise companies that have a large passenger base of senior citizens, such as Celebrity and Royal Caribbean, also offer wheelchair accessible staterooms for elderly travelers with compromised mobility.
The Nile River is home to unhurried passenger vessels, most of which sail from Luxor to Aswan.
Since cruise lines are required by law to submit passenger manifests within 24 to 48 hours of departure, you won't be able to wait until the absolute last minute to set sail, but you can still book on a whim and save in the process.
In addition, footwear with wheels, including Heelys shoes and rollerblades are prohibited on Royal Caribbean Cruises regardless of the passenger’s age.
A "starting from" price is generally the least expensive inside cabin found on the lowest passenger deck.
Reportedly, a fellow passenger exclaimed that the baggage handlers were actually throwing guitars while loading the plane.
That said, you can do fun practical jokes in the car, such as a whoopee cushion on the driver or passenger seat.
The NTSB counts an incident as an accident if there is either significant damage to the plane or if there is passenger injury.
A passenger that breaks his arm falling in the bathroom during turbulence is counted no differently than if a pilot misjudges a runway and the resulting crash results in a hundred deaths.
For Southwest Airlines, it was the first fatality accident reported in their 38 year history, and it did not involve a passenger fatality.
You can search by ship, passenger's name, gender and approximate birth date.
The [ USGenWeb] project is far-reaching, offering several free genealogy websites with records and information from every state of the USA, including immigration / passenger lists.
If your relatives were immigrants, you may want to check ship passenger lists.
Cyndi's List has a directory of websites with passenger lists from ships that sailed to the United States from many different countries.
This research facility maintains the ship passenger records of the 25 million immigrants who entered the Port of New York and Ellis Island from 1892 through 1924, as well as ship manifests and ship photos.
Yully shoved Jule fully into the passenger seat of her car and ran to the driver's side, throwing herself into her seat.
Jake slid into the passenger seat beside her, pulling out his cell as he did.
Dean timed his walk and opened the passenger side door as Fitzgerald opened his.
If an airplane crashes in the middle of the ocean and someone is listed as a passenger on it, it's pretty simple, even if there's never a body.
Fourth and Oak were just as desolate as Ninth and Locust, but as soon as Dean stopped the car, a disheveled figure jumped from the darkness and clawed at the passenger door until Dean reached over and opened it.
Dean slowly pulled away, looking down at his passenger, and shook his head slowly.
Xander slid into the passenger seat, and Jessi fumbled with the seat controls until she was satisfied.
As sexy as his car, Xander got into the passenger side.
Stavanger is the first port of call for northward-bound passenger steamers from Hull and Newcastle, and has regular services from all the Norwegian coast towns, from Hamburg, &c. A railway runs south along the wild and desolate coast of Jaederen, one of the few low and unprotected shores in Norway, the scene of many wrecks.
These railways provide outlets for through freight and passenger traffic southward to Boston and New York, and to the north to St Johns and Montreal.
It is served by the Chicago & North-Western railway, by interurban electric lines connecting with Chicago and Milwaukee, and by freight and passenger steamship lines on Lake Michigan.
In the first instance laws were enacted prescribing schedules of maximum freight and passenger rates with stringent penalties against rebates and discriminations.
Passenger trains or parts of passenger trains leaving the rails 8.
In 1907 one passenger in 2,318,051 was killed, and one in 107,004 was injured, in train accidents.
As Dean and his young passenger neared Bird Song, Edith Shipton drove up the street, parked, and entered the inn ahead of them.
The act of 1871 further renders it obligatory upon every railway company to send notice to the Board of Trade in the case of (1) any accident attended with loss of life or personal injury to any person whatsoever; (2) any collision where one of the trains is a passenger train; (3) any passenger train or part of such train leaving the rails; (4) any other accident likely to have caused loss of life or personal injury, and specified on that ground by any order made from time to time by the Board of Trade.
A terminal station embraces (I) the passenger station; (2) the goods station; (3) the locomotive, carriage and waggon depots, where the engines and the carrying stock are kept, cleaned, examined and repaired.
With increase of speeds this matter has become important as an element of comfort in passenger traffic. As a first approximation, the centre-line of a railway may be plotted out as a number of portions of circles, with intervening straight tangents connecting them, when the abruptness of the changes of direction will depend on the radii of the circular portions.
My little passenger screamed from the back trunk at the sound of the gun shots but he was already dead.
He had enough alcohol in his veins to believe he could drive, and too much pride to leave the party in the passenger seat.
We were forced to stop on three different occasions as Howie, a back seat passenger, became frequently nauseous.
The black man, the passenger spotted in the stolen Buick, had been apprehended when he returned to the vehicle to retrieve his overnight satchel.
It was a single occupant transport ship whose passenger stood several feet from it and looked familiar from a distance.
This demand has in many instances led to ill-considered legislation, has frequently ignored the prerogatives and even the existence of the state commissions, and has brought about the passage by state legislatures of maximum freight and passenger rate laws, with rates so low in many cases that they have been set aside by the courts as unconstitutional.
Connor sat in the passenger seat and Sarah in the back.